#rick prime headcanon
glitteringcrab · 29 days
Evil Morty mannerisms (part 3)
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Is this Evil Morty instinctively reaching for his eyepatch before recalling it's not there and camouflaging his action by scratching his head????
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joycew-art · 6 months
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So uh...that episode messed me up. I saw people theorizing about Rick reviving Prime aaannnd this happened.
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Hey there! Saw requests were open was wondering if I could get some yandere!rick prime headcanons? I know he doesn’t “technically” care about anything but I could see him as the type to be like “I decided you’re mine so you’re mine” kinda thing! thanks for the writing we love and appreciate you for it!
Yandere Rick Prime
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How did you know Prime Rick is one of my fave Rick and Morty characters anon 👀
Tw for yandere themes, ig?
 -          You are right to believe that Rick Prime would have no love for another person or living creature, as he sees little to no worth in others and their lives. He especially would hate other Ricks, or anyone related to Ricks.
-          But if you happen to catch his attention somehow, I wish you luck. Now, it would be difficult in the first place to catch his attention in a way that he doesn’t want to test you or want you dead.
-          Maybe you are rare in the multiverse, maybe other versions of you work as a great companion or lover for other Ricks. That would be enough to catch his attention in the beginning at least, so he would find a version of you that fits his palette the most and take them.
-          Prime Rick has most likely taken multiple versions of yourself before he comes across you, but when they stopped serving their purpose or grew boring, he would get rid of them, each in different disgusting and violent ways.
 -          When he stumbled across you in the multiverse though, he became hooked in the way an addict is hooked. Now, he has no romantic love for you, it’s more the love one has for their car or their pet.
-          You are different from other versions of yourself, seeing as you have no Rick or Morty. Actually, you had grown tired of your Ricks shit and told him to shove it after a few too many adventures went south and after your Rick verbally abused you too much.
-          That really had Prime interested, as most versions of you always bent over backwards for Ricks and put up with the treatment. Prime started stalking you after that, researching you and your habits like one would an insect or newly discovered animal.
-          He will go through your things with little care, not caring if you realize he’s stalking you. I mean, what could you really do against him if you ever caught him?
 -          He stays hidden in the beginning more for the fun of it, wanting to see if your dimensions Rick will notice him, or if you will ever figure it out.
-          Prime has a good laugh when you assume its your dimensions Rick that has been going through your things, stealing your clothes, or even taking your toothbrush. In reality its Prime who’s been taking all of it, adding it to an ever growing “pile of research” that in reality is more akin to a shrine.
-          His interest in you bubbles into obsession at some point, not that Prime really minds it one bit. His thoughts are consumed by you, and he has decided by himself that you are his version of (Y/N) whether you like it or not.
-          Prime starts planning on taking you with him, having seen how many Ricks take their version of you on dates or adventures, he wants that too, just to try it out he tells himself. Not because his obsession has grown to the point where he lives and breathes you.
  -          He loves how different you are, he wants to take you apart and find out just why you are so starkly the opposite of other versions of you.
-          He’s convinced you are specifically made for him, and that the reason you grew tired of your own Ricks shit was because he wasn’t good enough, and that since Prime is the true Rickest Rick, you will be perfect together.
-          Prime will lose his shit one day when your dimensions Rick shows up to your place, trying to apologize the way Ricks do. It even looked like your Rick had cut down on his drinking, cleaned himself up and tried to adjust his behavior.
-          Right as Prime is about to go in and kill the Rick, you just scoff at the other man and tell him to go die for all you care and slam the door in his face.
-          Prime is delighted because this just fits the theory in his mind even more, that the only Rick right for you is himself.
 -          One day Prime will simply wander into your life. You’re sitting on the couch in your living room, maybe trying to find a job or similar, when a green portal opens above the couch.
-          At first you think its your dimensions Rick and are ready to unleash hell upon him when he lands on the cushions, but the arm thrown over your shoulder isn’t wearing a lab coat, and looking close this Rick has completely different hair and looks younger.
-          Normally you would have yelled at the random Rick anyways for barging in on you like that, but something about the look in this Ricks eyes and the way his smile just seemed a little too sharp at the edges made something tingle in the back of your mind.
-          The tingle was fight or flight, and where among (Y/N)s you were different, because yours always told you to fight compared to other versions of yourself who always took flight. For once it didn’t just tell you to run, it screamed it so loud you tried to fling yourself off the couch.
-          But Primes arm was iron tight around your shoulder and pulled you right back down, the Rick cackling at your attempted scramble, seeming extremely amused as you tried to hit, scratch, kick and even bite.
 -          You could do nothing but struggle as Prime wrapped both his arms around you, pulling you against his chest, not even reacting as you nail him between the legs in a last attempt to free yourself.
-          When you have tired yourself out completely and finally look up at the Rick, Prime shoots you a smile that would almost be sweet, if it wasn’t for the fact that he had blood splattered all over his face.
-          That’s when you finally notice how he seemed to be slathered in the stuff, trying to flinch back when one of his hands come up to cradle your face in his palm, leaving a wet bloody handprint against your skin.
-          “Come on (Y/N), why are you trying to leave so badly?” he coos as if taunting you. Some part of your brain notices that he isn’t burping or slurring like other Ricks you’ve met, but the survival part of your brain didn’t care much for those facts.
-          “W-what do you want” you growl out, trying your best to glare at the man holding you still in his lap with just one arm. Prime laughs at your expression, the dark look on your face making his heartrate quicken. Never had a version of you looked so murderous, even when he was ripping them apart.
 -          “Well, I’m here to pick you up. As your Rick, we should always be together” Prime said with a large grin, the grip around your waist tightening as he said he was your Rick.
-          The grip on your face grew rougher as Prime pulled your face closer to his own, his eyes boring into yours. There was a light in them that made a deep pit of dread grow in your stomach, your tongue peeking out to pet your suddenly very dry lips and mouth.
-          Primes eyes immediately snapped down to the movement, his pupils dilating somewhat as he saw the pink of your tongue. Prime didn’t love you, not romantically like other Ricks loved their (Y/N), but he wanted you.
-          “I already have a Rick” you finally force out, the dread growing larger at the way his eyes snapped up again, staring at you like he could pick you apart piece by piece with just this attention.
-          Then he started laughing, so hard it made his whole body bounce and making you bounce along with it. Releasing your cheek, he wiped away a tear that had gathered from his laughing before he spoke.
-          “Oh, that guy? Where do you think I was before I came here?” he asked, seeming to take great joy in the way your eyes widened, and your pupils shrank. “Come on, you couldn’t expect me to let that fucker live after touching what’s mine, took care of that little family of his too” he purred, leaning in closer, his tight grip keeping you still even as you tried to struggle.
 -          A flare of anger and anguish spread through your body, even though you hated Rick, you didn’t want him to die, or for the Smith family to die either.
-          Seeing the way your eyes filled with fire made Prime excited, he loved seeing just how different you were, and he loved your reactions.
-          When you opened your mouth to yell at him, Prime surged forwards and grabbed your chin before forcing his tongue past your lips and into your mouth. You tried to struggle but the grip on your chin and the grasp he had on your hips kept you from getting away.
-          Prime groans in pleasure when you try and bite his tongue, blood filling your mouths and mixing with the spit and dribbling down your chins. He can’t keep his eyes from rolling back as you bite hard enough to sever his tongue, the piece of flesh going limp in your mouth.
-          When Prime finally pulls back, a string of blood and spit connecting your mouths, you gag and spit out the muscle, retching to try and get the taste and feeling to go away. Tears gather in your eyes as it finally hits you just what Prime had done, and how crazy he was.
 -          Forcing you to look at him once again, you struggle to see through the tears as he sticks out the non-severed part of his tongue, horror washing through you as you see the muscle regrow with ease.
-          Something flares up inside you, this time a deep gut turning fear and need for survival as you try to struggle once again, tears running down your cheeks as you continue to gag on the blood in your mouth and memory of biting off his tongue.
-          Seeming to have grown tired of your struggling for now, you don’t notice Prime injecting you with something until your body goes limp. You can’t even choke out words as Prime wraps his arms around your waist and stands up, lifting you without any issue.
-          As your vision started to darken you could hear the sound of a portal being opened, your thoughts turning to mush as your head finally gave out and you fell against his shoulder.
-          A few tears ran down your cheeks as you fall into unconsciousness, wetting the shoulder of Primes jacket as he carried you through the portal. You had no idea what he was saying, his words blurring together as you fall unconscious, but you were sure whatever he had to say was bad news for you.
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starshapedspider · 2 months
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i didn’t realize I didn’t post this but around when this ep first came out i did a perspective study on this specific scene and a sketch- i WAS going to redraw it but drawing prime and trying to figure out how to do that lineart drove me insane
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pberrry · 1 year
sweet rick x s/o headcanons
-it’s hard to gain rick’s love, but his love is completely unconditional. even if he hates it, he can’t stop loving you
-drunkenly complains about how perfect you are and how much it peeves him
-wants you to force him to cuddle with you so bad because he’s too embarrassed to admit he’s a cuddly man
-he’ll make you whatever unreasonably impossible item or invention you ask him to
-best aftercare in the galaxy
-distances himself from you if he thinks he is somehow harming your well-being or stopping you from being your happiest possible self
-won’t initiate/partake in pda with you exclusively because he cherishes your body and doesn’t want anyone else to see it
-stupid little pet names including (but not limited to): doll, dolly, sweetie, sweetiepie, sweetcakes, darling, love, buttercup, angel face, any condensed version of your name
-absolutely adores it when you show him silly little internet videos that you think are funny
-won’t ever try to make you jealous by flirting with another person
-secretly keeps tabs on all your niche interests
-cherishes any and every gift you give him even if it sucks
-always free to hang out with you, even if he is in the middle of something very important he jumps at the chance to be in your presence and clears everything off his schedule
-will listen to you drone on for hours, your voice is therapeutic to him
-wont formally state an existing relationship between you and him unless you want him to
-absolutely just melts whenever you hug him
i’ll add to this if i think of more, feel free to leave your headcanons in the comments
also little update on the last post im still working on part two don’t lose all hope
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justablanketreally · 4 months
im just now realizing another layer to the morty and evil morty dynamic. morty prime is the only person evil morty has ever lost to.
the first time they meet, morty prime had come off of an intense argument with rick c-137, and didn’t seem scared at all of evil rick or evil morty. he was already acting nothing like the other mortys who are all shaking and cowering when we see them. then, he talks to the other mortys, uplifts them, rallies them up, and they escape, fight, and completely foil evil morty’s plan.
what was evil morty thinking after this?
if he had just been paying attention, if he hadn’t underestimated that morty, if he hadn’t underestimated himself, he could’ve won then and there. morty prime showed evil morty that they were capable of rallying people, of inspiring, of leading, of being in control on a mass scale. and the next time we see evil morty in ricklantis mixup, he’s doing exactly that.
even in unmortricken, evil morty wins because he puts on morty prime’s look. he knows rick prime will underestimate morty prime and that that will be his fatal mistake. because it was the first and biggest mistake evil morty made too.
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marzonomy · 6 months
Rick Prime x Reader
AN; I have been hyperfixated on rick and morty for the past several days/weeks/i lost track of time, so now i write for rick sanchez. I finally ended up caving and, out of curiousity, searched rick prime x reader only to discover there is a severe lack, so now I'm making the world a worse place by adding to the small handful of prime rick x reader fanfiction. Also, he's not a cold unfeeling monster in this which is ooc, but there is an explanation for it.
Rick never thought in a billion years this could happen.
He erased a woman from existence in every universe to prove a point that these feelings were stupid.
Yet here he was, absolutely head over heels. He didn't like it.
He felt weak. Vulnerable. This wasn't supposed to happen.
So, he tried to kill you. But he just couldn't bring himself to do it.
He didn't understand. You were C-137's lover, he should hate you just as he hates your boyfriend. He should want you dead.
Eventually, he figured he could just pretend to only want you to spite C-137, to steal you away since clearly murdering his last woman didn't work (and because he CAN'T kill you).
He figured, 'fake it til you make it', that if he convinced himself this was the case it eventually would be.
But you shot down each and every one of his advances, quite violently and maliciously as well.
This frustrated him immensely.
And then, frustration turned into obsession.
He found himself unable to get you out of his head. Found himself wanting you more and more.
He needed to have you. He was going to have you.
He hardly even devised a plan, just opened a portal into your room one night and straight up kidnapped you.
You were going to be his, whether you liked it or not.
If it came down to it, he would not hesitate to make you love him against your will. Remember when C-137 made that oxytocin thing for Morty? Yeah.
Of course he would use a milder form, he doesn't want you to get all clingy and fucked up like Jessica did, that would be obnoxious, and it wouldn't be you.
He kept you in some kind of underground sci-fi bunker, and at first he treated you as a pet. A prized possession.
But he eventually developed compassion for you.
Over time, he began treating you like a princess. He'd absolutely spoil you, give you everything you could ever want and more. Not just because you're the first person he's ever loved and he'd do anything for you, but also he'd do anything to keep you from leaving him.
He even let you outside under the condition that he would always be there with you, and even took you on dates sometimes!
So long as you behaved, he would keep treating you unusually nicely for someone like him.
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rez-urrection · 1 month
healing is blocking rp blogs who grossly mischaracterize rick and morty
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arolock · 2 months
I just wanna vent about Prime's words "I just walked into your garage first" and the whole implication that Rick C-137 could be basically Prime if he invented a portal gun first.
I think Prime was just projecting and trying to get in Rick's head (and ours as viewers). I don't really believe that inventing his own portal tech without Prime's influence would've drive Rick C-137 away from his family and make him Prime, he's 'a different kind of Rick', as he said himself. We can even suggest why THE PRIME is Prime Rick and not C-137 Rick, why he invented a portal gun first - Prime Rick already was distant with his family and due to that had more free time for inventions, when our Rick loved his family more and invested his free time into relationships instead of inventions, which fundamentally differentiated them and their dimensions and created the story the way it went down.
Other thing, I believe, Rick understands about dimensions which other R&M characters don't (or don't want to): people from different dimensions, no matter the similarities of life experiences and DNA, are different. This whole thing is very 'nature vs nurture' coded, even a slightest change in each can matter and make a person slightly different. That's why he was so reluctant about connecting with other Beths and other families in general - no matter how similar they are, they are not his Beth, not his grandchildren, and thus - replaceable. Because it doesn't matter what Beth, or Morty, or Summer you choose, they are all the same in a sense that they are not his.
Well, at least until he grows attached to certain versions of them.
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sadiecoocoo · 5 months
So question, is our Morty actually the “one true Morty” in the sense that he is the original Morty? Cause he is Morty prime and from the first dimension where a Rick discovered dimensional travel so would that technically make him the original Morty?
I kinda headcannon it either way and that most Morty’s think he is the “one true Morty” cuz of his speech when he convinced the other Morty’s to stand up to evil Rick
But also in pocket Morty’s there’s another character that is the actual one true Morty but is that just a name given to him or is he the original Morty?
It’s making my brain hurt
(Someone plz reblog and tell me ur thoughts I wanna hear ppl’s opinions on this lol)
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thatfinewine · 2 years
Weird/Prime Rick was the original inventor of portal tech and then went around distributing it to other Ricks. But because they themselves didn't invent the tech, they can't just casually make a portal gun and the fluid after theirs is taken from them or broken. It's why so many Ricks are stuck on the Citadel, unable to get away. Why they demand to be given an unregistered portal gun with fluid to leave, because they can't make it themselves. The ones that can make fluid are just reverse-engineering what they were originally given. Sometimes their math is wrong on the recreation and the user dies. But the market for bootleg portal fluid is needed because they don't have a solid blueprint available to them to make it legit.
But C-137 has successfully created not only the portal gun but the fluid by himself, from scratch, TWICE (-- that we know of, and I'm not fully counting his blue-portal tech since it damaged the apple that went through it). He's definitely one of the smartest Ricks to ever exist. And, funny enough, so is comic-Rick J19ζ-7. He didn't recreate the portal gun, but he made gunless portal-travel fluid that eventually got him and Jerry to the dimension they needed to get to.
Evil Morty didn't really make the normal gun and the portal fluid on his own with no help, because he'd downloaded the memories of (presumably) many Ricks, including C-137... but he did successfully make his own altered portal tech, which could be used even once the green-portal travel was broken. So, to me, he deserves as much credit as the ones who did make it themselves. It takes a lot of damn skill to take a blueprint that even Ricks are hit and miss on recreating, and to alter it into something that's for a different purpose and it works.
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v0m1t-d0gz · 24 days
can we stop headcannoning prime as a psychopath because he's an uncaring killer, and start headcannoning him as having ASPD because he meets the criteria for it?
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starshapedspider · 4 months
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did this so i can keep them consistent:9 and im probably gonna do this with the other smiths
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yulia-jr · 2 months
Reposting it 'cause I accidentally offed my new account lmaooo and had to restore this one
Okay, I really wanna vent about Prime's words "I just walked into your garage before you walked into mine" and his whole implication of Rick C-137 potential of being Prime.
First of all, not gonna beat around the bush here, I think Prime was just projecting and trying to get into Rick's head (and ours as viewers). I don't really buy the idea that inventing his own portal tech without Prime's influence would've drive Rick C-137 away from his family and make him Prime, he's a different kind of Rick, as he said it himself. We can even suggest why THE PRIME is Prime Rick and not C-137 Rick, why he invented a portal gun first - Prime Rick already was distant with his family and due to that had more free time for inventions, when our Rick loved his family more and invested his free time into relationships instead of inventions, which fundamentally differentiated them and their dimensions and created the story the only way it could go.
Other thing, I believe, Rick understands about dimensions which other R&M characters don't (or don't want to): people from different dimensions, no matter the similarities of life experiences and DNA, are different. This whole thing is very 'nature vs nurture' coded, even a slightest change in each can matter and make a person slightly different. That's why he was so reluctant about connecting with other Beths and other families in general - no matter how similar they are, they are not his Beth, not his grandchildren, and thus - replaceable. Because it doesn't matter what Beth, or Morty, or Summer you choose, they are all the same in a sense that they are not his.
Well, at least until he grows attached to certain versions of them.
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rustychainsnorter · 9 months
R&M headcanons and story ideas I plan to write soon.
Adventure of a Morttime: For this story, I want to write about Morty meeting Miami Morty and becoming really good friends with him. Miami Morty enjoys seeing Morty's personality bloom when he comes out of his shell and let's go of his insecurities. However, C-137 Rick keeps butting in to ruin their fun so that he can take Morty on sucky adventures. Miami Morty sees how badly Morty is treated by his Rick, and what does he do? He tells Miami Rick, and of course Miami Rick would do anything to make sure his Morty is happy (Probably drugs C-137 or puts him in a cage). I just want a friendly story of Morty making friends and having fun with another Morty- he deserves it. Maybe the example will open up Rick's eyes.
Untitled: After the central finite curve was destroyed, literally NO EPISODE went over all of the new possibilities universes without Rick could bring. Like, perse, a reality where Morty was the smartest man in the universe? I want to write a story where our Morty ventures into one of these new realities and meets a version of himself that opens his mind to the truth and possibilities of his own life. He let Rick control him his whole life. Why not try to make some decisions for himself for a change? This story would basically just be about Morty growing and moving forward while Rick sulks like a toddler in the background who needs his diaper changed.
The Weird Rick (Prime addition): I already have a fic called "The Weird Rick" where Morty joins the Citadel SEAL Team and gets abused by Ricks' until one day a weird Rick (who is actually C-137) joins the team and protects him. Bbbuuuuttttt, I've been having thoughts, and I've decided that I want to write a different fic with the same concept, but instead of C-137 as the weird Rick, it would be Rick Prime. Morty has no idea.
Rickoletto: In my story "The Broken Star Dies" Morty uses a fortune cookie to erase time and change fate to make it to where his life and Rick's life were happier. It's kind of sad, but it's one of my favorite stories I've ever written. And I wanted to recreate this concept but with Rick. Instead of a fortune cookie, Rick stumbles across a lamp with a genie inside that pressures him to make a wish, and he does so on accident because he doesn't believe it could work. But the wish does happen, time is erased and his life is rewritten to perfection. Rick's memories won't come back until he is seventy and then it's all chaos from there. His biggest concern? Is Morty alright....
And that's all for now. I wanna try to get these written before the new season comes out. Hopefully I can make the time :')
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twink-ricksanchez · 1 year
Prime is definitely one of those dudes that barks at people unprovoked
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