#rapheal bob-waksberg
comox-draws · 1 year
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Does Marge have friends? by  Raphael Bob-Waksberg --- i’ve read this a couple years ago and it has always stayed with me...wanted to draw to it
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ravenfirelair · 4 years
Bojack horseman finale review
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So I have finally gotten to the series finale of Bojack horseman and oof what a series finale it was. This final season did not hold back on anything and it went for the deep punches to the heart. It went to the ultimate dark place this series could go for bojack. I had a feeling the series was going to end this way just from the beginning of season 6 because while things seemed to be getting better of bojack, there was a lot of foreshadowing everything was going to come crashing down on him again and it did in the most brutal way. But to me, overall I think the series final was satisfying enough, it went to that really dark place, but was able to lift itself up again.
Spoilers are below the cut!
Most of the characters got pretty good conclusions to their story arches, princess Carolyn finally got what she wanted which was to have a family, Diane finally found happiness in her life, Mr. peanutbutter doesn’t exactly get the happy ending like everyone else does, but at least he admits he as lot of problems he needs to work on in terms of relationships, Todd finally gets his life together and make amends with his parents and finally Bojack starts on the path of becoming a better person. I thought Todd’s story was a little rushed though, like it introduces the issues with his family really late into the show and resolve those issues really quickly and give the happy ending of him finding a girlfriend and moving to a place of his own pretty quickly too. The only story arch I was a little disappointed with that didn’t get a proper conclusion is the one with hollyhock, the last we know about her is that she sent a letter to Bojack that was obviously bad news and then we never see her again. There are a lot of questions that were left unanswered, what was in the letter that upset bojack so much? Did hollyhock finally find out the truth about bojack and wanted to cut him out of her life? Does bojack ever try to reconnect with her? These are questions that will probably never get answers too.
I think the conclusion to bojack’s life was satisfying enough, I like how open ended it was. While the final episode ended on not a completely happy ending for bojack, it’s not all that sad either; it just ends with putting him a better place than he was previously. Honesty, I think bojack going to jail for a year was the best thing for him because it allowed him a lot of time to get his life back together and really work on becoming a better person without outside things happening always trying to tear him down and also gave a clean slate to work with for his life. Of course, the ending did still leave a lot of unanswered questions, does bojack finally becoming a better person or fall back into his old bad habits again? Does he finally overcome the trauma from his past? Does he ever go back into acting or finally leave his old life behind for something new? Does he ever try to become a teacher again?  Does the movie “the horny unicorn” ever work out for him? Will the public eventually learn to forgive and forget every bad thing he has ever done?  Again, these are all questions we will probably never get answers too. It pretty much leaves the audience to decide if bojack’s life will finally turn for the better or not.    
Now the highly debatable question is does bojack deserve the redemption ending he got? Well I say yes because I think everyone deserves a second change if they are willing to change. If bojack made no effort to change and just kept falling back into his old destructive habits, then I would say no. even the creator himself said in an interview that “yes, bojack does deserve redemption, but he has to earn it and it’s not really owned to him.” So while yes, he deserves redemption, but he has to earn it first by activity wanting to work towards being a better person in order to be worthy of it and that even though he went through a lot of trauma and hardship from his past and suffers from a mental illness that does not necessarily mean it’s automatically owned to him. but for the most part, I think he is worthy of it because he did do things to try to make himself a better person, he went to rehab for his addictions, he decided to leave his acting career behind him, he finally told the truth about sarah lynn and finally admitted his was a horrible person that hurt everyone around him. Of course, he undoes all his process by going a drinking binge that almost kills him, but a lot of bad things happened all at once that forced him to go back to his addiction to alcohol. Still it proves he could be a better person if he really tried. Also another factor on if he worthy of redemption is if his friends forgive for the bad things he has done to them. I think for the most part they do because they see he is trying to be a better person and they want him to succeed, but they also want to move on with their lives, they want to go on their own paths while not being weighted down by this one person. Also there is word going around that bojack didn’t face the consequences for his actions, I’m like “ come on, he lost all his money in lawsuits, he lost his house, his reputation got ruined by a bad interview and he spent a year in jail, how much worse can it get for him?” of course the alterative being death. To me I think he has faced enough consequences and has to deal with those for the rest of his life.  So yeah, overall I think he does deserve a second change, even though he still as a long way to go before his fully redeemed, he is still on the right path.  
So overall I thought the season finale to bojack horseman was really good and gave good satisfying conclusion to all the characters. I am sad to see it end, but in a way this is good thing because it allowed the series to have a good structured story with a good conclusion and didn’t let the series fall into a rut where the characters and story begins to lose its meaning. Really from the beginning a figured this was a series that was not going to last forever. There will probably never be another series like this, this series went to the deep dark places other tv series are afraid to go, it was not afraid to touch on some really tough subjects and themes. I really thank the show for that, I thank the show for focusing on the reality of these tough issues, so a big thank you to the creator Rapheal bob-waksberg for painting a picture of the ugly truth of what it’s like to live with yourself who is struggling with trauma and mental illness.            
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cartoonsyoushouldsee · 11 years
Blind Date (2006)
Directed and Written by Raphael Bob-Waksberg
This animated sketch is from my favorite sketch comedy group, Olde English.  In an interview with Splitsider, Raphael was quoted as saying, "that's a sketch that came out of our Rules Show. This is a live show where we showed videos, and we showed footage of us giving each other rules and different assignments. And Adam Conover, my good friend, gave me the assignment — you have to make a sketch where it's a blind date between two mathematical constants, no physical objects can appear in the sketch, and one of the mathematical constants has a dangerous secret. That was it. So I just ended up making a cartoon, because I didn't know how else [to do it.]..."  He ended up using Final Cut Pro for the project.  If you like math puns, watch this short.
Raphael has a tumblr (boringoldraphael) and is a great writer.  And the movie he and OE wrote is pretty awesome too.
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