#ratcatcher ii
the-maidofmischief · 9 months
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This city is not yours. This city is not even ours. This city is theirs! .
↳  Daniela Melchior as Cleo Cazo/Ratcather II (The Suicide Squad)
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quietsharpeheart · 4 months
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Ladies of the DCEU + Greek Deities (part iii)
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purestxblood · 1 year
𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞, 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐨 𝐜𝐚𝐳𝐨.
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Your traditional holiday ordeals had seemed pointless to Cleo, however, that didn’t stop you from wanting to share holiday warmth and love with her. Nor did it stop her from welcoming you with open arms and a small present of her own— the perfect Christmas and worst in tow.  𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨, ♥
𝘾𝙡𝙚𝙤 𝘾𝙖𝙯𝙤 𝙭 𝙛!𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 .
Major fluff ☁. Christmas Celebrations. Cute furry friends.
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦— Mentions of depression.
With your knitted sock clad feet draped over the arm over the recliner and a mug in your hand, you intently watched with eyes of muse, drifting over your girlfriend's backside. There was a soft closed mouth smile toying upon the bottom half of your face while your lips lightly pressed against the cup, blocking your silent giggles.
It was the seventh of December, the first night of officially hopping – more like dragging Cleo into the notion of Christmas joys under twinkling lights and inhalations of pine tree bliss. From the start, she hadn’t understood your dire need to bask in the aura of holiday nostalgia. Holiday’s had been different in the Cazo household. For your girlfriend, holidays were like any normal day. She never had a roof over her head, warm lit fires and holiday films, nor did she have Christmas trees, lights, and gifts under the tree. 
While the child version of yourself had been snuggled in bed with sugar plums dancing upon your dreaming head, younger Cleo had been plucking plums off stands alongside her father and his rat friends. Your traditional ordeals had seemed pointless to Cleo, however, that didn’t stop you from wanting to share holiday warmth and love with her. Christmas was your favorite and you wanted to give your girlfriend a new memory, an experience she had yet to endure as a child and adult.
This had been Cleo’s first official Christmas in a place she could call home, your home.
She was open to the idea of home for the holidays, adorning the blush upon your cheeks and squeal of excitement; however, there was only so much she could endure. Cleo was truly against you spending more money upon presents… finances were the height of your worries and gifts were the last she wanted either of you to worry about. Plus, Santa wasn’t coming on Christmas night because why would he? The only present Cleo could ask for was your companionship and heart – both which she already had.
Binge watching Christmas movies had also been a drag – to her more than you. Though the cheesy holiday films you watched with your parents were your favorite pastimes, Cleo could never keep an eye open for merely five minutes. She had slept through all of them, occasionally muttering a word or two in an attempt to show her captivation. 
You didn’t mind her lack of enthusiasm and interest as you were more endearing upon the way Cleo clung to you in comfort: how she perfectly snuggled up to your frame, with an arm draped across your waist and a leg over yours. Her face using your stomach as a pillow, nuzzling it every so often when her subconscious would realize her grip upon your body had loosened, making her tighten her hold once more. 
It was a realization, a memory, upon why you realized your parents loved cuddling by the fire when watching Christmas movies. It wasn’t the movie per se…it was the proximity of warmth transferring skin upon skin and the synchronizations of heartbeats into one.
There was one tradition Cleo idolized the most – Christmas trees. 
Upon this night, Cleo had taken the reins upon decorating the Christmas tree. You had thought picking a tree was the highlight of your night, mesmerized by the way Cleo and Sebastian giddied their way between the forest of trees. You watched her observe from bark to treetop, grazing her fingers among the bristles to feel the texture and temperature of the fresh pine. Even Sebastian had been a sight for eyes, squealing in excitement as he raced between branches until the pair were set upon a tree. 
While Cleo had been an absolute pro at picking a tree to take home, she was absolutely clueless upon how to decorate a tree. Her frenzy to decorate the tree straight away diverted her to her younger stubborn and eager self. Cleo was headstrong and wanted to decorate it herself with the forgetfulness as to how.
Rather than stringing the lights around the tree itself, her body had been the replacement, strands of crystalized white bulbs etching her figure. “Meu amor,” she hummed, “I don’t think this is a laughing matter.”
There was a hint of amusement to her words and you place your cup atop of the table. “Whatever do you mean?” you arched a brow and stood from the chair, slowly creeping behind her. “The eyes in the back of my head are my biggest weapon,” she replied, glancing over her shoulder while lifting the lights in the air. 
Upon cue, two tiny eyes appeared behind the locks of her hair and you scrunched your face, playfully pointing a finger, “you traitor.” Sebastian squeaked, his two pays cupping the tip of your index finger before scurrying down Cleo’s arm and jumping to the tree.
“I think Sebastian has the idea on what to do,” you teased, pressing a kiss to the side of her head before taking the end of the lights and giving it a tug. Cleo frowned as the lights tightened around her frame, following the taunt hold as you pulled her towards you, “may we do this together?”
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“Meu amor?”
Soft hands brushed the locks away from your face, exposing your closed eyes. You moaned softly in question, your eyes never lifting as you held onto sleep. The hand resting underneath your pillow slid out, wrapping around Cleo’s wrist. You brought her hand towards your chest, intertwining your fingers in the process as you snuggled deeper into the warmth of your bed.
“Wake up,” she whispered, lightly pressing her lips against your cheek. Her kisses mapped along the side of your face until they met your lips in union. Your eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the dull morning light and the gleam upon Cleo’s exterior. 
You rolled onto your back, maintaining your hold upon her hand while the other lifted and cupped her cheek. “You’re lucky I love you,” you mumbled with a yawn while casually glancing at the clock. It was nearly five in the morning and surprise grazed your expression. Neither you or Cleo were morning birds and it was a vast surprise that she was the one waking you before sunrise. 
“I have something for you,” she said, tearing your hands apart and crawling across the bed. You sat up, watching her with curiosity as she reached for a box. Sebastian danced, jumping back and forth over her limbs as she held the box in her hand, squealing while he tried to catch a glance into the box. 
Cleo’s green eyes were round and wide, gleam meeting the teeth that shined as she smiled, handing over the box. You stared at the brown cardboard box in your lap with red and green marker stamped atop ‘Merry Christmas’ with a hand drawn Christmas tree. Your cheeks warmed as a giddy girlish smile plastered your face, your insides feeling jittery of excitement laced with pure happiness. Cleo’s own aura had matched yours. It had been rare for you to see her filled with so much glee, sitting upon her knees like a child, awaiting your response.
“What happened to no gifts this year?” you quirked and brought the box up to your ear, shaking it slightly. Ruffled noises could be heard from the inside of the box and you brought it back down to your lap, your eyes wide in concern. “I got you something money can’t buy,” Cleo smiled with hope, “in case I’m not always here.”
Your lips twitched slightly, frowning at her words – in case I’m not always here. For days she had casually been running an idea through your head. You were completely against her bank demise and you had hoped she would take your concern into consideration. Part of you wanted to question if this gift had been her reason but you chose not to dwindle the moment or dwell upon the unknown midst to come; simply focusing upon the gift in your lap. The moment you opened the box, your lips parted in a gasp while your focus glanced between the inside and Cleo’s delighted gaze.
Two small eyes peered up at you behind white cotton fur and you cooed, opening your palms for four tiny feet to jump in your grasp. You brought the mouse to your face, allowing his whiskers to graze your skin. Giggles filled the morning air from the tickles upon your nose and you glanced at your girlfriend, “he’s perfect.”
Sebastian climbed atop of your limbs, his front paws hoisting himself up along your chest. “Though I think Sebastian may be fighting over him,” you giggled, bringing the mouse down to the mattress and allowing him to hop out of your embrace and run around Sebastian. Grabbing Cleo’s hands in yours, you brought her palm to your mouth, kissing the top of her hand, “thank you my love.”
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Rain tattered among the window seal, drops cascading down the glass in synchronized rhythm to the sound of thunder rattling. Your eyes were fixated upon the window. There wasn’t much to look at, it had been dark hours into the early morning and you couldn’t remember the last time you got out of bed – let alone stepped foot out of your house. Days turned into weeks, and Christmas was ‘round the corner, yet you couldn’t bring yourself to lull yourself into the spirit of holidays you loved so much. 
It wasn’t the same since Cleo had disappeared. 
You begged and begged for her not to rob the bank but her pride and determination to do better to rescue you both from your shitty apartment were brighter sights. The stubbornness in her willed the purity in her heart but the outcome had been dim sending her straight to Belle Reve. She had been under maximum security and you hadn’t been able to see her since the night she gave you your four legged best friend now named Dimitri. 
He had been an I love you and goodbye all in one. 
In case I’m not always here.
Those six letter words burned your insides to the bone. Oh how you wished her declaration was only a what if situation and not a hint as to what would come. 
Your eyes brimmed from the windowpane to your four legged friend as his whiskers kissed the tip of your nose. A breathy short forceful laugh blew your nose and you reached your hand out from under the pillow. Running your index finger along the top of his head and down his back, “I guess we’re having an early morning, hmm?”
Dimitri wiggled his way over your arm and atop of your shoulder, nuzzling the side base of your neck while you huffed and pushed yourself up. Your feet dangled over the edge of the bed as you braced yourself, your eyes hanging upon your reflection across the mirror. 
The shirt you had been wearing was Cleo’s, a dark gray tattered sweater that hung loosely over a shoulder with a few stains from the coffee you spilled. You put it on the second your apartment grew too empty and quiet, hoping to inhale her scent and be filled with her aroma. The shirt no longer smelled of her but you couldn’t bring yourself to take off for a wash. 
Her cotton sweater had become a hug of home.
Dimitri squeaked in your ear, “I’m going I’m going.”
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You aimlessly stared at the Christmas tree in your living room. It felt heavy and cold, like a ghost stalking in the corner, frozen and unable to travel past. It had been untouched, unlit. Christmas had gone from being your favorite, to the holiday you dreaded. Cleo had brought a new meaning to the holiday and without her, it felt as if Jack Frost came instead of the old man in his sleigh.
At least you tried – purchasing a tree and decorating it. However, you couldn’t bring yourself to light it up every night. It was simply there for the concept of the festivities.
Dimitri’s whiskers tickled against your jaw and you sighed, “only because it’s Christmas.” You stalked to the tree and bent down, plugging in the strand of lights, watching as red and green illuminated the room to your face. Dimitri squealed in excitement and you slightly smiled with your lips closed, “breakfast shall we?”
Entering your kitchen, you placed Dimitri on the counter before brazing over to the fridge, to get out leftover pancakes and syrup from the morning prior. Placing them in the microwave, you reached to open a cabinet for a mug, however, Dimitri’s frantic squeals halted your movement. Your eyes widened in worry, “what’s the matter?”
Tiny hands waved side to side and your brows furrowed, “you don’t want me getting my mug?” His head nodded while he waved with his hands, “then how am I supposed to drink my coffee?” Dimitri scurried among the counter top, disappearing through a hole in the wall. 
Leaning upon the edge of the counter, your gaze narrowed as you tried to peer through the small dark hole. Reaching in as Dimitri became visible behind a brown paper bag. “What are you sneaking about?” you arched a brow, taking both Dimitri and the clumped bag in hand. Dimitri squeaked giddy and ran atop of your arm to perch on your shoulder, glancing from your face to the brown paper bag at hand.
It was heavy in your palm yet you ever so carefully peeled it open. Licking your lips, you pulled out a dark green mug, etched with a pine tree–inside laid a crumpled small piece of paper. Your eyes began to blur in glee and you couldn’t help the genuine grin that returned to your face for the first time. 
“You sneaky sneak,” you breathed at your friend and placed the mug down to open the note. 
𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙤 𝙢𝙚𝙪 𝙖𝙢𝙤𝙧 𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙤 – 𝙘.
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dalekofchaos · 1 year
Suicide Squad fancast
My other DC fancasts
DCEU recast
Burtonverse Recast
Wonder Woman
The Flash
Green Lantern
Justice League
Green Arrow
Teen Titans
Justice League Dark
Batman Beyond
The Dark Knight Returns
Telltale’s Batman
Legion Of Doom
Birds Of Prey
Octavia Spencer as Amanda Waller
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Daniel Craig as Colonel Rick Flag
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Pedro Pascal as Deadshot/Floyd Lawton
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Josh Lawson as Captain Boomerang/Digger Harkness
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Anya Taylor-Joy as Harley Quinn/Harleen Quinzel 
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Idris Elba as Bloodsport/Robert Dubois
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Mustafa Shakir  as Bronze Tiger/Benjamin Turner
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Natalie Dormer as Killer Frost/Louise Lincoln
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Kevin Nash as King Shark/Nanaue
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Michael B Jordan as Black Spider/Eric Needham
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Vladimir Mashkov as KGBeast/Anatoli Knyazev
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Channing Tatum as Peacemaker/Christopher Smith
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Jessie Mei Li as Nightshade/Eve Eden
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Alexandra Daddario as Enchantress/Dr June Moon
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Oleg Prudius  as The Electrocutioner/Lester Buchinsky
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Zelina Vega as Copperhead/Larissa Diaz
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Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Cluemaster/Arthur Brown
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Daniela Melchior as Ratcatcher II/Cleo Cazo
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Sadie Sink as Plastique/ Bette San Souci
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Stephen Lang as Deathstroke/Slade Wilson
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estarion · 2 months
@auburniivenus & @fallesto are a combo that is bad for my health ( cont. )
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The command ignites his blood and he advances towards her, sinking first to one knee and then the other, hips positioning over hers with the dagger firmly held in his dominant hand. In one of his fantasies, she is beneath him like this, smiling, whispering his name, gentle palms cradling his face.
“—I never cared for her,” he spits, blazing red eyes locked onto hers. Cazador’s eyes on them both. Yet these words, these actions, are not the sole force of compulsion; however feeble, choice remains, always, to yield or attempt resistance. Astarion chooses not the futile option, but to drive himself down upon her, crushing her pelvis with unrelenting weight. “An utter disgrace.” Revulsion twists his features. He warned her. She would not listen. She never listens. “… she is beautiful, though. Especially these… hands.” He takes one up to his mouth, lips fluttering across the back. His lashes almost flutter, too. “Soft, pale. She reminds me of a lily. I shall carve… petals… from her flesh…”
One hundred, exactly. That is how many he extracts from a single hand. They decorate her chest, the floor, the blade, his own thighs. Astarion leans slightly back, covered in her blood, breath trapped within his throat. Naught remains of her grasp but a dripping, pulsating mass of red muscle and white bone. Spider lily, he thinks, biting back tears.
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mejcinta · 9 months
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King Aegon II, #1 ally of the cat community. 💕
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twigcollins · 2 months
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ceoofhelaegon · 18 days
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"Two days later, Blood was seized at the Gate of the Gods trying to leave King's Landing with the head of Prince Jaehaerys hidden in one of his saddle sacks."
"After thirteen days of torment, Blood was at last allowed to die."
"In his grief and fury, King Aegon II commanded that all the city's ratcatchers be taken out and hanged, and this was done."
 — The Dying of the Dragons, A Son for a Son, Fire & Blood, p. 425 and 426.
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zahri-melitor · 10 months
Lost the original post, but someone was talking about Tim mostly just having the same gallery of Rogues as the rest of the Bats, and that’s not actually true. Our lad had over 200 issues of solo comic during post-Crisis, he definitely has some Rogues that are his more than anyone else’s!
King Snake (Edmund Dorrance). Dorrance is 100% specifically one of Tim’s villains. If in modern comics any writers decided to resurrect him and start using him again I would be delighted, because he’s such a painful white guy who thinks he’s all that and better than the Hong Kong-based gang he runs. He’s also ‘died’ multiple times and just because he appeared in Blackest Night doesn’t mean he’s still dead now, we’ve had two universe reboots since then!
Lynx (and the rest of the Ghost Dragons). Both Lynx I and Lynx II are also Tim’s foes, though he’s happy to share them with Cass if she also wants to get some kicks in. Lynx I also has died twice (both times due to Cass) because a writer couldn’t be bothered to check the canon bible while writing.
Ulysses Armstrong. The General mostly exists to be an absolute pain and cause Tim angst. Also I’ll never forgive them for killing off Matthew and Hillary Armstrong, who helped Tim out from their very first appearances.
Anarky/Lonnie Machin. Tim’s shadow half. They’ve been feuding since 1990 and there’s no sign they plan to stop (even when they’re working together).
Ratcatcher is arguably more Tim’s villain than Bruce’s, and nobody else really deals with him.
The Sk8er Bois. Bring them (and Tim’s extremely dangerous skateboard) back!
Johnny Warlock. Wow do I ever hate Johnny, and he’s super annoying, but he’s definitely in Tim’s gallery.
The obvious one: Lady Shiva. She’s not Tim’s exclusively but only Cass has a closer connection in the Batfam and Tim’s connection is arguably closer than Bruce’s.
Plus of the more standard Bat Rogue collection:
Arthur Brown particularly dislikes Tim (alongside the obvious pick that he’s part of Steph’s gallery)
Maxie Zeus has mostly only tangled with Tim out of people who aren’t Bruce.
Arguably Tim’s the main Robin to deal with Mad Hatter too.
Ventriloquist is again a Tim-as-Robin era villain (mostly 1, I don’t think 2 spent much time near any Robin)
There’s probably some correlation between Bane’s position among the Rogues and Tim to make, because of how their timelines cross, but equally I highly dislike Bane so I’m not going to bother sketching it out.
Riddler has a soft spot for Tim.
So does Selina, whose first reluctant team up with that kid was during the original Clench.
Can’t forget Jean-Paul Valley (while hallucinating St Dumas)
And that’s just off the top of my head, there’s definitely others with more than a single storyline.
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alysannecouncil · 4 months
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Blood and Cheese 🩸🧀
Once a serjeant in the City Watch of King's Landing, Blood lost his gold cloak for beating a whore to death whilst in a drunken rage. He spent time in Flea Bottom.
After Prince Aemond Targaryen killed Prince Lucerys Velaryon at Storm's End, the blacks wanted vengeance against the greens. Blood and the ratcatcher called Cheese were employed by Mysaria, Prince Daemon Targaryen's spymaster, to slay one of the sons of Aemond's older brother, King Aegon II Targaryen.
Cheese led Blood into the Red Keep through a forgotten passageway, and creeping through walls, they entered the chambers of Aegon's mother, Queen Alicent Hightower, in the Tower of the Hand. After Cheese bound and gagged the Dowager Queen and Blood strangled her bedmaid, the assassins waited for Aegon's wife, Queen Helaena Targaryen, and her children to arrive.
Blood killed Helaena's guardsman once she arrived, and Cheese grabbed her youngest son, Prince Maelor Targaryen. Cheese asked Helaena which of her sons she wanted them to kill. Helaena offered herself but Blood refused, stating it had to be a son. When Helaena prevaricated, Cheese warned her that Blood would rape her six-year-old daughter, Princess Jaehaera Targaryen. Although Helaena eventually named her youngest son, Maelor, Blood beheaded Prince Jaehaerys instead. Blood and Cheese then fled through the secret passages with the prince's head in hand.
Blood was seized two days later at the Gate of the Gods while attempting to bring Jaehaerys's head to Daemon at Harrenhal and collect his reward. Under torture, he admitted to having been hired by a woman whose description matched Mysaria. Blood died on the thirteenth day of torture. Ser Luthor Largent had the gold cloaks search for Mysaria and Cheese, but no trace was found of them. Aegon II wanted to attack Dragonstone to avenge his son's murder, but Ser Criston Cole instead suggested sending Ser Arryk Cargyll to infiltrate the castle.
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random-dnd-minis · 2 months
(the) Suicide Squad dnd minis
i dont know why i got back into the suicide squad fandom but i do love a cast that feels like a dnd party
(mostly based on the 2021 film)
Harley Quinn 1
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Harley Quinn 2
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Rick Flag
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Ratcatcher II
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King Shark
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Polkadot Man
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Captain Boomerang
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Edit: Amanda Waller
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Harley Quinn (2016)
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Harley Quinn (classic)
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the-slasher-madame · 2 years
If you're still doing requests: What if the slashers had a S/O who could control animals? (Straight up, this mf could make a group of rats conga line with a few hand movements, lol) Bonus points: Maybe this ability was the reason the slashers didn't kill them initially? (I love your headcanons so far, btw! Especially the geese one, lol I hope you have a lovely day/night!)
HEEHEHEHEHEHEHE I LOVE IT!!!!! Animals r so cool lol. I'm remember Ratcatcher II from The Suicide Squad and I am loving it. For some reason I'm reminded of a story where this one girl did like freeform taxidermy?? Only tenuously connected, but hey my brain is missing a few washers. I'm glad you like the geese!!!! I love geese so, so much. I see them at school and its all heart eyes.
CWs: mentions of violence (it's slashers y'all, they go stab and we go "yes king <3", cursing (think y'all are used to that by now lol), let me know if I missed anything!!!
Vincent Sinclair: I genuinely think this boy is very soft. I firmly believe he loves animals and the soft side of life, so he would love that you have such a connection with animals. I think he'd worry about if the animals are ok when all this happens, but he thinks its so cool. I think he'd beg you to bring animals around so he could pet them and sketch them with a proper model.
I think, in Ambrose, the most likely animals on hand would be squirrels, rabbits, and snakes, none of which he's noticed behave the way they do when you're summoning them for protection. You just make a solid line of defense, and he knows better than to fuck with snakes, so he just stops and waits for Bo. Bo is terrified and probably thinks you're Satan, but Vinny is gonna be absolutely fascinated. He begs Bo to keep you around, and Bo was a little too scared to deny it. Would make sure to get you anything you need if it tires you out and would have food and water on hand for the animals. Jonesy is off-limits, unless she's run off and they can't find her (I feel like you can kinda sense the animals around you??).
Bo Sinclair: I just have a gut feeling that this boy is terrified of supernatural shit, at least if you use that supernatural shit against him lol. He loves asking you to do stuff like this as a party trick. Wants to use you to help when hunting (animals), but would also test to see if you can control humans. I think also in softer moments he would love interacting with animals he usually doesn't get to see up close. And, if he pisses you off, I think you could use the woodland critters to your advantage. . . thefUCK DID THESE SQUIRRELS COME FROM--
Would feel the same way about you controlling Jonesy, using it only if she's lost and possibly in danger (but he's also the type to say "she can handle herself" so he'd wait a little bit). Did not appreciate being attacked by the small creatures when he tried to catch you, but he had his shotgun and you cared for the animals and were getting tired. It was quite the stalemate, and quite the compromise. Would every once in a while ask you to bring animals around for Lester to play with, or for Vinny to use as models, or even for Jonesy to play with. He's a family man, what can I say
Michael Myers (RZ): as per usual, stoic and seems uncaring. He isn't the most gentle person ever (he was raised in an asylum by a fucked up doctor-I'll talk about him later, but he's gonna handle animals like a small child). Rough but trying his best, doesn't mean to hurt them. I think using animals would be a good therapy technique, give him something to learn how to be soft with. Starts to love when you bring animals around, and learns to be gentle. Back to the beginning though: like a cat, rather predictably. Sometimes glares at the animals, especially if they decide he is the new mama. I think he would hiss, but he doesn't talk so he just glowers until the animal wonders away (but their insistence starts to warm his heart).
I think birds would be what save you from Mikey. He's marching after you in the dark nature-y parts of Haddonfield, and you summon birds to swarm him. I don't think he'd really react much to the pecking and scratching, might be more sensitive to the noise, but is overall just curious. Like "well this is new." (I think creativity and novelty is like the key way to get him to spare you). He likes to study, and would absolutely observe your power. Y'all stare at each other while you catch your breathe and the birds swarm the Boogeyman, and eventually he turns and walks off. You start catching sight of him following you, eventually, but he never made a move to harm you so you let it be. Eventually becomes very soft with the animals and loves feeling how soft they are, feeling their warmth and feeling them breathe while they lay next to you on his chest.
Thomas Hewitt: I’m sorry y’all, I’m just convinced that this family is terrified of the supernatural. With every superpower, Thomas is a little freaked, Luda Mae is looking for holy water, Hoyt is convinced the devil has finally come for him (he should be worried more about me), and Monty is laughing at Hoyt. However, I think this power would be one that wouldn’t freak them out as much. Like gee animals?? Hoyt and Monty particularly are gonna think you’re harmless, and Luda is going to be a little hesitant around you but overall think you won’t hurt anyone, and Thomas is gonna be so soft. He thinks it’s the cutest thing ever. Like awwww you’re animal themed 🥺🥺 They’d definitely make you take care of rats and maybe get the animals (if they have any on their farm??) to come to slaughter easier. Thomas wouldn’t like that idea, he wants to keep you protected from all the violent shit, and Hoyt would be pissed if you refused. Will start being an ass and Thomas starts to glare at him... and you call on the rabbits and birds. Hoyt never yells at you again. Ever. 
I think more small woodland critters would be the most readily accessible. Rabbits, squirrels, birds (can y’all tell I like birds yet lol?). Rats, you’re going to find rats in the basement ad get them to chew through your bindings. When Tommy comes back and finds you free, terrified, and surrounded by rats, he’s going to go get the rest of the family and let you live. I another one that loves loves loves getting to interact with animals up close. Loves petting rabbit (I also love rabbits). Loves the birds landing on his finger like a Disney princess. Feels bad when he has to butcher pigs, and keeps you away from the family cannibal business at all costs. Understands that you’re connected to animals and doubts its any easier when its you know...humans. Mesmerized by you, your powers, and your looks
Brahms Heelshire: he’s a bit conflicted. One one hand, this boy was undoubtably a bookworm, I mean what else could he do while being exiled to the walls?? Anyways, he feels like you’re a character from his childhood books and it makes him love you even more, already associating you with pleasant memories. On the other hand, what the fuck people aren’t supposed to do that????? I think he learns about your power while he’s still in the walls, and he gets over it pretty quickly seeing how careful you are with the doll and other critters you find around the mansion. You refuse to use the rat traps and at first he’s a little annoyed, but then he sees your power and starts to understand why. I think when y’all finally do meet, he’s trying to be as non-threatening as possible and you have gathered an army of rats. He doesn’t move toward you, just starts talking softly and trying to explain who he is. You’d eventually have to ask him to repeat it all cause you were busy trying to not have a heart attack and a stroke at once. Y’all manage to come to an understanding. 
While out of the walls, he will pester you with as many questions as he can get out of his mouth. He’s a curious boy, what can I say? I think, like Mikey, he would be a little rough on the animals first before learning to properly handle them. For the love of every god, please use the animals like therapy animals. He can play and pet with them while also learning to confront the trauma of his bullshit parents. I think he would really like rabbits, cause he has the childlike center, and could learn to be decently ok with the rats but I don’t think he will touch them. When deer wander through, he gets super excited. I think he would warm up to a cat or a dog in the house. WAIT NO HE’D MAKE A DOLL OF THE PET TO MATCH HIS DOLL AWWWWWWW!!! Would also probably make woodland dolls. He’d be happy that his doll isn’t lonely anymore :D
Alright, I’ve got the first 5. Let me know if y’all want more!!! I love fluff like this its so cuteeee And n case it wasn’t obvious, I really like birds and rabbits (my favorite plushies are rabbis :3). I can’t tell y’all how honored I feel to be getting requests and follows and just I’m soft 🥺. I’ve never been real popular or had like a solid community of my own so this is all really special to me, and I will be thanking y’all as often as possible <33333
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Part II of this unnamed fic - feel free to suggest a title
tw: injuries, misogyny, PTSD, Daddy kink (if you squint)
It took seven full days for her to recover. The bacta tank signaled the end of the healing session in the wee small hours of the morning when the moon was still visible and the cool night air blew softly through the windows of Fett’s healing room, gently fluttering the curtains.
She was wet and shivering, but still groggy. Fett wrapped her in one of his own fluffy black robes and inspected her face in the dim light. Her tooka chirped anxiously.
“Can you walk on your own?”
She mumbled affirmatively, but he still braced her at the elbows as she stood up. The robe fell open and he momentarily caught a glimpse of her breasts through the still wet muslin, her soft stomach, and her dimpled thighs. He did not need to avert his gaze - she leaned her forehead against his chest and sighed softly. Her reaction wasn’t unusual. Extensive healing necessitated long periods of time in a bacta tank, resulting in something akin to hibernation sickness, although not as severe.
Fett showed The Princess and her tooka to a soft bed, a new addition to his healing room, and the ratcatcher droid brought a small tray of meats, cheeses, and fruit pastries to offer her. Fett knew, for the sake of propriety, that he should call for Drash to attend to her. He suspected the two of them would get along well. For the moment, though, he could not tear himself away. The split in her lip had knit into a barely visible scar, but the bruises were gone completely. Her bright eyes were half lidded and her breathing was slow and steady. He helped her lay back into a pile of squishy pillows and covered her with a bantha hide blanket. Her tooka snuggled blissfully into her side, finally reunited with his favorite person.
Word would get out, eventually, that an exiled princess, the daughter of a disgraced and dethroned king, was now under the protection of a Daimyo of Mos Espa. This was Fennec’s pronouncement, and Fennec Shand was as adroit in politics as she was in combat. Before The Princess had even awakened from the bacta tank, Fennec was strategizing. She’d sent Drash into town to order clothing suitable for a Princess of Brao, form fitting and supple as is the custom of her people but in colors more suited to Tattooine - burnt sienna, rust, taupe, and a green that matched the Daimyo’s own signature armor. He’d have her wear the green dress when he strategically debuted her in Mos Espa.
Boba Fett recognized two fundamental truths: that he was strongly attracted to The Princess and that the power imbalance between them meant that she could not, at least in her current state, meaningfully consent to any kind of sexual relationship with him. He was not a bounty hunter in a cantina and she was not a pretty dancing girl. He was the head of a crime family and she was under his protection, having fled a coup and a death sentence. She must never feel that his protection is contingent upon being receptive to his sexual advances. What the bacta tank had done for her body it could not do for her spirit, and Fett was acutely aware that her practiced royal demeanor hid the trauma of interrogating by torture and her narrow escape to Tattooine.
I have more mapped out but I’m open to suggestions. Requests are open.
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purestxblood · 2 years
Hello wonderfuls, ♡ thank you so much for taking the time to check out my works. Comments, likes, & reblogs are always appreciated as I love to hear your thoughts.
Like every talented writer, I do not give permission for any of my works to be translated, rewritten, copied and posted on platforms other than my own accounts here on Tumblr & Wattpad unless stated otherwise.
Feel free to join my 𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 to stay up to date & be notified for your favorite character one-shots.
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𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗘, cleo cazo. ☁️ 🌑
Your traditional holiday ordeals had seemed pointless to Cleo, however, that didn’t stop you from wanting to share holiday warmth and love with her. Nor did it stop her from welcoming you with open arms and a small present of her own— the perfect Christmas and worst in tow.
𝗗𝗔𝗜𝗦𝗜𝗘𝗦, cleo cazo. ☁️
“I promise you, you’ll be loved forever.”
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ozu-teapot · 1 year
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20 Favourite New-to-Me Films of 2022
That is my 20 favourite films I saw for the first time in 2022 (in no particular order):
Don’t Cry, Pretty Girls! | Márta Mészáros | 1970
La fiancée du pirate (AKA A Very Curious Girl) | Nelly Kaplan | 1969
Out of the Blue | Dennis Hopper | 1980
La belle bête (The Beautiful Beast) | Karim Hussain | 2006
Night and Day | Hong Sang-soo | 2008
La haine | Mathieu Kassovitz | 1995
Petite Maman | Céline Sciamma | 2021
Stranger on the Third Floor | Boris Ingster | 1940
Ratcatcher | Lynne Ramsay | 1999
The Capsule (Short) | Athina Rachel Tsangari | 2012
M | Joseph Losey | 1951
Birdy | Alan Parker | 1984
French Dressing | Ken Russell | 1964
The Souvenir: Part II | Joanna Hogg| 2021
Bleak Moments | Mike Leigh | 1971
Before This Night Is Over | Peter Solan | 1966
Emotion (Short) | Nobuhiko Ôbayashi | 1966
Suffering of Ninko | Norihiro Niwatsukino | 2016
France | Bruno Dumont | 2021
Gretel & Hansel | Oz Perkins | 2020
Some notes: All very subjective of course and the one film per director rule applies as it ever does. It is both a boon and a curse!
There were a few directors, Márta Mészáros, Joseph Losey, Oz Perkins, for example where I watched a few of their films and it was difficult to put one above the other, and then there’s Hong Sang-soo. I watched a LOT of Hong at the start of the year and of course the “joke” about Hong is that all his films are the same. I liked them all so the idea that Night and Day is really the best can be taken with a big pinch of salt. There’s a couple of short films in there but I don’t differentiate. If I like a film, if I think it’s good, it doesn’t matter how many minutes it is.
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Suicide Squad Members both Past and Present (Minus both Captain Boomerangs)
Amanda Waller
Rick Flag Jr
Rick Flag Sr
Bronze Tiger
Karin Grace 
Black Orchid
Killer Frost (Louise Lincoln)
Parasite (Rudy Jones)
Mr. 104
Captain Cold
Shade the Changing Man
Count Vertigo
Dr. Light
Lady Liberty
Silent Majority
Major Victory
Poison Ivy
Black Adam
Silver Swan
The Writer
King Shark
Sam Makoa
Cameron Chase
Manchester Black
Sgt. Frank Rock
Big Sir
Clock King
Major Disaster
Solomon Grundy
Power Girl
Star-Spangled Kid
Double Down
Atom Smasher
Mirror Master (Evan McCulloch)
Tattooed Man
The General
King Faraday
Thinker II
White Dragon
Yasemin Soze
Black Spider
El Diablo
Harley Quinn 
The Unknown Soldier
James Gordon Jr.
Power Girl
Black Manta
Joker's Daughter
Reverse Flash (Daniel West)
Parasite (Joshua Michael Allen)
The Hunky Punk
Killer Croc
Mad Dog
Killer Frost (Caitlin Snow)
General Zod
Juan Soria
Lord Satanis
Master Jailer
Rag Doll
Scream Queen
Tao Jones
Baby Boom
The Shark (totally different guy from King Shark)
The Aerie
Chaos Kitten
Deadly Six
Black Mask
Film Freak
Shrike (Boone)
Ambush Bug
Black Siren
Nightmare Nurse
Heat Wave
Major Force
Victor Zsasz
Madame Crow
Black Hand
Etrigan the Brainiac 666
Gentleman Ghost
Klarion the Witch Boy
Snargoyle (deceased)
Alchemaster (deceased)
Doctor Thaumaturge 
Black Bison
Johnny Sorrow
Doctor Polaris
Emerald Empress
Doctor Destiny
Doctor Psycho
Hector Hammond
Manchester Black
Maxwell Lord
El Dorado
El Gaucho
Zachary Zatara
Mirror Master (Sam Scudder)
Polkadot Man
Gotham/Bane (idk some dude named Henry Clover Jr.?)
Arkham Knight
Mr. Bloom
Mr. Freeze
Luke Fox
The Verdict
Ratcatcher II
Killer Frost (Crystal Frost)
Ten Eyed Man
@ednygmaaskme I'm sorry it's long as hell. I also want to apologize in advance if this list has duplicates. It's hard to keep track.
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