sentientsoupcan · 2 years
Mad Adventure - Regulus x Hermione Fanfiction Recommendation
Hermione traveling back in time to the Marauder’s Era is one of my favorite story tropes (i.e., such classics like Debt of Time and Yesterday is Tomorrow (everything is connected) to name a few).
Mad Adventure is a new story where Hermione travels back in time with a twist where she is reincarnated as Madeline Crouch, Barty Crouch Jr.’s older sister. This story has quickly become one of my favorites because of the rich details in the story telling, world building, and characterization. I cannot recommend this story enough. MightyMight updates the story usually once a week and sometimes even twice a week (bless them).
Check out Mad Adventure on AO3:
Mad Adventure by MightyMight on AO3 (WIP - currently at 71k) That Halloween night, Harry wasn't the only accidental horcrux made. It somehow led to Hermione being sent back to 1965. Now Hermione is wearing a skin named Madeline Crouch and she must go through hell (read: the seven years of Hogwarts) once more while completing her mission. The company wasn't so bad.
If you’re interested in Sirius Black x Hermione Granger time travel stories, I have a post full of recommendations here! Enjoy!
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perditales · 2 years
Hermione tipped down quietly to the common room and sat in front of dimmed fire on the hearth. She was awakened by another nightmare. It had been the same bad dream since this summer. A bunch of dark hooded men cursed someone else in the air and there was a mark. She felt like she knew what it was and it niggled in the back of her head. Her musing was interrupted when the door was opened by someone–or was it something–invisible.
Hermione was already stood up and her wand was ready to be drawn to the door before Regulus appeared from thin air. She lowered her wand and settled down. “Oh, it’s you.”
Regulus was panting–she heard him muttering sorry–and he leaned on the door until his breath became less labored. She asked him with her low and pressed voice as if she was whispering, “Why aren't you sleeping in your dorm?”
He just shook his head, “Couldn't sleep– I– I took a night walk.”
“You’re insane.” Hermione shook her head.
 He tapped his temple. “Maybe this so-called Black Madness is already here.”
Hermione’s eyes widened before reprimanded him. “Don’t say that.”
Regulus grunted, “Yes, fine. Anything else to add, Miss Potter?”
“You disillusioned yourself. We are supposed to learn the charm in fifth year, you know.”
In the dimmed light, Hermione never knew the blush crept in his cheek, then Regulus cleared his throat. “No harm done. I’ve been practicing it a lot.”
“That’s cool. I haven’t successfully practiced it yet. I’d like to do it as well.”
Regulus walked to the sofa and plopped down next to her. He let his back touch the sofa and straightened his leg before answering her question, “Need help?”
Hermione didn’t want to sound hopeful so she raised her shoulder and turned to him. “I don’t know. Are you offering?”
A small smirk etched on his face. “Only if you ask.”
“Maybe later.” Hermione sighed and massaged her temple. She could feel the beginning of a headache. Sighing and closing her eyes. Hermione never saw a worried feature marred Regulus’ face.
“Nightmare?” He asked her.
Hermione nodded and released another sigh. When they abroad train to go home back after completing first year, Hermione told him and the rest of her brother’s friends–because they still sat in the same compartment–her nightmare stories about trolls in the dungeon and a man with double faces hiding in behind a turban. She was glad that her brother and friends had turned her story into jokes and pleasantry–instead of pitying her. She noticed Regulus’ frown after she opened her eyes.
Hermione turned to Regulus and noticed his usually combed hair was messy. “Where have you been?”
“Upstairs. What was it– your nightmare– if you want to talk about it?”
“I know, we sleep in a dungeon.” Hermione ignored his question–just like he did.
Hermione sighed and decided to tell him what she saw in her dreams. Regulus was fast at knowing things and his only comment was a guess. “It could be His followers–Death Eater–could it be? And they casted His mark.”
“I have a similar thought…”
Regulus draped his arm over her shoulders. “It’s safe here–in Hogwarts—Dumbledore won't let Him come. He feared him.”
“Headmaster Dumbledore, Reg.”
Regulus just snorted. “Of course. 
“Well, I already had a nice sleep before my nightmare. It’s you who need sleep. You have your match this evening, you know. ”
There was a sudden announcement–two days ago–of a new arrangement of the Slytherin Quidditch Team and Regulus was transferred from reserve player to the main player for this year. She was surprised and couldn’t maintain her excitement for her friend by hugging Regulus in the common room. She was never absent cheering him on the pitch at his practice. 
“It's a full moon.” Regulus looked to the window unconsciously as if he could see the moon underwater–because they were in a dungeon. “I saw your brother running in the courtyard with someone,” he added.
Hermione’s heart picked up its rate. Full moons. She knew what happened in the full moon with her brother’s friend–Remus Lupin–and she had an inkling that Regulus also knew about that.  “Are they alright?”
“I don’t know. I don’t see them inside. He wasn’t with my brother though.”
Hermione’s heart sagging. If James wasn’t with Sirius it meant there was no prank involved. She released her breath. “Do you know who was with him? Pettigrew?”
Regulus shook his head and he looked thoughtful. “Not mentioning Lupin tonight, aren’t we?” He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. 
Hermione schooled her face and shrugged noncommittally, “Well, he is a prefect, Reg. He wouldn’t want to break rules, would he?”
“Not because of the moon?” His smirk broader.
Hermione narrowed her eyes now. “You’re fishing.”
“Well, something is fishy. No pun intended”
Hermione shoved his shoulders. “That’s bad.”
Regulus sniggered and Hermione just gave him a small smile. After that, they spent their time in silence before Regulus yawned. He stood up and offered Hermione his hand. “Let’s just rest for–what is it–four hours? Then we can have breakfast.” 
“You go first.”
“No, ladies first.”
Hermione rolled her eyes, accepted his hand, and they went to the stairs together. Before she turned left to the girls' dorm, Regulus held her arm. “Try not to sleep at my first match, yeah?”
“I won’t”
“And don’t bring any book.”
“You are asking.”
“Call me swot once more, you aren't allowed to copy my notes.” Hermione shoved his ribs playfully. Regulus chuckled quietly. He winked at her and left her speechless on the stairs. Feeling her stomach flutter, Hermione decided to go to her dorm and try to sleep rather than staying in the common room.
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bccksmarts · 9 months
Oh go on then, as a bloody treat
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ANYWAY—good afternoon!! I hope everyone's doing well today!! Gonna be here shortly but as of right now I'm just being a feral lil' gremlin and jamming ✨
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colubrina · 2 years
That Regumione snippet where she’s just wandering around Grimmauld is low key hilarious, because the girl really managed to accidentally travel back over 10 years ago in the past, meet a now-dead guy, and come back with him. She leaves the room for a bit because she cannot keep staring at the book, and when she comes back, she’s got a teenager that died over a decade ago with her. Ron and Harry are just hanging around, looking for ways to destroy horcruxes, and their best friend left for a handful of minutes and comes back with Regulus Black, a man who died before they were even born. How does one adjust to having a dead man now living in the house with you, you have never met this man before, and all you really know is he was a Death Eater, he betrayed Voldemort and died in the process, and he’s the younger brother of Harry’s deceased godfather? Who knows, Harry, Ron, and Hermione sure don’t, but they’re gonna have to figure it out now
Magic is very difficult! You have to expect this sort of thing to happen sometimes! Time travel is canonically possible, so…
(I love all of these asks. Thank you so much!)
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hermioneshipsgalore · 2 years
mutual interest
Captivate by ashenrenee6968 | T | Romance
They watched each other closely. She sat at the Gryffindor table next to his brother and watched him where he sat with the Slytherins. He fascinated her, much to Sirius' disappointment. There was something to be said for the younger Black brother, who ate his meals and lived through his days in perpetual silence.
“You'd rather read books and ogle my brother than spend time with me?”
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soundtracktojune · 2 years
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“LISTEN TO ME!” His mother knelt to grasp his wrist, forcing him to meet her eyes. “Your brother will live a hard life.” The pressure around his wrists grew. “He will be alone. His friends will abandon him. He will stumble through life in misery. He will come to regret all that he has done.” Regulus felt like his wrists could snap. Walburga held on. “The only people you can truly count on is your family. You, me, and your father. No one else .” “He will come to you, Regulus. He will reach out. He will tell you pretty things about his life. They will all be lies. You must never forget what he has done. You must never forget this day.” Regulus shook his head, desperate. “Today is day he left you. He left his little brother.”
excerpt from chapter 7 from my fic "Invisible Strings" which is now live! read it on AO3 and FFN! Time travel, the 70s, elf rights, healing, and the angst of staying canon compliant
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nauticalparamour · 3 years
If you’re still taking prompts, #156 regulusXhermione? Also, I just wanted to say I love your writing! Thank you so much for sharing it :)
Aw, I am so happy to hear this, anon 🥰🥰 thank you for the prompt and sorry for the delay in getting to it!
Hermione looked up in surprise as her boyfriend of four months jogged into the living room, where she’d been waiting for him patiently, from his bedroom. She was a little annoyed at being kept waiting when he was the one who had insisted she arrive an hour early because his mother detested people who weren’t punctual.
“Regulus’s, what is the deal?” she demanded, seeing his father un-put-together state. He was still dressed in only a white undershirt and jeans, barefoot, his dark hair still wet from the shower. “You were the one who wanted to me to meet your family.”
“I know,” he said, a pained look on his face. “But now that is actually about to happen I feel like I’m going to hyperventilate.”
“Come on, Reg,” Hermione said, rolling her eyes. “I am sure that your family can’t be that bad.”
“Ha,” he answered humorlessly. “Can’t be that bad? Can’t be that bad? Sirius is a lush and a womanizer. My father is a paranoid freak. And Mother—“ he sucked in a deep breath “—is a harpy.”
Hermione stared at him with wide eyes, wondering where her normally confident boyfriend had gone and when he’d been replaced by this anxiety ridden pacer. Seriously, if he made one more pass through the living room she was certain he would wear a hole in the rug.
“Well, that sounds unpleasant,” she said, grimly. Maybe she shouldn’t have agreed to meet them all at once?
“But it’s okay because I’ve got a plan,” he told her his arms crossed over his chest. The pacing resumed.
“A plan?” Hermione repeated, skeptically.
“And I’m like 20% sure this plan will work,” Regulus continued, not having heard her. “The other 80% means we could die horribly and violently, but honestly it’s a really solid plan.
“Uh huh,” she said. “What exactly is the plan?”
He stopped and turned to look at her. “We don’t go,” he said with a frown. “Just tell Mother that we are sick and can’t go. Of course if she ever finds that I lied she will kill me, but I think we can pull it off.”
Hermione hopped up from her spot on the couch so she could stand in front of him. “Regulus!” she said, hoping to get his attention back on her. “Your family can’t do anything to scare me off. Not even if your brother drinks too much or your dad shows me an end of the world bunker or if your mum makes fun of me to my face about some fashion faux pax.”
“Really?” he asked, looking at her skeptically. “Because I think they are worse than you imagine. They have really horrible opinions and views — well, not Sirius, but he’s Sirius.”
“I promise,” Hermione repeated. “Do you share their opinions?”
“Well, no, of course not,” he scoffed.
“Then there is no way they could scare me off. Because I know that you are not your family,” she said with a smile. “Plus I love you too much now to let you go quite so easily.”
His smile went a bit dopey at her sudden confession. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her in for a quick kiss. “I love you, too,” he said, his voice sappy.
“Then go finish getting dressed so we can still show up on time for your family dinner,” Hermione ordered in her bossiest voice. “And I promise to fake a terrible migraine if you can’t handle it anymore so we can leave early.”
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dia-oro · 3 years
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Hermione Granger/Severus Snape, Regulus Black/Hermione Granger/Severus Snape Characters: Hermione Granger, Regulus Black, Severus Snape, Andromeda Black Tonks, Kreacher (Harry Potter) Additional Tags: The Severus Snape & Hermione Granger Shipping Fan Group's Scratch That Niche Fest, Rare Pairings, Time Travel, Mostly Canon Compliant, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Triad - Freeform, Triad Magic, Soul Bond, Fate, emotional bond, mind magic, Implied Sexual Content, Implied Smut, implied threesome, Happy Ending, Angst with a Happy Ending, Feels, Angst and Feels, Major character death - Freeform, Love, Heartbreak, Loss, Angst, Fluff, Complete Summary:
Hermione finds herself brought back in time, where she discovers pieces of her soul she hadn’t known she was missing.
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sahanna · 4 years
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Regulus Arcturus Black and Hermione Dagworth-Granger in Oblivion.
Written by Nautic Paramour.
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calebski · 4 years
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Regumione Tales  FF / AO3
[Hermione Granger x Regulus Black]
Hermione brushed her fingers over the cool metal of the time turner in her hands and felt her heart slowly making its way into her throat. For almost a year, she had wanted nothing more than this, to see the object currently within her grasp fixed, functional and ready to go. She remembered something her Granny had always said about the problem with wishes from the heart it was that you sometimes got them.
In Reverse
“I need a spell,” Regulus said eventually, trying to keep his voice level. He wanted to whisper, to lean forward to block out the chance of anyone overhearing, even though there was no one around.  
Pandora nodded, removing her hands from the ground and shaking them off. “People always do,” she replied, meeting his steadfast expression with an impassive gaze of her own. “Though I would imagine,” she said, wiping the dirt off her long fingers, “that you have all kinds of books scion Black. More than I could ever dream of. So what sort of spell would make you travel to my home at dusk?”
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hp-ficrecs · 5 years
Oblivion by Nautical Paramour
Hermione/Regulus Black
Summary: Kreacher sends Hermione back in time with the hopes that she will save Regulus an destroy the locket. Hermione figures she will have an ally to help her destroy the other horcruxes, too. But, Regulus Black doesn't turn out to be anything like she expected he would.
Complete (word count: 111,180)
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perditales · 2 years
His colossal mistake.
In fourth year, Hermione Potter hugged Regulus Black when he was announced as the new Seeker of Slytherin Quidditch Team–The Boomslang–in front of student members in the common room. The Slytherin old Seeker was a seventh student–named Rabastan Lestrange–and he clapped Regulus’ back and congratulated him while saying he trusted Regulus to uphold the Slytherin tradition of winning the Quidditch cup.
In fifth year, she accidentally kissed him at the party in the common room after The Boomslang won the match between The Ravenswood, Ravenclaw Quidditch Team. She was supposed to peck his cheek–not his lip–but there was nothing to be done after that except she was blushing when she felt Regulus’ lip move against hers. They never talked about their kiss. 
After that, every morning, Regulus was ready at the end of the stairs to greet her and–being the gentleman that he was raised to be–he asked her if he could bring her bag. They started sitting at the same table every class. Being a partner in Potion–something Slughorn bragged about his two favourite students –and they grew very close. When she was reading in the library, Regulus would join her. Hermione also attended every practice and cheered for him–in practice and –in the game.
In sixth year, Regulus’ world was turned upside down. He felt conflicted on his family beliefs and Hermione’s. He felt he was at the happiest moments in his life with Hermione.  Quidditch came second after Hermione. His number one priority was making Hermione smile, seeing her smile, and hearing her laugh. Between holding hands, cuddling, hugging, even kissing he couldn't shake the feeling that this moment would not last forever. Between choosing Hermione or his family’ beliefs, he chose the latter. His colossal mistake.
In seventh year–when the war was brewing outside the castle–Regulus proposed. A week after that, they had a row. Hermione saw his inner left arm–where he got his dark mark more than a year ago–after she woke up earlier than him. She left the ring on his table and before leaving his room she said, “I thought you loved me.”
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hermioneficrecs · 6 years
Fic Rec #319
The Right Path by CauseChocolateRocks
Hermione x Regulus Black
After a Timeturner accident sent her back in time, Hermione Granger faces the events she knows she can't change, and tries to be ignored. But, despite her best efforts, she attracts the eyes of some people, and manages to fall in love, only to find that the events didn't exactly happen the way she though they had...
COMPLETE:  Chapters: 44 - Words: 107,881
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hermioneshipsgalore · 2 years
a different kind of time travel
Oblivion by nauticalparamour | M | Romance/Adventure
Kreacher sends Hermione back in time with the hopes that she will save Regulus an destroy the locket. Hermione figures she will have an ally to help her destroy the other horcruxes, too. But, Regulus Black doesn't turn out to be anything like she expected he would.
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soundtracktojune · 2 years
“LISTEN TO ME!” His mother knelt to grasp his wrist, forcing him to meet her eyes. “Your brother will live a hard life.” The pressure around his wrists grew. “He will be alone. His friends will abandon him. He will stumble through life in misery. He will come to regret all that he has done.”
Regulus felt like his wrists could snap. Walburga held on. “The only people you can truly count on is your family. You, me, and your father. No one else .”
“He will come to you, Regulus. He will reach out. He will tell you pretty things about his life. They will all be lies. You must never forget what he has done. You must never forget this day.”
Regulus shook his head, desperate.
“Today is day he left you. He left his little brother.”
excerpt from chapter 7 from my fic "Invisible Strings" which is now live! read it on AO3 and FFN! Time travel, the 70s, elf rights, healing, and the angst of staying canon compliant
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nauticalparamour · 3 years
Hi! I hope your day was pleasant!
which story did you have the most fun writing?
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Thank you, yes for the most part it was very pleasant! I am not sure which story you are meaning. If you mean the drabbles (and I have like 11 still I need to write 😅🤣 I am the worst) maybe the Antomione jewel thief one?? I just love the idea of Hermione being bamboozled, haha.
But if you mean fanfics that I’ve posted…that’s a tough one! Probably the fic i am fondest of at this point might be Oblivion? I just really felt like everything came together so perfectly on that fic and I love writing confused little Regulus. I also loved The Girl In the Tower or like Ain’t No Rest For The Wicked??? Death, Upright?? I don’t know, I guess I kind of like the ones where Hermione ends up being more than a bit grey 😂 I’m noticing a trend.
Thank you for your note 💕💕
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