#rereading discworld
ivycrowned · 6 months
The older I get, and the more on fire the world seems to be the more I feel comforted and SEEN by Sir Terry Pratchett and Discworld.
Not because all the books are inherently comfortable so much as because they feel like someone taking you by the hand and saying; “I know. I’m just as angry about this bullshit. But we can hold hands. But the sun still rises. But hope is still important. Hope wears steel toed boots and smiles with pink and bloody teeth and will make you laugh and will make you cry. It’s not okay. But we’re in the shit together, and some day it’s gonna be less shit.”
This got away from me.
What I’m saying is, I’ve got a shovel.
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ashipwreckcoast · 11 days
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disgustiphage · 2 years
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--The Fifth Elephant - the 24th Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett, 1999
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p4nishers · 11 days
thinking about the grief vimes must've felt after coming back from the past and seeing everyone remember keel as him. mmmm. god. like that scene in the cemetery where nobby, colon and throat talk about keel really shows that he WAS a good person before vimes. that he genuinely touched people's lives on his own and touched vimes's life even more. bc he tried to be good like him. he tried to honor him like he deserved. but really, he could never be truly sure he did it right. and then he came back and no one knew him anymore. everyone remembered vimes, not the man who changed so many lives in few days. no one would remember john keel, only the john keel vimes tried to be. fuck
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ansatsu-sha · 2 months
No enemies had ever taken Ankh-Morpork. Well, technically they had, quite often; the city welcomed free-spending barbarian invaders, but somehow the puzzled raiders always found, after a few days, that they didn't own their own horses any more, and within a couple of months they were just another minority group with its own graffiti and food shops.
Terry Pratchett / Eric
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ijustkindalikebooks · 10 months
“People think that stories are shaped by people. In fact, it's the other way around.” ― Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad.
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helendamnationx · 3 months
The thing about Equal Rites is, it's not just a book about how girls can do anything boys can do, and the only thing trying to stop her is meanie old men. It's about how girls can do anything boys can do, I suppose, if she really must, though I* can't see why she wants to.
It's about shaking off gender essentialism, not deciding who someone can and can't be as soon as you see their newborn baby genitals, and adults not telling kids to be who they "should" be instead of who they really are... while also being really super clear that the traditionally male-dominated path isn't inherently better, it's just better paid.
It explores Granny's position of trying to hold Esk back from becoming a wizard, stemming not from thinking that girls aren't smart enough or that they should only be wives and mothers, but from a contempt for the flashy and self-important ways of wizards and belief that the more domestic and practical sphere of witchcraft is more important and better. It's a pretty accurate depiction of the way some older women enforcing gender roles think.
I suppose the book is more of a critique of the whole women's intuition/men's intelligence nonsense dichotomy, as well as a reminder not to cling too eagerly to the patriarchy's priorities in the search for equality.
Men aren't better at "jommetry" than women. But "jommetry" isn't more difficult or important than Granny Weatherwax's practical, rural skills - herbcraft, midwifery, caring for and understanding goats and bees, managing people, and so on.
Sir Terry never got on with the assembly lines of formal education, which is probably an important thing to bear in mind when reading this book.
*Granny Weatherwax
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wannabewiedzma · 18 days
Carrot Ironfoundersson is an autistic nerd but he also has an archetypal Chad look and a big sword so noone ever dares to bully him (and I love that for him).
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Googling "how to read a Discworld novel without succumbing to the urge to liveblog about it every other page"
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cakesandfail · 1 year
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the beginning of a beautiful friendship
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uchanuku · 2 months
I feel like Jackrum and Polly both do “funny as long as they were useless, and safe as long as they were funny” thing. Jackrum plays up the jolly fat man routine to manipulate people into getting what he wants and discouraging people from further investigation, just as Pols acted like the ditzy bargirl to avoid abomination and convince people let their guard down. I think they both got it instilled in them for similar reasons, being a girl in an overly conservative and militaristic country. They both use it in the regiment when dealing with the higher ups.
This isnt as articulate as I would have liked but whatever.
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facetsofthecloset · 3 months
Top 5 non-protagonist discworld characters?
Otto Chriek x5
Lol but seriously:
1. Otto: I love vampires and dorks and he’s a vampire dork but also so so smart and clever and trying so hard!! He’s such a good guy!!! And he works for it!!! That conversation he has with Vimes in Thud! about how he presents himself as silly and harmless so people won’t be afraid of him! Ahhh 😭🖤 Even when he’s mentioned in passing I always go from 🙂 to 😍🥰 immediately lol
2. Drumknott: the pencil stealing war between him and Moist is adorable 😭 Hyper competent super nerd weirdo I love him. He shows up at the end of G!G! (Iirc) like “I live here now” and everyone including Vetinari is like “yes you do” and he’s there to the end. Good old Drumknott
3. Salzella (from Maskerade): evil. But fuck he was hilarious, the dry sarcasm was right up my alley. I love that bit when they’re talking about how Dr. Undershaft was killed that’s like “something something he was hung” “Hanged. Dead meat is hung, people are hanged.” And Salzella goes “Ah yes? Then he was strangled to death, and then he was hung.” And Mr. Bucket is like “…you have issues :/“ AND IT’S TRUE BUT HE’S FUNNY OK
Aurgh this is hard bc I’m also kinda trying to avoid picking common fan favorites even if they’re technically not protagonists or like borderline not protagonists (like Adora, Ridcully, Cherri, Angua etc) (even though Otto kinda could be said to be protagonist-adjacent by this definition lol) ummm
4. Pin & Tulip: a two-for-one because more than either of them on their own I love their dynamic. Definitely high up there on my best Discworld villains. They contrast and complement each other well.
Also super fun to voice! I’ve recorded a few Discworld books for fun and to force my friend to get into them (lol), and I had a blast doing the voices for these two. Mr. Pin losing it is a super fun character to play ahhh
5. Mr. Bent: he is fascinating. Another one that’s fun to voice. And one of the best twists of any story ever of all time 🤡 I hope he’s very happy with Miss Drapes, or as I head canon her post marriage, Mrs. Bent-Drapes. (This is something I thought of when writing a ficlet of Moist and Adora’s wedding (shameless ao3 plug) as a dumb throwaway joke but now it’s kinda cemented in my brain lol)
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cosmicrhetoric · 3 months
thinking "what would vimes do?" in periods of distress and well i dont do that like i certainly am not doing that. but it does give me a little chuckle ☺️
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disgustiphage · 1 year
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this book was published in 1996 btw
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p4nishers · 2 months
do you think havelock kept tabs on sam after the revolution bc he wanted to do SOMETHING for keel? do you think he kept thinking about what keel would do in certain situations (average teenage crush experience)? do you think he followed him home one time and saw how sweet sam was to his mother and never did it again bc it made him miss his own mother too much? do you think he was there when sam moved out? do you think he was there the first time sam drank himself black out drunk (and maybe even made sure no one jumped out at him from the shadows)? do you think he silently despaired every time he saw sam with a drink? do you think he thought about keel? do you think that while his plans were working to take down the watch he didn't feel even remotely proud bc he was destroying sam with it? do you think he finally let himself feel something for sam when they were in the dungeon? (do you want think he calls him 'sam' in his head all the time?) do you think the revelation that sam was keel makes it harder and harder for him to deny his feelings?
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ansatsu-sha · 12 days
The Bursar shrugged. 'This pot,' he said, peering closely, 'is actually quite an old Ming vase.' He waited expectantly.
'Why's it called Ming?' said the Archchancellor, on cue. The Bursar tapped the pot. It went ming.
Terry Pratchett / Moving Pictures
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