#alicent oneshot
kat1473 · 5 months
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"Come back! Even as a shadow,
even as a dream."
- Euripides, Herakles
One shot based on this quote + angsty alicent remembers her old friend comforting her on the anniversary of her(Alicent) mother’s death.
In the rare days such as these, were her children are behaved and as dutiful as she’s pushed them, her husband quietly rotting on his throne and her father alone lost in his grief does she remember rhaenyra in a good way.
On this day every year she allows herself the weakness of remembering her old friend. She remembers when this date had first become an important one. The day her mother died was a nightmare. Even now years later she cannot fully recount the memories of her death nor her funeral.
She remembered flashes and sometimes smells or sights would trigger feelings that would arise which she quickly learned to smother into nothingness. But not today. On this day she will allow her mind to replay the memories of how her friend held her close. Comforting her in her arms as she grieved the loss of her mother.
How she fell asleep in her arms and how for the first time since that loss she had been able to sleep with peace of mind. How she awoke and instead of embarrassment she felt relief at the fact that she had stayed.
She remembered the morning conversation still in each others arms not wanting to let go of each other just yet. She remembered how rhaenyra held her close and helped her dress for her mothers funeral. She remembered the heat raiding from her hands and she helped alicent put on her black dress moving closer to hold her from behind fingers brushing her skin comforting her before stepping back and slowly buttoning up her dress.
Alicent could remember even now how hot the princess breath felt on her face when she turned around to face her. Now as she stood with her eyes closed years later. She tried her best to remember how it felt to be burned by the fire staring down at her, making her face flush, heart flutter and breath catch in her throat. She tried her hardest to remember what it felt like to be brought to life by eyes who didn’t hold the glare brought by harsh memories.
She held her breath because for a brief moment she could feel as her heart beat again. She could feel her chest pounding she could feel the heat coming from her body a warmth spreading fast through her veins she felt as though her lungs would collapse. Her throat felt like a prison where all her unsaid feeling resigned. Her heart pulsing with the reminder of what she’d lost. Yearning for someone so close yet so far.
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧’𝐬 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞
𝐀𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 𝐱 𝐓𝐲𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐥!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲:Aemond is not fully convinced of the wife chosen for him, he never had met her but once he does she becomes his weakness, his greatest love
Warnings:fluff ,mentions of smut, descriptions of pregnancy/childbirth, arranged marriage
“The girl comes from house Tyrell, daughter of lord Tyrell” Alicent informed Aemond as he sat in front of the fire hearth in her chambers “you’ll like her I assure you, she likes to read, Learn about the histories, she does her best works in embroidery and music, she has a lovely voice I’ve heard, you will get along” she spewed some traits of the young girl but he continued to stare into the flickering flames of the hearth
“I am not Aegon mother I don’t need much convincing to do my duties” he finally spoke and she softly frowned, dinner was quiet as usual but not without a question from Helaena “what does Aemond’s betrothed look like?” She mindlessly asked “a beauty I hear, the people all over the realm say she is the most beautiful rose House Tyrell has ever bloomed” Alicent smiled at her daughter
And yet Aemond has his doubts, he was purely kind to all lady’s of the court because it was one of his many duties, but he knew beauty when he saw it, not that is mattered very much.
The day your carriage was to arrive he stood alongside his mother and his grandfather the hand to greet and welcome you, his father the king bedridden from his sickness, once you stepped out of the carriage his eye widened slightly by the sight of you
Your hair cascaded beautifully down your back and shoulders framing you beautiful face delicately, eyes shining brightly just as your soft kind smile, your dress beautiful embroidered with floral patterns and fine simple jewelry adorned you, his mother and all the realm was right, you were the most beautiful rose
You had curtsied gracefully “your Grace, my prince” you were well educated as well it seemed, “lady Y/n you are as beautiful as the people say” The queen was looking at you with approval and adoration, “My lady” Aemond’s voice was soft his rough hand holding yours to press a kiss to the back of your hand
“My prince” you smiled with a soft giggle making his heart flutter, that day you had dinned with the royal family and aside from Aegon’s very much disturbing presence all was well, as the days passed you and Aemond had stolen glances and small smiles as you’d pass in the training yard to see him wield his sword which he was very gifted at it made you blush
You found yourself reading the book of the seven, your mother was religious and as a form of respect you prayed and read the book very much to keep your faith, something the queen admired you for
Aemond found you sitting on the stone bench in the garden with the small book in hand, you looked heavenly and he got the courage to walk up to you, you had looked up and quickly scurried to your feet “My prince” you bowed your head “My lady please, no need for formalities, we shall be husband and wife, equals” he said and you blushed a bright pink as a soft smile found your lips “You honor me my prince” a small smile crept onto his face
“Aemond my lady, simply Aemond is fine” you couldn’t believe how kind the prince was, he was a dream really, you nodded chuckling happily “very well, you’re very kind” you giggled nervously making him chuckle “would you like to go on a walk my lady?” He asked and you nodded “Of course”
“My lady what do you enjoy to do?” He asked and you looked down at the cobblestone path your shoes clicked against “I do enjoy reading, especially about the histories, I enjoy needle work and dancing as well as music wether it be using an instrument or singing” you said “And you my pri-Aemond, what do you enjoy to do?” You corrected how you acknowledged him
“Well my lady I do enjoy reading as well, the histories of old Valyria are some of my favorites, and I am consumed with sword training and I seem to spend my days on dragon back” he said interlocking his arm with yours which made you smile, your cheeks red
“Vhagar, am I correct?” You asked softly and he proudly nodded “The largest dragon in the world, how admirable” you said and he chuckled “maybe one day you can meet her” he proposed and you shook your head softly with a sweet smile “what if she does not like me?” You asked
“Whoever I like, Vhagar likes, dragons feel their riders emotions, a dragon and it’s rider become one once bonded” he explained and you listened attentively “how interesting, well if you believe me worthy I would be honored to meet the great Vhagar”
He admired how you spoke freely yet respectfully, how you carried yourself. Soon you both took walks every evening, sat beside each other at all meals, sat in silence reading in the grand library of the keep, soon he snuck into your rooms at night to talk about your day, at times he would bring two lemon cakes for you both to enjoy, for the first time in his life Aemond would enjoy someone else’s presence, laugh until his belly hurts, smile widely and be in a great mood even towards Aegon and he tolerated his half sister and her children
You both shared a kiss for the first time under the gods wood, the night was dark but he snuck you from your rooms to have a few moments alone outside of the keep, the kiss was perfect, now you both have stolen kisses from one another, in the hall, empty rooms in the keep, behind the great shelves in the library, and even behind the tree’s in the garden
But only kisses, he would not tarnish your reputation before the wedding, he respected you greatly.
And not only did you form a wonderful relationship with Aemond, but you and Helaena became friends, you both spent hours in her chambers working on embroidery and gossiping, you would carefully hold the bugs she collects, they weren’t disgusting but small creatures which you respected and you both cared for her children, you and Alicent grew an adoration for one another, visiting the sept, praying together, walking along the gardens and keep, helping her and learning from her on how to run a castle, she considered you a daughter
You and the lord hand even have a mutual respect but you cannot say you liked him, and Aegon is passing by a hairline but he sometimes can be tolerable.
Your wedding dress was lovely, a beautiful white and gold gown made of the loveliest fabrics “You look beautiful, white suits you, like an angel” the queen smiled and Helaena grinned “it would look lovely with golden jewels as well sister” she added “I believe so as well, it is lovely your Grace” you giggled twirling around.
The wedding was beautiful, many lords and lady’s gathered in the dragon pit before a grand septon where you and Aemond married and declared your infinite love for one another, the celebration was huge, fine foods and deserts, everything was put together carefully and beautifully. The bedding ceremony was private thanks to the queen, only you and Aemond
It was great, oddly even after your septa told you how painful it would be, it was anything but, he had done things that weren’t taught to you or explained but you both became one that night just you two.
Soon during breaking fast smells would make you dizzy and sick, Helaena came to you smiling and holding your hands in hers “oh you are going to be so much like me yet so different, I shall find you two beautiful eggs from dreamfyre!” She was giddy and you smiled confused
Soon however a maester confirmed that you were with child, you rushed out to the training yard where Aemond was, he stopped his training before walking close to you, before he could get a word out you blurted the news with a bright smile your cheeks got sore, he never had been as happy as that day
He had your maids and ladies in waiting attend to you as if he ran an army of soldiers to war, he had your suppers made to your liking, made sure you had enough rest and you did nothing to hurt you or the babe, “My lady it seems that with the size of your belly and by my recorded documents you are with two babes” the maester mentioned and you looked at him as if he had two heads as did Aemond
“Good gods” you whispered placing a hand on your belly.
Helaena had spoke to you about her experience, “no need to fret sister, the pain in unbearable I will not lie but” she sighed putting her embroidery work down looking at the twins and Maelor playing at her feet, she grew a lovely smile on her lips “when you hold your babes it’s like there’s no better feeling in the world, so much love overcomes you” you smiled rubbing your swollen belly happily
However Helaena was not mistaken, the birth was terrible, your screams and cries were heard all over the keep as Aemond paced right outside the chamber doors, “Aemond you must stay calm, she is a strong girl she will be fine and the babes as well” Alicent tried to soothe her son to the best of her abilities, you were in labor for a long while and still not a babe had decided to present themselves
“I see the head!” A voice yelled and then again you were coached to push harder, until, the loudest cry you had ever heard rang in your ears making you cry yourself, a sigh escaped your lips while a maid took your babe in a white blanket and the pain spurred once more, “my lady push the second is always the easiest!” Your midwife did her best to encourage you
After more painful pushes you heard another loud yet beautiful cry, you felt relief as you laughed gloriously seeing the maester hold your second and last babe in his arms “a girl” he said, “a girl as well my lady” the midwife held your other daughter “healthy?” You asked out of breath “As healthy as can be” your midwife smiled happily passing you both your babies
They were perfect, absolutely perfect.
“They’re absolutely gorgeous” Alicent looked at her granddaughters “yes, but do not forget my lady a boy shall follow, the prince still needs his heir” Otto mentioned and you looked down softly but Aemond kissed the side of your head “I am perfectly happy with my daughters, as my father made my elder sister his heir I can always do the same” he said holding his beloved Aelora, Aelys and Aelora, the names you and Aemond chose “I brought them gifts!” Helaena gleamed and she held two dragon eggs, a light green egg for Aelora and a dark red egg for Aelys
Soon you both ended up with only two more children, another daughter and lastly a son, Naerys and Aemon, finally Aemond got what he wanted, happiness.
A/n: Omg so I had lots of fun writing this and I just thought to give poor Aemond some happiness lol, But I do hope whoever read my little oneshot enjoyed it and helped you escape mentally for a little bit 💗Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated but not required just as long as you enjoy! 💗💗💗
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airbendertendou · 1 year
i can’t die! [i’m all in.] ♡ chishiya shuntaro
anon requested : Hi Author! Can you please write (if it's okay) a fanfic about chishiya, Where the reader was chishiya's girlfriend before the borderline, they were supposed to meet in somewhere but the meteorite fell just before they did, and they meet again for the first time in the jack of hearts game?  I know this isn't very detailed and I'm so sorry for that ;-; thank you author
song inspo ; coin by iu
synopsis : seeing your arranged boyfriend-of-sorts in the borderland’s is nerve-wracking. especially when he sees you’ve befriended a serial killer.
gender neutral reader, [name] used in place of y/n, platonic!banda - he might b ooc but idc <3, reader wears an oversized cardigan
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— ♧ ♡ ♢ ♤ —
“Will you get out of my way?” You shove the tall male to the side playfully as you fasten the collar around your neck. Banda’s eyes met yours and you grinned mischievously. “This place remind you of anything?”
“You’re so funny,” he replies blandly. The prison around you is cold and you’re thankful for the cardigan you’ve kept all these weeks. You follow behind Banda as he walks up the stairs, eyes on the floor as you anticipate your newest game. “Jack of Hearts — what are you expecting?”
Thinking the question over briefly, you speak monotonously, “Russian roulette, probably.”
“I wouldn’t be so lucky.”
Eyes are on you both as you walk into the main hallway. A girl in a blue dress catches your attention, then a sweet looking guy in yellow and overalls. Your eyes drop to the floor again as the automated voice goes over the game and the rules. A subtle nudge against your shoulder catches your attention. Banda speaks without moving, “you and me?”
“That’s what I was planning, doofus.”
Your gaze drifts around the room again as people begin to pair up. Banda wanders off, exploring the area you’re locked in indefinitely. A white hood catches your attention, eyes following down their figure until you’re met with analyzing eyes and a familiar smirk. Your lips part, “Chishiya?”
As if he can hear you, the man tilts his head at you before walking off with his chosen group. 
Banda has collected a new person to join your duo — the stranger looks you over before grinning shyly. The hair on the back of your neck stands up, distrust crawling up your spine as you smile back. Meeting Banda’s gaze, you knew he was just as wary.
The killer — because that’s what he was in the other world and this one — slinks up next to you slyly. “See anyone you know?”
“Maybe,” you’re looking around once more, observing the way everyone interacts. Inclining your body slightly to the right, your eyes meet Chishiya’s. “Him. We were… together, in the other world. Something our parents agreed on.”
Banda lets out a mischievous snicker before leaning closer to you. “How cute. And he hasn’t come to say hello? Pity.”
You glare his way, wedging your elbow into the right side of his ribcage. The timer goes off then and you scamper over to an empty cell to give your card suit. As you exit your cell, Chishiya is idling in front of you curiously. He sways before speaking, “you know he’s killed people, right?”
“At this point, I haven’t met anyone here who isn’t a murderer.”
The blond hums before his gaze drifts, landing on something over your right shoulder. You know it’s Banda, looming behind you as he usually does. Chishiya looks to you again and speaks before his group comes to collect him. “I look forward to your survival.”
You find yourself in the cafeteria, stuffing snacks into the pockets of your cardigan for later before grabbing a drink and something to eat right then. Banda is sitting against the wall, staring ahead at Chishiya as you sit beside him. A pack of cookies lands in his lap — Banda doesn’t flinch as he peels the snack open and begins to eat it.
“Do you have to stare?” You mumble. Matsushita hadn’t returned from his bathroom break yet and you found relief in his absence. Another chip is placed in your mouth as you glare at Banda  — he was still staring Chishiya’s way. “You have a crush on him or somethin’?”
Before he could answer, a body is slammed next to yours. Looking down, you see a man sweating and crying as another looms over him menacingly. Banda slides up beside you, whispering a small, “lie to him.” in the man’s ear. You look away from them and see Chishiya looking at you again, judgment clouding his eyes as you don’t speak up against Banda.
You grumble, “already startin’ shit and we just got here.” 
“The game had to start sometime.”
As time passes, players dwindle slowly until the number hastens. There are only six of you left now — Chishiya’s partner couldn’t handle the pressure of the games, it seemed. Banda and Matsushita tell you your symbol — “club.” — before Banda breaks away from your group. You can feel the former’s eyes on you as you take sips from your drink, unnerving every inch of your skin. He interrupts the silence with a brutal curveball. “He’s lying to you, Banda. Your symbol is spade.”
“Why would he lie to me?”
“Maybe he thinks you’re the Jack,” Matsushita grins. Then he shrugs and leans against the wall beside you. “Or maybe he’s the Jack and is just trying to get rid of you. Who knows.”
You hum, tilting your head playfully. Of course you don’t believe him — strangely, you hadn’t doubted Banda since you got here. “What a waste. After we stayed allies for so long, he’d choose to get rid of me now?”
Matsushita’s eyes widen briefly at the new information before he snickers. “What a waste, indeed. Guess he doesn't cherish your friendship after all.” 
Walking away from the liar, you find yourself alone in the cafeteria. Well, you thought you were alone — Chishiya announced himself by reaching beside you for a pack of crackers. “Running around without your guard dog now, hm?”
“You can't talk,” you respond. “All alone, lingering around here like a ghost. Spooky.”
Your back is to the shelf of food as Chishiya begins to crowd your space. He hums while pouting his bottom lip, looking everywhere but you. “How’d you end up with Banda anyways? You were on your way to meet me.”
“We made a deal,” you shrug. By the tilt of your voice and raise of your eyebrows, Chishiya knows you’re lying. He stands quietly, taking one step closer to you. “Okay, fine. I threatened him and demanded we team up.”
“Of course you threatened a murderer.” Chishiya lets out a laugh just as the five minute warning echoes around the prison. He tugs on the cardigan you’re wearing, eyes softening at the sight of the worn fabric. “Think this is mine.”
“It might be,” you push off of the shelf and side-step the blond. You catch a glimpse of Chishiya’s symbol and are opening your mouth before you can think. “It’s diamond, by the way. Your suit.”
“Yours is club.” You nod in confirmation and it piques Chishiya’s interest. “Someone tell you different?”
“Matsushita tried to say Banda was lying to me. But, Banda knows better,” you glare. “I’ll break his kneecaps if he tries to kill me.”
Chishiya’s quiet laugh seems to echo in the desolate cell. It’s all you can think about — all you can remember as your fingers dance along the knit cardigan you’re wearing. After this — if you survive this game — you want to go home. You want to go back with Chishiya and watch that movie you were supposed to meet at.
It’s no surprise to see Matsushita being cornered by the three others. He did freak you out  — and he tried to get you killed. You eye his frightened expression lifelessly before speaking. “Can we take those snacks downstairs with us? I ran out of food a few days ago.”
You’re sitting beside Chishiya’s hospital bed as the news begins. Absent-mindedly, you hand him a slice of the fruit you were eating as the news reporter begins to speak. A picture of a convict pops up along with the news story. “...Banda is still missing. We are asking everyone to be cautious and be safe. We’ll have the week’s weather up next.” 
“You know…” you narrow your eyes at the picture of the man. Something about him looks familiar — it sends a tingle of awareness through your mind the longer you stare. “I think I could take that guy in a fight.”
Chishiya turns his head to you stiffly, furrowing his eyebrows. “He’s a serial killer, [name].”
You shrug, “I could do it.”
— ♧ ♡ ♢ ♤ — this wasn’t really fluffy or romantic but i wanted to write a goofy n playful reader so <3 might b posting an aib series soon, so keep an eye out for that! forever taglist : @straysugzhpe​ & @star2fishmeg​ <<33
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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zapreportsblog · 7 months
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✭ PAIRING : Edward Cullen x Reader
✭ FANDOM : Twilight
✭ SUMMARY : When Edward proposed to Bella he expected her to accept after all they were mates? Right? Wrong! Bella rejected edwards proposal breaking his undead heart in the process, not being able to withstand the aftermath Edward leaves home; only to return 2 years later but this time he’s married?!
✭ AUTHORS NOTE : I already know there is a story on here called the same story with the same cover (on quotev at least) mines had been edited to a clearer form, (again on quotev) that was my old account, (marveluserlovesmarbel again on quotev was my old and very first account) one of my first actually. If I can remember the login information from it I’d log back in and post my stories from their over here but for now enjoy the remake of said story :)
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Tension filled the air as Bella confronted the newfound presence of (Y/n) in Edward's life. She blinked in disbelief, her voice quivering as she stammered, "My love? Since when did this happen?"
Edward, sensing the impending storm, attempted to walk away with (Y/n) and even gestured for her to go inside. But (Y/n) was resolute and didn't budge. She glared at Bella, her voice dripping with ice, as she asked, "Who are you?"
Bella retorted, her tone growing defensive, "I'm Edward's girlfriend, and who are you?"
(Y/n) didn't waste a moment, showing off her ring with a fiery glare. "I'm his wife."
Bella's eyes widened in shock at the revelation. The words hung heavily in the air, and she was momentarily at a loss for words. She looked to Edward for help, but he maintained a blank expression.
Sensing Bella's vulnerability, (Y/n) couldn't contain her anger any longer. She stepped forward, poking Bella's chest with each word, her voice seething with righteous fury. "You've got some nerve showing your face around here. You made your grave; now lay in it."
Without waiting for a response, (Y/n) turned away from Bella and walked over to her husband, Edward. She looked deep into his eyes, her love and passion evident, and then, she pulled him into a long, passionate kiss. It was a declaration of their bond and a clear message to Bella that she was no longer a part of Edward's life. Bella watched them with a mixture of jealousy and regret, realizing that she had lost Edward. But she wasn’t one to give up easily. With a huff she yanks over her car door looking back at the couple, “I’ll be back later Edward,” and with a slam of the door she pulls out of the Cullen’s drive way.
Emmett the ever so innocent “viewer” in all this snorts, “Women am I right?!”
Inside the house, (Y/n) had stormed in, seething with anger and frustration. She couldn't believe that Bella had shown up and disrupted the peace she and Edward had found together. She muttered to herself, unaware of the growing intensity of her emotions.
"How could that wench come here and think all would be fine and dandy?" (Y/n) ranted, her voice filled with exasperation.
Unbeknownst to her, the lights in the house began to flicker erratically. The others in the room exchanged puzzled glances, noticing the unusual phenomenon. Emmett, always one to comment on such things, blurted out, "Yo, what's up with the lights?"
Edward, realizing that it was (Y/n)'s powers reacting to her emotional turmoil, excused himself and made his way to where she was venting her frustrations. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and whispered soothing words, "Love, it's going to be okay. Please, try to calm down. Your powers are reacting to your emotions."
(Y/n) took a deep breath, her anger gradually subsiding as she focused on Edward's calming presence. The lights in the house gradually steadied, no longer flickering. She turned to him, her eyes filled with remorse for causing such a disturbance.
Edward reassured her, "It's alright, my love. We'll figure this out together. Bella is no longer a part of my life, and you are the one I choose to be with. I love you."
(Y/n) nodded, her anger giving way to a sense of relief and the warmth of Edward's love. They held each other close, finding solace in their bond, and slowly the tension in the house began to dissipate.
As Edward held (Y/n) close against his chest, her anger continued to simmer. She mumbled softly, her voice filled with frustration, "I just don't like it. How can she come back here thinking she would be welcomed with open arms? After hurting you? After unknowingly hurting your family?"
Edward kissed her forehead gently, trying to offer reassurance. "It's okay, my love. We'll work through this."
But (Y/n) couldn't contain her anger any longer. Her emotions surged, and as she shouted in frustration, a light bulb above them suddenly burst, scattering glass fragments on the floor.
Startled by the sudden noise, Alice, who had been observing the situation from the doorway, took a step back. She glanced at the shattered light bulb and then at the two of them, her eyes wide with surprise. With an uncertain smile, she said, "I'll just come back later," and quickly walked away, leaving Edward and (Y/n) alone to deal with the aftermath of this emotional exchange.
As (Y/n) pulled back from their embrace, her guilt about scaring Alice was evident in her eyes. She whispered, "Oh no, I scared Alice. I have to go apologize."
Edward gently placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her. "No, what you need to do is calm down, love. Alice will be fine. She's a vampire, remember?"
(Y/n) wasn't easily consoled. She replied, "That doesn't mean I didn't frighten her, supernatural being or not."
Edward couldn't help but chuckle, his laughter resonating in the room. "That's what I love about you, my dear."
(Y/n) playfully smacked his shoulder, her worry still evident. "This isn't a laughing matter, Edward. I used my powers unconsciously, and look, I even broke that poor, innocent light bulb."
Edward continued to chuckle, the sound of his laughter filling the room. "You're right, love, but it's just a light bulb. We can replace it. Besides, I’m sure Alice will understand.”
(Y/n) sighed, unable to resist a smile at her husband's laughter and reassurance. She realized that even in moments of turmoil, his presence had a way of calming her, and she felt grateful for the love they shared.
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fourmoony · 4 months
hi, I just wanted to let you know that reading your writing brings me so much comfort and joy. Today, I found out that the person I’ve liked for the longest time has a girlfriend, and it’s been hard to say the least. It also didn’t help that I read an unrequited love blurb featuring remus as soon as I got home 😭 I was just wondering if you’d be willing to write something where the reader assumes that remus doesn’t like her because he seems aloof, but is actually just nervous because he likes her so much. I am so appreciative of you and your beautiful work, as always 🤍
this made me tear up. your words are so kind, and are the push i needed this week to keep writing <3 never in a million years did i think anyone would think this about my writing. thank you.
i'm sorry to hear about your crush; unrequited love is a tricky and heavy feeling. i have no doubt you'll find your person, though. as someone who's had my fair share of heartache, i promise, it won't hurt forever. my friends think i'm crazy because my advice is always to just let it hurt. but one day you'll wake up and you'll have run out of hurt. and you won't even remember what you saw in them, anymore. sending love.
P.S. i suck at writing shy remus so this is more like silent, unreadable remus. idk i'm tired. hope this is okay!
remus lupin x f!reader - masterlist 1.2k words
cw - implied self esteem issues, smoking, drinking
Remus' thumping steps carry up the staircase only seconds after you call on him. You're facing the mirror when he arrives in the doorway, hair clasped to the side in one hand, and the other reaching aimlessly for the zip half way down the back of your dress. His eyes find yours over your shoulder in the reflection, a fond smile passing over his features when he steps through the threshold into your room.
"You look lovely." He comments, voice warm and smooth in the way that it always is.
Warm Remus, smooth Remus, so fond and kind, feels like home and everything familiar. His fingers are warm as he tugs gently at the zip, one hand placed on your shoulder for leverage. His touch is gentle, like he's afraid he might break you, and it lingers for only a moment when he's done. You swallow around the lump of want in your throat, the want for it to have lasted longer, the want for him to touch you and have it mean something. It doesn't do any good to want. Because you can't have, and you've had to deal with becoming okay with that fact.
"Thanks, Rem."
He nods, lips curled in on themselves like he wants to say something, a look in his eyes you've never been able to read. He says nothing, and he retreats with the promise to wait on you with the others in the living room. Remus does that a lot - refrains from the things he wants to say, stops himself short. You wish he wouldn't.
You're always wishing, wishing, wishing.
He keeps true to his word. Remus is waiting in the living room with Sirius, James, and a rather flustered looking Frank when you descend the staircase. It's only now you realise how lovely Remus looks in his suit. Partly because of how Sirius is wearing his - like he had a fight with it and lost. Remus stands when you appear, as if on instinct, and takes a step forwards. You smile, eyes catching on Frank who's looking at the clock like it's stealing time from before his very eyes. You suppose, in a way, it is.
"You okay?" You feel the need to ask, hint of a smile playing on your lips.
Frank looks alarmed by your question, a grimace on his face, "She's going to be there, isn't she? She's not going to, like, do a runner? Have you spoke to her today?"
James huffs a laugh, pats Frank on the shoulder rather heavily. The whiskey in his crystal tumbler splashes over the side and onto the rug. "Last I heard, Mary and Marlene had her pinned down in the make up chair, she tried, but they wouldn't let her."
Sirius barks a laugh. Frank scowls. He knows you're kidding. Alice Fortescue has been absolutely smitten for Frank Longbottom since she was thirteen. There's absolutely nothing that could stop her from walking down that aisle, today. Frank knows that as well as you do.
"Not helping." James decides, passes Frank a cigarette.
He mumbles something about not wanting to smoke inside and makes for the door. Remus gives James and Remus a pointed look, "Better make sure he doesn't do a runner, yeah?"
They're quick out the door like they actually believe Frank would ever do something like that. The only place he'd ever run to is Alice. And she'd have his balls for seeing her in her wedding dress before the ceremony. Remus gives you a familiar smile, a knowing smile, a smile he saves for you and you only. It feels like he's in on something you aren't when he smiles like that. Heat crawls up your neck, flowers wrap their way around you rib cage.
"You scrub up well, you know." Is all you manage to say, rather breathless.
Remus rolls his eyes, "I try."
A minute of amused silence, Remus passes you the glass of wine in his hand. The glass is warm from being in his clutch, but you drink from it anyway.
"I thought after the catering disaster this wedding wasn't going to happen." Remus admits, looking out of the living room window at where Frank paces the length of the front path, working his way through his second cigarette. Alice will have your head for allowing such a thing.
You hum a disagreement, eyes roaming Remus' face, it's so soft, so beautifully shaped. You've no idea why he hates his scars so much. They only outline his best qualities. The one over the bridge of his perfectly sloped nose, the one under his beautiful amber eyes, the one along his sharp cheekbones, and your favourite one: the one across his cupids bow, defining his soft, pink lips. It's a shame, really, that Remus Lupin thinks so little of himself. You'd give him the world should he only ask.
"I think nothing can stop a love like that," You murmur, soft and quiet, voice thick with something, "Not even a shoddy caterer."
Remus' eyes leave the front garden, meet with yours in a way that always makes heat explode in your chest. He's too much to look at, sometimes. It physically hurts.
"You always have such a positive outlook on life."
You laugh, shoulders shrugging, "Suppose it's habit."
"Keeping you miserable lot from giving up all together?" You offer, smiling over the rim of your wine glass.
Remus laughs, genuine and unashamed. "Tell you what, at our wedding, I promise to be the one keeping everything together, how about that?"
He seems to flinch after that, like he's physically pained by the words coming out of his mouth. You flinch, too. The flowers around your rib cage wilt and pull tighter all in one go, a frown pulling at your lips.
"I wasn't aware we were getting married."
Remus smiles like he's in pain, "Yeah, well, step one would actually be asking you on a date, but I'm a right twat who's mucked all that up."
There's something self deprecating about him. You don't like it. Remus Lupin deserves the world. You'll give him the world. You didn't think he wanted that from you, though. But you smile, gentle and sweet in a way you hope he'll like. It feels like something shifts. Maybe the stars begin to write a story about you both. Maybe the sun stops it's rotation just for a second to watch you both.
The wedding car pulls up outside and Remus, seemingly eager to back away from the situation he's created, slams his own drink down on the table and makes for the door.
"Remus," You call after him, he turns, "I'd marry you."
You offer him a lopsided smile. His eyes search your face for any sign of a joke. He finds none. You hope he understands what you mean.
"How about a date first?" He asks.
You release a breath, a laugh, a smile. It feels like you're floating.
"Sure, yeah. That first."
The front door swings open and Sirius barges his way past Remus, panicked and disheveled, "I've lost the fucking rings!"
Remus sighs, hand in his pocket, hands Sirius the red velvet box, "Here."
You're laughing all the way down the path, shoulder brushing Remus', the start of something new.
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szallejhscorner · 1 year
i just had a thought and needed to share it with you LMAO but chishiya is definitely the type of person to use the whole ‘three taps means i love you’ code cuz he rarely ever says it out loud. so like anytime he passes by you he’ll tap your arm three times and sometimes he even finds himself doing it unconsciously in his sleep :((
Thank you for sharing this with me, my friend ♥
How could I NOT write this for you?
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Tap, tap, tap.
Three taps on your upper arm as he passed you, his eyes not even looking up from the article he was reading. Only Chishiya’s smirk hinted at the fact that those taps were intentional, and you moved your fingers to the still tingling skin of your arm.
He always did that. Tapping your arm when walking past you, tapping your fingers when you held his hand, even your head when you snuggled into his side while watching a movie together. You had barely noticed at first, but the more often Chishiya did it, the more you questioned what it actually meant.
You had tried to figure out if it occurred after you said or did something special. Maybe it was to tell you that you were stupid (in Chishiya’s own mocking but loving way of course), or that you should move aside? It didn’t make sense.
One time you had questioned him, and the only answer had been a knowing chuckle. Of course, the cunning blonde wouldn’t give you the answer that easily, since he loved to be the clever one. You had even tried to tap him back, but that only led to an even bigger smirk on his face.
Rolling your eyes, you followed Chishiya into the living room, where he dropped back into the couch and barely made place for you when you did the same. You snuggled into his touch, leaving him enough space so he could continue reading that article about surgical stuff, and looked up to his face. Strands of blonde hair tickled your skin, the scent of strawberry shampoo just a hint in the air as you breathed in.
You searched for his hand and didn’t let go until your fingers intertwined with his, and there it was again. Three taps of his thumb against the side of your hand.
“What does it mean?” you asked again, twirling a strand of blonde hair between your fingers.
Chishiya tilted his head towards you just so slightly, a sign that he enjoyed what you were doing. “Hmm?”
You snorted. “Come on, don’t fool me. The taps! You know what I’m talking about. What does it mean?”
“If you can’t figure it out yourself, there’s no need to explain it anyway.”
That asshole. He knew exactly how much you wanted that answer, and he enjoyed it even more to play with you. This was definitely not the reason you loved him. You punched his side, hard enough so he had to flinch, before you snuggled back into it. “I hate you, ‘Chiya.”
“No, you don’t.” He bluntly stated with a smirk. Of course you didn’t.
Later that night, when the movie was long finished and you both had gone to bed, you still lay wide awake and stared at the ceiling. In the darkness of night, only a few shadows were visible, cast by the moon and the trees outside your window. Three taps. And there was a meaning behind it. Just why couldn’t you figure it out?
Chishiya huffed in his sleep and turned around so he was facing you. His mouth was slightly parted and his hair was tousled all around his beautiful features. You couldn’t resist touching his cheek, and his lips curled into a smile for a second. When you pulled back your arm to give Chishiya the space he needed, his fingers brushed your skin and you felt the soft tap, tap, tap once more.
He even did that while sleeping! But what-
You scanned his features, listened to the sound of his breath, and despite the riddle he wouldn’t solve for you, your heart was almost bursting with love for this man. You loved so many things about him – his voice, his cleverness, the way he was a man of few words who preferred to use tiny gestures.
And then it struck you.
Of course! How couldn’t you have seen it before?
Everything that Chishiya did had a meaning, even the slightest touch was considered.
Tap, tap, tap.
Three taps… three words.
I love you.
You smiled, breathing a kiss onto Chishiya’s lips. “I love you, too.”
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pockyteau · 1 year
✩ a chishiya x reader where the sun is a lot closer to him than he realised.
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"Do you know the story of Icarus?"
The question catches Chishiya off guard. He turns to you inquisitively, but you are already looking elsewhere; you stretch your arms out behind your head lazily, leaning back against the side of your bed. The sunlight that filled the room was enough to make one drowsy with all its warmth, little specks of light scuttling across the ground like golden ants.
It's always weirdly sunny, when you're around.
"I'm familiar with it, yes." Chishiya says mildly. He briefly wonders whether he should've admitted to it - while it was true he had read the book, it had been completely unintentional. He'd picked up an old paperback of the book in a library once, under the impression that the gold lettering on the cover meant the book held a multitude of literary treasures. On that day, Chishiya learnt two things: that Icarus was an idiot, and that he should never trust the gold lettering on books.
He had come to dislike the story since.
"Really? You know it?" You look at him with wide eyes, your earlier drowsiness thrown off. The expression you are making is glowing with excitement, and he feels as if he should de-escalate the situation before you get any ideas. 
"I didn't like it much," he warns. Much to Chishiya's distaste, he had come to know that you were a lover of storybooks, of which he never had much patience for. You blink, falling back against your bed with an audible thump. 
"But why not?" You ask, tilting your head to the side. From your lips the question sounds incredulous; it's almost as if you had, in fact, greatly enjoyed the story of Icarus.
Chishiya frowns. He had initially expected you to dislike it too, since the story ended in Icarus' death and you were the greatest lover of happy endings he'd ever met. After tuning many of them out, he had come to know that your personal favourite tales were the ones about love - sappy ones of sweetness and longing that spanned over many lifetimes. He didn't care much for them either, though they wouldn't have bothered him nearly as much if you didn't insist on telling him every single one. So, with that in mind, what reason could you have for liking this tale? 
"Icarus dug his own grave," Chishiya shrugs. "If he'd just been careful, he would've lived. He should've listened to the advice he was given."
You snort. "That's why you don't like it? You and Icarus are one in the same, then," you point out. "You never listen either."
It appears you've noticed him tuning you out. 
"Well," Chishiya muses, "I can afford not to." He turns his head to shoot you a lazy grin. "The same cannot be said for Icarus."
You press your lips together. "Wow, you are awful," you comment, though Chishiya can tell by the way your shoulders shake gently that you are trying not to laugh. Your attempt to stifle your laughter ends up in vain when your voice disappears towards the end of your statement, dipping your head forward to conceal the grin adorning your face. 
Chishiya finds he is smiling before he can stop himself - it's easy to make you laugh. He knows that if you lifted your head, he would see the crinkles under your eyes.
He allows you a moment to compose yourself before asking a question of his own. "But why do you like it?" he says, careful to keep the curiosity out of his voice. You raise your head when he speaks, traces of laughter still painting your lips. "The Icarus story, I mean. Since he dies in the end, I would've thought you'd hate it."
The question seems to surprise you. You frown, your brows drawing together. "Well, I wouldn't say that I like it, exactly," you say thoughtfully. "But it does have its charm. Icarus was happy for a little while." You muse. "Maybe being careless was worth it for him." 
"That's ridiculous," Chishiya snorts. Icarus was happy for no less than what, five seconds? No form of death could be worth that. Now he doesn't know why he asked in the first place, because of course you would supply him with an answer like that. "He still died."
"Hey, what've you got against Icarus?" You tease, arms folded as you lean back against the side of your bed. "To be honest, I think his story is a little sad. He was just glad to be in the sun."
"Mm," Chishiya makes a noncommittal noise in response, knowing that if he were to give a full answer it would probably be rather scathing. You smile at this, giving him a little nudge. 
"Okay, not a fan of Icarus," you say. Your voice is soft, tinted with amusement. Huh. Chishiya feels a small ache hatch in the centre of his chest - it pricked him in a strange way to see your smile as you spoke. You carry on, unaware of the sudden pain in his chest, that same smile still on your face. "Got it. Ah! Do you know Psyche and Eros? You have to have heard of them! Their love story is unrivaled." 
Chishiya is vaguely aware of how he shakes his head, which causes you to clutch at your chest in mock horror. You then launch into your rendition of Psyche and Eros' romance, eyes shining. It seemed that unlike Icarus, Psyche and Eros got their happy ever after; their love was free to last forever, unbound by the constraints of mortal life once Psyche was immortalised. 
Of course, this was the ringer for you -  a love that lasted forever. Chishiya doesn't believe in forever; he knows everything must eventually come to an end. Perhaps that was where the two of you differed the most; you firmly believed in forever, simply because you insisted that things such as love could transcend all boundaries, resist the tests of time. 
He supposes this should only be expected from someone who pitied Icarus, for whom Chishiya has no sympathy for. Despite how careless he may seem to you, him and the boy with the wax wings are nothing alike, because Chishiya is careful. He takes care not to let his mind wander when he sets his gaze on the sparkle in your eyes, the curve of your lips. He takes care not to let the sunlit vision of you sink too deep beneath the surface of his mind. Chishiya is careful, always careful. He knows that the repercussions of getting comfortable with you could cost him everything.
Even without you telling him, he knows the story of Icarus, who flew too close to the sun. 
Today you are telling him about something new - probably another love story, judging by the delight in your voice. 
It's sunny again. Chishiya is sitting with his back against the wall of your room, basking in the golden sunlight that streams through your window. The atmosphere is peaceful, calm. The way Chishiya likes it. 
He leans his head forward slightly to stretch the stiffness out of it; he had long since stopped listening to you, and was now trying to figure out how to a rig a flamethrower. And every other step to making a flamethrower, really. It would be a lot easier to dance that risky line between life and death with one, and Chishiya intends to use it as his ticket out of this poolside hotel. He dreams of somewhere he doesn't have to attend meetings on the whim of an obnoxious man in sunglasses.
But where would he get the materials? If he were to ask someone like Ann for spare flamethrowing parts, he would most likely be bombarded with questions. Ann was terrifying in her own right, with her ability to speak so fast. It's a dilemma, certainly. Perhaps he could ask the handyman, Tatta, instead.
He doesn't seem like the type to ask what Chishiya would use them for, and Chishiya believes that is a quality more people should have. 
He lifts his head at your mention of his name. "Hm?"
You grin. Chishiya feels that little ache between his ribs again, filling in the empty space between his heart and his bones. It seems to be spreading, which he tries not to find concerning. 
It's probably nothing. 
"You weren't listening again, were you?" you chide, but you don't seem to mind. The teasing look on your face makes that plain enough.  
Chishiya sees no need to lie. "I was not."
"Of course not," you sigh dramatically, flopping down to sit next to him. He smirks at you, knowing that you would roll your eyes in response. He knows you, predicting the way your head tilts away from him slightly, covering a quiet laugh. "Actually, I don't know why I'm surprised. Do you even listen to all those executive meetings you go to?"  
Chishiya grins, which means the obvious answer is no - it's a close call between who he respects less, the Hatter or the mournful looking worm he'd spotted on his way back from a game. In fact, he might've even lent the worm an ear if it had deigned to speak - it probably had more worthwhile things to say than the Beach's number one.   
You seem to be able to follow his train of thought. "I guess not," you say, a small laugh escaping your lips. 
He finds himself thinking that the sound of it is rather nice.
Without warning you lean in closer to Chishiya and for a moment his mind goes blank, but all you do is reach out a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear. "Here," your fingers brush lightly against the side of his face as you do so, the warmth of your skin lingering on his jaw even though the touch was only a brief one. "Now you'll be able to hear me better, hm?"
Chishiya snorts. His eyes flick over to you, that smile he wished wouldn't affect him so much dancing on your lips. Perhaps he should untuck the strand of hair from behind his ear again, just to annoy you. "There's a difference between wanting to listen and being able to listen."
"Hey-" you open your mouth to protest, but close it just as quickly. Chishiya is all but ready to give you a smug look, anticipating the way you would groan and pretend not to laugh - but then you lean in even closer, inspecting his face with curious eyes. He raises his brows in question. He doesn't like how your eyes have widened, mystified, as they rest just below his own eye level.
"What is it?" He frowns.
"You have a beauty mark!" You say, a delighted smile spreading across your lips. "I never noticed! Why didn't you tell me?"
Chishiya's brow furrows. He has to stifle the sudden urge to reach up and cover the little mark below his left eye. Why would he tell you? Perhaps he had fallen into the fool's trap of assuming you had working eyes, since the mark was, you know, on his face. "It must have slipped my mind," he says dryly. 
Unfortunately, you take no notice of his wry tone. "It's so cute!" you exclaim. You look dangerously close to clapping your hands in joy, and you are still much too close to Chishiya. He feels the warmth on his skin beginning to burn as you reach out a finger to lightly tap the mark under his eye. "Oh! that reminds me - did I ever tell you the story? Beauty marks are where you were kissed the most in your past life."
Chishiya brushes your hand away from his face. "I can't say I've heard that one before," he says, keeping his tone even. He hopes it will be enough to stop the liquid gold in his chest from spreading.
"I thought as much," you hum, reaching out to poke the mark under his eye again, grinning when he swats you away. "Hey, that means you were kissed there a lot. Isn't that so sweet? You must have been really loved in your past life."
Chishiya's frown deepens. Here is your precious everlasting love again. 
It's no secret that he doesn't believe in things like this; he knew better than most that human hearts were feeble things, easily stopped. As the vessel of love, didn't that show how not even the greatest love could last longer than the average human lifespan? 
"Is that so." He says flatly. The mark below his eye was merely a fixation of his face, nothing more. 
Your eyes dart over his unsmiling expression, the corners of your lips still turned up. "It's okay, I know you don't believe in things like that," you say mildly, eyes sparkling. Chishiya's gaze flickers; he didn't realise you had become so apt at predicting his thoughts. 
"You're right. I don't."
You merely hum again in response before falling silent, as if in thought. In the hush Chishiya allows his gaze to wander to you momentarily; it comes to rest on the pensive crease in your forehead, angling lower to where golden shapes are being cast over your face by the sunlight coming through the window. 
He's not sure if he can remember a time where you haven't been touched by light. 
"Ah!" You do clap your hands now, and Chishiya eyes you in apprehension. That can't mean anything good. "Alright. Why don't we test something out?" 
"Test?" Chishiya squints at you for a moment to accentuate his reluctance. "And what would that be?" 
"Well...why don't we give you a new beauty mark?" You smile. "You don't believe me, so I'll prove you wrong." 
Chishiya has to bite back his immediate scorn. What purpose would that serve? It's not as if you would be able to check if your theory worked, anyway. Even if you were right, neither of you would know what had conspired in this room, dappled in sunlight, in your next life.
He's already forming the word "no" in his throat, well aware that he shouldn't indulge you - but there are little crinkles under your eyes, the look of pure joy you usually wear when telling him your precious stories. Why were you so happy about his beauty mark, he wonders, and why hasn't the ache stopped by now? He should shut you down now, before this gets out of hand.
It is with these resolute thoughts that for some unfathomable, fanatical reason, Chishiya opens his mouth to find the words "do whatever you want," escaping off the tip of his tongue.
Just like that, the precarious nature he had built up around you is dealt its first blow when your face lights up with a pleasant surprise. 
"Really?" you say, so tentatively that the pull in his chest becomes so strong it almost hurts. Chishiya has to pull himself together to shrug in indifference. But it's fine. This is but a small allowance, one he will only let slide once. 
He still has to be careful. 
You delicately put both hands on either side of the blonde's face, turning it this way and that as if inspecting it. He looks at you, unimpressed, as you gently poke his right cheek, designating it as the spot for his next beauty mark. "Is here okay?"
Chishiya shrugs again with his face still in your hands, your hold on him causing a slight difficulty for him to do so properly. "It's your test, isn't it?"
"Okayy, here it is, then."
You lean in and place a gentle kiss on his cheek, then another, and another. The touch of your lips is sweet and light - Chishiya's soft chuckle is audible when you kiss him a fourth time, and he loses count of the ones that follow after you can't seem to help but kiss him once on the lips. 
Chishiya knows he shouldn't. He is aware that the wax wings fixed to his back are loosening by the day. 
But no matter how hard he tries to ignore it, he is compelled to push open the door to your room in his free time, the daylight hours before he leaves for a game. Where he is enveloped by golden sunlight the second he steps in, the way your face brightens like heaven is on earth there with him etching itself into the very corners of his mind. He listens silently to your stories, the lull of your voice. You've begun to kiss him on his right cheek regularly, like a habit, and he can't bring himself to stop you. 
He does his best to ignore the thought that perhaps he doesn't even want to stop you.
Chishiya knows that this is temporary. He has to be careful, make sure he doesn't forget. That no matter how many times you kiss him, he cannot stay. He is already flying much to close to the sun - the sudden warmth that consumes him as he does so is so immense that it scares him. Because every time you kiss him like that, he wonders what it would be like to sit there and listen to you tell stories forever.
And Chishiya knows forever doesn't exist. 
Chishiya declines citizenship in the Borderlands.
Even after playing Kuzuryuu, he had honestly considered staying. No matter where he was, forever still would not exist; he would eventually die in either world. It would be interesting to see what the future held for him here, in any case. Perhaps he could run the Diamond games - there's no question of him being able to take the crown of the King of Diamonds with his intellect. And after all, if he stayed, he wouldn't have to return to the tedious problems of the real world.
But in the end, he finds that something inside him has changed.
Maybe it's because he's slowly bleeding out, which probably doesn't bode well for him. Maybe it's because he's slumped against a car and it's less than comfortable. Maybe Kuzuryuu got through to him after all.
But maybe it's also how you find him there, hidden behind the car, worry painting your usually so sunny face as you rush over to kneel beside him.
"Chishiya?" you whisper urgently. "Are you okay?" 
He feels a gentle weight on his shoulder where you hand has immediately come to rest, like it's the most natural thing in the world. You don't even think twice about it; it surprises Chishiya that such a simple movement could feel so comforting, safe. He's gotten used to your touch, no matter how hard he'd tried not to. You're checking his wounds, eyes widening when you realise his hoodie is soaked in blood. "What happened to you? Oh my god, have you been shot? How bad is it?"
Chishiya manages a weak chuckle, even as you begin desperately searching for the bullet wound. You're worried, really worried, whispering something about putting pressure on the wound. Should he tell you he's been shot more than once? 
His eyes roam over your face, cast in deep shadow by the darkening sky. Where are the crinkles in your eyes? The look of unobtainable joy that never left your face? It's so strange - ridiculous, even - that all he can think of is that stupid story you'd told him so long ago, the one about the beauty marks. He aches to see you smile again, like you did then, and the all-consuming feeling almost outweighs the blood seeping from his wounds.
"Are you laughing?" you say tearfully. Another laugh forces itself out of Chishiya's chest even as he winces slightly, although whether he laughs out of amusement or exasperation he can't really tell. You give him an incredulous stare, eyes shining with perspiration, before you finally crack a small smile of your own.
That's all it takes for the dam to break and you exhale in relief, the panic leaving your body in the form of a heavy breath. Your whole body relaxes and your hand slips a bit on his shoulder as you slump down beside him. "Chishiya," you breathe his name like it's the only thing keeping you alive, burying your face in your hands. "I was so worried about you." 
Chishiya's broken laughter subsides into a grin. He leans back against the car, closing his eyes for a moment, although his look of amusement still lingers over his features. It's almost ironic - you seem more concerned about his own life than he is. And while Chishiya's concern usually reaches the brilliant heights of almost zero, he suddenly thinks that surviving his multiple bullet wounds wouldn't be so bad. 
"Why?" he says, opening his eyes slightly to peer at you through half-lids. "If I died, we could test out your beauty mark theory."
You groan, but the sound is half-laugh-half-exasperation. "I can't believe you." Your head falls forward to rest on his shoulder, the fabric of his hoodie muffling your voice. You sound weak, as if you had spent some time calling out his name, trying to find him. He exhales a soft laugh. it was always your voice that gave you away, but now Chishiya only finds it endearing rather than a weakness. Despite the situation he finds himself relaxing. 
He could get used to this. 
And that's when it hits him. 
That Chishiya has already become Icarus, the fool. 
He breathes out. No, he's been a fool from the very start. He wants your head on his shoulder, just like it is now. He wants the warmth of your touch. He wants forever, full of your dancing eyes and your buoyant smile. He wants too much, has flown right against the sun so that his wax wings have melted away and he's plummeted into the ocean. Look at where being careful had gotten him; everything he's ever believed to be true is lost in the deep water. 
But then you raise your head to graze a kiss on his right cheek between murmurs, your own cheeks slightly wet with tears, and Chishiya finds he doesn't care. He's willing to indulge in the idea of forever, no matter how unlikely it might be that it actually exists. He'll sink deeper into the ocean as long as you're holding on to him.
Fireworks explode around the two of you, marking the end of the world he'd met you in, and Chishiya makes his choice.
"I don't want citizenship," he says, and his eyes slide over to you as the words leave his mouth. He can admit, if only to himself, that he's looking forward to your reaction. "I think."
Your astonished face is illuminated in the light before it splits into that beaming smile. 
"I thought you would stay," you whisper, but you're smiling so hard even as glittering tears are sliding down your cheeks again that Chishiya can't help but laugh once more. You reach for his hand and clasp it tightly, intertwining your fingers and his in a way that can only be described as tender and sweet, and he knows he's made the right choice. 
"Let's go home," you say, eyes shining, and Chishiya is falling, falling. He wants to go back and live in a world with you, where a love that outlasts even the two of your beating hearts is more likely to be possible. Because even though he doesn't believe in forever, you do.
And Chishiya has never wanted so badly, with all of the heart he thought he didn't have, for it to be true. 
Chishiya couldn't shake the feeling that something was strange.
He knew exactly where he was before he even fully woke up - the beep of the heart monitor, the sharp scent of sterilisation, the coolness of the pillow behind his head. From all the time he'd spent in residency, the atmosphere of the hospital was unmistakable. 
He opens his eyes slowly to ease his transition into the waking world. His body aches with injury, and there is a stinging pain in his abdomen. The thoughts in his head are sluggish, bleary. He's still gaining his bearings, trying to figure out what happened. 
A sudden jolt of urgency shoots through him and he almost bolts upright; he is met with the resistance of the tightly tucked in hospital bedsheets, and has to slowly push himself up instead. He looks around, scanning the other beds in the room. There is a strange new ache blooming rapidly in his chest, but he doesn't think it's related to his injuries. Where is...
He blinks. Where is what? 
He frowns, freeing one of his arms from the linen sheets to rub his forehead. He tries to summon the thought up again, but it's like grasping at sand. Where is...? He attempts to close his fist over the question, but it slips through his fingers like the grains of an hourglass. What was he so desperate to find just now?
He just can't seem to recall. 
The curtain around his bed is drawn with the slight scrape of metal, revealing a nurse with a clipboard. Chishiya is momentarily distracted from his thoughts when the nurse looks surprised to see him awake, her mouth forming a little 'o' of astonishment.
"Oh! you're awake," her expression quickly eases into a professional smile. Chishiya dips his head slightly in acknowledgement, but he is still unsettled. It's the strangest thing. It feels he's missing something, but he just can't figure out what.
The nurse begins to check his vitals, scribbling something down on a clipboard with a ballpoint pen. To Chishiya's newly awoken mind, the scratch of pen against paper is louder than it should be. As she writes she tells Chishiya what happened - the tragedy of the meteorite, how he was one of many victims of the crash. 
"Your heart stopped for a full minute," she says, "you went into cardiac arrest. The same thing actually happened to a lot of the other patients here who were injured by the meteorite crash..."
Chishiya stops listening there. The nurse continues to talk, but his mind is already is elsewhere. His heart stopped for a full minute. He wonders, briefly, why it even bothered starting back up again. Perhaps he had some underlying will to live that even he didn't know about. 
Human hearts were strange things. 
It turns out that Chishiya has to stay at the hospital for a while before he can be discharged. He's familiar with the procedures - although his injuries aren't as severe as the man in the bed next to him, who is bandaged from head to toe, it'll still take a while before he makes a full recovery. Though Chishiya isn't too happy about this, he supposes there's nothing much he can do about it. And while the man stationed beside him is rather boisterous at times he does talk to Chishiya on the occasion, and it's not too irritating. In fact, he thinks they might even be a little bit alike in some ways.   
But even as his injuries slowly heal, the ache he'd woken up with still lingers. It's such a strange, implacable feeling. Something inside him yearns for a specific kind warmth, the gold of sunlight that filters through windows. The hospital wards are too silent, too dull. Since when did he begin to long for company? But it's not even that - the room he's been staying in is full of people, yet he still feels as if someone is missing from his side. It's endlessly frustrating. 
If his heart was going to torture him like this for surviving, maybe it shouldn't have yanked him back from cardiac arrest after all.
Chishiya's hospital days blur together with the utter sameness of them all. He goes through the motions, the scans, the checkups, all without a second thought. 
Until, that is, he catches a proper glimpse of his reflection in the chipped bathroom mirror. 
He stops in his tracks, leaning in closer to check whether it was just a speck of dust on the mirror, but no - it's really there. He frowns. That's weird. 
He has a new beauty mark.
Has it always been there? There had always been one, just below his left eye. He had never paid it any heed. It was simply there, an affixation of his face. But he finds that there is now another mark, sitting on his right cheek. If it had been there all his life, he certainly didn't remember it. How had he never noticed it before?
He raises a hand to brush the new mark in confusion, his fingertips grazing the skin. As he does this, he recalls something odd - in the very back of his mind, it's almost as if he can feel the gentle press of someone's lips against his cheek. 
Chishiya is finally going to be discharged from the hospital today.
He will not miss this place. In fact, his parting from the bed he'd known for the last month or so was joyful, to say the least. The ache he had woken up with still hasn't disappeared, but maybe the unsettling feeling that he'd forgotten something would fade once he left.
The sooner, the better.
He is just making his way to reception, having bid an amused farewell to the boisterous man in the bed beside him. Unlike the others in his room, neither of them had had any visitors, so he supposed the least he could do was be civil to the guy.
For once, there is silence in the hospital's white-walled corridors; visiting hours had not yet begun, and while Chishiya had grown to find complete silence somewhat unnerving he welcomes the change. There are no families weeping in the grey couches, no nervous chatter as they waited to be given updates on their loved ones' condition. There is even an abundance of sunlight, drifting in through the windows. It's peaceful, calm. The way Chishiya likes it.
Except when the receptionist's desk is finally in sight he finds someone else is already there, talking to the receptionist. By the looks of it, it's another patient - probably another crash victim, like him. Chishiya slows down, not particularly wanting to wait around for the conversation to finish. He stuffs his hands into his pockets, turning to look at the grey visitor's couches and then back at the receptionist. The patient is filling out forms now, blue ballpoint pen in hand. He spots the receptionist holding a rather thick stack of papers in her hand and frowns.
This may take a while.
Chishiya resigns himself to the grey couches, sinking into the soft fabric of the furniture. At least there's plenty of sunlight, streaming in through the rectangular glass pane overhead. He shoots another glance over at the counter, where the receptionist's stack of paper has diminished by about two sheets. He wonders if he would be chased if he just walked out of the hospital without signing the discharge documents.
With a sigh he leans back into the couch, turning his head to the side. With a note of surprise, he realises that there is a book lying open-faced a few inches away from him - judging by how it's been left open, someone must have left it there in the middle of reading it. With nothing else to do he lets curiosity take over, reaching over to pick the book up by its spine.
The book is a thin copy of an old story, battered and clearly well-read. He frowns slightly when he reads the title, bringing it closer to him to make out the words - gold lettering, the font of deceit. It's the story of Icarus; who wanted too much, giddy upon his taste of the heavens, and paid the price for it. Chishiya had always held contempt for that particular tale. If the fool had just been a little more careful, perhaps he would've lived.
"Oh! You know the story of Icarus?"
The question catches Chishiya off guard. He looks up from the book to see someone standing in front of him, smiling. It's that patient, the one who had been talking to the receptionist, silhouette dappled golden in the sunlight trickling into the room. That must mean the receptionist's desk is free now - but for some reason, he can't seem to tear his eyes away from the patient's expression; sparkling eyes, lips curved sweetly. Those bright eyes study him as he feels a familiar pull in his chest, the ache growing stronger by the second. And then, he hears the soft words:
"You have lovely beauty marks."
And it's so strange, because suddenly he feels a tug at the back of his mind. He feels as if he's heard something like that before, in another room dappled in sunlight. Where he felt warmer, safer than anywhere he had ever known.
Chishiya feels the smile come to his lips before he can stop himself. Perhaps his admin papers could wait a little longer. "Is that so."
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surshica · 1 year
anyways i hope ur doing well babes ♪( ´▽`)
request: drunk!chishiya x gn!reader
genre: drunken fluff
warnings: mentions of alcohol — hungover chishiya — fluff — swearing — mentions of wanting to throw up
A/N: when i first saw this i thought of drunked love by beyoncé HAHAHA. DRUNKENNN LOVEEEEE
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ılıl﹔ ◌ 𓂂 ˳⁺ 🥂 ꯭ ⊹ ⋆ ࣪
there was a pounding on the door making you groan, you were in sweats and a tank top; it was your lazy day and the fact someone was ruining it by pounding in your door—hated it. having to pause your show you got up walking over to the door.
opening the door there was chishiya. “chishiya what are you doing here?” your eyebrow quirked up, a deep inhale was all you needed—a string scent of alcohol was evident. making you want to the throw up, you didn’t even wait for him to open his mouth; dragging him into the small living room closing the door behind you.
seating him down on the couch, you crouched down doing the asian squat. “chishiya. chishiya.” you waved your hand in front of his face trying to see if he was drunk or hungover. a small hm escaped, it was short yet low.
a smile crept on your face, resting your arms around your knees; “i’m so hungry” his words were slurred causing you to laugh at him, his face was red in the face you found it quiet funny. “never would i have expected you to be the type to get drunk on a thursday night.” there were some cut on peaches on your coffee table, you picked one up with the fork bringing it to chishiya’s mouth.
“ah.” you sound pressing the peach againts his lips. he opened his lips slightly to get a some bite out of the peach. “you need to eat more of the peach chishiya. i can’t have you throwing up all over my couch”
he ended up eating the whole peach on the fork giving you an annoyed look, “why are you looking at me like that? i’m feeding you a peach cut me some slack.” you huffed picking up another peach pressing it against his lips.
“do you have anything else?” he mumbled making you shake your head, “i’ll get you something else when you finished the peaches.” you smiled trying to liven the mood. he sighed eating the peach in the fork.
“seriously though why are you the shuntaro chishiya a workaholic, drunk on a thursday night.” you picked up another peach holding it infront of your face; staring into chishiya’s drunken unsteady eyes. “i was..out?? with friends.” he sounded confused himself as to why he was drunk.
you had sighed with a smile on your face, feeding him another peach. “this is hopeless” you snickered grabbing the last piece of peach on your plate; “last one.” he ate the last peach watching your every moment, from when you put the fork down on the plate and from the moments you walked to the small kitchen grabbing a waterbottle for him.
“this is for you, chishi” you had handed him a waterbottle, he had a thin lip smile on his face take a sip of the water. he tried to say something but his words kept slurring and hiccups kept escaping his lips. “you’re trying to talk but it’s not working” you smacked your lips trying to contain your laughter; it was like watching a toddler trying to walk again.
closing his eyes he breathed slowly as if he was tired and wanted to go to sleep, “hmm someones tired~” you teased walking to a closet that was stored with blankets and pillows. laying chishiya down on the couch to frappes a fluffy blanket over him,
“there you go sleeping beauty.” you sighed putting your hands on your hips. you had walked to turn off the lights in the kitchen and living room—due to the fact chishiya was drunk and couldn’t fucking speak, it was best to not leave him alone. sitting across from him in a smaller single seater couch-chair.
a pillow was draped warmly around your body as you scrolled through tiktok, you felt the need to stay up so chishiya doesn’t do anything stupid. occasionally looking at the rolling around chishiya.
“i feel like…i’m going to throw up…” he sat up hand on his head. he was fucking dizzy.
“oh my god..” you scowled grabbing a mini trash can putting it next to chishiya
“nevermind i was just dizzy” he cheeky smiled before lying back down cozying up to the blanket
chishiya had done that so many times it became an hourly habit, he felt like he was going to throw up/he was hungry/he was hot/he was cold/he was thirsty. most of it was fine until chishiya started to strip off his clothing because he was too hot.
the mental panic made you stop him before he could even think abt taking off his pants, he was a lot when drunk. looking at the time it was almost 8 am and you got zero sleep. none; but me sleeping beauty over here got plenty.
a yawn came out of his mouth as he got up and looked around the room, a pounding headache caused him to clench his jaw; he looked at the couch’s to see if there was anyone and to his surpise it was a sleep deprived yn.
“damn you look like shit.” he laughed at your state, little red angry expression marks were visible. scrunching your nose you look at him pulling out the middle finger, “you were the reason of me looking like shit. don’t even get me started on everything you said when—“
“shut up.”
“no you made me suffer, also you are a different breed when drunk.”
“i didnt drink that much though? and i don’t know how the fuck i got me to your place.”
“hey blondie news flash you were blacked out drunk.”
“yeah ‘oh.’ now i’m..” you yawned “really tired and really hungry..but someone’s needy ass wanted me up all night.” you huffed ruffling your hair; you walked over to sit next to chishiya. while you thought you were walking fine…the walk was rather lopsided.
“respectfully chishiya i hate you—don’t get drunk again.” your eyebags were dark, a frown was shown apon his lips; the silence was rather ahem loud. it wasn’t awkward it was actually comfortable.
the noise of your stomach grumbling made the silence break, chishiya lifted his eyebrow taking out his phone from his pocket, “do you want me to order some food??” he said already opening up doordash, a grumble escaped from your lips; he took that as a yes.
“what do you want to eat??” “[insert your favorite food]” you exclaimed happily for a few seconds then going back to your grumbly expression. “figured..”he whispered tapping his phone for a while, “alright i ordered the food.”
no witty remark or huff or grumble escaped your lips causing chishiya to look over at you. a chuckle left his lips seeing you in your passed out state. “well since you took care of me its only right i take care of you.” he nodded to himself throwing a blanket over you.
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tags — tell me if i misspelled your user!!
@nanamora @parkersmyth @trinmadol @noxceleste @eissaaaa @dr3amscap3 @arizzu @bwnniidump @kerenz @minyoungieee
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reagumy · 19 days
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did more doodle requests!!
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cambion-companion · 2 years
alicent gets SO much hate from the fandom even from aemond writers 😔 i trust you and your good taste that you don’t hate her and write something where aemond’s wife and alicent absolutely ADORE each other and aemond loves to see it and is so happy about his two favourite people in the world being so close
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Yes, the more I watched the show the more I grew to like Alicent until her line "Hesitance to murder is not a weakness", then I was like "yep I love this woman."
The Driftmark scene is such a powerful one, I included some of the dialogue. Alicent's reaction was justified, no one was backing her up, or taking responsibility for MAIMING her son, so she felt the need to escalate the situation. And good for her.
Word count: 1366
Aemond x reader | fluff | Pro Alicent Hightower | Sweet drabble
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The shouting is what had alerted you to something being amiss in the castle, raised voices echoing up the empty stone corridors as you poked a curious head out your bedroom door.
You had been sent to be princess Helaena's handmaiden at the age of thirteen, finding the Red Keep to be suffocating most of the time, thankful for this chance to travel elsewhere. Driftmark had proven to be lovely, even if the reason for your journey was not at all a happy one.
Pulling on your heavy nightrobe, you made your way hastily toward the sound of shouting coming from a firelit room at the end of the hallway. You peeked in, seeing that it was indeed very crowded, children clinging to their parents as Viserys and Alicent argued. You spotted Helaena over by the large fireplace standing beside her brother, Aegon. Next to them, sitting on the sofa, blood covering his swollen face...you gasped audibly, drawing the attention of those standing nearest to the entrance.
Aemond clearly very injured, the boy you'd become close friends with had stitches running down the left side of his face, his eye...you blinked back a sting of sudden tears, his eye had been slashed out. Not caring what gossip arose from your actions, you hastened to Aemond's side. He looked up at you in mild surprise at your sudden appearance, his expression turning stony as he tried to turn the injured side of his face away from your probing gaze.
You touched his hand that clutched at the cushions, opening your mouth to say something, but a scuffle of movement behind you caught your attention as Alicent went for Viserys' knife and turned toward Rhaenyra and her children.
Rhaenyra intercepted her, the two women locked in a standoff with the other, Alicent gripping the blade tightly in her shaking hand.
"You've gone too far." Rhaenyra said emphatically, still holding tight to her once-friend's arms.
"I?" Tears streaked down Alicent's face as she continued struggling. "What have I done, but what was expected of me? Forever upholding the kingdom, the family, the law while you flout it all to do as you please!"
"Alicent, let her go!" King Viserys, old as he was, looked livid as he yelled at his wife.
"Where is duty? Where is sacrifice?" She continued, taking no heed to the king. "It is trampled under your pretty foot again."
"Release the blade, Alicent." Otto's measured voice this time, trying to reason with his daughter.
She continued staring at Rhaenyra, refusing to drop the knife, her expression morphing from desperation to a look of betrayal. "And now you take my son's eye, and to even that you feel entitled."
"Exhausting, wasn't it?" Rhaenyra at last responded. "Hiding beneath the cloak of your own righteousness. But now they see you as you are."
With a sharp cry, Alicent broke away from her grasp, bringing the dagger down, cutting deep into Rhaenyra's arm. The room fell deathly silent, each person present sensing the gravity of what had just occured. The dagger fell from Alicent's open palm, clattering on the stone floor.
The heavy air was broken as Aemond spoke, drawing your attention back to him as he approached Alicent. "Do not mourn me, mother." His voice was soft, tired. "It was a fair exchange. I may have lost an eye, but I gained a dragon."
You knew his words were more to draw attention away from what had just occurred, his mother injuring the heir to the Iron Throne. Though young, Aemond was no fool, and neither were you. You were aware of his abiding love for his mother, watching as he took her hand in both of his, laying his injured head against her chest.
The scene cleared quickly after that, parents ushering their frightened children back to bed. You lingered in the hall, wanting to stay by your friend's side. Helaena touched your shoulder, smiling at you weakly before departing the room as well.
After several long moments, the room was empty save for you, Aemond and Alicent. It took minutes more for Alicent to come back to herself, taking a deep breath and looking down at her son. "Come, Aemond, you need to rest in order to heal."
Her gaze lifted to you, seeming surprised to see you standing still by the fire. "Y/N, the hour is late. You should also be in bed."
You noticed Aemond didn't look at you, standing motionless, gripping his mother's hand loosely.
"Can I be of any help at all, your grace?" You weren't sure why, but the question you posed, and the earnestness behind it, had an effect on the queen. Her expression softened, lip trembling slightly. "I will call on you in the morning, Y/N. For now, get some sleep."
Call on you she did, and for many weeks following it was Alicent and Aemond you spent the majority of your time with. Helaena didn't seem to mind, in fact she would accompany you often, helping where she could, fetching hot water and healing ointments for her younger brother.
Aemond's demeanor at your presence, at first tense and cold, eased as time passed. He looked at you more, allowing you to change his bandages and read to him at night.
Alicent was warm toward you, quickly becoming someone you looked to as a maternal figure, filling an ache in your heart you'd been unaware was there. Her gratitude for your help and care was obvious, it grew apparent not many others in the castle shared your sympathies for the prince. You heard many unkind whispers spreading throughout the Keep, doing your best to pay them no attention.
One day, Aemond almost fully healed, you were packing up the many salves and ointments the maesters had provided. Alicent approached you, touching a warm hand to your shoulder as she often did. "Y/N, you have gone above and beyond any expectations I had of you in helping my son. You are the handmaiden of my daughter, I know you are friends but why do you care so for Aemond's wellbeing?"
You looked up into her face, smiling slightly. "I heard what happened, I saw how alone you were that night. No one else helped, and I don't think that's fair."
"Oh child." Alicent's eyes grew bright with unshed tears as she pulled you against her in a tight hug. "You are a balm sent from the Mother Herself." She lowered herself to crouch at your level, cupping your chin with her hand. "If you ever find yourself in need of anything, you come to me."
She placed a brief kiss to your forehead before sending you out of the room, back to your normal duties.
From then on, the two of you became close as though she were your actual mother and you, her daughter. Many years passed; she was the one you went to when you had questions about growing into womanhood, about all troubles that weighed upon your mind. Your bond with Aemond only strengthened as well, he sought you out often in your reading nook of the library. You would stay up late nights with the prince discussing all interesting things from the history of dragon riding to the customs of Ancient Valyria.
When you were sixteen and he thirteen, Aemond began teaching you some Old Valyrian, at your request. He saw how much Alicent adored you, her face brightening into a fond smile whenever you walked into a room. He loved you for it. There was precious little that brought true happiness to Alicent, her affection for you soothed her troubled heart.
Aemond observed your interactions often with a soft smile upon his face, his feelings for you slowly growing from friendship to something more. He couldn't name what it was that had changed, there were precious few in his life whom he could say he genuinely loved. His mother was top of that short list, his one defender, the woman who had vouched for him when no one else did. Your evident devotion to her, the time you spent talking to her, leaning your head on her shoulder, had left a warm impression upon Aemond's heart. He wouldn't forget the peace you brought those he cared for most, and he intended to make sure you stayed in their lives.
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kat1473 · 5 months
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“if you don’t love me..why are you still here?”
A/N: Another angsty rhalicent One- shot. Mothers are fighting💔 Felt like this is what their fight would’ve been like a least a lil. love me a good argument between besties 👯
Summary: Rhaenyra finds out about alicent and (Her father) The king and flips out.
Warnings: angst, swear words, arguing, slight slut shamming(heat of the moment), religious ideology, begging, blood, mean rhaenyra(js been betrayed), sad alicent, suicidal ideation
Word Count: 1k
Rhaenyra knew this would happen. Deep down she knew. She could feel how her once beloved friend was pulling away. How in the months following her mothers death Rhaenyra was left alone not only by her father but also by her friend while they enjoyed each others company uncaring of the betrayal they had been committing.
The princess could feel her heart lighting aflame burning her from the inside; when she had heard of her father’s plan to marry her only friend. The only comfort and solace she’d found during those harsh times now tainted by the knowledge of their betrayal.
She could never look at her the same. Never feel the same. Her heart once filled with love and affection for someone she had considered innocent. Untouched by the ambitions of the iron throne; filled with an intense rage that compelled the princess to flea the counsel room as fast as she her stuttering legs and pacing heart could take her.
She could feel the suffocating sensation of her lungs burning with the need to take in more air. Her skin feeling itchy and damp under the golden dress with red accents she wore. Her eyes were blurry when she arrived to her chambers; Ears muffled only hearing the harsh beating of her heart as she tried to take in as much air as possible.
Loud fast paces following her interrupted her blazing thoughts as the princess turned to find the very person who’s caused it all. Every harsh breath. Every harsh thump of her heart. Every tear that fell. The one she could blame stood before her. “How could you!” She yelled voice vibrating off the stone walls of the red keep.
“Rhaenyra please…” Alicents brown eyes filled with anxious tears while her hands tore as each other drawing blood as she begged her once friend for understanding. For the chance to explain herself. “What! What could you possibly have to say to explain yourself.” The princess gave her no such chance.
“How could you possibly explain how you’ve used me and my position to get what you wanted.” The dragon princess moved closer her red eyes burning with the might of a thousand flames as her chest rose with furious intensity. “Tell me! Tell me how you’ve whored yourself out to my father, while pretending to be my friend using my idiotic heart to get one step closer to the iron throne.”
The hightower lady flinched at the harsh words too stunned to respond as the dragon blew its harsh flames at her, suffocating her with both hurt and hate. The hightower could Only compose herself enough to choke out, “I had no choice, Rhaenyra! Please.” Tears now openly falling from her face as she bit her cracked lips enough to draw blood; the sight only serving to entice the dragon in its attack in need for a taste. If she could not have her love Rhaenyra thought as her gaze saw the red substance pool out. Then she would have her blood.
“I trusted you! I believed you! I loved you; and you’ve betrayed me in the worst of ways.” The princess now yelling as she stepped closer to her only friend watching as she cried and tore at her hands as she’s seen her do thousands of times.
This time her being the cause and instead of feeling guilt the dragon allowed it to fuel the flames inside ready for another strike. She could feel the heat coming from herself especially now during the chilling evenings of spring.
She could feel as the fire inside her begged to be fed. She could feel the flames dance with anger and grief at this betrayal. So she did the only thing she knew to do. She blew her dragon flame; Needing Alicent to feel the same burning flames that were thrust upon her veins burying her alive in the heat. Needing her to feel the same pain caused by the hell they’ve been thrust upon.
“I hate you.” She sneered eyes filled with so much rage as the girl stood across from her bleeding and crying unable to move, breathe, let alone look away as the moment she’d been dreading had been thrust upon her.
Alicent desperate tearing at her hands with tears running down her face felt as though the sky was falling. She could feel it as clear as day. The father is coming for her. To tear her down for this betrayal; deccending from the gods to crush her mortal self as punishment for this injustice.
Alicent threw herself to her knees grasping at any bit of salvation as she could feeling the fabric of her only friend’s dress. Not daring to look up at the shadow that was formed by the princess looming over her. She looked at the material in her hands instead.
Red. she could see the red threads running through the dress creating a new form of dragons on the fabric. Red. She could see her bloodied fingers grasping desperately at what she could no longer call hers. Red. She could feel her knees scraping against the hard stone floors wet with the thick substance of blood. Red. That’s all she saw in the eyes of her old friend red with fury at her actions. “please…please please just let me explain rhae-“ she choked.
“Do not speak my name!” Red blazing fire burned her head to toe, she could feel the flames consume her. “Please princess. I beg of you.” Red. She could feel the blood in her flushed face no doubt snot and tears staining it as she tried to beg for forgiveness with eyes red and panicked.
Looking for anything any semblance of mercy left in the princesses gaze. Only to find nothing there. She could not see the princess she once knew; she only saw a dragon. One with its mouth wide open ready to set aflame and devour anything in its way…..
Alicent was left alone bloodied and on her knees staring up at the blazing sun the shadowy figure had revealed when it left. The soft breeze drying the tears that stained her face as she sat there feeling as though time had stopped and the world had ended. She could not move. Could not breathe. Could not think. All she could do was sit there on her knees and wait for death to finally kiss her. As her old friend once had.
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butim4you · 2 months
(This is not proffread and i just started writing so it might not be that good, hope you like it <3)
Chishiya x reader
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You took a deep breath but then Hissed at the sudden pain it brought you. You had been helping your friends take down the King of spades...You had atleast two or three gun shots. Two in your chest and one in your leg.
Usagi had just left the alley way to find arisu even with her leg being stabbed..Kuina was laying on the ground focusing on her breathing beside Ann. She stares at your attempt to stand. You got up but quickly had to hold on to the wall as your leg almost gave out.
You only had one leg to get to Him...When Arisu had reaveld that He would show the way Chishiya was if you helped them, you didnt have a choice..Wobbiling out of the alley you look up to see Arisu carrying Usagi bridal style and he looks worried for her. Hearing footsteps Arisu looks up at you.
"Which way..."
You said weakly. Arisu remembered what he had said. He nodded at the way since he couldn't point with Usagi in his arms. You didn’t even consider saying 'thanks' or 'bye'. You just started walking...Or more so, you tried your best to walk. He could be anywhere....You had no idea what you were thinking. You would probably not even find him. You walked quite the way to find niragi leaning back against an Abonded car.
You had always had a problem with niragi. He saw a figure covering the sun from him, and he opened his eyes and looked up at her. He knew you were looking for chishiya. Stupid people...stupid love.
You addressed him, and he scoffs and looks off to the side. He understood you were in a bad condition.. He could easily take you over now if it wasn't for his own pain. He coughs and avoids your e/c Eyes.
"Your prince is waiting over there."
He stares in the direction Chishiya sits, Hes a bit far away from them. Far enough to not hear their words. You stare at him before limping towards the way he told you. You were met with a sight of Chishiya sitting down, leaning back against a car resting.
You feel a wave of calmness hit you and you let go of a breath you didnt know you were holding. He hears your soft voice that was like a whisper. He could hear your hurried footsteps but also the dragging of your injured leg. His calm eyes open as you did your best to sit down beside him. A loud wince was heard from you and he quickly examined your condition.
"Your hurt."
He stated softly, Inside he Felt bad for not protecting you and he wished he could wrap up your wounds. But you smile so sweetly at him.
"You are too, y'know?"
You already understood Niragi was the reason for his injuries. He felt you lean into his side that wasn't injured. And he leaned back against you. He gave the side of your head a kiss and just sat there with you. Neither one of you had the energy to do anything else.
Time moved like seconds as you two sat there, Before you knew it you heard the fireworks and saw the beautiful colors in the sky.
"Shiya...They did it..."
Chishiya smiles and nods, The Loud voice then was heard from the sky...'Your now allowed to pick either to stay here as a citizen or Leave to go back to the real world." A woman's voice said that sounded made up said.
You look up at him, and he stares up into the sky.
"I wanna leave.."
He said with a small smile as you copied his words. You even heard Niragi say he wants to leave from afar. Your hand that is intertwined with his gives him a squeeze. He looks down at you with confused eyes as you look scared.
"Shiya, Promise me that you will go look for me in the real world again...? Please..."
He still has that confident glint in his eyes as he kisses the side of your face.
"I promise, Y/n.."
Then everything went black.
Chishiya stares at the unfimilar man in the bed beside him.
"What the fuck are you staring at?"
The man rasped, half of the man's body was covered in bandages.
"I heard your heart also stopped for a whole minute.."
Chishiya said with his normal face, He felt like he had forgotten something important..
"So what?"
The man spat, seriously not caring a shit. He sighs.
"Do you feel like something in you changed?"
He doesnt really know why he is asking. A part of him feels missing...more then before.
"Not really...Guess I just look flashier now. What about you?"
The man chishiya already knews name was Niragi suguru. What happend now again...?
"...I lived a useless life..but now..im gonna make up for it..."
The way chishiya said that so casually made niragi laugh but he stops when he hears their room door opening, A woman stood there. She looked like she's here for the same reason as they were.
"Ah, im sorry! This is the wrong room.."
Chishiya looked over at her and examined her closely...Then your eyes met, he felt his missing spot getting filled once more as he heard you say his name nickname you gave him.
Not you randomly remembering his nickname and saying it out loud.
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zapreportsblog · 8 months
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✭ PAIRING : Edward Cullen x Reader
✭ FANDOM : Twilight
✭ SUMMARY : When Edward proposed to Bella he expected her to accept after all they were mates? Right? Wrong! Bella rejected edwards proposal breaking his undead heart in the process, not being able to withstand the aftermath Edward leaves home; only to return 2 years later but this time he’s married?!
✭ AUTHORS NOTE : I already know there is a story on here called the same story with the same cover (on quotev at least) mines had been edited to a clearer form, (again on quotev) that was my old account, (marveluserlovesmarbel again on quotev was my old and very first account) one of my first actually. If I can remember the login information from it I’d log back in and post my stories from their over here but for now enjoy the remake of said story :)
✭ CHAPTER TWO : A Surprise Homecoming
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Inside the Cullen home, a sense of curiosity and anticipation hung in the air. The family gathered at the entrance, drawn by Alice's sudden vision and the excitement radiating from her. Her golden eyes sparkled as she clapped her hands together.
"I just had a vision," Alice announced, "Edward is coming back, and he should be arriving any minute now."
Everyone exchanged glances, surprised and eager to see Edward again. Moments later, the sound of an approaching car could be heard, and they watched as Edward pulled into the driveway. As he stepped out of the car, they were taken aback by the presence of a woman in the passenger seat. Edward opened her door, and they exited the vehicle, both smiling warmly at the Cullen family.
Edward greeted his siblings with hugs and was bombarded with questions about his trip. Carlisle suggested they continue the conversation inside, and they all moved into the house.
Once inside, Edward introduced the woman beside him. "Everyone, this is (Y/n). We got married."
The room fell into stunned silence. Carlisle was the first to break it, his face a mixture of surprise and happiness. "Edward, this is wonderful news, but since when did you get married?"
Edward explained, "We got married a year ago."
Alice gasped, fake outrage coloring her tone. "And you didn't let me plan your wedding? Unacceptable!"
Laughter rippled through the room as they realized Alice was teasing. Edward smiled, "Honestly, after Bella, I didn't expect to find love again."
Esme stepped forward, her motherly warmth enveloping them. "Well, I'm happy you did, son." She turned to (Y/n) and asked, "Now, how did you two come to be?"
(Y/n) laughed, her eyes sparkling. "I tried to kill him."
Bewildered looks crossed the faces of the Cullen family. Jasper scoffed and nodded. "That explains it."
”I’m sorry what?!”
”What can I say, it’s in my blood to hunt creatures like Edward,” (y/n) says with a laugh.
“Hunt? Are you a hunter?” Esme asked with slight hesitation.
”Yeah. My last name was Winchester but i guess it’s now (Y/n) Winchester Cullen, decided to keep my last name you know.”
Jasper can’t help but scoff, “Figures.”
Everyone was still puzzled, and Jasper elaborated, "The Winchesters are a hot-blooded family of hunters."
Edward added, "We're also mates."
Rosalie, never one to hide her feelings about Bella, couldn't help but ask, "Wait, aren't you and Bella mates?"
Edward explained, "When I met Bella, it was her blood that called out to me. She was my blood singer, which is why I felt such a strong connection to her. I deluded myself into thinking I loved her for her. But when I met (Y/n), I instantly felt the mate bond."
The family began to understand, and the room filled with smiles and warm welcomes for (Y/n). It was a surprising turn of events, and everyone felt a sense of joy and acceptance as they welcomed Edward and his new love back into their immortal lives.
As the Cullen family settled into their cozy living room, the girls - Alice, Esme, Rosalie, and (Y/n) - conspired to have some girl talk out on the balcony. They silently made their way outside, leaving the boys to their own devices.
On the balcony, a sense of camaraderie and curiosity enveloped the girls. Esme leaned against the railing, looking at (Y/n) with a warm smile. "So, (Y/n), how did you find out that Edward was a vampire?"
(Y/n) leaned against the balcony and looked out at the starry night sky. "He did a good job hiding it at first, but after a few weeks, I noticed something unusual. One day, he reached out for something, and his hand caught the sunlight, causing it to sparkle like diamonds. I couldn't ignore that."
Rosalie's eyebrows arched in interest. "And what did you do next?"
(Y/n) chuckled. "I did what any person would do in this situation—I did some research. I found out about the myth of vampires sparkling in the sunlight, and it all started to make sense."
Esme nodded, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. "You were pretty observant."
(Y/n) shrugged. "I guess I've always had a knack for details."
Rosalie, intrigued by the prospect of conversation, leaned in closer. "Have you encountered more of our kind?"
(Y/n) thought for a moment before responding. "I've hunted vampires, but they're of different vampiric natures. Some of them don't sparkle, instead, they burn in the sunlight. Others have special jewelry that allows them to go into the sunlight without a problem."
Alice leaned forward, her golden eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Tell us more about the supernatural creatures you've encountered."
(Y/n) began to share stories of her encounters with various supernatural beings, including werewolves, shape-shifters, and even ancient mythical creatures. The girls listened with rapt attention, enjoying the opportunity to learn about (Y/n)'s adventurous life.
Back in the living room, the boys decided to go on a hunt, giving the girls some privacy. Edward proposed the idea, and Emmett, Carlisle, and Jasper readily agreed. With their departure, the girls had their opportunity to get to know (y/n) better.
In the heart of the dark woods, the Cullen brothers and father continued their hunt. Jasper, after a moment of contemplation, decided to address the questions that had been gnawing at him. He turned to Edward and said, "You look well."
Edward chuckled, his voice a wry whisper. "What's with the small talk, Jasper? You know I can hear your thoughts going a million miles a minute."
Jasper sighed, his concern evident. "Why a hunter, Edward? I know she's your mate, but you could've pulled away."
Edward's eyes, glinting like polished onyx in the moonlight, met Jasper's. "You know I wouldn't have been able to pull away if I felt the pull."
Jasper persisted, his voice tinged with worry. "She's a hunter, Edward. She's dangerous."
Edward countered, "And I'm a vampire. I can be dangerous too."
Emmett, who had been silently listening, finally chimed in. "I mean, they both can kill each other at the end of the day. Can't we move on from this topic?"
Jasper was unrelenting. "No, he's putting us all in danger. Aside from her being the very thing that kills us, she's also a human."
Edward's brow furrowed, and he asked, "What's your problem, Jasper?"
Jasper's voice grew more serious. "Listen, you've never faced a Winchester before. I have. Trust me, you don't want to cross their path."
Before the argument could escalate any further, Carlisle intervened. "Gentlemen, I suggest we drop this argument for now. I see something." He pointed toward a deer approaching through the trees, reminding them of the primary purpose of their venture. The brothers refocused their attention on the hunt, leaving their concerns and debates for another time.
The Cullen brothers and father, fresh from their successful hunt, made their way back to the house. Emmett carried the lifeless deer, a triumph in his strong arms. As they approached the house, their senses picked up the unmistakable scent of a familiar visitor. Bella Swan had arrived, her red beat-up pickup truck parked near the house.
Bella hesitated by the truck, her posture awkward and uncertain. She called out to Edward, "Hey, Edward. It's been a while."
Edward's face remained a mask of emotionless grace, but he kindly greeted her with a simple, "Hello, Bella."
Bella continued, "I didn't believe Charlie when he said he saw you passing through Forks. He said he saw you with someone. I take it you've brought a friend?"
Before Edward could answer, (Y/n) appeared, coming outside with a warm smile to greet him and the others. She rushed into Edward's arms, showering him with affectionate kisses on the face.
"My love," (Y/n) said, her voice filled with both relief and happiness. "You've been gone for so long, I got worried."
Edward's stoic facade softened as he held (Y/n) close, returning her affection with a warm embrace. Bella watched their reunion with a mix of emotions, perhaps sensing that the connection between Edward and (Y/n) was deeper and more profound than she had ever experienced with him.
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loveswrites · 2 months
hi love, I don't know exactly if you write reactions, I thought I would found something like this on tumblr but I didn't so i'd like to request a reaction of the vampires (in general, not just the Cullen's if it's ok, of course) to reader being their blood singers, like how would they deal with it and stuff (don't need to be poly if you don't want to)
thanks lovely <3
Head Cannon Cullens x Reader X Volturi Reacting to you being there blood singer.
Hi love, I hope this was kind what you were talking about. I've never done one like this before but I think this is what you meant. I hope you like it. I didn't get around to doing everyone but let me know if you would like me too.
Love <3
Word count: 871
~ Avoids you constantly until his curiosity gets the best of him. Always quoting Curiosity kills the cat. It’s like he forgot he himself was the cat. Yearns to be with you 24/7 but also aches to be away from you 25/8. The fact that he can’t seem to stay away from you kills him inside. The fact that he might be the one to lead you to your death kills him even more. Can’t help but to love you up close instead of afar. If he went more than a week without your scent he loses focus that he can’t regain. 
“Edward!” Emmett yelled, snapping Edward out of his lovesick high.
“What?” Edward frowned, eyes still unfocused. 
“He’s doing it again!” Emmett yelled, shaking his head.
~ Jasper would have the hardest time out of all of them. Jasper being scared of hurting you would over shine his love for you. But the fact that he’s even trying to have this much restraint when it comes to you shows how deep his love goes. He wouldn’t trust himself to be alone with you for more than two minutes. So count on spending constant time together with him, Edward and or Alice. 
“Come closer Jasper, Please I trust you.” You pleaded.
“I can’t.. I really wish I could But.. I’m just not strong enough.” Jasper stood in a corner with his eyes closed tightly. 
You sighed in slight disappointment. 
“I’m truly sorry, darling.” He spoke softly.
~ Alice would be one who can handle it as long as your blood stays in your veins. The moment it’s reached the oxygen of the outer world she gets upset at herself for her personal faith being so weak. Even though she’s seen that she never hurts you in the future she wonders if it’s her constant worry that keeps you safe from her nature. 
“You told me you wanted to take me shopping today.” You smiled at Alice. 
“I’m sorry but today won’t be a good day we’re going camping today. It was late notice.” Alice responded upset that she doesn’t know how strong she is when it comes to you. 
~ Carlisle though your blood, your scent is more tempting. He wouldn’t have much trouble with it. In fact your scent would be calming to him at the end of the day. After a long day at the hospital surrounded by so many scents of others yours is the only one he couldn’t wait to smell all day. 
“I missed you today.” He said smiling as you kissed his lips softly.
“Long day at work?” You smiled back.
He silently nodded softly stroking your hair. The simple act of love was like it made your scent smell sweeter. He was in love. 
~ She hates you at first. She takes pride in the fact that she’s never had one drop of human blood. And then here you come like you were made to be her number one temptation. And she hates you for that. She doesn’t talk to you. She doesn’t look at you. She stays ten feet away at all times. You and Alice became friends so the fact that you're sitting in her house. On her couch. Making the house smell like nothing but temptation from the devil himself she hates. She feels like Edward, which she also hates.
“Hey Rose!” You yelled trying to catch up with her. She brushed past you when you got up to greet her. 
“Rose?!” You yelled once again. Slowing down you frowned. 
Why doesn’t she like you?
~ You would have to build a very strong connection with Caius for him to even care to keep you alive. Once he smelt your scent he wanted nothing more than to drain you dry and watch your body go limp. In fact he got a thrill out of the thought. But he thought blood singers only come once in a lifetime and to kill you now would be a waste. Especially since in his lifetimes of living he’s never smelt a scent like yours. As your connection grew because your life literally depended on it he thought Maybe I’ll just have a sip every now and then.
“I love this painting.. What does it mean?” You asked, hands gliding against the moist paint. 
“It represents the desperation of death.” Caius spoke, wrapping his arms around your waist hiding his face in your neck hovering his fangs over the very line of your life.
~ Jane she wouldn’t know what to do with this information. Does she just kill you and get it over with or does she play with her temptations? She’d keep you around But when upset she can be very hostile and her actions may be unforgivable so keep your distance when you hear she’s had a bad day.
“Jane I saw this beautiful hair pin that I think would-”
“If I just suck you dry do you think you’d still be able to talk this much?” She spoke glaring at you with her piercing red eyes.
Once no answer came from you as you stood there with wide eyes she simply walked away from you.
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aliceinnaughtyland · 1 year
Pairing: Niragi x Aguni’s sister! Reader
Warnings: unprotected sex (be smart!), possessive Niragi
Word count: 1.9 K
Summary: Niragi wants you so bad it hurts but he’s too scared of your brother to do anything about it. You have to take the matter into your own hands.
Author’s note: And I disappeared again. I promise you guys I love y’all, I just experience some writer block. Don’t hate me. Here’s a counter sex smut (my favourite) with Niragi to apologize! Remember that English isn’t my first language. Please don’t hesitate to let me know what you think.
Nota bene: We do NOT condone Niragi’s actions as we do NOT condone rape! We only love the Dori Sakurada’s interpretation of Niragi. This is fantasies only! You do NOT deserve this! If you are a victim of violence, please get help as soon as possible! You are not alone. Stay safe xx
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Niragi was an asshole.
He was obnoxious and rude, and he treated everyone like he owned them.
But not with you! With you, he was nice and kind. He always tried to help you in any sort of way. Not that you needed help, obviously. But having a big armed guy on your side was hardly a luxury at the Beach.
Two reasons why he treated you well.
First of all, because he had the biggest crush on you. When he was around you, he couldn’t think of anything but getting into your pants. You were beautiful, and you were confident. You weren’t scared of him and to be totally honest, he found himself turned on anytime you opened your mouth to shut him up.
But there was another reason that made him be nice to you: You were Aguni’s sister!
You were off limits. Everybody knew that.
Actually, Aguni never said a thing about you. But no one was bold enough to try anything!
You busted in the VIP room during a militant meeting and your confidence still impressed Niragi. Dangerous armed guys were talking, and you interrupted them with no care in the world. His eyes were scanning your body until they met yours, already staring at him with lifted brows. He’d been caught. Was he embarrassed? You giggled a bit.
“Aguni, I need to talk to you”
Your brother nodded as he left the room, following you into the corridor.
You were hungry! It was past midnight and you were so fucking hungry. But you were in your bed, comfy and warm and you didn’t want to move. You debated with yourself but soon, laziness lost the battle against hunger. You threw yourself out of bed and went to the kitchen, not even bothering changing. Your pyjamas consisted of only an extra-large shirt and short shorts, but you were in a bikini all day every day, so half of the people at the Beach already saw your butt. Why changed then?
You arrived at the kitchen and turned on the music to make yourself a snack. You were dancing to the beat as your cheese grilled when you heard someone behind you, walking to you. You didn’t take the time to think, grabbed a knife and turned around quickly.
On the other side of your knife was Niragi’s throat, with his hands up.
« You’re fast » he said calmly, smirking at you.
« Damn it Niragi, don’t do that! You scared the shit out of me! »
« Sorry » he chuckled.
The sound of the microwave ringing behind you interrupted the intense eye contact.
« Can I sit with you? » he asked, already climbing on top of the counter.
« Sure » you answered as you hoped beside him, food in your hands.
You made sure your thigh was brushing against his as you sat.
You wanted him.
And you knew he wanted you.
You remembered this moment. The moment you learned that Niragi wanted to “fuck you raw against a wall”. His words.
It was a hot summer night and you needed to refresh yourself. You and your friends decided to head to the pool. You were wearing your favourite bikini, not bothering to wear anything else. But as you were about to leave the building, you realized you forgot your hairbrush and turned around, telling your friends you will meet them at the pool.
“Yeah so I can give Aguni a reason to kill me, right?”
As you heard your brother’s name, you knew you had to stop and listen. What if someone wanted to do him wrong? You needed to know.
“I don’t know man” Takatora answered, clearly bothered.
“No, I’m telling you! I’m not usually smart but I’ll be on that one. I’ll just stop thinking about her and move on”
As you got closer, you clearly recognize Niragi’s voice.
“If you say so”
“Bro you are talking about her 24/7. Every time she’s entering the fucking room. I get it, you like her. But you’re driving me fucking crazy”
You continued listening for a while as it was kinda fun, but when you heard them moving, you quickly turned around and join your friends.
« So no chicks to impress tonight, huh? » you asked him before taking a bite of your grilled cheese.
« No. I grew bored I guess » he shrugged, stealing your snack.
“Bored? About girls? Who are you and what did you do to Niragi?”
He sincerely laughed at that, but didn’t really answer you.
Niragi seemed confident, but you knew him too well. You noticed the little shake in his voice and the way he swallowed at your giggles.
You knew he wanted you. And you wanted him. Now. On this exact counter.
You shifted a little, feigning to get more comfortable when, really, you made sure to get closer to him. You moved your hair out of your shoulders, letting him see your neck and collarbone. You could feel the tension. The atmosphere was getting thick. He loudly inhaled through his nose, and you knew. Your plan was working.
And he knew you knew. You weren’t innocent, and he was well aware of that. Your little game wasn’t unnoticed, and that was exactly why it was working. He knew you wanted him. And it made him go crazy. The months of flirting together and staring at each other were getting to an end.
He knew it was a dangerous game. That’s why he stood up, leaving the counter. But you pursued him and grabbed his arm before he could walk away. He turned around again and you pulled him a little, wedging yourself between the counter and his body.
« I don’t want to hurt you »
« What if I want you to hurt me? »
A shaky breath left his mouth.
« Y/N don’t tease »
« Why not? »
« I can’t do that »
« But you want to? »
« Your brother would kill me »
« But I’ll make you feel alive »
 You knew he was going to cave; it was a matter of minutes. You knew it was going to take one more sentence.
« Fuck me Niragi »
At that, his mouth was on yours. He captured your lips with a fervor you never felt before.
He grabbed your thighs and sat you on the counter again, so close to the edge that you could feel his entire body pressed against yours. His hands were everywhere on your body. His mouth left yours to navigate on your jaw and neck.
He wanted you for so long, and he was going to make the best of it. He was literally aching for you, his body hurting with desire.
He grabbed your waist under your shirt, tight, and you felt like you were his. He made sure of that. He was going to get hell by your brother. He wanted at least to make the best of it while it lasted.
If he wasn’t close before, he definitely was now. You could feel his clothed groin pressing against your pussy. You instinctively moved your hips, trying to get some friction. He quickly grabbed your hips, stopping your movements. He needed you to stay still or else he was sure he was going to explode.
“I shouldn’t be doing this”
“You’re hot when you’re scared”
« Your brother will kill me»
« Don’t think about him » you said as you guide his hand inside your underwear, your lips brushing against his, « think about me »
His fingers quickly found your clit. He didn’t waste any time. Not anymore. He could feel the wetness on you and he needed more. He couldn’t care less about Aguni right now. The guy had left his mind the moment he felt your hand pulling at his, guiding it inside of your shorts. You moaned in his ear and he knew he couldn’t live without this sound anymore.
His fingers circled your clit, his mouth on yours, kissing you like there was no tomorrow. Which actually might be true for him.
“You’re so fucking wet” he groaned, not giving a damn about who could hear him.
You only whimpered in answer, your hands gripping his shoulders so tight he knew you would be leaving marks.
You could feel his fingers slipping inside of you with ease, his thumb still on your clit. He was fast, hard, and touching every spots inside of you that made you see stars.
“You’re fucking mine now. There is no way anyone would touch you like I do ever again. I will kill anyone who get close to you”
You were about to climax, and he knew it. He could feel you clenching around his fingers. He suddenly slipped his fingers out of you, stopping all of the sudden, and all you could do was whine. You were gonna ask him why he’s stop when he explained it to you.
 “If you’re gonna cum, you’re gonna cum around my cock princess. I want to feel it on my cock.”
You wanted to answer but couldn’t. Instead, you just looked at him with wide eyes, trying to make him cave and let you cum.
“Continue to pout like that and I’ll destroy you. You just have what you asked for princess, teasing me like you don’t know what you’re doing”
You felt him grabbed your shorts and lifted your hips to allow him to take them off.
Your hands were opening his shirt, exploring his chest as he was working on his belt and pants.
He quickly penetrated you, not letting you any time to adjust to his size, and you were unable to keep your eyes open.
But then again, for the second time of the night, everything stopped.
“You look at me in the eyes when I’m inside you. You close your eyes and I stop.”
With that, he kissed you, slower this time. You sighed when you felt him inside of you again. You could feel his hair falling against your face and his hot breath on you.
“I’ll probably get shot for it but this is so fucking worth it”
You wanted to respond, but the only thing your brain could do was make you moan.
His fingers found your clit again and in no time the stimulation was enough to make you clench around him, milking his own orgasm away.
Aguni was searching for you when he entered the kitchen and saw the two of you getting dressed.
Niragi’s eyes widen and he stepped backward, his hands up in defense. He was ready to apologize. Or ready to die. He opened his mouth to say something, anything that could get him out of trouble,  and Aguni’s eyes left him to speak to you.
«Y/N I need to see you » he stated.
«Coming » you answered as your brother turned around and leave.
Aguni knew you could handle yourself. He actually never gave a fuck about your love and sexual life. You were an adult and he couldn’t care less.
He never threatened anyone who got too close to you. His reputation just did the thing.
« I like it when you get scared » you laughed, winking at him before following your brother, letting the tall guy speechless and alone in the middle of the room.
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szallejhscorner · 1 year
The Kiss
It is short. It is fluffy. I was in the mood for it, so have some Chishiya-fluff ~
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You loved Kuina. You really, really did. And you’d love her even more if she didn’t prevent you from kissing Chishiya literally all the time, as if it wasn’t hard enough already to do that.
Whenever you were alone with him and finally sensed a chance for a kiss, you took your time to ensure the mood and atmosphere was alright, and more than once you almost had him there. But every single time, Kuina had managed to storm into the room just before your lips had met, and the dreadlocked woman hadn’t even noticed.
Chishiya, on the other side, had chuckled and eyed you with a smirk, and the mocking grin hadn’t left for the rest of the evening. He knew that you tried, and you knew that he wouldn’t mind a kiss from you, but of course the blonde would never approach you. He waited, with the patience of a rock, and enjoyed all the little incidents more than anyone just because he could watch you fret about it.
He was completely aware that you’d snap one day, and he probably saw it coming even before you did.
It was the day where you got as close as you’d never gotten before. You had Chishiya sitting next to you, close enough that your legs touched, and your hand was already caressing his cheek, your thumb playing with a strand of his blonde hair. Breathing out, you already closed your eyes, moved your head towards his –
When the door crashed open with a loud thud, and Kuina stood in the doorframe, panting and beaming with joy. “Pancakes. They’ve made pancakes, down in the main kitch- what the fuck??”
At least this time, she noticed. You sighed and retreated, your fingers hesitating to move away from Chishiya’s warm skin, and you didn’t want to be angry. But you felt the heat swell inside of you, and not even the thought of pancakes could ease that.
“How on earth, Kuina? Every time. Every. Single. Time! What is that inner clock of yours?!”
“Inner what?” Your friend blinked in confusion, eyes wandering between you and Chishiya to try and figure out what exactly she had witnessed.
The blonde chuckled and crossed his arms, leaning back into the pillows of the hotel bed as if nothing had just happened. “Pancakes, you say? I’m sure you won't mind saving enough for all three of us.”
Kuina’s figure eased a bit, as if she had forgotten about the disturbance. “You bet! I’ll get enough for a dozen!”
“Don’t forget some syrup”, you shouted after her once she flew down the hallway, and even though pancakes were a rare and highly desired treat in the Beach, Kuina would be capable of getting enough with no doubt. She’d use more than just her fists to do that – somehow she always got those sweets first, no matter if it was waffles, pancakes or popcorn.
With your foot, you kicked the door close and dropped back into the sheets of Chishiya’s bed. It smelled like strawberries, and you’d sell your soul to sleep one night here with him.
“She’ll be gone for the next couple of minutes”, Chishiya teased you with his catlike voice and you didn’t have to look at him to know he was grinning.
“Nah”, you muttered with closed eyes, “moment’s ruined.” You would have to wait for the next opportunity, but it could take ages for that to come, and even then, Kuina would probably manage to disturb you again. You sighed.
Chishiya shifted, you could hear the rustling of his clothes, and you assumed that he’d get up either to grab his iPod or to tinker around with something on his desk.
But then, all of a sudden, a shadow appeared over your face, and before you could react, something… no, someone touched your lips, the warmth spreading butterflies all through your body.
The softness of that kiss made you gasp in surprise, and in the moment your eyes flew open, you caught Chishiya’s cunning face just as he moved away from you, this time to actually sit down on the desk.
You couldn’t even say anything. All you were capable to do was to touch your lips with your fingers, where the kiss still lingered, while you tried to calm your heartbeat. Had Chishiya... actually kissed you? Just like that?
Unable to talk to him, you did nothing but stare at his back, questioning your mind if it had been nothing but a very short, very realistic dream. And just for once, you were actually happy to see Kuina’s face in the door again.
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