#rbing with link-
tenmastrousers · 2 years
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badnewswhatsleft · 1 month
i pulled the video of patrick's songwriting sessions with before you exit from here so noone has to deal with weird mercurial links anymore
i also put it here if anyone wants to download for keeps :3 because look at him!!
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emsloe · 1 year
Hi gaymers happy pride month!
If you're interested in supporting queer artists/designers this month, especially if you're looking for cool patterns to sew your own stuff, I humbly request you check out my sister's work.
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Everyone in my family has been using bags she's made. My parents have matching shoulder bags from her that they use every day, and she made my dice bag + all of my art supply bags as well. So I can vouch for her stuff being great quality!
She's also got cute animal hand warmers:
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I think she'll mostly be selling patterns but will have a few bags and such for sale also.
If you want to follow her making-stuff-for-etsy progress, her instagram is make.it.gemtea, and her etsy is bucketproject (unpopulated until the 17th)
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cowboycharmac · 7 months
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OK HAPPY SUNNYWEEN EVERYPONY heres one of my pieces i did for it :) this onewas a collab with @malewifemanhunter and its baby charmac trick or treating... but they got lost!! oh well theres other guys. check out their version on their blog/in the zine :) and all my other drawings i did in the link below!!!!
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mechahero · 2 months
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Hi! It's Mocha here with a little text post promo type of thing! This is an independent, semi selective OC blog featuring the world's most overpowered loser. Glitter pens, cute clothes, and guts are abound here with a guy that tends to be more slasher than superhero. (Blood, death, gore, cannibalism, and body horror are present here.)
. playlist ♡ rules ♡ divider credit .
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honorary-fool · 7 months
"humanoid alterhuman w/ wings" "winged alterhuman" "winged humanoid alterhuman" correction: angelkin in denial /lh /j
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doobledabbadoo · 6 months
chapter 4 of through smiles and scowls has been released! link below + the art i made for the chapter:
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and as a bonus, i also released a mr bump/mr strong one shot that i had sitting on my files for a week or two. check that out too if you can !!
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sqwdkllr · 2 months
dude your art is so amazing..i fucking love how you do anatomy, and linework, its just so perfect and also your qsmp designs??!? so fucking cool. your deathduo especially is so so dear to me<3 and your bluebird au(/aus?) amd your bluebird art in general its just so <33333…and your qsmp entities like cucu and eye creature and especially baribel, MAN those are singlehandedly my favorite qnpc designs theyre so great like. how the eye guy just has Teeth that come out of his head wherever?? and all your little headcanons about the bears??? THEYRE SO COOL MAN. and your philza with the patches on his pants n the baby zombie scar on his leg (also whats the scar on his nose from?)(also also i love your phils hair, like the short with the little braid its so neat:DD), and pommes hijab braids, and the zippers on th back of cucu and ositos heads (i have yet to figure out what those are for but ehatever theyre cool anyway) n just like. the thought and detail that goes into them, im rambling but aa<333 theyre all amazing:) OU AND YOUR COMICS,, i love love love how you structure n format them because theyre so dynamic and interesting while still being super readable and the ART IVE SAID IT ALREADY BUT I NEED TO SAY IT AGAIN I LOVE YOUR STYLE SO MUCH. its just so nice. like how you use general shapes and like i dont know how to explain it but its cool:)) your art lives in this little spot in my brain rent free…made me subconsciously kind of incorporated stuff you do into my own art process like sketching shit in blue LOL
anyway sorry for the wall of text i just needed to rant a tiny bit because youre one of my fsvorite artists n you inspire me so much ssob,,anyway have a good day mate
This ask makes my heart explode oh my goddd. I'm so happy you enjoy the stuff I put out augghh that so sweet THIS ENTIRE MESSAGE IS SO SWEET WTF. I hope you are ready for a ramble about hc/theory/design choices. Seriously its long-
I have so many head canons I like showing. Some lean towards theory territory and others I legitimately do not believe in myself BUT I like drawing it out because WHY NOT !!?? I like the whimsy of it all
THE BLUEBIRD AU is purely me having fun. Its such an angst filled au that is coated with a mask of nuclear family and hurt/comfort. In reality its like being hit with a sauce pan repeatedly. I'm more of a scientist Jaiden believer personally. DON’T GET ME STARTED ON DEATHDUO- Man I want to go back to drawing self-indulgent stuff for that. Fuck this ask is making my brain engine go insane AUGHH-
Like stuff about Osito just being a huge flirt because of their exposure to Roier from the beginning or Baribal being a pot head, yeah those sort of head cannons I'm sure people are dying to hear from me (sarcasm). Or more serious ones like the relationship, more like lack of, between Cucurucho and Baribal being one of miscommunication that snowballed into hate but never enough to kill each other. Literally the trope of "twins separated where one is raised within evil and other is forced to take them down" but it's very dark grey from both sides. YESSIR
Or other theory territory like federation not knowing that Cucurucho and Osito are not the same person because it’s a secret- BUT THAT’S VERY FANON/THEORY TERRITORY AND TOO CONVOLUTED FOR HERE-
Oh and of course more tame head cannons like sexualities and stuff. Cucurucho is aromantic to me. All of them are transgender. The entire fed staff. Fuck even the purgatory island goobers. No real concept of what gender is and sort of adopted what the islanders do or what the federation refers to them as. It's just not a thing, same with labels on sexuality. If you like someone then you just like them and that’s how it rolls !!
THE WATCHER. MAN DO I HAVE THOUGHTS ON THIS GUY. Like actual constant threat and you are left scrambling trying to figure out the rules of not pushing the wrong buttons so you stay alive. I know his concept art had like him as a human at some point, but I like fungus goop watcher more. Little goober who just so happen to survive the longest, learn the most, and as a result evolve to what he is now. Eventually became strong enough to overthrow the previous leader (and consume them-) and is now king of the purgatory island in privacy. Until the new islanders were sent there ofc. So yeah, bro is very old, its why Cucurucho has no clue who this dude is when he does get to put a face to the name.
PHILZA. This guy is the kinda guy to put survival above all. So I like to imagine that not only would he be covered in scars because he tanks most of the hits and is generally a very selfless person- SOME SCARS HAVE A REASON ! The zombie scar being one of course, semi infected bc I like to think that he did not die in his hc world but rather came close to it. And his buildings is what caught the attention of the goddess of death and allowed for her to give him immortality and be her eyes in the mortal realm as her angel of death. So the poison is still in his foot, just unmoving. Stuck in time just like his body unable to age. As for the scar on his cheek? Nightmare Stalker grabbing him by the face and throwing him in the ocean the second time he tried to get up to save Tallulah. The only evidence left of that night happening. YES SHORT HAIR PHILZA AND POMME WITH A HIJAB YESSS
The zippers are supposed to show that their "head" is not actually what they look like. It’s a helmet/mask. I don't draw their real faces out of fear of making them look too "human" but rather I enjoy the implication that they COULD LOOK LIKE any other islander. Isn’t the thought that this horrible twisted shell of a being could look just as human as you so much more eerie? I dunno I was watching horror analysis videos of the unknown while building the fanon side of them- Now why their masks can emote?,,, its cartoon logic !! And it's cute I have so many thoughts on these guys can you tell? OH MY GODD THANK YOU THO. Augh this is the sweetest message ive ever read pls.im so so very glad these little guys can make you happy. That’s such an honor fr !!
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months
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7-oh-ta1 · 11 months
I know I did not just see someone imply that bec Rauru is Zonai and bec Sonia is poc that Hyrule can't be imperialistic fhfhghh guys do we remember which country this game series is made in? Do we know the history of that country? Are the ppl of that country poc
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is-this-tf · 10 months
Is it TF?
TF, as in Transformation, is a concept that can mean quite a few things to many different people- and when depicted in art or media, usually consists of some sort of physical or psychological transformation of one thing into another, often including the contexts before or after such a change occurs. 
For the purposes of this blog, the assumed pretense that the TF or TF-adjacent content depicted in posts on this blog being nonsexual in this manner is considered the default, and will be treated or engaged with as such unless clarified otherwise, but there are plenty of ways those who engage in TF art can enjoy it! There are many who consider it a paraphilia for themselves and commonly enjoy it as a sexual theme (as explained and described very well in this comic here), but it is also quite common for people to enjoy it entirely nonsexually, as well- perhaps exploring it under a lens of gender, as a vessel or narrative device to communicate themes, or just liking it as an unrelated special interest... TF is fascinating and alluring concept in itself, regardless of the ways it can be enjoyed and explored.
I made this blog because I love it when I see people unintentionally making TF posts on tumblr. I feel like it happens a lot and I think it's really, really funny when it does, by accident or not. Feel free to tag me in posts or send in questions asking if something is TF, and I'll give my honest answer as an expert in the field myself. 
Don't forget, words to live by:
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Primary tags: #this is tf, #this is tf art, #unintentional tf, #intentional tf, #definitely intentional tf, #not tf
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Updated Writeblr Intro!
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Making a new intro to be my pinned post, because I haven’t updated my old one in a while!
Joy • she/her • cancer • bisexual • ISTP • 20 • 18+ blog
🌹More Necessities 🌹
What to expect: I’m currently drafting my first novel, so I’m a bit of a rookie to the writing ropes. My learning process is being documented through the blog—this time three months ago, I didn’t know what a comp title or a conlang was! I especially love worldbuilding and character development, and I’m always down for ask days and tag games (even though it takes me forever to answer, since college is kicking my ass). Don’t feel limited to ask days- I always welcome random asks, messages, and chatting! Moodboards, aesthetics, and character playlists are some of my favorite things. I’m slowly branching into writing nsfw content. 
I’m a high fantasy writer—I like the freedom of creating a new world and not being constrained by the rules of ours. That said, I’m also a history major, and that bleeds through into my writing a lot (my main WIP is Ancient Rome inspired!). I love writing about love, and most of the time I’m a sucker for a happy ending. The romantic subplots of my series are my pride and joy.
In terms of reading, I love fantasy, historical fiction, fairytale and myth retellings, and anything in a royal setting! I’m open to almost anything, though!
Now, onto the WIP!
My main WIP is an adult fantasy series called City of Marble. 
+ Very large and very queer cast. I have more OCs than I know what to do with, and not one of them is straight
+ Ancient Rome inspired fantasy world, with some Italian Renaissance influences
+ Soft magic systems, court politics, and traveling around a beautiful fantasy world
+ I love my very smart characters who are also incredibly dumb. I’ve got at least five of them.
+ I am weak for in-universe writings of any kind. I’m slowly planning epigraphs for every chapter.
The main CoM trilogy focuses on my MC, Novellia, and starts with The Traitor’s Heir.
Novellia de Rege grew up hunted. Between being born magical in the hostile nation of Circi, and her mother’s exile leaving her alone with her vile father, she had always had a target on her back. For a while, she’d found safety hidden away in the country, until her brother betrayed her by exposing her powers to the tyrannical regime of South Circian Imperatore Basilio. Forcibly separated from her family, and alone in dangerous territory, things seem bleak. She meets and forms a bond with Northern Imperatore Enrico, and his niece Livia, but this comes with it’s own set of problems. Even in the less violent North, aristocrats don’t want the taint of associating with sorcerers. If Livia learned her secret, it could be her end.
“Keeping secrets is a survival tactic”
I’m also working on a CoM prequel, The King and The Fool
Enrico Accursio never expected to do anything great with his life. But when he visits the imperial court and meets Leonidas Greco, that begins to change. Leonidas and his best friend, Niccolo, dream of leading the empire into a second Golden Age. Enrico soon finds himself and his friends at the center of a scintillating court. But can all that glitters stay gold?
Giacomo Gallo thinks he’s had an okay life. He’s grown up a commoner, but he was born with powerful magic most people can only dream of. However, he’s growing to resent it, because even in idyllic Circi, magic is distrusted. Myths about the evils of sorcery fly around even the most open-minded circles. Luckily, he’s taken under the wing of aristocrat Basilio Vecellio. Basilio’s power can protect him, and all he wants is a few favors in return. Seems more than fair, right?
“I’m not a villain, you shouldn’t have treated me like one”
Other Tags:
OC Intros
Worldbuilding-- Worldbuilding questions
OC Asks--questions I get about my OCs
OC Faceclaims
Other Links:
City of Marble Discord Server:
City of Marble Taglist: (Interact here or message to be added/message to be removed): @theprissythumbelina @writeblrfantasy @bittenthehand @pertinax--loculos  @terrisredrose @calicojackofficial @evethenovicewriter @houndmouthed @faithfire @ceph-the-writing-spook @rose-bookblood @pinespittinink @aohendo @flowerprose @perasperaadastrawriting @marrowwife @jessica-writes22 @lockejhaven @mr-writes @dreamywritingdragon @tc-doherty @did-i-do-this-write @inkingfireplace​
@ryns-ramblings​ @wildswrites
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funkylittlebats · 9 months
I've been writing more again recently and I've been rereading some of my old stuff and I kinda wanna share some of it. But first,
I'd also have to come up with a tag for them so they're all searchable (to the extent that you can search tags on tumblr)
Here's a cute bat for your time
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syringa · 1 year
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ohhhfhg my god. claudio pigtails real
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astrumocs · 1 year
Okay who wants some asks? Rb or reply to this with some ocs you’d like asks for 👍🏼✨
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samuelroukin · 3 months
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he's literally just taking off his gear 😏🙏
(you think i can't keep this up? 😈 didn't you once ask me to live-stream my writing? this is basically that lmao 🫡)
he's literally just taking off his gear 🥵😵‍💫🥵😵‍💫
regretting saying that rn, you're just straight up torturing me (good thing i'm into that 👀)
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