#rd theories
red-dead-sakharine · 5 months
Hope keeps the house afloat
Okay, here's a wild theory...
Lore background:
Souls are tortured in the hells to extract their potent energy
Infernal machinery is powered by souls
I present to you:
Hope's soul is fueling Raphael's rocket engines.
Hope keeps the House of Hope afloat.
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Revel in the irony.
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But it still floats after she's free/dead!
Counter: She's not being tortured 24/7 either. There could be a "storage", and Raphael only has to squeeze her soul for energy, when the storage is empty. You know, like a car running on fuel.
Admittedly, a single soul might not be enough to fuel those engine monstrosities, unless perhaps the soul is special? Which Hope might be. Raphael sure wanted her badly to join him. It could explain why he's lenient with her, even after you free her. Because he wants to use her as fuel again, so he'd like to avoid killing her.
This theory has no basis other than souljuice = energy lore, and the fact that Hope is shackled to the two main engines.
But, I'd argue, it's at least a very compelling idea...
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roachemoji · 8 months
my dash today is full of ST and Riverdale theories what the fuck did I miss
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discluded · 1 year
because homophobes already got me in a bad mood on the first day of pride, fuck it.
if you think I'm talking out my ass about the Proud of Mile post, hot tip: Mile follows worldofboysss on IG. if you're curious which posts he liked, pro tip: there's only like 244 posts 🥰
enjoy hot gay men 🌈
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bowenoke · 9 months
do u guys want the parallels.png or lore.png next week
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vaugarde · 1 year
will never understand the idea that “stories that never give concrete answers and only serve to influence theories” inherently means that a story is lazy and cant commit/its only a cop out. like, sure it CAN be that sometimes but the idea of creating a piece of art that exists solely to drive the creativity and passion of people and create a community full of interpretation and discussion? that makes me feel soft
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
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bruh he rly can't be stopped
ike was in second place at 95 wins, let that sink in for a minute
#DCB PoR Run#it's usually a smaller gap between him shinon and haar in rd but in por forget it#he gets over 100 wins higher than second place almost if not every single time#in rd there are more like... rly tough ''can do it by themselves'' units#but in por oscar is the only one i trust to just fly out there and zip zip zoom#and thus... we get this LOL. i don't even do it on purpose it's just... how i play#i DID do some differentish stuff this time overall but my top units were all mooostly the same#i reused a few that i hadn't used in ages and i started using haar pretty recentlyish#he's not rly that amazing in por and it's hard to do much with him in this game bc he joins so late#and i have most of my units figured out by then except ranulf who i know i'm saving a spot for#but at least he gets to make up for that in rd a whole lot. i actually told myself that maybe#this time in my next rd file i should take someone else who isn't haar to the tower of guidance#bc he usually falls off a tad bit for the tower and almost never doubles at that point#so in theory i could trade him out for someone i haven't brought in before like caineghis or renning or smth#but LISTEN I ALWAYS CHOOSE MY UNITS WITH MY HEART FIRST AND FOREMOST#that's why i keep picking tormod over pelleas even tho i want pelleas too#but by then i have too many mages/healers and tormod is better to have bc he has his double A support with sothe#also ig bc haar always does so much for me prior to the tower that i feel bad not bringing him lol#actually hey maybe i could swap haar for geoffrey next time... thonkers...#the question is if i can actually go through with it by the time i get to that point LOL#anyway oscar in por is the only one who is this great and im so proud of him
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queen-of-the-queers · 2 years
I get what you're saying about the work/relationship dynamic and yes I'm sure the FBI has protocols but and unpopular opinion time but that would be twice Betty hooked up/had a relationship with a superior, like this is more than boss/worker there is a rank and file to law enforcement and at the end of the day I think it would diminish Betty as a character if this happened again. It sucks the writers dangled this carrot, there was a way to do it w/out all the other implications but alas....
Hey anon!!
Yeah, I definitely get where you're coming from. To be honest, it's not the fact that this relationship isn't going to happen that bothers me; it is the queerbaiting in the promo. I understand why many people don't ship BettyDrake, and that I am in the minority for really enjoying their scenes. And I also am happy for Barchie fans, getting their ship explored!
I just wish they could have gone about this in a more respectful and honest way; giving Betty a bisexual plotline and boosting some other ships, but not at the expense of side queer characters.
With that said, thank you for coming to me with your opinion- I'm always happy to hear everybody else's perspective on things!
Enjoy the episode tonight!
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localcouchgremlin · 1 year
'gerards such a heartbreaker!!' mate the only thing he's breaking is their record of how many unique strange sounds he can make and a shit ton of vases, pack it up ao3
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vampiredraws · 1 year
the way this show can go from 0 to 100 and then all the way back to 10 in seconds is fascinating
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 months
DCxDP fanfic idea: Corporate Rivals
Bruce is really excited to hire a boy genius from a small time town. He found him by accident while scrolling through some creative writing competition past winners on various school sites. He originally wanted ideas for his own contest for the annual Wayne Young Writers Scholarship when he stumbled up Amity Parks Youth Authors.
Daniel Fenton's science fiction had won second place, and Bruce thinks he only lost due to the judges not realizing all the science of the gadgets his charaters used were real. Real, well explain and proper research. Daniel obviously knew his stuff and knew it well.
He had reached out to Daniel with a science scholarship opportunity, wanting to see what he would come up with. He gave him a basic assignment asking him to fulfill a prompt "Software or Hardware development for disabled" in either theory or model. If he created something worthwhile, Bruce would send him ten grand.
Daniel did not disappoint, not only doing the theory paper but also sending back a prototype of a pocket ASL translator. It would be an app on a phone that would have an AI watching through a camera of the person doing sign language and say out loud what the person was saying. It had a few bugs here and there, but for a high schooler, those were very impressive accomplishments.
Bruce found himself sponsoring the boy for early high school graduation. The young Fenton boy was a genius just like his parents, but he lacked proper motivation. Bruce suspected it was due to his school not challenging him enough much like Tim.
When Daniel got his diploma Bruce offered a few rid to Gotham University with the condition he would be a employee at WE. Daniel agreed under the condition it was as a proper employee and not a unpaid intern. A little daring for a kid getting already a amazing deal but Bruce liked his moxy and agreed.
Daniel Fenton was to be a worker in the RD department for WE tech in one week.
He couldn't wait to introduce him to Tim. Two young geniuses would get along swimmingly with their shared brain prowess!
Tim hated the new guy.
They were the same age, but everyone acted like he was amazing for finishing high school and starting university while also being a top WE reseacher and Devloper at such a young age.
Oh Tim was CEO, but as many people have whispered, he didn't graduated Highschool or have a GED so the only reason he got to be CEO was because of nepotism. Danny on the other hand got his position through hard work.
Which was ironic, seeing as the company has never done so well since Tim came on board. Their sales, PR, and production numbers all tripled because of him. Danny, on the other hand, was a sloth with little to no ambition. He didn't even work well with others! He mostly did solo projects and everyone seemed fine with that since genius "need their own space"
Tim has been networking since he was three years old, and failure to do so had always reflected badly on him and his company. He spent his entire life careful choosing his words and his actions. Even his appearance, what he wore, his hairstyle even the hand gesture when he talked, were planned before hand.
Then comes Fenton, who avoids crowds, dressed in the worst formal wear Tim has ever seen . Black jeans were not formal!- and acted like this important office was just a after school hang out spot. Now Tim was much more laid back than his board co-workers, who were all in their fifties or older, and even more relax then the mangers or superiors of lower stations but even he could not understand Fenton blaring music, bags of chips lingering everywhere and his ordination skills were none existing!
Not to mention the fact Daniel didn't believe in using computers unless he had to. His office was covered in towers of paper that he scribbled and work on! It was such a waste!
And yet, despite all of that, Daniel was rapidly becoming an asset to WE. His ASL translator app wasn't finished, but it had everyone buzzing with excitement and would be well received when it was released with Wayne Phones as a built in app.
Tim tried to avoid him as best he could least he get offended by his lack of work proper behavior
Daniel Fenton did not understand what it meant to put your all into something that you lost yourself along the way. Best to ignore him.
Danny couldn't stand his company CEO. Timothy Drake reminded him a little too much of the A-listers but without the bulling bit. Somehow, that made it worse.
Timothy was popular because he was well liked. He didn't need to relay on his good looks or aggression to make other yeild to him like Paulina or Dash. Even if he was ridiculously good looking to the point, Danny confused him for a siren when he met him.
He had the ability to walk into any room and take command if it. Timothy didn't even need to speak, his very presence commanded attention and awe. Not to mention how great he was at his job.
WE had always been a popular corporation but under Timothy's command they rose to one of the most important corporations in the world. Bruce Wayne was raised to run a company, Timothy Drake was born to run it. There was a large enough difference between the two that anyone could see Timothy was superior at running things.
Danny was nothing like that. He couldn't talk to people, couldn't make them like him, and often he was overlooked for his sister or his wacky but loveable parents.
He was the other Febton. The one that was there and nothing else. A few months ago he was even considered the dumb Fenton, who somehow was skipped over for intelligence.
Then he wrote a little story and everything changed.
Danny turned out to be a proper Fenton, after all, having gotten the attention of Bruce Wayne for his mind. His parents haven't been so proud of him in a long time, and he found himself accepting the job position after graduating high school early before he knew it.
Along with the job came a move to Gotham city. He went after debating it a great deal with his family and friends, but the deal was too sweet to turn down. Now he was in Gothem and he knew absolutely no one.
Danny didn't know how to make new friends here. Tucker and Sam had been the ones to approach him at the beginning of their friendships. He also was scared of getting close to his co-worker less they suspect his Phantom powers.
He knew that Metas was not welcome, and he thought Batman wouldn't care that he was technically dead and not with a meta gene.
So he focused on his work, avoiding large crowds and keeping his head down. He would turn on music to help pass the loneliness and would gater papers to write down his thoughts less they made him mad by running around his head all day.
This anxious insecurity was something Timothy Drake would never understand. He just shone like a fallen star, dazzling the masses with his neat press suits, easy charisma, and intelligent bedroom eyes. Best to ignore him.
Dick never really ventured to WE now that he moved out. He made a habit of trying to visit Tim every two weeks for lunch to fix this. He also really wanted to spend more one on one time with his little brother now that they reconsidled from Bruce's timeline fiasco.
He was still well known by the employees, even new ones, so when Dick arrived to the lobby he was waved in by security. The receptionists were all huddled together muttering to eachother and missed his entrance since security didn't call out to him.
Dick could tell the gossip they were talking about was juicy based on the way Lola was wiggling her eyebrows and Stacy and Isaiah's reaction.
He creeps closer to the front desk, hoping to hear something good.
"Isn't that against the rules?" Isaiah asks.
"WE doesn't have anything like that. Not since Thomas Wayne married his old PA and had Bruce. I think it's cute that Mr.Drake is following in his adoptive Grandfather's footsteps."
Dick paused, shocked. Tim liked someone at WE!?
"They aren't even dating yet, Lola"
"Yeah but you can cut the sexual tension with a- Mr. Grayson! I'm so sorry, I didn't see you. How can I help you?"
Dick blinks. "Oh I'm here to see Tim for lunch. But what was that about Tim you were saying?"
The woman pales as the other two quickly become busy with some email or another.
"Oh, um, I'm so sorry, sir. I shouldn't have -"
"It's fine I don't mind a little chat between co-workers. I'm just curious"
Lola stares before nervously blurting "Rumor has it that um, Mr.Drake has a thing for Daniel Fenton"
"The new boy genius?" Dick thinks about it considering what he knows of Tim's type and his past preferences in partners before nodding "That tracks actually"
He says his thanks and hurries away to Tim's office unaware he may have confirmed a relationship between Tim and Danny.
The gossip circles in WE exploded with the news everyone careful not to let the two subjects hear a whisper.
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fatliberation · 1 year
Set weight theory is interesting but I find hard to believe that anyone's set weight is going to be 600lbs. And it's dangerous to ignore that being extremely heavy won't make your life harder or more succetible to some health issues.
Genetics play a big role in determining your set point, which is the place where our natural weight falls and where our bodies experience homeostasis. And sometimes that point starts out fat! I'm not sure how common it is to start out very fat, and I don't think it's impossible, but it's likely that many folks in the 600+ club have experienced changes in their set point. Set point actually increases the more depravation your body experiences. Let's say you're dieting and your weight dips below your set point. Your body basically enters starvation mode and fights for survival (slowing your metabolism, changing hormone levels to reduce fullness and increase hunger) and doing what it can to hold onto that energy deposit. Now you've regained that weight and then some, and the extra weight sort of acts as an "insurance policy" to prepare for another period of depravation. So now your set point rests at a higher weight than before. You try another diet, lose weight, and the cycle continues. According to theory, someone who has a long history of dieting, disordered eating, restriction, periods where food was inaccessible, or anything that led to weight cycling could very well have a set point of 600lbs or above.
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[ID: A graph labeled "The Set Point Theory" by Beth Rosen, MS, RD, CDN, showing a straight-sized body at a starting set point. The graph descends in a staircase-like fashion, and at the lowest point in the graph, the body is thinner. The graph climbs up to a bar higher than the original, labeled "New Set Point." The body at the new set point is wider than the body at the original set point. The graph repeats once more, and the body gradually gets wider. End ID.]
All this to say - weight loss doesn't work. No one is saying that there aren't any adverse effects that come with being that size. I have no idea where you're coming from with that but it really sounds like anti-HAES fear-mongering crap. (Health at Every Size doesn't mean "everyone is healthy at every size." It means everyone has a right to pursue healthcare without weight loss.) No one is "ignoring" the challenges that superfat and infinifat people face. What we are saying is that the alternative (weight loss) does nothing but cause harm. So just let fat people be fat, dude.
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withnofreetime · 3 months
Germany/Japan: Este hombre está muerto, pero no le han avisado.
Translation notes at the end: ‘cuz I took a lot of “creative freedoms(?)” and sometimes I forgot the meaning of words (“kanji”). Warning: I don’t know Italian, German (my sister knows) and French (a bit). Bad words.
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Page 1.
"Fratellone", an informal way to say "Big brother".
Page 2.
"All roads lead to my house", probably Sir Hima was trying to emphasize the proverb: "All roads lead to Rome".
"Avoglia", has too many meanings and uses, but in this case is "Of course!"
"Stronzi", plural of "Stronzo", literal meaning is "t*rd".
Page 3.
"Clown", I wanted France to speak French, but… there's no point...
"Bastardo", "bast*ard".
Page 4.
"C'est bon?!", two things: 1) it means "It's okay?" and 2) the diavolic song "Bon Bon Bon / C'est Bon C'est Bon!
"Merci", "thanks".
"Je vous apprécie!", in France is not common to say "I love you", so this is the most similar (and not creepy) I could find (thanks to French people of Reddit).
Page 5.
"Italie", "Italy".
Page 6.
"The City of Light", is called that because it was the first city to use gas as a source of street lights.
Page 7.
"En conséquence", because of "La Déclaration des Droits de L'Homme et du Citoyen". (Joke)
"Vaffanculo", a bad word, with a different meaning than the literal translation: "F*ck you".
"German tourists", in 2019, more than 12 million Germans travelled to Italy, and they are by far the number one. Ironically, for France (2018) it is almost the same with approximately 12 million German tourists arrived, and more than 18 million (2019) spent more nights there (second place, tho Italy is 58 million).
"Oddio", "oh, god!"
Page 8.
"Na", german slang "Hey!" (??)
Page 9.
"Je suis vraiment très belle!", "I'm really so beautiful!"
"Merci beaucoup", "Thank you very much!"
"Vero", an agreement word.
Page 10.
"England smile", I had two theories:
1) The story that Italy, the genius, has it all figured out is true and England knows it, or...
2) It has something to do with the fact that France's most visited tourists are from the UK, so sharing/robbing France's credit for winning "alone"; but it's unlikely because I don't see the point with what Francis says below.
"Che palle!", used to indicated frustration or annoyance, don't want to write down the literal meaning.
Page 11.
"Pfui" is a German expression to show disgust.
"È inutile piangere sul latte versato", an Italian idiom that translates to: "No use crying over spilt milk".
"Nein", "No".
"All part of the plan–!?", I have faith in Italy.
"Este hombre está...", "This man is dead, but he hasn't been warned", my words towards Italy and France.
Is there a problem/error? Please say so!
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So, this is how I'm processing MAGP8 and my timeline theory. I'm not sure how this really works so far, but I'll reblog with more theories as time goes on. This is just my current theory
Image Description:
[Start ID]
A square labeled "Timelines" is at the top of a digital dark-themed lined notebook page. Coming from this box is a red line signifying The Magnus Protocol timeline. There is also a green line signifying The Magnus Archives timeline. The two lines parallel each other vertically before diverging at a point labeled "1999", which is when The Magnus Institute burnt down in The Magnus Protocol. The red line continues down at an angle with the green line mirroring it, forming a triangle. The next point on the green line is marked as "2015", which is when Gertrude Robinson dies after failing to destroy The Magnus Institute. After this, still on the green line, the last marker is labeled as "2020s", which is when the Eyepocalypse happened in The Magnus Archives in season 5. The base of the triangle formed from the red and green lines is an alternating red and green dash marks, with text above the line (in the middle of the triangle) reading "Hilltop Rd rift (MAG200)".
On The Magnus Archives side of the line, a single dashed line goes out at an angle away from the rest of the diagram labeled as "Post MAG200? May have combined with TMAGP universe?" Connected to the red and green dashed line, a single red line goes down towards the bottom of the page, signifying the current Magnus Protocol timeline.
Written on both sides of this new red line, it says, "Worlds are combined. Gerry + Gertrude are from MAGP's original timeline. Celia, Chester, + Norris from MAG universe." There is a "v" shaped line below "Chester, + Norris" labeled as "JMart". The text continues on either side of the red line reading, "Unknown if more MAG characters are present. Georgie mentioned, but not sure how she ties in. Maybe she's MAGP's Georgie, not MAG Georgie... Maybe they combined into one person?" At the bottom of the red line, a single point is marked as "2024 (Sam joins the OIAR)", signifying where The Magnus Protocol starts.
[end ID]
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desertowlet · 3 months
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How things started off vs how they're going now (Twi knows they're getting invested in the mystery 👀)
This is built off my previous post I made of these two that you can see here!
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Also some thoughts I have about this little book club under the cut:
I like to think at the start of Twilight suggesting that Rarity and RD both pick up reading this mystery novel, they kinda just go straight to bickering over each others' theories (who doesn't) and use Twilight as their confidant in whatever they want to talk about regarding the book (but mostly to complain about the other's "totally wrong take and can you believe she really thought that??") But Twi is getting a huge kick out of the whole thing because just as she expected, they're both getting invested in the book!! Doesn't she have the best taste in books? (This is a rhetorical question, everypony already knows the answer is obviously yes 😌) but as much as Twilight is super hyped that her friends are getting into the story, she is STRESSING trying so hard not to spoil anything by accident — it would be the greatest offense and she would never forgive herself... plus she Pinkie Promised and nopony breaks a Pinkie Promise (and lives to tell the tale at least).
Then things start progressing and oh my gosh Rarity and Rainbow Dash are hanging out and discussing their favorite parts of the book so far even outside of their weekly book club meetings with Twilight?? They kinda become inseparable, especially the day before and after the book club meetings (can't go too long without finding out what happens next!)
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herosplatling-replica · 4 months
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started The Magnus Protocol recently - I'm barely on episode 3 but I'm having fun applying the pre-existing rd tma au (Buried Ada, Lonely Ian, Eye Intern) to the jon/martin computer theory. they're trapped, but they're together, and that's all they care about
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erikiara80 · 8 months
Why so many mentions of Barb in S4? Because it's not just about Nancy
@chirpsythismorning @lilitblaukatz I finally have a theory. I didn't understand what all those mentions meant until I found another one in 4x01.
A hidden reference, in a school project, to Barbara Henry, the woman who teached little Ruby Bridges, the first African-American child to attend the all-white William Frantz Elementary School, New Orleans. Barbara, Henry and William. And El had Henry as a mentor...
EDIT (spoiler of The First Shadow) There's another mention in . The name of main character of the play in the play (Joyce's play) the Dark of the Moon, is Barbara Allen.
So, if most of these Barb mentions/references are connected to Will and El, maybe she's not just important for Nancy's arc, but the writers are also using her story to hide hints about Will and El's story.
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I talk about the references here and here. For example, Lenora is in Santa Barbara County, the hint being 805, the area code number on the Surfer Boy Pizza van. There are two Barbaras in Brenner's crossword puzzle, the day of the massacre. This means twin imagery= Willel (and Henry/Edward) and maybe different timelines.
Another twin imagery is in S2. The owls.
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Also, Rick's house, where Eddie is hiding, is at 2121, Holland RD. Barbara Holland. 2121, another twin imagery, and 12 mention (the number associated with Will), but reversed. Rick is a reference to Dr Richard Brenner, mentioned in two articles in S1 (here). One of them is The boy who came back to life. The kids also say that there are 12 Ricks... I don't think these are coincidences.
So, S1 is all about the boy in the UD and the girl who escaped from the lab. Brenner refers to them as the boy and the girl. Will and El, the keys to save the world. In fact, this is the first question Joyce asks after Will's vanishing: 'Where are they?' (the keys) After they showed a key on the wall and keys on the table in Hopper's house.
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(screenshot by chirpsythismorning)
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Also, close up of the number of Hopper's badge, in his first scene: 380 (11) Imo, a hint that Will and El are the keys, and Joyce and Hopper are their parents.
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But S1 is also about finding Will and another girl, Barb. So my theory is that Barb represents El and the writers hid some important hints in their parallels.
The boy and the girl
Barb is bleeding when she's taken to the UD, and her attack is different from what happens to Will. But she's attacked right after the scene in Will's room, where Should I stay or should I go starts playing, and the light gets brighter, something that only happens when El and Vecna use their powers. Also, Joyce sees the Demogorgon in the wall. They connected Barb to Will.
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Another connection. El finds them in the void, and Joyce helps her. She helps El to find the boy and the girl, a parallel with her trying to find the keys in 1x01. And if Will is one of the keys, Barb represents the other key, El.
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If this is true, what are the hints about Will and El's story?
1. Water. They find Will's fake body in the quarry, and in S1 there are random shots of lakes. Something bad happened in the past (more here and here)
Barb is taken in a pool, and water is important in the show, but it's mostly associated with danger/death. They mention another death in the quarry in 1976. Will has the first vision of the UD in 1x08, when he's washing his hands, and a vision of the Mind Flayer after he washes them in S2. El sees Heather in the bathtub, Billy sees the Mind Flayer in the shower. The song when Hopper and Joyce revive Will (I don't want to swim forever... When it's cold I'd like to die- the same song that plays when Max dies). And Owens says that El is going to drown in the water tank.
This scene in S2 also seems to hint at a parallel between El and Maria's drowning scene in the movie Frankenstein.
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The word LIFE
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El and a bathtub
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And after the shot of Maria walking towards the lake, they show the radio and the number 11. Maybe this means that in the past El died, too, and was revived?
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Also, the first time Will communicates with Joyce, she only hears him breathing. Then she tells Hopper that she knows her son's breathing. But in 1x08 Will is not breathing. In S2, when he sees the storm, he feels frozen, like when you can't breath or move or do anything. He says it again in S3, three times. In S2 Becky says that Jane wasn't breathing, and the first thing Terry says to El is: Breath.
And this is also connected to the other big hint hidden in Barb's story.
2. The official "cause" of her death, the experimental chemical asphyxiant (so she couldn't breath) is a parallel with Agent Orange and a hint about the real connection between Willel and Hopper
In S3, Will, El, Hopper and Joyce are all connected to the word orange. I didn't notice it when I watched S3 years ago, because I didn't know Hopper's backstory, but now...
Robin sees a pretty girl with read hair and says: 'Twelve o'clock!' Orange and 12 mention. Will.
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Then El explodes the cup of another girl. Curiously, another redhead. Imo, another twin imagery that connect the two scenes. Also, there are four cups: Hopper, Joyce, Will and El. And the guy's outfit reminds me of a lab orderly. (I'm not forgetting Jon. I just thinks he is Lonnie's son)
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In this shot the word orange is behind Lucas, but he's telling Hopper that the Mind Flayer destroyed his cabin: Hopper's connection to the events of 1959 and the curse are haunting him and his family?
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Then my favorite part, because it connects all of them to Agent Orange and the keys.
Murray gives Jon and Nancy the keys of his house.
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Then we see one of the keys, Will, with Joyce. When she hugs him he says that he can't breath.
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And even when the camera moves on Hopper and El, we can still hear him saying 'I'm suffocating'.
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The word orange between the parents (another screenshot by Jo)
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And here. Billy (William), El and the Mind Flayer/Henry, the other person connected to the curse.
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The reason why I decided to analyze Barb's connection to Will and El is a strange detail in S4.
When El blames Brenner for all the deaths, the flashback shows Bob's death first, then Barb's. But in 4x02 the journalist says that it all started with Barb's death. I'm not sure what this "error" means. The only thing I could think of is the score at the Arcade in S2.
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1st, 75 (12) 2nd 65 (11)
11 comes before 12 but in the Dig Dug score it's second. Barb dies before Bob, but in the flashback they show her death after his. Maybe this is also about something in Will and El's past? There's still a lot to analyze.
And, of course, Barb is very important for Nancy's arc, too. I just noticed a connection to other characters and wanted to see what it could mean.
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