#Clone Trooper Cala
mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
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A Bunch of Clone Troopers
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tcwmatchmakingau · 11 months
The Sixth Language (part 2)
Pairing: Waxer x Fem!Reader (single parent)
Rating: T 
Wordcount: 2.1k
Warnings and tags: pure fluff; smooching; Star Wars politics; reader is a foodie; DJ don’t philosophize about food for one kriffing fic challenge (impossible)
Read the full series: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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You and Waxer exchange countless comm messages over the next few days, and he is relentlessly charming. He sends you silly holovids of tookas, terrible puns, and descriptions of his brothers’ ridiculous antics. As you get to know him better, you look forward to hearing the chime of your commlink, and you always check it as soon as you hear a message arrive. Nyra notices your distraction at work, but she wisely says nothing, merely looking smug when she catches you with a dreamy smile on your face.
Your second date is in Little Mon Cala, as planned. You meet up on the mid levels of Coruscant and wander through the quarter, admiring the way the Mon Calamari and Quarren who live here have adapted the buildings to survive away from their oceanic homeworld. Seawater fills gargantuan tanks of transparisteel, where aquatic plants and fish sway and swirl through them in hypnotic motions, and every so often, a Quarren or Mon Calamari swims by with effortless grace.
The air is dense and humid, and the scent of saltwater mingles with that of wet plastcrete and speeder exhaust. The walkways here are never dry. Even when Coruscant’s planetary climate control system isn’t dumping rain on the city, a glossy film of water covers the ground, and small puddles collect in the depressions and uneven spots. The vast tanks have a series of tunnels running through them for non-marine beings to navigate the district, and the light that filters through the water tanks casts a soft blue glow on all the beings making their way through the tunnels.
Waxer loves it.
“I came from an oceanic planet, but it wasn’t like this at all,” he says. “I’ve heard rumors that there were tunnels under Tipoca City, but I never saw them myself. Not sure if they’re even real.”
He stares, transfixed, as a star squid drifts by the glassy wall of the tunnel, and his hand rises slowly toward it. He catches himself before he touches the transparisteel, though, and turns to you with a self-deprecating smile. He takes your hand in his and holds it—to keep you from slipping on the wet paths, he says—as the two of you continue your walk through the district, taking your time and admiring the sights, before heading to one of your favorite restaurants in the whole ecumenopolis.
The owner of the restaurant is a delightful Mon Calamari woman named Pashna who came to Coruscant as a refugee during the war. When you lead Waxer into the restaurant, she calls out your name immediately.
“There’s my favorite girl!” she says, pulling you in for a tight hug. Pashna gives the best hugs: the kind that envelops you in a safe cocoon of affection that feels like home. “How have you been, dear? And who is this handsome fellow? I haven’t seen you with a boy before.”
“Pashna, this is Waxer,” you introduce them.
“Pleased to meet you, ma’am,” he says politely.
“A clone trooper!” Pashna exclaims delightedly, nudging an elbow into your side. “You clever girl, I didn’t know you had it in you! I’d find a trooper myself if I were about five decades younger. You know, this man saved my planet during our civil war. He’s quite a hero.”
“Thank you, ma’am,” he says with an embarrassed expression, “but I didn’t serve at Mon Cala; my battalion was deployed elsewhere at the time.”
“Well, either way, the galaxy owes you a debt we can never repay,” she replies. “Your meal is on the house, as a small token of my gratitude.”
“Oh, no, ma’am, that’s not necessary!” Waxer says, alarmed. “I couldn’t possibly—”
“Nonsense, young man,” she chuckles. “The best thing about owning my own restaurant is that I get to call the shots.”
Waxer tries to argue, but Pashna pretends not to hear him as she saunters away from your table. He looks comically stunned, and you laugh at his expression.
“I take it that doesn’t happen often?” you ask.
“More like never,” he replies. “A lot of people blame us clones for the war.”
“That’s ridiculous!” you object. “You didn’t even have a choice to fight. They should be directing that anger towards voting in new senators, if they have such a strong opinion.”
Waxer looks thoughtful. “It’s strange to think I’ll actually be able to vote in the next election. I didn’t think that would ever happen.”
“I’m glad it’s finally happening,” you reply. “I just wish it could have been sooner.”
He nods in acknowledgement, but he changes the subject. “So, what’s good here?”
“Everything!” you exclaim. “The chowder is amazing, but the yobshrimp à la Devaron is fantastic if you like spicy food, and the grilled octopod comes with an aioli that will change your life. Ohhh, and they have an opee bisque that’s served in a fresh choya bread bowl, and the Berbersian crab salad is delicious if you want something lighter—what are you laughing at?”
“Sorry,” he chuckles. “I’ve just never seen anyone get that excited about food before.”
“Well, once you taste the food here, you might be just as enthusiastic,” you say with a grin.
“Maybe,” he says. “I’ve been eating rations and mess hall food for most of my life. It’s only the past year that I’ve really had an opportunity to try anything else.”
“Is that why you wanted to try all the different samples at the market?” you ask.
“Yeah, I guess I wanted to figure out what I liked.”
“And did you?” you ask.
He meets your eyes with a small smile. “Yeah, I did.”
The warmth in his eyes makes your heart thump painfully hard, and you take a deep breath to try to calm it. Your brain absolutely refuses to formulate a response, so you end up just staring back at him, hoping the stars in your eyes aren’t too obvious.
“What about you?” he asks. “Why do you love food so much?”
You think about the question for a moment before you reply. “Food connects us all. It’s something we all have in common, whether we’re human, or Mon Calamari, or Zabrak, or any other species. We all need to eat, and we’ve all developed our unique cuisines that tie us to our cultures and our homes, and even when we have to leave everything else behind, our food is what we take with us.”
“Like Pashna did,” he says.
“Yes,” you say. “She lost everything on Mon Cala, and when she came to Coruscant, she had to start all over. She told me once that when someone comes to the restaurant to eat her food, it’s an opportunity for her to communicate without words—a way that transcends language. Does that make sense?”
“I think so,” he says, a slight wrinkle between his eyebrows. “You’re saying that food brings us together.”
“Exactly,” you say. “Even bad food; how many times have you complained with other troopers about bland rations?”
“Every single day,” he laughs.
“I can imagine,” you smile. “For me, cooking is an act of love. It’s not just about providing for my loved ones’ physical needs; it’s a way to show them how much I care.”
“I hadn’t really thought about it like that,” Waxer said. “I don’t think the mess hall droids care much about us.”
Your heart twists. At every turn, you’re reminded of how different Waxer’s experience has been from yours, and yet despite all of the hardships he’s endured, he remains the kindest, gentlest man you’ve ever met.
“Well, that changes tonight,” you say. “Because Pashna definitely cares, and so do I.”
In fact, Pashna doesn’t even let the two of you order. Instead, she sends out a parade of food from the kitchen—small portions of everything on the menu so Waxer can try it all. By the time the meal is over, both of you are so full you can barely breathe, and Waxer has an expression of pure bliss on his face. You try to sneak payment into the server’s hands, but Pashna catches you and scolds you. 
“Don’t even try it, young lady,” she says as though you aren’t a whole-ass adult with a child of your own. “And you, young man, be sure to come back and visit me again soon. Bring a few of your friends with you. Maybe I’m not too old to settle down with a nice trooper after all!”
After Pashna hugs you goodbye, she pulls Waxer into one of her tight embraces, and when she lets him go, he looks a little dazed.
“Take good care of my girls,” Pashna tells him.
You suck in a quiet breath as you dart a glance at Waxer to see if he noticed the plural, but nothing seems amiss as the two of you leave the restaurant.
“I can’t wait to tell my brothers about this place,” he says. “Pashna is amazing. Do you think she would adopt me?”
“I think she unofficially adopts everyone she meets,” you reply. 
Waxer takes your hand again, and a warm glow of contentment settles over you. You find yourself stealing glances at him, admiring the way the azure light catches the planes of his face, emphasizing his high cheekbones and lovely, broad nose. In the dimness, his warm brown eyes are almost black, and when he catches you staring, you nearly fall into their depths.
“Did you enjoy the meal?” you ask, scrambling to mask your confusion.
“It was the best thing I’ve ever eaten,” he says. “I wish I knew how to cook so I could eat food like that whenever I want.”
“I could teach you, if you’d like,” you offer tentatively. “I’m no chef like Pashna, but I could show you the basics. No pressure, of course, but—”
“I would love that!” he exclaims. “When can we start?”
You consider for a moment. “What about Benduday? We could meet up at the market again, shop for groceries, and then go back to my place and cook dinner?”
“That’s the best offer I’ve heard in years,” Waxer says, his face alight with a beaming smile. “Thank you!”
The two of you wind your way back through the subaquatic tunnels until you reach a landing platform, where you hail a taxi.
“Need a lift?” you offer.
“No, thanks; I rode a speeder bike,” Waxer replies.
“I guess this is good night, then,” you say, gazing up into his eyes.
“I had an amazing time,” he says.
“Me, too,” you reply. “I can’t wait for Benduday.”
His eyes flicker almost imperceptibly to your lips, and he swallows. “Yeah, me either.”
He starts to step back to help you into the air taxi, and—
“Kriff it,” you say.
You collide into him with a kiss, flinging your arms around his shoulders as your lips meet his. You feel his hands settle on your waist before they slide around your back and pull you hard against him. His lips are soft and warm against yours, and you brush the tip of your tongue experimentally across them. He groans quietly and opens to let you in, your tongues sliding together as you taste and explore each other’s mouths. You run your hand up the back of his head and feel the soft, velvety prickle of his hair as your bodies mold to each other.
“Hey lady, ya want a ride, or are ya just gonna stand there and suck his face all night?” the taxi driver demands irritably.
Waxer breaks the kiss reluctantly and raises an eyebrow at the driver. “Really, man?”
The driver mutters under his breath, and you huff out a small laugh. “I guess that’s my cue. I’ll see you Benduday?”
He nods, and you give him a quick kiss on the cheek. If you’re honest with yourself, you admit that you want to ask him to come back to your apartment with you, but Kaia is there with the sitter, and you reluctantly accept that it’s not going to happen tonight. So you bid him good night and step into the taxi, doing your best to ignore the quiet voice in your head that whispers that you made a huge mistake in not telling him about Kaia in the first place. You weren’t expecting to fall so hard, so fast, and you are terrified by the thought that he might not feel the same way once he discovers your lie of omission.
Benduday, you resolve. I’ll tell him on Benduday.
Second A/N: the title is a reference to the idea that food is the sixth love language.
Tagging: @blueink-bluesoul @secondaryrealm @spicy-clones @wings-and-beskar @523rdrebel @goblininawig @merkitty49 @anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @arcsimper5 @starrylothcat @clio3kantarella @cloneloverrrrr
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clarisimart · 2 years
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*Takes two fixations and mushes them together as playdough*
Our Flag Means Death - Star Wars (3/3)
Part one here
Pat two here
Character info under the cut:
Frenchie: Originally from Tatooine, Frenchie bought passage on a smugler vessel to leave as soon as he could. Being from the outter rim and illiterate, he was met without many job opportunities, specially legal ones. Frenchie is a master on the Halikset and has the abilitiy to charm the whiskers of a Zygerrian, and his crew know if he wanted he could succesfully sell water in Mon Cala.
Wee John: For a wookie, the galaxy is a hostile place under Imperial rule. Spent the last few years as hired muscle for smuggler ships, until he joined Stede’s crew, were he’s able to relax and show his softer side for the first time in a long while. His weapon of choice is a modified electro-baton he stole from a  Purge Trooper.
Israel Hands: The shortest, angriest Dathomirian Zabrak you will ever encounter, Izzy has been Edward’s right Hand for years now. He’s so used to the Galaxy being a cold and unforgiving place, he can’t imagine a reality where kindness is better. He’s a master fencer, carrying his vibroblade werever he goes.
Nathaniel Buttons: A clone Wars veteran and expert navigator, Nathaniel Buttons left Mon Cala after the Imperial invasion and mass exodus that followed. He joined as many a smuggler ship as would have him, until finally meeting Stede and, falling in love with The Revenge, joining his crew. Buttons has the uncanny ability to communicate with Porgs and Mynocks, and he keeps a set of Durasteel teeth in his pocket for melle use.
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Captain Rex Is In Trouble
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“The campaign has turned out quite well, my friend,” Plo mused.
Wolffe crossed his arms and tilted his head, considering.
“Monnk looks good,” he said thoughtfully; “does our face justice.”
“Thank the ka’ra they didn’t pick Unduli and Gree,” Rex added. “That would’ve been embarrassing.”
“I detest this,” Kit declared, crossing his arms too. “I don’t see why I had to be involved at all.”
“The idea of the campaign is to show Clones and Jedi, working together in harmony to defend the citizens of the Republic,” Plo said, lacing his fingers together and tilting his head. “I think it comes over rather well.”
Rex was pretty sure that the quiver in his tusks meant he was laughing at Kit.
The sequel to Commander Fox Is Completely Fine, this time centered around Rex and his relationships, with his friends, family, etc. Kit will also feature pretty heavily, for obvious reasons.
This fic will contain explicit sexual content and each chapter is rated accordingly, including community labels. However it won't be the main focus of the fic and I will try to make it avoidable for those of you who don't enjoy that kind of content. I will do trigger warnings in the notes of relevant chapters, and not only for sexual content. Tags will keep updating as the fic progresses.
As ever, thanks to my bee-ta @cyarbika. You're an inspirational writer and I adore the way you make me think in more depth about my work and the way I write. You can find her masterlist here!
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Relationships: Kit Fisto/CT-7567 | Rex, CT-7567 | Rex & Ahsoka Tano, CT-7567 | Rex & Anakin Skywalker, CC-2224 | Cody & CT-7567 | Rex, CT-6116 | Kix & CT-7567 | Rex, Clone Troopers & CT-7567 | Rex, CT-7567 | Rex & CC-3636 | Wolffe, CC-1010 | Fox & CT-7567 | Rex
Characters: CT-7567 | Rex, Kit Fisto, Ahsoka Tano, CT-6116 | Kix, CT-5597 | Jesse, Clone Trooper Hardcase, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, CT-5385 | Tup, CT-6922 | Dogma, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, CC-2224 | Cody, CC-3636 | Wolffe, CC-1010 | Fox, Plo Koon, Quinlan Vos, Padmé Amidala, Original Clone Trooper Characters, Sophi (Original Clone Trooper Character), Cham Syndulla
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Violence, Blood and Gore, Blood and Injury, Panic Attacks
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Chapter List
Trouble In The Oceans Of Mon Cala - Tumblr - AO3
Evening Adventures On Coruscant - Tumblr - AO3
Downtime And The Duality Of Man (Cody) - Tumblr - AO3
Rex Questions The Wisdom Of Sith Architects - Tumblr - AO3
Bacta Tank Blues - Tumblr - AO3
The Supply General - Tumblr - AO3
A Lesson In Meditation And Generational Trauma - Tumblr - AO3
Storm Over Ryloth - Tumblr - AO3
The Burden Of Command - Tumblr - AO3
Pressing Forwards - Tumblr - AO3
Lessu - Tumblr - AO3
Liberation - Tumblr - AO3
Big Boys Do Cry - Tumblr - AO3
A Fresh Perspective - Tumblr - AO3
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Other Links
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comm-caribou · 2 years
Chapter Eight: The Good Generals:
Word Count: 2.0k
Warnings: death (let me know if I missed any!)
Juliette gently scooped up the primarily white plush with long limbs and black detailing.
“Hardwire, is this a doll?”
Hardwire hopped out of his desk chair, blushing crimson as he shut his door.
He turned to her, and awkwardly smiled.
“So… that’s Snugs,” Hardwire explained, “my… first General gave him to me.”
Juliette smiled, cradling the small plush clone trooper in her arms, “and you keep him under your pillow?”
Hardwire sat down on the edge of the bed, “please don’t judge me.”
“I don’t think I can judge,” Juliette held up her baby blanket.
“That’s different,” Hardwire smiled, “if you didn’t tell me that was your baby blanket, I’d assume it was just any old blanket.”
“So, what’s the story behind Snugs?” Juliette handed the toy back to him. “Why did a Jedi give you a little plush clone trooper?”
Hardwire brushed the trooper’s helmet, “where do I begin to tell you about Master Kip?”
“The General gave you a pastry?”
Hardwire hurried away as his Corporal chased after him.
“Vhere did he get it? Is it fresh?” Keks questioned, “vhat type of frosting?”
“Medic!” Hardwire laughed, “I need assistance!”
Laughing, CT-3396 got up from Hardwire’s desk, hopping on Kek’s back.
“Hide in the closet!” Tracks instructed.
“You all are so mean,” Cooper smiled. “But he is a glutton.”
Hardwire ducked into his practically empty closet, “exactly.”
Keks whined outside the closet, “no fair…”
“You didn’t share any of your burnt cookies with us,” Chaser reminded him.
“I tried,” Keks reminded. “You all said they were like rocks!”
Happily, Hardwire unraveled his pastry, and ripped it in half. Putting the bigger half back in the bag, he cracked the door open, sticking it out.
Like a gremlin, it was snatched away.
“Say thank you,” he heard Cooper scold.
“Thank you,” Keks said, with a mouthful already.
Juliette cuddled into his side, “so, I wasn’t the first General who bought you all presents?”
“No, you weren’t,” Hardwire wrapped an arm around her, “although, most gifts were bought more for me than the others.”
“Why’s that?” Juliette yawned into her fist.
“I kind of was a loner,” Hardwire wrapped her blanket around her, “and I was the first clone he ever met. Therefore, he worried about me.”
A salmon colored Quarren with kind turquoise eyes hobbled with a cane around the Stormrider, listening to Hardwire give his report.
He liked the old Jedi. While some found him odd—maybe even a bit annoying—Hardwire looked forward to these patrols.
“Very good, Commander,” Master Kip would say at the end, in that voice that sounded too high and bouncy for an old man from Mon Cala.
It always felt like a pat on the head, and Hardwire found himself walking a little taller.
“Tell me though, Commander,” Master Kip stroked his tentacle beard, “have you eaten today?“
“I’ll be heading to the mess now, sir,” he assured, “meeting some of the men there.”
“Excellent, can’t face the day on an empty stomach,” he chuckled to himself. “And we have a battle today. Not that I am looking forward to it.”
Hardwire turned to his General, his gaze now to the floor.
“So many lives lost,” Kip sighed, “I wish I could protect you all.”
Hardwire laid beside Juliette, facing her in his bed.
She looked tired, but her eyes remained opened, “you still haven’t answered my question.”
Hardwire smiled, “do you want me to skip ahead? I was going to tell you about how Boomerang got his name. Or how Mirage came to be his best brother.”
“I know both those stories,” Juliette pouted, “you’re stalling.”
Hardwire chuckled, “fine, I’ll tell you about Snugs now.”
It had been a hundred days since boots hit the ground, and a hundred days of being under Master Kip’s care.
When the old Jedi came to his private quarters at the end of the day, he expected the present he hinted at to be food. All his brothers loved food, and Hardwire did like the occasional treat.
What Master Kip was so excited to give him, was not edible at all. In fact, it was quite an odd gift in Hardwire’s opinion.
The item was less than a foot in height, and consisted of loose, lanky arms attached to its plush body. It was white and black, resembling a standard clone trooper with his helmet on.
“I could not resist,” Master Kip smiled, “you may find it silly, but I wanted you to have a least one item that is truly just yours. Consider a symbol of your brothers perhaps.”
Honestly, Hardwire didn’t know what he’d do with a toy. He was a soldier, not a child. Nor did he know the purpose of toys other than giving them to children on relief missions for comfort.
Still, he traced the troopers soft helmet, “thank you, sir.”
Juliette’s eyes were now closed, but she still tiredly murmured, “that’s sweet…”
Hardwire took Snugs, and placed him in her arms, whispering, “he’s very good at scaring away nightmares.”
Juliette softly sighed, hugging Snugs close as she started drifting off.
Hardwire got up, and crossed the cold, metal floor to the light switch. He flipped it off, and returned to his bed, getting under his blanket and pulling her closer to him.
Her head laid on his chest, snuggling in closer to him.
He wrapped his arms around her, and ran his fingers lazily up and down her back. He closed his eyes, and fell asleep alongside his best friend.
Besides a little bit of chatter, the gunship was quiet.
Master Kip was sadden to hear that he was given this very big, dangerous mission. The last thing he wanted to do was put his troops into more danger than they already were in.
From the moment the war began on Geonosis, Master Kip wanted to walk away. From the war he didn’t want to be apart of, the bloodshed he didn’t wish to bare, and the Jedi Order that he known his living years.
However, as he was about to go tell Master Yoda his plans to leave, he met a curious young man who left the impression of a child in the Force.
He was tall, muscular, and wore the same armor as the men who rescued them from the Battle of Geonosis.
The trooper turned to him, his helmet tucked under his armor revealing a face of twenty year old Jango Fett. Yet, this wasn’t Jango.
He smiled, and gave a respectful nod like a gentleman and returned his gaze forward with a half smile.
As Master Kip studied the mysterious figure in lilac painted armor and a kama on his belt, the familiar presence of Master Yoda approached.
He turned, seeing his dear friend approaching with Mace Windu and Master Ki-Adi-Mundi.
The small, green Jedi chuckled to himself, “Master Kip, see you met your Commander, you have.”
My Commander?
Master Kip turned back to the trooper, he was watching him from the corner of his dark, brown eyes.
“The 952nd will primarily be doing relief and rescue missions. Commander CC-0143 will be your right hand man,” Master Windu explained.
“Nine hundred fifty… CC-10… this a lot of numbers,” Master Kip stroked his tentacle beard, I’m an old man who’d be lucky to have ten more years left in him. I can’t possibly be apart of this.
“Permission to speak, sir?” asked a man with Jango’s accent, but not quite his voice.
He turned back to the Commander, now facing him.
Was that him? Is asking permission to speak really a thing?
“Yes?” Master Kip said unsurely.
“My brothers call me Hardwire,” he said, “you may also call me that, therefore you have one less number to remember.”
Master Mundi said quietly, “I was not informed they have names.”
Master Kip’s thoughts of leaving got pushed back into the deep crevasses of his mind. All the upset that plagued him of losing both his own Master and his former Padawan on Geonosis was replace with a need to protect this little boy who looked like a grown man.
Now here he was, over a hundred days later, with a Commander who he looked at like a son.
The Jedi Code forbid attachment, but he couldn’t help himself. This soldier had went from child to an adult in a matter of days in the Force, and Master Kip felt a nagging need to protect him the same way a parent coddled their own flesh and blood.
“We’re approaching the coordinates,” Tracks announced over the gunship’s speakers.
Master Kip looked at the men he brought with him for this assignment to locate General Grievous.
Sergeant Cooper had Corporal Keks were a pair.
Boomerang the medic was tight knit with his ARC brother, Mirage.
The pilots—Tracks and Chaser—had each other to keep company.
Then there was his Commander.
The first clone trooper he ever met would just drift from brother-to-brother. No one in particular stood out as someone he was close to more than the others.
Who is your person, Hardwire? Who do you reach out for when you are scared?
The ship softly landed, and the doors opened up.
His five brave troops exited the ship, helmets on and ready to face danger.
If this war never happened, these boys never would have existed. I would’ve continued on with my life, and these amazing young men would’ve remained unmade. They don’t even realize the change they made. The good they brought into my dull life.
“All good, General?” Hardwire asked quietly, “you’ve been quiet today.”
“Oh, it’s nothing for you to worry about, lad,” he replied tiredly. “Just been thinking about this war and where we’ll all be after it’s over.”
The clones remained quiet, not saying a word.
He knew what they were thinking.
Their purpose is to die fighting.
The next few minutes blurred together, all Master Kip could put together was they found Grievous—or he found them—and they were going to die.
“Tracks! Chaser!” Cooper barked, “get the ship ready for retreat!”
“Swinging back for you now,” Chaser responded.
As the only one with a lightsaber, Kip was engaged with the metal monster.
He could hear the gunship arrive, the men running aboard… all but one.
“General, come on!”
Using the Force, Master Kip pushed General Grievous back enough to look back at the ship. He could’ve made it, but he had grown too tired from this fight to run.
Hardwire took a step towards him, and then another.
This soldier was too loyal to leave him behind.
Master Kip pushed him back with the Force, but the Commander got back up again.
General Grievous also got up, and was charging at him.
Master Kip held both of them back, arms extended out holding them both away. With all his strength, he pushed back Grievous again.
Then, tiredly turned back to his troops.
He still had Hardwire pushed back, keeping him at bay. Yet, he now had his answer.
The clones—as Master Kip had noticed—always reached for each other. In the face of danger, their hands always extended out to their brothers both to receive strength and share it. The closest bond any of the clone soldiers had was with each other.
Cooper to Keks, Tracks to Chaser, Boomerang to Mirage.
Then there was Hardwire, who didn’t reach for any of his brothers. With both hands extended out, his Commander was reaching out to him.
It was forbidden to form attachment, and maybe this was why. For when Jedi Master Kip looked at that one soldier, he saw a child.
His child, willing to die for him.
Master Kip couldn’t help but love and admire Hardwire for that loyalty, and he hoped the next General valued his Commander just as much.
General Grievous got up again, coughing and hacking with four lightsabers ignited.
Soon, his own lightsaber would be his.
Master Kip was okay with that…
“General!” Hardwire cried out as he was lifted to the air. “Don’t do this! Wait!”
…as long as his son lived.
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yuristarwars · 2 years
10 LEGO Set Ideas
Okay I have multiple ideas for new LEGO Star Wars sets especially with all the content coming out in the next couple years, so here we go!
1: The Mantis
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This ship would be perfect for introducing Jedi Fallen Order Minifigures into rotation, especially with the announcement of Jedi:Survivor. A lift-able top looks totally doable and that back wing could certainly be used well as a handle.
2: Third Sister Duel
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A great way to introduce Mega-Figures other than the Wampa into LEGO Star Wars and could possibly imitate the likes of Vader vs Kenobi’s latest duel set, with unique play features to put them up against each other.
3: LEGO Mossy AT-AT
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Another great JFO piece could be this, a take on the AT-AT without being an exact copy of the last two. It could be like the Rebels AT-TE where it’s like the past few, but stands apart. They could even introduce some great figures like Saw Gerrara and a purge trooper!
4: Black X-Wing
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Moving on to the Andor section, we have the Black X-Wing, which I think should be fairly easy for LEGO, just a reskin of the old X-Wing and add this new interesting looking character and some metal crates and they’re all set!
5: Luthen’s Rebel Starfighter
This is a new and interesting ship which I think LEGO could do very well, with its unique shape, interesting gun mechanics, and opening exit. This could be really cool and unique, if done right. Not to mention they could make new minifigures like that droid we see in the trailer
6: Cantwell Class Star-Destroyer
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This could make for a great $160 set for Andor if LEGO needs the money and would be a great pairing with Luthen’s Starfighter.
7: T-47 Airspeeder
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A classic that can be reconfigured and re-tooled. Would love to see some spring-loaded missiles for better playability.
8: Mon Cala Cruiser
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Since next year is gonna be the 40 year anniversary of Return of the Jedi, this could be a great reward and be comparable to the likes of the UCS Star Destroyer. It could include fan favorite characters like Admiral Ackbar, Mon Mothma, and Nien Nubb, ofc with RotJ Lando Calrissian.
9: Ahsoka and Rex Order 66 Escape
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This one would be great for many reasons. For one, Ahsoka as a character has experienced a surge in popularity both from the fandom and from the franchise, so this would be a guaranteed sell for anyone who doesn’t have her from the 2 previous sets that contained her. Secondly, this would be a great place to include Jesse and Rex figures, that many classic Clone Wars fans would enjoy
10: Theed Palace
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This would be great for fans of the prequels. The LEGO STAR WARS:The Skywalker Saga video game has already done a lot of the heavy lifting for designers, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be Minifigure Scale, but birthplace of many great Star Wars moments would also be a great place to include: Nute Gunray, Young Padme, Captain Pannaca, Qui-Gon Jinn, Young Obi-Wan, Darth Maul, and maybe two or three Battle Droids and Royal Guards. It’s the one piece of the Phantom Menace LEGO hasn’t done to death already and I feel like it would be a good change of pace for people who are sick of ships and speeders and wants something more like the Mos Eisley set.
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kamino-coruscant · 3 years
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Commander Monnk 🤿 The Clone Wars S4
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galacticgraffiti · 3 years
༒• Neyo's Masterlist •༒
So I've decided to start a Masterlist, just to keep things on the tidy side of the galaxy.
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Requests are closed.
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!!! NSFW / 18+ only/ Minors DNI !!!
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Commission by pinkiemme
Commission by sar-arts
Beautiful Art by Leo
Eya headshot and sketchpage by maygalodon
Eya at 79’s by crowbafett
Character Sheet for Eya
Ask Collection
Artwork for Eya’s best friend, CT Kad
𑁍 Fics
Ep. I: Meeting the Captain (Eya and Storm)
Ep. II: Closing Time (Eya and Raia and Marilys)
Ep. III: Soft Mornings (Eya x Marilys) - Explicit!
Ep. IV: The Fight (Eya vs. Brutus) - Explicit for GORE!
Ep. V: The Way You Taste (Eya x reader) - SUPER FUCKIN EXPLICIT
Ep. VI: Vode darasuum (Eya and Kad)
Ep. VII: A Mandalorian, a Clonetrooper, and a Smuggler Walk into a Bar... (Eya and Minnie and Kad)
Ep. VIII: Home in Dreams (Eya and Jaster)
Ep. IX: Ca'vod (Eya and the Nightsister)
Artwork for Minnie
MINNIE!!! by cala
Beautiful artwork gifted by turtle
Artwork for Minnie's first mate - Hanto
𑁍 Fics
Above the Skies - Chapter 1
Above the Skies - Chapter 2
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Oneshots sorted by Character various characters x reader
Link to my Request Masterlist various characters x reader
List of NSFW HC ficlet asks various characters x f!reader
Ficlet Collection various characters x reader
Dividers I
Dividers II
Poetry: Nuhoy'laar (Sleep Song) A Mando'a lullaby I came up with
Poetry: At'akaan ('To War') A Mando'a war song I composed
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✧⭒・ Liberation ・⭒✧ [WIP]
Elia Kane x f!reader
It's not a coincidence that you meet Elia Kane. But everything after that doesn't exactly go according to plan.
Chapter 1: The Fall (3.7k)
Chapter 2: The Temptation (3.7k)
Chapter 3: The Paradise (5.4k)
Chapter 4: The Sinner (7.6k)
Chapter 5: The Mercy (7.8k)
Chapter 6 [being written]
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⋇⋆✦ Veman'alor Masterlist ✦⋆⋇ [WIP]
Boba Fett x Reader
Boba hires you to be a live-in mechanic after taking over the throne of Tatooine. Soon, mechanics are not the only thing he keeps you around for...
Link to the latest Chapter
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✧⋄ Mirde be Mand'alor Masterlist ⋄✧ [WIP]
Din Djarin x Reader, Boba Fett x Reader, Din x Reader x Boba Companion piece for Veman'alor from Din's POV.
Din Djarin arrives at Boba Fett's palace without a son and instead with a responsibility he is not sure he is ready for. Things take a turn when he meets Boba's riduur - and finds out that under certain circumstances, Boba is willing to share.
Link to the latest Chapter
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October Thots 2021 [Completed]
A collection of drabbles from way back when. Character depends on the fic, mostly clone troopers, my favourite bounty hunters and Mandalorians.
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꧁༻ Ad'ika Masterlist ༺꧂ [Completed]
Wrecker (TBB) x Reader Wrecker stumbles across you on Kamino and the two of you develop a relationship. Mostly smut, some semblance of plot for the soft feelings.
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Follower Celebrations
350 Followers ❥ Celebration Post ❥ Celebration Masterlist
700 Followers ❥ A Loveletter to Creators
1k Followers ❥ Celebration Announcement
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Projects on Hiatus
Vode Haran (Biker!Boba AU)
Cat're Shal 79's
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gffa · 3 years
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OKAY, I WILL DO MY BEST HERE, but it’s one of those cases where there’s A LOT of information and NOT A LOT of information at the same time!  We have a bunch of details and some good general ideas, but it’s not like it was a set-in-stone process, so there’s plenty of wiggle room if you want it. The Inquisitorius was started in 19 BBY, the same year as the fall of the Republic and the genocide of the Jedi, but seems to have been officially started after the Purge happened.  Sidious had been planning something like the  Inquisitorius for a long time, but this specific version of them wasn’t necessarily always the only version in development. The Inquisitors are all fallen Jedi, presumably ones that were captured by the Empire and tortured into becoming dark siders.  Several of them have mentioned that they were former Jedi, but the only one we’ve seen the process of is Trilla Suduri, who we saw being tortured for a very long time in Jedi: Fallen Order.  (Link of the relevant scenes here.  Warning:  It can be a bit of a tough watch, Trilla is physically tortured and some of it you see from her perspective, as the electricity is jolted into her body, which can be kinda disturbing.)  So, in theory, it’s possible that some of them fell on their own and agreed to join, but the one explicit example we have is where she was tortured into it and, while Cal is walking around their fortress, he talks about how multiple Jedi were broken there. (For another example, Prosset Dibs is a Jedi we saw falling to the dark in the Mace Windu: Jedi of the Republic comic, so he may have willingly joined or he may have healed while he was working in the Jedi Archives but not all the way and still had to be tortured into joining.) The Inquisitors are under the direct supervision of Darth Vader (after he’d discovered the program, he was put in charge of it), who trains them incredibly harshly--in Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith, he’s shown cutting an arm off one of them and basically telling them to suck it up and keep fighting, to remember what loss feels like.
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Sometimes they’d work with Darth Vader (the Grand Inquisitor went to the Jedi Temple in 19 BBY with Vader, where they confronted Jocasta Nu, the Ninth Sister went with Vader on a mission to investigate a possible Jedi sighting on Cabarria, Vader took them with when he went to kill Eeth Koth and kidnap his baby daughter, Vader had them with when he went to Mon Cala to confront Lee-Char, etc.), sometimes they operated separately from each other (all the times in Rebels or Jedi: Fallen Order that Kanan, Ezra, or Cal faced them when Vader wasn’t around, etc.), probably based on whatever Vader felt like or whatever Sidious felt like on a given day. The Inquisitorius as a group seem to have some degree of command over Purge Troopers, as they would often be seen leading a group of them (this happened often in Jedi: Fallen Order especially) and they could commandeer military assets (or probably civilian assets as well) if they needed to, so they had a certain amount of leeway when it came to their missions--so long as they didn’t piss off Vader or Sidious. Their main goals were to hunt down any Force-sensitives in the galaxy, whether newly discovered Force-sensitive children, former Jedi (whether they had left the Jedi Order or were Jedi in hiding, it didn’t matter), or even Force-sensitive adults who had never been trained by the Jedi.  They would turn them if they could, but otherwise it was to kill anyone who might possibly be a Force-related threat of any kind.  (What this means for planets like the Bardottens, they’ve never said.) They were greatly successful at their missions, so they wound up killing a great number of Jedi who had made it into hiding, along with Darth Vader being one of the biggest reasons the Jedi were mostly entirely gone by the time of the OT, which was helped along by Vader training the Jedi style out of them.  Part of why he was so harsh to them (including cutting off limbs, etc.) was to force them to be more aggressive and less defensive, to be sharp and quick and fast to overpower Jedi, who were used to a different type of fight. They still had unique talents (as all Force-sensitives are not the same), like Ninth Sister had a great talent for reading emotions (including Vader’s, where she could sense how much he wanted to die),
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As well as they weren’t actually Sith.  Only Sidious, Vader, and Maul were Sith, the Inquisitors were dark siders or fallen Jedi or possibly a category unto themselves. They have some sort of headquarters, as seen in Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith, where Vader is seen training them in issue #6 (same scene as above where he cuts off their hands or lightsabers their eye out), which is labelled as being on Coruscant, somewhere in The Works in the Industrial District:
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There’s a training arena we see there and at least some sort of communication/strategy rooms that Vader and the Grand Inquisitor walk off into, while they discuss the other Inquisitors. Which means it’s a pretty big complex/building, but (according to Wookieepedia and I’ll trust them on this, instead of digging out my copies of the Complete Vehicles and Complete Locations book), it was a building of Sidious’ that he used as a hideout during the Clone Wars. To what extent Vader and the Inquisitorius took it over (whether they just had a few rooms or the entire skyscraper), I don’t think we know?
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Later, in issue #20, we see there’s some sort of break room that Vader storms in on, when he returns to Coruscant, that the Inquisitors were sitting around and hanging out in:
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From there, it would be reasonable to extrapolate that this was a base for their operations, the place they returned to after they came back from wherever they’d been sent, possibly even this is where they slept and ate and were sheltered in between missions.  But that’s just reasonable conjecture, not hard canon! There is also Fortress Inquisitorius from Jedi: Fallen Order and it’s primary use was that it was where they took the Jedi they were torturing into becoming Inquisitors.  I wouldn’t say it’s an academy, per se, but it was a place that they likely used as a headquarters. In issue #20 of Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith, two of the Inquisitors rebel against Vader and he winds up chasing them down and cutting a huge swath of destruction in his path (LOL @ ANAKIN), which Sidious is not exactly pleased about.  He says that he’s going to move the Inquisitorious off Coruscant to another world so this won’t happen again:
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The comic was written in 2018 and Jedi: Fallen Order came out about 11 months later in 2019, so the above isn’t necessarily directly referring to that the Inquisitorious were moved to Fortress Inquisitorious on the moon Nur, but it’s also a very reasonable (and probably likely) assumption. We don’t have an exact timeline for when this issue takes place, but it’s minimum three years after Revenge of the Sith (the Mon Cala arc earlier in the comic is set three years post-ROTS), so probably around 15 or 14 BBY.   However, Trilla seems to have been kidnapped much closer to Order 66, so it’s likely that Fortress Inquisitorius existed long before Order 66 happened, it was used to torture Jedi once their genocide happened, but it wasn’t the Inquisitor’s HQ until several years later. We don’t see a lot of Fortress Inquisitorious, the limited amount of areas you can play through it in Jedi: Fallen Order don’t tell you a ton about what goes on there, but it’s a pretty huge underwater skyscraper sized building and you do see several prison cells and at least one training dojo.
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The galaxy at large didn’t know about Fortress Inquisitorious on the water moon of Nur or even the majority of the Empire itself didn’t know about it, it was a heavily kept secret. This is where Trilla and the other Jedi were taken, tortured, and forced into becoming Inquisitors and it’s likely that’s where the Inquisitors were based after the shitshow on Coruscant.  It’s a big enough building that it’s likely to have pretty much whatever kind of stuff your clubhouse needs for the Inquisitors!  But we don’t have much hard canon about it, no. As for the Inquisitors themselves, they’re complicated--some of them seemed almost loyal to each other, they would work together at times or even seem to avenge each other, but other times they would sneer at each other or mock each other, it seemed like they had a lot of shifting dynamics and probably a lot of it was fear at trying to survive being around Darth Vader. We don’t know for sure how many there specifically are or if, when one of them dies, they’re replaced by another, but it seems like there were at least twelve Inquisitors and we’ve never seen them be replaced, which I think implies that they were only ever meant to be a temporary measure and would be disposed of, as soon as Sidious knew all the Jedi were dead for sure/he could raise a new group of Force-sensitive children from birth. ANYWAY YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN:  LOTS OF INFO BUT NOT A LOT OF INFO.  😂
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gospelofme · 2 years
Cody Knows…
If Cody had seen Luke on the Death Star
Cody heard the notices about the intruders on the Death Star. How could he not hear them, Stormtroopers were panicking about it.
Pathetic…Cody thought. His boys would’ve never behaved in such a manner.
But, he was on a caf break. He prepped his cup in the same manner he had done since a cadet. He had picked up warming the cup before hand from someone a long time ago. He couldn’t recall the name no matter how hard he had tried. Was he a C.O? Cody shrugged and filled his mouth with the hot liquid, the skin on his face prickling satisfactorily.
Leaning on the counter, his helmet next to him, stared out the door into the hall. He was looking at nothing in particular. There was never anything to look at here. Troopers ran back and forth, non-military staff walked around oblivious as usual. Suddenly, someone caught his eye. A blond hair, blue eyed boy skidded to a stop when he noticed Cody’s harsh look. The kid looked like he had been caught with his hand in a Mon Cala pickled kelp jar. He looked instantly familiar. For some reason, of all the people he had met in his life, Cody remembered Anakin Skywalker the most. This kid certainly looked like him. It was common knowledge among the troopers back then that Skywalker had a thing going on the side with the Senator Padmé Amidala. She had been very pregnant during the last year of the Clone Wars, even though she had tried to hide it. There had been bets amongst the boys about when she was going to give birth and if she’d say who the father was.
Cody and the kid stared at each other for a while. Cody suspected he was trying to figure out if the officer was going to turn him in. Cody took another sip of his caf and picked up his datapad and started to read a report. His movements made the kid reach for something, a weapon? But once the young man realized the officer was reading, he relaxed and hurried on down the hall.
If Cody had seen Obiwan on the Death Star
Cody stalked down the hall, his presence made other stormtroopers tense up. They’d stiffly salute him, he’d never return the gesture, he’d pass them, they’d breath a sigh of relief. Cody did his job as training officer, but he hated every single birth-born trooper.
Well, maybe not all of them…he thought, there were some pretty determined recruits that had trickled through.
He rounded the corner and came face to face with an older man in brown robes. Everything about man looked so familiar. His face, his stance, the surprised way he looked at Cody. But every time he tried to pull out the memory, it was snatched away. Yanked away. Like his mind didn’t want him to remember.
The two stared at each other for a very long time it seemed. The older man relaxed and looked as if he wanted to speak. He took a couple steps forward, Cody instantly backed up as many steps. The officer was shocked to see hurt cross the old man’s face. Another trooper approached from an adjoining hall, Cody looking sharply towards the other man. The older man seemed to understand, reaching for something apprehensively. Cody turned to face the stormtrooper, who seemed nervous and saluted. Cody rolled his eyes under his helmet and saluted back this time. The trooper relaxed and approached, Cody noticing the older man coming towards him more confidently. Cody closed the door to the hall at the last second.
“Sir, we haven’t been able to find the intruders. They were trapped in the trash compactor, but they’ve escaped.” The man reported, voice a bit shaky.
“Not surprising. Keep searching, we’re on a floating ball in space. There’s no where outside of here they can go with their ship locked down.” Cody ordered. The trooper nodded, saluted, and hurried away.
“Thank you, Cody.” A gentle voice penetrated the heavy durasteel doors. The voice triggered something, there was a flash of a face. A blue lightsaber. A man pulling him up from the ground. Cody hastily opened the door again, unable to stop tears from brimming in his eyes.
The man was gone. The hall was empty. Cody wondered if he had even been there at all. He had had hallucinations before, but those usually didn’t speak. They just stared at him. Cody searched the hall briefly, but came up empty handed. He suddenly got an alert, the intruders had been spotted making their way back to their ship. Darth Vader was in pursuit.
He can handle it…Cody thought to himself.
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@thatonegreyghost @jgvfhl @iamthespacegeneral @leias-left-hair-bun-again @halzore @escapedthesarlacc @eyecandyeoz
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
Pretty Boy the Disaster Flirt
Lich walking into the room where he finds all his siblings sitting around the coffee table: What's all this? Olly looking up from his datapad: We're helping Pretty Boy practice pick-up lines for his upcoming date... Lich: How's that going? PB putting on his smooth-talker voice: Hey babe, I like my men like I like my salad… Fruity. Goch looking very much unimpressed with this attempt: B( PB: Ok maybe not… How about… Hey hot stuff, I like my men like I like my cucumbers. Right up my-- Hippo horrified: NO. Cala disgusted: AWFUL! Goch feeling disrespected: I'm going to deck you. Lich staring in shock at his little brother's blatant lack of flirting skills: …. Olly wincing ever so slightly: Not great...
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Based on your wip, what would your top 5 underdeveloped/background characters be?
oh gosh, there are so many. that's one of the bits about sw that keeps me coming back over and over again - there's always something new to figure out, especially when the worldbuilding is done well.
that said, I suppose that a lot depends on what you consider to be an underdeveloped character. think about the clones for a minute - there are 1006 named clones, and probably dozens, if not hundreds, more that appear throughout the prequels and animated shows. there's so much potential there, with varying levels of development. You could probably consider Echo underdeveloped. Keeli and Thorn only got a few minutes of screen time, but both are pretty well known in the fandom. Commander Trauma is on-screen momentarily, but he has a name and (brief) backstory. Would you consider that underdeveloped, especially compared to characters like Ringo and Oz (they died on Umbara)? alternately, there are characters who serve as plot devices, like the naval officer abducted by Aurra Sing along with Ponds and Kilian. Then, of course, there's Toast Clone.
the possibilities are completely endless, which is just so exciting for me. I have lists and lists and lists of incredible characters to think about, but here are five (completely random) ones I think are cool.
Warthog, a clone pilot in the 104th.
Nossor Ri, the Quarren leader in the Mon Cala arc.
the younglings - I tend to think of the class Obi-Wan interrupts in AOTC, as well as the doomed ones hiding in the Council chamber during Order 66.
the troopers of Tango Company, which were infected by Geonosian brain worms
the battle droids walking through Theed Palace during the Invasion of Naboo. it's kind of random, I know, but I think the idea of it is amazing and I'd love to write about it at some point.
thank you so much for the ask, Ro! and let me know if you have any underdeveloped favorites of your own! 💕
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tanyawritesstories · 3 years
Saltwater Feelings | Kit Fisto x Reader
Here is the fic I wrote based on this request. I really liked writing this one, and thank you to the anon who requested it. Enjoy! 🥰
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: NSFW, smut, oral (m receiving), descriptions of injuries, soft sub!Kit, fluff, let this man rest
You checked the clock for the fifth time and sipped your tea that had gotten cold. It was two in the morning and he still wasn’t home. He was supposed to be back days ago but you had gotten word that the shuttle had been destroyed and your boyfriend and his team had been stuck on the watery planet of Mon Cala.
Kit had been excited to go, it was rare that he got to go on aquatic missions. He didn’t like that he was going because of the war, knowing that all he would be doing was fighting. But he rarely had time to just go swimming and enjoy the water anymore, he would take any chance he could get. You had watched him leave, waving goodbye to him and his battalion of scuba troopers. That was six days ago. You hadn’t heard any news since their shuttle blew up, you expected the Separatists had cut off all communications from the planet. It was getting to the point where you were having trouble sleeping at night.
Your comm device suddenly began beeping, indicating an incoming message, and you nearly spilled your tea from the surprise it gave you. You set the mug down and ran to the kitchen where you had left it. You fumbled with it for a moment before opening your end of the frequency. “Hello?”
“Y/N? It’s Deuce, I just wanted to let you know that General Fisto and his team have returned from Mon Cala,” a clone trooper told you from the other end. You sighed in relief. “Is he alright, please tell me he’s alright,” you asked. “He seems fine, just a little banged up from what I can tell,” Deuce replied. You smiled, relieved and happy. At least he was alive. “Thank you, Deuce,” you said, “any idea when he’ll be home?” Your clone friend huffed in amusement. “They still need to give the council their report on the mission. You know the Jedi, that could take a while. I’d say he’ll be a couple hours at least.” You nodded, calculating how much time you had to make dinner for him.
“Thank you so much, Deuce. I owe you.” You could hear him laugh. “I fully expect dinner for me and the boys as payment for staying up all night for you,” he teased. “I will organize that right away,” you joked back. “Remember, guard building three, eighteenth floor, D wing,” he informed. “I remember, food for forty-three guys at noon, I got it,” you confirmed. “Thanks again, Deuce. See ya later.” You closed the line and walked back into the living room to grab your datapad. You quickly organized the catering for your friends in the Coruscant Guard before getting started on an extremely late dinner.
Turns out the council report didn’t take as long as you thought. The food still had a couple minutes when you heard your door open. You exited the kitchen in time to see the door close behind Kit as he walked into your apartment. He didn’t look injured, just worn out as he stood before you. “Something smells delicious,” he commented. You rushed forwards and brought him into a tight hug, burying your face in his neck. He winced in pain but chuckled and hugged you back. “Miss me?” He asked cheekily. You pulled away just enough to look up at him. “Of course I fucking did,” you teased with a smile. “So much so you’re using grown up words.” His tone was light, he loved poking fun at you when you swore. You pouted at him and he kissed your forehead. “Is the food done, I’m famished.”
Kit told you why it had taken so long on the mission. They had planned to come back and request help but the shuttle was blown up and they were trapped on the planet and forced to fight until they won. “So I take it you didn’t have as much fun as you were hoping,” you said as you placed the dishes in the sink. Kit finished his drink before replying to you. “No, but I was proud of the outcome of my visit, and it was nice to be in the water again.” He stood from the table and embraced you as you walked back over to him. “I’m just glad you came back to me,” you said. You leaned up and pecked a kiss on his lips, he smiled and brought you in for a longer more passionate kiss. You parted after a while, if only you didn’t need oxygen you would kiss him forever.
“You smell like seawater,” you said. “I’m sure I do,” he said, nuzzling your nose with his. You giggled and pulled him with you to the refresher. He took off his boots and the first layer of his robes while you turned on the shower and got it up to temperature. You moved over to where he was leaning against the vanity to help him take off the rest of his shirts. He grabbed your hands in his, stopping your actions. “My love,” he hesitated, “I just want you to know I didn’t get out unscathed...I’ve-”
“What do you mean?” You asked, suddenly frightened again. “What happened?” Kit looked afraid to tell you at first, he held your hands in his admiring how much bigger his hands were than yours. “I sustained a few injuries, my dear. They’re healing, I just didn’t want you to be worried,” he said. He looked dejected, almost sad. “Let me see,” you urged. He released your hands and let you gently peel the last shirt he was wearing off his body, he had a few bacta patches and wraps on. One patch on his left pectoral, one wrap on his left arm from his shoulder going down to his elbow, the last a large wrap going completely around his middle, covering his abs and stomach.
“C-can I…?” You asked softly. He nodded slowly and you could see how utterly exhausted he was. Despite the positive attitude he kept during the mission, it was all catching up to him now. He was tired, he was in pain, and he needed your comfort. You carefully peeled the old bacta patch off his chest and revealed the wound underneath: five cuts going vertically, some creature had gotten their hands on him. You unwrapped the gauze on his arm and quietly gasped, he had a huge gash starting at his shoulder and running down over his bicep. You tossed the cloth on the counter behind him, afraid of taking off the last wrapping. You gently cut through the gauze with a dull scissors, careful not to touch his skin.
You peeled away the wrapping and it fell from your hands, along with the scissors, as your hands flew to cover your mouth. Five more gashes, horizontal this time, cut deep into his skin across his middle. All of his wounds were starting to heal nicely, he had obviously kept bacta on them the entire way back, but it was the idea. Something or someone had hurt your Kit and it was bringing you close to tears. “Kit…” you breathed. “What did this to you?” He sighed softly. “It was Separatist leader Riff Tampson, a Karkarodon.” You pulled your hands away from your face. “Tell me he’s dead,” you pleaded, “tell me you killed him.” Kit huffed, amused by your fierce protection of him. “Yes, he’s dead but I didn’t kill him, it was-”
“I don’t care who did, just as long as he’s dead,” you cut him off. “Maker knows if someone else didn’t, I would’ve.” Kit reached out for you and you let him pull you close. “You don’t have to want revenge everytime someone lays a finger on me,” Kit said softly, offering you a small smile. “You can stop the girl from bounty hunting, but you can’t take the bounty hunter out of the girl,” you joked. Kit smiled and rubbed your arms. “Let’s get you in the shower,” you said with a warm smile. You ushered your boyfriend into the shower, leaving the door open. You helped him clean up, taking extra care around the sore areas of his body while trying not to get yourself too wet.
It was around four in the morning when you both finally made it to the bed. You had put new wrappings on his injuries and now he sat on the edge of the bed, wearing only a pair of sleep pants and still looking stressed. You exited the refresher and just stared at him. The stress was making the muscles in his entire body tense, it was clear he needed a release. You kneeled in between his slightly parted legs and looked up at him. “Hello, Kit,” you hummed. You started running your fingertips up and down the inside of his thighs lightly. He smirked at you, “hello, love. What are you up to?” Your fingers brush lightly against his groin a few times, feeling him start to harden. "You look tense, can I relieve your stress? Give you a release maybe?" You suggested, batting your eyelashes sweetly. "That would be lovely. I've had a rough day and...I need it," he admitted. You smiled at him and cupped his cheek. "Lie back."
He reclined on the bed, propping his head up with a pillow and watching you. You slowly began stripping out of the clothes you had been wearing all day. You saw Kit's pants slowly begin tenting with each item of clothing you removed. You stood there for a second once you were naked before you climbed onto the bed, stopping halfway. You locked eyes with Kit as you lowered your head and licked a stripe up his cock through his pants. He shuddered and let out a shaky breath. You hooked your fingers on the waistband of his pants and gently pulled them all the way off. Kit never wore briefs under these pants and you loved it.
His hard cock laid on his abdomen and you traced a vein on it with your finger. Kit whimpered and you took him into your hand fully. “I won’t tease, darling. I know what you need,” you purred. You pumped him a couple times before licking him from base to tip. You swirled your tongue around his tip and could hear his sharp intake of breath. Your mouth closed around just his tip and sucked, Kit gasped and tried to keep his hips from bucking up and pushing his dick further into your mouth. You pulled off and let saliva gather in your mouth before gently spitting it onto his tip and watching it run down the length of his member. Kit pushed himself onto his elbows to watch as you jerked him, coating him in your saliva. You took him into your mouth and didn’t stop until he hit the back of your throat.
His taught skin felt like silk in your mouth as you brought your head back up, running your tongue over his slit, tasting the slight salty and slight sweetness of his precum. You hollowed your cheeks and started bobbing your head, your tongue pressed into the underside of his shaft, letting his tip dip into your throat. You used your hand to pump what wasn’t in your mouth, twisting your wrist as you went a little faster. Kit groaned and collapsed back onto the pillow, one hand now tangled in your hair. You pulled off him to lap and suck along his base before taking just his tip back into your mouth.You kitten licked the underside of his tip and his hips bucked, sending him deeper into your mouth. You could feel him throbbing against your tongue and cheeks, he was getting closer to the release he needed.
You took him all the way down so your nose bumped the soft skin of his stomach, he let out a loud moan and held you down so you couldn’t move off of him. You massaged his inner thighs and breathed through your nose, swallowing around him. His grip loosened and you pulled off of him completely. He looked up, curious as to why you had stopped when he was so close, only to see you crawling up so your hips were hovering over his. Kit’s hands instinctively moved to hold onto your hips. You held yourself above him, careful not to put any weight on his body except for his hips. “Can I ride you, my beautiful man?” You cooed sweetly. Kit steadied his breathing, “please..” You smiled and ground down on him a little bit. He let out a strangled moan as you slicked him up even more, rubbing your pussy along his length, coating him further in your wetness.
You lifted up and took him into your hand once more, Kit leaned up so he could watch, this was one of his favorite sights. You lined his cock up with your entrance and slipped just his tip inside, he whimpered as you pulled him out and rubbed his tip against your clit. You moaned at the feeling of his solid cock grazing against your clit. Kit whined and you moved his cock back to your center and slowly sank all the way down on him. He let out a deep guttural groan and threw his head back, overwhelmed with the feel of your satin walls suffocating his cock. You moved your hips in circles, grinding down on him, unable to hold back your own mewls of pleasure.
You braced yourself above him with your arms on either side of his head, the bed supporting your weight. He brought you into a breathless and thankful kiss, his hands moving to grasp at your ass. You began to move, lifting your hips and sinking back down, going slow at first. Kit moaned into your mouth and you broke away from his lips to plant kisses on his neck. You made sure your torso wasn’t putting pressure on his, where all his injuries were. Kit was lost for words, normally he was talkative at times like this, but he just wanted to lose himself to you right now. The only noises leaving his lips were moans and gasps of ecstasy. You went a little faster, your skin now making noise every time your body connected with his. Your arms were starting to burn a little from holding yourself up, but you didn’t care.
Kit planted his legs on the bed and tried to meet your hips with his own small thrusts. He wanted you to cum with him and he angled his hips, trying to find that spot that made you melt for him. You tightened your inner muscles and clamped down on him, causing Kit to gasp. “I want you..I want you to cum with me, ‘m close,” he stuttered out. You sat up on him grinding your hips every time you sank down on him, you rubbed your clit, getting yourself close to your own release. Kit located the correct angle and his cock nudged against your secret spot inside, a high pitched moan falling from your lips. You rubbed your clit faster and bounced faster, your partner’s cock hitting all the right places.
“Cum, Kit. Be good and cum inside me please,” you mewled. Your words sent him over the edge and he held your hips down on his as his muscles tensed and his seed shot deep inside you. His cock swelled and triggered your own release, you struggled to keep yourself up, you couldn’t collapse on his chest like you normally did. You just stayed like that, connected and quiet for some time. Your breathing returned to normal and you carefully climbed off Kit, his softening cock slipping out of you. You journeyed back to the refresher and retrieved a damp cloth. You gently cleaned off his member and wiped the sweat from his chest, neck, and face; only cleaning yourself up after he was good and taken care of. You asked him if he wanted his sleep pants back and he refused.
You laid down next to him and you snuggled into each other, both still naked and still not caring. Kit cupped your cheek in his palm. “I’m so thankful for you, I don’t know what I would do without you,” he whispered. You smiled and turned your head to kiss his palm. “You’d still be smelling like saltwater, that’s what.”
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hahaha1d0that · 3 years
Despite Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) not being considered canon anymore for obvious reasons, there are a few gems in there.
Here are some of the things you’re missing out on if you haven’t watched it:
Severely 2-D Cartoon Network animation style
General Grievous’, Ventress’, and Cody’s first appearances
Commander Skywalker
A squad of badass ARC troopers not belonging to any battalion in particular
The Mon Cala arc but very condensed (starring shirtless Kit Fisto ofc)
Medieval jousting droids (?)
Obi-wan wearing clone trooper armor and his Jedi robes
How Ventress became Dooku’s apprentice and got her red lightsabers
Anakin and Ventress’ first fight, on Yavin 4, in the rain
Ki-adi Mundi’s padawan literally being Shaggy from Scooby Doo
Anakin being knighted by Yoda and Padme keeping his padawan braid
Anakin eating live bugs
Anakin getting tribal tattoos from leeches
Wat Tambor walking like a normal person instead of rolling around
Wat Tambor experimenting on Nelvaan warriors and turning them into giant cyborg rat people
Anakin getting his second prosthetic arm
Grievous kidnapping Palpatine and Windu crushing his chest during their escape, causing his coughing problem
Ending with the Battle of Coruscant
Overall, pretty cool
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sailorsol · 4 years
I did the thing! I present to you Shereshoy, AKA Mace Windu gets to bail a drunken Obi-Wan out of jail at oh-dark-thirty. Rated T for some swearing.
This was not how Mace wanted to start his day.
Contrary to popular belief, Mace Windu did not actually enjoy being a hardass. But as head of the Order, it was a carefully crafted persona he did his best to maintain anywhere outside of private quarters and behind closed Council doors.
It was a useful tool, to be able to look at errant Initiates or the occasional unruly knight and have them apologizing for misdeeds of which Mace wasn't even aware. And he found it an extremely effective deterrent against  nosy politicians and pushy reporters. There were some people, though, who would meet his deadliest glare with a beatific smile and not even blink.
"Somebody's in trouble," one of the troopers sing-songed. With two dozen of them in adjacent cells, there was no way for Mace to know whether it was a Guard member or someone from Ghost company. Another trooper giggled, and his own commander stifled a noise behind Mace, doing his best to uphold his end of the bargain for being allowed to accompany Mace. 
Caf. He needed more caf for this. Especially when the beatific smile turned into a full blown, eyes sparkling, still karking drunk grin. "Mace!"
Mace scowled. "Kenobi. I'm not sure I even want to know why I am having to bail out a member of the Jedi Council from the drunk tank like he is some sort of truant Padawan. I generally only expect this kind of behavior from you when Vos is in town."
Another giggle, followed by a scuffle of elbows being shoved into arms and stomachs, and Mace is pretty sure he sees a handful of creds being handed off. There was not enough caf in the world for this. Somewhere nearby, he could hear Commander Fox swearing colorfully at Captain Rex, and Mace could empathize with the man.
"It isn't anywhere quite as bad as all that," Kenobi protested. Mace arched an eyebrow and crossed his arms, waiting for Kenobi to continue. Ponds was likely recording this, so Mace figured he could at least put on a good performance. "The Guard expressed some... skepticism...in regards to recent tactics that Torrent utilized in the field."
"That does not explain two destroyed speeders, thousands of credits of property damage, or why there is video footage of the High General of the Republic shouting Sooran, shab! after the Marshall Commander back-flipped from one moving speeder to another."
Kenobi's expression wouldn't melt butter as a soft Oya rippled among the troopers. Commander Cody had a lazy smile on his face, shoulder to shoulder with his general. Mace had watched the video on the way to the Guard offices; it had been quite an impressive feat, but he wasn't about to encourage Kenobi or his men any further. If he'd wanted them to be indulged, he'd have sent Plo or Adi.
"Commander Cody graciously offered to provide remedial instruction in said tactics." Ponds was shaking behind Mace, but at least his external speaker was off so Mace could pretend like his commander wasn't laughing hysterically. "Besides," Kenobi continued, looking entirely too smug, "it's not as if the general public would recognize him."
"Perhaps not," Mace conceded that point. One clone was the same as any other, as far as most of the galaxy was concerned, and the commander hadn't been wearing his distinctive armor to make him more easily identifiable. "But," Mace said, holding up a hand to stop Kenobi's pleased grin from spreading. "You are quite recognizable, on or off the battlefield."
Kenobi fluttered a hand dismissively. "Half the population still believes I'm dead, Mace, and there is quite a large faction that believes the Jedi Council replaced me with a convenient clone."
"And if I might say so, sir," one of the clones spoke up. "What with him looking like a shiny with his hair growing back, the General's hardly recognizable either."
"Thank you, Boil," Kenobi said, his mouth twitching up in a smile that was definitely more obvious without his full mustache and beard.
"Of course, sir. Besides, you obviously aren't pretty enough to be a clone."
Mace bit back a sigh. It wasn't surprising that the group had felt the need to blow off steam after the Hardeen mess was finished. The entire thing had been an easily avoidable shit show, if the Council had just been allowed to assign protection to the Chancellor as they saw fit instead of being ordered to send one of their most visible people undercover. 
“You owe me big time, vod,” Captain Rex said as he approached the cell. He didn’t look it, but Mace knew the captain had been dragged out of bed for this too. “Like ‘giving the next three batches of Shinies the Sex Talk’ owe me. Or maybe the Padawan Commanders. I haven’t decided yet, but you definitely owe me.”
“Somebody’s in trouble,” Kenobi sing-songed. The clones erupted into giggles. Mace clenched his jaw  and pinched his nose, massaging the throbbing headache forming between his eyes. Captain Rex shared an unimpressed look with Mace. Ponds was nearly bent double in laughter.
It was Commander Thire who came to open the cell. “Alright, you lot. You’d better get out of here fast before Fox changes his mind about letting you go.”
Kenobi was the first to stand, wobbling dangerously for a moment before his commander steadied him. “Thank you for taking such wonderful care of us, Commander Thire,” Kenobi said to the Guard officer, all flash and charm. “I will be sure to put in a commendation for you.”
Thire seemed mostly unaffected by it, at least, though he grinned in response as Kenobi and his men shuffled out of the cell into the hallway. “Probably best if you didn’t, General. I think Commander Fox would prefer not having any evidence from tonight.” 
“If only that were possible,” Mace said dryly, taking Kenobi by the elbow to steer him away from his troops. He ignored the way Kenobi pouted at him. “We’ll deal with whatever the fallout is from this later.”
Captain Rex nodded in agreement, herding his stumbling and giggling brothers towards the exit. Commander Cody hung back from the others, giving his general a frighteningly intense look. “K’oyacyi.”
Kenobi gave him a soft smile in return. It was clear where Skywalker had picked up the absolute lack of subtlety in regards to emotions from. “K’oyacyi. Thank you for an entertaining evening, Commander.”
Cody nodded at his general, paused long enough to give Mace a dark look, then turned and allowed Captain Rex to see him out. Kenobi sighed, but was wise enough not to comment when he caught sight of Mace’s scowl.
“Try not to cause any more trouble today,” Mace said, ushering his friend out of the station, Ponds trailing behind him dutifully. “And you get to fill out the requisitions for the replacement speeders.”
“That hardly seems fair, Mace. It was the Guard driving them, after all. It wasn’t our fault that they became so distracted that they crashed.”
“I honestly don’t much give a damn whose fault it was,” Mace said. He sighed and stopped, turning to face Kenobi. With a flick of his fingers, he signaled Ponds for privacy and the commander stepped away. “I’m happy you enjoyed yourself,” Mace said. He truly was; the war had taken its toll on all of them, and Kenobi bore the brunt of it. Mace couldn’t remember when he’d last seen the man so relaxed and happy. “But in the future, you may want to consider toning your dramatics down below a Skywalker level.”
Kenobi scoffed. “I’ve always been less dramatic than Anakin. A Mon Cala opera is less dramatic than Anakin.”
Mace leveled him with an unimpressed look. “You may be able to fool the rest of the galaxy, but I’ve known you since you were knee-high. Also,” Mace added, starting them back towards the Temple. “You owe me several favors after this.”
“Now wait one moment,” Kenobi started to say, but ever faithful Ponds was the one who cut him off.
“Perp pictures,” the commander declared gleefully, and Mace let himself smile. It was, he had been told, even more terrifying than his glare. Kenobi blanched. Mace patted him on the shoulder.
Perhaps today wasn’t off to such a terrible start after all.
Sooran, shab - an insult, essentially “Suck on that, pal!”
K’oyacyi - Cheers/stay alive
Shereshoy - lust for life and much more - uniquely Mandalorian word, meaning the enjoyment of each day and the determination to seek and grab every possible experience, as well as surviving to see the next day - hanging onto life and relishing it
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voxmyriad · 2 years
And his cowboyfriend :D
(also I can't remember if you've already told me abt your star wars kids but if you haven't you're legally required to)
FINALLY Monday is OVER and I can answer this!! Under a cut to save dashes, since once I start rambling I can go for a while
Aaron and his cowboyfriend! Aaron, aka Corviss to everyone else, and his cowboyfriend, Nash, formerly the country music superstar Clyde Winters. Nash is @twittertveited's boy, and I am still in love with how they met. Actually there are a couple of ways in different stories, but Corviss fresh out of 90-day rehab gets dumped in the desert, with someone his manager (and brother) knows will keep him safe and keep it a secret. Nash goes by Nash to keep his real identity a secret, and because it was the last name of his husband (don't worry, they had a long and happy life together).
Obviously they are both ornery assholes and got on each other's prickly nerves for weeks, but Corviss and his brother Josh grew up with horses on a farm, and eventually taking care of the horses started to relax Corviss. It was 90 more days in the desert before Josh came out to get Corviss, and by then they were friends. Then they stayed friends for years, and Corviss went out to the farm (it's about a four-hour drive from LA) at least once a year. His career continued, and Nash stayed contentedly in the desert out of the spotlight.
Nash was very insistent he was too old and tired and Corviss didn't really want him, Corviss was equally insistent Nash wasn't anything of the sort, and it was very good and is very good.
Corviss is currently covering a few of his cowboyfriend's songs because he has "permission from the estate of Clyde Winters" to do it. Really he just asked and Nash was like "*grumbles* yeah, why not, already saw you writing 'em."
A few years after Nash and Corviss were comfortably in their relationship, someone that Corviss used to know showed up in their lives again, Candace and her daughter Gianna, and they ended up staying on the farm too. We haven't done much with that yet but Gianna is a delight.
My Star Wars kids are pretty much just a few clone trooper OCs. There are two medics, Phase from the 104th and River from the Coruscant Guard, and the most developed OC is Sergeant Mom, quartermaster for the 212th and the guy you call if you need just about anything throughout the GAR. He's got an encyclopedic knowledge of supplies, contacts in every battalion, and made sure he stayed a humble sergeant so he could get some real work done.
He used to slip bits of candy or treats into every new piece of armor that was requisitioned, because it meant the brother requisitioning it had survived. He took great care of everyone, the clones and the Jedi and the natborn officers, so the troopers started calling him Mom and he just adopted that as his name. Also because it's really amazing for someone to say, "Do we have any spare knuckeplates?" "Dunno, ask Mom." Did I create a clone mostly for a joke on the name and then grow incredibly attached to him? Yes.
Mom ended up in a loving relationship with Cleaver, a clone trooper who cooked for the natborn officers in the 104th. In that AU, they got left behind when the GAR went into hiding because of reasons and wound up first on Lothal, where Cleaver found a job in a greasy spoon diner, and then on Mon Cala, where Mom got hired immediately as the Logistics Coordinator for Reef City's main shipping port. Eventually they adopted two Nautolan orphans, the older boy Ladat and his younger sister Thoya. Watched them grow up, then went on to help establish the new Jedi academy on Yavin 4, where they then adopted a whole batch of tubies. I am sorry to say I don't have any of this massive thing posted anywhere. Yes, it's that "If it helps, I wish there was a fic too" post.
Found family, man. It just *clenches fist* really founds that family.
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