#remus raising teddy
tracingpatternswrites · 6 months
The Patchwork of Us
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My darlings, this story is now finally complete and what started as a crazy NaNo project turned into this. I had no idea this silly little Muggle AU about Wolfstar being forced to co-parent Teddy against their wills would turn into such a massive story, but it's truly been a fun journey.
Thank you to everyone who has been following this story from the start and who have been encouraging me with kudos and comments. You are the best and I appreciate you all so much!
Title: The Patchwork of Us Pairing: Sirius/Remus Rating: E WC: 77.3k Tags: Muggle AU, Slow burn, Enemies to Lovers Warnings: Referenced child abuse, PTSD, panic attacks Summary: Remus had never wanted to be a father, and when Tonks told him she was pregnant he walked away. Sirius didn't have a child of his own, but he considered Teddy to be his son in all but blood and when Tonks fell ill, he never hesitated to open his home to them to help her with the boy. When Tonks passes away, Remus is faced with a choice: step up and be a father or stay out of Teddy’s life.
However, reappearing in Teddy's life is not easy. Sirius has trouble forgiving Remus for walking out on Teddy, and Remus thinks Sirius is a stuck-up, posh, know-it-all who believes he is better than everyone else. Now they’re supposed to co-parent a child while also navigating their own complicated feelings about the situation, and each other.
Read on AO3.
Teaser below the cut:
Remus turned his collar up against the wind as he stepped out of the station and onto Church Road. Arriving at Richmond Station always made him a bit disoriented, there were always too many people bustling around and he had to push his way through the crowd and towards the opposite entrance to where everyone else was going.
There was a vicious wind today, a damp sort of coldness in the air and heavy grey skies as if it could start raining any moment (which it probably could, this was London in October after all). It was early, too early, and Remus shivered as he set off at a brisk pace, clutching a once-hot cup of coffee in his hand. He fiddled around against the wind a little before he managed to light a cigarette, his nerves settling slightly at the first drag.
He walked the now-familiar route towards his destination, a nervous sort of flutter in his chest. He wondered how long those nerves were going to be there for, if he would ever just get used to this. It didn’t feel like he ever would.
Too soon he turned onto the right street, unable not to pull a face at the sight of the giant houses lining the streets as he flicked away his cigarette butt. He felt misplaced in his too-thin jacket and cheap clothes. Not that anything he wore was ever dirty or torn, but in this neighbourhood he was simply wrong .
Everything about him was wrong; the fact that his boots were worn down, his coat second-hand, the scarf around his neck hand-knitted, his hair too long and not in a stylish way but more a haven’t-been-to-the-barber-in-a-while way. His limp was wrong. At least it was a good day and he had chosen to leave his cane at home, despite the walk, just because he hated how awkward people got around him when he used it.
He made his way up the driveway to the correct house, his fingers brushing over the giant door knocker in the shape of a dog, which looked more like a wolf, before he used it to knock.
It took unusually long before the door swung open, and to Remus' surprise he found himself standing face to face with none other than Sirius Black. Usually, the other man kept out of the way in the mornings, but apparently not this time.
Sirius somehow didn’t seem out of place in this posh street, even though Remus thought he should with his long hair and tattoos and his motorbike. He didn’t though, Sirius Black looked as if he was born to live on a street like this, in a house like this, and Remus figured he probably was.
“We’re running a bit late,” he grouched, barely even acknowledging Remus with a look before he turned around to make his way further into the house. “You better come in.”
Remus hovered a little awkwardly in the doorway before he did as he was told, pulling the heavy door closed behind him as he followed Sirius inside.
If Remus felt out of place on the street outside, it was nothing compared to how he felt inside Sirius’ house. It was massive, ridiculously large considering it was only two people living there. Remus knew nothing about art or decorating but he had a feeling most of the stuff on the walls, and the furniture, were expensive.
Sirius led him through the initial hallway, further along into the large kitchen at the back of the house. Even though Remus disliked almost everything else about this house, he did love the kitchen. It was light and airy, modern, and the wall facing the back garden was almost completely made out of glass with doors that easily slid open during the summer.
Remus would love to cook in here one day, all the appliances were state of the art and the surfaces shiny and spacious. It was a far cry from his own tiny kitchen in his tiny flat. Remus had picked up cooking a couple of years ago, and he frequently dreamed about moving to something bigger, somewhere he could really test his wings.
“Here,” Sirius said, shoving a mug into Remus’ hands as soon as he entered the kitchen. “You better sit down and wait.”
Remus did as he was told, ignoring the way the palms of his hands burnt as he breathed across the hot liquid. Milk but no honey, Remus noted as he took a sip from the tea. He could feel Sirius watching him from where he was leaning casually against the kitchen counter, his arms folded across his chest, and it took Remus everything not to squirm underneath his gaze.
The silence was heavy around them, and Remus felt an urge to do something about it. To speak, even though he had no idea what he was supposed to say. He swallowed thickly, distracting himself by drinking the scalding liquid too quickly, and he was grateful as Sirius pushed off the counter with a sigh.
He strode back into the hallway, and Remus could hear him as he leaned against the banister of the staircase leading upstairs.
“Edward, don’t make me come up there! Remus is here, you need to go, or you’ll be late.”
“I’m coming ,” sounded an annoyed voice from upstairs. “I can’t find my bag.”
“It’s already down here,” Sirius replied and Remus thought he heard a little strain in his voice. “I’m counting to ten.”
Sirius returned to the kitchen, his eyes snagging on Remus for a moment but he didn’t say anything, and moments later there was the thundering noise of footsteps on the stairs before Teddy appeared in the doorway. He was dressed in his school uniform, smart white shirt and dark trousers together with his blazer and tie, both dark blue with light blue stripes.
The boy’s hair was the same sandy shade as Remus’ had been at that age, his chin and nose a little pointy, eyes a dark brown. Remus never quite got used to seeing hints of himself as a boy peeking through as he looked at Teddy. He stood quickly to distract himself.
“I’m here ,” Teddy said, a sullen look on his face. “Headmistress McGonagall said she’d give me detention if I was late for assembly one more time this week.”
“You better hurry up then if you’re going to have time for your breakfast,” Sirius replied, unphased, as he handed him his bag. “Remember, I’m picking you up and then we’re going to Harry’s tonight for dinner.”
Teddy accepted the bag with a sulk, “Whatever.”
“Attitude,” Sirius warned, a sharp eyebrow raised as he held onto the bag until the boy flicked his gaze up to Sirius’ face, and Remus could see something passing between them before Teddy’s shoulders slumped.
“Sorry,” he muttered, allowing Sirius to pull him into a hug, and Remus saw his arms sneaking around Sirius’ waist.
“That’s alright,” Sirius promised him, gently nudging him to stand straight, brushing an affectionate hand through his hair. “Love you, sprog.”
“Love you too,” Teddy muttered, and Remus felt something needle in his chest, something he didn’t have the words for as the boy turned around to look at him. “We need to hurry.”
“Right,” Remus said, a little awkwardly as he set down his mostly empty mug. “Let’s go then.”
Teddy disappeared into the hallway without another word and Remus cleared his throat, glancing down at the mug.
“Thanks,” he said, then added, “for the tea.”
“Sure,” Sirius said, following Remus as he went after Teddy. “You probably should hurry; McGonagall isn’t joking when she threatens with detention and Teddy really needs to get some food into him before school.”
Remus bristled at the tone, the same tone Sirius always used when he talked to Remus about Teddy. As if Remus couldn’t figure out that an eight-year-old needed to eat breakfast in the morning. Remus wanted to tell him that, wanted to give a scathing comment about exactly how he felt about Sirius’ superior attitude, but he swallowed what was on the tip of his tongue.
“Right,” he said instead as he adjusted the scarf around his neck. “Better be off then.”
Continue on AO3.
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sommerregenjuniluft · 10 months
@wolfstarmicrofic august 21 — Ice Cream — 1.5k words — this one's for @appreciatedmoron because if bea wants wolfstar microfic bea gets wolfstar microfic<3
“Dad,” Teddy shrieks in his ear, starting to wildly trash in the fragile hold against Remus’ boney hip, “Dad, look! There’s the Ice Cream van!”
Remus sighs, internally cursing his choice of parking spot. He’s only just taken Teddy out of the car seat. 
He’d hoped to make the Gelato trip back from the beach, not the other way ‘round. But that’s the thing with kids, one mention is nearly a promise and Teddy is five which means he’s relentless on a good day and Remus more often than not doesn’t have the backbone nerve to argue.
“Blue, blue, blue, bl—” 
“Yes, yeah, Teds, goodness sake, we’re getting you,” Remus squints his eyes at what the small sign in the display says, “Blueberry Wizard.”
Teddy lets out an excited litany of giggles, trembling in Remus’ arms. He should definitely be more meticulous about his sugar intake again.
The pudgy, young woman behind the counter throws him an amused look that Remus feels himself flush at, “Um, and I’ll take a scoop of dark chocolate, please. Both in a cup.”
Remus is reaching for his wallet, looking back up only for him to experience some sort of whiplash at the flurry of pale skin and raven hair he hadn’t heard arriving.
His head pounding with the way his eyes are trying to take in everything at once. Long hair and broad shoulders under an obscenely low buttoned, thinly striped shirt. Remus counts red, yellow, blue, is pretty sure there’s a hint of white in the mix but is then distracted by the sinful display of chest. Fine dusting of dark hair and tattoos, fuck, and pecs that look like he’s either lifting weights or working with his hands and Remus is actually in serious danger of fainting right now.
What Remus, belatedly, realises—far too occupied mapping the stranger’s beauty marks on his face and the regal jut of his nose bridge—is that there’s an equally black haired but significantly more dark skinned boy crawling up the man’s length as well.
“Go on, Hazza,” the man nods his head at the array of different Gelato, voice rich and deeper than Remus had expected.
His toddler lets out a long breath, “But how do we know which ones are good?”
The way the gorgeous man’s lips twitch has Remus’ knees attempting to buckle, “Well, you could always ask for recommendations.”
The kid’s mouth forms an ‘o’, nodding importantly, and then proceeds to lean right around his adult to where Remus is standing dumbly, “Hello, which flavours are the tasty ones?”
Remus feels his mouth work uselessly, barely daring to look the other man in the face.
Thankfully, his son has no such qualms, “Hi, I’m Teddy. The blue one is my favourite.” 
The bespectacled boy follows with wary eyes as the cup gets handed over the counter and into Teddy’s little palms. 
Luckily for him, Teddy is not done yet, “And I also looove Banana,” takes a big glob on his little plastic spoon, “And strawberry, and vanilla, and—”
Remus absently puts a gentle palm against Teddy’s cheek to quiet him down, then lets him onto the ground, leaning back up to chance a glance at the stunning stranger.
Which seems to be staring back at Remus with a nearly empty expression, safe for the slightly slack jaw.
Remus scratches at the sweat-damp curls at the back of his neck uncomfortably and the man’s eyes flutter, then he blinks violently before his head shoots back to his toddler. 
“Well,” he clears his throat, licks his lips, “You do really like the banana shakes I make for you every now and then, Haz.”
The boy’s eyes glow a little, smile blooming, “A-huh.”
Grey eyes land back on Remus, fixing him in his spot, unable to move a muscle when the man moves closer towards him, “And what would you recommend, …?”
It takes a beat too long for Remus to realise he’s waiting for a name.
“Oh, Remus.”
The man flashes a glint of sharp canines through his pink lips, “Hi, Remus,” tone sickly sweet and tilting his head to look up through his lashes, “I’m Sirius.”
God have mercy, is he flirting with him?
“So, Remus,” he sets the kid, including ice cream cone, down and then props both hands on his narrow hips, nudging him with an elbow, “what do you reckon?”
“Uh, well,"Remus stutters stupidly, "I always get myself dark chocolate when it’s available,” he grimaces, confessing, “Horrible sweet tooth.”
“Yeah, it’s gotta come from somewhere, huh?” Sirius grins and nods his head down at Teddy taking a huge bite of frosty Blueberry Wizard.
Remus rubs at his flaming neck sheepishly, “Uhm, you can never go wrong with Stratiatella, I think. If you’re looking for something less hardcore.”
He has barely time to cringe at his choice of words when Sirius eyes take on a glint that, embarrassingly, has Remus cock twitching with interest in his cut off jeans shorts, “Oh, yeah, what if I’m into a bit of hardcore, though?”
Swallowing is so very hard for Remus right now. And maybe he shouldn’t have because now his mouth is awefully dry, voice hoarse when, “Well, the– the cookie flavour has some big chunks of dark chocolate chips in it.”
Sirius hums low and happy, “Sounds perfect,” and turns back to the woman behind the counter, “Another scoop of cookie in a cone, please,” throws a charming grin over his shoulder at Remus, “And I’ll be paying for our two handsome advisors as well.”
Oh. “Oh, you don’t have to, it’s—”
“Too late,” Sirius sing-songs, handing over the folded bills. And then, horrifyingly and excitingly, steps back and leans into Remus’ personal space. Takes the wallet Remus was still holding in his palm, like an idiot, it’s embarrassing, in his own hand—and Remus simply lets him!? too occupied marvelling at the clean three-day beard framing rosy lips and the flash of silver eyes through dark lashes—and leans around Remus to tuck it into his jeans’ back pocket. Murmuring into the curve of Remus’ ear, “Let a gorgeous bloke buy you an ice cream, huh, sweets?”
Remus nods dumbly, caught in his spot and then Sirius pulls back and Remus already misses the smell of expensive sunscreen, spicy cologne and shea butter conditioner that clings to his beautiful waves. 
Something tugs at the white threads of his shorts and, oh, right, his son is still there, that’s good, Remus hadn’t even— “Dad, can Harry come with us to the cove?”
Remus blinks at Teddy, entirely lost.
His son sighs irritated, apparently thinking Remus is refusing to answer due to lacking manners, so he adds, “Pleeeaaasee, please, please, please, Harry said he can already swim, his Padfoot teach- taught it to him so—” the rest of the sentence blurs into the background as Remus looks up and eventually concludes the other kid to be Harry, leaving Sirius to be Padfoot.
Which glances back at him amused, equally getting tugged at and begged, mischievous glint dancing in his eyes, raising an eyebrow in question.
Remus smiles back, “Well, it seems I couldn’t possibly do anything against this self-assigned playdate even if I tried to, Teds.”
The kids erupt into elated shrieks and Sirius and Remus shake their heads in a similar fashion as they go to pick up their beach bags and stroll after the toddlers running ahead, Teddy leading the familiar way.
“So what’s this cove, huh? Secret, special bathing spot we’re getting introduced to?” Sirius asks playfully, “Lucky us.” 
His voice is deliberately sultry, Remus knows it, and well. Fight fire with fire, right? Also, he’s simply stating the truth when he replies, “Just this secluded spot I know from when I was a teenager. Hasn’t been used in ages so I always go there to let Teddy and me run around butt-naked, away from the eyes of creeps.”
When he peeks out of the corners of his eyes, Sirius’ jaw is hanging open rather adorably again, “Please tell me you didn’t bother bringing any bathing trunks.”
Much to Sirius’ whinging, he did bring some swimming trunks. Has them even already on under the jeans, for a matter of fact.
They spread out their towels, slather the kids in sunscreen before they beg off into the pools of shallow water to build a sand castle. 
Then follows a painful 15 minutes of Sirius massaging sunscreen into his neck and back and waist and thighs and basically everywhere he can get his hands on honestly which ends with both of them being half hard and having to lay down on their front for another 15 minutes of quiet time. 
It’s a fantastic day, for both kids and adults. They end up staying longer than planned and decide getting dinner together at a small local family diner that’s been there since Remus was young.
They swap numbers before they bid goodbye, beneficial to know a bloke that knows his way around town. Better just when he’s cute, too.
Remus ends up with aching cheeks in bed that night.
Needless to say, a few weeks later when preschool starts up again, Remus takes Sirius on another beach date.
This time he fucks him into the sand, like he’s wanted to the first time around.
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sliebman10 · 2 years
(Takes place in the Family Vacation AU)
Sirius had never been much for Farmers’ Markets when he was on his own in the city. But there was something about accompanying Remus and Teddy to the market in their town.
 On this chilly Saturday morning, Remus was buying squash and broccoli while Teddy and Harry were crowing over the pumpkins at the next stand. He surveyed the pumpkins and saw one that was large enough to carve. 
“Which one should we get?” Sirius asked the boys.
“That one.” Harry said, decisively. 
“What do you think, Teddy?” Sirius asked the other boy who looked uncertain.
“Will it be scary?” Teddy asked. 
“It doesn’t have to be. We can make whatever you want.” Sirius said. “Want to pick out your own? We can get two.” Teddy nodded and pointed to another pumpkin. Sirius picked both up and brought them over to the counter. 
He found Remus grinning at them after Sirius paid. “Look at you, all suburban.”
Sirius kissed his cheek. “You like it.”
“Are those for jack o’ lanterns? I…don’t know how to do that.” Remus said. 
“Don’t worry…I’ve got it covered.” Sirius said. Remus raised an eyebrow at him. “I’m a man of many talents, Remus.”
“You are good with your hands.” Remus said, smirking as he took Teddy’s hand to lead them back to the car. 
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theresthesnitch · 1 year
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Chapter 10: Scars
Next chapter for my and @aqua-myosotis's @mixed-up-writer-fest fic!
Sirius turned around and went back to the kitchen. He set the mugs of chocolate on the counter, then braced himself up with his hands planted shoulder-width apart on the white formica. He dropped his head and took several deep breaths. 
Remus loved him. 
He hadn’t told Sirius, of course, but he’d told Harry. It was progress, surely, but Sirius wasn’t foolish enough to believe that this would be easy now. With what happened tonight with Fabian, Sirius wouldn’t be surprised if he still had to fight Remus to be with him. 
But, Remus loved him, and that changed everything. 
Keep reading here on AO3.
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propheciesanddreams · 2 years
Chapter 43 of ATWS is finally posted!!
So sorry for the wait
HTML version:https://archiveofourown.org/works/39370014/chapters/103848447Plain Text version: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39375975/chapters/103848618
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y0url0verb0y · 11 months
Regulus: James...where's Harry?!
James: ...
Sirius: ...
Regulus: JAMES!?
Sirius *whispering:* play dumb
James: Who's James?
Sirius *whisper yelling*: not that dumb!
James: if it makes you feel any better Sirius doesn't have Teddy either...
Regulus: Why would that make me feel any better?!?!
-meanwhile, Harry and Teddy jumping on the neighbor's trampoline while they're out of town-
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functionalbidisaster · 10 months
the scariest thing a mauraders fan can see…..
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a mother with her child 😱😱😱🤯🤯
no but seriously you guys need to stop acting like harry and teddy don’t have mothers who they miss dearly and would do anything to be able to meet
also, lily and tonks would 100% be involved in raising them even if wolfstar and jegulus were a thing so PLEASE stop acting like they don’t exist and only using them to give your mlm ship a kid
so you can write fics where wolfstar raises teddy or jegulus raises harry, i don’t care, have fun, go crazy. just stop erasing lily and tonks completely because they WOULD be in their children’s life
also also, because i’m feeling extra petty here’s more mothers and their children for the drarry fans who do the same thing
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😱😱 frightening i know
it’s like everyone forgets that mothers exist
(also i don’t support jkr or am really in the hp fandom, i just decided to scroll through some of the tags because i was bored) (also be thankful because i could of been a lot more petty if i wanted to be)(i also know not all fans do this but a lot do)
art credits:
tonks and teddy - rielles96 on instagram and tumblr
lily and harry - cableknit_remus on instagram and tumblr
ginny, lily luna, james sirius, and albus - beeyoungkah on instagram and tumblr
astoria and scorpius - upthehillart on instagram and tumblr
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impishtubist · 2 years
the twin conundrum
I wrote this in like 20 minutes and it’s all @battlehamster‘s fault.
“Remus.” Regulus’s head appears in the fireplace, making Remus jump. “I need you over at the Manor. Quickly, please.” 
Remus doesn’t hesitate, grabbing his cloak and his wand and hurrying through the Floo after Regulus. Sirius is supposed to be picking up Teddy from the Manor right now. James and Regulus had agreed to watch their boy for the day while Sirius worked a shift at St. Mungo’s and Remus put together his lesson plans for the coming semester. If Regulus is calling him now, then something has gone horribly wrong. 
Not to mention the fact that Regulus never calls him by his given name. He’s always Lupin to his brother-in-law. 
James is there to greet him when he comes stumbling through the fireplace, offering him a hand to steady him. Remus glances around the room, and warm relief rushes through him when he spots Sirius on the couch. Sirius gives him a tiny smile, but it doesn’t reach his eyes.
“What’s going on?” Remus demands. “What’s happened?” 
It’s then that he notices that Regulus is holding Harry… and so is Sirius.
Remus blinks several times. No, his eyes are not playing tricks on him. There are two Harrys in the room, and not a sign of Teddy.
Oh, dear. 
“I see,” he says. “Teddy, change back, please.”
He addresses the child in Sirius’s arms, who protests, “But I’m Harry!”
“Yeah!” says the child that Regulus holds. “Me, too!”
Remus pinches the bridge of his nose. “Boys, this isn’t funny. It’s time for Teddy to go home. He’ll be back here at the weekend, you know that.” 
Both Harrys look puzzled. Regulus and Sirius both appear faintly annoyed, but James seems to be on the verge of tears. 
“I need some tea,” Remus declares, “and then we can settle this properly. James, give me a hand?”
He forcibly steers James into the kitchen and props him against the countertop. “Right, what’s wrong?” 
“I can’t tell them apart,” James says in a rush. “I’m his dad, I love him more than anything, and I can’t tell you which of those boys is my son!” 
“Neither can Sirius or Regulus, and they love Harry and Teddy just as much,” Remus soothes, squeezing James’s arms. “You brought me here to sniff out which was which, yeah?”
“That was the idea.” James rubs the back of his hand under his nose. “Can you do it?”
“Yes, of course.”
They return to the sitting room. Remus plucks the child from Sirius’s arms and gives him a good sniff--the toddler giggles as Remus inadvertently tickles him. Remus does the same for the child in Regulus’s arms, and then wrinkles his nose. 
“What on Earth did you have them doing today?” he demands of James and Regulus. “They both reek.” 
James flushes, and even Regulus looks a bit sheepish. “Er… we might have gone flying. And gone to the park. And jumped in some mud puddles.” 
“That’s what I thought,” Remus says, exasperated. “I can’t tell the two of them apart when they’re like this. They’ll both need to be bathed before I can figure it out.” 
James holds out his arms for one of the Harrys, and Sirius hands him over. “Right. We’ll get these two menaces cleaned up. Back soon!”
He and Regulus hurry off with the boys. Sirius gets up from the couch and comes over to Remus.
“You know which one is Teddy, don’t you?” he says.
“Oh, yeah. James was holding him.” Remus shrugs. “This means we don’t have to do bath time tonight.” 
Sirius grins. “You sneaky bastard.”
“That’s why you love me.”
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Next Steps? (1/1) (jegulus | raising Harry)
"Haz! Let's go we're going to be late!" James called from the door. Regulus was quickly packing some snacks for the car as James grabbed the "entertainment" bag.
"Does he really need all this?" James said to Regulus who met him in the doorway.
"Yes James he does. He's 5 years old and I'm not going to listen to him cry for 3 hours about being bored and the last time we did screens in the car he threw up."
James nodded, and kissed Regulus' cheek. "The right words are this is such a great idea and you are a wonderful parent who thinks of everything," James said trying too hard to save face.
"A bit rehearsed but the sentiment is right," Regulus teased with a smile.
"Harry let's go, or we will leave without you!" Regulus called up the stairs as he walked out the door with several of the bags.
Tiny steps were heard running down the stairs. "Nooo, Papa I want to see Teddy!"
"Alright then in the car please," James said as he followed Harry out of the house.
After they all settled in the car, Harry in his seat and James driving. Nearly as soon as they got on the highway, Regulus dozed off as usual. About an hour in, Harry whispered quietly to James after poking Regulus' head from behind.
"Dad, do you think uncle pads and uncle Moony are going to be happy to see us?"
"Of course they will be sweetheart, why do you ask?"
"Well last time uncle pads cried when he saw us" Harry said.
"Oh I see. I think uncle pads was sad because he missed us." James said.
"I wish we didn't live so far away so we could see them everyday and uncle pads wouldn't be sad anymore," Harry whispered.
"Me too son, me too. It's okay to be sad sometimes, Yeah?" James said.
"Yeah... I'm going to give him the biggest hug and and uncle Moony too!" Harry decided.
When they got there, Harry nearly jumped out of the car and ran right up the porch to where Sirius and Remus were waiting with Teddy.
Regulus held James back for a moment. "Do you need a hand?" James asked.
"Do you want to move back here?" Regulus asked quietly.
James cocked his head, then thought about it for a moment. "Sometimes yes, but Regulus I love our life." James explained.
"Well what if I wanted to move here too?" Regulus suggested.
"You never cease to surprise me love," James said as he kissed his forehead. "Let's talk about it some more later, okay?"
"I'd really like that," Regulus replied before heading up the path to his brother's home.
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It’s past midnight where I am, so here’s today’s @wolfstarmicrofic for the prompt swing. For @impishtubist who’s had a bad week, hope this cheers you up at least a little, darling.
”Pa’foot!” Harry shrieks as he spots him walking through the gate to the school, setting off into a run and Sirius just about manages to catch him as the boy throws himself into his arms.
”Hiya, sprog,” he laughs, feeling his chest expand as he hugs the boy, pressing a quick kiss to the top of his head, knowing it’s something Harry will grow out of any moment now. But for the time being it’s allowed, and he spins him around before setting him back down on the ground. ”Eager to get home, are we?”
”No,” Harry shakes his head, blinking up at him with bright green eyes. ”Don’t want to go home.”
”Oh?” Sirius asks, ruffling his hair. ”Where d’you wanna go then?”
”I want to go with Teddy,” says Harry, already tugging Sirius along with him, but not towards the exit but rather back towards the school. ”Teddy has a swing and a trampoline behind his house and I think that would be so cool to try and Teddy says it’s very safe and he says he can jump super high and I think if I could just try and jump on a trampoline I’d be very good at it too but if you say I can’t then at least I can swing and you know how much I love to swing and–”
”Whoa, Haz,” Sirius laughs, holding a hand up as he pulls the boy gently to a stop. ”First thing’s first: who’s Teddy? There’s no-one in your class with that name.”
”There is now,” Harry says, practically jumping on the spot as he shoots his godfather an impatient look. ”He started today and he’s all new here and he doesn’t know anyone so I said we could be friends and did I say he has a trampoline and a swing?”
”You did,” Sirius confirms, trying not to smile at the boy’s obvious eagerness. ”But we don’t know if it’s okay with Teddy’s parents yet.”
”Teddy’s daddy said it was,” Harry interrupts eagerly, ”Come oooon, Padfoot!”
Sirius lets Harry tug him along then, towards a boy with brown curly hair that looks about the same age as Harry albeit a bit taller.
”This is Teddy,” announces Harry with a gesture to the boy, ”and Teddy’s daddy.”
Sirius smiles at the boy before shifting his gaze over to the man next to him, his hand extending automatically and he’s got the polite greeting on his tongue but then his gaze moves up to catch on golden eyes and oh. 
Sirius feels his world tilt a little, the golden eyes light and shining as he meets Sirius gaze, face framed by brown curls identical to the boy’s and skin impossibly tanned. Oh, Sirius thinks again, numbly.
”Hello,” the man says, voice warm and with a melodic sort of accent that Sirius can’t immediately place. ”You must be Harry’s dad.”
”Godfather,” Sirius corrects automatically before he catches himself, realising how short he must’ve sounded, ”Er, I mean, well, godfather, technically, but also his guardian–”
”Padfoot’s my Padfoot,” Harry explains, tugging at Sirius’ arm keenly. ”Can we go, Padfoot, please?”
”Padfoot?” the man asks, an amused sort of curl to his lips and Sirius can’t help but smile as he looks down at the black haired boy, excitement radiating from him.
”It’s, well…a nickname, I guess,” he shakes himself, turning his eyes back to the man. ”My name’s Sirius.”
The man smiles properly then, shaking his hand, grip firm and warm and the long fingers closing easily around Sirius’. Oh.
”Nice to meet you, Sirius, I’m Remus. And this is Teddy,” he gestures towards the boy who is chatting away happily at Harry, the two of them practically buzzing with excitement.
”Er,” Sirius says again, once he’s managed to tear himself away from the man’s (Remus’) piercing gaze, ”well, Harry said something about wanting to go with Teddy but I don’t want to inconvenience you if–”
”It’s no inconvenience,” Remus assures him before he has a chance to finish the sentence. ”We live just around the corner from here and we just moved in. It’s just me and Teddy so I’m only happy if Teddy’s managed to make a friend on his first day. Really, it’s no problem.”
”Oh, right,” Sirius says, frantically searching for something else to say even as Harry is practically hanging from his arm now, pulling at him. Just me and Teddy, echoes in his head and he steals a furtive glance at the man’s left hand. No ring. ”Well, then…”
He trails off, unable to think of anything else to say, as if he’s completely forgotten everything about how to set up a playdate and he drops his eyes to Harry, the boy groaning dramatically and impatiently, and Sirius recognises it as him being only about half a minute away from a tantrum. 
”You could come too.” 
Remus’ voice pulls Sirius’ thoughts back and he looks up at the man again. He’s tall, just about taller than Sirius himself which is no mean feat. And his eyes. Sirius can’t look away.
”What?” He asks, because his brain feels foggy.
Remus nods, amusement dancing in his eyes and mouth quirked into a smile, ”Yeah, it wouldn’t hurt if I made a friend on Teddy’s first day either,” he pauses, an uncertain sort of pull around his mouth as he studies him, “Unless you’ve got somewhere else to be?”
”No,” Sirius says quickly, too quickly, he scolds himself but it’s too late now and he clears his throat. ”I mean, that’d work, we just planned to– god’s sake, Harry, stop pulling at me,” he interrupts himself, a little exasperated as he looks down at the boy who pouts at him.
”But you’re taking too long. Can we go or not?” He demands, and Sirius can see James hinting in his features, the steely sort of determination that he used to see on James’ face whenever they played football. 
Sirius’ gaze flickers to Remus for a moment but the other man merely makes a half shrug, that same smile still playing over his face as he raises an eyebrow in question.
”Yeah alright, we can go,” Sirius says, unable not to smile at the joyous shouts that emits from the boys, both of them setting off over the school yard.
”Wait for us by the gate, Teddy,” Remus calls out after his son, a fond sort of expression on his face as he watches them run and it makes Sirius melt in an instant.
”You coming?” Remus asks, tossing his head in the direction of the boys, brown curls dancing with the movement and they’re close enough now that Sirius can see traces of faint, silvery scars on the side of his face, almost hidden in the wrinkles around his eyes as he smiles.  Sirius feels something hot spark in his chest, something unclenching there that hadn’t been unclenched in a very long time and all he can do is nod as Remus starts walking, swallowing thickly as he follows behind. 
Oh, he thinks again as Remus starts moving, unashamedly running his gaze over his backside now that he can, before he quickly lengthen his steps to catch up with the other man, his heart doing cartwheels in his chest. I’m so fucked.
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pt. 4 of the wolfstar raising teddy gc
teddy : i can not get water nor clean cause ziggy has decided to sleep on my leg
remus : too bad. bed time.
teddy : too bed. bad time.
remus : i
sirius : i snorted outloud actually
sirius : okay sleepy time ted
@oddbrainedtboy @remuslupininskirts
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sliebman10 · 2 years
New Chapter
(Takes place in the Family Vacation AU. This is part of the epilogue)
Remus woke up slowly, savoring the feel of Sirius in his arms. The birds were chirping and as far as he could tell Harry and Teddy were still quiet. It was Sunday, and it was the first Sunday in over nine months that one of them did not have to rush back to their respective homes to get ready for the week.
Sure, they were surrounded by boxes and would have to learn to live together in this space that Remus had occupied first alone, and then just with Teddy.  But Sirius and Harry had seamlessly integrated into his and Teddy’s lives…this should be no different. They’d figure out the issues of space over time. It wasn’t something to worry too much about. 
Remus kissed Sirius’s neck, over where he could see his pulse and Sirius rolled over, closer to him.  “Mmmph.” Sirius groaned as he moved into Remus’s touch.
“Good morning.” Remus said, smoothing his hair back.
Sirius blinked up at him, still sleepy, but with a slow smile. “It is a good morning.”
They heard feet thundering toward their door and Remus tossed Sirius his t-shirt and pajama bottoms which they both quickly put on as the door burst open and two enthusiastic four year olds jumped onto their bed. 
“Sleep well, bud?” Sirius asked, ruffling Teddy’s hair.
“Yup!” Teddy said. “Daddy, I’m hungry.”
“What are you making for breakfast, Ted?” Remus asked him earnestly.
“Daddy. I don’t know how to cook.”
Sirius sought Harry’s eyes. “How’re you doing? Did you like your new room?”
Harry nodded slowly, still a little unsure. He had his owl lovey in one hand. Sirius pulled the little boy into a hug. “It’ll be ok, Harry. It’s ok if it takes a little time.” Harry nodded, while still folded against Sirius. 
“Who wants pancakes?” Remus asked. 
“Me!” chorused the two boys. 
“Definitely me.” Sirius said, getting up with Harry but Harry squirmed out his arms.
Sirius grinned at Remus. The new chapter had begun.
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theresthesnitch · 2 years
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Chapter 7: Flight
Written by the lovely @aqua-myosotis for the @mixed-up-writer-fest. This chapter is fabulous, and oh god what am I doing next?
Remus froze, and for a moment Sirius was sure he was going to bolt, mentally preparing to push an arm against the door to stop him if necessary.  For what seemed like an age no-one said or did anything, time suspended and the shock in the air palpable as Sirius’ chest heaved, adrenalin spiking through his body.
Finally though, Remus’ hand dropped from the handle and he turned.  Sirius immediately opened his mouth to say, well he wasn’t even sure what, but he stopped mid-breath.  Remus wasn’t looking at him.  Instead, he was looking somewhere over Sirius’ left shoulder, his face deathly pale and his body visibly trembling.
‘You told them,’ he whispered, his voice shot through with betrayal, ‘You told them!’
Read more here on AO3.
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writer-of-sorts · 1 year
written with @wolfstarmicrofic prompt: scallywag
“Drat the scallywag!” Harry cried, the black tie wrapped around his head swinging in front his eye as he brandished his toy wand like a sword, “Send him to the plank!”
“No!” Sirius gasped, falling to his knees on the L-shaped sofa. “Not the plank!”
“You heard the captain,” Remus growled, using his wand to prod his husband across the bend of the sofa.
Resigned to his fate, Sirius hopped onto the arm of the sofa, swallowing heavily when he reached the edge.
Running across the floor of the living room with his hands clasped over his head like a fin, was Teddy. His hair alternatively flashed from white to blue, and his teeth looked unnaturally pointed.
Sirius turned to Remus, eyes shining with silent imploration. Please don’t do this to me.
Remus grinned. Oh honey. He pushed his husband, thrashing and wailing, off the side of the ship and into the shark-infested waters below.
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Teddy introducing Remus to Sirius whos a single parent to Harry
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candorverity · 1 day
i've actually seen people pointing out that making all and only characters that can shapeshift nonbinary or genderfluid representation can get problematic (or at least icky), bc you're reinforcing the idea that body = gender. it's super automatic too: yes, of course they're genderfluid, they can change their body to what they want! and that's completely alien to the experience of real genderfluid people
You are probably right about it geting possibly problematic, I just haven't done much research into it and was just spitballing my ideas. I know, as a genderfluid person myself, and a young one at that, it's more fantasy wish fulfillment than reality. Obv body ≠ gender, but my thought process came from my own desire for a solution to the dysphoria.
When it comes to the characters in questions, I was just thinking about my hc version of Teddy Lupin, and how he would have a different take on gender and sexuality than most people due to being a metamorph, being (in my mind) raised by two men, and one of those men often being headcannoned as genderqueer themselves. In my mind, she comes from a super interesting situation that can be explored. Not that being raised by a gay couple would change anyone's gender or sexuality, but that it would undeniably create a safer space for doing those things.
Tonks only got looped in bc it felt weird to ignore her, and also her earlier framing in the books and movies, but my intention was mostly with Teddy. I didn't mean to include all shape-shifting characters into my Teddy Lupin centric thought process by lack of specification.
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