#redbubble Google trends
lavegasvibes702 · 2 years
Welcome back to red bubble Canva design tutorials.
In this video I will show you how to make more sales on red bubble. This tip will help you make consistent sales. You can even promote your click bank on red bubble or your own website.
You can automate your red bubble shop by taking advantage of your description as well as your thank you message to the buyer.
When creating the description, You want to include links to any other platforms or affiliate programs that you may have.
If you have click funnels or use A weber you can create an automation to send it to people when they make a purchase by including the link in the thank you message.
This Link that you include should have a landing page attached to it.
If you’re not sure how to do this leave a comment in the description and I can make future videos
Here is what it would look like if you were to have a link in your description and thank you message.
This red bubble selling top will keep your shop in people’s mind.
Your offer should give something away that is of value. Try this red bubble hack and make more sales passively with repeat customers or promote a different link to raise awareness to your other sites.
When you click the link it will take you to this Mercari page and teach you how to make thousands of dollars from home using only a cellphone when you read the free eBook in the link below for Mercari hacked. Thank you for watching this video. Please leave a like and subscribe.
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the legend 24's shop
Visit the legend 24's shop, for cool artwork on awesome products! https://www.redbubble.com/people/Kottiskottis/shop?asc=u
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yuni-5 · 1 year
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(via Don't Make Me Use My Lawyer Voice Magnet by yukicha)
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adsohaib · 1 year
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(via Summer is coming,Summer time,summer is back, summer2023 Premium T-Shirt by Averda-shop)
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cb-cana · 1 year
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(via Official Sleepshirt, Langschäfter, Morgenmuffel, Träumer- Chilling T-Shirt für Man, Frau und Kind Classic T-Shirt von Behajdin)
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djokmilsworld · 1 year
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(преко Скептиц Грапхиц Т-Схирт од дјокмил )
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abderrhim001 · 1 year
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(via i paused my game to be here Premium T-Shirt by abderrhim001)
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salenow · 2 years
Not your breakfast tacos t-shirt design
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designer78 · 2 years
Don't Follow Trend Follow Your Heart
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This design is perfect for anyone who likes Follow Trends
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merchdominator · 26 days
Dominating Print On Demand: How to Use Merch Dominator with Amazon Merch
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With the significant growth of e-commerce, the print-on-demand market is on the rise driving massive growth opportunities for businesses and individual creators looking to create and sell their unique designs, products like t-shirts, tote bags, hoodies, sweatshirts, and much more on the platform. Whether you are just starting out or already have a good presence but want to maximize your potential in the print-on-demand marketplace, Merch Dominator is the tool you need. 
Merch Dominator is an advanced research tool specially designed for POD businesses like Merch By Amazon, Amazon KDP, Etsy, and Redbubble allowing them to maximize their business growth with the latest data insights on the current market trends, best-selling products, top-ranking keywords, popular tags in the marketplace, and much more. 
All right! In this blog post, we will find how Merch Dominator is dominating the print-on-demand industry and guide you on how to use Merch Dominator with Amazon Merch. 
So, let’s get started with the basics!
What is a Merch Dominator?
Merch Dominator is an on-demand research tool For print-on-demand businesses like Merch By Amazon, Redbubble, and Etsy, which provides a comprehensive range of features and tools like product research, keyword finder, sales estimator, best-seller ranking, trademark research, Google trends, Merch Achieve, and much more to help you grow your print on demand business like a pro. If you are a POD business looking for the best and most reliable research tool that brings success to your Amazon merch on-demand business, Merch Dominator has got you covered! Try Merch Dominator for free today.
Dominating Print On Demand: How to Use Merch Dominator with Amazon Merch
Amazon Merch On Demand is a print-on-demand platform suited for sellers, individual creators, and designers looking to showcase their unique talent, skills, or arts and want to earn money. The platform offers a simple yet intuitive user interface that makes it easier for beginners to get started with the platform. But the question is how to be successful and stand out from others - since there are so many sellers in the marketplace.
Well! Merch Dominator is the best answer. If you are getting started with selling on Merch By Amazon, Etsy, or Redbubble, Merch Dominator is the tool to help you stand out and maximize your potential in the Amazon print-on-demand marketplace. This powerful tool offers a wide range of amazing features that lets you optimize your product listing with the best-selling products, top-ranking keywords, latest trends, hot topics, and popular tags to increase online visibility, drive traffic, and get more sales.
Merch Dominator provides complete solutions for your print-on-demand business allowing you to maximize business exposure on the platform. Best Sellers, Keyword research, Redbubble trends, Google trends, sales estimator, live research, product search, seller trends, trademark check, AI tools, and POD inspiration are just a few key features offered by Merch Dominator. 
What’s more? Merch Dominator is the ultimate solution for businesses looking to get noticed on POD platforms like Amazon Merch on Demand, Etsy, Redbubble, and Spreadshirt and generate a decent income more efficiently. 
To Sum Up!
Last but not least, Merch Dominator not only helps you with product listing optimization using AI but also allows you to stay one step ahead of the competition. So, what are you waiting for? Start your POD journey with Merch Dominator and make your business successful. Get started for free today!
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frankjoyblog · 3 months
How Designers and Creatives Can Make Passive Income with Ai
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In today's digital age, technology has significantly transformed the landscape of creative industries. With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), designers and creatives now have an unprecedented opportunity to leverage AI-driven tools and platforms to generate passive income streams. This article explores the various ways in which designers and creatives can harness the power of AI to create passive income and thrive in a rapidly evolving market.
Understanding Passive Income: Before delving into the specifics of how AI can facilitate passive income generation for designers and creatives, it's crucial to understand what passive income entails. Unlike active income, which requires continuous effort and time investment, passive income is generated with minimal ongoing effort once the initial work is done. This distinction is key to unlocking the potential of AI in the creative realm.
AI-Powered Design Tools: One of the most direct ways for designers to capitalize on AI for passive income is by leveraging AI-powered design tools. These tools, such as Adobe Sensei, Canva, and Designhill, utilize machine learning algorithms to automate repetitive tasks, streamline workflows, and enhance creative output. By harnessing these tools, designers can increase their productivity, produce high-quality designs more efficiently, and ultimately generate passive income through platforms like stock marketplaces and design marketplaces.
Creating and Selling Digital Assets: Another lucrative avenue for designers to generate passive income with AI is by creating and selling digital assets. AI-driven generative design tools enable designers to rapidly generate a wide range of digital assets, including graphics, illustrations, icons, and templates. These assets can then be marketed and sold on various online platforms, such as Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, and Etsy, allowing designers to earn royalties whenever their assets are purchased or licensed by users.
AI-Powered Content Creation: In addition to visual design, AI can also be utilized for content creation, opening up new opportunities for creatives to monetize their skills. Natural language processing (NLP) algorithms can generate written content, such as articles, blog posts, and social media captions, based on predefined parameters and input data. By leveraging AI-powered content creation tools, creatives can produce high-quality written content at scale, which can be monetized through platforms like Medium, Substack, and Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.
Personalized Merchandise and Print-on-Demand: Print-on-demand (POD) services have revolutionized the way creatives can monetize their artwork and designs. AI-driven personalization algorithms enable designers to offer customizable merchandise, such as apparel, accessories, and home decor, tailored to individual preferences and tastes. By integrating with POD platforms like Printful, Printify, and Redbubble, designers can create passive income streams by selling personalized merchandise without the need for inventory management or upfront costs.
AI-Powered Marketing and Monetization Strategies: Beyond content creation and design, AI can also be employed to optimize marketing efforts and monetization strategies. AI-driven analytics tools provide valuable insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and trends, enabling designers to fine-tune their marketing campaigns and target specific audience segments more effectively. Additionally, AI-powered monetization platforms, such as Google AdSense and Amazon Associates, help designers maximize their passive income potential by displaying targeted ads or promoting affiliate products and services.
Diversifying Passive Income Streams: To truly harness the full potential of AI for passive income generation, designers and creatives should focus on diversifying their income streams. By combining multiple revenue sources, such as digital asset sales, content licensing, affiliate marketing, and print-on-demand sales, creatives can create a resilient and sustainable passive income portfolio that mitigates risks and maximizes earning potential. Moreover, staying abreast of emerging AI technologies and market trends is essential for adapting and evolving their passive income strategies over time.
In conclusion, AI presents a myriad of opportunities for designers and creatives to generate passive income in today's digital economy. By leveraging AI-powered design tools, creating and selling digital assets, harnessing AI-driven content creation, offering personalized merchandise through print-on-demand services, optimizing marketing efforts with AI analytics, and diversifying passive income streams, designers can unlock new revenue streams and achieve financial independence. As AI continues to advance and permeate every aspect of the creative process, embracing these technologies is essential for staying competitive and thriving in the ever-evolving landscape of creative industries.
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yuni-5 · 1 year
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(via cute ghost pack Sticker by yukicha)
cute ghost pack
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rimaakter45 · 10 months
How to Start Earning Money Online from Day One
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In today's digital age, earning money online has become a viable and accessible option for many. With the right approach and a bit of effort, you can start generating income from the comfort of your own home from the very first day.
Your Skills, Your Income Freelancing platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr allow you to showcase your skills and offer services to clients worldwide. Whether you're a writer, graphic designer, programmer, or marketer, there's a demand for various skills. Create an impressive profile highlighting your expertise and start bidding on projects. Deliver high-quality work to establish your reputation and secure consistent income.
Online Tutoring or Consulting If you're knowledgeable in a particular subject, you can offer online tutoring or consulting services. Platforms like Chegg, Tutor.com, and Clarity.fm connect you with students or individuals seeking expert advice. Whether it's academics, language learning, career guidance, or any other specialized area, sharing your expertise can generate earn money online from first day.
Selling Without Inventory Setting up a dropshipping store allows you to sell products without holding inventory. When a customer places an order, the product is shipped directly from the supplier to the customer. Platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and Oberlo make it easy to start your own dropshipping business. Research trending products and create an appealing online store to attract customers.
Affiliate Marketing:
Promote and Earn Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services and earning a commission for each sale made through your referral link. Join affiliate programs related to your niche and promote them through your blog, social media, or YouTube channel. Amazon Associates, ClickBank, and ShareASale are popular affiliate networks to consider.
Content Creation:
Blogging and YouTube Starting a blog or a YouTube channel can be a rewarding way to earn money online. While it might take some time to build a substantial audience, monetization options like Google AdSense, sponsored content, and merchandise sales can start generating income once you have a decent following.
Online Surveys and Microtasks Several websites offer paid online surveys and microtasks that can help you earn a few dollars quickly. Websites like Swagbucks, InboxDollars, and Amazon Mechanical Turk provide opportunities to complete simple tasks such as surveys, data entry, and small online jobs.
Online Marketplaces:
Sell Your Creations If you're a creative individual, platforms like Etsy (for crafts and handmade items), Shutterstock (for photography), and Redbubble (for artwork) allow you to sell your creations online. Setting up a shop and listing your products can lead to sales shortly after launching.
Remote Work Opportunities Many companies offer remote job opportunities that allow you to work from home. Websites like Remote.co, We Work Remotely, and FlexJobs list various remote job openings across different industries. If you have the required skills and qualifications, you can secure remote employment and start earning from the first day of your new job.
Remember, while these methods offer the potential to earn money online quickly, success depends on your dedication, effort, and the value you provide to your audience or clients. It's important to stay consistent, adapt to changing trends, and continuously improve your skills to increase your earning potential over time. While earning money online from day one is possible, building a sustainable online income may require ongoing effort and learning. Please visit here earn money online from first day for more information.
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lbob11 · 11 months
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Merch Dominator is a valuable research tool that can empower Merch by Amazon sellers to uncover profitable niches, understand market trends, and optimize their listings for maximum visibility and sales potential.
What is Merch Dominator?
Merch Dominator ensure that you are able to keep a close track of how others are gaining success on Print On Demand platforms like Amazon Merch On Demand.
Best Sellers
Seller Trends
Merch Archive
Live Research
Deleted Designs
Keyword Suggestions
Popular Searches
Trending Searches
Tag Generator
POD Inspiration
TM Search
TM Watchlist
Keyword Trends
Keyword Analysis
AI Listing Creator
Keyword Processor
Google Trends
Weekly Training
Affiliate Marketing
Why should you use Merch Dominator?
Merch Dominator tool has invaluable resources for Merch by Amazon researchers looking to excel in the print-on-demand market. They empower you to explore lucrative niches, gather valuable market insights, optimize your listings for maximum visibility, and stay ahead of the competition. By leveraging the power of research tools, you can make data-driven decisions, create designs that are relevant to your target audience, and increase your chances of success.
What can Merch Dominator do for you?
Product Search
Get access to live keyword suggestions directly from Amazon and turn them into royalties. You can research keywords for all marketplaces and products and go on Amazon to research competition for these keywords and get ideas for your next design. This is the best niche validation tool there is.
Best Sellers
The Best Sellers module gives you the ability to filter through millions of products using advanced filters including keyword input, marketplace selection including KDP, product selection, many sorting functions, best seller rank, number of reviews, star ratings, price, date, estimated sales, Amazon subcategories. We’ll show you the best designs so you can find untapped opportunities to make insane profit.
Seller Trends
You can find the latest trend winners and tap into the newest trends before your competitors do.
Discover the best selling brands and reverse engineer their process to be successful on Merch By Amazon and Print on Demand. We give you all the analytics you need with a click of a button.
Merch Archive
Data is power. With Merch Archive, know exactly what was trending on a specific date? This way, when the next season or year rolls around, you’ll be one step ahead of the competition.
Deleted Designs
Keeping your Merch By Amazon account and business safe is the long term play. Wouldn’t be great to know the designs that Amazon takes down as soon as it happens. With our Deleted Designs module, you are able to access all the designs that Amazon takes down due to violations of their TOS or due to owners of those designs getting their accounts terminated, so that you can learn from their mistakes and don’t upload designs that might get your account banned.
Redbubble Trends
The Redbubble module is your key to unlocking the most current and profitable trends for any Print on Demand platform. It offers a spectrum of features, from popular and trending searches to an innovative tag generator and keyword suggestions. Essentially, this Redbubble trends tool is your powerhouse for revenue generation.
POD Inspiration
Never run out of profitable design ideas with POD inspiration. Get inspired by best selling designs from Spreadshirt, Etsy and Pinterest. You’ll be able to make best selling designs with your own spin inspired from these platform and upload them into Merch By Amazon and be the first to get into new trends
Trademark Registrations
Filter through millions of trademark applications and registrations using our up-to-date trademark database across all marketplaces and Merch By Amazon products to protect your account and business.
Trademark Search
Check trademarks for all Merch By Amazon marketplaces and products using the most advanced innovative filters in the industry in a snap to keep your account and business safe.
Listing Trademark Search
Say goodbye to checking your listing for trademarks word by work using traditional tools. With Merch Dominator, you can check an entire listing for any product in all Merch By Amazon marketplaces and products using the most advanced innovative filters in the industry in a snap to keep your account and business safe.
Trademark Watchlist
Some people turn high traffic keywords to trademarks which is a big problem for the Print on Demand industry. Use our Trademark Watchlist module to Monitor keywords against millions of records in our database across all Merch By Amazon marketplaces and products to protect your account and business from frivolous trademarks.
Keyword Trends
Find trending phrases that fellow Merchers are typing for each specific date to get an idea about what is trending if you’re lacking inspiration. Then go ahead and research these keywords in your own time and see what opportunities you can find to turn these keywords to royalties.
Who should use Merch Dominator?
Merch Dominator is an essential tool for both seasoned e-commerce entrepreneurs and budding ones. If you have creative ideas and are looking to venture into the Print on Demand world on Amazon, Merch Dominator can help you research and turn those ideas into a successful business.https://www.youtube.com/embed/XzBQDzi8OQU?feature=oembed
With its extensive reach, seamless integration, comprehensive support, and a variety of product possibilities, there is no doubt that Merch Dominator is the best platform to help you kickstart and grow you Amazon Print on Demand business in this digital age.
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lavegasvibes702 · 2 years
Ryan Hogue Redbubble Print on Demand Course Review and Results
If you are looking to make sales on Redbubble in 2022 there's a lot that you need to know that is not being shared. I started my print on demand journey in 2012. I established the LAVEGASVIBES shop by doing SEO, watching YouTube videos, using sites like skillshare to find what works through trial and error.
I want to share with you an experiment I did putting my Redbubble shop in the hands of YouTubers and their tactics that claim to make sales. I am going to share with you exactly what you should to do once you establish your niche or if you are following trends and evergreen niches.
I recommend having a dedicated shop specific to one three layer niche. Three layers will allow you to have less competition and targeted traffic. When creating designs, go to Amazon.com and search for tshirts, stickers, bedding and wall art in your niche.
To the left of the screen, click the four star customer reviews. From here search the designs on the front page. The front page will have the top selling designs on it. You can also use sites like ahrefs, ubbersuggest, demrush, monitor backlinks, mangools, Moz Pro, Majestic, BuzzSumo, or Serpstat. Create designs similar to the all the ones on the front page changing something to make it unique so that you are not directly copying.
Create designs quickly and easily by making text based tees. You can even add ornamental features like flowers or patterns to add a little flare. A secret to getting your Redbubble title is on Amazon as well. Simply copy and paste it from the Amazon design to Redbubble.
Your description should describe how the product feels or how it can be used. Don't fill your description with text describing the material, but do take advantage of this area to place any links that you may have. This could be to your linktree, YouTube, Instagram etc. Speaking of descriptions, your artist bio should be short, concise and include a link. This description should be the same on all your platforms.
This is how you can drive traffic to your site. You may not want to hear this, but tags are only half the battle. Because of tag spamming and people doing tag research like everyone else, it is very easy to get lost in the wave of designs that flood in every time people notice a trend start. Use your shop as a tag and create long tail key word tags. These will have less competition and targeted traffic.
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Take advantage of the sites that Redbubble partners with and post your content to these sites as well such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Dribble, Behance, Deviantart, Pintrest, Flickr, Google, and you personal website if you have one. When posting to these sites do not use the images from Redbubble, only use the links. You will want to use Smart Mock Ups to create unique designs that will allow you to stand out if your design is ranking with another in a similar niche. You can choose from many different mockups like office decor, clothing and more.
The best way to rank is to write articles about your own work and post them to any platforms you are on. You could create a "Top 10 Summer Tees for nurse moms", or "5 Things every office space needs", feature your products and links to them.
You could also go to news.google.com and search articles related to your niche. Filter by time to see the newest articles. This can give you ideas for emerging topics and trends. You can save topics so that you are alerted when new articles come out. If you don't feel like writing articles, you can use Quillbot.com to paraphrase articles. When posting your articles be sure to create ads to layer between the paragraphs and embed links.
If you want your shop to have likes and look credible when people click on it, simply create 3-4 additional Redbubble accounts just to like the designs you post to your shop. Or if you have multiple shops, you can cycle between them liking all your designs. You can do this free in your spare time, just as you would on social media sites.
Now it's time to let people see your creations.
Guerrilla marketing can be a risky tactic and you'll want to check you local and state laws before participating. The easiest way to market for nearly free is to use a QR code generator that links to your site. Go to ebay.com and grab a few sticker packs. You can use clear tape to put these creative stickers up with your code. You can also target areas related to your niche to advertise. If you create products related to home goods and decor, you could frequent your local Ross, Marshalls, Walmart etc. and slip your QR code into related packages. If they are adhesive, you can place them on the bottom of boxes or merchandise.
Now imagine being stung by one bee. Unless you have an allergy, chances are that you'll be uncomfortable at the injection site, but you will be okay. Imagine being stung by one bee a month. It's very unfortunate, no? But you'd be okay. Imagine being stung by all 12 bees at the same time. That's the same concept that you want to apply to marketing.
For tees and apparel, you can slip your QR into the clothes you try on at stores, or place them in the pockets of pants that are for sale. Remember you are trying to get your shop or featured product in the eyes of as many people as possible.
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Want to keep selling old junk and make over $7,000 🤑
Sign up for Mercari and get up to $30. Here's my invitation link :
Ask your friends to use their cellphone. Go to Redbubble.com from their phone and search for your shop. Click on it and browse for a while. Do this with all your friends or just message them all and ask them to check out your shop. Using different devices, different locations, at different times will help you rank better. It shows that people are active on your shop.
Now for the good stuff. The review. I deleted my entire Shop in April and started over to try out Ryan Houges Redbubble Course for print on demand. I had to delete all my designs so that none of the previous SEO linked to my site didn't alter the results. I don't want to be biased, but after sharing my before and after results using Ryan Houges course, I'd like to know what you think. Before using Ryan's methods I was averaging 1,000 visitors a months and $105 a month. After Ryan Houges program I was averaging 0 visitors and $0.
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It was so bad I thought that I would try to help Ryan's methods with targeted traffic from Fiverr. I had never used Fiverr so I was skeptical. I purchased targeted traffic, but my experience was not the best. I was given a link to monitor the traffic updates, but the traffic was not reflected in my Redbubble analytics or through my google analytics even though their link said that it was. Maybe it was just my experience, but I felt it was definitely not worth paying for.
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Ryan's techniques didn't offer anything unique that you couldn't find for free on YouTube on your own. It is well organized and put together in one specific spot so you don't have to scroll through hours of video listening to everyone say the same thing.
And let's face it, we want to make sales. There is a reason why so many people quit Redbubble before even getting started. It's because no matter how good the design is, if people do see it they can't buy it.
In summary, Ryan's methods are a great basic starter kit, but you can find all this and more on YouTube.
To see how to really make sales, SUBSCRIBE to the YouTube channel and stay tuned.
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