ravnfang · 2 months
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Dappleshine (left) and brindlewish (right)
These sassy gals took forever to draw. If you want more info abt em i can make a new post later
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torisaysyeet · 2 years
not to derail from the banger Pokemon post going on, but I made some bases for Warrior Cats :3
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Individual files can be found on my DeviantArt for free :)
My own designs based on the generations from Just-Some-Cat's clan generator, the story of which I plan to actually write :D
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Dark Forest Residences: Eggstep & Brittlebite
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Aliases / Nicknames: Egg, Weakling, Eggpaw, “Oh Stars What Is That’, The Death of Reedclan
Gender: female
Sexuality: asexual, aromantic
Family: Laceheart (mother), Squallfeather (father), Shrikesquall (brother),  Brittlebite (sister),  Scorchberry (great-great grandmother), Snowheart (grandmother)
Other Relations: unnamed mentor
Clan: Grassclan
Rank: warrior, Berserker
Characteristics: violent due to plant, shy, clumsy, overly cautious, a force of nature
Number of Victims: 27
Number of Murders: 12
Murder Method: tearing apart
Known Victims: Harrowstar, Frondcheek, Mellowwhisper, Waspshadow, Thorntail, Marrowpad, Cherrytooth, Rapidfang, Bleakspine, Sunmallow, Mistpaw, Harrowstar, Mosspaw
Victim Profile: Reedclan cats
Cause of Death: executed by Stonestar
Cautionary Tale: as seen below
As relayed by Grayruffle, Second Teller of the Clans:
During the third moon of Leaf-bare, before the blooming of the yellowbell flowers, the Clan of Reedclan, under the guidance of Late Harrowstar, Son of Grassblossom, an attack was launched upon their Clan by the forces of Grassclan, under the guidance of Stonestar, son of Adderbloom.
Dishonourable Late Shrikesquall, son of late Laceheart, fed an unknown mixture to two warriors of Grassclan--late Eggstep and late Brittlebite--Daughters of Laceheart.
According to the testimony of two witnesses, dishonorable Shrikesquall gave the mixture under the pretense of offering traveling herbs.
The effects of the herbs did not affect Eggstep and Brittlebite until they crossed the Reedclan border.
According to two survivors of the tragedy, the mixture turned the warriors into a form later given the name of ‘Berserkers’, giving them adrenaline in spades and rendering them seemingly impervious to harm.
The camp was torn apart through two points of entry.
Brittlebite tore through the nursery, having torn into the escape tunnel at the back using her claws.
The nursery at the time was occupied by three queens and their kindle of seven.
Late Marigoldberry, daughter of Hollyroot,
Late Salmonleap, child of Grassblossom,
Late Smallmoon, daughter of Grayruffle.
Of these ten, Beetlekit, son of Salmonleap, and Rosekit, daughter of Smallmoon, were the only survivors.
They were later found hidden beneath the right foreleg of Salmonleap.
Brittlebite was disposed of by honorable Harrowstar, who risked his own life to save the lives of the remaining kits.
Eggstep had broken into the elder’s den on the opposite side of camp. She killed Frondcheek, son of Late Scorchberry, and almost managed to kill Hollyroot, daughter of none, but was stopped when confronted with the warriors of Reedclan, excluding Chillspur, child of none, and Goldplume, son of Hollyroot, who were on patrol.
The warriors who confronted Eggstep were:
Late Bleakspine, son of late Firefreckle,
Late Cherrytooth, son of late Nighttooth,
Late Rapidfang, daughter of Hollyroot,
Late Sunmallow, daughter of late Rapidfang,
Late Thorntail, son of Grayruffle,
Late Waspshadow, son of Grayruffle.
Late Mellowwhisper, child of none, attempted to rescue Hollyroot. This sparked the monster back into action, and it tore her head from her shoulders with its teeth.
The monster then repeated the treatment mentioned previously on Waspshadown and Thorntail, who were standing next to Mellowwhisper at the time of the killing.
Upon seeing the deaths, Honourable Marrowpad, daughter of Grayruffle, ran towards the monster. Having known Marrowpad, it is likely that she wanted to defend the honour of her brothers (Waspshadow and Thorntail).
She attempted to claw the monster.
Her right forelimb was dislocated and then wrenched off of  her body. The beast then finished off the rest of the warriors.
Seeing this, Harrowstar, accompanied by Mistpaw and Mosspaw, mounted a final defense.
They also failed, but their deaths seemed to bring an end to Eggstep’s rampage.
She reverted to her original form, and remained in a comatose state until the next new moon.
A grand meeting of the Clans was called, and Eggstep was put on trial for destroying the Clan.
The forelimb of Marrowpad was used as evidence, and all five survivors of Reedclan testified that she had been the one to cause the carnage.
She was executed by Stonestar before sunrise.
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Aliases / Nicknames: Little one, Brittlepaw
Gender: female
Sexuality: lesbian
Family: Laceheart (mother), Squallfeather (father), Eggstep (sister), Shrikesquall (brother), Scorchberry (great-great grandmother), Snowheart (grandmother)
Other Relations: unnamed mentor
Clan: Grassclan
Rank: warrior, Berserker
Characteristics: violent due to plant affects
Number of Victims: 27
Number of Murders: 8
Murder Method: tearing apart
Known Victims: Marigoldberry, Smallmoon, Salmonleap, Ashkit, Minnowkit,  Rustkit, Nightkit, Snowkit
Victim Profile: queens
Cause of Death: killed by Harrowstar
Cautionary Tale: as seen above
See above
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ceruleanfox27 · 2 years
Something something battle cats something something screenshots
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reedclan · 6 months
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Moon 2
• Shadepaw and Grousekit get along
• Shadepaw smells an strange odor
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wasteclan · 7 months
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Introducing my clangen clan, WASTECLAN!! I've always loved messing around with clangen and the stories it creates, but I've never really done anything with my cats. So, here I am, starting a blog that I don't even really know how to run... ^_^ Image quality... so scuffed :(
I've already gotten about 20~ moons into Wasteclan, but won't be going any further until I post about the older ones on here. Until then, I suppose I'll have some foresight into the future for these cats...
First part is here
Wasteclan lives on the outskirts of a swamp. Years of industrialization in the area have turned the surrounding area into a chemical dumping ground. Wasteclan, once Reedclan, suffered a massive wave of sickness throughout its ranks.. This nearly wiped out the entire clan.
The remaining Reedclan warriors banded together, standing their ground and remaining in their original campgrounds that was now filthy and trashed. Scorchstar, taking position of leader, deemed this small group of survivors a new clan, Wasteclan.
Below are closeups from each cat shown above + a little bit of a bio I've collected with the little time I've already spent with them >:)
But before I start, I'd like to give a HUUGE shoutout to both Fallenclan and Cryptidclaw for inspiring me to start this blog. Check them out, so cool!
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Scorchstar! (She/her)
I would barely call what Scorchstar practices as "leadership." In all of its forms, what Scorchstar does to lead her clan amounts to about.. nothing. She scolds cats all day and never does any real responsibilities, much rather taking to berating her clanmates more than anything. It seems she's always itching for a fight, wanting to sink her claws into the next person that questions her leadership tactics. Starclan knows how she scored the position of leader.
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Flinthaze! (She/her)
Flint is the deputy of Wasteclan under Scorchstar's, ahem, "leadership." At this point, it's miracle that Flint hasn't dropped dead from pure stress. She seems about 10 seconds away from a nervous breakdown at any given moment. Juggling both leadership and deputy duties, she's always busy around camp and on patrol, barely allowing her a wink of sleep. But it's okay, she says she doesn't need help. She's fine. She says she's fine!
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Redlight (She/her)
It seems that out of the three leadership roles of Wasteclan, the medicine cat, Redlight, is the most competent. While awkward and charming in her own way, Red is a generally laid-back and free spirit. She knows what's best for the clan and will always put duties first. While extremely scared of confrontation, she tries her best to put Scorchstar in her place and help Flinthaze in any way she can. However, in the back of her mind, Red always fears that another wave of sickness will rattle the ranks of Wasteclan.
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Dreamymoon! (He/him)
A complete hopeless romantic, Dreamy seems to have an allure for just about every one of his fellow warriors. He loves winding stories and tales much taller than he is, making him seem more.. desirable than he thinks he is. Poor guy needs to work on his self-confidence.
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Olivewillow! (He/him)
Seemingly having dodged all of the weird and wacky traits of the Wasteclan genepool, Olive's humble, loyal, protective, and a bit sarcastic at times. Timid of Scorchstar's leadership at first, he's quickly grown into the groove of things and found himself looking forward to the future!
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Gorgeclash! (He/him)
Shy and introverted, Gorge is a new-ish warrior of Wasteclan. Finding it easier to adjust to the new leadership and clan life than most, he's finding a lot of fun with his grandfather around, Whimsybuzz. While he feels he's yet to prove his worth, he's always working towards proving to Scorchstar that he's fit for the job.
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Goldenpaw! (She/her)
Resident teenager, Goldenpaw is a typical standoffish adolescent who doesn't like taking orders from her mentor, Dreamymoon. She's an extremely aloof and brooding apprentice, rather staying in her den and writing Reedclan fanfiction than doing her duties. Scoff, whatever!
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Whimsybuzz! (He/him)
Local clan grandpa, Whimsy still has some spunk left in him from his younger days. Loving to play small pranks on his younger clanmates, he gets up to a lot of trouble for his age. He dearly loves his grandson, Gorgeclash. The two of them wind stories and share history with the kits together!
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Moorkit (He/him) & Gullkit (He/him)!
Newest additions to Wasteclan, the two half-brothers Moorkit and Gullkit get up to just about much trouble you'd expect them to. Sharing the same father, who is now, ahem, out of the picture... Moor and Gull always seem to be bickering over one thing or another.
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stagsong-art · 3 months
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Clangen is great for making up quick stories and character designs! And then taking way too long to doodle them!
Anyway, I made a new clan to mess with, after watching peoples blogs of their clans - so this is ReedClan. I had plans for main characters but the game gave me two orphaned kits (dumb and dumber up there), and went "everything shall happen to you god speed"
They get injured every second moon and keep launching themselves at things. Hero material right there. We also have either a throuple or the beginning of Why Women Kill
Close ups under cut
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moodbroads · 3 months
heyall! posted this in a discord server recently but i wanna get yalls thoughts >:D me and my friend are making a new server bout clans who live in a coastal forest and so i just wanted to put this poll up to get yalls opinions on names n stuff
theres gonna be about 3 clans but the 3rd one is still in thought so heres some random quick sketches of the other 2:
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clan 1: a dried out cove which is shallow with water at times (about ankle-high for reg cats) that has an old half-sunken ship within sand in the middle. it was abandoned by twolegs quite a long time ago when they found this land, the clan was thought to be founded by some of the cats on said ship
clan 2: these cats live on a cliff that overlooks the ocean and rely on the tide and moon to get food and materials such as seabirds to eat and seaweed to make their dens
we also lookin for suggestions for what clan 3 should be about too cuz we practically brainded rn /j
for some lil surrounding info: theres gonna be a coastal town with a fishing biz some cats steal from, an abandoned railroad with an old train thats a popular home for rouges, and some old clan ruins that nobody remembers the name or history of exept for a few elders (;
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cagedcats · 8 months
Finally playing ClanGen again, this time with LostClan.
Really enjoying the update cause the culling events actually damage my Clan (goodbye three pages of cats). Now if my cats would stop having 6 kits in a single litter
Their neighbors are FallenClan (which thematically pleasing to me ngl), ReedClan and KestrelClan (my beloathed).
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Had to go with sunken ship camp for em too- I like the idea that they were former kittypets
anyway enough of that bye bye.
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yellowtailau · 1 year
The Forgotten Warriors
The Forgotten Warriors
The Forgotten Warriors is a semi-literate warriors roleplay, up and running for over 4 years!
Join Tangleclan, a clan of hardworking, stubborn cats, nestled deep within the thick woods.
Or, join Reedclan -- Isolated on a small island, these friendly (and slightly mysterious) felines will more than welcome any newcomers.
Maybe Appleclan is more to your tastes, though? A small clan of cats with a variety of personalities, though they prefer to stick to themselves, residing in the middle of an abandoned orchard.
Hollowclan may be for you, however, if your temperament is a bit more fiery -- A clan full of feisty cats that follow their laws strictly and don't tolerate any nonsense, sleeping in the sandy clearings to prove their strength.
Our community is friendly and welcoming, our rules and information are organized in an easy-to-access manner, and creating a character is easy! What's not to love?
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thornquillthefiendish · 7 months
This is no longer an experimental clangen run
I made saves for the other clans in my SwarmClan save and have figured out backstories and lore for them I did the thing I do again I fucking overdid it
That being said the entirety of SwarmClan’s ranks has some familial drama, and rn I think the overall story for their original formation is they are all (with the exception for one founder) from one of the other four clans in their territory, ReedClan, who has consistently had a history of troublesome leadership.
If desired i can link them but i probably won’t be linking one of the family trees due to the. Innate spoilers there for my in game run.
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flighttohollis · 1 year
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Making some marked improvements on finding my style and expanding Reedclan!
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Titles of the Reedclan cats:
Late Ashkit, son of late Smallmoon
Late Beetlekit, son of late Salmonleap
Late Bleakspine, son of late Firefreckle
Late Cherrytooth, son of late Nighttooth
Chillspur, child of none
Late half-late Frondtooth, son of late Scorchberry
Goldplume, son of Hollyroot
Hollyroot, daughter of none
Late Harrowstar, son of late Grassblossom
Late Marigoldberry, daughter of Hollyroot
Late Marrowpad, daughter of Grayruffle
Late Mellowwhisper, child of none
Late Minnowkit son of late Salmonleap
Late Mistpaw, daughter of late Shyscar
Late Mosspaw, son of late Shyscar
Late Nightkit, son of late Marigoldberry
Late Rapidfang, daughter of Hollyroot
Rosekit, son of late Smallmoon
Late Rustkit, son of Late Marigoldberry
Late Salmonleap, child of late Grassblossom
Late Smallmoon, daughter of Grayruffle
Late Snowkit, Daughter of late Marigoldberry
Late Sunmallow, daughter of Rapidfang
Late Thorntail, son of Grayruffle
Late Waspshadow, son of Grayruffle
I think I got them all
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bearring · 1 year
I have been playing. So much clan gen guys I’m sorry
Here’s a link to it (I got lazy at like 2am earlier and stopped doing patrol news and age updates)
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reedclan · 6 months
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Moon 1
• Grousekit appreciates Shadepaw's helpful attitude
Nothing much happened this moon
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rensimswarriors · 2 years
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Clan:  Reedclan Rank:  Kit Gender/Pronouns:  Tom, he/him Orientation:  Undecided Previous Names:  n/a Previous Clans/Groups:  n/a Immediate Family: Scorchheart (Father) Spottedpelt (Mother) Shadowstep (Non-biological Father) Lilykit (Sister)
(Salmonkit Posts)
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