*The gang's thoughts on stabbing*
Tennessee: Would never stab anyone.
Salim: Would stab someone in retaliation.
Sir Galleth: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch" first.
Bob: Would stab without warning.
Rioichi: Would stab as a warning.
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spectercrums · 1 year
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Mengben and Rio Mercenary Misadventures
Mengben and Rio have many mercenary misadventures together, but sometimes, you just need some rest. Featuring Rioichi Karihazi over on Twitter!
Posted using PostyBirb
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necroticdelay · 10 months
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rioichi what happened to ur kakyoin hair i miss it
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kidcooperart · 1 year
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10th anniversary of Thieves in Time. I'm so normal about it
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sleuth-hounds · 7 months
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Rioichi with a modern outfit
I got inspired by the Yakuza games for this one
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"The ONLY redeeming quality of Sly 4 is that you get be a ninja."
Confessed by: craftyjellyfishcat
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Rioichi, F8, fistfight with god >:3
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turbo-virgins · 1 year
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Rioichi (samurai design) | Thaddeus | Sir Galleth
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sunnylighter · 1 month
New chapter is up
Rioichi whips Sly back into shape while Bentley and Murray go fishing.
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maki-matsurra · 2 years
I’ll toss in a sly cooper headcannons request if you plz! If your cool with it, can you please do Tennessee, Galleth and Rioichi Cooper that takes place in game where after their freed by the cooper gang and they are finally able to reunite with their S/O and their reactions to seeing them after so long. Thank you as always Lexi your the best, love you 🖤💚🖤💚
-💚🖤 anon
Yesss!!!! I love this idea! Thank you, 💚🖤!
I’m super excited to do this request! Let’s do this!
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Want to send in a request? Start Here!
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💰 You were standing in your general store, tapping your fingers on the counter as you stared out the window
💰 Things were very quiet once your lover, Tennessee Kid Cooper had been arrested by the Sherrif
💰 Since you were a law-abiding citizen, you have tried many times to bail Tennessee out
💰 You even went down and begged on your knees to the sheriff
💰 But he honestly just laughed at your pleads and threatened to lock you up too if you even so much as mentioned his name to him again
💰 So needless to say, you were down on your luck
💰 The days were counting down to Tennesee's public hanging as well
💰 The thought of that made you sick
💰 You turned towards the shelves behind you to try and compose yourself, and your tears pricking your eyes
💰 That's when you heard the door open
💰 You cleared your throat "Please help yourself with anything you like..." You mumbled
💰 "Well... There is this fine person behind the counter I am very interested in."
💰 Your heart skipped a beat at that voice
💰 You quickly turned around to see him...
💰 It was Tennessee
💰 Standing in front of you
💰 All cleaned up and back in his normal clothes
💰 You slid over the counter and practically jumped into his arms in a passionate hug
💰 And he caught you
💰 He always caught you
💰 "Shhhh... I'm here Darlin'. It's alright now..."
💰 "Oh my god... Tennessee, I tried... I tried so hard..."
💰 "Shhhh I know you did... I know...."
💰 You guys stayed like that for a while
💰 He pulled away to look at your face and place a soft kiss on your cheek
💰 "How... How did you escape?"
💰 He chuckled at that, shaking his head
💰 "You ain't gonna believe who I just met...."
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🍣 You stared out into the river where the waterfall was
🍣 Your paper parasol resting elegantly on your shoulder as you held a blank look on your face
🍣 You have been very quiet ever since the love of your life, Rioichi Cooper, has just been arrested
🍣 Since you were also a ninja, you tried to get him out of that prison
🍣 But you got injured while doing so, and what made it worse was that he was still in there
🍣 You honestly gave up hope
🍣 Sighing, you thought it would be best to just head home
🍣 You closed your parasol and slowly limped off the bridge
🍣 But you stopped once your eyes spotted something
🍣 You dropped your parasol in shock
🍣 You honestly thought you were seeing a hallucination
🍣 "R-Rioichi?" You whispered out
🍣 He just smiled at you, giving a single nod
🍣 “こんにちは、愛しい人。” (Hello, my love.)
🍣 You covered your mouth with your hands, feeling your tears fall down your face
🍣 He walked up to you and cupped your cheeks, wiping your tears away
🍣 “ごめんなさい!” (I’m sorry!) You sobbed
🍣 This made Rioichi bring you in for a hug, fighting back his own tears as you continued to wail in his chest
🍣 “本当にごめんなさい!” (I’m so sorry!) You sobbed once more as Rioichi rubbed your back
🍣 The two of your shared so many emotions that night
🍣 Relief was one of them
🍣 You both were relieved to be in each other's arms once again
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🗡 As royalty, you were never really allowed out of your castle
🗡 Not even to see how your soulmate was doing
🗡 Sir Galleth Cooper was stripped from his title as an honorary knight to jester at the circus
🗡 And it killed you
🗡 You watched the red and white tent in the distance from your balcony
🗡 You missed him so
🗡 "My (lord/grace), someone has requested your presence." Your maid said, interrupting your silent weeping
🗡 You waved a hand, telling them you would be there in a moment
🗡 So you made sure you looked regal enough for your guest and walked down towards the throne room
🗡 And once you entered the room, your eyes widened as you saw him...
🗡 Sir Galleth Cooper, dressed in his armor, but was still missing his cane
🗡 He kneeled to your, grabbing the back of your hand and kissing it
🗡 You quickly dismissed your staff and waited till you both knew you were alone
🗡 You then brought him up for an actual kiss, which he gave no hesitation in kissing you back
🗡 "I missed you so... Sir Galleth..." You whispered against his lips, causing him to smirk
🗡 "And I you... My love..."
🗡 The soulmates were reunited
🗡 And they would never be separated again
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gunpowder-gemini · 1 year
Here’s the first chapter of my Sly 4 rewrite/Tennessee x OC fic!! It may be a ship fic but I’m gonna be covering a lot of character stuff so it’s gonna be long assuming I finish it! If you like found family stuff I’m hoping this delivers :)
I’ve never written anything other than disconnected scenes before, and I’ve NEVER shared my writing publicly so like hhhhhhhhh be nice lol. Hope y’all like it!!
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sd-toons · 2 years
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With Sly's 20th anniversary having just passed I had to do a little piece on it as Sly has been extremely influential on my life and my art growing up! SO why not draw my favourite Cooper ancestor when I was a kid in the key art pose from Sucker Punch's current game; Ghost of Tsushima!
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Anyone get the feeling that the characters in sly cooper are actually self aware?
when your in the hideout, the cooper gang will look at the screen/player/you when the curser thingy is above them and they seem pretty excited to be potentially chosen to go out on the field. I'm not sure this is the same case as carmalita as she will point her gun and aim but not directly at the screen, almost as if she is not fully aware.
Then we have the ancestors and how they react to the curser above their head (or as I'm gonna call it, you choosing them).
They make direct eye contact with ya. Salim isn't all to thrilled about going out (as far as I'm aware, I still need to try and get back all my progress and get to ancient Arabia). Galleth and Tennessee will look disappointed if you ever choose to not choose them, which makes me think that these guys are very self aware.
Either that, or I've been seeing too much self aware content on here
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*Everyone is giving advice to Bob*
Rioichi: It's okay to ask for help.
Salim: You're not a burden.
Tennessee: Murder is okay.
Sir Galleth: Your feelings matter.
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kingncp · 1 year
interesting headcanon, henriette cooper is rioichi cooper's daughter, she started out as a ninja like her father before turning to piracy later on.
That one I think is a pretty common headcanon ngl, still a good one.
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sleuth-hounds · 7 months
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Some new doodles of this modern Rioichi concept I showed last week
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