#rhen's quest
ybkitten · 2 months
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Part of my gift to @annelaurant for the Aveyond Winter Exchange! This was the greatest prompt I could have fulfilled. I did, in fact, go back and play all of AV1 again just so I could immerse myself in the game and its mechanics just for this bit.
tbh some of the best warmups I've ever done for a piece of art lol
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heckosart · 1 year
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My Aveyond Winter Exchange art for @maladaptivemischief <3 <3
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What's Rhen's most canon appearance for people? Whenever I think about drawing her I always notice (again) that her talksprite, in game model, and title screen selves have different hairstyles and outfits.
In game sprite is my personal canon appearance.
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queenrhenpendragon · 7 days
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Do my laptop work? Still no. Am I drawing anyway? Heck ye, jus try and stop me, evil laptop goblins!
So here's Rhen and Dameon in a warm safe hug, which took so many careful hours of balancing my laptop precariously on different surfaces to make it charge and jiggling the usb connection desperately. Also featuring purple trees, because the purple trees in Aveyond... one of my fave little world design details. Every world should have purple trees. 
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sakuraswordly · 11 months
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daeva-agas · 10 months
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Pudgy Lars
He so cute
(making the entire party in this style~)
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mramur · 1 year
old lars/rhen doodles
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rhendarzon · 2 years
What is a scene/dialogue from Aveyond that lives rent free in your head?
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kursed-curtain · 1 year
royal paint brush + Manny if that's ok
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Is this all just a game to you?
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rhenanddameonshrine · 2 years
Halloween Headcanons
Rhen absolutely loves Halloween
she likes the spooky stuff too, but the main attraction for her is the fun and sweets
She creates like little candy-themed “haunted” houses for the children in Thais to explore with cute dragons and everything neat she’s seen on her travels
She likes to dress up in fancy costumes and have fun with the kids and Dameon thinks it’s adorable
Dameon doesn’t have much previous experience with Halloween (c’mon he lived in the holy land of magical eternal spring and his parents were busy being druids) so Rhen teaches him Everything
He lets Rhen dress him up because she gets so excited and he gets about a thousand hugs while she figures it out because she thinks all the costumes are cute on him
Dameon especially loves the pumpkin lanterns made to guide wandering souls and protect homes
He does light shows to make Rhen laugh and entertain the children going through her haunted houses
I can’t decide if Rhen would like caramels apple cuz they remind her of her childhood or think they were boring cuz she’d had so many, but Dameon is definitely a chocolate person. ALL the chocolate
One year Rhen is teasing Dameon for always having cute costumes and says he should go as something fierce so
obviously he goes as her
Also he teased back that maybe she should try something cute so she goes as him
they accidentally coordinate and go as each other and it’s adorable
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this-should-do · 2 years
i wish todd wouldnt treat giants, super mutants, minotaurs, and like so just so many of their humanoid races that lore wise are like actual sentient species with their own cultures and identities as unintelligent uncivilized canon fodder
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ybkitten · 9 months
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The part in AV1 where I've just graduated and I'm heading towards the Wildwood Forest again always sticks in my mind. I think it's when I felt the most pride in on my first playthrough - I made it here all on my own!
Yes, I know the trees are all wrong for Wildwood Forest. I just hate drawing pine trees lmao. Can u do me a favor and pretend I did?
BTW this is a redraw (original from 2018):
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I think we can all agree I got better at art.
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heckosart · 2 years
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Rhen and John from Aveyond for @ishtisaur
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satohqbanana · 1 month
A Nobleman's Quest to Settle Down
Summary: Lars doesn't fit in with Clearwater. What does a rich and smart guy like him do? Make his own town. AO3 Link
A/N: Separate post so I don't hijack @herecomesremi's gorgeous Larshen art. This is decidedly aligned with canon, because I'd never let ADF Lars act this high and mighty at the end of the quest.
(line break)
When a certain nobleman from the Eastern Empire moved in, Clearwater turned upside-down.
Lars Tenobor doubted if this was a good idea. Living among the commoners brought discomfort for everyone involved, after all. But, by some miracle, his mother agreed that he take his share of the fortune and allowed him to build his life wherever he wanted to. Of course, the sensible thing was to spend that money to build a nice house, buy some land, and hire workers to take care of the said land.
Unheard of, Clearwater said. For generations, the lands had always been shared among the community. Working for a businessman - especially a foreigner - was humiliating and more harmful in the long run.
However, between coming here and making Rhen stay in Ghalarah, this was undoubtedly still the better option.
Weekly incidents involved escalations with the village elders - over, again, the land ownership thing - arguments with passing salesmen - because a lot of people would rather let themselves be scammed by these crooks than listen to him - and, admittedly, from time to time, experiments.
It wasn't really Lars' fault, no. People heard running water on that side, so Rhen asked Lars to help her look into it. He didn't even want to do it in the first place and somehow she got mad. See, he even used dynamites instead of his own magic --
And so a portion of the cave blew up.
Everyone blamed Lars, since it's now, magically, his fault that they had to build a road along the cliffs instead of going through the caves. (They're wrong. The cliffside road, even if it would make him dizzy, was much preferable than the dark cave where he could not breathe and risk having his companions go the wrong way, ambushed by the resident monsters, and get blamed for bringing them to trouble when they ran into the trouble while he was warning them not to get themselves in trouble!)
Anyway, the mayor tried to banish Lars to live on the other side of that newly-opened cave. Before he could defend himself, Rhen opposed for him. Proud of her, of course he treated her to a new pet: a nightingale even more exquisite than that of the Veldtian Queen's.
But, in the end, love did not shield him from the consequences of his actions, and Lars had to cave in. He made sure to tear down his beautiful house and revel in the silence of horrified naysayers who, undoubtedly, was planning to seize it from him in the first place. He wanted to sell the land back to the greedy mayor who took his money when he first bought it. As expected, the terrible old man opposed, so Lars gave portions of the land - including their titles and legal rights - to Old Dyonna and the people Rhen truly cared about.
(The mayor couldn't oppose the former Chosen and ex-princess of Thais who brought salvation to the world, and he finally let them be.)
Lars then moved to the other side of the cave, found a lush forest with a running river, and built his new house there. He hired househelp to keep the manor tidy and the animals well-cared for, then he hired guards to make sure that those annoying Clearwater mugs would never touch his property. He struggled with business for a while (those Sedonian crooks), but soon enough, he had people working on his own orchards.
At this point, he no longer knew if he was still considered a resident of Clearwater or not, but he could, of course, be the better person and simply name this land, have it marked on the map, and start a new town altogether.
As smart as he was, the brilliant new name of this mystical new place for himself never came to his genius. Rhen suggested they go on a walk around 'Tenobor Town' - no, that name was too simple!
Not-Tenobor Town was not exactly a town yet, but in the future, it would grow into one. Right now, all it had was a gorgeous waterfall next to his luxurious mansion, rows of orchards and plains for growing food on the other side. His employees already resided next to the lands they cared for, cozy in their little huts and with their own families. They could still clear more trees on the other side to make way for new members of their ever-growing community.
(And what, have everyone call him their mayor? No, no, he was their Lord. Lord Tenobor. Rhen refused to be called the lady of the land. One day, she'd come to her senses and find that this was a privilege and not a power trip.)
A yet-untouched portion of its former large forest stood across the river. Now, Lars didn't allow anyone to venture beyond the river just yet. He simply had a feeling that he had to leave it be.
Rhen, ever so inquisitive, pulled him towards the forest. Even when not in gear, they should be strong enough to face whatever danger there would be. What would be the danger? They'd gone against beehives, poisonous snakes, and multiple-headed wolves before, and they'd triumphed over each foe as rookies fresh from Shadwood. As adults who'd done in Ahriman, they presented more danger to the local fauna!
But Rhen's little risk proved to be a fruitful effort. The birds and the deer cleared out of their way, and after skipping over a few fallen logs and thick briars, the forest stopped. Lars' jaw dropped when the bright light beyond the woods shone over a meadow. Flowers of all colors grew everywhere, and butterflies hovered all over. Beyond the horizon, a rainbow formed above the mountains.
He definitely should restrict this area for just himself and Rhen's use.
Rhen, ever the childish one, immediately pulled him down to the grass and told him to pick flowers. She wanted to make flower crowns for both of them. Though he was too old for this game, Lars rolled his eyes and humored her request. Of course he picked out only purple and white flowers, assuming he'd make it for himself.
When she saw her choice of flowers, Rhen flushed, but didn't make a comment. Instead, she went on to teach him how to delicately weave the stems and leaves together. Don't pull too hard; get the base going first; add in the smaller ones after.
Luckily for his teacher, he was a fast learner. Once finished, Lars held out his crown proudly. Rhen cut his celebration short by grabbing his crown and wearing it for herself.
"I think this fits me more than you," she declared, before promptly adding her crown over his head.
From the craftsmanship and the form of this crown - which made it seem like there was nothing holding it around his head - she'd gone with something that seemed more difficult to form. Not that it looked like he was wearing something, when his flower crown was almost bare of flowers and full of leaves. (Rhen one-upped him again. Again. Again! He loved, loved, loved her too much to be mad at her.)
Now flushed himself, Lars crossed his arms and huffed.
"I'll make the better one next time. You'll see."
"Oh, you! Come here!"
Rhen laughed and jumped into his arms, and he welcomed her as they rolled onto the grass that she so fondly compared his hair to. Her purple hair fell perfectly over her face, even when this messy. He brushed the strands away from her blue eyes that mirrored the sky above them, and captured her lips in a lasting kiss.
"So, what are we naming this place? Larshen Town?"
"Oh, Rhen, please don't ruin the moment."
His wide smile betrayed his amusement, so she snuggled against his chest and dared him to think of a better name than that.
Moving to Clearwater (and to Maybe-Larshen Town after) wasn't too bad of an idea, after all!
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queenrhenpendragon · 9 months
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Here's more little mermaid au<33 Rhen is the gallant princess and there is a little bird taking a rest on her finger because I wanted to add a cute little bird. Aannd yeah that's it, bye now^^
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rapha-reads · 9 months
After sending the summer dissecting A Curse So Dark And Lonely (amongst a corpus of other novels) to study contemporary rewritings of Beauty and the Beast, now that the thesis is done, I went and read the sequel, A Heart So Fierce And Broken.
I think I love A Heart more than A Curse.
Grey and Lia Mara have something so agonizing that Harper and Rhen lacked. Or, to say it otherwise, Harper and Rhen, for all that they are very modern versions of Belle et la Bête, are still constricted by the role they must play. The story, their story, has already been written, and they must play their part until the end, no matter the side quests on the way.
Of course, because A Curse is a play on B&tB, it's a variant, a critical adaptation, so reducing Rhen and Harper to just their motif is a bit mean. I honestly really love A Curse. I might be biased against it after months of learning about the og tale inside and out.
Meanwhile, Grey and Lia Mara occupy spaces of their own. Academic deformation or thesis post-trauma stress, I'm trying to think but I can't find the tale-type they'd belong too. They're not fairy tale archetypes developped into Fantasy characters, they are Fantasy characters exploring their own as-of-yet-unwritten story (all the stories have been told, but also, all the stories are still waiting to be told).
They are honestly fascinating, the guard turned long lost heir and the princess discarded who turns out to be the real power. There's so much anguish in them. So much self-sacrificing, self-effacing. Gods I should have included the book in my thesis, I could have drawn parallels between Rhen stuck in his role of Beast and Lia Mara in her role as the spare, Harper as the Beauty and Grey as the unwilling Prince... Dammit I'm having ideas now. Oh, well, let's keep them for when I'll give the PhD a try. Some years down the line.
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Quote, because that passage made me weep a little. The weapon boy and the quiet reading girl. Oof. If that's not exactly my kind of favorite dynamic!
Also I'm a sucker for messy yet intense sibling relations and I'm soooo here for Harper and Jake, Lia Mara and Nolla Verin and especially Rhen and Grey. That's totally my jam.
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