#clone trooper Pretty Boy
mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
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A Bunch of Clone Troopers
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lost-on-kamino · 1 year
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So it’s Ollyday!! For all of PB, Olly and Lich!! A little something from Vite and Agi @mwolf0epsilon
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bulffy · 6 months
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Love for my favourite captain 💙💙
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missriyochuchi · 2 months
Me irl: fuck the military, its imperialism, its sadomasochistic culture, its misogyny and homophobia and racism, and I know their recruiters often target low income folks with their propaganda and promises of education and travel, but fuck the bros who make their job their identity and use it as an excuse for their bad behavior in civilian life FUCK THOSE CAMO CLAD FUCKERS IN WALMART 😤
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l0nesome-dreams · 2 months
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I colored them 🥰💖💕✨
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ladyzirkonia · 1 year
I love the boys but he has a special place in my heart.
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Mainly created for self-interest.
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lablass-2882 · 3 months
Another Clone kiddo wip
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The number of clone kiddos have doubled. Just two more redesigns to go.
I feel like the redesigns are going pretty good so far. In order from left to right we have Aurora (leader), Tally (2nd in command), Sparks (Techie/mechanic), Arrow (Sniper/weapons guy), Mako (Medic) and Max (Jack of all trade).
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moonstrider9904 · 2 years
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Random Crosshair post because I love and miss him
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crosshairscrustysock · 3 months
My Oc Brody in all of his glory
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Close ups on all his patches because why not :)
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So uh... I did a totally normal and sane thing last night instead of working on my midterm lol rip
And yes, like all things I do apparently, it's comprehensive and organized (by battalion/legion n stuff)
Let me know if I missed any lol
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mwolf0epsilon · 7 months
The Umbaran Pathogen - Day 26: Magical Exhaustion or Injury
Summary: After going without rest for several days, Obi-wan is more than a little tired. So much so that the continuous use of the Force to keep the parasites in check, begins to take a toll on him.
Warning: N/A
Tacet belongs to @lost-on-kamino
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[In which the events on Umbara are worsened by an unknown pathogen taking hold of both the 501st and 212th. These series of drabbles will follow a non-linear timeline based on the AI-less Whumptober prompt list for 2023.]
It takes a long while to go through each and every one of the infected clones to incapacitate their respective parasites. Each instance of him calling upon the Force to get them back under their own control, draining Obi-wan in more ways than one. Not that he says anything on the matter...
The truth is, mind tricks take a lot of concentration. And the fact he feels so uncomfortable influencing the minds of the men makes it all the more difficult to maintain said concentration, while he draws on both his wit and the Force itself to impose his will on another.
He hates the idea of taking that much more of their autonomy from them, when that's all that they have ever experienced. Treated like products by the Kaminoans, or tools by those who'd rather think them as less than the clever people they actually are. Refusing to assume the guilt of having a group without recognition as sentient (a people without rights), at their beck and call no matter how much the Jedi try to advocate for them...
Something which the parasites had also done, making it all the more awful to add an extra layer manipulation over that of the parasite's.
That said if the continuous use of mind tricks is bothering Cody, the commander certainly doesn't comment on it. Neither does Canivete, who busies herself with looking over the men whose transformations had been interrupted. Who remained incomplete and shaky on their feet, as they become aware of themselves once more.
Aware of what they had all nearly become, while still coming out of those cocoons feeling alien in their own bodies.
"You should rest, sir..." Wooley offers, the kindly trooper looking all kinds of haggard after everything they were all put through. He still had a bit of webbing stuck to his hair, but didn't make much effort to get rid of it. Probably not finding it worth wasting his time on tidying his appearance.
"I'll be fine..." Obi-wan tries to shrug off the trooper's worries, focusing instead on the scene before him. Anything but the ache in his muscles and back, or the slight headache that had been gradually setting in.
He watched quietly as Pretty Boy helped his older brother, Lichtenberg, sit down on one of the few crates dotted around. The mutated trooper looking sorry for both himself and for the nasty looking bump he'd caused his brother, during their brief altercation.
Reaching with careful clawed fingers, Lich carefully brushed his knuckles against the bandage on his younger brother's forehead. A gesture which the lancer rejected by pushing his brother's hand away and proudly up puffing his chest. Refusing any sort of apology and proclaiming with pride that what had transpired was simply a slightly stronger than usual kedalbe, and that surely someone like him could easily take such a blow with the thick skin he had.
Or rather, thick skull, as Lich put it with an amused but clearly relieved snort. It was a very touching moment, in this otherwise terrible set of circumstances. That Pretty Boy could so easily forgive his batchmate despite the other acting irrationally.
"With all due respect, that's a load of bantha crap sir..." Wooley huffed in disapproval, insisting on the matter with clear determination. He'd grown into himself since joining the 212th, no longer the awkward rookie he'd once been. That much was clear. "You've said it yourself before. Using the Force in excess is very draining, and you've been on your feet going through all the infected without stopping..."
"...Perhaps I could do with some rest." The bearded Jedi finally relented, taking a seat on the floor so as to hide the way his legs were beginning to shake.
He was actually pretty tired but, with how things currently stood, he couldn't spare all that long to recover his strength. There was no telling how long the parasites would remain dormant, and he really didn't want to risk one or more troopers suddenly attacking them without warning.
"Take your time." Cody ran a hand over his face, his antennae twitching as he tried to figure out what to do. "We need a plan of action..."
"We need more than that..." Canivete grumbled.
They were both right, of course. They needed a plan and the necessary resources to pull it off. Which would mean getting communications back online (again) and perhaps trying to contact the Venators that were currently in orbit. Although, what else they could do in this situation, he really did not know.
Because, with how tired he currently was, Obi-wan would not be able to pull off anything too substantially extraordinary. Like keeping the men under his direct control while also fighting the much stronger Tup...
For all he knew, the moment they were in range of each other, the mind tricks might simply wear off faster. And even if they didn't, there was simply no way the men wouldn't react to the pheromones of what was essentially their 'Queen'.
"I can get comms back online." Tacet offered. "But I don't think it's a good idea for the Venators to land..."
"No, it most definitely would not be a good idea." Obi-wan agreed with that assessment. "With Tup still on the loose, there could be a risk of further infection."
"Or worse, they could get caught by another Vixus carrier..." Canivete pointed out. "Waxer and I found one pretty easily. Who's to say there aren't more in the area?"
The start of a second outbreak would not be ideal, no. Not to mention they had no idea how Tup might react to a competing Hive suddenly cropping up.
A territory dispute could only end in disaster for all parties involved.
"Maybe we could request aerial support from both Commander Tano and a pilot squadron each of the 501st and 212th?" Cody suggested, one claw tapping on his chin while he crossed his lower set of arms. It was fascinating to watch how quickly he'd adapted to his changes.
"That might attract the attention of the Umbarans..." Canivete shook her head, gnawing uneasily on her lower lip as she considered their options. "We need to be more subtle about this..."
Obi-wan limited himself to listening, his own mind going a mile a minute as he tried to figure out what might be the best course of actions. As he did so, however, he felt his eyelids beginning to droop. Perhaps he had underestimated just how tired he had become...
Surely... If he closed his eyes for just a second...
"Maybe we could get a drop-ship? Have a few of the healthy troopers board and brief the others?" Tacet proposed. "Then they could come back with extra supplies..."
"Again, too flashy..." Cody shook his head no. "We can contact the ships and brief the men, but anything more than that will tip off the enemy that we might be in trouble... And then we'll definitely have emboldened Umbarans thrown into the mix..."
"Sir, are you feeling ok?" Wooley asked, noticing the state Obi-wan was in. The Jedi blinking his eyes back open and regarding him with a slightly confused look.
He also noticed how spotty his vision seemed to him. That couldn't be good.
Canivete was suddenly in front of him, a frown on her face as she pulled one of his eyelids back and flashed a small light into his eye. The sting barely registered. Which he supposes displeases her further.
"Splendid..." She grumbled sarcastically. "Commander, do be a dear and bring our idiot Jetii some water and a ration bar..."
"If you say you're fine sir, I will knock you on your shebs." She paused, squinting at him. "I'll drag you back onto your feet, and then knock you on your shebs that is... I am well aware you haven't rested much in the past few days, and that you were already in no condition to go around doing space wizard things with your space wizard powers."
"The Jedi are not wizards..." He rolled his eyes at the incorrect moniker that many people, the troops included, often denominated them by. The Jedi were monks. Not wizards.
There was a very big difference!
"They are, from a certain point of view." She teased, before her tone turned serious all over again. "But seriously, you're only mortal sir... Force or no Force, you need to eat and sleep just like the rest of us. You're running on fumes like we all are..."
"It's just a little Force Exhaustion..."
"And my name is Shirley." Canivete huffed. "Ration bar, hydration and rest. We'll figure this out, so long as we're all in good enough condition to use our brains."
"...Very well."
He wouldn't argue with a medic. The medics could be scary when they were upset. And Canivete was the owner of a very short fuse whenever she was in mother hen mode, which extended to her superior officers. Or at least the ones she liked.
He supposes it should be a comfort that she liked him enough to care as strongly as she did. Even though he'd gone against his word and used the Force on her brothers.
Rather than devil you know, he supposes...
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bibannana · 2 years
Fives *laying on his stomach, kicking his feet in the air*: Echo, tell me that I'm pretty.
*flutters lashes*
Echo *trying to sleep for the last 3 hours*: Okay. You're pretty kriffing ugly.
*rolls away from Fives*
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clonesuperiority · 2 months
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The Day the World became silent.
In my last Picture with my Clone boys you may have noticed something in Kick's Ear: A hearing aid. On one of his missions as a former ARC Trooper he lost his hearing which is why he now sports it pretty much everywhere he goes ^^ (Thats also the reason why he has a slithly more crooked nose ;))
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l0nesome-dreams · 2 months
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@skyofnostars request of their lad Second! (I hope I got his lil 2 tattoo right!)
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clu-ven · 1 year
Hey Clu!! No idea if you are taking requests (so sorry! 😓), but if you are... (or even if you are not then maybe it can be some food for thought lol)...
So you know how you did HCs for TBB accidentally walking in on the reader changing? What if it was the other way around where the reader walked in on TBB boys changing? (Can be suggestive too if you want) 🤭🤭
Anyways, i will just leave this here, hope you are doing well!! 🩷🥰
☆ Ka'ra
thank you so much for the request!! Hope you enjoy, sending some good vibes your way! <3
-> 1.8k words ! kinda suggestive (mention of some clone butt hehe) <-
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You just wanted to help out, honest! After a long mission on a dusty planet, you decided to do the Batch a favour and bring their laundry to their respective bunks. It’s an easy errand but you hoped the Batch would appreciate it nonetheless, giving each of them one less chore to do.
With only one more drop off, you didn’t think anything could go wrong… until you forget to knock, entering the room unannounced and being greeted by a half naked trooper.
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He senses you just before the door slides open, your scent giving away how close you are. While he’s still shirtless, Hunter makes sure his pants are on properly, using his second long warning to do the fly of his pants. 
These mere few seconds are vital to Hunter and when the door finally opens, allowing you to obliviously step inside before noticing him, Hunter’s already prepared, trying his best to seem calm.
When you enter, all you see is Hunter awkwardly standing there as if awaiting your arrival… and shirtless?!  You’re more taken aback than him, your eyes going wide before you hurriedly cast your gaze down to the floor. 
Trying not to stumble over your words, you explain that you were just bringing in some of his clothes, gesturing to the folded stack in your arms. He gives you a short nod “Oh, yeah… thanks”. 
You’re determined to keep your gaze firmly fixed on the floor throughout this entire interaction… but when Hunter tucks his clothes underneath his arm, you notice it. A light trail of dark brown hair on his lower torso leading down to the waistband of his pants.
Unfortunately for you, Hunter catches your lingering gaze. Clearing his throat, he asks “Are you going to keep staring or…”. Immediately snapping into action, you bring your gaze up to his eyes, missing the playful smirk on his lips. 
“S-sorry Sarge! I’ll.. uh, I’ll leave you be” backtracking out of the room, you leave as quickly as you can, not wanting Hunter to see how red your face is getting.
Now it’s Hunter’s turn to be taken aback. He knows he’s not the best at it but that was his attempt at flirting with you. 
He’ll be honest, he isn’t too sure what he was insinuating other than you staying a bit longer, but he thought it sounded pretty good.
Shrugging, Hunter continues to get dressed, making a mental note to work on his flirting skills before trying his luck with you again.
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Tech is a competent man. Put him in any type of situation and he’ll come up with a plan A, B and C. And even if none of those work, Tech can usually figure out a quick alternative. 
But this, this isn’t something Tech has ever prepared for. Being on the Marauder after another successful mission means his guard is down, and since the mission was quite strenuous, he’s tired. So it’s safe to say his brain isn’t functioning at its highest ability, exhaustion starting to kick in.
When the door starts to slide open, it’s like his life flashes before his eyes. Tech’s first priority is pulling up his pants, something he was in the middle of doing when the door first began to move. 
Tech manages to successfully get them up but not without knocking himself off balance. By the time you step into the room, Tech is on the floor, hands determined to keep his pants up as he groans in annoyance.
You’re not really shocked by this, you’re more confused, wondering why Tech is shirtless and currently faceplanting the floor. 
”You want some help?” you ask, holding the clothes in one hand and offering Tech your other. With a sigh, he accepts, placing his hand on your forearm and vice versa. He tries to avoid eye contact when standing, the sheer embarrassment of falling overtaking the embarrassment of you walking on in him while changing.
Taking a moment to compose himself, Tech speaks “This… this never happened, understood?”. You can tell he’s flustered and so you swiftly play along. “What never happened?” you shoot him a quick wink, handing him his clothes. 
“The last thirty seconds, the fact that when you entered, I was… you’re teasing me, aren’t you?” he runs a hand down his face, internally cursing himself.
You go to put a hand on his shoulder, something you usually do but you stop yourself, not wanting to cross any boundaries. “Don’t worry, I won’t mention this ever again” you give him a reassuring smile before exiting the room. 
Well, Tech is positive that couldn’t have gone any worse.
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Strangely enough, Wrecker’s reaction is the complete opposite to how he would react if your roles were reserved. He’s cool, calm and collected. 
At this point in his life, if he got embarrassed every time someone walked in on him changing, Wrecker wouldn’t be able to function.
With his back to the door, he hears the whoosh of it sliding open… but he’s in no rush.
It’s just you, Tech and Echo on board with him, and Wrecker’s very comfortable around all of you so he doesn’t see any need to worry about this.
Looking up from the folded clothes, you're greeted by the sight of Wrecker’s butt doing a little jiggle as he finishes pulling up his pants. Your mouth automatically drops open. 
Out of everything you could have seen, this is the most surprising… which is saying a lot when you’re travelling with Clone Force 99.
Glancing over his shoulder, he gives a loud laugh “Enjoying the show?”. Wrecker’s the definition of playful. He doesn’t mean any harm, taking an otherwise awkward situation and deciding to make light of it. 
As you blurt out an apology (for looking? For walking in? You’re not sure… both?!), Wrecker turns to face you and waves his hand. ”Nah, no need for that,” he dismisses, leaving out another laugh “it’s alright… huh, guess I forgot to lock the door again”. 
He’s still standing there shirtless, a happy smile on his face as he takes his pile of clean clothes from you. 
Afterwards, there’s absolutely no awkwardness, Wrecker’s good sense of humour making this an easy predicament to move on from. While it doesn’t take long for Wrecker to forget about the situation, it’s going to take you a while to get the image of his jiggling butt out of your head.
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Echo’s in a world of his own, deep in thought. Leaving out a sigh as he yanks up his pants, Echo doesn’t even pay attention to the door’s loud whoosh as it opens.
When you step into the room and see Echo, shirtless and with his back to you, you involuntarily leave out an “Oh!” noise, already cringing at the fact you forgot to knock first.
Your voice catches him off guard but he’s quick to jump into action. As Echo turns to face you, he grabs the closest thing to him, something from one of the other bunks in the hopes of using it to cover his chest.
He knows he doesn’t need to cover up, you’ve seen chests before. In fact, it was only last week you had to patch up the side of Tech’s abdomen because of a pretty rough tumble he had. 
It’s more of an instinctive reaction. Echo knows you didn’t come in here to see him half naked and so he tries his best to cover up any bare skin you don’t usually see. 
But with Echo’s amazing luck, the closest thing he picks up happens to be Lula the tooka doll. 
Realising he’s holding Lula, Echo leaves out a similar “Oh” noise to yours, though his is much gruffer. Slowly meeting your gaze, he gives you an apologetic look.
He knows this is an awkward predicament that neither of you wanted to be in though Echo’s not exactly sure how to get out of it. “Well…” he glances down at Lula, shrugging “this isn’t a situation I expected to be in today”.
Smiling, you nod your head “Me neither, but I did bring you some spare clothes”.
Echo thanks you for the clothes but keeps it to a minimum, knowing you probably want to get out of there as fast as possible. 
If you two are close and have been friends for a long time, Echo might make more of a joke out of it, hoping that’ll ease any embarrassment. Raising his eyebrow, he playfully accuses “Oh you came in here on purpose, didn’t you? Tryna catch a glimpse of me”. He tuts, shaking his head.
All Echo wants to do is move on from this in the hopes the awkwardness doesn’t linger. Even afterwards, Echo tries not to accidentally dwell on this by giving you more apologetic looks throughout the day. Instead, he tries his best to forget it ever happened.
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This isn’t a big deal to Crosshair. He knows you’ve been around clones for a while now, both enhanced ones as well as regs. So he’s presuming you’ve seen a lot of skin when it comes to the clones, whether that be due to injury, working out together or other activities.
Although he’s taken aback when you enter, Crosshair doesn’t show it, raising an eyebrow at you in an expectant manner.
You, on the other hand, aren’t so calm. Your surprised expression is hard to hide, your eyes instinctively flicking down his torso before meeting his gaze again.
“Sorry!” You blurt out “I was just bringing in some laundry”. The second you hold out the folded clothes, Crosshair snatches them, indirectly giving you a better look at his sculpted body.
Dropping the pile on his bunk, Crosshair lets out a long sigh, feigning annoyance as he comments “You’re staring”.
If your face wasn’t blushing red beforehand, it definitely is now. Stumbling over your words, you try to apologise (again) but you stop when you realise he’s laughing.
Letting out a low chuckle, Crosshair continues “What is it? See something you like?”. Seeing you blush only makes him want to keep going, spurring him on to see just how flustered he can make you. 
Your brain can’t even compute a response to that, your words failing you. 
Before you can leave, Crosshair stalks towards you, stopping just a mere few inches away from you. For a moment, he simply stands there, resting one of his arms on the doorframe, his figure towering over you.
Bringing his other arm up, he hooks a single finger under your chin before closing your gaping mouth. “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out” he smirks, taking a moment to savour your flustered expression before backing away again.
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There are some things that all troopers know Nat born's will never understand.
All the troopers grew up in a world where perfection was the standard and anything less resulted in death. Where individuality was a crime and being anything more than just another number was a danger, Where saying the wrong thing in front of the wrong person could get you killed.
All troopers know this, but post Kamino the Guards have had it drilled into them all over again. If they want to survive In the Senate they have to fall back on the lessons they learned on Kamino.
The Corries know that there are some things that nat born's will never understand. Things that Nat born's shouldn't understand.
So no one in the guard quite knows how to feel about the strange fallout of the Shiney squad's Jetti Cadets apparent discovery of the Guards position on Courcant.
It starts small, the guard notices that the boy stops being weird about the fact that most of the Corries don't use their names, when asked, the boys. "It's because I know that you have them now." raises more questions than answers, because apparently the boy just figured out that they used their designation numbers around the Senate because their names were a secret on his own. He also seemed to get an unreasonable amount of joy from the fact that all the clones chose their own names.
If it has stopped there then it probably wouldn't be so weird, but it didn't. From sneaking in extra medical supplies and food, (actual food, not just ration bars) when he discovered that 'depur' was cutting their budget for stuff that they needed to function, to the way he seemed to intrinsically understand their need for secrecy, and their reasoning for it. "secrets keep us safe." Without anyone seemingly telling him.
They all agreed that they weren't gonna ask about how the boy had managed to rangle several senators around to the truth of the situation and his point of view with only a few words to one of them. A point of view that not only had them working on trooper sentient rights bills, but also had them aiding in his more under the table helping.
At first it was weird and confusing, both because this kid was a nat born, and because how did a Jetti Cadet develop this kind of understanding, he was a child. It took them a while to connect the dots, Even as the boy started unconsciously dropping hints.
At first it was that weird little nickname he had for the Senate and Senators, in a language that even the most nerdy of Corries didn't seem to understand. They weren't sure what a Depur was, but apparently it applied to the Senate and was probably not a good thing.
The next clue was the stories, because as Anakin spent more time with the guard, becoming more of a Vod'ika than a Jetti Commander and subsequently beginning to learn more and more about the secrets that they kept from the rest of the Senate.
As the boy learnt about the lighter side of the inner workings of the guard, and how to speak the clones particular brand of Mando'a, the guards began to learn stories about Ekkreth, Leia and Ar Amu, stories about secret plots and tricking the The infamous Depur in ways that resulted in the freedom of those he enslaved.
About secret Languages, Tzai, Jappor snippets and secret rituals. About the ways one could steal back some control from the Masters in ways that they would never even notice. About things that the boy claimed that all Slaves should know, lessons that would help keep them safe from their Masters. A term that by now the guards suspended was not referring to the kind the Jedi had.
By the time the boy causally mentioned that he and his mother had been enslaved prior to him being taken to the temple, the Guards already had a pretty decent picture of the situation.
The fact that the boy had been adopting them into his own culture right under their noses had been vastly more surprising. He'd been a little awkward when he'd admitted it. Saying that he knew that they were sort of Mando'ade, but they could be Amavikka too if they wanted.
And sure, maybe it was a little dark that part of the reason the boy spent so much time in the barracks was because it felt familiar, but also this kid cared about every single one of them, to the point where he apparently sees them as family.
Well it really was no wonder that it was agreed that the entire guard would do just about anything for their Ad'ika. Including possibly stopping said Ad'ika from doing the same for them. (Bloody Skywalkers)
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