#rhaenyra one shot
kat1473 · 5 months
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"Come back! Even as a shadow,
even as a dream."
- Euripides, Herakles
One shot based on this quote + angsty alicent remembers her old friend comforting her on the anniversary of her(Alicent) mother’s death.
In the rare days such as these, were her children are behaved and as dutiful as she’s pushed them, her husband quietly rotting on his throne and her father alone lost in his grief does she remember rhaenyra in a good way.
On this day every year she allows herself the weakness of remembering her old friend. She remembers when this date had first become an important one. The day her mother died was a nightmare. Even now years later she cannot fully recount the memories of her death nor her funeral.
She remembered flashes and sometimes smells or sights would trigger feelings that would arise which she quickly learned to smother into nothingness. But not today. On this day she will allow her mind to replay the memories of how her friend held her close. Comforting her in her arms as she grieved the loss of her mother.
How she fell asleep in her arms and how for the first time since that loss she had been able to sleep with peace of mind. How she awoke and instead of embarrassment she felt relief at the fact that she had stayed.
She remembered the morning conversation still in each others arms not wanting to let go of each other just yet. She remembered how rhaenyra held her close and helped her dress for her mothers funeral. She remembered the heat raiding from her hands and she helped alicent put on her black dress moving closer to hold her from behind fingers brushing her skin comforting her before stepping back and slowly buttoning up her dress.
Alicent could remember even now how hot the princess breath felt on her face when she turned around to face her. Now as she stood with her eyes closed years later. She tried her best to remember how it felt to be burned by the fire staring down at her, making her face flush, heart flutter and breath catch in her throat. She tried her hardest to remember what it felt like to be brought to life by eyes who didn’t hold the glare brought by harsh memories.
She held her breath because for a brief moment she could feel as her heart beat again. She could feel her chest pounding she could feel the heat coming from her body a warmth spreading fast through her veins she felt as though her lungs would collapse. Her throat felt like a prison where all her unsaid feeling resigned. Her heart pulsing with the reminder of what she’d lost. Yearning for someone so close yet so far.
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hisfavegiri · 2 months
Little dragon - Aegon Targaryen x Niece Valeryon(Targaryen)!Reader
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Warning : typical inscet Targaryen, Aegon being soft(?), angst, mention of blood, labor.
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Two years after the marriage between Rhaenyra and Leanor and also after repeated failures in trying to get pregnant, Rhaenyra today gave birth to her first daughter. You were born healthy, have Targaryen beauty with a silver hair on your head.
You were fast asleep in your mother's arms who was smiling at you, then the door of her chambers opened to reveal Leanor entering in a hurry “I heard it, a girl. oh this is great news”
Leanor comes closer and strokes your cheek gently, you open your eyes and look at him. "She has your eyes, she is very beautiful" Leanor smiles at Rhaenyra and he nodded his head.
Soon enough news of your birth reached King and Queen ears. The two of them immediately went to your mother's chambers to see how you two were doing.
“oh my daughter, I am proud of you. I hope the birth goes smoothly." Viserys approached his daughter and gave her a warm hug which Rhaenyra immediately returned.
"She was born without any fuss father" Rhaenyra smiled and looked at Alicent who was holding her daughter.
"She’s so beautiful, what a lovely babe you have bought to this world my love."
Rhaenyra laughed softly at her father's demands, she held her father's hand tightly. “she has her father eyes” Alicent spoke quietly while looking at you carefully.
“indeed your grace, she's the perfect mix of me and Rhaenyra” The king smiled hearing Leanor say that
"Have you given her a name?" Rhaenyra looked at her stepmother and nodded, she had thought of a suitable name for you long before you were born.
"Her name is, y/n" Viserys smiled and gently stroked his daughter's arm. "That's a beautiful name for a beautiful princess"
“y/n, I'm sure you will grow up to be a very beautiful princess in the future.”
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months turned into years. You're now already ten and fifteen name days old, what Alicent said is true. You grew up to be a beautiful princess and was highly respected at court, You are a very innocent , shy and cheerful girl.
Two years after your birth, your mother gave birth to your younger brother, Jacaerys. A few years later your mother again gave birth to a son, Lucerys and now, a few days before your name day celebration. Your mother gave birth to a son again who was named Joffrey.
You are very happy knowing you have many siblings, but the physical differences between you and your other siblings make you not very uncomfortable with all the whispers that speak ill of your mother and siblings.
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"Father, I want you to crown Aegon as the next heir to the throne."
Everyone at the council table fell silent and looked at Rhaenyra in surprise, including Otto and Alicent. Viserys choked on his wine, he looked at his daughter in disbelief. Rhaenyra took a deep breath before she looked at her father's face.
"I realize that the realm will not agree if a queen sits on the iron throne"
She knew very well that if one day she ascended the throne, many would oppose her and there would be war. because the situation had changed when Aegon was born, the son the king had longed for.
"However, before that I want to give you one condition."
Otto and Alicent looked at Rhaenyra carefully, feeling happy and anxious at the same time. Viserys was just silent and listened to every word his daughter said.
"I attended to marry my daughter, my heir. y/n to Aegon, let them rule the kingdom together”
While on the other side in the keep, you are reading your book in the garden, sometimes you just want to be alone and away from the hustle and bustle of the court. While you are enjoying the book you are reading, your attention is distracted by someone standing in front of you.
"Princess, I'm sorry to interrupt your time. but the King and Queen is waiting for your presence in council chamber." you turned your gaze and looked at Ser Criston Cole. you smiled and nodded slowly “thank you Ser Criston”
You stood up and straightened your dress a little, you walked confidently towards the council chamber. You smile and greet everyone you meet in the hallway.
When you walk in, you can see the presence of your mother, the Kinb, Queen and also the king's hand. You bowed your body slightly before finally walking closer to your mother.
"I’m sorry for the disturbance, princess. but there is something important we have to discuss with you, please have a seat” you looked at Alicent and nodded slowly.
“Oh not at all your Grace, you don't disturb my time at all.”
“Your mother just spoke about something” You listened carefully and nodded slowly, you could see your mother was very nervous but she still smiled in front of you.
Your grandsire sigh before he speak “She wants Aegon to be the next heir to the throne” this is when you looked at your mother in surprise, you didn't understand what she was thinking. Alicent, who realized how surprised you were, cleared her throat softly and continued her husband's words. "We were just as surprised as you, princess."
“you’re the princess of the realm and you have duties to full field. you have to marry and bring an heir of yourself, i attend to marry you with Aegon” As the king continues speaking you’re silent for a moment, the decision you must accept for the peace of the realm or maybe the peace for this family.
“my love? what do you think about this?” Your mother's voice brought you out of your thoughts, you looked at everyone carefully before you finally gave your answer
“I can't possibly refuse this grandsire, if this is the best decision then I accept it” you smiled.
Hearing this made Viserys smile, he then looked at his wife and daughter. “then it’s settled then, you will be married to Aegon in several months”
After the conversation in the council chambers, you and your mother are now in her chambers. You looked at your mother in astonishment, “What are you thinking? What does all this mean? I have no problem marrying Aegon. but why do you ask to change the order of the throne?”
you can see your mother sigh and massage her temples slowly, she looks at you and you can see the worry and tiredness on her face . "I just want to prevent war, my dear, if later when I ascend the throne, the entire realm will definitely not accept it well. no queen has ever sit the iron throne before”
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, you heard your mother's bedroom door being forced open and revealed your father, Leanor, who looked in a hurry. “What the fuck did I just hear? is it true that you asked Aegon to be heir to the throne?”
You looked at your father in shock, it seemed like your father didn't realize you were there. your mother looked at your father and then looked at you, “dove, I will talk to your father. You can go back to your quarters."
Your father, who just realized your presence, flinched, he smiled awkwardly. "My love, sorry I didn't see you. I'll see you after this." You just nodded and walked out of your mother's chambers , you decided to go back to the garden.
You just nodded and walked out of your mother's room, you decided to go back to the garden. Now in the same place you go back to reading your book, to divert the thoughts that are running around in your head.
“well hello beautiful, what are you doing here?”
You looked away from the book and saw Aegon standing in front of you with his signature smile, you smiled and then closed your book.
“Uncle, I was just reading my book” you smiled then shifted a little so he could sit next to you.
“Sorry dove, I can't bring you flowers today” you could hear the disappointment in his voice and you laughed softly.
"It's okay, just having you here makes me happy"
Aegon lay his head on your lap, you smiled and continued your reading. "Do you know? "This book, it really disturbs my view right now" Aegon took the book in your hand and put it aside, you laughed softly and looked at his face.
"Hey, I'm telling the truth, I'm looking at the most beautiful woman's but the book is blocking my view."
You smiled and gently ruffled his hair, Aegon just laughed softly when he saw you were embarrassed. he likes to see you blush and also laugh out loud when you're around him.
"I was very happy when I found out I would marry you"
You looked at him in shock, you didn't expect that he already knew about it. "I heard the conversation with my grandfather when I was called to his room, are you happy with this dove?"
You shook your head slowly, “of course i’m happy Aegon.” You gently combed his hair and said "I can't think of a more suitable husband for me."
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The great sept was decorated with a symphony of colors and opulence greeted the eyes of all who entered. Flowers of every hue adorned the edges, their fragrance mingling with the air.
As you made your way down the aisle, the guests turned their heads, their eyes widening in awe. The radiant bride, accompanied by your father, glided with grace and elegance. you look breathtaking, with white gown that hug your curve perfectly, and your neat braided hair.
At the end of the aisle stood Aegon, the new heir to the throne and your betrothed. His presence was strong and radiating, his eye locked on you with unwavering adoration. You can see his smiles reflected a shared joy, celebrating the union that was about to take place.
On your side of the aisle, your mother, Rhaenyra stood as your pillar of support. Clutching the bouquet of white roses, her eyes glistened with tears of happiness. you two shared a glance, their bond unbreakable, a silent reassurance of love.
The septon, adorned in his ceremonial robes, stood before the altar, ready to officiate the union. The guests held their breath, their eyes fixed on the couple before them, as the sacred vows of love and loyalty would be exchanged.
As you took your place beside Aegon at the altar, "You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection." the septon's voice voice resonated through the sept, his words carrying the weight of tradition and sacredness.
Aegon then removes your 'Maidens cloak' bearing the sigil of your birth house, Velaryon and replaced it by cloak' of Targaryen house signifying that Aegon taking over the protection of you.
"We stand here in the sight of gods and men to witness the union of man and wife: one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever.” The septon's powerful proclamation reverberated through the grand sept, reaching the ears of all the guest. As the septon continued with his sermon.
The septon's voice carried the weight of tradition and solemnity as he guided you and Aegon through the final steps of their union. With gentle yet purposeful movements, he began to tie their hands together with a ribbon, symbolizing the binding of their souls as one for eternity.
"In the sight of the Seven," the septon declared, his words resonating through the hallowed space of the grand sept, "I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity." The ribbon encircled their joined hands.
Turning towards each other, your eyes locked once again, you and Aegon spoke in unison, your voices blending harmoniously as they uttered the sacred words. The presence of the gods seemed to permeate the air, lending an air of sanctity to the moment.
"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger..." their voices carried the weight of conviction and devotion.
"I am hers and she is mine. From this day, until the end of my days," Aegon vowed, his voice filled with unwavering commitment.
"I am his and he is mine. From this day, until the end of my days," you echoed. Their voices intertwined, their souls merging in that sacred space.
Aegon’s eye shimmering with unwavering love, gently cradled your face in his hands. His touch was tender, filled with a reverence befitting the solemnity of the moment.
With a soft, lingering touch, Aegon's lips met yours, your first kiss as husband and wife. And their first kiss ever. It was a gentle meeting of souls. In that intimate embrace, time seemed to stand still, the world fading away, leaving only the warmth of their connection.
The guests watched in awe and reverence as the couple sealed their vows with this symbolic gesture. The room was filled with a palpable energy, a collective recognition of the sacredness of the union unfolding before them.
As their lips parted, Aegon whispered, "With this kiss, I pledge my love to you, y/n Targaryen." His words echoed through the hall.
your eyes sparkled with joy as you met Aegon gaze. your voice whispered, "And with this kiss, I pledge my love to you, Aegon Targaryen.”
The septon, catching the low exchange, cleared his throat and raised his voice even louder, ensuring that all present heard his proclamation. "Let it be known that Aegon Targaryen of House Targaryen and y/n Velaryon of House Velaryon are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder.” The room erupted into thunderous applause and cheers, the joyous sound echoing throughout the grand hall of the Great Sept.
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You couldn't believe that it had been almost a year since you and Aegon had been married, and in a matter of days the two of you would be holding your first child.
love what are you doing? you should been resting in our chambers” You turned your head and saw your husband walking over with Aemond beside him. You smiled and tried to stand up from your chair but Aegon quickly held you back.
“just please stay seated, i know this pregnancy had make you suffer” you smile and kiss his lips that makes Aemond groan. “she’s here at the request of both of us, Aegon” Alicent's voice made the three of you turn around, you saw the queen walking along with your mom, Rhaenyra. Their relationship only got better after the day you and Aegon got married, and honestly that made you happy.
They want to discuss several important matters with the kingdom. Since your grandsire health became increasingly worse, Aegon began to learn to manage the kingdom, of course accompanied by the queen and your mother.
“but mother, will y/n be okay? we don't know when the babe will be born” you could hear the worry and worry in his voice, you smiled and took his hand giving his hand reassuring squeeze. "I'll be fine, especially if the babe is born today. everyone is ready”
The meeting went smoothly, Aemond informed that the security of Kings Landing had improved with the addition of Gold Cloak troops in the city. Rhaenyra also said that the war taking place in the narrow sea was under control, you listen to everything that is said. Aegon of course also sometimes gives advice.
You felt pain in your stomach which made you shift uncomfortably in your chair, no one noticed it apart from your husband. Aegon looked at you worriedly and stroked your hand from under the table, “I'm fine, just a little tired” you said quietly with a smile.
Aegon nodded and focused himself again on the meetings, but he knew that something was wrong with you. you tried your best to hold back the pain which was getting worse, you whimpered softly making everyone look at you worriedly. "My love? What’s wrong?" you can hear your mother's voice. you couldn't answer and could only whimper softly, you could feel something running down your leg and you knew very well that something was wrong now.
“Is it the babe? shit, Aemond, call the Maester and the midwives to my chambers now!" Aegon shouted at Aemond and immediately carried you towards your chambers. you groaned and hugged your husband's neck tightly, ‘what happened?’ You are very scared now, You are afraid that something will happen to the babe, many women in your family have died or their babies have not survived the birthing process.
Aegon laid you down on the bed and looked towards the door, “where are the fucking midwives! hurry fucking up!” he screamed like crazy, he didn't want anything to happen to his babe, something to happen to you.
Your mother and also Alicent tried to help you to stay calm, they wiped the sweat that appeared on your forehead, give words of encouragement and also hold your hand. Your breathing are becoming hard and your vision starts to blur because of the pain and tears that accumulate on your eyelids.
“it hurts mothers, this hurts so much” you cried softly as you squeezed both of their hands, Aegon looked back at you and immediately knelt beside your bed. “Dove, look at me.” You looked at him, his gaze radiating worry and fear.
“I'm here, I'll be by your side. please hang in there” he whispered and kissed your forehead.
Not long after you are now surrounded by many midwives and also the Maester. Scream after scream could be heard clearly throughout the Red Keep making everyone who heard it shudder in horror, they knew that their princess was fighting between life and death to give birth to her first child with the prince.
"If you feel any contractions, I want you to start to push, princess.”
The voice of the midwife was faint, you gripped Aegon’s forearm until your nails turned white. Aegon kept his word to be by your side, he ignored your mother and Alicent's words. said that the birthing room was not he right to attend. Another scream was heard indicating that another contraction hit your body, with all the strength, you began to push.
"I feel the head! a few more pushes and he'll be here."
you pushed with all your might and after a few moments you threw your head back on the pillow and took a deep breath, you could heard a very loud cry which made your heart feel relieved. You looked at the midwife who was smiling broadly while holding a red bundle in her hands.
"congratulations princess, you have a son. a healthy one, he’s kicking like a goat"
you smiled weakly and with the remaining strength you had you reached out your hand to take your son, you looked at your son face with a small smile adorning your tired and sweaty face. you could feel Aegon kiss your forehead, “you did it, you gave birth to our child.”
You smiled at your husband and slowly gave your son into his arms. You smiled seeing him cradling your son. after a moment you closed your eyes as you felt the pain wash over your body once again, a small groan escaped your lips which made Aegon look at you worriedly.
"What is this? Is this the afterbirth?” you, with panicked eyes looked at the midwife. The midwife then looked under the blanket, in a worried tone she directed the other midwife to get ready.
"my apologize princess, but it looks like you are pregnant with twins. for that I hope if possible you should come to push as you felt another contraction”
you looked Aegon in shocked and prepared again to give birth to your second babe. With the remaining strength you had, you started to push ad you feel another painful contraction. You twitched in pain and that makes Aegon worried. “it’s hurt! i can’t do this please make it stop”
You cried which made Aegon walk towards the Maester “what happened? why is she in pain?!” Maester came closer and felt your stomach to check what was wrong with the babe, you saw his face change and became afraid.
“I'm sorry prince, but I think this baby is breech” breech? oh my gosh you're even more scared now, your cries are mixed with very scary screams.
“For this, we can do a procedure where we rotate the babe so that it is in the correct position or we can cut the mother's womb so that we can take the babe out”
Aegon looked at the Maester in horror, angrily Aegon pointed the dagger at his neck. "Don't ever think I will allow you to cut open my wife!"
you cried and called his name, Aegon looked at the Maester sharply and immediately walked closer to you. "my love it’s okey, i’m here you’re safe. I won't let anyone cut open your womb, there’s no fucking way," he suppressed all his words.
Your fear grew bigger when the maester approached and started to feel your stomach, "Sorry princess, but this might hurt a little" you just nodded and squeezed Aegon's hand when the Maester did his job, the pain was all you felt. You screamed in pain and told him to stop, after a while the Maester looked back at the midwives and nodded.
“alright princess, if you feel one more contraction I want you to push, okay?” You nodded weakly, you were very tired now. Your nightgown is wet because of your sweat, there is also a lot of blood on it. You took a deep breath as you felt the pain and contractions slowly creep through your body, with the remaining strength you had you tried to give birth your child.
You shook your head and leaned back against the pillow, crying and looking at your husband. he looked very messy, his hair was messy and his eyes were bloodshot. Aegon's heart ached, it hurt when he saw his soulmate looked like this.
“my love, you have to do this. I know it hurts a lot, but I won't be able to live without you. I'm begging for my sake, for the sake of our child” Aegon kissed your forehead several times while continuing to say those words, you realized that your husband and children needed you.
You took a deep breath before you finally pushed with the remaining strength you had. After a few moments the sound of the baby crying was heard, which was not too loud but clear. you turned your head to look for your babe and you can felt your heart hurt, you was afraid something had happened to your little babe.
“Aegon? what happened? please tell me that the babe is okey? right?” You turned to Aegon and looked at him sadly, Aegon was also feeling very worried. he didn't know what happened because after your baby came out, the midwives immediately took him away.
"Congratulations my prince, you have a daughter” the maester's voice sounded, making your heart feel relieved, you took a deep breath and lay back down.
Aegon smiled and kissed you several times while whispering words of thanks. You smiled and stroked his cheek gently, "This is my duty, husband. If you don’t mind I want to sleep now” he chuckled softly and kissed your forehead once more before walking out with his daughter in his arms to let you get some rest.
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tag list - @danytar @looneytun3s @hangmanscoming @yazzzmints @julessworldd @eratosmusings (italic means that i can’t tag you)
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bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
Aegon was the son Viserys always wanted, the son he slaughtered one woman and raped another for, the son he neglected his daughter for. And yet he did not love him.
Helaena was the dragon dreamer Viserys had always hoped to be, the holder of the Valyrian magic he so revered. And yet he did not love her.
Aemond was the lover of dragons, the eager student of history, the kindred spirit Viserys was never able to find in court. And yet he did not love him.
I will rage forever at how much Viserys should have loved these kids. He should have loved them so fucking much. Every single one of them embodied one of his deepest hopes and dreams. And yet he spent the rest of his miserable life punishing them for his own goddamn decision to bring them into this world.
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insomniakisses · 6 months
An eye for an eye | One
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Characters: Aemond x sister reader (platonic), Rhaenyra x sister reader (platonic), Alicent x step daughter reader (Platonic) (hotd characters)
Reader type: Female
Warnings / Notes: tw viserys, tw otto, tw daemon, events of driftmark, absent and shitty father viserys, metions of torturous, dragons, graphic violent scenes. I think thats it. Possable targcest in the future.
Part 2 (coming soon)
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You couldn’t help the giggles that escaped your lips as you ran around the gardens, aemond chasing after you soft giggles falling from him two. The younger boy declaring he was going to catch you but he was at a disadvantage you were 4 years older than him, though even at the age of 10 he was gaining height and strength.
You begin to slow as tiredness kicks in and he smirks, using the last of his energy to surge forward catching up with ease as he wraps his arms around you and pushes you both to the floor. Laughter escaping you both on impact. Though its short lived when rhaenyra comes bolting over pulling you off the ground a hard glare fixed on her face.
“That is most un-lady like sister,” she hisses before her gaze fixes on your brother, “Aemond do you not know how to properly behave around a lady?” She scolds and you roll your eyes seeing jace and luke laughing behind her.
“I- we were playing! Only playing! Shes not hurt i promise-“ the young prince stutters clearly afraid of the much older royals wraith knowing just how protective of you your sister can be.
“Really?” She draws out with a scoff bringing ur arm into view and he sees the smallest of scrapes along your forearm his eyes widening.
“Rhaenyra!” You call shaking off her grip and moving to stand by Aemond, “its barely an injury, it doesn’t even hurt. You needn’t worry yourself!” You exclaim hand clasping Aemond’s as you continue. “He will take me to the maesters to get it checked out now, won’t you Aem?”
The boy nods with a small smile when you squeeze his hand in reassurance making sure he knows your not in the slightest mad at him and that everything is okay.
Spending the rest of the day inside the two of you resigned to the library reading up on family histories and practicing your High Valyrian. Save the brief interruption from Alicent, the queen asking to check your injury having been informed by Rhaenyra that her “undisciplined” son had caused you harm.
Though as soon as she saw you two laughing and joking around she knew in her heart that there was no way he would have hurt you. Especially not intentionally.
You simply smile at the queen greeting her by her title and allowing her to gently lift your arm inspecting the wound before she left you be leaving a soft kiss to both of your heads as she bid her goodbyes. On her way to the king no doubt.
— one year later —
The whole family was being taken to Driftmark, apparently for the funeral of Laena Velarion. Though the two of you had only spoken once, having accidentally ran into her and Rhaenyra, she seemed nice enough and you were sad that she had died so early into her life. Your half-sibling however didn’t seem to care. Aegon was ceaselessly complaining as usual, Helaena of in her own world like always and Aemond, well he was respectful enough to understand why you were going but he clearly wasn’t saddened by the news.
The king and Alicent were set to arrive by boat accompanied by the four of you, but Aegon having recently mounted Sunfyre for a real flight insisted he go by dragon back the king uncaringly agreeing and shooing of Alicent’s protests. Her visible worry evident the whole way as she picked and chewed at her fingers you and Aemond sharing a concern look before going over to her. Grasping a hand each you held her tightly and she smiled. You couldn’t tell if it was forced or not, but she let out a small exhale as she held you giving away she was more relaxed even if it was only slightly.
Once the ship had docked Alicent all but ran to Aegon though he rolled his eyes and told her to leave him be as he wasn’t a child anymore. He failed to see how she flinched when Sunfyre moved or how she stood still till the dragon moved away. One of her biggest fears dragons were, something you had picked up recently.
You latch back onto her arm when she’s beside you again, having grown rather attached to her in the years of Rhaenyras absence. She had left without warning or a goodbye. You can still remember the nights you laid crying for her hugs or her soft touch when she braided your hair helping you ready yourself in the morning. All of that was Alicent’s job now, not that she minded, she loved you as her own and enjoyed how you curled against her needy for a mother’s touch. She just wishes you wouldn’t call her Alicent, it always hurt her not hearing the word “mother”.
———— That Night ————
The funeral had been somewhat uneventful, Aegon had gotten drunk and was sent to bed early by Otto and Daemon had made a scene laughing during the ceremony. But that was all really, soon you were all sent to bed and you had fallen asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow. Exhausted from the day of traveling no doubt.
However, the sound of whooshing and a dragons deep roar had woken you, slipping on a cloak and your shows you had gone to investigate. By the time you came downstairs there was shouting and a trail of blood into the main hall. Following it you entered seeing Aemond holding his eye and the adults screaming at each other. Jace with bloody hands and Luke with a broken nose yet Rhaenyra, Daemon and Laenor were nowhere in sight. You rushed to Aemond side feeling Alicent pull u into her body your hand grasping her dress as you stares at the bloody sight.
Then in came Rhaenyra and you completely zoned out staying by Aemond’s side and holding his hand throughout the whole ordeal. Crying for your brother when the king seemed not to care and made no move to punish the boys for attacking him.
After all was said and done Aemond was given milk of the poppy and essence of night shade for the pain and to help him sleep. While the rest of you were ushered to your respective chambers though you slept very little worried about Aemond and so saddened at Rhaenyra’s intention of having someone torturing him. Afterall he had just lost an eye.
———— Back in Kings Landing ————
“ALICENT ENOUGH!” the king roared, having had enough of her nagging.
“THEY TOOK HIS EYE, YOUR GRACE, SOMEONE HAS TO PAY!” And he sighs sitting on his throne looking half dead.
“My dear wife,” he starts voice bored and tired. “Lucerys is just a boy. Children fight. Get over it.”
She scoffs at this, fighting the urge to yell again knowing his power out matches hers. “A debt is due your grace, an eye for an eye. He is your son!”
“What would you have me do?” He scoffs, “The boy is at dragon stone and he is my grandchild.”
“I dont care!” The queen protests, “You have to do something! Rhaenyra’s son has taken the eye of my own, a punishment is deserved. Someone must be punished!” If the queen had known her lack of precise words would lead to the events that would unfold that night she would never have been so careless.
“Fetch Y/n” is all he mutters and a guard sets of at once, Alicent so caught up in her thoughts not quiet hearing what he had ordered. Its only when a sleepy and confused you is escorted in that her breath quickens.
You stand there rubbing the sleep from your eyes, blinking away exhaustion as your blanket lays draped over your shoulders giving you a slight waddle when you walk.
“What is she-“ Alicent is cut of by the king. “Bring me her eye, a debt is to be payed and she is like a daughter to Rhaenyra. Lets settle this now”
Your heart fills with fear and dread as does Alicent’s as your grabbed by two guards another forcing his knife into your flesh. Alicent screaming protest as she herself is restrained tears falling down her face at your pained crys and shrieks. Your father simply holding his head in his hand as he feels another migraine coming.
“MOMMA PLEASE! IT HURTS MOM PLEASE MOMMY HELP!” you continue to scream and thrash around the knife in your flesh leaving messy cuts until your eye pulls out with a sickening wet pop and you scream loud.
You both released and alicent runs to you scooping you up and rocking you as you cry, hands balling up her dress as a mumbles mantra of “momma” escapes your lips she holds you as the maesters tend to your wounds and give you all the same teas and treatments Aemond had gotten in drifting mark. The king and guards now long gone.
“Im so sorry baby” is all she keeps saying kissing your head and carrying you to her chambers. You spend the night there, tucked into her embrace as she holds you swearing to protect you from this day swearing that one day the king will get what he deserves. And praying to the gods for all her children to be safe.
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A/n. So this was part one hope u liked it 😁
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 2 months
Imagine Aegon was supposed to marry niece!reader. Everything was arranged, from the decorations to your beautiful wedding dress. Only a few days left till you and your family go to King's Landing for the wedding. Only a few days left till Aegon and you get married. But then Viserys dies and the war breaks out. Your mother, Rhaenyra's throne taken from her and now Aegon sits on it. The wedding obviously no longer going to happen. But Aegon will not stop till you become hos wife. You were promised to him and he will marry you. He can't let you marry anyone else, not when he has loved you for years. You know Aegon is coming for you, but the question is will you go with him or stay by your mother's side and fight for her claim?
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aristialamoniques · 5 months
𝔈𝔫𝔳𝔦𝔬𝔲𝔰 ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱
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𝔚𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤: Jealous Rhaenyra, Daemon x niece reader, Incest, reader's pregnant with Daemon's baby.
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The sun was setting over the Red Keep, casting a warm glow on the city of King's Landing. Inside the castle, the royal family was gathering for dinner. Daemon, the handsome and charismatic prince, sat at the head of the table, his wife and niece, Y/N, by his side. They had been married for just over a year, and Y/N was now pregnant with their first child.
As the feast began, Rhaenyra Y/N's mother, entered the room. She was known for her beauty and her fierce love for her family. But tonight, there was a darkness in her eyes that sent shivers down Y/N's spine. Rhaenyra took her seat at the opposite end of the table, her gaze never leaving Y/N.
As the evening went on, Y/N couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled in her stomach. Rhaenyra's behavior was becoming more and more erratic, and she seemed to be glaring at Y/N with hatred and jealousy. Y/N knew that Rhaenyra had always been fiercely protective of her husband, but she never expected her own mother to turn against her.
When the feast ended, Y/N excused herself and made her way to her chambers. She could feel Rhaenyra's eyes following her, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. As she entered her room, she found Rhaenyra waiting for her, a wicked smile on her lips.
'Mother, what is the matter?' Y/N asked, trying to hide the fear in her voice.
Rhaenyra's smile widened. 'You, my dear. You are the matter. How dare you steal my uncle's love and bear his child? You are nothing but a pawn in his game.'
Y/N was taken aback by Rhaenyra's words. She had always known that her marriage to Daemon was unconventional, but she never imagined her own mother would see her as a threat. But before she could respond, Rhaenyra's hand shot out and grabbed Y/N's wrist tightly.
'You will not bear his child. I will not let you,' Rhaenyra hissed, her grip tightening.
Y/N's eyes widened in horror as she realized what Rhaenyra was planning. She was going to harm Y/N and her unborn child. Without thinking, Y/N pushed Rhaenyra away and ran to her chambers, locking the door behind her. She could hear Rhaenyra banging on the door, demanding to be let in.
Y/N's heart was racing as she looked around her room, trying to come up with a plan. She knew she couldn't stay in her chambers, but she also couldn't leave the safety of the castle. Suddenly, she remembered the secret passage that led to Daemon's chambers.
With trembling hands, Y/N opened the hidden door and made her way through the dark tunnels. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and she could feel the baby kicking inside her. She prayed that Daemon would be in his chambers and that he would protect her and their child.
As Y/N entered Daemon's chambers, she was greeted by the sight of her husband, sitting by the fireplace, lost in thought. She ran to him and collapsed into his arms, tears streaming down her face.
'Y/N, what is the matter?' Daemon asked, concern etched on his face as he held her tight.
'It's mother. She...she wants to harm our child,' Y/N sobbed, her body shaking with fear.
Daemon's face hardened as he pulled away from Y/N and looked into her eyes. 'I will not let anyone harm you or our child. I swear it on my life,' he said, determination in his voice.
Y/N couldn't help but feel a surge of love for her husband. She knew that he would protect them no matter what. But she also knew that they couldn't stay in the castle any longer. Rhaenyra would not stop until she got what she wanted.
Together, Y/N and Daemon made their escape from the Red Keep, leaving behind the treacherous world of the Targaryen's. They found a new home in Dragonstone, far away from the chaos and danger of King's Landing. And there, surrounded by love and safety, Y/N gave birth to a healthy baby boy, their firstborn. He was named Maegor, after Maegor the first.
As they looked at their child, Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful for Daemon's love and protection. And as for Rhaenyra, she was never seen or heard from again. But Y/N knew that her mother's love for Daemon would always burn bright, and she couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for the woman who had lost everything to her own jealousy.
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simpingland · 6 months
Combing her hair // Rhaenyra Targaryen x fem!reader
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Summary: reader is too concentrated in the idea of being favored by Rhaenyra to notice that the Princess is actually, way too fond of her.
Dragonstone had been a stifling place for you from the first day. Full of damp, dank, stony mountains, the presence of dragons had replaced the roses that grew in Highgarden. Since you had been sent as Princess Rhaenyra's ward, your duty had been reduced to helping Lucerys with his duties and putting up with Jacaerys's chatter. Your so-called mentor seemed unwilling to heed you, pacing the castle listening to the Maester's whispered words, spending entire evenings in the room with the stone table talking to her husband Daemon, and when she retired to her chambers, only her sons and Rhaena were allowed to enter.
Occasionally you would feel her leaning against the doorway of the room where you and Rhaena were studying with the septa, though you never thought of her watching you when her niece was in front of you; when she spoke with you she was gentle, but your need to impress her seemed to motivate her to underestimate you. Sometimes you would find her watching you from afar, as if trying to discover some hidden secret or intention in you, but you would only get nervous and offer her a smile, wanting to be invited to participate. She always averted her eyes quickly, and you had to get on with your day.
Ever since you were a child you had dreamed of the brave and powerful woman that Rhaenyra was said to be, and when you met her you knew it was absolutely true. And so it hurt you all the more that the person you most wanted to impress paid you so little mind.The disinterest of the noble boys of the palace in you hurt far less than the disinterest of the princess.Rhaena laughed at your cringe, saying you were in love with the princess, and you shoved her away, not understanding that she was absolutely right. No one informed you of anything, despite having a mind as sharp as your hearing. You understood the princess's disinterest in a ward when the Hightowers were indirectly on the throne. But still, it broke your heart to eat alone in your room and to be glared at by the children when you were in a mood. Daemon was the one you feared most in the castle. He wouldn't even speak to you, he said, because your father was nothing more than an airhead who offended him years ago.
Sitting at one of the windows, your reading was interrupted by voices shouting at each other, a more heated argument than they used to have. You only understood the word "Alicent" and the word "in love". What followed was a slamming of the door. You walked, curiosity getting the better of you, and though Daemon was already far away, when the door opened again, Rhaenyra found you. She seemed more transfixed than you, her eyes watering and her lower lip trembling, not expecting to see that expression of grief on your face.
"Your Majesty…" you said in a whisper.
"What are you doing here?" She moved her eyes up and down, watching you as she tried to compose herself. She didn't give you a chance to answer her. "Go away."
"I just wanted to…"
"Leave! I command you!"
And you turned away, not knowing who you hated more, the princess or yourself for being such a coward. The day passed slowly with the young princes trying not to mention Daemon, trying to ignore Syrax's stiff pangs of grief at the absence of Caraxes, or the absence of the Princess in the hall at dinner time with her children, the time when she never failed. You put little Joffrey to bed, the only Targaryen who seemed to respect you and asked the favour of giving his mother a small paper ship he had made himself that afternoon. You had intended to give it to one of his ladies-in-waiting or servant, but when you found them all gathered in the hallway and facing the door, you forgot that option.
"She won't let us in," one informed you.
"Someone should see if she's all right." The suggestion made her smile wryly.
"She's the Princess, we shouldn't bother her."
"But she's also to be looked after…it's your duty, in fact."
"Well, let's see if you dare to go in."
In another circumstance you would have joined that princess-fearing group, but you were too moved by the idea of being the princess and no one treating you like the sad woman she was at the time. The Targaryens may have been more than human, but they had a part of it that still entitled them to affection. You picked up your dress to climb the step leading to Rhaenyra's door. You gave the guard an unfriendly look as he approached to lead you away, but stepped inside and carefully walked slowly, hoping that Rhaenyra would have the sound of your heels as a warning.
It seemed all the tears had long since been shed, but her face was no less stern at the sight of you. She rose from the spot on the bed where she sat and stood dignified.
"I have told the ladies not to disturb me." She sounded angry, and it sat badly with you.
"I'm no lady's companion." You struggled to get them out, but your voice did not tremble.
"Nothing that happens in this room is of your concern," she said flatly. You were about to walk away, but there was something about her tousled hair that made you feel sorry for her.
"It does concern me, Princess…" she was confused by your serious tone. "I am your ward…"
"Indeed, and I ask you to leave."
"And what else?" You cut her off. Your hands hid Joffrey's little ship. "What else do you ask of me? Is the thought of helping you such a horrible thing for His Majesty?"
"What? Are you rebuking me?" She took a step towards you, never having paid you so much attention before.
"…" now your fear was returning, but you would not be frightened. "I am here to learn, because I am a good pupil and I thought, as my father thought, that I might be of some use here, but I don't fit into a single room in this castle, Princess. And if you do not want me, why do you not allow me to return to my home?"
"Because you are of much use here."
"Is that so? I don't feel that way… you won't let me help you."
"I won't let you help me because you won't know how. I have maesters who know far more than you, guards stronger than you. You're just a girl, and your duty is to learn. What can you do to help me?"
"Well, I'd start by telling you that Joffrey and Luke and Jace have served you wine at the table waiting for you to come down to be with them… and I'd help you redo that braid that's come undone to get you back to the hall. And I would tell you how sorry I am for your discomfort…"
She seemed embarrassed by your words, as if some of them had enlightened her in her ignorance, and she turned her eyes away from you to return to her surroundings. She nodded in acceptance of that rebuke, and then looked down at your hands. You opened them, revealing at last the gift of her son. You held it out to her and saw her smile a little, a crooked smile, so characteristic of her. Her hand caressed yours as she picked it up, and you watched her as she looked at it. The candles darkened her hair, but it was still magnificent, and her walk was so graceful that one knew who entered by the rhythm of her steps. She sat down in a chair and turned her back to you.
"Comb my hair… I feel like a ride." She pointed to a brush and you were a little offended by the order, that wasn't your duty, but that's something.
You did as she asked, gently, although that was not your forte, you enjoyed the softness of her hair, and from the mirror opposite you could see her, with a tear falling. It was an impulse, but you did not regret it when you wiped her cheek with a finger, gently but quickly, and she looked into your eyes.
"Excuse me, Your Majesty…" she must have seen you blush, but she smiled and took your hand before you pulled it away from her face again. They were strong hands, hands that had led a dragon.
She seemed to want to tell you something, but she instead ran her finger across your palm as she watched you closely. The same impulse you had to wipe away her tear, she had to kiss the back of your hand. Only she didn't apologise, she just released it gently.
When you plaited her hair into a simple braid, she smiled at you and walked away, leaving you alone in the room, unaware that something was stirring inside you. The last thing you heard that night was Syrax's flight back and forth, sleeping very little, still feeling the princess's kiss on your hand.
In the days that followed, Rhaenyra's eyes followed you more than before, and her mood seemed to change. She seemed to care little for her husband's absence, and spent long periods of time in the room where you were. She went so far as to ask you to stay during a meeting with her aunt Rhaenys. You got to share walks with her on the beach, where she would tell you about the things she had seen during her tour in search of a husband, and she would encourage you to tell her about your childhood in Highgarden. She used to push your hair away from your face when the wind was harsh and dodge your gaze much less. There even came a day when she encouraged you to pet Syrax. It became a habit for you to brush her hair, while she gave you little books she knew you would appreciate. She would confess her worries to you, confirming that, indeed, it was not only the crown that concerned her. Motherhood had dulled her self-esteem and Daemon made her feel somewhat aged and ugly.
"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, Princess," you told her honestly. You had undone her braid and she turned to look at you. You felt a rush of warmth throughout your body as she gently cupped your cheek.
"You should go and rest," she replied, much sweeter than she used to be in her day.
You nodded and found it as hard to pull away as she found it hard to let go of your chin.
"You have beautiful handwriting…" she told you the day she found you alone, by your trusty window. One of your many notes had been picked up by her. "It's as distinctive as you are, sweet flower."
She beamed, as you blushed at the compliment and nickname. You tried to reposition yourself immediately, to pay her your respect, but she kept her smile and moved closer to you, resting her hand on your leg to keep you from sitting up.
"Thank you, Your Majesty. I didn't realise I had lost it…" you picked up the leaf to keep it with the others.
"I don't think I have thanked you for being the most efficient and attentive person in the castle," she said calmly.
"I don't think that…"
"I do…and I also think I owe you an apology. I led you to believe that I didn't care about you in the slightest. And it's quite the opposite. I had a duty to mentor you, and I only avoided you."
"No need, Your Majesty--"
"Yes, my dear," she cut you off, your eyes trying to avoid her, but her face was unavoidable. "When I was even younger than you, my heart was very evenly divided…. I loved Daemon. And I loved… women." Her hand parted from your leg, leaving you a special space for you to hate her. And yet, she remained dignified in her confession. "I've always… I've always paid attention to you. And precisely because I liked watching you too much, I have consciously avoided you."
Before you could respond, before you could even assimilate her words, she disappeared. And he had already gone back into his rooms when you understood everything. And if you didn't go in that time it was because it took you a sleepless night to work up the courage to tell her what you thought.
She was meditating again in the room with the stone table, watching the fire crackling, the whole castle asleep, and she heard your footsteps but did not turn around.
"It is most unfair…" she turned her head just a little towards you, "to hear your words and leave me alone at once. What do you expect me to do with them?"
"I thought they would be words of relief."
"Well, they would be for your relief and not mine, Your Majesty." At the tremble in your voice, Rhaenyra turned in alarm. "You wish me to leave?"
She approached you quickly, unsure of what to do when she had you close to her. She looked you up and down, and pondered what to say only to shake her head.
"No, I don't want you to leave…"
Her hands held out in front of you, holding each other to restrain herself from touching you, but her rings glistened and you longed fervently to caress them. You took them both, and she let herself, and the space was limited, with her sweet breath close to your lips. You lifted one of her hands, and upon her palm you groped a soft kiss. And with a gentle push of Rhaenyra's hand, she moved your face to her lips and you occupied them. Both her hands now in your hair and yours on her cheek.
Such soft lips, fuller kisses than the ones she received from Daemon, Rhaenyra felt unable to tear herself away from you.
"You have been occupying my dreams for hundreds of nights…" she confessed.
"And you occupy all my thoughts in the day, my queen…"
That made her smile. The room of the stone table would henceforth witness the thousands of hidden glances that carried with them nocturnal kisses.
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delicrieux · 2 years
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𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭-𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫  | autumn features (october edition)  
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pairing—aemond targaryen x f!reader summary—a peak into the married life of aemond one-eye and his flower wife: on love, anger, and kin before the pillar of light (30) word count—2.1k
written for the october prompt list ♥ masterlist. ☕.  autumn features. part 2. part 3. extra.
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Aemond had once been of a gentler complexion he always tried to hide, though never very well. His nature, as Helaena’s, was made clear by his gait, his anxious blink faced with his brother’s ire, the hunch of his shoulders and the longing gaze for dragons he didn’t have. Believed, once, truly, that he never will.
Helaena did warn that he will close an eye. This exchange, to Aemond, seemed fair, and in retrospect, a small price to pay for such power. You never understood it - never possessed the capacity. When young, you had feared that only those born of fire and blood can understand one another. As you got older, you came to accept that fact to be true.
By all accounts, you had been an outsider in the Red Keep, with it’s dragons and high towers burning green. Born Tyrell and lavished in jewelry and picaresque views, your childhood was spent in a peacefulness that now could only be recalled in a dream. 
You came to court when the King still had his hand and the Princess was yet to exile to Dragonstone with the promise to wed Aegon. Your father faced your demotion to Aemond with scorn. Helaena was a better fit for the future King - these conversations where held in whispers, tight, dark corridors, under the axe of treason. In a country divided, rulers of the same blood would fasten it strong, nourish it’s soldiers with loyalty, keep the peace that had not been there for too long. 
It was necessary. 
It was a terrible blow to the Tyrell pride. 
You had accepted your duties with a polished smile. Aegon you could learn to live with, but Aemond you would perhaps grow to love. He had been gentle once. 
But the years and their vapid tension had done away at that timid exterior, molded there something harsh and sharp instead. Nothing is ever easy with the Targaryens, though you would not be a Tyrell if you were not trained from birth to deal with fiery tempers.
The moon peaks behind silken curtains of your bedchamber. Candles drip red wax on the floor; burn in a haze emitting pleasant aromas that takes a fortnight to evaporate and months to prepare. Another end to an exhausting day of court drama that you can only discuss in Haleana and never in private. The dinner show for the dying King had promise, yet, as predicted, ended in disaster. The wound is too deep - as the King’s illness, untreatable. Much too late to salvage a family that has been kept cross for decades. No amount of drinking wine or peppered laughter, rehearsed conversations, and false jolliness would mend this. 
He had been gentle once, and perhaps he’s trying to deliberately forget the fact, “...I don’t understand,” Aemond breaks the silence slowly, quietly, like ship crossing enemy borders in secret; he turns to you beside him, takes your hand in his - it’s warm, much warmer than yours, always has been, “Why not just be done with it?”
He’s much too intelligent to know why not and not crass enough to proclaim murder in your presence, even if he would speak freely in front of his family. An outsider once, and outsider still. The small upwards twitch of your lips is a thank you for his curtsy - you never fancied bloodshed, despised plots of murder even more.
Be done with it. What an elegant way to describe an act so cruel. Never bordering on the line of treason, never explicitly stating that Rhaenyra should be killed to end this fight for power. It’s a quick fix; a mindless slip of the blade; a minute of tears before, finally, prosperity. 
You sit on the thought, let it digest. Then, you motion him to turn, and he does so obediently, so you could untangle his braid. You starts from the bottom, slipping away the woven thread that holds it together, “...I believe you must know already why, lord husband.” You mutter.
“Enlighten me,” He replies, “perhaps it’s something I can’t see?”
Despite Vhagar’s price, he’s still bitter. It festers underneath him, sometimes overflows in a fit of paranoia - that he’s unfit, unsightly, unworthy, and that you must loathe him. Out of all the things you could, it’s his appearance he insists that repulses you. That has never been the case, nor ever will. The truth of the matter is, you don’t detest him at all.
“You see fine, lord husband,” You continue in a playful tone, “though I sometimes wonder if all you see you take at face value, like your brother.”
He snorts, “Aegon doesn’t see at all.”
You raise a brow, “My point being, you fail to understand the...” You pause, search for a word, settle on something easy, “-history. Between your mother the Queen and Princess Rhaenyra. Or perhaps you don’t wish to understand it at all.”
“You speak in riddles.” But there’s a smile in his voice when he says it.
“If I recall correctly, you always fancied this trait of mine.” You hum, “When you were young, you often skipped practice to play chess with me. Do you remember those days?”
“Ser Criston was not happy.”
“When has he ever been?” Before he can respond, you shush him, “Don’t. I care not for the answer nor the man in question to continue speaking of him.”
“He’s a honorable knight. And a great teacher.” 
“And I never argued the fact.”
“Yet you dislike him.” The braid is half undone when he turns back to you; his eye levels yours with scrutiny, “Is there a reason? Did he hurt y-”
“Your Ser does not so much as look me in the eye fearing the end of your blade shall be the last thing he sees.” You smile, “And I wish to keep it that way.”
He assess you for a moment, tilts his head, and when he speaks again, he brims with the same curiosity he had when he was younger, “...Does Helaena know?”
“A lady is entitled to her secrets.” You lace your fingers with his.
“Then she won’t speak a word.” He says with a sigh.
“Nor will you hear more from me on this topic, my husband.” Your response does not please him, but you know that mindless submission would please him even less. Aemond always wanted someone who could challenge him. It was Aegon that required an obedient, motherly touch, “Neither your father the King nor mother the Queen would wish harm on Princess Rhaenyra.”
“My mother despises Rhaenyra.” He states it as an all inclusive fact, an inarguable law of nature, “I know it. Rhaenyra knows it. You do, as well.”
You come to stand, place your hands over your belly, “How about,” You begin, mindlessly wandering about the room, “a thought experiment?”
“Another one of your riddles?” He says, leaning back to watch you. He enjoys watching you, enjoys trailing your movements - small, quiet footsteps, straight back, an effortless grace of a dancer.
“One I am certain a man fond of books would figure out quite quickly. Indulge me?”
“Then let’s perhaps take into consideration the lineage that came before us.”
“The history, as you put it.”
“Indeed, lord husband.”
“Why is it that you never call me by my name?”
“Would you prefer it?”
“It’s not about my preference.”
You smile, “...It is because I like to call you mine.” You admit softly, “Lord husband. My husband...I do like the ring of those, as I like being referred to as your lady wife.”
He tries his best to bite down the grin rising on his face, but even in the dim light you can tell he’s pleased. He raises a hand and motions, “Continue...my lady wife.”
“Then, the history that was before us...I have heard many a tale, you know. These walls,” You glance around, “they have ears. And servants fancy gossip more than leftover wine. You know I frequent these...meetings and tea parties and daily routines you do not bother with. The ladies at court speak often of your father’s reign. All in wonderful reverence, of course.”
“And what I came to learn is that there had been a deep bond between your mother and Princess Rhaenyra once.”
“That was a long time ago.” He utters, “Things have changed.”
“But there was, once, love.” You counter, though not unkindly, “...I don’t quite believe it is gone entirely.” 
The air seems to still, as if you roused a beast not meant to be awaken. You’re threading into forbidden territory, that much you know. He sits up slowly, and his face is lifeless, waxen, “What are you implying, (Name)?”
Your name has never sounded colder. You would never let it show, “Only a thought experiment.” There’s a sharp smile on your lips. You don’t quite manage to hide the bite from your voice, “The silly musings of a housewife that has nothing to do. Pay no heed to it, lord husband.” 
“Is this what you have been discussing with the court ladies?” His tone rises, as if he can’t believe it, “My mother’s affections to Rhaenyra, of all people?” He stands, approaches, and you quickly evade. He falters instantly, “If I frighten you--”
“You could never, lord husband.”
“Don’t lie to me.” His request is oddly paced - soft, unlike his previous timbre, “You know I want you to speak freely around me.”
You grind your teeth. Hold your head up high, “Very well. Sit.” He does so without protest, never once loosing sight of you, “So be it, I shall say it as it is. It’s obvious. As obvious as the fact that Rhaenyra’s children are not Leanor’s and never were. Your mother’s affection for Rhaenyra has never ceased, nor Rhaenyra’s for her. If the hate between your families was truly as strong as everyone pretends it is, one or the other would have been dead already, and your father would have done nothing to stop it. Or you, or Haleana, or Aegon, or I - killed, before I came to court and you got your dragon. They were friends, Aemond, good friends, inseparable, from what I was told. A bond as that does not evolve into hate without having a strong foundation before it. And times have changed, I do agree, but I don’t think it’s as simple as petty hatred for the Iron Throne.” 
You press your hand to your belly, to the life that steadily grows inside it, your first one, and suddenly you feel choked up, unpoised. You inhale, exhale, steady yourself, “I know this because even if you were to do something...terrible,” You catch his gaze, “I couldn’t hate you. I would only hate the fact that I love you still.” 
A cool breeze brushes past your shoulders. He seems thoughtful, “...How long have you been...thinking about this?”
“Long enough.” You admit, breath spent and voice rasp, “Not much else to do here when you hardly join me for chess anymore.”
“Haleana keeps you company.”
“And you should find her opinion no different from mine. Listen to her.” You continue, “You never do, yet you Targaryens may find some use in what she has to say.”
“You’re a Targaryen as well.” He reminds you curtly.
“Don’t make me laugh, Aemond. I’m not in the mood. I’m a Tyrell. I was born as one and will always be treated as one in your court.” You sigh, “Gods be good...” You mutter, pinching the bridge of your nose, “A war is coming. A war.” You look at him, “What am I good in war? I ride no dragon nor wield a sword. Or should you fancy me cowering in the Red Keep when the city turns to ash?”
Something clicks in him - it’s loud, aching, like shattering glass. 
He pales, “...You wish to leave me.”
You must salvage this whilst you still can, quickly gather the pieces, stitch them together with blood if you must.
“I wish,” You state calmly, “to return home.”
He stands, “This is your home.” He stabs a finger into his chest, “Our home. You cannot abandon me-”
It’s what he’s always feared, always believed. He envisions it, awakes at night with remains of that nightmare plaguing him: he turns away for a moment and when he looks back you’re gone in a flurry of smoke. Sometimes there’s laughter and sometimes there’s deathly silence. He doesn’t know which is worse.
“I’m not abandoning you, Gods, do you even hear what I’m saying?” You pause, breathe in again, “You know what the maesters said. I’m of a delicate condition, Aemond. I am unfit for war. And I will not have my child born in a battlefield.”
His hands grip your forearms. You startle. His hold eases, apologetic, almost, “I,” He begins, trying to catch your gaze, but you stubbornly look over his shoulder, “I will protect you.”
Your brows pinch together, “When? When you’re on dragonback or slaughtering Rhaenyra’s soldiers?” You sigh, “Let me return to my family,” You try to appeal to that nature, that kindness that hides underneath a leather patch, “to the grandparent’s of your child. Wait it out there. And when it’s all done, and you’re victorious, we will return. Our child and I. We’ll be together, all of us.”
Your plea hangs in the air. The candles flicker. Aemond nods slowly, kisses your forehead, and when you close your eyes and lean into his embrace, you hear a soft but firm, “No.”
He will not let you go. He cannot let you go. He cannot do this without you.
You hear that word still, echoing among the dancing dragons and crumbling buildings, the screams and rubble and rains of ash. It could have been different. But as you sit by your bedside window and watch the city crumble you make your peace with it, as you did with a lot of things in life. Forgiven a lot of things, too, perhaps too many. 
There’s a terrifying roar before the view burns in a pillar of light. 
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notes: babe wake up a new war criminal just dropped xx
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satanicscreams · 8 months
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: rhaenyra targaryen x fem!targaryen!reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 4038
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: in which the estranged cousin finally steps foot in king's landing after so many years only to capture the attention of many...especially the heir apparent's
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: strong language, brief mention of nudity, talk of a toxic family dynamic, a one sided crush (rhaenyra is super smitten), daemon is an awful father...no surprise there, reader’s hair color is mentioned, no use of “y/n”
𝐕. 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐬 — okay,, so technically the reader isn't a hundred percent targaryen in this one (you'll see) so my apologies for the false advertising
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐀𝐑𝐃 was uncharacteristically empty and quiet. That large patch of dirt aligned by weapons and a few dolls made of straw was seldom so tranquil. The brutish grunting of men and their steel swords clanking together was absent. All for the better, Princess Rhaenyra supposed as she made her way down the stairs that led into the yard. A gentle summer breeze bellowed through the air, picking up stray stands of Rhaenyra's otherwise neatly styled, braided hair which cascaded down her back closely resembling freshly fallen snow. The impulsive-natured young girl solely focused on the one figure present in the training yard as she stepped closer and closer, eager to not make a sound. In the midst of the yard, stood the most beautiful of people wearing dull brown trousers and a green tunic which aided her movements during her strenuous practice.
Rhaenyra harshly swallowed whilst examining the young woman of seventeen years as she pulled another arrow from the quiver resting in the dirt. Without even taking notice, the Targaryen Princess began silently—or at least she believed the action to be silent—kicking at the ground beneath her foot as excitement consumed her. The boyishly dressed female archer took her stance with her chest puffed out and back perfectly straight, legs spread apart ever so slightly. With the arrow nestled against the wooden frame of her bow and pulled back with those thin, yet surprisingly nimble fingers, Rhaenyra watched on with pure amazement. Stretching the bowstring to its full potential, the light brown-haired archer felt the pressure of her weapon against her skin and through her arms.
With that, she proceeded to shut one eye and continued to steadily breathe as she inspected the distance between herself and the target. The archer lacked no concentration...not even with a platinum-haired Princess boring two holes into the back of her head by staring so hard. The seventeen-year-old smirked to herself, forcing out an exhale through the minimal gap that had appeared between her lips. Arms tensing when she heard Rhaenyra move closer, the brown-haired beauty dared not release the arrow even if her fingers begged her to do so. With her hands clasped behind her back, the Princess prided herself on remaining hidden and soft-footed like a cat in the night, though she gave herself too much of that pride.
"I advise you to not stare for too long, dear cousin. My fingers do tend to tense up when so much judgment is cast upon me all at once. Those prepossessing eyes of yours are much too eager to understand my motives."
The lady archer teasingly admitted, that previous smirk never once going away. That customary smugness could be heard in her tone of voice and attributed to the infamous man who fathered her. A sudden hue of crimson overcame the apples of Rhaenyra's cheeks the very moment she was addressed. In resemblance to that of a hummingbird's, the platinum-haired girl felt her heart beat in an unnaturally fast manner when hearing her breathtaking older cousin's saccharine voice for the first time in...well, a very long while. The notion of composing herself nearly slipped Rhaenyra's mind as another short-lived gust of wind swept through the training yard.
The younger girl smelled her cousin's natural scent consisting of wild berries and the neutral aroma of perspiration after standing in the sun for an extended time. Rhaenyra loved her cousin. Perhaps a little bit more than she had ever intended. The heir apparent oftentimes battled with overly detailed thoughts of sharing intimate moments with her beloved cousin which would prove as sacrilege were anyone else to learn about such a secret. Two young women were never meant to engage in such sinful activities. All the more reason Rhaenyra shamed herself for imagining such things...still, she never stopped. The Princess relied heavily upon her limitless imagination to create a bountiful courtship between herself and her cousin. 
"I was not—There was no judgment, cousin. Merely an intrigue. Never have I witnessed such natural aptitude through archery. My uncle—your father, must be satisfied with the talents you possess—"
With the unexpected and audible swish of an arrow, followed by the dull thump as the pointed piece of wood wedged itself into the center of the target, Rhaenyra lost sight of her compliment—utterly interrupted. Her cousin wordlessly made it clear that she wished to hear no such thing. Especially when it involved her loathsome father. The platinum-haired girl, in the meanwhile, observed the target with an arrow sticking out the middle of it, the image serving as a reminder that her cousin was a masterful archer—a true warrior.
And when Rhaenyra felt the older girl's hand gently latch onto her wrist, she had no choice but to meet those familiar amethyst eyes she often dreamed about—the eyes which were primarily reserved for members of House Targaryen. Whether the brown-haired young woman liked it or not, she was half a Targaryen by blood. Her father had cursed her with those amethyst eyes alongside a foolhardy demeanor. However, the aspiring archer was sedulous—something her father was not and a trait she had inherited from her mother. 
"Do not be so foolish, Rhaenyra. My father, though I wish to not name him as such, has never been attentive nor loving. In truth, it was his will to return to King's Landing so he could assert himself as someone of high importance. I was content in the Reach beside my mother. The letter I received from him held a sort of directness and self-centered view of what he felt he was deserving of. He yearns to rule alongside a hideous lack of respect for compassion. That callous disregard was what my mother deemed a sense of adventure when stumbling into bed with him. Perhaps she was a lovesick child. But I am no fool. If he wishes to dismiss his responsibilities as a father then he does not deserve the love of a daughter. I have no further qualms with him for I am truly a daughter of war rather than a dragon."
Rhaenyra listened attentively to what her cousin had to say in regard to her uncle Daemon, though the Princess remained skeptical of whether or not both father and daughter had truly resolved their differences. The Rogue Prince was stubborn and his daughter even more so. And while Rhaenyra took in the rather emotionally charged words, she became hypnotized by her cousin's natural beauty. The young woman's complexion was partially tanned—completely void of that pale Targaryen skin that Rhaenyra herself boasted.
As for her hair, it was shorter than most noble ladies would have worn it, though the archer wasn't a noble lady. Light brown hair reached just above her shoulders and resembled the shade of chestnuts. And of course, her amethyst eyes sparkled in the midday sunlight. Rhaenyra's endearing gaze was sadly not noticed by her cousin on account of the older girl being distracted. With thoughts of her father no less. More specifically their journey to King's Landing. It was a miserable endeavor to travel from the Reach to King's Landing atop a dragon with Daemon. Caraxes, the young woman did not mind, but her father...that was another matter entirely. She vividly recalled the conversation upon their arrival. 
"It has been ten trivial years since you have been granted the rare privilege to step into the Red Keep and intermingle with nobility. While your mother restricts your freedom and keeps you locked away in that insufferable village, I offer you opportunities not many women of your standing can encounter. Still, you have not shown how grateful you are."
The young woman deemed her father's self-righteous monologue to be painful and a waste of time. Still, her reply was coated in sarcasm, meant to defy: 
"I am forever indebted to you, father. Perhaps if this dress was not constricting every portion of my body then I could bow down like a true, obedient lowborn. My assumption remains unchanged: you adore to remind me of my lack of repute."
"I have made many sacrifices on your behalf. This is your wretched mother's doing. She feeds you these fictitious tales of how I am this monstrous creature who you should loathe—"
"Do not speak ill of my mother! You abandoned her once she spoke of conceiving a babe! You abandoned me! Your only living child and only hope for becoming a better man!"
Many idle individuals, mostly knights, witnessed the heated dispute between the young woman and her father as they neared the extravagant castle on foot. The brown-haired beauty's lips were curled up in disgust while Daemon's eyes held scorn like no other. 
If looks could kill...
"What was I supposed to do!? Your mother was a lowborn whore and I was—I am a prince belonging to an ongoing legacy. And you...you were the outcome of failed judgment."
Daemon's daughter incredulously scoffed and rolled her light eyes at the deeming words used against her and her mother—the lovelorn woman who dared give her heart and body to a destructive Targaryen man. Said man held no regard for anyone. All he cared for was himself. 
"Once, when I was young and foolish, I defended your actions. I attempted to preserve your honor. However, you've proven what sort of hatred you are capable of. The shame of being your daughter is debilitating."
"I rather despise witnessing you become a daughter of war...a disposable soldier for whichever lord is determined to have you serve his house. You have a much greater purpose here...with me."
Rhaenyra softly murmured, too apprehensive to boldly speak her mind in the presence of the young woman who would most certainly believe her to be a foolish little girl if she were too confident with her response. The Princess's cousin only gave a heartfelt smile and shook her head when looking at the starry-eyed girl. 
The brunette had knowledge about just how much Rhaenyra adored her which did not help the dismal quality of the heir apparent's words. The last time she visited, Rhaenyra acted nearly identical—not bearing to let her leave and begging for her skillful cousin to remain in King's Landing so they could gossip and stir up trouble whenever possible. It was sweet...like a younger sister wishing for attention. Even so, the brunette had a swift response to her royal cousin: 
"Gaudy dresses and jewelry do not tempt me to remain in King's Landing, Rhaenyra. I am no Princess. I am no Lady. And I prefer to live out my days without any prestigious titles. My father's vile reputation is the sole reason many courtiers do not know of me. I do not wish to be revered in any sense."
Rhaenyra felt idiotic all the more after hearing such a string of words counter hers. The Princess cursed herself for being so ignorant and impetuous. Of course, her older cousin wouldn't wish to remain in King's Landing and live like a proper lady. Upon a second glance at the seventeen year old's masculine attire, Rhaenyra frowned slightly at the prospect of never being able to change the mind of the only person she truly, truly loved. The Targaryen girl was infatuated by the essence of her cousin—the way she spoke so fiercely, the way she acted so bravely, and the way she appeared like a goddess amongst men. In the midst of her daydream, Rhaenyra was not thinking rationally, hence why she inquired: 
"Would you care to join me and Alicent in the gardens after supper?"
The way her cousin shook her head, signaling a nonverbal "no" was the only answer Rhaenyra Targaryen needed. Though it only broke the platinum-haired girl's heart further when her cousin decided to further elaborate. 
"Gossip regarding handsome men does not tempt me either. I suppose you and that green little bitch will disregard the prospect of discussing battle plans and other such strategic considerations—"
The young woman supposed correctly which forced Rhaenyra to bite down on the insides of her cheeks as she began toying with the pretty gold pendant around her neck...then she suddenly stopped once the jewelry reminded her of who she was: a spoiled child of a King. A proper girl who had enough riches to her family name to rival all other houses. Rhaenyra felt a wave of insecurity washing over her since, in comparison to her cousin, she was given everything she desired. 
The Princess began feeling like a burden in the presence of the gorgeous brown-haired young woman. As for the archer, even the mere thought of interacting with Alicent Hightower for a second time made her skin crawl. They could both trace their beginnings back to the Reach and still, the two young women did not find each other compatible. Alicent was much too polite—the embodiment of a highborn woman with plenty of judgment to spare. In her eyes, the daughter—the bastard daughter of Daemon Targaryen was much too wild...and slightly frightening. 
"No. W-We shall not do such a thing."
Vehemently, Rhaenyra denied the truth. Though her voice betrayed the younger girl when it shook unwillingly. In return, the Princess was blessed with the melodious, twinkling sound of the brunette's laughter as she leaned down to collect another arrow from her quiver. Again, the young archer took her stance and prepared to shoot but not before lining up her weapon with the target. 
"You are a dreadful liar, dear cousin. A natural beauty, but a dreadful liar I'm afraid. Give my condolences to that Hightower companion of yours. She seems to have an equally abhorrent father. We have that in common."
The Targaryen barely had time to comprehend her cousin's words before that all too familiar swish of the arrow cut through the air and unsurprisingly, made it to the center of the target—right beside the other one. The brown-haired young woman hummed in approval when assessing her capabilities. Rhaenyra knew her cousin had too much potential to waste in King's Landing and that prospect placed her in a limbo between contentment and melancholy. 
"I do wish I could kill you." 
The brunette said without any humor at all as she valiantly attempted to bite back an oncoming shiver caused by the cool water which had been splashed onto her skin. She had not succeeded as proven by the goosebumps steadily appearing on her fully nude form. The difference between the temperature of her sweat-covered body and the sea water was not a pleasant one. It also seemed worse when having to witness the coy smile on Rhaenyra's lips. The young Princess had been the culprit who scooped up a handful of briny water and threw it in her cousin's direction.
After a rather lengthy training session, all the brunette wished to do was take a dip in the sea. Rhaenyra had granted that wish by dragging the older girl to a rather secluded area of shoreline attached to the Red Keep, though what the platinum-haired girl did not expect was for her cousin to strip away all her clothing and display a body that was surely envied by most women: toned arms and long legs complimented by proportionate curves along her hips. Rhaenyra found those inquisitive eyes of hers trailing up and down—almost instinctively lingering on the ample breasts presented to her.
Of course, the girl's cousin meant it as an innocent gesture to undress, but Rhaenyra could not seem to bear the sight of the ideal female physique. She wished to join the brunette and step into the water, but she didn't dare shed her dress—the outcome of slight bashfulness and not wishing to be caught in the nude by any of her courtiers. Thus, the Targaryen sat herself down on the sand and rocks, occasionally fanning herself with her hand to battle the blistering heat. 
"Lies. You stand in awe of me. Besides, senseless killing is a deed committed by men who think themselves superior. You are no man, thank the Gods." 
Rhaenyra's retort forced an unladylike snort out of her cousin as the brown-haired young woman placed her hands on her hips, staring out at the vastness of the blue water. With the young woman's back turned, Rhaenyra had the opportunity to examine the bare flesh before her once more. Though she felt her face grow hot—and not only because of the sun—which made her shift her focus onto the rocks which littered the ground. 
The Princess only looked back up when she heard the jostling of bare feet against the pebbles, instantly noticing the way her cousin lowered herself into the water and rolled onto her stomach so the two of them could make proper eye contact. With her lower half still in the water, the brunette took pleasure in the sloshing of the water and the way the waves drew in and out. Propping herself up on her arms, she stared at Rhaenyra with a playful glint in her eyes, which caused the girl in question to blush even more. 
"You're quite right, Rhaenyra. Though I must admit, if I were a man, I would not be such a craven as to butcher a princess—a beautiful young girl who has the utmost potential to uphold the laws of the realm and make it prosperous. No, if I were a man, I would take pleasure in slaughtering those who truly deserve it. Most tempting of all to envision: if I were born a man, I wager I'd be blessed with both a glorious physique and many other desirable attributes. I do believe I would be envied."
It seemed Rhaenyra could not fight the unrefined chuckle that she let out after hearing her cousin's unrelenting narcissism. The Princess greatly enjoyed it. She always had. There were no talks of...proper things—the concepts she discussed with Alicent regularly. Conversations with her cousin consisted of topics a lady wouldn't dare utter in the presence of others. It was one of the many reasons Rhaenyra adored her older cousin so much. There were one too many in all honesty. 
"All this talk of killing...Dare I assume that you and Daemon are more alike than you both care to admit?" 
Rhaenyra felt her words turn sour once they left her lips and the platinum-haired girl soon enough felt herself shrinking underneath the brunette's murderous expression. Though such a strong reaction wasn't directed at Rhaenyra. No, not at all. The Princess's cousin had an entirely different issue. 
"You spoil the day by merely alluding to him. My fath—Daemon Targaryen forced me to accompany him to King's Landing. He is disillusioned enough to believe that there is no greater privilege than residing amongst nobility...or the flock of gossiping hens he deems as the idyllic example of nobility. I cannot stand to be in close proximity to prudish noble ladies who turn pale at the mention of bloody battles. Still, I have yet to speak of the hilarities regarding my predicament: your uncle bids me to make merry with these women and find companions with a true feminine perspective. So tell me, Princess, how might I accomplish this task without further dampening the spirit of the man who dragged me all this way? I seem to be a thorn in his side." 
The young woman did not receive a genuine solution from Rhaenyra. The platinum-haired girl could only shrug and let out an exasperated breath as she thought of her uncle and how cruel he could be. Rhaenyra wished to provide an answer, but how could she? She was regularly having difficulties with her own father and she did not wish to care. 
"I truly have no knowledge of the quandary between you and my uncle, though I am aware of how...bothersome Daemon can become when he does not get his way. If he wishes for you to behave as a civilized, noblewoman should then perhaps you should consider not heedlessly flaunting your bare tits about."
"My condolences, Princess. I did not expect my tits to cause such a great hindrance to your focus. I cannot say that I hold blame for that. They are appealing...and very firm...and much bigger than yours." 
The brunette expertly countered her royal cousin's joke, prompting Rhaenyra's eyebrows to raise and her mouth to part in complete surprise. Perhaps what her cousin said was true, but even so, Rhaenyra did not expect such a mischievous insult to be hurled at her so effortlessly. Picking up a rock that rested near her, Rhaenyra tossed it into the water and was unimpressed by the lack of distance the object got as it sank beneath the surface of the waves. The girl sighed and feigned hurt in her rebuttal:
"Oh, good. My cousin who strays farther from her family than her own father—the cousin whom I barely speak with, decides to insult me upon a rare visit."
"Don't pout. It was a mere jest. You're still young. I am certain that you shall grow into your womanly beauty rather quickly. Now, tell me of Syrax. No, no. Tell me when you are able to show me the Realm on dragon back. I'd rather like to see the Narrow Sea from above."
Chewing on the insides of cheeks—as it had become a recent habit of Rhaenyra's—the Princess could not find it within herself to continue the conversation without revealing her feelings...just not in the appropriate manner. 
"I wish for you to stay in King's Landing for all eternity. By my side. Then I would be able to show you the Narrow Sea on dragon back on every occasion you desire. I adore your company all too much. You are the only one who truly understands my troubles. You are the only one capable of defending my irrationality in the presence of my father." 
Rhaenyra heard her voice nearly fall silent by the end of her speech and it was then that she frowned while staring down at her hands, attempting to hold back tears for sounding more juvenile than she would have preferred. Hearing the brunette chuckle pushed Rhaenyra closer and closer to shedding tears. The Princess felt oh so childish. Her cousin did not understand. She would never understand. 
"A fair assertion. I would take great pleasure in riding atop your dragon whenever I wanted. Though I would go entirely mad if I had to endure King's Landing for too long. And my mother would be distraught. As would my betrothed." 
"Your 'betrothed'?" 
Rhaenyra felt her tears dry up instantly once she heard the cursed word that had once or twice made it into her conscience and bothered her to no end while also furthering the notion that her cousin would one day leave her completely. Rhaenyra should have expected it—most young women of seventeen were betrothed or already married. It was, in every sense, an upsetting concept for Rhaenyra to know of the existence of some man who had won her cousin's heart. The Princess already despised the man, having not ever met him. No man was good enough for the brunette. No man was worthy of her love. 
"Mhm, yes. A handsome, albeit a rather delinquent knight to House Redwyne—"
Rhaenyra's headstrong attitude combined with her determination to say something disallowed her cousin to continue to speak about the young knight who had been charming enough to tempt the brunette's desires. Oblivious to the Princess's jealousy, the brown-haired archer cocked an eyebrow in intrigue as she listened to her cousin's off-topic and rather desperate utterance. 
"Vow that you'll travel to King's Landing with regularity that will rival all your previous visits. Swear this to me...Please."
The urgency in those words could not be brushed aside nor would the young woman still positioned on her stomach, halfway in the water. She could never be so heartless as to ignore her cousin's wishes. 
"I swear it, Rhaenyra..."
The brunette trailed off as she came to rest her head in the palm of her hand, ultimately sharing a glance with Rhaenyra Targaryen and giving her a smile—a smile that made the young girl's heart melt. 
"...You, dear cousin, shall make a fearsome Queen one day."
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gtgbabie0 · 9 months
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Rainy mornings
{You and Rhaenyra enjoy a peaceful morning together}
Hope you enjoy my lovelies!! 💕
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It’s raining almost constantly on Dragonstone something you have come to love as time goes on. Especially in these moments when you wake up beside your beloved wife, her soft, white hair falling out of her once neat braid.
The back of her hand grazes against your cheek gently as you slowly begin to stir from your sleep. She props herself up on her elbow as she looks down at you with kind eyes, full of love and there's something about the warmth of the moment that seems to protect you from the harsh morning winds that whistle through the castle.
“Good morning my sweet girl” she smiles, keeping a hushed tone as she leans down to press a kiss to your cheek. Her hands soothe against the curve of your bare hip as he continues to press light kisses along your jaw smiling against you when you let out a small delighted sigh.
Rhaenyra watches as you rub your eyes, a yawn escaping your lips and she can’t help but let out a breathy giggle at the sight, but who could blame her? When her beautiful wife, lays naked beneath the white sheets, bathed in the morning sun as it rises. The happiness that blooms within her chest escapes her through soft giggles.
“Did you sleep well, my dear?” You ask, voice still laced with sleep. A gentle hand reaches up to brush away the hair that frames her face pushing it behind her ear, the back of your fingers grazing against her cheek.
“I always sleep well beside you,” she responds voice just above a whisper, before dropping a kiss to your shoulder. You shuffle closer to her, bringing the sheets with you as you rest your head against her chest. Rhaenyra traces her fingertips along your spine leaving goosebumps in their wake and the sensation only makes you nuzzle into her neck further, seeking out her warmth.
“Breakfast should be here soon so don’t go back to sleep my love” she whispers against your forehead, pressing her lips to your hairline as her hands still work their way up and down your back, enjoying the way your body feels against hers.
The familiar heavy sensation weighs against you, and you fight so hard to keep your eyes open, but the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks and the way Rhaenyra's hands feel against your body makes it really hard.
“You’re certainly not making it easy,” you tell her with a soft chuckle.
Before she can defend herself there’s a knock at the door, and a voice from the other side, “Breakfast m’lady”
She pulls the sheets over your shoulders to cover your modesty before telling the maid to enter. She leaves two silver trays, full of warm pastries and fruit, on top of the stone table that sits at the end of the bed before leaving with a curt bow wishing the pair of you a pleasant morning.
“Come on my sweet girl, let us eat,” she says, watching as you move away from your very comfortable position, and suddenly she’s left very aware of just how cold it is. You sit with your back against the headboard, robe wrapped tightly around your body as a gust of wind pushes through the room.
“Eating in bed are we?” She smiles at the tired nod you give her in response.
“Yes, because you love me dearly and it is simply far too cold,” you tell her as she brings the trays over to the bed placing them down on the mattress carefully before sitting back down next to you, and as if out of instinct you lean closer to her searching for her warmth yet again.
“I do, I love you more than words could ever express,” she says with such sincerity that it leaves you breathless and it certainly doesn’t help when he presses a loving kiss to your lips, her hand caressing your cheek ever so gently.
The pair of you indulge in the food, feeding each other the different fruits and sweet pastries and Rhaenyra can’t help but admire your beauty, the way you seem to practically glow under the morning sun as a smile embraces your beautiful features. She truly loves you, even if you’re leaving crumbs on the bed.
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kat1473 · 5 months
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“if you don’t love me..why are you still here?”
A/N: Another angsty rhalicent One- shot. Mothers are fighting💔 Felt like this is what their fight would’ve been like a least a lil. love me a good argument between besties 👯
Summary: Rhaenyra finds out about alicent and (Her father) The king and flips out.
Warnings: angst, swear words, arguing, slight slut shamming(heat of the moment), religious ideology, begging, blood, mean rhaenyra(js been betrayed), sad alicent, suicidal ideation
Word Count: 1k
Rhaenyra knew this would happen. Deep down she knew. She could feel how her once beloved friend was pulling away. How in the months following her mothers death Rhaenyra was left alone not only by her father but also by her friend while they enjoyed each others company uncaring of the betrayal they had been committing.
The princess could feel her heart lighting aflame burning her from the inside; when she had heard of her father’s plan to marry her only friend. The only comfort and solace she’d found during those harsh times now tainted by the knowledge of their betrayal.
She could never look at her the same. Never feel the same. Her heart once filled with love and affection for someone she had considered innocent. Untouched by the ambitions of the iron throne; filled with an intense rage that compelled the princess to flea the counsel room as fast as she her stuttering legs and pacing heart could take her.
She could feel the suffocating sensation of her lungs burning with the need to take in more air. Her skin feeling itchy and damp under the golden dress with red accents she wore. Her eyes were blurry when she arrived to her chambers; Ears muffled only hearing the harsh beating of her heart as she tried to take in as much air as possible.
Loud fast paces following her interrupted her blazing thoughts as the princess turned to find the very person who’s caused it all. Every harsh breath. Every harsh thump of her heart. Every tear that fell. The one she could blame stood before her. “How could you!” She yelled voice vibrating off the stone walls of the red keep.
“Rhaenyra please…” Alicents brown eyes filled with anxious tears while her hands tore as each other drawing blood as she begged her once friend for understanding. For the chance to explain herself. “What! What could you possibly have to say to explain yourself.” The princess gave her no such chance.
“How could you possibly explain how you’ve used me and my position to get what you wanted.” The dragon princess moved closer her red eyes burning with the might of a thousand flames as her chest rose with furious intensity. “Tell me! Tell me how you’ve whored yourself out to my father, while pretending to be my friend using my idiotic heart to get one step closer to the iron throne.”
The hightower lady flinched at the harsh words too stunned to respond as the dragon blew its harsh flames at her, suffocating her with both hurt and hate. The hightower could Only compose herself enough to choke out, “I had no choice, Rhaenyra! Please.” Tears now openly falling from her face as she bit her cracked lips enough to draw blood; the sight only serving to entice the dragon in its attack in need for a taste. If she could not have her love Rhaenyra thought as her gaze saw the red substance pool out. Then she would have her blood.
“I trusted you! I believed you! I loved you; and you’ve betrayed me in the worst of ways.” The princess now yelling as she stepped closer to her only friend watching as she cried and tore at her hands as she’s seen her do thousands of times.
This time her being the cause and instead of feeling guilt the dragon allowed it to fuel the flames inside ready for another strike. She could feel the heat coming from herself especially now during the chilling evenings of spring.
She could feel as the fire inside her begged to be fed. She could feel the flames dance with anger and grief at this betrayal. So she did the only thing she knew to do. She blew her dragon flame; Needing Alicent to feel the same burning flames that were thrust upon her veins burying her alive in the heat. Needing her to feel the same pain caused by the hell they’ve been thrust upon.
“I hate you.” She sneered eyes filled with so much rage as the girl stood across from her bleeding and crying unable to move, breathe, let alone look away as the moment she’d been dreading had been thrust upon her.
Alicent desperate tearing at her hands with tears running down her face felt as though the sky was falling. She could feel it as clear as day. The father is coming for her. To tear her down for this betrayal; deccending from the gods to crush her mortal self as punishment for this injustice.
Alicent threw herself to her knees grasping at any bit of salvation as she could feeling the fabric of her only friend’s dress. Not daring to look up at the shadow that was formed by the princess looming over her. She looked at the material in her hands instead.
Red. she could see the red threads running through the dress creating a new form of dragons on the fabric. Red. She could see her bloodied fingers grasping desperately at what she could no longer call hers. Red. She could feel her knees scraping against the hard stone floors wet with the thick substance of blood. Red. That’s all she saw in the eyes of her old friend red with fury at her actions. “please…please please just let me explain rhae-“ she choked.
“Do not speak my name!” Red blazing fire burned her head to toe, she could feel the flames consume her. “Please princess. I beg of you.” Red. She could feel the blood in her flushed face no doubt snot and tears staining it as she tried to beg for forgiveness with eyes red and panicked.
Looking for anything any semblance of mercy left in the princesses gaze. Only to find nothing there. She could not see the princess she once knew; she only saw a dragon. One with its mouth wide open ready to set aflame and devour anything in its way…..
Alicent was left alone bloodied and on her knees staring up at the blazing sun the shadowy figure had revealed when it left. The soft breeze drying the tears that stained her face as she sat there feeling as though time had stopped and the world had ended. She could not move. Could not breathe. Could not think. All she could do was sit there on her knees and wait for death to finally kiss her. As her old friend once had.
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hisfavegiri · 2 months
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"Father, I want you to crown Aegon as your heir."
Everyone at the council table fell silent and looked at Rhaenyra in surprise, including Otto and Alicent. Viserys choked on his wine, he looked at his daughter in disbelief. Rhaenyra took a deep breath before she looked at her father's face.
"I realize that the realm will not agree if a queen sits on the iron throne"
She knew very well that if one day she ascended the throne, many would oppose her and there would be war. because the situation had changed when Aegon was born, the son the king had longed for.
"However, before that I want to give you one condition."
Otto and Alicent looked at Rhaenyra carefully, feeling happy and anxious at the same time. Viserys was just silent and listened to every word his daughter said.
"I want to marry my daughter, y/n to Aegon."
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a little sneak peak🫣
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bi-disaster-yn · 2 years
Pairing: Rhaenyra Targaryen x fem!Reader
Summary: Rhaenyra struggles with the loss of her mother and only Reader steps up to help her.
A/N: I am already down SO BAD for Rhaenyra and will be bending the knee for her.
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You had never fought on the battlefield before but you were sure at this moment you would win a war to get back to Rhaenyra.
When the news had reached you about the untimely passing of her mother, you knew you had to abandon your travels and head back to King’s Landing to be there for her. It seemed like the urgency of your expedition had dissipated and this had become the only thing in the world that mattered.
You were partially comforted by the fact that she would have Alicent to look after her. Although, this wouldn’t be the same as you tending to her. Whilst Alicent was Rhaenyra’s dearest friend, you were her lover and closest confidant. 
Tight knotting ravaged your stomach and chest as you got closer and closer to King’s Landing. Fear set in as you pondered how your poor Rhaenyra was faring without you. The carriage just simply wasn’t going fast enough. You had demanded returning by horseback, knowing you’d be able to outride the entire party and get there in half the time. However, your demands were harshly refused. Instead, you were to sit helplessly in a carriage, playing with your hands and torturing yourself with the endless possibilities of your love’s welfare.
Once safely in King’s Landing, you ignored a squire’s hand to help you out of the carriage and essentially launched yourself out of it. 
“My Lady, we hadn’t expected you back for quite some time.” The squire commented but you brushed him off.
“The Princess needs me.” You responded, storming off to the kitchen to fetch a selection of some of Rhaenyra’s favourite cakes. Then, you completed your mission to her chambers.
You were right; Rhaenyra did need you. When you found her, she was curled up on her bed, lying on her stomach on a large pillow that was almost the size of a person. It was drenched with her tears but she clung onto it, sobbing relentlessly.
Never had you seen your dear Rhaenyra so helpless. Her full body was racked with painful and shuddering sobs. She seemed fragile and thin. Clearly, she had eaten very little since the event and the consequences had quickly manifested in her petite frame. The black dress that once fitted her perfectly now seemed to drown her.
She lay facing out of the window and didn’t register your entrance. It wasn’t until you set the cakes to the side and gently got on to the bed behind her that she realised there was someone else in the room. Startled, she jumped at the contact when you placed a loving hand on her shoulder until she recognised your kind face and she instantly felt safe.
Desperately, she grabbed at the collar of your dress, pulling you down on top of her and let out deep and heart-wrenching howls. It was the safety you provided that allowed her to let go so freely and truly vent her pained emotions. You responded to her by wrapping your arms round her tightly and burying your head in her neck, kissing her soft skin gently to reassure her.
“My sweet one, I am so sorry.” You mumbled against her skin. “I am here now. I am sorry I wasn’t before.”
“You came back for me.” She shakily spoke in between her ragged breathing.
“I will always come back for you, Princess.” You said, resting your elbow on the pillow and looking down at her. The poor thing had a red and raw complexion in stark contrast to her usually sun kissed one. You ran your fingers through her hair, casually twirling the strands between them in an attempt to soothe her.
Rhaenyra reached up to kiss you gently, placing both of her hands on your cheeks and holding you in place. Your eyes instantly closed and you reciprocated the kiss delicately. You brushed your thumb along her jaw in feather-like touches. Selfishly, you rejoiced at the opportunity of being able to kiss her again but held yourself back in respect for her mourning.
Once you’d pulled back, you rested your forehead against hers, still caressing her jawline. She looked up at you with a gorgeous combination of ardour and melancholy.
“You can tell Alicent to take some rest, I am here to tend to you now.” You whispered to her; your face close enough to hers that your lips brushed against her skin as you spoke.
Rhaenyra swallowed thickly at that and settled back against the pillow, avoiding your gaze. Her response confused you profusely and you brushed some hair away from her forehead in an attempt to get her to look at you.
“Alicent has not been here in days. I hear she tends to my father.” Rhaenyra admitted, almost guiltily and still tried to avoid eye contact with you. Nothing could stop the frown that your features contorted to make. To say the least, you were furious. In your Rhaenyra’s time of need, the person who you were sure would tend to her had abandoned her in favour of her father. The King no doubt would have had the support of the small council, countless whores and anyone else who enjoyed breathing. In your absence, Rhaenyra only had Alicent but had been left to fend for herself.
“What about Daemon?” You inquired. “Surely he has paid you a visit.”
Daemon wasn’t exactly your preferred substitute but apart from you or Alicent, you knew that he would be the only one who could provide your beloved with some comfort.
“No, I don’t know where he is.” She replied sheepishly. This angered you too, but not nearly as much as Alicent. If anything, Daemon’s absence was to be preferred. You had always been cynical of his intentions with Rhaenyra and she did not need his influence in this particularly vulnerable time. Still, she should never have been left alone.
Carefully, you sat back against the grand throw pillows on the bed and pulled Rhaenyra with you so that her head rested on your chest.
“Well, I am here now and I’m not going anywhere.” You reassured her, pressing kisses to the crown of her head.
“I am glad you’re back; I couldn’t possibly pretend that big pillow was you for much longer.” She replied, with a slight smirk in her tone. It was both heart-warming and gut-wrenching that she had craved your comfort so much she had resorted to imagining your presence.
“Well, hopefully I have more intelligent things to say than the pillow.” You offered, stroking her hair and allowing her to wrap her arms round your waist to hold you in an iron grip. She never truly appreciated the vastness of her own physical strength.
“Hmm, I am not so sure.” Rhaenyra joked, looking up at you with a faint smile. Despite her mourning and the pain, she would always be able to smile once in your arms. For that, you’d allow her to make her little jests so that she might find her playful demeanour again.
“Well, I’ll keep quiet then. I am sure you and the pillow have much to discuss.” You smirked.
“I think we have discussed all we can.” She sighed contentedly, settling into your arms. “Tell me about your travels. Give me a distraction from how heinous this feels.”
“I will, but first,” you began, reaching over to retrieve the cakes from the side. “Please eat some of these. I know you won’t have eaten much but I’m certain you can be tempted with cake.”
Rhaenyra’s stiff and exposed expression confirmed you were right about her not having eaten. She made a careful selection on a lavender cake and nibbled on it, looking up at you adoringly.
“You know how to make everything better.” She told you, settling her head in the crook of your neck. You kissed her forehead gently and rubbed her back soothingly.
“I’ll always try to make things better for you, my Princess.” You said and the did as your princess had commanded of you, regaling stories of your recent travels in an animated way which you knew she would like. Rhaenyra enjoyed your commentary, sometimes finding herself giggling and immediately began to feel more at ease. Her one true love had endeavoured to come back for her when she needed them most.
Existence without her mother was excruciating and the days that followed Queen Aemma’s passing had been a war that Rhaenyra was losing. She had tried desperately to keep her head above water, flailing helplessly with no assistance. With your return, it was like you had reached your hand out to stop her from drowning. Rhaenyra settled, feeling safe in your arms and that things had just gotten a little less terrible.
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insomniakisses · 5 months
Hotd reaction to you saying its too big
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Warnings/Notes: MINORS AND CIS HETS DNI // 18+ Content Ahead, Omegaverse
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You knew your first time with your alpha would hurt, but it was your marital duty so you had to face it here and now. Luckily, your alpha seemed more than content in taking the lead.
Leading you to your new chambers they made quick work of stripping you both off, leaning down to kiss their way across your chest and down to your pussy. Once there they began slow licks from your hole all the way up to your clit swirling there tongue there before repeating the process. Loving the moans and mewls you let out as your hole clenched around nothing.
Once they had ensured you were wet enough to take them they rub their tip against you getting it when enough before gently pushing in with a moan, there tip popping in completely as you yelp. “Its too big!”
She simply moves to rub ur clit continuing to push in. “Cmon be a good omega and take ur alpha” she coaxes leaning to kiss ur neck and jaw as she stretches you paying no mind to your tears as she bottoms out.
“B-baby” you whine as you attempt to push her away she huffs slapping your hands away and holding your legs open. “I’ll go slow and you’ll adjust” she states matter of fact as her hips begin to move.
She pauses immediately nosing at your neck placing soft kisses there. Her body is screaming to pound you but she never wants to hurt you especially not during something intimate. “Are you hurt?” She asks soft eyes full of regret stare at yours and you shake your head looping your arms around her neck pulling her in for a kiss mummbing a “just be gentle” against them as you legs lock around her waist.
She moans feeling herself slip deeper and her hips set off to a soft pace pushing all the way in and pulling out to her tip before pushing back in again. Not going faster till you’re begging her to.
She groans not stopping as she pushes your legs to your chest pinning you in place. “I’m big huh?” She smirks cocky as always “You think you can take it? Take my thick cock as I breed you full?” Shes past bottoming out now already moving at a fast pace her tip smacking your cervix every thrust her cock so thick she stretches you so much you struggle for breath.
You’re left a mess mouth open moaning and mumbling none sense, tears of pleasure leaking from your eyes as you stare at the ceiling with blown out pupils. Belly bulging with cum as you leak onto her cock. Rhaenyra isn’t fairing much better shes moaning mouth open and eyes closed cock past sensitive and knot ready to pop as she goes and goes and goes.
Blushing he whines and nuzzles ur neck pushing in more. “It’s okay love, ittle be okay” he mumbles into your ear.
It doesn’t take him long to push in he’s not all that big in length but he’s definitely thick. Which is the problem he’s stretching u so much and u whine and moan under him.
He’s gentle and needy in his thrusts pulling you into a sloppy kiss as you adjust around him. “You’re doing so good love” he gasps cumming already as he rubs your clit.
She blushes and whines hiding her face and you bucking into you fast and sloppy. She’s in her head now, too focused on pleasure. “Sorry, baby” she gasps holding you close.
You wrap your legs around her waist playing with her hair as she gives you a sweet kiss. Humming in delight she focuses more getting out of her own head and concentrating on you.
“Welcome back baby” you whisper and looking down she sees shes cum twice and by the feel of how wet you are you probably have too.
He groans throatily smirking against your ear, snapping his hips all the way as you yelp and gasp. “Take it baby, I know you can. It’s your purpose” he husks into your ear.
Blushing you feel him push your legs to your chest going deeper. His thrusts fast and hard as her moans and groans his balls slapping against your ass.
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 7 months
Aemond always resented Rhaenyra for breaking his betrothal to Strong!Reader after the Driftmark incident
So now he gets to rub it in her face that her heir is now his to breed as he rubs his wife's pregnant belly in front of her
Aemond rubs his wife's pregnant belly and gives her a deep passionate kiss right in front of Rhaenyra. He tells her how despite being a Strong his wife is giving him Targaryen looking kids. It just makes Rhaenyra angry but she can't do anything
Imagine that baby kicks right when Aemond touching the belly in front of Rhaenyra. It's the first time and Aemond is at loss of words but filled with happiness. But he is also worried that it might affect his wife's health and take her to rest. Rhaenyra wants to follow but he orders the guards to not let her go to their chambers
Imagine Aemond skipped dinner because the entire time he was feeling the baby kicking. Now no one can know how soft he got
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aristialamoniques · 5 months
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔚𝔢𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔒𝔣 ℜ𝔢𝔤𝔯𝔢𝔱
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𝔚𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤: labor, Neice reader, angst, death.
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The castle of Dragonstone was bustling with excitement as Lady Y/N, wife of Daemon Targaryen, was about to give birth to their first child. The halls were decorated with banners of House Targaryen and the sound of cheers echoed through the corridors. But within all the joy and celebrations, there was one person who was not happy - Y/N's mother, Princess Rhaenyra.
As Y/N's labor pains became more frequent and intense, she longed for the comfort and support of her husband. However, her mother made sure that Daemon was nowhere to be found. Rhaenyra had always been against their union, finding Y/N unworthy of her uncle's love and a hindrance to their family's legacy. She saw this as an opportunity to separate the two once and for all.
Y/N's maids and servants, well aware of their Princss's schemes, were hesitant to go against her orders. But they couldn't bear to see their lady suffering in pain without her husband by her side. So, they secretly sent a message to Daemon, informing him about Y/N's condition and pleading him to come to her aid.
Despite Rhaenyra's efforts, Daemon found his way to Y/N's chambers. The moment he saw his wife's pale and sweat-drenched face, he knew something was wrong. He held her hand tightly and whispered words of comfort, promising to never leave her side.
Y/N's labor was long and difficult, but finally, the cries of a newborn filled the room. As they held their child, a beautiful baby boy, Y/N and Daemon's eyes filled with tears of joy and love. But their smiles were short-lived as they noticed Y/N's weak and pale state.
Panicked, Daemon called for the maester, but it was too late. Y/N had lost a lot of blood and her body couldn't take it anymore. In the arms of her beloved husband, Y/N took her last breath, leaving behind her devastated husband and their newborn son.
Daemon's grief was immeasurable as he held onto his wife's lifeless body, blaming himself for not being there when she needed him the most. And in that moment, he swore to never forgive his Niece for her selfish actions that cost him his beloved wife.
The news of Y/N's death spread throughout the castle, casting a dark shadow over the once joyful celebrations. Rhaenyra, whose jealousy and spite had caused this tragedy, was consumed by guilt and shame. She begged for Daemon's forgiveness, but he could not bring himself to forgive her for taking away the love of his life.
As the days went by, Daemon named his son after his late wife, a constant reminder of the love and sacrifice she had made. And though he would always miss Y/N, he found solace in their son, knowing that a part of her would always live on in him. As for Rhaenyra, she spent the rest of her days haunted by the memory of her daughter's death, a punishment she had brought upon herself.
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