#reverse engineering the seeding
gillianthecat · 1 year
Reverse Engineering the Best Kiss 💋 Bracket Seeding
I am very impressed by how accurate the BL brackets organizer's seeding has been so far! I reverse engineered the two seeded brackets ('cause i'm a procrastinating dork), and in both the first seed won, the semifinals was between 1 and 2, and the bottom 16 lost in the first round. Otherwise it wasn't perfect (because that would be no fun) but it was pretty close!
I was inspired by their answer to this ask about how they did the seeding, and extrapolated the order from these brackets.
Below the cut is the seeding for Best Kiss, so you can see what it looks like! (Assuming I ordered them correctly!) The Gender Envy seeding (as reverse engineered by me) is in this post.
(@bl-bracket I can delete these posts if they ruin the magic of it all.)
Of the 64 candidates, 10 did better than expected and 10 did worse, so 69% of candidates performed exactly as predicted by their position, and in 84% of match-ups the higher seed won.
The final 4 were the top 4 seeds, the semifinalists the top 2, the winner, 1st seed. The top 16 seeds almost exactly matched the final 16; Hojoon & Jaeyoon (Roommates) snuck up in there from 18th seed, and 15th seed Sky & Prapai (LITA) fell in the 2nd round instead of the 3rd. The bottom 16 all went out in the first round. The biggest shakeup was because of 7 of the candidates in the 2nd quartile who in the 1st round defeated 7 slightly higher seeded candidates in the 3rd quartile. The biggest upset was 48th seed Shi De & Shu Yi’s drunk kiss (We Best Love 2) winning over 17th seed Seojoon & Jiwoo kiss on the dirt road (To My Star 2), overcoming a difference of 31 positions.
purple = lost in 1st round. blue = lost in 2nd round. green = lost in 3rd round. orange = lost in 4th round. red = lost in semi-finals. pink= lost in finals. 👑=winner. 🔼= beat a higher seeded opponent. 🔽=lost to a lower seeded opponent. (No candidates made it more than 1 round against a higher seed.) * = my submissions.
Best Kiss Bracket Seed Order
1. 👑Pat & Pran - 1st kiss (Bad Buddy) * 👑 2. Kinn & Porsche - goodbye kiss (Kinnporsche)
🟥🟥🟥 semifinals loss predicted 🟥🟥🟥
3. Jaeyoung & Sangwoo – ep 7 (bar) kiss (Semantic Error) * 4. Nozue & Togawa - 1st kiss (Old Fashion Cupcake) *
🟧🟧🟧 4th round loss predicted 🟧🟧🟧
5. Sean & White - 1st kiss (Not Me) * 6. Akk & Ayan - dream kiss (The Eclipse) 7. 🔽Gao Shi De & Zhou Shu Yi - bridge kiss (We Best Love 1) * 8. 🔽Akk & Ayan - underwater kiss (The Eclipse) *
🟩🟩🟩 3rd round loss predicted 🟩🟩🟩
9. 🔼Vegas & Pete - hospital kiss (Kinnporsche) 10. 🔼Vegas & Pete - 1st kiss (Kinnporsche) * 11. Neo & Shin & Mew - beach kiss (3 Will Be Free) 12. Hira & Kiyoi - final kiss (My Beautiful Man 2) 13. Kinn & Porsche - 1st kiss (Kinnporsche) 14. Tan & Bun - couch kiss (Manner of Death) 15. 🔽Sky & Prapai - final kiss (Love In The Air) 16. Tinn & Gunn - 1st kiss (My School President)
🟦🟦🟦 2nd round loss predicted 🟦🟦🟦
17. 🔽Seojoon & Jiwoo ep 4 kiss (in the dirt) (To My Star 2) * 18. 🔼Hojoon & Jaeyoon final kiss (Roommates of Poongduck 304) 19. 🔽Milk & Uncle - final kiss (Choco Milk Shake) * 20. Pat & Pran - ep 7 kiss (Bad Buddy) 21. Teh & Oh Aew - underwater kiss (I Told Sunset About You) 22. 🔽Lian & Kuea - Siam Paragon kiss (Cutie Pie) 23. Payu & Rain - victory kiss (Love In The Air) 24. 🔽Kan & Thua - asleep kiss (The Eclipse) 25. 🔽Daun & Siwon - 1st kiss (Blueming) * 26. Vee & Mark - ep 3 rain kiss (Love Mechanics) 27. Tinn & Gun - park kiss (My School President) 28. Sound & Win - 1st kiss (My School President) 29. Palm & Nueng - ep 9 kiss (Never Let Me Go) 30. 🔽Seojoon & Jiwoo final kiss (To My Star 2) 31. 🔽Nuea & Toh - ep 7 kiss (Secret Crush On You) 32. Jaewon & Jihyun - ep 9 kiss (The Eighth Sense)
🟪🟪🟪 1st round loss predicted 🟪🟪🟪
33. Gavreel & Cairo - 1st kiss (Gameboys) 34. 🔼Tin & Tol - bed kiss (Triage) 35. 🔼Pluem & Kevin - 1st kiss (Ghost Host Ghost House) 36. Korn & Intouch - stolen kiss (Until We Meet Again) 37. Dean & Pharm - 1st kiss (Until We Meet Again) 38. Khai & Third - 1st kiss (Theory of Love) 39. Arthit & Kongpob - ep 14 kiss (SOTUS) 40. 🔼Phupa & Tian - forehead kiss (A Tale of 1000 Stars) 41. 🔼Sean & White - final kiss (Not Me) 42. Yi & Kon Diao - sofa kiss (Cutie Pie) 43. 🔼Win & Team - be brave kiss (Between Us) 44. Gu Hai & Bai Luo Yin drunk kiss (Addicted) 45. Ram & King tent kiss (My Engineer) 46. 🔼Payu & Rain ep 5 kiss (Love In The Air) 47. Zi Xuan & Yu Hao net kiss (History 2: Crossing the Line) 48. 🔼Gao Shi De & Zhou Shu Yi drunk kiss (We Best Love 2)
49. Hira & Kiyoi hand kiss (My Beautiful Man 1) 50. Da-un & Si-won dream kiss (Blueming) 51. Mark & Vee shower kiss (Love Mechanics) * 52. King & Uea morning kiss (Bed Friend) 53. Puen & Talay - forehead kiss (Vice Versa) 54. Sound & Win - forehead kiss (My School President) 55. Palm & Nueng - beach kiss (Never Let Me Go) 56. Wan & Gi Tae - first kiss (Our Dating Sim) 57. Tin & Tol - final kiss (Triage) 58. Cher & Gun - ep 10 kiss (A Boss And A Babe) 59. Seryou & Yuzuru - bedroom kiss (Seven Days) * 60. Guang Ye & Xu Qi Zhang - 1st kiss (About Youth) * 61. Ai & Nhai - cheek kiss (Ai Long Nhai) 62. Bai Lang & Jin Xuan - 1st kiss (My Tooth Your Love) 63. Tongfah & Paper - ep 3 kiss (Second Chance: the Series) 64. Koichi & Mitsuru - bed kiss (Eternal Yesterday) *
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literallymechanical · 2 years
I see a lot of posts about solarpunk aesthetic that are basically just cottagecore, but you still have an iPhone and you water your garden with a cute little drone.
And that’s fine! I get why people like it. A hopeful, optimistic green utopia that thoughtfully blends technology with stewardship of the land.
However. I, personally, find that pretty boring.
I want to write solarpunk that’s heavy on the “punk.” An ecodystopia. Most cyberpunk dystopias feature extreme class distinctions and heavy cybernetic modifications, and I want to write about an equally bleak world where the subjugation is from a hideous runaway ecosphere.  We screwed the planet, it’s screwing us back.
Concept: We tried geoengineering away global warming, and failed. The dominant form of life on earth is a globe-spanning mat of chemosynthetic iron-oxidizing bacteria, designed to sequester CO2 from the atmosphere and seeded by dumping massive quantities of iron dust into the ocean.  They worked a little too well, and started chewing up our cities into acidic swamps as the oceans kept rising and flooded the coasts.  They extract iron from bedrock.  Slowly, mountains crumble.
So, no metal infrastructure.  We engineered city-trees instead.  Unfortunately, we’d already darkened the skies to keep sunlight from hitting the ground – an anti-greenhouse, built far too late.  The bacteria don’t care, they’re chemosynthetic, but the trees don’t have enough light to photosynthesize properly.  They need glucose.
Blood glucose is currency, and your taxes feed the city-tree. Your monorail fare is extracted from your blood by root tendrils. If you try to jump the turnstile, watch out for the security wasps. Your meager paycheck is payed out in injectable ampoules of glucosaline solution. There’s not enough to go around.  Watch out for the black market stuff. If you’re lucky, the worst you’ll get is a raging MRSA infection.  Everybody is hypoglycemic and mineral-deficient, but with a diet made primarily of iron-rich processed algae, at least nobody is anemic.
The criminal system is “reformed.” No more prisons, just a parasite infusion that saturates your brain and compels you into doing the dirty grunt work — scraping toxic algae off the city-trunk, sewage maintenance, arsenic reprocessing. Allegedly, the process is reversible.
The tree grows roots into your veins while you sleep.  They retract when you wake up. Usually.
But at least you have it better than that fungal village on the horizon.  The city-tree just wants your blood, but the mycelial citizens are not quite human anymore. Don’t get too close. Don’t let them breathe on you.  Don’t listen to their songs.
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triviallytrue · 1 month
i'm kinda curious why minecraft seeds are so incredibly reversible. like if you see patterns of bedrock generation in a handful of chunks in a minecraft seed, people can reverse-engineer the seed from it. so i guess there isn't, like... hashing? you don't lose bits when translating a seed to world generation?
been thinking about this more lately because i'm trying to figure out if Balatro's seed generation is reversible, but i think you do lose bits. i don't really know enough to say for sure tho
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 2 months
How can you make Cawl "better" Say another techpriest does some wacky stuff that changed the lore. How woudl you write it? sorry if i wrote it mean
If they absolutely had to have him make his primaris marines and his automatic plasma weapons and his funny AI, fine. GW wants to sell minis and those things alone place him around the intelligence level of someone like Amar fucking Astarte. That is a huge compliment. That is insanely impressive and still actively undoes like half the Imperium's tech shortcomings via a series of illogically "secret" tech advancements.
What they shouldn't have done. What they couldn't help but do, right, is have the overlong slab of plot devices show off how smart he is by diminishing other factions. Why is he able to reverse-engineer the Pharos device? Why should he know where all the blackstone is? Why should he know how to jailbreak scarabs and modify engrams, one of the single most advanced pieces of tech in the entire fucking setting?
If GW must have someone's early-era ff.net OC clogging up the setting, he would be massively improved by actively showing that he doesn't understand xenos technology, and that he realises his lack of comprehension is a frustration and a problem that cannot be brute forced. That he must further commit heresy by engaging in diplomacy with them, and he's not good at it. Give him a shred of depth. Make him a character. As it stands, he is the narrative equivalent of a person whose entire personality trait is "I need everyone to know I am smart and they are not", except he's being constantly rewarded for it.
Fabius Bile is a thousand times better than Cawl because he's limited, despite his intellect. His reincarnation process is endlessly flawed. He's only as good as he is because he had to go and learn from the Drukhari, who he still acknowledges are smarter than him. He has to fight for quality resources, for gene-seed, for access to materials, for his authority. He has to bargain and trade. He has to do things involving Eldar without understanding them, to his aggravation and intrigue. His brilliance at cloning keeps biting him in the ass. He's interesting because of that constant challenge.
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gosmigenergy · 4 months
( Santiago ‘Pope’ Garcia x F!Reader )
Summary: Unusually, Santiago wants to get out and you happily accept his offer, even if it’s not what you think.
Rating: Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of being tied up and Shibari, language, no use of Y/N.
Word Count: 1.5k
Author’s Notes: Just a little one to get me back into writing Bunny and the TF Boys again. I knew I wanted to do a some Valentine specials and I surprised myself with Santiago fluff. Also in case you need to go back, start here.
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“Fancy a drive?”
Santiago decided to ask this question whilst you were still tied to the headboard, having just pulled multiple orgasms out of you. Cocking your head to one side, you watch him walk around the bedroom nonchalantly. The enquiry was so casual, left to hang in the air until you chose to respond, except you didn’t know how to.
“Is that a trick question?”
Still, after all these months, you struggled to tell if he was joking.
He smiles, laughing to himself, “No, honey.”
“Where would we go?”
“Haven’t thought about it,” he shrugs, picking up his briefs from the floor before pulling them on. “Just fancy going out.”
He used to do this occasionally in his old life. When he had spent to long running after an eluding drug lord or war criminal, he would go for a drive or a walk, see where the night would take him. It would aid in clearing his head, calm his overactive mind and help him escape the seeded underbellies he was usually caught up in. The need had never risen since returning to the States, since you’d been around but for some reason, it was there.
It wasn’t necessarily eating him yet you had noticed he was a touch off his game.
He sits on the edge of the mattress and leans against the pillows placed underneath you. His fingers brush the stray hairs from your face before he rests a palm on your cheek, admiring that adorable confused expression of yours.
Your head tilts to meet his eyes.
“I can leave you tied up here.”
Your body tentatively closes itself in.
“Ok, I’ll go.”
Santiago was kind enough to let you freshen up before the pair of you headed out. You asked him what to wear he said something warm and when you were changed, you found him in the kitchen screwing the top on a flask. Part of you wanted to ask where you were going but something told you he didn’t really know.
Climbing in his truck, you both sit in a comfortable silence as he drove through the streets and sometimes you forget that life still happens even when you’re not outside. He carried on driving until the crowds thinned, the street became quieter and the roads became more open, greenery decorated where the sidewalks used to be.
One hand came off the wheel, his palm laying softly on your thigh with an accompanying squeeze. You glance over to him, his profile perfectly defined against the blurred background of the world, a soft smile on his lips. He was actually happy he finally had someone to do this with rather than roam the streets alone, trying to find some sense of relief which would normally lead him to a bar.
Your attention returns to the road though he doesn’t lose you completely, your hand enveloping the one on your leg, fingers gently intertwining.
His smile gets bigger.
It had been a while before Santiago decided to take a turn, his hand slipped from under yours and you straightened up in your seat as the car swayed onto a new path.
“I didn’t fall asleep,” the words just came out.
He laughed, eyes not moving off the road as the terrain began to get bumpy. The motion continued until the truck reached a clearing, the sun beginning to set in the distance and he swerved before parking in reverse.
He switched off the engine, “Come on.”
Jumping out, you walk around to the back of the truck where he’s already dropping the tailgate for the pair of you to sit. Once he’s done, he turns around and immediately wraps his arms under your ass, hoisting you onto the edge as you giggle.
You rock from side to side, getting comfy and he heads to the driver’s side again.
The location he had chosen was serene, the sky painted in watercolour with specks of white dancing across the bottom of the canvas as the lights came on in the buildings far away. Santiago returned with a flask, two tin mugs and a blanket before settling beside you.
“Watching the sunset, little romantic, isn’t it?”
He huffed, “I can be romantic.”
“I’m not saying you can’t,” you shuffle closer, legs pressing against his, “this is just a first.”
He guessed it was, him being romantic, most of the time he was just being a dom and you were being his mostly obedient sub. Romance was left to the likes of Francisco and Will, in this scenario anyway.
You mostly sit in silence, watching as the colours above change from orange to purple to blue before the stars faintly began to appear. A shiver runs through your body as the sun finally sank out of sight. He doesn’t say anything yet his hands go for the blanket, unfurling it as he drapes it over both your shoulders.
“Thanks, Santi.”
His eyes return to the view ahead and there’s a pause before he speaks.
“Are you still happy with the agreement?”
“Yeah, of course, why? Did someone mention something?”
The panic was rising in your tone.
“No, Bunny, everything’s fine,” he shook his head. “I’m just keeping an eye on you.”
Someone had to stay level headed in this, he’d heard plenty of stories on the scene where this had gone wrong, so wrong people got hurt and none of them would want to do that to you. If any of the boys had a problem, they’d say it straight or if they didn’t, they’d have a fight then forget all about it.
You hesitate, wonder whether you should try and look him in the eye, instead, you reach for his hand and loosely hold it.
“And what about you? Is everything fine with you?”
His hand gripped yours a little tighter, “Just needed a break.”
It suddenly occurred to you that whenever you were with Santiago, it was always days and nights filled with sex. Of course, you’d eat but apart from that, that was the only relatively normal thing of your relationship with him. You were always ready for your week with him, he’d bring out the toys or find an event to go to, it was nonstop unlike all the rest of the boys. Even Benny chilled out every once and a while.
Dropping your head, you looked at your feet.
“You know, we can just do stuff like this.”
“You wouldn’t find it boring?”
“Of course not,” you giggled, “I’m still surprised you’re coming up with ideas.”
His eyebrows twitched, “I am starting to struggle.”
Part of him thought the intensity and variety of your sessions was the reason you kept coming back to him. Sure, he enjoyed being a dom in the bedroom especially with a submissive as good as you but even he was flagging, your week together would be over and he’d take the next three weeks to recover before he did it all over again.
Maybe treating this as a relationship would actually do him some good.
“I suppose there is only so many ways you can tie me up.”
He gave you a sideways glance, “There's always Shibari.”
“Really, Santiago?”
“Always needed someone to practice on,” he shrugs.
“I thought we were about to slow down,” you say, laughing.
“Shibari can be slow,” he nudges his shoulder to yours, “and very intimate.”
His hand slips out from yours and reaches for the flask, unscrewing the top. You blush, the word intimate enough to make that warm sensation come into your belly.
“You know me too well.”
The liquid trickles into the mug, steam rising and you finally turn your face to him. You take the mug in your hand, softly brushing your fingers over his as he handed it over, you pout when you see the contents.
“I thought it was gonna be hot chocolate.”
“You know I never have any at my place, this is your sleepy tea.”
“I’m gonna fall asleep on the drive home, you do realise that?”
He hums, continuing to pour himself one. With the onsetting darkness, he wants to stay warm, of course he’s got a blanket and you but he just wants one more thing to keep the cold away. Putting the flask away, he shuffles his ass closer to you, tucking his one arm around your back to hold you closer.
You scoot even nearer, resting your head on his shoulder. Breathing him in, the scent of his smoky cologne teases your nostrils, the rise and fall of his chest enough to make you start feeling sleepy and you think of how nice it would be to go to sleep beneath the stars.
“This is really nice.”
He glances down and sees you staring back, doe eyed. His lips form into a smile, words not needing to be said before he returns to the view in front, sipping his tea.
"Here I was, thinking you’d brought me here to fuck.”
He sighs, way to ruin the moment, Bunny.
“Just keep watching the sunset.”
And you did.
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saionjeans · 2 months
i wish we’d gotten scenes of juri and shiori as children (in the show proper) before their fallout because i feel like what makes miki and kozue so compelling is seeing their sunlit garden and then also knowing that it has since gone to seed being an existential tragedy. and touga’s flashbacks with nanami and saionji respectively ground their idealized memories of him in a way that makes their dependency more nuanced and tragic. but we don’t really get the equivalent with juri, not in the same way we do with miki touga nanami and saionji. which isn’t to say that she and shiori don’t have a compelling dynamic, or that i can’t easily imagine the kind of childhood friendship they would have had, but in general juri’s backstory is so shrouded in this air of mystery that makes her harder to parse. like we literally only learn that she has a sister in the finale. i wish we had gotten to see her sunlit garden. the shining thing she fights so hard for. because we know what it is, of course, as well as the mechanics of what informs her continued choices, but we don’t really get the why. all we are shown are the remnants of her sunlit garden, long since gone to seed, and left to reverse engineer a portrait of it through implied extrapolation. and that’s fine, narratively speaking. logically i understand why her arc is framed the way it is. but god what i wouldn’t give for a flashback of juri and shiori as babies…..
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vodid · 5 months
Pleasseeee talk about Bay Megatron being a tragic hero 🙏 I yearn for bayverse character depth (Lord High Protector Megatron my beloved)
u got it o7 anti-villain might be a more appropriate term, but in his own story he's the tragic hero i'm sure
in every single movie, megatron is purely and solely concerned with saving his planet or his people. he doesn't care who gets in the way or who can get him there; the ends justify the means and he will take any and every opportunity. despite his heroic intentions, the movies heavily portray him as an unreasonably evil guy, which just isn't fitting for his goals i feel. or rather — not surprising from bayverse — they failed to portray it correctly and in an impactful way. we had his goals, but we did not have the right presentation or emphasis for how he felt about those goals (dotm may be the only slight exception of this as it was far closer to showing the emotions of our cybertronians than the other movies) but generally, he was shown to hold a lot of resentment for optimus and sought to destroy everything, with only hints of his actual end goal there.
the first movie, he was presented as wanting to use the allspark "for evil" and killing every autobot in the process. here, he's just straight up an evil guy, having been seeking the allspark for ages, but after the destruction of his planet and their numbers depleting due to war, i'm sure fixing that became his goal. also with the addition of hating humans, because they were also getting in the way <3 they had him frozen and were using his potential babies for their menial tasks! /hj (which they created using reverse-engineered technology from him; they literally handed it to him on a silver platter. we'll see this again in a few movies)
however, the second movie (which leads me to believe what his intentions were in the first ^) he was concerned about getting energon for their youth, starving before they're even hatched, and went for the most tried and tested method of obliterating a sun for energon that i'm sure would last them for ages and through the development of their baby decepticons. optimus has to die in the process? a massive bonus! humans have to die in the process? huuuuge bonus. he gets to feed their young in the end and gain a new army of decepticons to help revive cybertron and establish a new generation? biggest bonus. no one will be able to get in his way.
the third movie, the guy lost almost everything. left with only a few of their young, he just wanted to go home and have it be fixed. this was his final chance. he went as far as to lower himself to be "equal" with an autobot prime for his major advantage over everything: the spacebridge. and with what little energy and mental coherency he had left, he went for the most extreme option of not only enslaving billions of humans, but bringing cybertron into earth's orbit. when his plan begins to succeed, he is already losing energy but feels massive relief of finally seeing his planet once more. he could finally fulfill his life's goal. sentinel got him there, but he was also about to take it from him (teehee A+ carly manipulation). and we know how megatron feels about people getting in his way !
fourth movie, he worked with what was handed to him. literally handed to him. humans made a grave mistake not only creating a bot that will essentially function like megatron, but once again, an entire array of bots (this time all activated and functioning independently!) ready for directions. the seed that would turn biological material into transformium was his ticket to creating more of these ksi bots. his ticket to reviving their species. it was a little sad how back-burnered he got in this movie tho lol he got demoted to second-rate villain harder than the first two movies combined! so again, his goals were muddied.
fifth movie, we attempt to bring cybertron back. again. and judging by the red mark upon megatron's face, he had made a deal with quintessa. or she had taken over him in some way but we know how megatron feels about mind control. but having a common goal, there was probably little resistance to quintessa and was merely marked. he is again, rather low on energy methinks and understands, with the years humans have spent living with cybertronians, they have actually become highly dangerous. he's not stupid. he learned from his past and will lay back and let quintessa do the work if that meant it would work out in the end for him. this movie was a bit more sloppy with its writing but megatron is still concerned about their home.
it's to such a severe degree, that the autobots' goal is no longer to bring back their home like many other iterations; it's to stop the decepticons from getting there first. from getting there at all. they'd rather sacrifice their home and race than to let the decepticons have it, and it's for that reason megatron had been pushed so far so many times in each movie, with increasingly dangerous and unconventional methods. call him mr. grasping at straws, but he wouldn't let the autobots goal of stopping decepticons — thus giving the decepticons a goal of destroying autobots — get too much in his way. his end goal was ALWAYS to save their planet and people.
doesn't mean megatron is good. he is still unequivocally a villain who became corrupt by the failures he endured at the hands of the autobots bent on stopping him. it just makes you wonder
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psi-hate · 3 months
i was recommended a really cool pokemon emerald romhack called "pokemon heliodor" and was really excited to flash it on my shitty repro cart i use for testing. unfortunately, the cart lacks a battery or a flashRAM chip, meaning the game injected into it needs to be patched with a couple assembly payloads to rework some of the functionality to get these games working on them. examples include having the game load and flush it's save data from or into the ROM itself (self modifying code?? wild), or having any real-time clock stuff be relative to the game-time rather than 24/7 like a real rtc.
now, this presents an issue if you want to apply such patches to a romhack, especially a romhack based on a decomp that has shifted data. A patch made for a regular rom and patched to a romhack will either fail to patch or corrupt it. The patch I was concerned about was the battery-less rtc, as the Romhack would fail to patch onto a rom already rtc-fixed. As this rtc fix exists online only as a random assembly payload I'd have to receive from the ROM itself and reverse engineer, and any searching for a similar project in mind came up short, I decided if I wanted to play this romhack on my shitty repro, I'd have to learn how to fix the rtc myself and then apply it to the romhack's source and pray that the rest of the process works.
it works! it took a bit of trial and error snubbing out the battery communications and adjusting how the data was interpreted, especially in a codebase I had 0 prior knowledge of. thankfully the flashRAM payload works fine as that's not really a patch and more of an automated function hook replacement.
the whole reason I wanted to do this was because this romhack has a functional day/night cycle based on the rtc and i didn't want it to be constantly day or night forever I'd just play vanilla pokemon emerald in that case lmao
anyway the final result is that I can play this romhack on my actual GBA with a repro cart that costs like $2 with most the features you'd expect from a proper flashcart or authentic copy, or at least as close as you can get. I want to figure out soft-reset RNG seeding as the lack of a 24/7 battery results in deterministic RNG which sucks for soft reset shiny hunting, but I'm sleepy. goodnight !
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thefirstknife · 1 year
New Veil log is killing me (nothing new under the sun).
Chioma: Chioma Esi, research log: Exos. Maya and I have built a working theory around the deaths of our Exo crewmates after their exposure to the Veil. According to maya, Exominds contain a combination of Vex radiolaria and something known as "Clarity." Radiolaria are alien microorganism living within a hive mind state. Or, I suppose more accurately, a community. Clarity is... Maya described it as a paracausal power derived from an alien artifact. Something BrayTech had kept secret. Something Maya... Maya thinks that the Veil and this artifact are related. That the paracausal force from the Veil overloaded their Exominds. Unraveled them. It's like taking a powerful magnet to an archaic magnetic storage device. Full erasure. But Maya... she thinks we can reverse-engineer this phenomenon. Use it to write data to a Clarity-infused object. Fabricate consciousness. Scientifically, the process seems sound, but morally... [sighs] maya keeps saying that we're past the point of morality. She said that! She's convinced that our survival hinges on mastery of the Veil. It's like SHE'S the one unraveling. I feel like I'm losing her. But every time I try and push, I feel her move a little further away. I'm-I don't know if I can lose anything else. How much more can any of us lose before there's nothing left? Osiris: Nimbus... how much do you know about the Cloud Striders' creation? The technology used? Nimbus: You don't think... Osiris: I make no assertions yet. But I worry that your neon-lit city may have darker roots than either of us knew. Nimbus: Oh.
First, more stuff about Exos. Immediately there's a problem: Maya should not know about Clarity. Clarity was a tightly kept secret that even Elsie took a long time to find out about. Clovis worked with the Ishtar Collective at some point, but most certainly wasn't on a personal and friendly terms with Maya Sundaresh and would most certainly not tell her about his most closely guarded secret. Why?
Well, there was a Maya Sundaresh at Braytech on Europa when he was working on solving the Exo billboarding problem (the problem that returns in proximity to the Veil). It was a Vex simulation Maya, not the real her. The Vex-Maya ended up being one of the sorest spots for Clovis, mostly for arguing with him all the time, disagreeing with him and annoying him in general, but especially after she viciously tortured him during his surgery. Vex-Maya was also insisting that he must show her Clarity Control. It was the only thing that she was interested in:
"I'm in these frames. I'm in your systems. I'm in your very bones, old man. Now take me to Clarity Control. Take me to the garden's seed. Take me. Take me. Take me. Take me. Take me. Take me. Take me. Take me—"
Vex-Maya continued to torment Clovis up until he finally uploaded himself. After that, we have no record of her whatsoever.
But even with all of this, at some point during or after this whole situation, Braytech collaborated with the Ishtar Collective on Soteria and the ECHO project. Clovis never would've accepted this if he was placed in any proximity to Maya Sundaresh. So I highly doubt that he would've even had the opportunity to tell her about Clarity, let alone that he would've actually told her about it. Maya was equally distrustful of Clovis as he was of her and she ended up resigning from the project with a very obvious "go fuck yourself" letter to Clovis. They absolutely despised each other. This makes it also super strange that Maya would dismiss scientific morality; that's what Clovis would do and she would never be like Clovis under normal circumstances.
When Chioma says "Something BrayTech had kept secret. Something Maya..." I believe she meant to add "Something Maya shouldn't have known about" perhaps.
So how did Maya know about Clarity? Pretty much the only connection here is the Vex-Maya, mostly because the situation presented here is heavily linked to the Vex and radiolaria. Maya Sundaresh somehow connected with the Veil when she first saw it; it showed her its own name by saying it to her in her own voice and since then, Chioma recounts, Maya has been acting strangely. This same Veil heavily negatively impacted the Exos who are made with radiolaria and Clarity and Maya insisted that the Veil and Clarity are connected too.
And Strand must be connected as well. Chioma says that a "paracausal force from the Veil" overloads the Exos and "unravels" them. We've already been told that the Neomuna founders knew that the Veil emits a paracausal force. It obviously didn't manifest for them in the same way, but they knew something was there and this is what erased the Exos. It erased their consciousness, reverting them back to the state when the radiolaria wasn't purified with Clarity.
And Maya believed that she can reverse engineer this effect. That she can use it to "fabricate consciousness."
The strangest part is Osiris' line of thinking at the end. He specifically asks Nimbus how Cloud Striders are made; which technology does it uses exactly. And after Nimbus is concerned about this line of questioning, Osiris definitely implies that he thinks that some of Maya's experiments with the Veil led to the Cloud Striders.
Intriguing, because the Cloud Striders are made by fusing highly advanced nanotechnology (which itself stems from SIVA brought on Exodus Indigo) with a human through a mysterious machine called the Sidereal. Extra intriguing to me because a while ago when I was analysing the lore we gained from the Winterbite quest, I made a very long post talking about past Cloud Striders and the Sidereal and I suggested that the Sidereal and the Cloud Striders are inherently linked to the Veil, Strand and possibly the Vex (via the Occlusion, a "loadbearing" Vex that has been living in the CloudArk since its inception). In my write-up on this, I wasn't sure about a lot of this stuff because that was just the beginning, but some of it did point me in the direction of the Cloud Striders being possibly very closely linked to the Veil. This is now very obviously directly implied. Wild.
If the Veil and its paracausal byproduct (Strand) were used to make the Cloud Striders, then we can now possibly construct a scenario where Maya's experiments with fabricating consciousness led to the advancing of the nanotechnology which is used to make the Cloud Striders. In the same way Clarity affected radiolaria, the Veil might be affecting the nanites, fabricating consciousness; giving the nanites incredibly advanced abilities, far surpassing what SIVA could do originally. This, alongside the creation of the Sidereal, led to Cloud Striders. And, curiously, possibly also to poukas.
I'm still unclear how do the Vex tie into this whole thing exactly, but they're a constant background noise when it comes to the Veil and Neomuna, as well as questions about consciousness and memory of the universe, which I also speculated about in this other long post.
My view of the situation right now is that Maya formed some sort of a strong and unique connection to the Veil, possibly tied to her previous experiments with mind-forking and consciousness displacement with the Device, as well as her research into the Vex and Vex simulations. When she came in proximity to it, she saw her own self talking back at her. We know at this point that the Veil has strange effects on consciousness and memory, as well as being able to give people glimpses into various points in time; upon connecting to the Veil, Maya was perhaps exposed to her other selves, her other consciousnesses, the simulated ones, letting her access knowledge she shouldn't have like the name of the Veil and the existence of Clarity Control.
All of Neomuna is built on the Veil somehow, and now it's heavily implied the Cloud Striders are instrinsically linked to it as well. Whatever happened after, we can definitely say that Maya continued with her experiments despite Chioma's best attempts to stop it. Eagerly waiting for more lore about Cloud Striders and the Veil, and at some point we'll most certainly also get some logs that will delve into the CloudArk. Even more exciting lore will be coming our way for weeks.
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I’ve just had a thought (revelation), in light of some of the articles we’re seeing now, especially where people are starting to use “allegedly”-style language when talking about Toe…It feels like this Coming Out Roll Out really is more elaborately planned than we could have ever imagined. I think Taylor might be utilizing every single ally and contact she has to slowly turn up the volume on the gaylor public narrative until a final coming out.
We’ve already seen her fellow sapphic pop star friends do their part for years now, but all of them have been much louder of late.
We’ve seen family members like kaylor comments, follow blogs, etc.
Many journalists have already written about gaylor theories, queer interpretations of her lyrics, etc, and Now it seems some journalists might be doing their part to draw attention to inconsistencies in the Toe narrative!
Everyone seems to be playing their part. Which is so beautiful to think of Taylor having all of that love and support.
It takes a village to come out ✨
It would be truly mastermind shit to not only use your contacts to seed incrementally more accurate gay narratives in the media, but also to involve your whole network because then when you make the final move, you have this huge community already publicly supporting you and reacting positively, effectively drowning out negative reactions, and potentially swaying the naysaying fan opinions because their second and third and fourth favorite celebrities are in full support and giving sound bytes of empathetic third party perspective on how it makes perfect sense why she had to closet, how hard it must have been to navigate coming out in this industry, and how prevalent these practices still are, then what are they gonna do? Quotes we’ve already seen from Cara D. and Kristen Stewart will come to the surface, new interviews will be given, etc. Sure some of them will still act like entitled betrayed brats, but the majority would have to see her humanity, her courage, and her brilliance.
She has the unique experience of being able to analyze the conditions that led to the entire public turning against her and essentially reverse engineer the opposite experience.
I think she’ll do everything in her power to make sure the odds are stacked in her favor, and she’s got the mind to make it happen.
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gillianthecat · 1 year
Reverse Engineering the Gender Envy Bracket Seeding
I am very impressed by how accurate the BL brackets organizer's seeding has been so far! I reverse engineered the two seeded tournaments ('cause i'm a procrastinating dork), and in both the 1st seed won, the semifinals was between 1 and 2, and the bottom 16 lost in the first round. Otherwise it wasn't perfect (because that would be no fun) but it was pretty close!
I was inspired by their answer to this ask about how they did the seeding, and extrapolated the order from these brackets.
Below the cut is the seeding for Gender Envy, so you can see what it looks like. (Assuming I ordered them correctly!) The Best Kiss seeding (as reverse engineered by me) is in this post.
(@bl-bracket I can delete these posts if they ruin the magic of it all.)
This tournament seemed at first to have less accurate seeding, because there were more upsets in the last four rounds, but the numbers shake out about the same. Congratulations to Tankhun for beating two higher seeded opponents, first Win (Between Us) and then Ink (Bad Buddy)! He's the only one to do so in either seeded tournament.
Of the 64 candidates, 9 did better than expected and 9 did worse, so 72% did exactly as expected every round. In 69% of the gender envy match-ups, the higher seed won. The Final 16 corresponded exactly to the first 16 seeds, and the bottom 16 all lost in the first round. The biggest upset, in terms of a difference of 25 positions in seeding, was 45th seed Alan (Moonlight Chicken) beating 20th seed Khai (Theory of Love). All other upsets had a position difference of 13 or less.
purple = lost in 1st round. blue = lost in 2nd round. green = lost in 3rd round. orange = lost in 4th round. red = lost in semi-finals. pink= lost in finals. 👑=winner. 🔼= beat a higher seeded opponent. 🔽=lost to a lower seeded opponent.
Gender Envy Bracket Seed Order
1. 👑Tay – Kinnporsche👑 2. Choi Yuna – Semantic Error
🟥🟥 semifinals loss predicted 🟥🟥
3. 🔽🔽Win – Between Us 4. Kim – Kinnporsche
🟧🟧 4th round loss predicted 🟧🟧
5. 🔽Black – Not Me 6. Ink – Bad Buddy 7. 🔽Por – My School President 8. 🔽Vegas – Kinnporsche
🟩🟩 3rd round loss predicted 🟩🟩
9. 🔼Tiffy – My Lovely Writer 10. 🔼Wen Kexing – Word of Honor 11. Uea – Bed Friend 12. 🔼Jaab – Step By Step 13. Wei Wuxian – The Untamed 14. 🔼🔼Tankhun – Kinnporsche 15. Yok – Not Me 16. Zhou Shu Yi – We Best Love
🟦🟦 2nd round loss predicted 🟦🟦
17. Ayan – The Eclipse 18. Porsche – Kinnporsche 19. Jang Jaeyoung – Semantic Error 20. 🔽Khai – Theory of Love 21. Oh-Aew – I Promised You the Moon 22. Sean – Not Me 23. Payu – Love in the Air 24. James – Fish Upon the Sky 25. Sasaki Mugi – Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But to Kiss! 26. 🔽Noey – I Will Knock You 27. Xue Yang – The Untamed 28. 🔽Pear – 2Gether 29. Pat – Bad Buddy 30. 🔽Pete – Love By Chance 31. 🔽Kurosawa – Cherry Magic 32. Eugene – Not Me
🟪🟪 1st round loss predicted 🟪🟪
33. Fai – Together with Me 34. 🔼Tan – Manner of Death 35. 🔼Nuer – Cutie Pie 36. Hashimoto – Kieta Hatsukoi 37. 🔼Prapai – Love in the Air 38. Zhou Zi Shu – Word of Honor 39. 🔼Xie Wang – Word of Honor 40. Med – He’s Coming to Me 41. Waree – The Eclipse 42. Win – My School President 43. Puen – Vice Versa 44. Gaipa – Moonlight Chicken 45. 🔼Alan – Moonlight Chicken 46. Palm – Never Let Me Go 47. Chopper – Never Let Me Go 48. Rio Kijima – The Novelist
49. Togawa – Old Fashion Cupcake 50. Sky – Secret Crush on You 51. Khaojao – Secret Crush on You 52. Takara – Takara-kun to Amagi-kun 53. Yoon Won – The Eighth Sense 54. Nuea – Y-Destiny 55. Kaeng – Y-Destiny 56. Neo – 3 Will Be Free 57. Yoo Sinbi – First Love Again 58. Shintaro – Mintato Shouji Coin Laundry 59. Tuaphee – Dear Doctor, I’m Coming for Soul 60. Ae – Step By Step 61. Jerry – Papa & Daddy 62. Pisaeng – Be My Favorite 63. Amber – DNA Says I Love You 64. Mamoru – Kabe-Koji-Nekoyashiki-kun Desires to Be Recognized
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dichromaniac · 10 months
Ok I've had a minute and some dives into the lore. And here is the MOST coherent version of what I'm calling the "Unified Tree Theory" that I've been pondering since Calamity:
So according to Encyclopedia Exandria, the Luxon created the Primordials/Titans and also devoted itself into the cycle of rebirth/reincarnation in a very Buddhist sense of repeating life to reach a state of "perfection."
How absolutely tragic that a hubristic wizard lit some candles and said some words and not only "deleted" a god of death, but took over the MOMENT when the strings of mortality are cut and deciding to be the arbiter of what happens next. What a slap in the face to the Luxon's intentions for mortal life.
Atrophy and Blight are close enough words connotatively to definitely link Laerryn's spell to the name Atrophy, especially considering we're already on board playing cultural meme narrative telephone with language.
I don't think Evandrin ever chose to come "back" to the tree. I think a piece of him was caught in the runic net and never left, even if most of him was able to travel amongst the stars. We know Zerxus was not a paladin of a Prime Deity, but *of the people.* So assuming that Zerxus and Evandrin were both tapping into the same power source, i.e. the Luxon, it would be even more reasonable that the Luxon allowed for different aspects, versions, or pieces of Evandrin to exist in multiple places simultaneously.
(Probably useful info is that I firmly believe Evontra'vir is a language shift of Evandrin Alterra of Avalir in the vein of Gau Drashari -> Ashari -> Hishari; Avalir -> Savalir; Mt. Ygora -> Cathmoira)
(Ex. Otohan's Dunamancy backpack is the explanation for her Echo Knight abilities. Multiple versions, different place, Same time. But that's diluted, distilled, *stolen* instead of granted straight from the source. I don't currently see a reason why the Luxon itself would not grant more bespoke power directly.)
Also, I have a mighty need to rant about the fucking Trees
The Sun Tree: "Planted" by Pelor/Dawnfather, at the site of the battle between Ioun and Tharizdun, at Whitestone. Lvl 20 Oaths of Ancients Paladins can manipulate their physical form to be more "plant like." Additionally, we KNOW God's can change their champions into other forms/shapes but maintain the personality of the humanoid transformed. (Mace of the Black Crown, specifically, but it does seem all the Arms of the Betrayers used to be sentient creatures - and we have no reason to assume, other than alignment - that a Prime would not have this same power.)
Arbor Exemplar: planted by Melora/Wildmother at the "most desolate location in Exandria at the time" (according to Encyclopedia Exandria) and is *the sister tree* of...
The Seed of Rebirth: planted at the heart of the Abundant Terrace in Vasselheim. Described as the "sister" to the Arbor Exemplar...
Who can say these three trees are not champions? Whose to say the gods are not "reverse engineering" the deep, wordless magic of the Luxon and these three (if not more!!!) Trees are recreating a weaker version of the protection the Tree of Names offered.
And, to the point I set out to make originally, who is to say the Matron of Ravens did not, had not, or would not, manipulate the Tree of Names/Tree of Atrophy to bolster her own defenses, domains and sources of power? Ludinus did it with distilled dunamancy and otohan, why would the Matron, know Wizard, with all the power and perspective of a god, not do the same to this Tree?
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masked-rat · 2 days
Space Marine Chapter: The Impalers
Posting this here because I would kind of like it to survive for posterity, and the odds of me coming back to 40k are pretty low.
Going to skip the Index Astartes entry because, let's face it, they're actually Night Lords.
They are *not* "lost in the Warp" or something like that. They're literal heretics who fought against the Imperium in the Heresy. And at some point, they realized that it's hard to enjoy the freedom of being Chaotic if you don't have the logistics. And while Chaos is good for freedom... it really sucks for logistics.
So, they take some old battle barges that can still pass for loyalist, come up with a cock- and- bull story about being a Raven Guard successor chapter that really had gotten lost in the warp, made a big show of dropping off a bunch of daemon weapons and warp artifacts to buy off the Inquisition, "return to their homeworld" which is now an industrial world (as in, 20th century tech, not like a forge world), the whole shebang.
Everybody buys it. And sure, they have to fight for the False Emperor every now and then, but on the other hand, the False Emperor's logistics are worth it. The Mechanicus doesn't even question when they have the industrial world's manufactories start building equipment to *their* specifications. And the gene- seed? Perfectly clean, because Night Lords geneseed is perfectly clean.
So by the time Guilliman returns, they've gone from about a hundred Marines to five and a half companies. Plus dreadnoughts, all that. Nobody cares that they're doing Night Lords shit to the planets they attack, because it's done in the name of the (False) Emperor.
Everything goes swimmingly until the Chapter Master gets summoned to meet Guilliman and receive the chapter's allotment of Primaris.
Guilliman takes one look at him, chokeslams him to the floor, and demands to know why a traitor like him should be let live.
"All hail the False Emperor."
Guilliman listens to his elevator pitch, sighs, and then tells him that he's going to be keeping a eye on that chapter, and sending him back with a different contingent of Primaris.
Org- wise, they still have ten standard companies. But that's where the similarity ends. The first squad of each company is terminators and veterans, and the tenth is scouts. And each company's marines are trained as more than tactical- one through four are trained in jump packs, five thru seven in bikes, eight in speeders, and nine and ten as devastators. The training emphasis is on mentorships between the veterans and regular marines, and the regular marines and scouts.
When the Primaris arrive, up to two squads are assigned to each battle company, and they get worked into the mentorships. (Edit: But, about 100 of the "old guard" are *never* up for Crossing the Rubicon. They're the ones who were the original hundred- ish Night Lords.) And those Primaris- of unspecified geneseed- are let in on the secret.
By the end of M41, the first through third, fifth and sixth, and ninth companies are combat- ready. The eighth is at half strength. It's rumored the seventh won't be combat ready until the Imperium is willing to accept jetbikes again.
They really do have a couple of Mk.14 jetbikes, but they're not used because it'd be too much of a lift for even gullible Imperials.
Genetic- wise, they're hard to distinguish from Raven Guard other than a mutation to the neuroglottis. Impalers have multiple pheromone- sensitive pits in their tongues, which are attuned to the stress hormones related to fear. So they can taste human fear.
They're also cannibals. They can and will eat humans, under the leadership of their chaplains and apothecaries. They try to play it off as a religious observance, but... I mean, they're really Night Lords so they probably just like doing it.
Armor, worth noting they use a weird pattern of armor based on reverse- engineering some Mk.2 and Mk.3 armors they had lying around. They refer to their armor as Mk.2a.
I think that's it. Hope someone likes this. It's probably as close as they'll ever get to seeing the tabletop. At this point, if I got back into 40k, I'd probably play Eldar.
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 4 months
another follow-up, genuinely curious - why melt cawl into scrambly eggs?
Because he’s a pure plot device character that exists to shore up the Imperium’s technological flaws and undermine the technological + scientific identity of Bile/Necrons/any person unfortunate enough to share narrative space with him.
If I said I had a character who had his own Guilliman clone, had a super AI that was gunning to run Mars, had a special pseudo primarch that contained the gene seed of every legion, put a chronomancer in stasis, knew where all the blackstone was and could reverse engineer xenos tech… you’d probably tell me to take my overdone OC and sit in the corner.
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dairy-farmer · 10 months
Okay but a magical toy that pulls a green lantern "needs it most" routine? BRILLIANT. The chaos! The secrets! The PINING. And you KNOW I am, as always, trying to convert people to my Civilian!Tim Stan club~! It always causes so much more CHAOS when he's off the Bat Leash! So IMAGINE it:
Some uppity magic user. Trying to Make It In Gotham(tm). Realizing the HARD way that Bat-boot to the face is how Batman says hello. Panic flailing and shooting off every spell he knows. Landing none.
Throws THAT spell. The one he learned for his girlfriend but then she dumped him and he never got to use it. (Look he's PANICKING, okay?!) But he ALSO smashes it together with... something? He's not sure. He's trying and failing to dodge.
It HITS something.
Tim, on a roof. Trips over a bit of piping he doesn't see and gets hit. Oh no! But? Huh. He's fine? Sweet. Back to pictures then. The night concludes. But WAIT! This is an AU! Tim is a civilian! So who's ROBIN? Jason! Stressed as hell. B is being unreasonable and Damian's a Lil [redacted]. But what is THIS? Upon his bed? A fleshlight?
Real cute guys. Probably Dick's way of telling him to calm down. Or some creepy olive branch from B. Who knows. But he checks it out. And it feels AMAZING. Life like. He honestly gets engrossed, playing with it, exploring it. Wondering how it works. It even gets WET! It's a tight fit but he works it down onto to himself. Works loose and squelching. Oozing with he's lost COUNT of how many loads. It's the BEST.
It's the first night of Timmy's new night issues. Sometimes even DAY issues. Every night it's someone different. Some are super human fast. Some are so big he feels impaled. Sometimes they clearly aren't human. They slide in to him like they have every right to use him for their pleasure. To take and ram and fill him up then LEAVE. Oozing seed and twitching on the floor or on his bed or at school. Whenever THEY decide. And he has to hide it. Be the respectable Drake heir.
And the Cape community? Losing their damn minds! There is a toy. SOMEWHERE. THEIR toy, as far as they're concerned, and they CANT FIND IT. They NEED it back. It's the best stress relief of their LIFE. Someone TOOK it.
And of course, after the pounding of a life time by a Kryptonian. That poor stuffed hole flickers away to the next horny soul. Constantine. Who's like. "The fuck. This is attached to someone." He respectfully, caps it up, and brings it in. Cue mass glaring and cold sweating. What'cha got there john?
Well, some poor soul is LITERALLY getting fucked over... *continues reporting*
*dots connect in various heads*
Hysteria. What would their mother's say. Not even a drink first! They have SO many make up orgasms to give somebody. They have to find them! Before anyone ELSE! They are the ONLY one who would treat that pus- I mean, PERSON right!
And Tim? Prayers answered. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, man. You think he can keep up with Earth's Finest? Let him die a little, okay?? Just... just pass out for a bit. Festive little coma. Oww his puss. Brutes. All of them brutes. When he finds out, he gonna demand to be ROMANCED. Get the GUCCI fan merch. Seduced! THE MOST pillow of pillow princesses! D:< Justice for Tim puss!
tim's poor pussy 🥺🥺🥺 tim's little baby no-longer-a-virgin puss has been put through the wringer, always getting fondled, fingered, licked, or fucked. he hasn't gotten a break longer than a few hours since it began. sometimes the cocks inside him keep going even after tim can feel their thick cum sitting inside him. the worst part about the toy (or rather the best part of it for people using it) is that all the cum released into it is absolutely pressed into tim.
tim spends most of his days getting sloppily wet and having cum pumped into him. by the time that it reaches constantine and they're able to reverse engineer both the magician and find the "victim" in all of this- tim is already several weeks pregnant 😱. all the heroes who have been fucking tim all have to come to terms with the fact that they MAY have knocked up this civilian👀👀👀
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performativezippers · 1 month
Director’s cut! I’m obviously obsessed with Grown Ass Women and I’ve always wondered: the first pov story glosses over a lot of little details quickly but of course it makes sense, esp when it’s explained in the second part, Alex’s pov. Was it always intended to be written from both povs, with some details only explained more fully from the other pov?
For a specific scene, how about when all the super friends go to the spin class for the first time?
Omg a deep cut! This is about my fic Spin Doctor, which is a Sanvers AU set in a spin studio that I wrote in the year of our lord 2017, if you can believe it! I wrote this because at the time I was working the front desk at a spin studio one day a week in exchange for free classes, and it was such a ripe space for an AU.
This was only a year or so after I'd written Revelations, and a similar thing happened for both. I started writing a single-POV fic (in the case of Spin Doctor, it was from Maggie's POV, whereas Revelations was Alex's) and then people kept asking for the other POV as a companion fic. To both of those, I said yes! (now I say no, FYI, don't get excited).
But I was newer to writing then, and it really made me a better writer, because I had to consider some choices I'd made and find ways to work around them because the first POV was already published. It feels kind of like when you're working with a canon: what would make her do xx? how can i get her to a place where she xx? because she HAS TO.
I remember in particular with this fic (my memory is hazy, sorry if the details are scrambled), there was something where Maggie missed like two weeks of spin class because she was injured at work. From her POV, it was just like oh yay I finally get to see Alex again! but then when I was writing Alex's POV, I had to reckon with (a) why did Alex think Maggie wasn't there, and (b) How did that absence impact Alex? Short answer: she cried so much, the poor thing!! She was not at all normal about it!
So I think that's probably why the second POV feels more detailed--because I was working through all of these gaps. Also, in Maggie's POV I had sown all of these little seeds of plot and emotion, and then in Alex's I had the opportunity to cultivate and harvest them, while also reverse-engineering some seeds that only make sense in retrospect for Maggie's POV. An example of that is Maggie notices that Alex wears the same outfit every spin class, so then in Alex's POV she's like meticulously documenting every tank top Maggie wears. Parallel processes, different outcomes.
When the Superfriends come to spin: brb let me reread it. God it's been so long!
Alex sets up Maggie's bike for her. Awww, what a gay baby in love! I like that this is the first time Maggie's like "........waaaaaaait. does she?????? like me???????" Romance is stored in a well-adjusted spin bike, as the classical saying goes.
Alex tells Kara, "Don't break my bike," which Maggie thinks is cute but weird, but I LOVE because, you know. I know Alex means it.
And then in Alex's POV, Kara activates her heat vision enough to make her eyes glow at Alex in fake-anger, and I just like playing with that.
Here's a fun one. In Maggie's POV, the line is: "Danvers walks away, over to her own bike."
In Alex's it's: "But Lucy’s already looking Sawyer up and down with a nearly maniacal glint in her eye, and Alex has stared down White Martians and alien invaders and assault rifles but she turns on her heel and she positively flees back up to the platform."
Maggie is like, Alex walked away, end of thought. And Alex is like, if I don't run away like a coward right now, I'm going to lick this woman up and down her body for the rest of my life and that might be odd due to the fact that I'm a stranger to her and until three days ago I thought I was straight.
It's the same vibe as when Maggie is like I put my hair in a ponytail because that's how you exercise and Alex nearly orgasms every time. Swap for how Alex gets on and off her bike; she's like, I got on my bike, and Maggie is like, she leaps onto the bike with the lithe grace of a predator. She is beauty, she is grace, i want her to punch me in the face. nothing has ever been as erotic as watching this woman straddle a stationary bicycle. i am proposing immediately.
In general, I loved writing this fic. I think I learned a ton as writer from it, and it was such a delight. My first sexy scene (push-ups!!!). My second Sanvers dual POV! Lots of cast management! Such an AU! It was a blast, and I'm so glad there are folks who still like it!
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