#remy 13 hadley
Creating a Chase MD pilot because I want to
This is created with unlimited recources, budget, and cast
Show opens as normal, a person we've never seen before bursts into flames and is rushed to the hospital
After the intro we open on Foreman's office, as Chase walks in and starts sifting through the cases
It is immediately apparent that they are doomed to repeat the narrative, as this first Chase/Foreman scene is filled with parallels to the first House/Cuddy scene. Most notably that Foreman is pushing Chase to up his clinic hours.
It is obvious that they are now very close friends
New team is comprised of one man and one woman, and there is talk about the need to hire a third fellow after the last one left
"Why do we need three fellows?" "It's how we've always done it, ever since I started working here"
The main b-plot for this episode is Chase interviewing people. Showing his House-ness and anti-House-ness. as the episode progresses. Getting some season 4 cameos in there, before he eventually gives up
Chase and Foreman have lunch together in that gay little cafeteria and have a major Hilson moment.
This is where Choreman enters some level of canon to those brave enough to believe. Maybe a little hand touch
So many Australian jokes. In this episode only, then people mostly drop them
As they start working on the case, the two fellows discuss their opinions of Chase in the weekly group therapy session in the MRI room. They seem to overall like him but have some complaints.
It is clear they know of House, and some vague details, but not much
Some Choreman jokes, but not in a homophobic way.
The patient is slowly getting worse, and it seems that they will not be able to save them
Chase has his little house eureka moment and decides to MRI a banana or something equally as insane and they crack it
We have our little ending montage, and we see foreman and chase smiling and laughing as they have a drink. Again very gay. The episode fades to black, this could easily be the end, but it's not.
The team is sitting around the room talking about a new case, until Foreman bursts in, looking excited, holding his phone, and asks if the position for a new fellow is still open
He whispers something in Chase's ear and hands him the phone his face lights up
"The job is yours if you want it... alright see you then"
He turns to the team and says "None of you have triskaidekaphobia right?"
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rottenhare · 1 year
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She looks so autism creature here….
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oldmanffucker · 3 months
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Taub says this to Thirteen and Foreman starts laughing so hard he has to leave the room
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thankstothe · 8 months
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barryroyco · 11 months
4x12 is the gayest house episode imaginable. we get “you’re sleeping with me” followed by house booking it like a bat out of hell. right after, we introduce 13’s bisexuality. then, we have the “why NOT date you” “we’re a couple” scene, ending with the underrated “well, if you had looked at me with those flashing eyes BEFORE i was involved…”
house episodes are always very layered. a b and sometimes c plots. you can’t tell me the concept of wilson finding happiness with an attainable version of house isn’t connected to introducing a bi character in some way. the writers wanted to explore it soooo bad
diversity win! all of the doctors who are going to kill you on accident are gay!
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selttiks4313 · 1 year
When 13 asks House why he’s taking her to the potato gun thing instead of Wilson and he says “Wilson thinks it’s stupid.” with the biggest pout ever. I am sooo fond of this loser.
Im sorry your boyfriend doesn’t want to play potato guns with you :/
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all-pacas · 9 days
THIRTEEN: I wanted [my mother] to die. She just… yelled. So much. And for no reason. Just screamed at me in front of my friends. My father tried to explain to me that her brain was literally shrinking, that she didn't mean it, that it was the disease. But I didn't care. I hated her. I never said goodbye. And she died with me hating her.
CHASE: My dad left me alone to to care for my alcoholic mum and raise my baby sister. I was just a teenager. I spent half my time changing diapers and the other half cleaning up my mum's vomit. […] Mum died after a few years. It was ugly and painful and she went with me hating her. […] So do I wish mum had used a gun instead of a bottle? Yes.
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Foreman -- and I cannot stress this enough -- I LOVE YOU
(s6e10, The Down Low)
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greghatecrimes · 9 months
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quinnmorgendorffer · 11 months
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travelbasscase · 14 days
house md twilight headcanons because i had an idea™
Foreman: Has not read any Twilight book, relentlessly mocks anyone who has.
Cuddy: Has read the first book, decided it wasn't for her.
Cameron: Has read all of them, is unwilling to admit that she has for fear of being mocked by House (understandable). She didn't love them, but neither did she hate it.
Wilson: Read the first book and enjoyed it. Decided to continue on to the rest of the series. However, he somehow missed the middle books and jumped right into Breaking Dawn, and never noticed his mistake.
Chase: Read every single book multiple times. Deeply invested. Openly admits it. HUGE fan of Edward and Bella. Has made multiple Quotev "which Twilight character are you" quizzes. Has posters on his wall of characters from the series. Was incensed by the movies because he felt that they weren't faithful enough to the books.
Stacy: Never heard of them.
Taub: Absolutely adores it. Started a book club with Chase.
Kutner: Didn't read the books, but loved the movies. Sometimes shows up to Chase and Taub's book club.
Thirteen: Thinks that the love triangle is stupid. Hates Bella with passion. Probably wants Edward and Jacob to run off into the sunset together. Sometimes shows up to Chase and Taub's book club just to pick fights with Chase.
House: Has read every book and watched every movie, but everyone just kind of assumed that he wouldn't and never asked if he did. He does not get involved in any conversation surrounding the books so that he can maintain his facade of not having consumed any of the media, but occasionally makes references to it purely to confuse all of his employees, because there's no way that their boss would have read those, so his allusions must be coincidence, right?
He has also read the much worse, much trashier (somehow) Night World series by LJ Smith, and is very upset that it's never been finished. He is invested in the plot and spends his free time sending letters to the author begging her to finish the series.
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Should this Character be in Chase MD?
Robert Chase - Duh.
Gregory House - NO! I am very adamant about this. Give him the ending he deserves
James Wilson - RIP dude
Lawrence Kutner - RIP dude
Eric Foreman - YES YES YES!!!!!! A Necessity because him and Chase need to fuck
Lisa Cuddy - Maybe for a very special event episode, but she doesn't need to be a recurring character
Alison Cameron - See above. I don't need to put Chase through that again. But also if she were to be in it when Foreman and Chase were dating... (I might format an episode, ooh that would be so good!)
Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley - YES! You can see in my pilot script (here) she should be a fellow
Chris Taub - In the eleven years since House stopped I think he's moved on.
Chi Park- See above
Jessica Adams - See above above
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amyritter2 · 1 year
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house having only THREE women on his team?????? none of them being cameron??? feminism came a long way from 2004 to 2011
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oldmanffucker · 7 days
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thankstothe · 6 months
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Sharing some chips with the daughter while watching a patient dying from 14 different cancers
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sleepysleepnomore · 2 months
House MD 6x18
*Chase not Know Frodo Killed me a little on the inside. *
Chase fail to break down a door -lol
Father daughter time – House and “13” super cute.
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