#ranger ranch
robo-drake09 · 9 months
Sholt Nation we WONNNN
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Yes I know they're just standing and fighting together but I love them sm 🥹🥹🥹 just had to share
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skiaskai · 5 months
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Practicing his <Speak with Animals>
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thedroneranger · 9 months
hey bartender 💁🏼‍♀️ i’ll take a ranch water for bradley please and thank you
For the BB™ that inspired the open bar, of course 🖤 Here is our favorite mustached aviator and Ranch Water! 🍻
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Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw | Take Me Home Country Road | requested by @gretagerwigsmuse
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Tag list: @cherrycola27 @roosterforme @taytaylala12 @galaxy-of-stories @awildewit @potato-girl99981 @shanimallina87 @malindacath @violyn20 @djs8891 @linkpk88 @furiousladyking @daggerspare-standingby @princess76179 @jstarr86 @blue-aconite @hecate-steps-on-me @chicomonks @darkheartcherry @soulmates8 @roosters-girl @dempy @mayhemmanaged @desert-fern @roosterisdaddy36 @hangmanscoming @mavrellover91 @s-u-t @averyhotchner @penguin876 @kmc1989 @xoxabs88xox @mak-32 @seitmai @abaker74 @callsignharpe @cassiemitchell @startrekfangirl2233 @dakotakazansky @beyondthesefourwalls @bradshawsprincess
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jam-campasta · 10 months
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gives my half-orc cowboy dnd character detailed refs of his parents and hits him and his dad with my native beam RAAAGGHHH
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oldshowbiz · 7 months
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The Iverson Movie Ranch
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sassysophiabush · 1 year
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storiesfromstarrpark · 9 months
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Made them today they are delicious recommended
P.S it’s from the brawl stars social media
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softquietsteadylove · 11 months
Could you write their first meeting in the Pokémon AU? It would be super cool to read about that!!❤️
"Sorry," Gil startled back at the sudden exclamation. He leaned over the bushes again, but the Ralts was already crouched down and holding the green 'helmet' of its head. They were very easily startled pokemon, but they were more prone to running away than just...sitting there.
"Hey, it's okay," Gil tried to soothe the little guy, bending down to him but at a safe distance away. "I'm sorry I scared you, buddy."
The Ralts continued to huddle over itself. It was waiting for...something.
"I didn't mean to," Gil said gently. "I'm a pokemon ranger. I was just checking the area. Are you lost?"
"Ralts," the little psychic type whimpered.
Gil pulled his pokegear out of the inside pocket of his vest. He wasn't due back quite yet.
"There you are!"
Gil looked up, finding a rather intimidating looking trainer glaring down at him. He gulped; she was beautiful.
"Who's this?" she asked the Ralts, rather than asking him directly.
"Ralts-Ralts!" the pokemon answered her, scurrying in between her legs and clinging to her white denim pants. She was dressed in white all over, actually; he would think she was an ice specialist if not for the Ralts at her feet.
"Ranger," she frowned at Gil again. Maybe she was one of those super intense competitive types.
"Uh, sorry," he apologised (for nothing). Maybe it would soothe her already riled temper? "I was going to offer to help him get back to whoever was waiting for him."
She looked down at her timid little pokemon and back to him. There was a coldness in her eyes that made it seem chillier than it really was. "Ralts is...shy."
Yeah, that was clear. Gil looked at the trembling little pokemon to the much more headstrong trainer standing over it. How in the world did they happen upon each other? Gil took his hat off and straightened up to look at her more properly. She was tall, but he was still taller than her.
"How did you end up catching him?" he asked in a friendly voice. His eyes drifted to her hip, where he could see only luxury balls on her belt. She seemed severe, but she obviously cared for her pokemon. Or maybe she was just rich.
"He just...fell right into me."
Gil blinked. But the female trainer leaned down and picked Ralts up, holding it in a surprisingly gentle way. Maybe she was just protective of her pokemon, and that was what made her come across as so frosty. She was far from a young, dumb trainer running around with nothing but a bike to their name, but it seemed so strange for her to only have this little Ralts with her.
"I moved regions recently," that explained the accent. "I was camping and this little thing just...tumbled right over and into my campsite."
"Ralts," it crossed its arms and looked up at her, like a child complaining of its parent telling an embarrassing story about it.
"He has to grow into his feet a little." She smiled--she finally smiled! It was a pretty smile.
It wasn't abnormally tall...yet. But she was right, the tracks Gil had followed had made him sure it was a different pokemon all together.
Gil blinked as the Cotton Bird pokemon peeked out from behind the trainer's ponytail. It nudged some of it away with its beak. "Oh, hello."
"Well, hello," she greeted the pokemon sitting in the hood of her jacket.
"Swa!" it cooed back at her, stretching out its fluffy wings.
A Ralts and a Swablu...and with the blonde of her hair - even lighter than a Ninetales' colour - they made kind of a funny picture.
"What?" she demanded as to what he was smiling about.
Gil shook his head, still smiling at her. "It's a nice team, you have. They obviously trust you a lot."
"Hm," she relaxed some, although he got the sense that it wasn't his praise that had earned her trust. Her eyes ran over him, "what about you?"
"Uh," he blushed faintly, gripping his hat tighter, "m-me?"
"You're a pokemon ranger," she raised a brow at him, tilting her head (Swablu moved to her other shoulder). "I know you're not about pokeballs, or whatever."
That was one way to put it, Gil supposed.
"But you really don't have any pokemon with you?"
Gil shrugged, not disclosing that even for a ranger, it was a little odd to not even have a partner pokemon, free roaming or otherwise. "Not...permanently."
"Are you..." she trailed off, still regarding him warily. She had every right, now that Gil thought of it; if she was new from another region, travelling alone, obviously beautiful--it probably wasn't easy for her to trust any old trainer she ran into. "Do you get lonely?"
Gil's back straightened. That certainly was a word for it.
"S-Sorry." Ralts tilted its head up to look at her, revealing its well hidden eyes. She patted his head, "I suppose you can tell I don't speak to people much anymore."
"That's okay," Gil smiled. She was actually...kind of sweet, under that hard outside. Like a pecha berry. "I get that question a lot, as a ranger."
"Is it safe for you to be patrolling alone, in any case?" she tilted her head at him.
"Well," it wasn't without its dangers, certainly, "for the most part. I'm heading back tot he ranger centre now, actually."
The trainer's eyes lit up.
Gil met her gaze, although she looked back down at Ralts. She was stubborn. "How long have you been camping out here?"
She tapped her finger against the tip of Ralts' red crest (making the little Feeling pokemon giggle). She was...embarrassed? "Until you reach a higher rank, the salary of a pro trainer...it isn't as glamorous as the league makes it look on television."
She was done with camping, clearly. Gil straightened up, slipping his hat back on. "Well, you're welcome to come with me. There's a pokemon centre, and we're fully equipped to handle travellers for however long they need to stay."
She debated it a little more before sliding closer. "I appreciate it. I...I'm Thena."
Thena; even her name was beautiful.
Gil tried to keep his smile contained to 'normal' and not 'some creep she met in the woods'. "I"m Gil."
"Well then," she cleared her throat, trying to resume the more lofty attitude with which he'd found her. But the contrast was kind of cute. "After you, Ranger Gil."
His heart flipped over in his chest. Technically he was barely more than a junior ranger--this was his first route he was allowed to patrol by himself, and he hadn't really found his place at the ranger centre here.
No one had called him Ranger Gil before.
"Uh, r-right!" he also cleared his throat. He pulled the brim of his hat down as he felt himself blush. "This way!"
He laughed as Swablu took the liberty of perching himself on top of Gil's hat for the journey.
"Swablu, stop it!"
"It's okay," Gil assured her, letting the little bird settle down on his head. "I don't mind, really."
He heard Thena sigh from behind him. "Fine, but only because he's cute."
He knew she was talking about Swablu, but still, his blush worsened.
#Thenamesh Pokemon AU#the lore!!!!#I'm so glad someone asked for this#some things I had thought about before#like how she found Ralts before he evolved into Gallade#and some things I hadn't#like how they would have met when Gil was just starting out as a ranger#or about Thena being from a different region#I'm not saying it's Galar but...#she definitely had a Frosmoth and a Cursola at some point#that's all I'm saying#but she's a top trainer in Galar and she's a little bored#maybe her pokemon are tired of battling#so she lets them retire on a little ranch or something#or they stay with a relative#she would like to take them with her but they're content#also Galar has very strict customs for immigration/emigration#so she forfeits her possessions and moves with nothing but some camping gear to her name#she buys a few luxury balls because she believes that any pokemon can become the best if you treat it right#and then it's camping time just like when she was a young trainer#Gil gets her to the ranger centre and she practically cries when they show her the showers#she definitely stays there for a few days#and for stretches of time between battles and travelling#Gil brings her little snacks and stuff#that's when he learns that she really knows what she's doing#Ralts and Swablu have home blended pokechow#meanwhile...I think travelling Thena is like...feral#she spends all her money on care for those two and then she'll eat nothing but oran berries for a week straight#Gil is distraught
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mystybird · 11 months
hetalia yellowstone au but instead of it being the show yellowstone it’s just the characters as humans working at yellowstone national park
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timmurleyart · 4 months
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Notice to rustlers. 🐴 🔥☠️🐂💀🌵
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die-tenebris · 1 year
The poll I saw didn't have MUSTARD or BBQ I don't even LIKE them but DUDE they're SO POPULAR
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thedroneranger · 9 months
Hey bartender…can we get a Jake Seresin and ranch water mixed up on this hot day?
Our favorite native Texan and Ranch Water comin' right up! 🍻
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Jake "Hangman" Seresin | Ranch Hand | requested by @xoxabs88xox
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Tag list: @cherrycola27 @roosterforme @taytaylala12 @galaxy-of-stories @awildewit @potato-girl99981 @shanimallina87 @malindacath @violyn20 @djs8891 @linkpk88 @furiousladyking @daggerspare-standingby @princess76179 @jstarr86 @blue-aconite @hecate-steps-on-me @chicomonks @darkheartcherry @soulmates8 @roosters-girl @dempy @mayhemmanaged @desert-fern @roosterisdaddy36 @hangmanscoming @mavrellover91 @s-u-t @averyhotchner @penguin876 @kmc1989 @xoxabs88xox @mak-32 @seitmai @abaker74 @callsignharpe @cassiemitchell @startrekfangirl2233 @dakotakazansky @beyondthesefourwalls @bradshawsprincess
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falls-chance-five · 1 year
"That's my point. This is about finding someone who makes you feel so good about yourself it's hard believing it. Someone who understands what it feels like to hand over responsibilities and decisions and control and who puts a real value on what you give to them when you do it, and knows how to tune themselves with you so you feel more loved and safe and oriented than you ever knew you could be."
-Tom, Three Traders, Falls Chance Ranch Book 2 by Rolf & Ranger
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activitytable · 7 months
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Through a combination of competitions, wine sales and harvesting produce Lou has managed to save enough to buy his dream ranch.
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wine-porn · 1 year
Press for Wine
This is one funky-ass lil bish let me tell you. Wonderful drrrrty poopy grain attached to sublime, ridiculously-ripe blackened berry: all newsprint and India ink and wet, sullen decadence gloriously dark with savory strains of vegetal clogging all pores. A bouquet of lilies left on the table past petal-dropping, soggy natal plum the birds have ignored and mussy strawberry-tree underfoot on the…
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yamujiburo · 4 months
So we know that you don't really keep up with the mainline pokemon games (fair tbh), but what about the spinoff games? Did you play any of the Pokemon Ranger titles? Pokemon GO? Pokemon Cafe ReMix?
Oh I do keep up with the mainline games! I’ve played every one except ORAS
And yeah I love the spinoff games! All the Pokemon Rangers and Mystery Dungeons are my favorites. Played a lot of Puzzle League, Trozei, Rumble, Ranch, Stadium, Colosseum, Pokepark, Pokken etc as well. Was in on GO when it was at its peak and I fuck heavy with Pokemon Sleep LOL
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