#riot trooper Olly Olly Oxenfree
mwolf0epsilon · 4 days
Coruscant Pride Month
Thorn, slamming the door to the Guard Barracks wide open: OI! UP AND AT 'EM TROOPERS! Everyone, startling out of their bunks: SIR YES SIR!!! Thorn, marching in with a box in hand: Today marks the start of Pride Month! Veterans, you know what that means! Newbies, get in line to get your very own exclusive Coruscant Guard Pride Pin! Dogma, confused: A Pride Pin...? Isn't that breaking the dress code...? Hound, grinning: Nope! This month is the only month where the Guard are allowed to wear little pins to showcase Coruscant's "love" of inclusivity and diversity. We're actively encouraged to embrace the rainbow. Dogma, frowning: ...Why does this sound like some kind of disingenuous corporate PR plot to make the Senate look good? Olly, sighing: Because it is... Rhythm, rummaging through his trunk: On the bright side, we get to have colorful and pretty pins! Plus, because it's Pride Month, everyone currently on-planet is on their best behavior around us because they don't want to seem like bigoted assholes by attacking the Guard. Thorn, handing Dogma a pin: Here you go kid. Custom made just for you! Dogma, staring at the demisexual homoromantic pin he's just been handed: How did you...? I haven't really told anyone about this... Olly, wearing an asexual homoromantic pin: Thorn has his sources. It's a little scary, honestly... Slick, wearing a bisexual pin: And extremely invasive, if you ask me... Hound, wearing a 'still figuring it out but definitely not straight' pin: He's always just been good at figuring it out. In fact, he's sent pins to every single commander and literally made them realize some stuff about themselves they hadn't even considered. Fox, peeking his head into the barracks: Bastard lost me a ton of credits by clocking Cody in as Aroace before anyone else did. Thorn, snorting: You really shouldn't have bet on his tolerance of Kenobi as being attraction. Fox: Can you blame me? They both have the biggest slut energy...
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lost-on-kamino · 2 years
The sinking feeling
In which Kix tries to fix what he can and Scully makes a choice in what they must do when the world turns upside down
(Something a bit different and wanted to explore; our main Focus today is Kix and Scully! Some warning of Order 66 and how i imagine it all fell into place...)
Kix wasn't sure what he was expecting when the General returned with Clone Force 99 and Rex after retrieving the 'Algorithm' which ended up being a familiar face in the form of Echo.
One of his Vod'ika.
Twin to… Fives…
Fives was a constant nightmare. The moment in 79s when he was… not right. Not like how Tup had been but… He was scared.
Kix had never known Fives to be so scared of… everything. He was jumpy and doubted everything enough to convince Kix that what he had to tell was important. Though he passed on the co ordinates like he'd ask…
Only to find out from Rex that Fives had died from a blast from a Brother. Kix and Jesse had remained by their captain, some of the last pillars of Torrent still standing. Denal, Redeye, Mixer, Del, Attie, Zeer… then followed by Echo, Hardcase, Dogma, Tup and now Fives… Coric took one look at the three in the bunkroom and just asked the off duty medics to keep watch. Sometimes it was Sponge and Beautiful who would rest by their feet, sometimes it was Twitch and Pitch who would involve the three in conversations to take their mind away.
And then Anaxes happened, the 501st had been drawn away to assist General Windu and General Kenobi with recent losses.
He didn't want to think more about recent events… Sponge and Coric were watching Cody's recovery, so he would request Twitch and call Pitch to service with Echo who was more than welcomed back into his Brother's arms. The three worked like clockwork as they checked over their lost brother, Kix gently brushing his recently grown curls back. To hide the evidence of what he had done.
Twitch had commented that Kix had looked a lot more tired than usual, the on duty medic had only responded that he was still dealing with the result of what happened to Fives. Which hadn't convinced his vod'ika what so ever.
So Kix took Twitch aside while Pitch watched over Echo's check up, he spilled everything. Explained about Fives, the chips in their heads and a plot to destroy the republic; he just needed the evidence. And so, Twitch had offered his help. And then there were two.
They reasoned that once they had more information, the rest of the medics could be pulled in and then they could work on a mass execution over removing the chips from their brothers, sisters and siblings. And there was a brief spark of hope in Kix's heart. That they could save the Republic… he just needed more time before the next deployment.
It came in the form of shore leave, the 501st touching down after losing Echo to Clone Force 99, Kix had held his vod so tightly Jesse was worried he was going to dent the cybernetics of their younger vod. The 501st medic team had also seen Echo off with their own wishes and many threats towards the batch if they would hear anything off from their vod. Kix liked to think that their combined glares had unsettled Crosshair at least. And with that, officially from the original Torrent Company stood; Rex, Jesse and Kix as Echo blasted off to his new life.
Kix hoped Echo knew that he was always welcome back home with his family.
Kix had leaned back in his seat as he watched the day turn to night. Scully had snuck in to catch up; he had remembered meeting them with Jesse and Hardcase one night after 79s. Someone had been harassing a Twi'lek and the three had gone to intervene only for the Twi'lek to suddenly change, changing their form to disguise between the three clones. The offender soon walked off, scoffing how it was another meat droid; Hardcase had noted how the second Kix seemed to have greener eyes to which their once Twi'lek now Clone turned friend finally shifted back into the form of a Chiss.
She had been extremely grateful towards the trio and offered them a reward. That had been the first night the trio had settled to watch what had been a story about a princess and her lost love, a holofilm that Hardcase had eventually quoted every so often. And that was how they met their new informant; Scully and her Jedi friend; Erin.
Scully had been missing the company and had invited Jesse and Kix over to chill in quiet company. Only for the Medic team to joke that he would leave them for a civvie's movie night. Kix swore he would join them tomorrow on an outing while they had the chance.
Strangely enough he felt sad, as if he was saying goodbye to them, turning to walk away with the Clawdite and Jesse.
Coric, Sponge, Pitch, Twitch and the others… He was so happy to have them as his medic team and family. Thick as thieves and a strong bond over everything that had happened. He gave one look to Twitch who nodded back before moving off with the other medics to finish off their duties to join the rest of the battalion at 79s.
Jesse gently nudged Kix as Scully began to catch them up on what they had missed.
Kix paused as he looked to the two ahead, Scully rapidly going on about one of their misadventures over helping the Guard on their cases. The medic looked behind him, it was the same feeling since arriving back at Coruscant. He didn’t notice his feet slowing down until they came to a stop in front of an alleyway.
Scully and Jesse realised their numbers had shrunk before turning their heads to see Kix’s face. He looked paler, as if he was sick to his stomach The medic faltered slightly as he gripped his hands into fists, his mouth shifting to a grimace.
He needed to tell Jesse, his remaining batchmate. And Scully… they’d know what to do to help… maybe warn the Guard, especially Fox if it came to it.
He took a deep breath-
And then immediately lost it as a stun bolt slammed into him and he crumbled.
All he could remember seeing as Jesse calling his name and Scully transforming into one of the Coruscant Guard, one of the Riot Troopers, his mind thinks before he fades to black and Kix falls into oblivion.
When Rex heard a commotion within the barracks, he thought it was the men playing boloball… When he spotted a panicked Jesse and a Riot Troo- no wait… it was that Clawdite, Scully he recalled. The Captain made his way through the crowd; landing on his knees as he looked over at the ARC Trooper who was cursing as Scully looked at him.
“Kix.” Was the word uttered and Rex’s heart shattered more. He looked to Jesse and Scully, pulling them into his small room the Commanders would be allowed to use.
“What happened with Kix?” Rex looked between the two, Jesse’s back towards him, hands tightly gripped. Scully looked back and forth, seemingly lost as she glanced at the Captain.
“….Kix was taken… We didn’t get to see… who… We were too far ahead…” Scully was distraught and it was no secret they had gained a fancy for the Medic.
“We tried to give chase but… they vanished…” Jesse spoke up with a grunt as he looked to Rex, his face was red as he tried to control the overwhelming emotions.
“Listen, it wasn’t your fault, the both of you did what you could… You were taken unaware.” Rex reasoned before his comm went off. Jesse’s comm also lit up.
Which only meant one thing.
Orders were coming in. Jesse cursed as he kick out at the spare chair and Rex glanced to his bucket perched on the desk.
“Yerbana” Rex muttered. “We’re to support General Kenobi and the 212th. We… won’t be able to search.”
“…Leave that to me.” Scully looked up, determined. “I’ll search for Kix… Considering at this point, let’s believe he won’t make the time to deployment… Just try and keep his position open… I’ll search the whole of Coruscant if I have to.”
Jesse looked to Rex who nodded, pulling his brother in close with a hug and a gentle keldabe.
“Please do… and keep us updated.”
Scully nodded, but didn’t move until Jesse pulled them in close, her arms wrapping around and clenching his armour tight.
“You were going to tell him.”
“…I will.” She reasoned. And it was in the silence of that office, the three stayed until the call came and Scully saw the Captain and Arc Trooper off to board.
Now she had her job to do… And it would be best to question a few friends lower down.
Kix found himself, flickering between states of consciousness and the void. He talking, people questioning why a Clone was wanted by Count Dooku, something else about him knowing something he shouldn’t.
What information… His mind froze at the realisation. The Chips. Dooku knew.
It was real, this was proof. But how to escape? He needed to warn the General. From where he was pinned, a medical grade table with straps by the looks of it, he didn’t recall seeing his commlink nor the top half of his armour at all.
It was when he opened his eyes in panic that he saw flashes of red and white. The Guard.
His eyes stared in horror before he strained against the table.
“Help… Help me please.” He begged.
The Clones stood firm, though he saw one subconsciously grip his blaster while frozen like a droid.
The Guard… they were being controlled by the Chips, how long had this been happening? His mind wept for his lost brothers and sisters. He recognised one of the markings on the armor.
The Communications Officer, Pitch’s batchmate. He was seemingly leading the group to wherever they were taking Kix… Probably to a ship to take the medic to Dooku. Kix grimaced and fought his bindings.
When the droids came to position to collect their prize, a droid jabbed his neck and he cursed loudly.
As his vision slowly fades again and his body relaxed, Kix swore he heard the faintest voice… But he could always tell a Clone from anyone.
“…I’m sorry"
How could everything spiral so suddenly?
Just days after the 501st left, the Droid Army decided to rain down upon Coruscant, prompting them to return to Coruscant to fight off the invasion. Then the Chancellor was taken and rescued all in the space of like 3 hours, Dooku died along the way.
Scully had just left the underground infirmary after a visit to a dear friend for any information. Some of the Guard were acting funny, they could tell… the Commanders were gone for long hours, nor had they been open as much after Scipio. Considering how Thorn had died alone in the fields of battle and after Rhythm had brought his helmet back for them, mumbling how he didn’t want Thorn alone anymore. Olly had instantly taken his vod’ika to the side to help clean the armour from the stains of war, Remedy ensuring Rhythm knew he wasn’t alone in that thought. After all, the Guard watched out for themselves most of all.
It was when they smelt smoke, their eyes shot up and they began to run.
The great temple was burning alive, they could almost feel the pain oozing from the brickwork. For how long this Temple had stood… and there was dashes of white and blue scattered around the blasterfire and sabermarks.
Their hearts fell to pieces as screams of children suddenly died out, the Jedi Knights clamouring to defend their home and then to fall to the floor in eternal sleep. Scully looked around and took the form of the fallen body of a clone. A poor 501st member who had gained a nasty saber slash.
And they ran into the fray.
Must be something they can do… Why would they turn… Was Jesse and Rex doing this? Was Kix??
They paused and moved into position as they saw a squad of Clones move past. Her heart fell even more when she recognised crosshatched armour and a solid blue right arm with surgical marks. Running in even further, they could recognise a stern medic’s posture and the pale vambrace followed by blue lines.
The medics all kept close together. Though they couldn’t see Jesse or Rex…
Were they further in?
Scully proceeded inwards. Looking around before opening a door to the muffled sobbing of children. Two kids surrounded by their dead creche mates… Where was their Creche Master?? They would have died protecting them…
Did they…?
Scully looked over raising their hands, free of any weapon.
“You can sense it…? I’m not one of them…”
The younglings looked at each other.
“I’m here to help y-'' She was cut off when she gained a Bothan in one arm and a Xexto child in the other. She had to control herself or she’d lose focus.
Take them somewhere safe.
They managed to smuggle the two kids out, shifting back into their Nautolan form as they ran; chest aching as they moved to the lower floors. Having stolen laundry to change the kid’s outfits to make them not stand out, stopping past their apartment for a rest and making plans to the Spaceport.
They needed to go. Find Erin… Erin would know what’s happening.
They would help these kids…
They’d gather all they could, tell these kids to keep close… and leave Coruscant. As much as it pained them… and that they couldn’t go to the Guard and work out what had happened. Their Galaxy had turned upside down instantly… and they hoped it would reverse soon.
Their search for Kix would have to be on hold… it would be what he’d want… Right?
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@thecodyagenda @brother-genitivi @laz-laz-ace-pilot @mwolf0epsilon @kkrazy256 @suborbitalrailgun
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 days
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Happy Pride from Olly Bean & Rhythm Bean!
Olly and Rhythm got their Beans some apparel to celebrate Pride Month. The lil guys are more than happy to bare their respective trooper's flags. Looking cute is their specialty after all!
Rhythm of course is @lost-on-kamino's darling lad.
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mwolf0epsilon · 7 months
🎃Happy Halloween!🎃
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mwolf0epsilon · 27 days
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I also did mine and @lost-on-kamino's Corrie boys.
For anyone wondering about the color scheme of the beans: It typically depends on how much paint saturation their armour has (Olly's riot trooper gear has red detailing but overall is much more white than Rhythm's, plus his hair is dyed red so I needed a higher contrast). That said, there are a few outliers (Like with Rex, Hardcase, Tup and Dogma who I color coordinated on vibes alone).
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mwolf0epsilon · 10 months
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After the Warehouse incident, Olly has to get a new Phase II kit that he unfortunately can't customize like he had his Phase I kit. That's ok tho, because he decides to get a huge back tattoo instead.
Whoever is in charge of inking for the Coruscant Guard probably had to have an entire day specifically just to book him...
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 months
Maladjusted Motivation
Fox, arms crossed as he stares up at Olly with clear disappointment: I don't think I need to tell you why I've called you into my office.
Olly, looking miserable from both having to crouch because he's far too tall to stand straight inside Fox's office, and because he knows perfectly well why he's been summoned: No, sir.
Fox: Then you know why I'm currently not very pleased with you.
Olly: Yes, sir.
Fox, sighing: You should have deleted that cam footage Olly. We have procedures and contingencies in place specifically to avoid these kinds of situations.
Olly: It wouldn't have mattered sir. He would have found a way to recover the footage sooner or later. He's their brand of stubborn.
Fox: ... Why did you tell him about what happened that night?
Olly: ...I was hurt. And instead of addressing it properly, I buried my worries beneath my work. So when he confronted me about it, I lashed out...
Fox: ...
Olly: It shouldn't have happened. I should have been a better brother to him.
Fox: I think a lot of his vode before you, should have been better brothers to him. But my opinion on the matter matters little in the end. Just... Make sure you tell him you're sorry.
Olly: ...I will.
Olly, backs out of the office and goes back to work while trying not to think about how Dogma's been obsessively rewatching his cam footage of 79's from the night prior to the Guard rescuing him:
Fox, sighing and going back to signing flimsywork: There has to be a better way to deal with all of this heartache...
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
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A Bunch of Clone Troopers
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 months
here's a fun but weird one, how about Olly and Wolffe?
The Wolf and the Turtle
Summary: A story's moral is only as good as the context its provided with...
[Not gonna lie, this one threw me for a bit of a loop. Mostly because Olly is... Very hard to capture in the sense that the way he sees certain people can come off as quite scornful. Especially any of the other Guardsmen's batchmates.]
There's a strange old story that Olly kind of remembers hearing some time ago, when he was still a very young cadet on Kamino.
He doesn't remember from where exactly he heard it. If it was from a trainer or a brother. In the barracks during rack time, or the refectory during morning meal. It didn't really matter in the end.
But he does know that it had been back when he was still small enough to fit comfortably in his older brothers's arms. Safe and sound from the many horrors that had yet to come their way.
The story he remembers, brief as it may be, went as such:
There once were a fox and a wolf who were the greatest of friends. And, although they could not ask for much more in their simple forest life, the much smaller and less imposing fox was overly dependent of the bigger and stronger wolf. Something which did not escape the latter's notice.
One day, no longer willing to provide for himself and the fox, the wolf began to deceive his old friend. Pretending to take ill while hunting in secret so that his friend might not take a share that, in the wolf's eyes, he did not earn. Something which the fox had quickly realized and was infuriated by.
The story, Olly thought even now, did not end very nicely. Fox and wolf, once greatest of friends, ending up dead by the hands of 3rd parties. Their serene friendship soured over some meat that they could both have very easily shared, without either of their survivals ever being at stake.
But whoever had been telling the tale hadn't really cared for what he'd thought on the matter. What they'd done was stress on the supposed moral the story provided.
"We should never be like the evil fox, who used the wolf for his own needs!" They had claimed with great conviction. "We should always be loyal to each other, and never betray those who's trust we hold!"
Throughout his stay on Coruscant, Olly has learned that there are many stories and cautionary tales in which both foxes and wolves are often portrayed as villainous beings.
The fox, cunning and sly, a trickster sent to fool the less fortunate. The wolf, powerful and fierce, a brute destined to devour innocence.
That he knows of (and he's no expert really, but he can only know what he knows), only one has both as proper protagonists. And somehow, despite the hopeful beginning, the fox is always the selfish villain that all should hate. The boogeyman that leads them both to their untimely demise.
The story serves its purpose, he supposes, if you're not paying attention to the finer details. Or simply don't care to ask the right questions. But it bothers Olly to no end that no one ever really points the finger at the wolf.
The wolf who was bigger and more capable than the physically weaker fox, and who instead is suddenly elevated onto a position where he becomes cleverer than his friend. Until he is not.
The fox is always the villain. Always to blame. It echoes a reality that Olly scorns.
None can deny that Commander Wolffe is an imposing man. Often spoken of as noble, resourceful, passionate and highly considerate of other's needs before his own. Willing to speak his mind and defend others, even when faced with troubles bigger than himself.
Olly has heard his praise sung high by not just the men of the 104th, but the men of the 212th and 501st as well. Or any belligerent Frontie that ends up dragged kicking and screaming to the drunk tank, after one drink too many at 79's. And truly, this is a sentiment he understands. He too would commend his superior officer in most floral prose if he could.
Perhaps play a ballad on his guitar, and howl the notes like a drunken coyote enamored by the moon's greatness. But doing so on Coruscant is a death wish if you wear red. So he keeps his lips sealed and his ori'vod's virtues safe in secrecy. Because Commander Fox is only loved in secret. Otherwise the Guardsmen's regular confrontations with Frontliners would be much much worse...
Yes, Commander Wolffe has the open adoration of many for his much more open affections. Ones that he can recklessly shower his men with, without ever really needed to know their names. But he is not more clever than Fox, nor more loving either. And this, Olly knows, is where in lays the problem.
Because, like many of his ilk, Wolffe does not recognize Fox's brand of love as being love. Doesn't understand the risks he takes to love and protect them all individually and equally. So, because he and his particular breed of clone do not understand Fox's love, they claim him devoid of it. Devoid of brotherhood.
Here's something else Olly once heard on Kamino when he was still a cadet. A most peculiar saying that a trainer had uttered during an exercise that required a precise tactical approach:
'One fox can outsmart ten dozen wolves.'
He finds it to be ironically true in this instance. Because he's on drunk tank duty and he's staring down at the man everyone says is a better brother than Fox. And Olly doesn't believe any of them. Doesn't see whatever it is that they see.
No might, no resourcefulness, not even an ounce of respectfulness.
Not when the 104th commander, face tinted red from drinking himself into blind stupidity, doesn't even seem to understand the basics of loyalty when he's not plastered. Or, at the very least, seems just as much at a loss over what loyalty means, as the rest of his batch. It makes Olly sick to think his ori'vod had ever trusted this treacherous sheep of a man.
Nothing hurt more than being betrayed by a brother you thought had your back. Had sworn to have your back. No matter what.
"What're you looking at? Uh?!" Alcohol loosens lips. Sobriety tightens them. The scowl he continues to level at the 104th commander is felt even through Olly's visor.
"..." He doesn't deign to give him any sort of answer. The dumb bastard doesn't deserve one. Will never deserve one. Not as long as the turtle is around to bare the grudge that the fox refuses to hold.
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 months
Kinda messed up that if Lichtenberg hadn't ended up being left behind on Umbara, he would have just basically died.
The only way for the Long Name Squad to survive the war ultimately came at the cost of severely traumatising Lich, condemning PB to perpetually punish himself out of guilt, and to worsen Olly's abandonment issues and mistrust of people.
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
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Kamino Clone Lot Archive: Batch #2021127, CT-1901, CT-1906, CT-1909
Today is Lich's, PB's and Olly's decant day. Aka their "Ollyday". I thought the best way to celebrate was to show their baby photo from the Kamino Lot Archive. They sure were peaceful little ones.
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mwolf0epsilon · 7 months
To say he wasn't quite expecting the spectacle that awaited them in the medbay was an understatement. Although, that said, he doubted anyone could conjure up the absolute abomination Olly had laid eyes upon.
Truthfully, when he'd decided to accompany Rhythm when the new medic called for him, Olly really didn't think he'd be faced with...
Well, this...
"What in the fresh hell...?" For once he let his voice go a little higher than usual as he stared at the bizarre setup. The harness itself was fairly standard. The B1 droid torso strapped to it not so much. The thick cables connecting the back of its head to the medic even less so.
"This, gentlemen, is revolutionary homebrewed medical engineering." The tinny voice of a standard B1 proclaimed, while the medic grinned wildly with unabashed delight.
"Stars... That is... Wow." Rhythm was caught between sounding impressed, stupefied and honestly a little afraid. "Is it safe?"
"Seeing as the test is going well without signs of major discomfort and/or painful death on my end?" The medic shifted his weight from one leg to the other. The B1 torso remained motionless, basically little more than a prop. "I'd say so!"
"Death was on the table?!"
"Wait... Are you back to doing trial runs on yourself...?"
"I would never do onto a patient anything I couldn't be sure is safe. I might technically be signed up as the dental expert, but you'll find I have a lot of other proficiencies and a fine work ethic!" The medic proclaimed, the tinny voice sounding mildly offended. "That said, this process has been quite difficult to iron out, unlike the other projects I've dabbled in... It's not as straight forward as an extraction, or a root canal, or even making a crutch that both aids you in getting around and with reaching high shelving when your range of shoulder joint movement is severely impaired... So uh, yeah, I needed someone to be here in case something went wrong."
"That's... Teeh that's a little... Dangerous." Rhythm winced. Olly agreed.
"It is... But sometimes a leap of faith is what gets things going. And while I trust you all to respect me when I sign... I can't say the same for everyone else on this planet..." He insisted with a slight frown.
This Olly understood as well. There had been instances where the mute medic had been deliberately ignored when he'd expressed concerns. Sure this contraption was a little insane from conceptualization to execution, but it would certainly make it harder for people to ignore him. Especially with such an outstandingly grating voice.
At the end of the day it was no different from the various custom-fitted crutches, canes, hoverchairs, prosthetics and other assorted items Tongue Twister had made for the vode who needed that little extra bit of help getting by. Everyone deserved some independence.
"Plus when has anyone ever heard a Clanker say 'I'm gonna fuck your mum' in several different languages?"
Olly sighed in exasperation while Rhythm let out a startled laugh. Of course.
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
Red Alert's Shattered Dreams
Rhythm: A butterfly! Hey, little guy, gal or nonbinary pal! Dogma: Can a butterfly be nonbinary? Rhythm: I mean, maybe? I don't judge. Red Alert, staring dreamily out of the window: Ah, have you ever imagine having butterfly wings? Then- Slick: Then it would be inconvenient as fuck. Your wings would smack every doorframe and your clothes would have to have holes in the back. Hound: Also, your wing's paper thin, so even a six year old aiming a NERF gun at them would… Yeah… Olly: sips coffee According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a- Red Alert: No, nononono. You fuckers have already shattered my dream, you don't get the fucking privilege to make that reference. Dogma: Also, it's about a butterfly, not a bee… Why would you make that reference? Rhythm: You clearly have not lived with them long enough.
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 months
15 Lines Game
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture their character/personality/vibe. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you’re free to include those as well.
Tagged by @alwayskote , thanks! This was a bit of a challenge because I couldn't decide on which OC I wanted to do, and then I wasn't sure if I had enough dialogue for them that encompassed the entirety of their personalities (;′⌒`)
No pressure tags: @milfcutlawquane , @lost-on-kamino , @squirrelno2 & @gaeasun
Clone Medic Sponge
"His name was Jelly." They say. "And I killed him because I asked him to come with me to the 501st…"
"She likes pats on her hind-quarters, like playing a drum… And don't give her anything even if she tries to beg, she's already been fed and she knows it."
“Not enough pay in the world to deal with you.” They snarl, bared teeth and a fire in their eye. “But I’m not about to let Rey'vod’s little stupid Ey'ika rot to death…”
“We all look alike to them! They get to have identities all of their own without having to fight tooth and nail to distinguish themselves, and we… We’re interchangeable! Just copies!” CT-2525 hated them. They hated them for it. For the unfairness of it all. “I thought he was my friend…”
“Gender identity is, in my opinion, much more important than what goes on between someone’s legs or inside their bodies. It’s who you choose to be that should precede all things. Even natural processes that would mark you in a different box.”
"He'll rest, I'll make sure of it…" Sponge huffed, a mischievous spark in those dark eyes of theirs. "If he doesn't, Beau will get him for me."
"You're both gross…" Sponge grunted in revulsion at the sight of Pitch and Coric speaking with their mouths full. "Have some manners…"
"That's why you use thick gloves when handling bitey critters and kih'vode." Sponge pointed out matter-o-factly.
“Next you’ll be telling me to sign my own decomm paperwork and deliver it to the Chancellor’s office while tap-dancing in clown shoes…”
“I can’t believe Crayfish is somehow less of a menace to society than Conch…” Sponge snorted. “I think it was better when we used to try to smother each other with a pillow. At least then whatever nonsense came out of his mouth was heavily muffled.”
"Nothing that glows in the dark is meant to be pretty." Sponge pointed out with an exasperated grunt. "It's meant to lure you to the light so that it can snag you unawares."
"Krell is sending us on suicide missions, and ignoring what viable options we have for a swifter less costly success! He's is KILLING us, and your response is to roll over and show him your belly like a dog?!"
"What else did you do Captain? Get on your knees for him? Suck his big fat Besalisk cock like the little bitch you are?!"
"Admit it, you're nothing but a sniveling coward who'd rather save his own skin than do the right thing by his vode!"
“Bitter resentment hasn’t set in yet. It’s what makes them better…” Sponge had seemed resigned to that, but not in a way that felt particularly bad. At least not from the way they’d sounded. “It’s our job now, to make sure those of us that are still so eager to hope can live freer lives than the ones we’ll surely live.”
Riot Trooper Olly Olly Oxenfree
“Is it as annoying as the ukulele you showed me last time? Or the recorder? Or the clarinet?”
“It’s… Not as indigestible as the last one…” The somber lullabies had filled him with melancholic feelings.
“If you keep thinking so hard, you’ll burn out the tiny lightbulb that lives inside your thick skull…”
“You need to take things slow Rhythm. Something will eventually pop up into that scattered brain of yours. Preferably, something he might actually find enjoyment out of… I can’t imagine what degenerate actually likes the banjo…”
“I’ve been told I’m very good at slapping away rapidly moving objects… I suppose it had to do with the fact Pretty Boy enjoyed throwing stuff at both myself and Lichtenberg during training…”
“….Rhythm, that’s a frog. Not a dog. And its eating the tablecloth…”
“My body hurts sometimes, big kriffing deal. It’d hurt from long shifts and violent altercations anyway…”
“This stupid condition is nothing special, so DON’T treat me like I’m made of KRIFFING glass…”
“I’m being pragmatic.” He rebuked bitterly. “I was going to die anyway… Every moment of my life as a cadet I knew I was going to die. Might as well make myself useful before I do…”
"The medbay is currently off-limits to anyone who is not a part of the Coruscant Guard, due to unforeseen circumstances involving both a lack of resources and equipment. If you have any injuries you may need tending to, I would suggest going to your own battalion medics, an on-planet hospital, or sucking it up and dealing with it instead of bitching about it."
“This is Cabur. She’s a shiro that I found in one of the upper floors in a public fountain…” He offered as a form of explanation. “And I’ve been looking everywhere for her. I was afraid she’d gotten lost.”
“…. You never asked.” Olly shrugged in turn.
“Turtles can’t catch rabies.” Olly pointed out calmly.
“The Phase I armour was perfectly fine…”
“I really shouldn’t be taking painting advice from a vod who put volume sliders on his own armour, only to then nearly deafen himself by playing loud music all day…”
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
Forgot to mention yesterday that I also got a Mission Fleet Boba Fett figure (courtesy of my sister's boyfriend finding it among his belongings and knowing I like Star Wars more than he ever did).
He's got a bit of an attitude problem.
Luckily Olly isn't easy to intimidate, and it proved entertaining for both of the Echos.
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"Kids shouldn't play with guns."
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
The holidays have been a little rough this year, but at least my desk buddies seem to be having fun.
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Let's take a closer look...
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Looks like Echo² have teamed up to take down Boba, 8-Ball and Rusty while Pipsqueak referees for then.
Meanwhile Gregor seems to be enthralled by my Rune D20s. I didn't know he was a fan of tabletop games, maybe I should run a campaign for the boys one of these days!
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And then of course Olly's paying attention to his new little hard-shelled friends. How delightful!
Either way, New Years will surely be fun with this lot around...
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