#ranting again
iocity · 1 month
One thing I really like about Luffy’s character writing is that he is a sponge for his friends. He trusts them so much that he loves what they love, and trust what they trust. Ofc he is his own person with his own beliefs, but he trusts his friends to handle the things he doesn’t or won’t think about. Usopp thinks something is cool?? Luffy is there with him, just as impressed. Robin reading and he is bored?? He is asking Robin for the whole plot, just because he wants to talk to her. Franky doing ship maintenance?? Luffy has NO IDEA what is going on but sits there and watches him like he does. He really absorbs their energy, because they are so dear to them. He has taken their whole being into his soul, they are like his heart. So, ofc he will believe them without question and follow them to the ends of the earth, because they will do the exact same for him. Like I ADORE the fact that Oda was like, “Yeah he is his own person, but he is also a little guy who is easily influenced by those around him bc he loves them SO bad and trusts them to think about the things he won’t.”
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initforthelolzz · 6 months
Luffy’s tendency to self-sacrifice and the way he responds to loss are both incredibly telling aspects of his character. They show his level of love and dedication to other people, but most importantly they show his selflessness. Now, selflessness isn't necessarily a bad thing, but due to the level of selflessness that Luffy displays, it reveals a major character flaw.
Now, I’m not criticizing Luffy’s character, but what I am doing is pointing out something that I’d categorize as a negative character trait. And one that I find particularly fascinating.
Luffy may seem like the typical shonen protagonist on the surface (flawless, stupid, and selfless to a tee). However, if you take a look past surface level then you will find that Luffy is an incredibly complex character. Because while he is incredibly stupid, he possesses a certain multidimensionality that sets him apart from other typical shonen protags.
In regards to that multidimensionality, I’ve noticed that Luffy measures his own self worth exclusively through other people. By his value in the eyes of others. How he can serve them and how much worth he holds in their lives.
Okay but... what the fuck does this mean.
First of all I’d like to discuss Luffy’s tendency to self-sacrifice. Have you ever stopped to notice that every single one of Luffy’s specialized gears has a negative side effect of some kind? Second Gear puts so much strain on his heart that it is said to shorten his lifespan the more often he uses it. Third Gear makes his body shrink. Fourth Gear exhausts his Haki so terribly that he becomes immobile for ten minutes. And I feel like Fifth Gear speaks for itself...
Clearly Luffy has no qualms about sacrificing his body, but why is that? The answer, at least in my interpretation, is that Luffy’s self-sacrifice has entirely to do with the value he places on himself. The catch is that he doesn’t place any value on his own life. Luffy has proven on multiple occasions that he is more than willing to throw his own life away for the sake of others.
We see this in Udon prison, when Luffy was actively poisoning himself to death to make a point, even though it’s difficult to notice how close he was to getting himself killed because Toei decided that if Luffy was dying he was going to look Hot while doing it
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We see this again when Luffy climbed the mountain in Chopper’s Arc, destroying his fingers and risking freezing to death all to save Nami and Sanji.
We see this when Luffy fought Magellan in Impel Down, which was the closest Luffy came to killing himself for the cause.
Then again on Whole Cake Island when he tried to let Sanji kick him to death to prove a point. And when he tried to starve himself to death to prove a point. And when he tried to rip his own arms off–
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And of course we can’t forget about Thriller Bark. The entire point of Zoro taking Luffy’s pain was to show just how far Luffy was hurting himself in order to protect the crew. There was an entire conversation between the Straw Hats about how unhealthy that behavior was, and how they needed to protect Luffy from himself by getting stronger.
These are all shining examples of Luffy taking selflessness just a little too far. And while placing high value on the lives of others isn’t a negative quality, doing so to this degree isn’t exactly healthy. I say that Luffy holds no value in his own life because he cares this much about other people. He cares more about other people than he does about himself, and is more than willing to die in the process of protecting/saving his loved ones.
I came to this conclusion by looking at the way Luffy handles loss.
And the simple answer is that... Luffy doesn't handle loss. (The entirety of Whole Cake Island was just Luffy outright refusing to lose another loved one)
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And when he does... he doesn’t.
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Which is exactly what I’m talking about. Whenever Luffy loses people that he deeply cares about he immediately flips his lid. Water Seven and Thriller Bark seemed like all fun and games after watching Luffy grieve the loss of his crew on Sabaody. Seeing him break down like that was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to watch... You can feel just how much this loss has impacted Luffy, and it hurts.
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Amazon Lily was largely comedic, which served as a well needed break in between Sabody and all the Horrors of the Summit War. Because of this, the delivery of Luffy’s behavior after the events on Sabody is easy to brush off as a gag joke... but you can’t deny the fact that he overdosed on poisonous mushrooms. And while, yes, Luffy is a fucking idiot, not moments beforehand he was digging through the forest and talking about how many species of mushrooms he knew and all the wacky side effects of eating them. So clearly Luffy knows his stuff, and I think it’s just a little too convenient that he “accidentally almost died of a drug overdose shortly after losing everyone he held dear” after Oda explicitly stated that he knew his shit when it came to eating plants in the woods.
And then, of course, we have Luffy’s breakdown after Ace’s death. Which was even more difficult to watch than Sabody had been.
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Are we beginning to see a trend? Luffy will try his damndest not to lose the people he cares about, but it’s impossible to save everyone. On the rare chance that he does lose someone he cares about, he immediately has a suicidal breakdown and gets extremely violent towards himself.
I’m certain that we can all agree that trying to kill yourself as a result of grief is NOT a healthy coping mechanism. Luffy is a completely happy-go-lucky character, with a suspicious tendency to over-sacrifice, yes, but the moment he fails/loses his friends he has a psychotic break. Without other people around him, Luffy suddenly loses all sense of self worth. Because he is nothing without his nakama... right?
It’s so easy to miss this detail about Luffy’s character, and it’s because he’s so good at concealing his negative emotions. Luffy puts on a brave face for the people he cares about, and he doesn’t want people to see him as anything less than a ray of sunshine and a symbol of joy and freedom. His conversation with Jimbei after Marineford was about how he needed to bury his grief for Ace even though it was unhealthy, because Luffy needed to remain strong.
Clearly he’s taken this to heart, because he hasn’t talked about how Ace’s death has impacted him even once. Luffy refuses to show emotional weakness in front of his crew, he is doing all in his power to be strong and support them while asking for nothing in return. Even now Luffy can’t hear Ace’s name without tearing up.
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Luffy puts on a strong facade, and it is what makes his self-sacrifice seem so heroic, and what makes it so easy to miss how unhealthy it is. Luffy always saves people at the expense of his own life. He takes his battles incredibly too far, always ending up horrifically injured and using abilities that are detrimental to his body and his health. But he always recovers so easily, so quickly, and it is easy for the viewer/reader to move past Luffy’s self-sacrifice because he moves past it easily.
But why is he so nonchalant about nearly killing himself in almost every battle he places himself in? Simple, it is because he is not afraid of dying. Because in his eyes, he has no worth as a person unless he gives his EVERYTHING to the people he cares about.
Hence, Luffy measures his self worth entirely through other people, and therefore will stop at nothing to protect and fight for others. Because otherwise he is nothing.
I like to think that he developed this mindset as a result of his early childhood. Dragon didn’t want him. Garp didn’t want him. Dadan didn’t want him. Ace didn’t want him. Luffy was only accepted and cared for by others once he proved his worth to Ace and Sabo. Remember? They only started caring about Luffy and accepted him into their group after he got beaten violently for hours to protect their treasure stash. An act of violent self-sacrifice. It earned Luffy two brothers, but it also instilled the idea of his worthlessness unless he serves other people.
Remember when Luffy asked Ace to promise him not to die? I like to read between the lines a little. (Don’t leave me behind, Ace.) (I’m nothing without you, Ace.)
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Luffy is a clingy person. He cares so much about other people, and will go to incredible lengths to keep them close. He can be happy, but only with other people. Because he needs other people in order to value his own life. He doesn’t care about himself, he only cares about others.
That is a very unhealthy mindset in this context, and is a major character flaw because of the impact it has on Luffy’s mental health.
But it also shows an incredible duality.
Selflessness is a highly valued characteristic. But in Luffy’s case, he brings it to an extreme. What could be considered his greatest strength is also his greatest flaw.
Luffy is a very admirable character because of this, and I love him a totally normal amount
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
because so many of y’all wanna get on this app and get bold with black writers, I have a lil sum to say so incoming: long winded rant and a lot of cussing!
the fact that we seem to be the only group in these fandoms to catch hell for creating works centered around is VERY telling and I know the reason why so please spare me the explanations or oppression Olympics about how such and such gets hate as well. I did not ask nor do I care. It’s bad enough that we have to struggle for the tiny bit of canonical representation that we have and even then, it’s a topic of debate by a bunch of sensitive ass crybabies who believe that they are God’s only gift to Earth and that we don’t belong. But to literally be ostracized for creating a safe space within fandom where we are seen, shown and portrayed in any sort of light is soooo fucking aggravating! Every time I turn around, the goalpost is constantly moving for us. If we write smut, we’re doing too much of it, if we write a plus size reader, it’s triggering because some fatphobic bitch is scared of a few rolls and stretch marks and let’s be honest, if we write fluff, angst, etc..you hoes don’t read it. And god forbid we give ur precious favs a fucking headcanon outside of the norm and basic bullshit y’all constantly regurgitate, y’all act like we’re monsters. You want us to pump out content, constantly create stories but then nitpick every detail because y’all are so used to having your way. But let’s talk abt the REAL reason why y’all are mad. Because y’all screamed for the longest that we should make our own spaces because you didn’t want to share them with us. Now that we have, y’all once again move the goalpost (surprise surprise!) now we’re ‘discriminating’ and ‘being racist’ and when those bullshit excuses don’t work, y’all hate raid us and get our pieces slapped with warning labels.
but let’s be very clear, with all the bans, hate, suppression and everything else, we’re still outshining y’all. Still making more unique concepts and creating fics that are far better. Because y’all are lazy, mediocre and don’t want to have to try harder. It’s much easier to keep recycling the same three plot lines and getting us out the way. I could really keep going but I’m not bout to have my page shrouded in negativity. I’m sick of my amazing moots being bullied and harassed, feeling less than and not writing bc y’all are too pussy to say what you really feel w/o an anon button. We don’t owe y’all anything and we’re not leaving. Get over it. To my fellow black writers, I love you so much, please don’t stop writing or feel like you need to change a thing. To the bigots on this app, eat a dick and the balls too. Have the day you deserve.
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shahrwrites · 1 month
you guys hate the 80s Batman comics fans as much as Jason hates Joker? cause I sure as hell do.
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theinheriteddutchess · 3 months
Does anyone have the feeling they should read fanfiction more, support your friends and your favorite writers, but then feel a little pressured to "perform"?
I know I'm so behind on stories that I still want to read and that I've been tagged in, that I just block. I don't read at all.... Or I read a totally different story and then ferl guilty if I reblog that.
My adhd brain also guess "no, now I don't want to" when I remind myself I should still read this or that. It thinks of it as a chore suddenly. So I don't read.. And time passes and I feel awful.
In my mind I'm constantly reading constantly talking about it through comments to the writers.
I'm not ignoring you, I haven't forgotten about you. I really like your stories! I want to say, but I'm just tired.
I'm still so tired and not better, and if I feel ill I just want comfort.. And my own designed pressure is preventing me from being able to enjoy what I normally enjoy and what I want to enjoy.
If you saw me say I'll read it later, or have shown excitement before, and then I don't even if I say I will.... It's this. I haven't stopped liking, I'm still rooting for you and your stories... I'm just a little stuck sometimes. I read other stories out of the blue not because I care less. I haven't forgotten (unless it's on my to be read list and I forgot still.... That's just my forgetful brain, sorry... It's inconveniencing me daily)
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tinyidle · 1 month
anddd it happened again
first of all, apologies for going AWOL, I've been not feeling to open up the writing side of my brain for a while since life came in front of me saying "hi!"
but yeah, remember when i said writers should be more vague about the readers and not being too specific on certain things unless stated otherwise? yeah... it happened again
i was reading a spicy san fic (it was actually something i thought of doing myself but never got around to figuring out how to write it intricately), and this small fic was so detailed and good with it, down to the point i saw
"pale skin".
bro, the only thing pale on my skin are the palms of my hand.
ive been pale on two occasions: birth, and the one time i had a horrible skin condition related to eczema from being slightly allergic to sunlight (i have sensitive skin and can get rashes easily with commercial sunscreen)
so, no. i do NOT have pale skin because im not in that tone range. if the writer said "skin turned pale", that'd be different because anyone's skin can become dull/lack color from nervousness, anxiousness, lack of blood, etc. but this drabble wasn't about losing life or losing yourself per se.
it was about slight bdsm.
we as writers need to be more vague, i swear. idc how you envision your reader. if you want all readers above 18 to read your spicy fic, then be as vague as possible. if you want a specific audience INCLUDE IT IN YOUR WARNINGS/CONTENT LABELING.
i beg of you 😭🙏🏾
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mutilamb · 27 days
i feel bad for having 'human urges' like wanting to look good or buying x thing or whatever since i consider the whole society thing stupid and pointless. but i will rarely be able to live a life completely out of society and honestly im just going to die. who cares what i do with my life, its not gonna change anything. i should just do whatever makes me feel better. doesnt matter if i spend the rest of my years indulging in compulsive consumerism or live a natural self-sufficient life in the woods. what fucking changes ? it just changes what i do while im alive, but it doesnt make any impact on anything else. its just abt trying to pass all these years with the least suffering, until we finally go.
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onceuponaoneshotfanfic · 10 months
Alright time for a ramble no one asked for or will care about-
I've waited my whole life for a women's soccer team in Los Angeles. Finally got to see them tonight. And something my inner child felt so HAPPY. Seeing women running on the pitch. Seeing little girls in their jerseys, holding up signs and scarves. Seeing the team greeted like absolute goddesses. It was everything my younger self needed and wanted. And I was so happy to share tonight with her 🩷🖤⚽
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dynjas · 6 months
It's hilarious how SHORT my character sheets are for my Tav and OC. Because...they just lived their lives... nothing super tragic. Just surviving. Doing things they like...
At first I thought I was really uncreative but damn I'm so over this dramatic background...
I have enough drama in RL and I'm CONTENT that my Babies didn't go through hell before the events of BG3.
It's okay.
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hwanchaesong · 11 days
i eat, sleep, and laugh but i am weeping inside. becauseee fuckkk
my boo pls post something i need to see ur face damn do u want me to die i need you so badly i'm tweaking so bad
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mywishingwell · 1 month
Things I'm finding annoying/gross in pregnancy:
1. My poor, dear cats. The aversion started in early pregnancy, and it has gotten better, but often I look at them with the Florence Pugh ☹️ face - especially when they're licking themselves. Idk I think all animals animals are giving me the ick but these ones live in my house.
2. The school run. I am so thankful my neighbour takes my son to school for me on a morning. So thankful. I'm so lucky. It's just when I go to pick him up the pelvic girdle pain kicks off and there's approximately 2827 teenagers to walk through as I happen to live on a street close to a high school and a lot of these kids have parents etc who pick them up on the street I live in. So there's cars mounting the curb (sometimes a lil too close for comfort), there's teenagers everywhere and most are respectful but a couple act like they're gonna walk right through my heavily pregnant ass if I don't step into traffic. I hold my ground, but it pisses me off, and I'm at the point where I'm struggling to hold my tongue. My sons school is so close to where I live, that's fab, so I try to set off so I arrive just as the doors open so that I can skedaddle home w/o having to stand in that playground feeling awkward. Idk why I feel awkward. But the whole shabbang gives me anxiety and I'm at the point now where the walk there and back is so, so painful. I'm practically hobbling by the time I get back home with my son.
3. Rice. We have a rice cooker and I love rice cookers but during pregnancy, the smell of rice cooking (??? Yeah, I know, wtf ???) turns my stomach. I also aren't a fan of how it tastes. Even though it doesn't really taste of anything. Every so often I get rice and it's nice, but most of the time I waste what's on my plate.
4. The smell of the air fryer. No matter what its cooking, it emits a smell I can't stand. I think this goes back to when my sickness was at hyperemesis gravidarum levels and my partner would come home and throw some stuff in the air fryer to make a quick dinner for both himself and my son. I'd often have chips/fries that were cooked in there and I'd be struggling to eat them but they usually stayed down when I did manage it. So I think that's an association thing and I hope one day the smell of the air fryer doesn't turn my stomach.
6. Strong artificial smells like air fresheners that are either in aerosol form or one you might plug into a wall. In particular, citrus smells make me queasy. I used to like using lemon dish soap and floor cleaners etc, but now anything lemon-y is a no go.
7. Male anatomy. My libido is dead. My libido shows up once every 3 weeks for about 29 minutes and until then everything related to penis obligations gives me the ick. I'm just like I'm carrying a human baby inside of me and my body is now huge and doing gross things and I don't feel good and there's not a part of me that feels like a sexual creature. Send your regards to my partner who's been super patient with me during this time.
...this was a completely useless post BUT I just felt the need to get it off my chest. 7 weeks to go, give or take!
- // 14:34, Tuesday 30th April 2024.
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chrollohearttags · 11 months
it’s really sad how out of touch some of these yt true crime YouTubers are. (not all bc I fw quite a few) but to see some of them still harping on JonBenet’s case from over 30 yrs ago and begging ppl to have empathy for billionaires who made a dumb decision and wouldn’t spit on them is truly a choice. Meanwhile, none of them are speaking on Carlee Russell or the multiple blk women k*lled in New Orleans. Anytime they’re asked to cover blk cases, it’s always an excuse abt not having sufficient info but when it’s—nvm.
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onyxstone14 · 2 years
I like to think buying megumi is gojo's most expensive purchase he ever did.
It's funny though that megumi mentioned that he was sponsored by jujutsu tech cos i think miwa and maybe the other kids are too (cos how is nobara buying branded clothes and yuuji spending money on pachinko places)
but megumi's living a rich boy's life which could probably mean gojo lied to him that the college sponsors him but its actually gojo.
Which kinda explains why his reaction was different from yuuji and nobara when they stained gojo's shirt cos those two probably get their funds from the school which is probably lesser than what megumi gets so he's nonchalant about spending big money like that.
Which takes me back to my rant about how jujutsu tech has a monopoly on money in sorcery because there's no other organization that gives sorcerers a stable source of income outside of it.
Which is why they probably hated hakari and his little fight club who had figured out a way to monetize sorcery fights outside of the college and not resorting to bounty hunting which then they become curse users who are considered as criminals.
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fullsaw · 10 months
Me upon finding out other people find my favs attractive [they are mine for keepsies]
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wyrm-with-a-why · 3 months
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airlockfailure · 1 year
I unironically want Mr Morrison to show up somewhere in the future as both Boba and Omega to piss off everyone fancasting white actresses as adult Omega. SHE'S AN UNALTERED CLONE.
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