#rare whiz bang
envy-stims · 5 months
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rare whiz-bang (my singing monsters) stimboard with pride and night fairground stims
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mizzouxx · 5 months
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*Cry from the beauty of rare whiz-bang and rare monculus*
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reimulin · 5 months
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coreaflame · 11 months
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good evening my singing monsters community
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gaylight-prairie · 11 months
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Huge missed opportunity from the msm devs to not have trans rare whiz-bang for sky painting this year
I made this design for fun :]
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melodiousmonsters · 1 year
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Firstly I know you all don't mind three posts in one day but I'm still pointing out that I have done so, I had the day off of school with an ungodly hyperfixation on drawing. Secondly I'm going to utilize my newly developed Spurrit obsession to give some information on the seasonals in the melodious monster chronicles universe.
There's one of each seasonal in this universe (not whiz-bangs though they're special and aren't really seasonals anymore) each of them are the common varient with a few slight differences made to further portray their personalities than what's capable with an 100% cannon design. Spurrit has a beard for example.
They also have names yet again like the celestials do, but that's only important to the hypothetical comic I may make after my monstiary project is done. Speaking of, that's only able to be finished once all the fire, ethereal, magical and mythical rares/epics are released, so that's going to be a few years : ] I'm just as happy as you are about that information. At least my art will be much better then( not saying my current stuff is horrible, I'm actually quite happy with my art, mainly the subject matter but the artistic quality is alright)
Most of the seasonals came into being as a living essence of their holiday that's kept alive solely by that holiday being celebrated. Subconsciously they're programed to keep up their holiday so they don't dissipate back into nothingness. Because their ability to live is solely dependent on their holiday being celebrated they don't age. Each of the seasonals are stuck at an age and they don't physically or mentally develop beyond that.
They can also magically conjure up objects related to their holiday with that same energy from the belief in their holiday. Hypothetically this could be used to summon infinite food for example but the seasonals can't actually comprehend the idea of doing this for more than a few minutes, and they can only come up with the idea in the first place if someone else tells them about it. Some mental inhibiting is needed when you are an immortal god-like organism to not break reality.
Now Spurrit is a bit of a weird case. Firstly his name is just Spurrit, or at least he goes by that, and he uses he/him pronouns as you could see. No one really knows where Spurrit came from but because the other seasonals also seemed to come from nowhere he was just lumped in with them. It's also because the first time he unveiled himself to the monsters early in modern history(which is at most all the knowledge a monster has about the history of the monster world) he actually started perplexpore as a holiday to try and get them to stop focusing solely on rebuilding the basics of soicety after it fell during the catyclysm and you know, explore, do some science. This only sort of worked, some basic machines and the sorts were discovered solely to aid in that previous goal, but it was something and Spurrit was accomplished in his goals. and that just happened so long ago that people mostly forgot that he existed before the holiday, but some seasonals like Carillong(doesn't have a final name yet) DID exist before their holidays were started so even then people still just count him as a seasonal. Whatever he is, he seems to be immortal as he's nearly as old as the monster's perspective of history itself, there's only one of him, and he gets along quite well with the other seasonals. Well, most of the time. (Btw he also has a brittish accent)
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aziemazazi · 4 days
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Weeee:³ rare Punkleton meeting rare Whiz-bang))
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ross-sluggo · 9 months
Alright time to scream
So around the beginning of August, Big Blue Bubble started implementing a feature in My Singing Monsters where you could zap eggs to turn the celestial monsters into their adult versions. On the one hand, this is an interesting concept. In their debut game of Dawn of Fire, they're portrayed as elderly, and in MSM they're portrayed as lil baby children. It makes sense that at some point they'd "grow up" in a sense.
On the OTHER hand, it's REALLY goddamn annoying to get them to ascend to adulthood. It's just regular eggs like zapping them to monsters from Amber Island. The weird part is- actually I can't explain for shit at times so let me just
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(just grabbed these from the wiki because I apparently deleted the requirements in-app from my phone)
To explain, a few of those eggs are a bit tricky. The light cyan eggs with the weird face on them are what the wiki says are "Flex eggs." Initially when trying to get adult scaratar, I just thought it was a mystery monster that had one of the elements specified. If memory serves, scaratar needed 2 of them that were a faerie double element and 1 of them that were a fire triple element. Should be tedious but simple, right?
Those flex eggs actually indicate the need for a RARE monster, which are only obtainable at certain times. They're never guaranteed. What those required eggs on scaratars list asked were 2 double faerie elements with rares and one triple fire element rare. At the time of scaratar releasing, there were a few monsters that met this criteria. Rare Hippityhop, rare Wimmzies, and rare Rootitoot were available. Good luck GETTING them, though, they're called rare for a fucking REASON-
That's not even getting into the seasonal monsters required which, by the way, are also only available for a limited time. Scaratar needed the mindboggle seasonal Boo'qwurm. Loodvigg (I've been kinda ignoring him because I can make a lot of my points through scaratar) needs Whiz-Bang from skypainting, Clavavera from Beat-hereafter, and Viveine from Echos of Eco. These are all available at various times, only one of which has any possibility of being fully available normally around this time of the year. And again, good luck with that, as they're a pain in the ass to get.
Oh and you run out of time at the end of the month, so if you missed any eggs you automatically have to pay up an unholy amount of diamonds for 3 goddamn monsters or have them be blended up into coins that will NOT AT ALL feel worth it. I'm not projecting, fuck you.
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goob1enerd11 · 1 year
imagine if rare whiz-bang is just heterosexual/straight whiz-bang
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bloogblogg · 7 months
As seen last week, Monculus kicked Whiz-Bang's sorry little ass, so here is the next battle!!! (Down below!)
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Before voting, read the monster bios for our Contestants! (Yes, this will be in future ones, too, and the bold lettering contains links.)
Back when the Monster World was new, the Colossals pioneered a special process called Life-Formula: the imbuement of vitalizing energies into sculptures of fantastical creatures, plucked right from giant spirits' imaginations. In this way would the nascent reality be populated, and the Monculus was among the very first prototype Singing Monsters awakened by the so-called 'spark of life'. Fashioned from Bubblerite, the versatile building material favored most by the Colossals, its moving parts are manipulated by the rare plasmic form of Krystillium, the first-ever Crystal to be created. Initially pocket-sized, it can grow to imposing heights to sputter out its hauntingly beautiful refrain.
If you hear the cheerful gobbley-gobbley-goo of the gobbley Gobbleygourd, prepare your tummy: you're about to feel stuffed! This overzealous Monster was so thrilled to find new friends moving in to Fire Haven that it seized the opportunity to finally kickstart the Seasonal Event of its dreams: Feast-Ember, a time for sharing in nature's delectable bounty. From Smunkin Pie to savory Turkey, crunchy Big Salad to toasty Bread, Gobbleygourd will see to it that you sample a healthy bite of each dish. Much like an excitable relation who's always coming up with new holiday traditions, the Gobbleygourd might seem a bit... intense in its Feast-Ember celebrations - but you can't help but play along!
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cuddletime-blog · 1 year
Victor’s Birthday Poem (2023)
Steely, dark eyes, perfectly neat,
layered bangs parted to the side,
a stern expression always ready to get down to business,
a true professional, the ever-impressive CEO.
You are trustworthy and righteous.
The Ace of Spades, The King of the deck,
King of the chessboard always ready to defend his Queen.
Strong hands ready to take action just in the nick of time,
broad shoulders that I can lean on sometimes,
a calm disposition that reassures me that things might still turn out okay
even when it seems the odds might be against me.
Thank you for your encouragement and guidance.
     Happy birthday Victor!
You may rarely smile much,
but you are like a warm scarf on a snowy winter day,
a romantic gentleman waiting inside
of an English red phone booth with a bouquet
of fresh red roses in hand on a snowy winter night.
You are complex, but sophisticated like red wine.
You are like an espresso…an acquired taste.
Yet, you are like warm homemade meals…
a warm heart underneath a diamond exterior.
It takes time to get to know you better,
but you seem better with time.
You would stop time to make the moments last longer
Or you would travel to the future to change it for the better.
Countless proposals, reports, meetings, business trips,
one of the busiest and most hardworking men in Loveland,
one of the very best, the absolute Whiz of the finance world,
LFG’s chief executive officer.
Happy birthday to you, Victor.
Thank you for lending a helping hand
and being there for me time after time.
I wish you many more cherished, fond birthday memories,
more birthday cakes, presents, surprise parties,
and bouquets of flowers too.
I’ll make sure to spend your birthdays with you.
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bear-cubs-art-things · 11 months
Also I think we also got Rare Fluoress in New Whiz Bang update
Looks like it!!
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Not to be a mobile game player on main, but I really hope rare Whiz-bang whenever it's released has trans pride colors or at least is colored after another pride flag.
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coreaflame · 11 months
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4 random ships 4 today !! idc that pride month ended . skypainting lives on
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mettlegears · 2 years
i love your art smmm. who's your favorite monster? mine is the rare pompom!! (and the hoolas)
thank you kind visitor! 🤍 i have a few favorites, including scups, reebros, and whiz-bangs -- but out of all, vhamp is deeply special to me.
i generally tend to like monsters that are quirky and unusual. i love oddities.
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sohannabarberaesque · 9 months
Meanwhile, on the bandshell at Tipium Grove ...
I could just imagine The Bungle Brothers (George and Joey) trying to pull off a comedic routine as warmup for the evening entertainment programme, drawing on old copies of Capt. Billy's Whiz Bang gleaned from rare-editions bookstores for content ... only the laughter gets a little too out of hand considering the somewhat raunchy tone of the material selected, prompting the signal for them to be directed off the stage, to be replaced by--
(I'll let you finish this one. All you need do is reblog this with your best suggestions in this respect.)
************* @warnerbrosentertainment @funtasticworld @theweekenddigest @jg376 @xdiver71 @archive-archives @themineralyoucrave @thebigdingle @princessgalaxy505 @thylordshipofbutts @screamingtoosoftly @warnerbros-blog1 @iheartgod175 @railguner34 @jellystone-enjoyer @a-gang-of-silly-bananas @warnerbrosent-blog
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