#ro: daeron
omen-of-ice · 5 months
How would the ROs react with shy mc?
Daeron: He’d be gentle and patient. Having met a variety of people over his many years alive, Daeron never wishes to people into doing things that they’re not ready to do (unless the time truly calls for it). Would go at your own pace and wait for you to come to him— knows what it’s like to pushed into a corner without any hope of escape; he wouldn’t wish to make you feel that way. Ever.
Larak: Wouldn’t truly understand it— would liken you to a field mouse. Being an Orc, he’s taught to take what you want, when you want it; to put yourself out there, even if it’ll leave you with scars and more pain than it’s worth. Because trying, at the end of the day, makes you feel more alive then simply letting things pass you by. He’d get used to your mannerisms though and learn to work around them (after a lot of blunders).
Calypso: She’d find it absolutely adorable. Calypso isn’t timid, nor is she afraid of putting herself out there, but she understands people that are more reserved/shy. She’d try her best to get you out of your shell and see the world for the beautifully wondrous place that it is. May be a bit overbearing at times though.
Shanaera: She’s quite reserved herself. Wouldn’t say she’s shy, by any means, but she’d probably be able to connect a bit more with an MC that is over the others. She’d simply let you go at your own pace, not even batting an eye, as she has to deal with a variety of people that can be even more timid than you. Trying to get a freaked out pixie to talk is a chore… She’d enjoy the soothing silences between you both; nothing needed to be spoken for things to be felt.
Fáelán: Has been with you for a long time— they understand your mannerisms completely and wouldn’t change you for the world. They can be quite timid at times too— although that can also quickly melt away into brashness— but they’d easily take on the mantle of being outgoing to get things done; as they’d never wish for you to do something that you’re not comfortable in doing.
Valerian: You’ve just gotten so much cuter in their eyes. A darling creature that’s scared to peek your head out of your shell? It’d entice them more and make them even more keen to get to know you— to figure out what you’re like when you finally do come out more. Would relish in that shyness and try to make you even more bashful— a knowing smirk on their face all the while.
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midnightsun-if · 5 months
I know you just shared Unscripted but what would the ROs be in the fantasy story you’re thinking of making? Do you have a title for it?
Omen of Ice would potentially be the name for it… It’d be a romance focused fantasy IF set within the Court of Vela’thian (with some adventures elsewhere) after the MC was chosen to be betrothed to the Elven King; for reasons that will be uncovered.
Daeron — The Elven King — Your betrothed, you don’t have to be happy about it, especially if your MC isn’t attracted to men, but royalty has a sense of duty and The North being linked to Vela’thian can only mean good things for your people. Standing at around 6’3”, Daeron cuts quite the figure within his ceremonial robes— a beautifully crafted crown sits atop locks of raven, some strands curling gently across his forehead— sharp golden eyes taking in the room, assessing every nook and cranny for potential threats.
Larak — The Orc Commander — Seeing an Orc isn’t something you were expecting upon entering Vela’thian— not after centuries of war between the elven nation and the Infernal Plains— but Larak isn’t someone you could miss. Light green skin stretches over taut muscle, his hulking form towering at 7’2”; he’s a mass of old scars and tattoos. Dark auburn locks are shaved on the sides and kept in a long ponytail down his back— only being intercepted by the broadsword across it.
Shanaera — The Dark Fae Assassin — The Royal Spymaster of Vela’thian; Shanaera is the closest to the King, being longtime friends. Golden hair falls in a cascade of waves and curls down her back like a waterfall, pooling at her hips. Lightly sun-kissed skin bringing out the brilliance of her amethyst colored gaze; grand wings situated on her back, the feathers a brilliant iridescent black. She stands at around 5’11”.
Calypso — The Siren — Meeting a Siren isn’t something you’d ever imagine you’d do, but it seems like anything can happen within Vela’thian. Dark brown skin, intercepted by areas of iridescent blue scales, complements the sea green of her gaze. Midnight blue hair falling down her back in voluminous curls that brings out the warmth within her smile. In her human form she stands at around 5’1”.
There would be two gender selectable ROs added to the list as well— one being your childhood best friend (as I enjoy the trope).
Hopefully this answers your question!
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erundur-adanion · 2 years
Elfçede Cinsiyet İsimleri
En azından biraz yardımcı olabileceğimi düşünüyorum. Tabii ki, bu evrensel bir kural değil, ancak Tolkien'in kullandığı isimlerin çoğu, karakterin dilinde cinsiyetleri hakkında ipucu veren kelimeler içeriyor. Yine, bu her ad için yardımcı olmaz, ancak en azından işleri biraz daha basitleştirebilirsiniz. Aşağıda, sizin ve arkadaşınızın erkek ve kadın isimlerini hızlı bir şekilde ayırt etmenize yardımcı olabilecek elf dillerinin ortak ad bileşenlerini içeren bir liste (dillere göre ayrılmış birkaç liste) derledim.
* “-eth”, “-el” ve “-il” temel dişil eklerdir.
* “-ien” ve “-iel”, “kızı” anlamına gelen son eklerdir. Örneğin, "Luthien" veya "Galadriel"
* "-ril" ve "dis", "kadın yapan" anlamına gelir.
* ”gwen“, ”bakire, bakire” anlamına gelir. Örneğin, "Arwen".
* "neth" ve "dess", "genç kadın" anlamına gelir.
* "bereth", "kraliçe" anlamına gelir. Örneğin, "Elbereth".
* “-on” temel bir eril sonektir. Örneğin, "Daeron".
* “-ion”, “oğlu” anlamına gelen bir sonektir. Örneğin, "Ecthelion".
* "-ron" ve "dir", "erkek yapan" anlamına gelir. Örneğin, "Brandır".
* “aran”, “kral” anlamına gelir. Örneğin, "Aragorn".
* “hir”, “efendi/efendi” anlamına gelir. Örneğin, “Barahir”.
* “-ie” ve “-ien” genel kadın ekleridir. Örneğin, "Amarie" ve "Arien".
* “-e”, “-isse”, “-inde”, “-lle”, “-me” ve “-re”, “kadın yapan” anlamına gelir. Örneğin, "İrisse", "Serinde" veya "Ilmare".
* "wende", "kız/bayan" anlamına gelir. Örneğin, “Nerwende”.
* "nisse" veya "nis", "kadın" anlamına gelir. Örneğin, "Artan"
* "yelde" veya "-iel", "kız" anlamına gelir. Örneğin, "Mirel"
* "tari", "kraliçe" anlamına gelir. Örneğin, "Elentari".
* “-on” genel bir eril sonektir. Örneğin, "Ancalagon".
* “-o”, “-no”, “-indo”, “-mo” ve “-ro” “erkek yapan” anlamına gelir. Örneğin, "Maitimo", "Turindo" veya "Feanaro".
* "-ion", "oğlu" anlamına gelir. Örneğin, “Anarion”.
* "tar", "efendi" anlamına gelir. Örneğin, "Annatar".
Bu listeler elbette mükemmel değil, ancak işleri ilerletmeye yardımcı olmalılar. Başka bir dille (örneğin, Adunaic veya Rohirric) çalışıyorsanız, tavsiyem Tolkien Gateway gibi bir web sitesinde belirli bir karakter aramak olacaktır. Profilleri, temel olarak adlarının anlamını parçalayan “Etimoloji” üzerine bir bölüm içerecek. Şanslıysanız, bu isimlerde de benzer cinsiyet ipuçlarını bulacaksınız.
KAYNAKLAR: Birkaç ismin etimolojisine bakan bir ton Tolkien Ağ Geçidi sayfası. Ayrıca realelvish.net, Tolkien'in çeşitli dillerindeki isimlerle ilgili birkaç faydalı sayfa içerir.
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fromtheboundlesssea · 4 years
Is Daeron the equivalent of Thorin? Is Celia the equivalent of Briar? Just asking... 👀
Lol. Hm... I would probably better compare them to Ro and Fíli in a lot of ways, if I’m honest. Although, Daeron does have a lot of Thorin qualities to him.
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armenelols · 3 years
The first time I read The Lord of the Rings, I remember thinking 'why is everything so grey?' There was the Grey Company in their grey cloaks, Elrond in his grey mantle and Arwen in her grey dress; grey eyes, silver eyes, symbolism with night and evening and stars. Silver and grey were the colours appearing consistently though the trilogy, most often with the elves and Dúnedain.
So I wondered... Why?
I have said it before and I am saying it again - I am not a big fan of Elrond calling himself a fëanorian, nor am I a fan of him being considered a Noldo.
He is half-elven. It's referred to so often it is impossible to miss. He is called kin of both Elves and Men, and he associates with both.
But if we have to speak of Elrond strictly as of an elf, I do not think Noldor are the way to go.
In The Peoples of Middle-earth, chapter Problem of Ros, we can find this passage:
The names Elros and Elrond that Elwing gave to her sons were held prophetic, as many mother-names among the Eldar. For after the Last Battle and the overthrow of Morgoth, when the Valar gave Elros and Elrond a choice to belong either to the kin of the Eldar or to the king of Men, it was Elros who voyaged over sea to Númenor following the star of Eärendil; whereas Elrond remained among the Elves and carried on the lineage of King Elwë.
Note 19
And also that of Turgon; though he preferred that of Elwë, who was not under the ban that was laid on the Exiles.
It is said Elrond himself preferred his status as the heir of Elwë over Turgon - and while yes, this book isn't exactly full-canon and was posted after Tolkien's death, there are just enough quotes in LotR itself to prove which side of his heritage Elrond preferred.
'... Eärendil was my sire, who was born in Gondolin before its fall; and my mother was Elwing, daughter of Dior, son of Lúthien of Doriath...'
- FotR
Elrond names Eärendil as his father, yes, but that's it - while with Elwing, he names half of his family tree.
More than that, there are the connections of Elrond and his family to the colour gey - the colour of Sindar, Grey-elves, and their king Elu Thingol.
Almost every time a member of the House of Elrond appears, they are wearing grey or are described in relation to the evening, stars, night.
And while stars are associated with all elves, the combination of all those elements is most common with - you guessed it - Sindar.
[of Elrond] His hair was dark as the shadows of twilight, and upon it was set a circlet of silver; his eyes were grey as a clear evening, and in them was a light like the light of stars.
[of Arwen] ... and the light of stars was in her bright eyes, grey as a cloudless night; yet queenly she looked, and thought and knowledge were in her glance, as of one who has known many things that the years bring. Above her brow her head was covered with a cap of silver lace netted with small gems, glittering white; but her soft grey raiment had no ornament save a girdle of leaves wrought in silver.
- FotR
[of Elladan and Elrohir] ...two tall men, neither young nor old. So much alike were they, the sons of Elrond, that few could tell them apart; dark-haired, grey-eyed, and their faces elven-fair, clad alike in bright mail beneath cloaks of silver-grey.
- RotK
Elrond wore a mantle of grey and had a star upon his forehead, and a silver was in his hand, and upon his finger was a ring of gold with a great blue stone, Vilya, mightiest of the Three.
- RotK
There are more connections - Elladan and Elrohir bearing a silver banner, the above mentioned Grey Company who are known friends of the House of Elrond, as well as descendants of Númenor, and others.
In Problem of Ros, we also have this bit:
Now Elrond was a word for the firmament, the starry dome as it appeared like a roof to Arda; and it was given by Elwing in memory of the great Hall of the Throne of Elwë in the midst of his stronghold of Menegroth that was called Menelrond, because by the arts and aid of Melian its high arched roof has been adorned with silver and gems set in the order and figures of the stars in the great Dome of Valar in Aman, whence Melian came.
More connection to stars, to Menegroth, to Elwing, to Thingol.
And of course, of Thingol himself:
... Elu Thingol he was called, King Greymantle, in the tongue of his people. They are called the Sindar, Grey-elves, of starlit Beleriand; and although they were Moriquendi, under the lordship of Thingol and the teaching of Melian they became the fairest and the most wise and skillful of all the Elves of Middle-earth.
- The Silmarillion
Greymantle. Grey-elves. Starlit Beleriand. Constant references of Thingol and Sindar being connected to the colour grey, stars. Another interesting thing people seem to forget is that Sindar were wise and skilled and not lesser than Noldor, just different - and even than not much as Noldor and Teleri were told to be alike. Daeron constructed Cirth and was a bard of great renown; Lúthien was... Lúthien, which I don't think needs an elaboration; Mablung and Beleg were respected outside of Doriath; Celeborn, called the Wise; Thranduil, a Sinda who would not fight a war over gold (which is always a smart decision); Elwing who was brave and did the best she could (and before anyone goes at me about Elwing, I recommend this post and reading the notes on it).
Outside of them, it is the House of Elrond and Dúnedain who gets connected to the colour grey the most. I don't think it is a stretch to say that of his elven ancestry, he prefers the heritage from his mother.
In the end I see him as a Sinda-Númenorean who has just enough eldtrichness to show he is a descendant of Melian - and maybe a bit more of it when needed. However, he respects all sides of his heritage - and despite me saying he doesn't see himself as a Noldo, he doesn't have any problem with Noldor, nor does he ignore or dislikes that side of his heritage. He is proud of it and bears many Noldorin traits. He taught his children to be the same. It just isn't the most prominent part of him.
I think his tendency to stand in the background rather than lead himself is also a trait more of Sindar than Noldor, for... Obvious reasons. Most of the Noldor in the First Age fought a battle after a battle, rushed into reckless valiant acts. But if we see Sindar in battle, it's most often because they were attacked first; as a last resort; unexpected kicking ass in Lúthien style; because they see no better option.
And in the end, grey is not exactly a distinctive colour - it tends to fade into the background, but is no less than important.
Just like Elrond. Just like Sindar.
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aclashofmuses-a · 4 years
name: rohanne targaryen, legitimized by daenerys. called simply “ro,” sometimes “roro.” gender: female general appearance: as a child, rohanne’s hair is silvery-gold, but she likes to color it vibrant pink, she finds it to be romantic. she often wears her hair in intricate braids. her skin is olive, eyelashes are long; she is tall, willowy.  she’s usually overdressed, her wrists adorned with bracelets, fingers with rings; painted nails. personality: rohanne is boy-crazed, flirtatious, and romantic. she falls in love several times a day. she is sweet and affectionate, always always hugging or touching and holding someone’s hand. she’s dreamy. also, ro is deria’s second in command whenever they and the twins get up into mischief ( and they are ALWAYS getting up into mischief, as we well know ). special abilities: rohanne can play the harp !!  she was not very good at it at first, and gave up.  but after some time, she decided to give it another go, and is now actually rather good at it.  though she finds practicing to be a very dull thing, upon actually making lovely music, she is happy with all the time wasted into making that beautiful sound come to be. who they like better:  rohanne loves them both equally, it’s no competition !!  though she spends more time with rhaenys than she does daario, she definitely feels closer to her mother.  ro tells rhaenys EVERYTHING, even things rhae probably does not want to hear about. who they take after more: in a lot of ways, rohanne is more like daario. personal head canon: rohanne admires deria more than anyone else in this world.  she is always amazed by her big sister, and misses her greatly when daario takes deria and daeron to king’s landing with him.  she considers rhaena her best friend because they spend the most time together ( and she can get rhaena to go along with all of her silly ideas ), but rohanne loves deria most of all her siblings.  she writes deria long letters while she is away, mostly complaining about how things are not nearly as fun at home without her ( though she and rhaena get into plenty mischief on their own ).  one time, while visiting king’s landing, she fashions herself a romance with some knight so that she might stay there forever with her.  deria talks her out of it, of course, thinking her sister ridiculous -- and the plot is ridiculous -- and so ro hugs deria tightly on her leave instead, tearful, and promises to send her a fully detailed written account of her next illicit afair. face claim: meaghan raith ??
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seventhwinterwolf · 5 years
All information regarding Rosalind’s heirs. 
Standard disclaimer, I am not claiming to be an expert in biology and genetic traits aside from basic comprehension of Punnett squares and dominate vs recessive traits. It would be unrealistic if all of Rosalind’s children (did or did not) look exactly like her, however statistically that is probable though unlikely- not to mention boring. Yeah, yeah, the likely hood of twins is rare (there’s a weird amount in books from House Lannister)- I’m attributing it to the Old/New Gods.
This is in the process of being filled out more. Don’t worry. All of their face claims are of full grown people because who wants to look at a bunch of random babies. Also if you haven’t gathered, Rosalind and Trystane fuck a lot. Eventually she goes on moon tea, hot damn that’s a lot of children. 
Tyrus, Winona, Elianna, Jaycen, Daymond, Irene, Serena, Robb
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1. TYRUS LANNISTER ~ Heir of Casterly Rock
History: First born child of Rosalind in the year 299 AC in King’s Landing. His twin, Winona, was born shortly after him. Tyrus is the third son of Lord Tywin Lannister and is the lawful lord heir of Casterly Rock. He was named in part after his father (Tywin = TYrus / WINona) by also following the historical traditions of male heirs (Tytos, Tywin, Tywald, Tygett, Tyrek, etc). Upon arriving in Dorne, Tyrus is accepted as a ward of Prince Doran Martell. Later he will join his twin at Highgarden to train as a knight with Ser Loras and receive different lordship teachings. Tyrus remains loyal to Dorne and greatly appreciates his mentor- the ruling Prince.  
Personality: nicknames the golden lion’s pride, 
Appearance: Tyrus has fair skin with light golden blond hair and dark emerald green eyes. Tyrus’s face claim is Bradley James as ‘Arthur Pendragon’ from Merlin, gif made by user “srndptyjimin”. 
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2. WINONA LANNISTER ~ Princess of the Five Kingdoms
History: Second born child, first daughter, of Rosalind in the year 299 AC in King’s Landing. Her twin, Tyrus, was born a few minutes before her. Winona is the second daughter of Lord Tywin Lannister and is betrothed to Aegon Targaryen. She was named by Tywin (Tywin = TYrus / WINona) after Rosalind suggested Joanna- something her lord husband did not appreciate. After arriving in Dorne and being welcomed as a guest in Sunspear it is arranged for the young Lady Winona to travel to Highgarden to be a ward of Lady Margaery. In Rosalind’s mind, Winona most resembles her sister Sansa. She is another young girl who is the near perfect embodiment of a Lady- something that Rosalind realizes is what her own mother wanted her to be. 
Personality:  Winona is naturally shy and modest, despite becoming a beautiful young woman. Her reserved nature almost caused Aegon Targaryen to break their long standing engagement soon after they first met each other. // possible nicknames, beauty golden light, 
Appearance: Winona has fair skin with dark golden blonde hair and light jade green eyes. Winona’s face claim is Eleanor Tomlinson as ‘Georgiana Darcy’ from Death Comes to Pemberley, gif made by user “elyzas-archive”.
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3. ELIANNA MARTELL  ~ Ruling Princess of Dorne
History: third born child, second daughter, of Rosalind in the year 302 AC in Sunspear. Elianna is named after both Rosalind’s and Trystane’s aunts, Lyanna and Elia, who both died during Robert’s Rebellion. Elianna is the first daughter of Prince Trystane Martell and is first inline for the ruling heir (will clarify later about Arianna and Quentyn, basically they are younger now) and is a Princess of Dorne. In Rosalind’s mind, 
Personality: possible nicknames or titles, the winter viper, 
Appearance: Elianna has tanned fair skin with unruly curls of fire red hair and warm sunlight brown eyes. Elianna’s face claim is Rachel Hurd-Wood as "Laura Richis’ in Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, gif made by user “thegifs-queen”.
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4. JAYCEN MARTELL  ~ Prince of Dorne
History: Fourth born child, second son, of Rosalind in the year 303 AC in undecided location probably Sunspear. Jaycen (pronounced like Jason but with the added twist of ‘jay’, like the bird, and ‘cen’ like scent) is the first son of future ruling Prince Trystane Martell. He goes by Jace as a shorthand or nickname for informal occasions. 
Appearance: Jaycen has olive skin with wavy onyx black hair and light caramel brown eyes. Jaycen’s face claim is Santiago Cabrera as ‘Lancelot’ in Merlin, gif made by user “loveconstablecrabtree”.
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5. DAYMOND MARTELL  ~ Prince of Dorne
History: Fifth born child, third son, of Rosalind in the year 304 AC. Daymond is the second son of future ruling Prince Trystane Martell. He goes by Dany as a nickname, shorthand version of his full name, when not in formal company. 
Appearance: Dany has olive skin with straight obsidian black hair and dark rocky brown eyes. Daymond’s face claim is Osacar Isaac as 'Orestes’ in Agora, gif made by user “innueendo”. 
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6. IRENE MARTELL  ~ Princess of Dorne
History: Sixth born child, third daughter of Rosalind in the year 305 AC at an undecided place. Irene is the second daughter of future ruling Prince Trystane Martell. Irene is particularly close with her cousins the Sand Snakes. 
Appearance: Irene has olive skin with wavy raven black hair and dark chocolate brown eyes. Irene’s face claim is Aiysha Hart as ‘Princess Ariadne’ in Atlantis, gif made by “sansadaynes”. 
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7. SERENA STARK  ~ Heir of the North
History: Seventh born child, fourth daughter, to Rosalind in the year 306 AC. Serena is the third daughter of Prince Trystane Martell. While Serena is the lawful daughter of the Dornish Prince, she will not inherit Sunspear due to Rosalind and Trystane deciding to name her Stark and being declared the joint heir of Winterfell alongside her younger twin Robb II (fulfilling the command of Lord Tywin to King Robb years before at Rosalind’s first wedding). Serena was also born in Winterfell after the events of season eight. 
Appearance: - Serena has fair skin with straight chestnut brown hair and light sapphire blue eyes. While Serena shares a common face claim with Rosalind they are not identical (Ros more resembles Adelaide Kane as Queen Mary). Serena’s face claim is Anna Popplewell as ‘Susan Pevensie’ in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, gif by “daily-narnia”. 
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8. ROBB STARK II ~ Heir of the North
History: Eighth born child, fourth son, of Rosalind in the year 306 AC. Robb II is the third son of Prince Trystane Martell. While Robb II is the lawful son of the Dornish Prince, he will not inherit Sunspear due to Rosalind and Trystane deciding to name him Stark and being declared the joint heir of Winterfell alongside his older twin Serena (fulfilling the command of Lord Tywin to King Robb years before at Rosalind’s first wedding). Robb II was also born in Winterfell after the events of season eight. 
Personality: nicknames, the grey wolf
Appearance: Robb II has fair skin with wavy russet brown hair and dark stormy grey eyes. No, he is not a copy paste version of King Robb nor is he that same Robb reincarnated. He resembles his uncle greatly but Robb II’s eyes are a different color and his hair is darker brown. Robb II face claim is Richard Madden as ‘Robb Stark’ in seasons one to three, gif made by user “drain-seeker”. 
The Power of Eight
Children of Winterfell: Robb, Rosalind, Theon, Jon, Sansa, Bran, Arya, and Rickon
Last Targaryen Children: Rhaegar, Shaena, Daeron, stillborn, Aegon, Jaehaerys, Viserys, and Daenerys
Rosalind’s Children: Tyrus, Winona, Elianna, Jaycen, Daymond, Irene, Serena, and Robb II
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dachi-chan25 · 7 years
Aemon would have totally been the best Targ name for Jon. For one thing, there's his connection to Maester Aemon (his great-uncle) and his love for Aemon the Dragonknight. Secondly, Aemon is obviously a fantasy play on Eamonn which means "wealthy protector." Much cooler-sounding than Aegon, which was the name of some of the WORST Targ Kings in Westeros history.
Annony you are so right, but let’s see what Egg Kings ever did cuz recipts:
–Aegon V: Aka Egg, He was actually very Good with the smallfolk, but Highlords did not like this at all (cuz they were assholes) oh and also he was against Targ incest! thus planned to marry his children with the heirs of houses of Westeros, very good Job Eggy! Oh but wait his children pulled all a Rhaegar on him and decided none of them would marry their intended: Prince Duncan married Jenny of Oldstones offending Lord Lyonnel Baratheon, Prince Jahaerys and Princess Shaera ran away together and got married in secret offending Houses Tyrell and Tully and Prince Daeron broke his bethrotal with Olenna Redwayne (yup the Queen of Thorns herself) cuz he was hella gay. Egg dealt with all this stuff as best as he could but later he got obssesed with bringing dragons back so the lords would accept the reforms he wanted to make (reforms? good! scaring/threatening people with dragons to do what you want? Bad) and in his dumbassery he burned Summerhall in an experiment to hatch dragon eggs and died.
“ All three of the sons of the fifth Aegon had wed for love in defiance of their father’s wishes. And because that unlikely monarch had followed his heart when he chose his queen, he allowed his sons to have their way, making bitter enemies when he might have made fast friends. Treason and turmoil followed, as night follows day, ending at Summerhall in sorcery, fire and grief.”
–Aegon IV: Aka Supreme Fuckboy, supposedly he was super hot when he was young and married Princess Naerys (yeah this is the dude Aemon the Dragonknight hated for humilliating Naerys) but being a fuckboy he had lots of mistresses, not only that but instead of filling his court with good advisors he brought people who amused or flattered him and ladies that let him had his way with them. Dude was super gross and corrupted, ended up being morbidly obese for his excess in everything. His final act ro see the world burn was to legitimize his many bastards (going as far as to give the legendary valaryan steel sword Blackfyre to his bastard son Daeron, which was considered súper offensive) provoking the Blckfyre rebellion.
“ He is generally considered to be one of the worst kings in the history of Westeros, and is dubbed “Aegon the Unworthy” in the face of his excess and misrule.”
–Aegon III: aka Emo boy. He was the son of Rhaenyra, yes the one from Dance of Dragons. The events of said Targ Civil War let him completely depressed. Since Aegon came to the Iron Throne aged eleven, several regents and Hands ruled in his name at the beginning of his reign. Numerous political schemes, plots, and assassinations happened in those five years as the regents fought one another for political power. Basically the only thing that made dude happy was his brother and Hand Viserys return (he thought him dead) but still Egg the third could not be assed to rule, and Viserys gave very stupid advice like bringing mages from Essos in am attempt to hatch dragon eggs to stop people from calling him the Dragonbane, basically did nothing.
“He was regarded as a broken king who ruled over a broken reign. His brother Viserys did the majority of the ruling as his Hand. Aegon was melancholy to the end of his days, found pleasure in almost nothing, and locked himself in his room to brood for days on end. He likewise came to dislike being touched.”
–Aegon II: aka worst Uncle ever. So daddy Viserys had appointed big sis Rhaenyra his heir and future Queen of Westeros, but Egg the second’s momma did not like it, much less cuz Rhaenyra named her son Aegon (would you look at that a conflict caused cuz two Princes fit to inherit the throne had the same name? Who would have believed it?) and took it as a slight, yeah so as soon as daddy died he refused to accept his sister as Queen and took up arms with support from the Hightowers mainly and other people, Dance of Dragons was an awful bloody war that ended up with the extintion of Dragons and the deaths of both Aegon and Rhaenyra. Also he made his dragon eat his sister (he was rather fond to feed people to his dragon) in front of his nephew and kept him captive (“there can only be one Aegon”- Aegon II probably at some point).
“ Despite being considered as part of the Targaryen dynasty, unlike Rhaenyra who would be remembered as a usurper, history would not be kind on Aegon (though history is equally unkind to his half sister, Rhaenyra). In the tome Lives of Four Kings, Grandmaestar Kaeth would describe Aegon II as “grasping”, and comparing him with some of the worst Targaryen kings: the weakling Aenys and the tyrannical Maegor the Cruel.”
–Aegon I: Aka Original Trashcan. Came from Valarya to rain fire and blood to people who wished not to subject to him and give him all the power of a land he did not knew, his idea of mercy was not burning you if you kneeled, but he did not like violence and did not participate in tourneys OwO (fuck him) basically trash, the worst, nobody wanted him to unite the seven kingdoms, they were fine before you asshole. Bullying people to give you their homes and calling it a mercy just cuz he had dragons. Really a punk ass bitch.
“Although his reign had largely been peaceful, many of his subjects desired to go back to the days of old, when there were still seven Kingdoms. Others wanted vengeance for the deaths of their loved ones in wars, and yet others saw the Targaryens as abominations.Because of this, the reigns of both Aenys and Maegor were tumulus, and filled with battles and chaos.”
Rhaegar (to Elia) : Aegon. What better name for a king?
Me: *looks at the camera like I’m in the office*
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@daer0n- Were is my Rooms Its been 30 minutes
hotel manger - I am so sorry but the ro...
hotel manger- Ma'am please calm down
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@daer0n yelling in back round ( MY Feet are killing me ... )
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@rainydaysimblr  Carter are you going to stop Daeron from yelling at that lady
@glammoose no my sister know what she doing.
@eslanes Look!!! let’s go their 
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Hotel manger - I Can give you a 20% coupon to the spa
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@rainydaysimblr Wow that's beautiful 
@glammoose its opens at 10am and its only 15mins away 
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Hotel manger - please ma’am
@daer0n yelling back round 
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@mwgaybachelor mmma haaha ha stop your eating my bread
@industrisims  I want to eat more than that 
@mwgaybachelor Prev 
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Hotel manger- I'm am so sorry
@daer0n -yelling  in back (you better be sorry how do you call this place a business 
@rainydaysimblr -OH yeah Ellie thank for handle that fight between the girls today
@glammoose -yeah Thank little Sis 
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@furiouslydecaffinated - ZZZZzz
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Hotel manger- ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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@eslanes - your welcome
Crying in the back round 
@eslanes I wonder when our rooms will be ready
@weepingsimmer  ZZZZ
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hotel manger -noooooo I give all a room upgrade and free food for the same price
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@rainydaysimblr She good 
@glammoose that is how we paid for the hotel rooms  last year when we went to Bridgeport
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road trip part 4
pose by @simtrovart  @rinvalee 
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kareenvorbarra · 7 years
rarepair 2017 letter
Hello Author! Thank you so much for writing for me. I hope this letter makes sense and gives you some inspiration. 
ETA: NOW COMPLETE, and I’m terribly sorry for the delay. 
General Preferences
With a few exceptions that I’ll specify later, I don’t want any smut or sex-focused fics. In a few cases (also specified below), I’d prefer there not be any sex in the relationship at all, even if it’s just implied. I don’t want any of my requested ships to be portrayed as abusive or unloving - even where there is angst or confusion, I imagine that all of these people genuinely love and care about one another and are trying their best. However, some of the characters on this list have experienced canonical rape and/or other types of abuse in other relationships, and I’m absolutely fine with those issues being addressed. No alternate-setting AUs, please.  
Silmarillion - Huor/Rian, Idril/Tuor, Idril/Tuor/Voronwe, Barahir/Emeldir, Finduilas/Gwindor/Turin, Beren/Luthien, Eilinel/Gorlim, Hurin/Morwen
This is one of the ships that I actually wish someone would write smut for. Vanilla, for sure, but beyond that almost any situation would be great. Huor and Rian having cute, slightly awkward first time sex between their betrothal and the wedding. Huor and Rian having angsty comfort sex the night before he leaves for the Nirnaeth. Anything else that you can come up with, as long as it also includes plenty of emotions and characterization. 
If you don’t want to write a sex scene (it’s cool, I don’t like writing them much either) literally almost anything else would be good. Cute! Angsty! Both! Ideally I would like it to be set when they are both actually adults and start getting romantic, whether that’s at the very beginning of their relationship, or during their brief marriage. Some ideas:
Them talking about the bad things that have happened to them, about the impact that war has had on their lives, and helping each other deal with those memories. 
Rian still has nightmares, though not as frequently as she did as a child. Write about the first time she has one after getting married. 
Something about the two of them interacting with music? Is Huor musical? Does he sing, or play an instrument like his brother? Or does he just really love listening to Rian sing? Or something about them dancing together - what are Hadorian social dances like? 
First of all, if you end up writing a fic about these two, I’d like to request that Maeglin not appear in it. Other characters can mention him if you want, but I’d really rather the story not focus on him in any significant way. 
As another general rule, I’m not interested in interpretations of these characters that gloss over their pasts, particularly Tuor’s - you don’t have to directly address the loss and abuse he experienced as a child, but please don’t write him in a way that doesn’t make sense in light of those events. I would also really love a fic where Idril and Tuor talk about bad things in their pasts for the first time. 
Also, Idril and Tuor talking about Huor and Hurin! Bonus if it includes Idril singing a Hadorian song or speaking a bit of Hadorian that she learned from them, and Tuor being excited but also sad. 
Again, a nightmare fic (that’s...going to be a bit of a theme in my requests) would be wonderful. Either Idril or Tuor has a violent nightmare and the other one has to wake them and help them calm down. 
Not looking for sex with this one, but cuddlepiles/bed-sharing would be excellent. 
Three-way co-parenting after Earendil comes along.
Tuor gets some kind of non-life-threatening but very nasty human illness that keeps him off his feet for a while, and Idril and Voronwe freak out and dote on him a lot. He tries to get them to calm down, but once he’s managed to convince them he isn’t dying he rather enjoys the attention - it’s been a long time since anyone has fussed over him while he’s been sick, and he’d mostly forgotten how it felt to be so thoroughly cared for. 
The three of them keeping each other going after the Fall of Gondolin and leaning on each other for support and comfort during the long, dangerous journey to Sirion. 
I’d be down for reading a sex scene with these two if you feel like writing one! I imagine they are both active, physically affectionate people who are really comfortable with each other and know each other’s bodies very well. They also like to dance and spar together, and I’d love to read a fic about them engaging in any of these activities, before or after their marriage. 
As with Huor/Rian and Morwen/Hurin, I would welcome angsty pre-battle comfort scenes, with or without sex. Or anything about them relying on each other during the Bragollach. 
I’d love anything that plays up the battle couple aspect of their relationship, whether that’s them sparring, teaching young Beren how to fight, getting caught in an ambush while on patrol together, or something else. 
No sex please, but I’d be on board for some awkward, angsty, emotionally-charged cuddling.
What would a genuinely happy moment between the three of them look like?
What would happen in an AU where they all managed to talk about their feelings for each other and work out some of their emotional issues together? Again, I am always here for cuddling and other forms of non-sexual intimacy. 
I don’t have a whole lot of ideas for these three, but basically I want it to be emotional and at least a little angsty but where they all care about each other deeply, though not all in the same way and not always sufficiently expressed.
As with Tuor, I’m not interested in characterization that doesn’t take into account the unimaginable trauma and suffering that Beren experienced in the years before meeting Luthien. I’d love to see any of that explored in their relationship - how does he readjust to speech after living alone in a forest for so long? When does he begin to tell Luthien details about his past and family members? What do they do on those days when Beren is overwhelmed by guilt and grief, even though he now lives a peaceful life with his wife and son?
I do want their relationship to be strong and loving and based on mutual respect rather than deference - they would do anything for each other, but they also disagree sometimes and don’t always act in ways they other approves of. They respect each other’s abilities even though they fear for each other’s safety. 
I do think they had some forest sex in the months before Daeron outed them, but I also think it took Beren a while to be emotionally ready for that kind of intimacy (and I don’t think he’d had much sexual experience, if any, before Luthien). I’d love to read about that as a gradual process, where Luthien is the more experienced person and is kind of initiating things, but also being careful and respectful of Beren’s boundaries. 
Literally anything about these two!!! I love them!!!! A fic exploring any point in their story between their first meeting and Thingol’s death would be great. 
I’d love anything for these two, really. I’d say no sex in the interest of focusing on characterization, since these two don’t get much of it, but I really just want to read something that they both appear in as living people.
Anything cute about their lives together! When did they meet, how did they meet, when/why did they fall in love? How long had they been married when the war began? Did they want children?
In addition to or instead of the above prompt, some good pre-battle angst of the sort that seems fairly ubiquitous in my favorite Edain ships. What happened the last time they saw each other alive? 
In my headcanons about these two, they were betrothed in their early teens to help tie the Beorian refugees to the Hadorian community, and didn’t get married until years later. If this idea appeals to you, I’d love to read something about them getting to know each other. Their personalities are very different, so how do they get along at the beginning? How do they come to grow fonder of each other?
I also imagine both of them not having had sex with anyone before they get married, and I’d love to read some cute/awkward first time wedding night sex. 
Something about the two of them being super happy at Huor and Rian’s wedding (with maybe also an undercurrent of worry about the plans for the upcoming war, especially on Morwen’s part). 
Morwen helping Hurin deal with the death of his father, and with the fact that he now has to assume leadership of his people at the age of 21. 
And again, angsty pre-Nirnaeth comfort sex would be welcome. 
Vorkosigan Saga - Duv Galeni/Delia Koudelka, Drou/Kareen Vorbarra, Harra Csurik/Lem Csurik
I love Duv and Delia and I think they’re pretty underrated! One thing I’d like to see is Duv first opening up to Delia about his family and the things he did during the rebellions on Komarr. At what point in their relationship did they finally discuss these things? Bonus points if you work in his birth name and his feelings about it in some way. I’d also love anything about them and their kids, with any combination of fluff and angst as they adjust to being parents and reflect on the ways Barrayar and Komarr have changed since their own childhoods. Another idea: Delia traveling to Komarr for the first time and actually seeing all the places she’s heard about, or Duv going to meet some of Delia’s extended family for the first time (maybe Drou’s father and brothers, or Kou’s sister?). I’m interested in stories about them exploring their cultural differences and learning more about each other.
Drou/Kareen is kind of a complicated one - I don’t imagine them ever having sex or really talking about their relationship in terms of romance, but still becoming intensely devoted to each other and basically being the most important people in each other’s lives, something that, in different circumstances, might have turned into a romantic relationship. I’d like something set any time during Drou’s years as Kareen’s bodyguard. The main thing I’d like to see for this ship is maybe-romantic-maybe-platonic physical intimacy, like hugging, cuddling, or bed-sharing. Some scenarios I’d love to see: one of them comforting the other for any reason, one of them brushing the other’s hair, Drou helping Kareen get dressed for some fancy event, Kareen accidentally waking Drou when she has a nightmare and Drou ending up sleeping in Kareen’s bed for the rest of the night, or any combination of those. Anything with them sort of co-parenting Gregor would be lovely, as long as they have a little alone time at some point in the story. I’d rather Serg not appear in the fic, but feel free to have other characters discuss him or address how his past treatment of Kareen continues to affect her. A fic about how Drou and Kareen react to hearing about Serg’s death for the first time would be super interesting. 
For Lem and Hara, I really just want to know more about these two, especially their early lives. How did they develop feelings for each other? What was their courtship like? What kinds of strain did the events of “The Mountains of Mourning” put on their relationship, and how did they eventually recover from it? How did they feel when their second child was born? What did they tell their other children about Raina, and when did they do it? Just some ideas. You can mention Miles or other major Vorkosigan Saga characters, but I’d rather none of them appear in the fic. 
Tortall - Francis of Nond/Raoul of Goldenlake, Lalasa Isran/Tianine Plowman
Basically, all we know about Francis is that he’s quiet, kind, and close friends with Raoul (he’s referred to as “Raoul’s blond shadow”). When I reread Alanna: The First Adventure recently, I came to the conclusion that Raoul (who is bisexual in my head) and Francis were each other’s first sort-of romantic relationship, very close friends who realized as young teens that they were also attracted to each other. Of course, then they both get the Sweating Sickness and Francis dies while Raoul is still very sick. Basically, I want a cute story about shy Francis and outgoing-but-insecure Raoul dealing with their feelings for each other, and/or a sad story about Raoul dealing with the death of his close friend and first passionate crush. I understand if you don’t feel up to writing the death part, though - the cute slightly-angsty awkward stuff will be fine on its own. No sex in this one, please, though kissing would be great.
For Lalasa and Tian, maybe a story about them telling Kel about their relationship for the first time? Or scenes from early on in their relationship as the romance is developing, when Lalasa begins to confide in Tian about her experiences with men and harassment. Or maybe their private reunion after Lalasa is freed from her kidnappers - what is their relationship like at this point, and does their fear and relief inspire any confessions of as-yet-unvoiced emotions. I’d love a little angst or hurt/comfort, but ending with the two of them made happier by their relationship with each other.
Clone Wars - Padme Amidala/Satine Kryze, Steela Gerrera/Ahoska Tano
For these two ships I’m mostly interested in AUs where they both survive TCW/the prequels. My dream Satine/Padme story is where they go into hiding together and raise Padme’s kids and fall in love - anything along those lines would be lovely. If AUs aren’t your thing, maybe a fic about them meeting as teenagers and bonding over their experiences of becoming political figures and being in danger from a very young age, and also developing crushes on each other but not really knowing how to deal.
For Steela/Ahsoka, I’d love to see them working together in the rebellion and going on missions as a couple, falling in love, being practically inseparable, something like that. Bonus points if people sometimes assume that the mysterious agent Fulcrum is a man, and are surprised to find out that Fulcrum is actually two 20-something lesbians. Extra bonus points if all four of them somehow meet several years into the Empire’s rule and little Luke and Leia are there???? Just some ideas. For something actually in the timeline of the show, I’d love a fic about Ahsoka narrowly saving Steela from falling off the cliff and the two of them spending time alone together after the battle, finally realizing/opening up about their feelings for each other.
DS9 - Kira Meru/Tora Naprem
I would sell my soul for some Naprem fanfiction that doesn’t erase Meru or portray Naprem/Dukat as some kind of passionate, misunderstood cross-species romance. I’d also love to see the two of them interact, and so the idea for this ship was born. I’d like all the canonical information we have about these two to be preserved, and if you feel like incorporating details about Meru’s continued relationship with Dukat from the non-canonical Terok Nor trilogy feel free to do so, but if you haven’t read those books then don’t worry about it. Also, it’s been a while since I read that series and I can’t remember if Meru and Naprem ever meet in it, but I feel like they don’t, and obviously they have to meet for this fic to work.
Some hard “no”s for me - Dukat can be in this fic a little, but I’d rather he not be a major character. I also don’t want his relationship with either Meru or Naprem to be portrayed as, for lack of a better word, unproblematic; the story must deal with the power imbalances inherent in the situation, and be sensitive to the fact that coercion (i.e. the things Dukat does to Meru and, by plausible extrapolation, to Naprem) is a form of rape. I don’t really want sex in this one, just a big mess of complicated feelings about Dukat, other Bajorans, the friends and families they may have left behind, and each other (cuddling and/or kissing optional but appreciated).
So, ideas and things I’d love to see explored: how and when might Meru and Naprem first meet? What do they think of each other? Does Naprem develop real fondness for Dukat, and how does Meru react to this? How does Meru die? I also want to know your take on Naprem’s backstory. For a more specific scenario idea, I’d love something with Meru and Naprem staying together for a few nights while Dukat is away from the station, and talking about him and the war and their old lives and (if you want) Naprem’s pregnancy/baby Ziyal. Meru and Naprem sleeping in the same bed in this scenario would be very very good.
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omen-of-ice · 5 months
what type of kisses do the ros like? giving and receiving? :)
Daeron: He typically will kiss you softly on the lips, a gentle sign of greeting, or he’ll press one to your forehead; something that’s easy to access but still makes him feel close to you. Much deeper into the relationship he’ll press a kiss on your wrist, right above your pulse point— an elvhen custom.
Larak: The top of your head. It’s the easiest place for him to reach and it also allows for him to be able to wrap his arms around you. It’s a win-win.
Calypso: Cheek and nose kisses are a big thing with her. She’ll also tends to nuzzle right after she does so— simply taking you in and enjoying having you near her.
Shanaera: The lips. She likes feeling you respond to her.
Fáelán: They typically kiss the back of your hand in lieu of greeting. It’s something that warms their hearth— knowing that it’s something they’re allowed to do now.
Valerian: Your neck. They like leaving their marks there and nuzzling into you. It’s a place where they feel secure and know that you’re theirs as much as they’re becoming yours in return.
Daeron: He’d be warmed if you returned the custom once you’re both deep enough in the relationship, but he also appreciates having soft kisses placed to his lips as well. Or maybe the scar on his torso— it’d make him feel less like a failure due to what happened when he received it.
Larak: His forehead. It reminds him of his mother and how simple things used to be before various things happened. It’d never fail to put him at ease and he’d instantly soften in your presence.
Calypso: She loves cheek and nose kisses in return— it’s something so affectionate to her that it’d never fail to make her beam and have a large grin across her face.
Shanaera: She tends to write for long periods of times— either messages to her scouts, detailed plans for meetings, or potential diplomatic speeches. The end result? Her hands sometimes hurt at the end of it all, and having you place gentle kisses to them? It’ll help her feel better.
Fáelán: Anywhere? You’re the one doing the kissing so they don’t truly mind where you decide to do it.
Valerian: Their lips. It gives them the best opportunity to wrap you in their arms and hold you close.
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omen-of-ice · 5 months
ro's reaction to a clingy mc who's love language is physical touch plss
Daeron: Isn’t truly used to physical touch that’s not also associated with battle or some form of sparring— barring the brief side hugs that Shanaera gives him— it’d be a completely new experience. He’d definitely be confused at first, would definitely be as stiff as a board, and he’d absolutely think you were trying to kill him the first time you went in for one. However, as he slowly gets used to your touches, to the way you melt into his arms, he’d slowly begin to soften, melting into your arms just as much in return, and he’d start to initiate them (hugs and physical affection) a lot more because it’s become something that soothes him; after a lifetime of war, you’ve become his shelter.
Larak: He’d absolutely adore it. Physical touch is a big thing for his people— albeit it’s typically to do with death or maiming. Would hold you like the most precious of treasures in return, wanting to make sure he doesn’t squeeze you too tight. Larak would definitely begin to expect hugs as a greeting from then on (once you get close enough to him). Becoming completely sulky if you were to forget as it’d quite the slight against his person.
Calypso: She’s quite the affectionate individual as it stands— as boundaries are a bit different where she’s from. So, you may have to discuss with her what’s okay to do and what’s less than okay… Would definitely be all for hugs and being close to you. Having you nearby brings a light to her life that the sun could never hope to rival. If you’d be willing, you’d definitely have a doting siren clinging to your arm for a good majority of the day.
Shanaera: She’s not big on physical affection or intimacy when it comes to those sort of things— it’s not how she was raised and it’s definitely not something she’d easily accept back into her life after going so long without it. She’d allow the occasional hug, especially if you were upset, but it’d more often than not be something you’d initiate. Of course, because of how much she adores you, she’ll learn to live with your need for hugs and the like— it’s not her cup of tea, but making you happy absolutely is… So it’s a trade she’s willing to make.
Fáelán: Is fairly clingy themself. So if your MC was also like that? Match made in Heaven, I’d say. Would love to give you hugs and whatever else you may want without a second thought— and they’d absolutely adore it if you wished to spend time with them. As being near you has always been one of their favorite things within their life— it makes them so happy that you feel the same.
Valerian: Likes to have you by their side regardless… The fact that you’re clingy and like to touch them? Perfect. Wouldn’t complain in the slightest because that means they can keep an eye on you and won’t have to worry about what you could possibly be getting up to. May not initiate hugs that often, they’d still dote on you in their own way and would ensure that you understand how much they treasure you. They’re a dragon after all, and you’re the most priceless gem they’ve ever seen.
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omen-of-ice · 4 months
could we have 💘 for the ROs & Kaladin, pretty please?
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — What and/or who do(es) your OC consider the most important to them?
Daeron: His sister, without question. (Or his mother.)
Larak: His older sister— a woman that took him in when he didn’t have anywhere else to go. That taught him the ways of the sword and how to persevere in battle.
Calypso: Her father. It’s due to his guidance and love that Calypso found the strength to explore the surface world.
Shanaera: She tries not to make too many attachments like that… She has a soft spot for her birds though. As she knows she can always rely on them. No matter what.
Fáelán: You.
Valerian: Their dragons.
Kaladin: Either Chione or his family in general.
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omen-of-ice · 4 months
Just found this IF, excited to see how it turns out!
A couple of questions:
Barring the obvious one (Arranged Marriage), what tropes would you most associate with each romance route?
Additionally: How would Larak react to an MC just giving him a full-body hug, arms-around-neck, legs-around-waist just at random without warning? Because you can bet mine will be doing that at some point.
I’m so happy to hear that! I’m super excited for you all to experience what Omen of Ice has to offer!
I’ll list some of big ones but I’m certain there are more when it comes to the different routes.
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Daeron: Arranged Marriage is the obvious one, but there’s a smattering of other ones too: slowish burn, royalty, second chance at love.
Larak: Oblivious love, hopeless romantic, and could you truly be the one? (Larak would be more than happy with the MC doing that whenever you get closer to him/are actually in a relationship with him. As any period beforehand he’d probably think you were trying to attack him and throw you in response.)
Calypso: First love, discovering something you never thought would be possible, and I didn’t know what I was looking for until I found you.
Shanaera: Slow burn, forced proximity, and soulmates.
Fáelán: Childhood Best Friend’s to Lovers, bodyguard romance (in a sense), and hopeful love.
Valerian: Everyone else can see it, I strongly detest the majority of people except you, and dark past.
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omen-of-ice · 4 months
Im always weak for the kings Bride trope
I’m glad to hear that! I’m super excited for you all to meet Daeron— even if you’re not going to romance him. 🩵
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omen-of-ice · 5 months
I've been trying to avoid adding yet another IF to my list of bookmarks, but you just had to have the premise of arranged marriage (potentially) becoming a real marriage.. I'm too weak to refuse! Just tell me when the wedding date is, Daeron 👰‍♀
😂, Daeron has made it a stipulation that the MC stay within Vela’thian for a year before the wedding as he wants to make sure it’s a good match first and it’s something you both want— as he wouldn’t wish to force you to do anything.
If you don’t wish to marry him? And are fairly certain of it? You can tell him, of course, but you’ll have to pretend for a time until the Velasyran happens (an important event within Vela’thian) and it can be announced.
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