#robb stark one shots
bellarkeselection · 2 years
United in Love
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Y/n Lannister and Robb just happen to fall in love despite their families hating each other
"Sssh keep you voice down or my brothers will catch us." I giggle against Robb's chest dismounting his horse coming back from our secret ride. He pulls me against his chest, one hand resting on my face. "Then you might just become my wife, Y/n." He chuckled resting his forehead against mine smirking. I didn't know anything of real love from being a Lannister. Everyone in the seven kingdoms knows my house and House Stark don't like one another. There's one thing that my father cares about and that's getting heirs for our house and send his daughters to high houses that will give him more power over everyone else. The wind blows my hair in front of my eyes, causing Robb to tuck it away whispering. "Let's go upstairs before you catch a cold."
Intertwining our hands he tugs me through the horse stables and up some stairs. I gasped seeing some guards in the hall so I pulled him in the opposite direction and into a random bed chambers locking the door. "You nearly made me trip over my own feet, Lannister." Robb chuckled down at me since he's taller than me. Wrapping my arms around his neck I kiss him softly. "Do you think this is what love is supposed to feel like. A thrill sort of thing?" Robb rests his hands on my waist still picturing how you stole his heart with just a glance. All by stepping out of a carriage and smirking his direction, flipping your hair at him. "If this is so I never want to be with anyone else but you my lady. And I don't care what our families think. You've stolen my heart Y/n Lannister." He presses his lips onto mine deeply making me smile even bigger.
"I can picture our wedding, Young wolf. I'm wearing your cloak on my shoulders smiling like a child. And we share a kiss under the tree of Winterfell." Robb cradles my face in his hands breaking a long drawn out kiss. There's only one person I truly know will come to our wedding if we were to wed in secret and that's Tyrion. I know he'd come because he would do anything for his youngest sister. "Once we're married I'd skip the traditional bedding ceremony and let you wait on your terms. Like my father did for my mother and I can see us having many children." He spoke suddenly lifting me up in his arms sitting me on the bed drawing me back in for a kiss. The kiss gets heated until someone opens the door and I yelped. "Tyrion, how did you get in?" He chuckled shaking his head quickly exiting. "It's my room little sister. I'll leave you to it...don't have too much fun." Robb buried his face in the crook of my neck blushing and I rest my head on the fur of his cloak.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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rhaenyra-storms · 19 days
for fluffy saturdays: Robb Stark and his wife reader cuddling by the fire, talking about the future
yeaaaah, i'm reviving this blog again after so long and i'm working through some asks! :) enjoy!
content warnings: just fluff, talk of having children together
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Robb and you had been married for a few months now. The war was still raging on, but as long as you two were together, it all seemed a lot easier.
There were a few moments where you could just forget about all the horrible things around you.
Just like now, when you were cuddling by the fire in Riverrun. Robb had now experienced triumphs and defeats in the war against the Lannisters, but none of that mattered in this moment.
You were wearing your nightdress, sitting on some blankets in front of the crackling fireplace. Robb's hand was resting on your thigh, his eyes never leaving yours.
"Sometimes I can't believe you're real," he whispered, a few loose curls hanging into his face. He would shave his growing beard again tomorrow, but there was no need to look strong or perfect in front of you. There was no need to hide anything in the privacy of your room where nothing but your love for each other mattered.
"I guess I am," you answered with a low chuckle, moving closer to your husband and resting your head on his shoulder. Robb's strong arm wrapped around you, his face turning over to face the fire.
Your hand grabbed Robb's free one, intertwining your fingers and resting your connected hands on his thigh. There was a smile on his lips, a calm one.
"Do you think we will have a child soon?" You asked after a while, the thought itself making you smile. It was hard to set a child into this world, but Robb and you had been talking about it for so long and there was nothing better that could happen to you both.
"One day. And when this war is over, we're going to live at Winterfell and I'm going to teach him or her to ride a horse myself," Robb smiled, his arm moving down as his hand rubbed up and down on your back. "Maybe we will even be blessed with more than just one child."
While you couldn't deny that the prospect of having more than one child definitely sounded exhausting, the thought also made you feel warm around your heart. Having a family with Robb, getting to wake up next to your beautiful husband every morning and then seeing your children at the breakfast table... it seemed like a dream. The war had made you quite unsure about your future, but if you had any say in it, you would make sure that Robb would be there in all the different futures that might await you.
"At least the child will have someone to play with then. Maybe we should aim for more than one kid," you smiled, hand squeezing Robb's gently. A low laugh slipped past your husband's lips and his eyes seemed to light up with excitement.
“Whatever the future will bring, I am happy to spend it with you.” His words were gentle and accompanied by a smile, his hand squeezing yours again tightly. You knew that Robb would always be at your side, no matter the circumstances.
The war had left you both unsure about the future, but it felt good to talk about it in the quiet of your shared bedchamber. Where no one could disturb you and you could share even the most naive thoughts with each other.
Maybe it would all be well in the end.
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artedimichelangelo · 1 year
Hi! if your taking requests I’d like to request something! Could you please write a Jaime Lannister x fem!reader in which she’s his friend and has always had feelings for him, and she’s one of the few people who has never called him kingslayer because she couldn’t believe he was a bad person even if she didn’t know the whole story. And maybe after he loses his hand he comes back to king’s landing and he feels worthless (cause he can’t fight anymore and everyone even cersei is treating him badly) but reader stays by his side and reassures him. So he notices that she’s the only one who’s always been there for him and in a moment of vulnerability he tells her the whole mad king story. And she feels really bad for what happened to him also because she sees how it’s something that still haunts him so she hugs him and he has someone to comfort him for the first time. He’s been though so much and I just want him to have someone who’s there for him because they genuinely care 🥲.
I hope what I said made sense because english is not my first language. Anyway feel free to ignore this if it doesn’t inspire you! :)
For the first time - Jaime Lannister x Fem!Reader.
Author's Note: Hii! Thanks for your request, I hope this fic is to your liking and if maybe you wanted something different, please feel free to tell me.
Also, I think I got carried away with this one, let me know what you think.
Plus, if there is something in the warnings or in general that I forgot to mention, you can tell me without problems.
Oh I also recommend the song For the first time by Mac DeMarco for this one.
Pairings: Jaime Lannister x Fem!Reader, mentions of Cersei Lannister and Bronn.
Warnings: English is NOT my first language; possible grammatical errors; not very much proofread; a tiny bit of angst; mentions of blood; fluff.
Word Count: 3710.
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As the sun set, the Red Keep was under surveillance of the royal guards, even more so than in the morning.
When the servants lit the lanterns, Y/n knew that her watch had begun and she would have to keep an eye on the corridors of the king's residence.
By now she knew her shifts by heart and had got used to them, as she had been serving the royal family as a knight for years.
Her father was an old acquaintance of the king, so it was not difficult to obtain this role in the fortress.
Y/n was the only woman among all the other knights; she had to protect others but also herself, as many of the men she worked with were uncouth and often disrespected her.
However, she unfortunately had gotten used to it and had her reflexes ready for any hypothetical attack.
Whilst wandering through the corridors faintly lit by the flames of the torches, she could only hear subtle whispers, precisely of two voices overlapping, one interrupting the other and not even giving each other time to breathe.
As she proceeded, Y/n had to take great care not to make noise with her armour, which barely scraped the walls against which she had flattened herself so as not to be seen.
By doing so, she was able to see who the voices corresponded to: one belonged to Cersei Lannister and the other to Jaime, her twin brother and a close friend of Y/n's.
"You're ridiculous, it's as if you're betraying me." Said the queen with venom, lowering her clipped voice even more after hearing a footstep around the corner of the hall. "Know that if I fall into the void, you come down with me."
With such words, or rather threats, she left the golden-haired knight on the spot, his gaze lost in the darkness..
Jaime was so absorbed in his thoughts that he did not even notice the presence of his dear companion, at least not until he heard her voice muffled in his ears.
"Is something troubling you?" Y/n repeated for the umpteenth time.
She had only eavesdropped on a minimal part of the conversation between the two siblings, but from the expression on the man's face before her, Y/n could deduce that it was not particularly pleasant.
"To tell you the truth, yes.'" The young Lannister replied, his arms crossed against the thick metal of his golden breastplate. "Our days are so hectic that we haven't even had time to exchange a few words today, I have truly missed your suave voice."
"I see that flattery never lacks, what an honour." Y/n said snarkily, a hand on her chest as noble women do when they receive compliments from high-ranking lords. "Don't make me blush with your beaming smile, I don't think my heart can handle that."
Actually, Y/n really liked her friend's compliments, they made her feel important and her princely smile always gave her goosebumps. But she would never confess that to him, she had no intention of inflating the man's ego.
"Seriously though, I know when something's wrong, Jaime, I can see it in your sad eyes."
At that point his gaze lowered to the stone tiles on the floor. No matter how hard he tried, his friend was capable of reading a person as if they were a young lads' book.
"Nothing relevant, simple bickering between Lannisters, you know how it is by now." He laughed it off, but Y/n could swear she saw the man's eyes glaze over, as if he was exhausted and wanted to cry cascades.
Instinctively, she embraced him, and the clash of metal protecting them could be distinctly heard in the cool night.
The so-called Kingslayer was taken by surprise, but he did not budge; on the contrary, he reciprocated this action that was almost foreign to him, as it was full of affection.
He had not received such intense and warm hugs since he was a toddler.
"It is not fair of me to insist on this subject, however, know that you are not alone and that you are loved." She breathed into his ear, her voice like a sweet melody he wished he could hear every morning.
Y/n loved the man and would have given her own life to make him realise how remarkable he was.
Jaime's hand covered by his thick leather gloves moved to the woman's shoulders, as if to attract her attention. The golden knight almost wished he could caress her scarred face from the past, yet he considered it might be an inappropriate move.
"You know, from a distance you definitely look shorter." He received a hearty chuckle from the brave woman in front of him. "Glad to amuse you so much."
"Let's say you can be hilarious at times, if you don't wake up in a bad mood." She sneered, the muscles in her face almost hurt from how much they tightened, but she couldn't stop laughing.
And it was in that pleasant moment, that Jaime had the desire to capture Y/n in a painting, for in her simplicity and modesty, with her hair dishevelled and a few wisps surrounding her face, the blond lion saw the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. As he had thought the first time he saw her.
"Do I have something on my face?" Once again she roused him from his thoughts, Jaime's eyes constantly lit up with every interaction with the well-known cunning knight. "This is not the time to be distracted, Ser Jaime Lannister, the long night awaits us and we must remain alert for the coming of morrow!"
"You're the one who talks in circles and makes me lose focus, don't talk bollocks!" He replied, patting her on the shoulder, thus beginning a brief fight of playful shoving, their thin laughter heard only by the stars in the dark blue.
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Gathered in the courtyard of the Red Keep were the royal knights, led by Jaime Lannister, ready to move on the new enemy, Robb Stark of Winterfell.
"If we follow the plans, we will be able to trample that brat and prevail over his soldiers." The golden knight's voice boomed against the walls, making it impossible to miss. "And if all goes as planned, we will be able to return to King's Landing with victory in our grasp."
As he concluded his speech, his gaze crossed Y/n's confused one on the other side of the yard.
"I didn't think there was a gathering, nor that we had to leave." Said the woman as soon as the young Lannister reached her.
"That is because I did not actually mention it to you."
"It doesn't matter, it happens to anyone to make a mistake, so around what time of day is the departure?"
Jaime looked at her as if in sorrow and in order to speak to her privately, he gently took Y/n's wrist and led her to a hidden corridor, away from prying eyes.
"I did not mention it because you are not coming with us." He grimaced, feeling guilty and expecting a strong disappointment from his friend.
"But I cannot stay here and do nothing while you fight, it is not fair for you to lose your blood out there while I am safe in here." The brave young knight felt the world falling on her, she could not just stand there while the others left, only to perhaps not return.
The woman’s glazed eyes met Jaime's again, her lip quivering to prevent her from shedding any tears, and that heartbroken expression made the blonde-haired knight's heart ache.
"I want to come with you."
"No, no, no, no, Y/n, I implore you." Instinctively, the young Lannister captured the lady’s face in his hands, holding her firmly by the cheeks. The warmth of her skin made his palms tingle almost in a pleasant way. "I have not made this decision to make you grieve and distress, not even to invalidate your abilities. I did it for you, Y/n, for you are as dear to me as the Moon is to the Stars."
Was it strange on the lion's part to find the doe's face extremely bewitching during her cry?
The usual strands of hair escaping from her ponytail were now as if glued to her cheeks, tears and sweat had held them against her rosy, freshly sun-kissed skin.
And Jaime had never felt his stomach in a knot, as if thousands of butterflies were flapping their wings inside it. Often blinded by the presence of his twin sister, he had never paid attention to how much Y/n truly cared for him and loved him, perhaps even more than Cersei.
"Listen to me carefully, hm?" The knight before him nodded, so that he could proceed. "I will return to you, I promise and I mean it. You know well that we Lannisters always keep our promises."
Without debating Y/n moved closer to the crook of Jaime's neck, so that she could feel his scent and the warmth of his body a little closer, as if her mind had to remember those minor details so that she would not be feeling lonely in the days when the blond knight was absent.
Oh, how she longed to confess all her love and adoration to him, and how she wanted to hurt those who called him terrible names without even knowing the truth about his past.
"Know that I will wait patiently for your return, and I swear by the seven kingdoms that if you do not make it back, I will come directly to get you from the depths of hell where you will end up."
They both smiled sadly, as if to relieve the tension of the moment.
"Make a safe return, Ser Jaime Lannister, and know that, even from afar, I protect you." Y/n recomposed herself and the two shook hands for the last time, him putting more pressure as if he did not want to leave her there, but duty awaited the man.
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That was the last time Y/n saw Jaime Lannister in King's Landing, still intact and with every piece of his shining armour on his shoulders, his golden hair only barely concealed by his helmet, and his friendly voice overpowering that of all the other men as he made the way to their destination.
On a particularly heated day in the blazing sun, Y/n had obtained a free morning off of duty, so she took the opportunity to read some old letters sent by her father.
Sometimes she missed her hometown, the smell of freshly baked bread wafting up to her chamber window and the voice of her father commanding everyone around him with his booming voice.
Immersed in the words of ink on the thin parchment, the knight had not noticed a presence under the archway at the entrance to her chamber.
She was so quiet and beautiful, as if he had seen her for the first time.
"Y/n." Faintly from the man's cracked lips came the name of the woman, who turned around, stunned, as if she had seen a ghost.
As she rose from her bed, she dropped all the letters on the ground, but it mattered little as seeing Jaime Lannister again after so long made her fling herself at him.
"Are you real? Who did this to you? I convinced myself you were never coming back, I thought... I thought you were dead." She asked frantically, but received no reply. "Does Cersei know of your return?" She questioned again, helping him reach the masters so they could tend to his wounds.
"No, you’re the first person I wanted to see." He managed to say, and if it hadn’t been for Y/n, his face would have collided with the red rock tiles of the castle, as his legs were giving out and he was about to fall.
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After the proper care, Y/n offered to help Jaime take a hot and relieving bath.
It would not have been an uncomfortable situation, since they had known each other all their lives and she was there especially to protect him in that vulnerable state.
"You should not be here to assist me, I have never deserved any kind of attention from you." He murmured in a grimace, as his friend poured warm water on his head. "This water is boiling, do you perhaps wish to see me bald?"
And Jaime did not understand if that reply referred to what he said first, or to his complaints.
"I promised you I would come back and here I am in the flash, or at least most of it."
"Also thanks to Brienne, because your tongue could have stopped you from returning to King’s Landing." Y/n responded seriously, her calloused hands massaging oils through his now dirty blond hair.
He bent his head back to glance into the woman's sweet eyes.You should have seen the look on her face. The look I've seen for 17 years on face after face." He bent his head back to glance into the woman's sweet eyes. "You are the only exception and this makes me feel less of a human shit… but everyone else? No, they all despise me. Kingslayer. Oath breaker. Man without honour. Ever heard of wildfire?"
"Of course."
"The mad king was obsessed with it. He loved to watch people burn--the way their skin blackened, blistered, melted off their bones. He burned lords he didn't like; he burned Hands that disobeyed him; he burned anyone that was against him." The weak lion shook his head as his past resurfaced before his eyes, he remembered it all as if it had occurred the day before. "Before long, half the country was against him. Aerys saw traitors everywhere, so he had his pyromancer place caches of wildfire all over the city: beneath the Sept of Baelor, the slums of flea bottom, under houses, stables, taverns, even beneath the Red Keep itself. Finally, the day of reckoning came."
Y/n was somewhat shaken, but this did not prevent her naive curiosity from knowing more about the story.
"What happened afterwards?" She asked timidly, moving in front of the man, as if to show she was all ears.
"Robert Baratheon marched upon the capitol after his victory at the Trident. But my father arrived first with the whole Lannister army at his back, promising to defend the city against the rebels. I knew my father better than that. He's never been one to pick the losing side. I told the mad king as much. I urged him to surrender peacefully. But the king didn't listen to me, didn't listen to Varys, who tried to warn him. But he did listen to Grand Maester Pycelle, that grey sunken cunt."
The woman shuddered at the name of the Grandmaster. She never liked him, and he was merely a court rodent who should have been eliminated a long time before.
"He told him that he could trust the Lannisters, since they have always been loyal friends of the crown. So, we opened the gates and my father sacked the city. Fucking imbecile." He laughed bitterly. "Once again I came to the king begging him to surrender. He told me to bring him my father's head. Then he turned to his pyromancer and told him to burn them all. "Burn them in their homes, burn them in their beds." He ordered him… tell me, if your king commanded you to kill your own father and stand by while thousands of men, women and children were burned alive, would you have done it? Would you have kept your oath then?"
Jaime looked straight into her eyes, but he did not really need an answer, for he already knew it. Y/n would never have let that happen and would have made the same decision as the young Lannister.
"So what did I decide to do? First, I killed the pyromancer, and then when the king turned to flee I drove my sword into his back. "Burn them all," he kept saying. "Burn them all." I don't think he expected to die. He meant to burn with the rest of us and rise again reborn as a dragon and turn his enemies to ash. I slit his throat to make sure that didn't happen."
"And that's where Ned Stark found you." It was not difficult for the clever woman to put the pieces of the puzzle together, thus revealing why the lord of Winterfell loathed and despised Jaime so much.
"Exactly. That's where Ned Stark found me."
"If this is true, why didn't you tell anyone? Why didn't you tell Lord Stark?"
"Stark. You think the honourable Ned Stark wanted to hear my side? He judged me guilty the moment he set eyes on me. By what right does the wolf judge the lion? By what right?" The man suddenly stood up, ravaged by fury and anger.
By then, the bubbles in the tub had vanished and the water had turned cold, like a winter's night.
In order not to disrespect her superior, the woman turned away, subsequently handing him a bathrobe to cover himself.
"I believe you and I guarantee that I have always been on your side, and always will be, for better or for worse. I know there is little I can do, for the damage has now been done, but I have no intention of ever leaving you alone." She promised Jaime, slowly ushering him towards his chamber.
Y/n's hands gently held the figure at her side, as if she had become accustomed to its fragility.
She was used to holding her sword firmly and tightly to unsheathe it against her enemies; but with the man she loved, her hands were tender and cautious, as if he were the feather of a dove.
Settled in his bed and wrapped in the soft sheets, Jaime could finally rest, or at least recover before getting back into the swing of things.
"Get some proper sleep, you and I will have a lot to do together over the next few days." Y/n gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead and bid him a good night.
"See you in the morrow." Whispered the knight, more to himself, touching the spot on his forehead that was graced by the most exquisite lips he had ever seen.
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"You are very clever Bronn, but not clever enough!" Y/n exclaimed in amusement, and between laughs continued to smack her friend's backside as spite.
Joining the two on the shore of the beach was Jaime, and every time he saw her, he could swear it was like seeing her for the first time, in which he was completely dumbfounded by her persona.
"Look who's here, finally the princess has joined us."
"Funny Bronn, really, I didn't think you could be so funny." Replied the blond sarcastically, already having his sword drawn in his left hand.
"I'll leave you two alone, be sure to knock her ass out, avenge me my friend."
And so it was that the two companions were left alone, the waves of the sea the only audible sound other than the clashing metal of their swords.
Jaime Lannister was visibly tired, although training had only just begun, but he wasn’t used to sparring with his left hand after losing his dominant one.
"I believe in you and I know you can do it, just a little more effort and we’re done." Y/n encouraged her friend, not to annoy him or rush him, on the contrary, she wanted to help him believe again in his strengths and abilities.
With one blow forward and too many steps back, the lion tripped and fell on the sand, too exhausted and out of breath to get up.
"I am not as strong as before, Y/n, I am no good to this world."
He gave up all too soon and she couldn’t accept it, not when aware of his immense potential.
"Listen to me carefully, your attitude won’t help. I know how you really are and I will help you recover, even if I have to wait a lifetime to see you getting your ass off the ground. Have I made myself clear enough?"
Initially Jaime was stunned and taken aback by her words, but his astonishment turned into a smug, satisfied grin.
He was completely enamoured with the wonderful woman before him.
"I love you," Those two words slipped from his lips very clearly. "But not like I love my family or my dear twin sister. No. I truly love you, Y/n, and I was a fool for not admitting it sooner. Or I have my vulnerable state to thank for prompting me to confess my feelings for you."
"Apparently I should push you more often into situations like this, if they allow you to talk and allow me to find out what is always running through your mind." Y/n smiled sweetly and slowly kneeled before him, to reach his eye level, as he was still sitting on the grainy sand. "But I love you too, silly man."
Y/n gently caressed Jaime’s chin and then his cheek, the newly grown beard tickling her hand, but that did not bother her at all.
The blond, with some of the courage he had left in his body, took the sweet woman’s hand into his and left a short trail of kisses across her palm.
"You have no idea how much I wanted to taste your lips that night under the stars."
"What’s keeping you from doing it now before the sunset?"
"Always so clever, are we?"
And so their lips finally met. It was as if they were destined to touch sooner or later.
It was an intense and extremely passionate kiss, they had lusted after each other for so long that they couldn’t even get enough of it.
At that very moment, Jaime Lannister said to himself that, perhaps, despite all the misfortunes, he deserved a happy ending.
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Tent- Robb Stark (2)
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Pairing: Robb Stark x Lannister!Reader
Characters: Robb Stark
Warnings: N/A
Request: Wattpad- Before Robb Stark made his promise to the twins he capture Jaimie Lannister and Y/N Hill (Tywin Lannister bastard). She was chained up right beside her brother before Robb Command his m’en to unchain her and giver her a proper tent and let her be bath and have food. Robb starts to fall for her and decides to marry her so she can have a stark name and be a queen in the North since she not treated well by her siblings accept Tyrion of cours. Tywin Lannister agréés to it and give back his sisters and Robb give back Jamie to the Lannister
Word Count: 530
Author: Charlotte
The two of you fell silent as your attention fell upon who was entering the cage. You had been graced by both the king of the north and his mother, along with random soldiers that fed you the slop that was called dinner. This time Robb Stark entered the cage, his thick furs followed by two soldiers. The only time he himself had entered the cage was to question you both, receiving no useful answers but at least he didn’t leer at you like the other men, or make the same abhorrent threats.
“Unshackle her,” he stated, gesturing towards you.
“Why?” You asked, not certain why you would question being released from the painful metal that was keeping you in the spot.
No one answered you as the guard on the left crouched down undoing the shackle around your neck and one of your wrists. He grabbed hold of the handcuff that was hanging from your wrist, using it to haul you up onto your feet. Your legs wobbled below you, but the way the man tugged at the metal, you couldn’t have fallen even if you wanted to.
Robb turned and exited the cage, both guards following behind him, you being pulled along with them.
“Where are you taking her?” Jaime called out.
“Jaime?” You squeaked. Thus far when one of you was removed from the cage, the other came too. This was a first, and you didn’t like it.
Your brother called after you as you stumbled behind the guard, until you entered a tent, where the three men stopped. The guard removed the second handcuff, leaving you to finally be free of all the shackles, but the fact there were armed men everywhere in the encampment, left you feeling as trapped as ever.
“What do you want with me?” You asked.
“You will be staying here for the night,” Robb stated. “Bathe, eat and rest. We shall speak in the morning.”
He started heading for the flap of the tent, leaving you baffled.
“What about Jaime?” You questioned. “Why am I here?”
Robb paused but didn’t turn around. “A guard will be on watch outside. If you need anything ask him.”
The three men left the tent.
Even though you weren’t physically caged anymore, you felt far more scared than you had before. You looked around the tent. For a tent in an encampment, it was nice, at least significantly nicer than your previous home. A bed was in one corner, it didn’t look comfortable, but it had a pillow and a blanket and didn’t involve you sitting with your arms behind your back, so you were beyond pleased. On the other side of the room was a metal bath filled with water, and from the smoking coals that had been scooped off to the side, you were sure it would be warm. Beside it sat a table with a chunk of bread and a large bowl of soup, along with clothes draped over the chair.
You didn’t understand why you were in the tent, but you knew not to look a gift horse in the mouth and made the most of the provisions left for you.
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winterfell-fantasy · 10 months
robb stark masterlist
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nightmares - you and robb have don’t get along at all. one night you have a nightmare leaves you aching to run into his arms since he the only one awake
queen of the north - robb, his mother, and other northman manage to escape to red wedding. they travel across the sea and end up in the east. they comes across a kingdom and the lady of khisfire. robb convinces her to let them stay for a while until the time is right to leave. over a few months they both fall in love and reader ends up pregnant after one night. after robb gets his revenge and reclaim winterfell. y/n younger brother takes over khisfire as she becomes queen in the north.
insecurities - when you, a swordfighter loyal to the starks, follow robb to war, many of the soldiers manage you feel insecure about yourself. robb steps in and comforts you.
dance - imagine going to a feast at winterfell. you've been told that you must go so you can wed robb stark, someone you only met once when you were children. when you arrive, you slip past all the pleasantries and hide in your room, terrified of this man - boy, in your eyes - and what he might be like. nighttime comes, and after the food, everyone starts dancing. standing awkwardly to the side, a very handsome man asks you to dance. after spending all night together, you finally introduce yourselves
baby talk - imagine robb stark talking to his child in babytalk and making airplane noises when feeding them.
reunited - reader being 2nd oldest stark child and her being taken by ramsey instead of sansa and a lot of angst? eventually theon wants to escape with her and they make it back to winterfell and she reunites with her mother and robb who took back the castle?
wanted - reader is a young servant in winterfell, who takes care of ned stark’s children. while robb is tempted by this girl, robb is true and dear to his wife and would not have these thoughts about another woman. would he?
arranged marriage hc
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 5 months
Imagine married to Robb Stark but having an affair with Roose Bolton. The Starks have no idea and the Bolton men will never say a word. Imagine your husband is fighting a battle and you are in Roose Bolton's tent, maybe tied up, enjoying every moment. The entire Bolton army hears you as Roose claims you. They look at you as you walk out of the tent. They all know that you might be married to the king of the north but it's Roose Bolton who you belong to
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mlmxreader · 1 year
A Wolf's Heart | Robb Stark x trans!m!reader
anonymous asked: I know I don't usually request for anyone other than COD characters but I really wanted to request for Robb Stark so just ftm reader is fine. I had the prompts "No, no leaving the bed until you kiss me" and "I want to marry you" but with the second prompt I was thinking they are already married. I hope this makes sense.
summary: Robb is infatuated with you, completely and utterly.
tws: swearing, brief mentions of war
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
For the most part, you and Robb were quite happy to be together; whenever he could spare time away from Winterfell, he would come and see you at your home, and whenever you could spare time away, you went to see him.
Long nights spent cuddled up beneath furs as you simply held one another, revelling in the feel of each other's breaths and skin.
Just being.
You did not fear lions and dragons, you did not fear the undying and the phantoms that haunted the halls, when you had a wolf to keep you company at night; you did not fear lions when you knew that a wolf could snap their necks if he wanted to.
You did not fear dragons when you knew that there was a wolf beside you to keep you safe; you didn't fear anyone or anything when you had Robb there with you. A lion and a dragon, for all their gold and for all their cruelty, could never break a wolf.
But that was then. That was before you had agreed to live in Winterfell with him, before you had experienced the harsh cold and the bitter winds; that was before you, partially, became a wolf. Maybe not a full wolf, you doubted that that would ever happen, but even being part wolf was enough; lions and dragons wanted you dead.
Stags and krakens envied and loathed you, despised you and wished you harm but were too cowardly to do anything about it.
You were good friends with Jon, which you supposed helped to keep you out of trouble, as when Robb wasn't around, Jon was always with you; you also often found yourself sitting with Sansa and talking to her about her interests and her hobbies.
She was clever, far smarter than Robb and a far better tactician than Jon, which in a world like your own, was a deadly thing to be; Robb may have commanded an army, Jon may have been a Crow, but Sansa was clever.
You had a feeling that if she were let into the war rooms, she would ensure a victory ever time; she may have never experienced it, but Sansa knew the art of war better than anyone.
Among the wolves, you were welcomed, more than comfortable and you felt more at home than you could admit; they didn't care that you were trans, they didn't care that you and Robb were men in a loving relationship.
Wolves didn't care about such trivial things, they only wanted to show that they accepted you into their family, into their pack, and if anyone was going to stand in the way of that, then they had to face the jaws and claws of wrathful wolves.
You and Robb were married the second that he came back from the battlefield, still covered in blood and guts, still wearing his armour; his lips had tasted like copper, but you didn't mind.
You were just glad that he was back, and even more glad that you were as much of a wolf as you could be; you were glad that he was home, glad that he had survived another battle for long enough to come back and lick his wounds.
You had been married only two months when, for the first time, you were rudely awoken; the feeling of coarse hair on your neck as Robb gently kissed you, leaving a trail from your jaw to your shoulder as he smiled against you and kept his hand on your side, fingers splayed as he threw his leg over you.
You wanted to shove him off and tell him to wait another hour, but his kisses were so sweet and so tender that you couldn't help but to grumble softly.
"I missed you," the words echoed across your skin as he slowly pulled away just enough so that he could look you in the eyes, a tired but pleased smile upon his lips.
You couldn't help but to scoff as you laughed, rolling your eyes. "Miss me? Robb, for the past two months we've hardly been away from each other."
"Yeah, but," he took a second to stretch, pushing his groin forward as he growled and sighed. "I was asleep, and I missed you, and I want to marry you."
"Robb, I became your husband all of two months ago," you laughed. Such a sound he wanted to listen to until the end of his days, on repeat for all to hear. "You're a fool!"
Robb would not hear such nonsense against him, so he put his leg over yours, pushed himself up as he straddled your waist, and firmly planted his hands on your shoulders as he grinned wickedly, wolfishly; you were entirely at his mercy, and he knew it.
Leaning down a little, not quite enough to kiss you but enough to tease you and to make you yearn for him, enough to make you try and reach him. He tilted his head, tone teasing more than anything else.
"I'm a fool now, am I?"
"Yes," you nodded. "An absolute fool."
"Well, that's it, then," he let himself go, all of his weight on you as he dropped down. "You're not going anywhere."
You laughed, trying to break free from his grasp as you wriggled and tried to get yourself out from under him. "Robb! Let me go!"
"No, no leaving the bed until you kiss me." He pressed himself into you a little bit more, made it known that he had no intentions of letting you go even though he was laughing with you.
"You're such a cock," you scoffed, giving in and letting your body lose its tension beneath him, daring to lace a hand in his soft brown hair. "You know that."
"But you love me," he murmured. "Don't you, dear husband?"
You grumbled, earning you a playful smack on the chest that made you laugh and grin. "Yes, against my better judgement, wolf."
Robb snuggled into you, holding on tightly as he yawned. "Do I get a kiss now?"
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Headaches caused by weather Part 3
Warning: Description of headaches, fluff, swearing, description of pain, description of dizziness and nausea, mention of vomiting, mention of pregnancy
Reader is gender neutral, one use of Y/N
Characters: Prince Kit, Robb Stark, Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Billy Hargrove, Matt Murdock, Anthony Bridgerton
Prince Kit: The first time he saw you having an episode of your migraine, was the day you two met. It was at a ball you had to attend or else your mother would have married you off to the old Barone living next door. You didn’t want to go but you knew what to expect if you didn’t. So, you sat in the carriage to the castle, drabs drawn closed and your black fan over your face for extra darkness. The mint oil in your reticule bag nearly empty. As you entered the ball room you had to squint. Your ears were ringing and the hammering at your forehead and temples became more intense. As if your luck ran out the prince saw you, or more like your mother all but pushed you into Prince Kit’s arms. The music changed to a waltz. Your dizziness increased till you nearly fainted. Always the gentlemen, Prince Kit brought you out to the terrace to a stone bench. He put a glass of ice cold water into your hands and asked you every few minutes how you are faring. You smiled and told him to get better, you should get out of the corset and into a dark room with a soft bed and sleep. Kit nodded before picking you up bridal style and getting you to a room.
Now as his wife you have all the freedom to lay your duties to the side and lay in your bed in complete darkness. Kit will check on you every free minute if he can spare it. If not he will position the captain to keep you company and keep him posted on your wellbeing.
Robb Stark: Poor man never knew why you would not be walking around the halls humming old lullabies to yourself a few days or once a week in a month. He found out one day when he annoyed his mother where you might be. She sighted and walked him to your chambers. She softly knocked onto your door. There was a groan coming from inside. Caitlyn laid a finger on her lips and glared at her oldest. He nodded and waited till his mother was inside. You were laying in your bed in complete darkness. Blankets were hung in front of your window. A wet cloth lay on your forehead. You looked pale. The young wolf feared for your life. His mother laid a hand softly onto his shoulder and whispered into his ear, “The weather change is causing a great deal of pain to some people. One of them is our dear Y/N.” Robb nodded. He sat beside you on the bed and held your hand. “You can leave mother. I will stay.” And he did, even if he was needed in meetings.
Steve Harrington: Steve ever the mother hen nearly ran all the way from school to your house. He knocked on the door and your father opened. “Again?” He would ask. You father nodded and let him in. Steve thanked him and made a beeline for your room Your father smiled as he saw all the things you needed for your migraine episodes. You entered your room and made his way to your bed. “Hey, baby. I got you your favorite ice cream and your painkillers.” You groaned before attempting to sit up. Steve stopped you, grabbed the extra pillow on the foot of your bed, sat you up and put the pillow behind you. You smiled tiredly at him before swallowing the pain killers and the ice cream.
Eddie Munson: Eddie had a journal extra for you. He was the definition of unorganized, but this journal dated back to the first time you met. You told him after you missed one of his concerts you had a migraine episode, and you were sorry. Eddie held up his finger to your lips and shook his head. “No, it’s not your fault, sweetheart. It’s Dave’s.” You wrinkled your eyebrows in confusion. “Your migraine. I call him Dave. Dave’s annoy me.” You snorted and hid your face in Eddie’s shoulder. “Tell me anything. When does he visit. Is he as annoying as your aunt Flo? Are they married?” You giggled the whole time but answered all his questions. Now after two years of dating he would call you in advance or tell you when your period is coming or when the next weather change will happen. A short time after the call there will be a knock on your window and your boyfriend grinning from ear to ear with a bag of supplies. “Your painkillers are running low.”
Billy Hargrove: First he thought you were just ditching classes. But when your mother picked up the phone and told him to stop calling for the next week, he became pissed. So, he did the rational thing and drive up to your house, climb up to your window and all but hammer onto it. After 15 minutes you opened it with sunglasses shielding your eyes. “What is it, asshole.” Billy was taken back by your name calling. He mumbled a sorry before climbing into your room. “Close the blinds. Don’t let any light come into the room.” Billy nodded before doing as you asked and turning back. You chucked a whole glass of carbonated water before laying back in bed with your sleeping mask on. “Everything okay?” You shook your head. “Fucking migraines.” Billy nodded. He walked over to your bed before sitting down. You growled and turned away, “Billy take a shower. Your cologne makes my nausea worse.” The boy only nodded before sprinting out of your room and to your mom. She smiled as he saw the distraught teenager stumble down the stairs. After a quick shower and new clothes your mother sat Billy down and told him everything. From then on he was cautious about the weather and witch cologne he would wear.
Matt Murdock: Matt heard your groan from blocks away. He sprinted over and nearly crashed into the window. He stumbled through his apartment till he found you hunched over the toilet. “Everything okay, honey?” You groaned in reply. “Another one? Or are you-“ “Nope. Took one after not keeping in the plain toast. It’s negative. Dug up the weather news turns out there is gonna be a major wind coming up.” Matt kneeled down and rubbed your back soothingly. “I’m gonna get the pain killers and mint tea. Anything else?” You shook your head before stopping him as he stood up. You pouted up at him, “Cuddle?” He chuckled and nodded. “I will get ya when I finished the first tasks. Then I will get you and we will cuddle.” You smiled softly at him, “Thank you, Matty.”
Anthony Bridgerton: This man was worried beyond measures. You rubbed your temples the whole day. Squinted every time the sun hit your face. And the grip on his arm was tighter than normal. Till you fainted. He walked around the house before coming to a halt. He ran up the stairs and into the room where the doctor examined your unconscious body. He stopped as Anthony entered your shared bedroom. “Describe my wife something against nausea, dizziness and migraines, please. She has one of her episodes again.” The doctor stumbled upon his words making the Viscount more irritated. “Do it! Now!” Anthony knew if he raised his voice your health would decline and the pain increase. The doctor’s mouth opened and closed like a fish. He stammered something about a possible pregnancy but Anthony held up his hand. “I know my wife’s head pains and this isn’t one caused by pregnancy. Describe her something against the things I told you or I will throw you out!” The doctor only nodded before scribbling down herbs and concoctions for you to take. Anthony led him out of the house and thank him before closing the door in the doctors face.
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
Finally posted my lucerys request. Going to start working on new requests very soon.
Tomorrow a Jon snow smut hc is going up (all ready written just needs formatted) then I kinda wanna do a Robb Stark one. I'm in a bit of a Robb phase rn but give me more characters cause I wanna expand my horizon.
Also the smut hc are getting me more comfortable writing that kinda thing so I want to attempt to write a one shot of it soon
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Would you ever consider possible one shots of Maeve and her family. Alternative endings of sorts like instead of the family dying at least one makes it to safety with Maeve
Yes I actually have. I have several one shots in mind. Here’s just a few. For the most part they’ll be short but sweet.
• Maeve climbing a tree and losing a necklace that’s still up there.
• Maeve when she was a sickly child and Loras looking out for her.
•Maeve meeting Quentyn Martell and then witnessing Willas get injured in the jousting tournament by Oberyn.
• Alerie and Mace spending time their newborn daughter.
• Olenna insulting some lord while Maeve is with her and watches the Queen of Thorns do what she does best.
• Several one shots with Maeve while in Winterfell spending time with Robb’s siblings.
• And a few spicy one shots of Robb and Maeve that probably won’t be in the main story 😂
I have more one shots in mind and different alternative endings and What Ifs as well.
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mawofmeraxes · 2 years
helloo!! how are you?? just wondering but do you take any matchup requests by chance? if not that’s ok ^^
hi friend!! I’m doing good! How are you! I’ve never really purposely written a matchup before but depending on who it is I wouldn’t be opposed! Just let me know the characters and I’ll let you know!
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
We'll Rule Winterfell Now
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Request from @woah-is-this-real-life Maybe Robb and his wife returning to winterfell for the first time after the end of the war. They got married in the camp during the war.
Placing my hands in my husband's he helped me down off my horse since it was much harder to do it on my own with my pregnant belly now. We had gotten married in his war camp and it suprised everyone that a Stark had actually married a Lannister. I am the middle child between the twins and my youngest brother Tyrion. The wind blows through my long blonde hair and I wrapped my arms around myself feeling the long forgotten cold of the North. "Let's get you and the baby inside before you catch a cold my lady." He slowly leads me inside the castle and into his parents old chambers. Which would now be ours I suppose you could say. Shrugging off my furs I felt his arms wrap around me from behind kissing my forehead softly. "It feels like another world for me to be back here actually married to you." I mumbled turning around so I could lay my head on his chest. "I didn't except that I would be married to you when my family took your father's life in the end. But I'm glad that we're together."
Robb rests a hand to my cheek leaning down and kissing me softly. I smiled into the kiss wrapping my arms around his neck kissing back. Reaching my freehand up I twisted my fingers through his auburn hair he moaned a little until I felt a kick against my stomach. "Huh Robb. It's kicking - the baby's kicking." I gasped moving his freehand over my stomach hoping the infant would kick again. Looking up at him a smile graces his face feeling the thumping against his big hand. Placing my hand over his I smiled chuckling at the feeling. "I know it needs to be a boy but I'm hoping it's a girl. You'll just spoil her rotten I think." He leans down kissing my cheek softly leading the two of us to lay down in the furs on the bed needing to rest from the tires journey from the war.
Laying my head on the pillow I couldn't wait to finally have a child. I was slightly afraid though that I might die in child birth. My mother died giving birth to Tyrion and it broke my entire family to pieces. Robb flipped out his side playing with my loose blonde hair staring at me longingly. "I'm sorry I had to take the throne from your family. But I did spare Tyrion since you said he was your closest sibling. Just know that I love you no matter who your related too." Jaime was banished and Ceresi was beheaded in King's Landing with his sword in revenge for his father. Scooting closer to him I climbed onto his lap as best as I could kissing him deeply. He responded back tracing his hands down my back. "I love you too, Robb Stark. My sister said love was weakness but she was wrong. It is the strength that led me to you my king." He rolled us over hoping to not crush me tickling my sides causing me to squeal like a child that he joined in throughout the night. "And you Y/n Stark are the perfect queen I could have asked for."
Comments really appreciated 😊
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thealtoduck · 4 months
Forbidden Fruit
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Theon Greyjoy x Male Reader
Warnings: Smut, Theon in his asshole era, anal sex, loss of virginity, doggy style, use of the word ”whore”, use of the word ”maiden” for a virgin man because it’s a thing in the GoT/Asoiaf, Theon referring to your ass as a ”cunt”, rough sex, unprotected sex, breeding, spit as lube, everyone kinda wants to fuck you too…
Summary: Theon has his eyes set on you and wants to be your first…
The sounds swords clanging against each other rang out over the courtyard of Winterfell as Theon Greyjoy and Robb Stark practised their swordfighting. Both of them in full focus on the task of beating the others.
Theon was just about to land a winning strike when someone behind Robb distracted him, stealing his focus. A beautiful young man, Y/n Poole, the son of the steward of Winterfell. Theon was distracted just long enough for Robb to be able to knock him to the ground.
”Come on Theon, keep your eyes on your opponent” Robb said annoyed and turned to see what Theon had been looking at, his eyes landing on you. ”Y/n, the steward’s son?” Robb questioned his friend. ”I’ve heard one of the chefs claim he took his virginity but he was drunk so i think he might have lied” Robb gossiped as he continued looking at you.
”I wouldn’t mind fucking him myself” he then said to the annoyance of Theon. ”Oh please, is the little lord Robb Stark gonna fuck the steward’s son?” Theon mocked him. ”He needs someone to take his boy cunt like the little whore he is” Theon said looking hungrily towards you as you were talking to a couple of castle guards.
”And that’s going to be you?” Robb questioned sarcastically. But Theon wasn’t listening he was already planning.
That night during dinner…
Theon watched you as you sat next to Jon, chatting cheerfully. Theon needed to catch you alone. Luckily for him he’d get his shot soon… You were also sat next to Sansa Stark which put you in the crossfire between her and her sister Arya’s never ending war.
Arya loaded her spoon with a piece of meat pie and launched it towards Sansa… but she missed hitting your chest, dirtying your light grey tunic. ”Arya! Look what you did?!” Sansa scolded her younger sister. ”I’m so sorry about her” Sansa apologised frantically as she tried to wipe of your shirt with a cloth napkin.
”Don’t worry about it Lady Sansa, i’ll just go change” you said calmly, standing up from the table and walking off. Theon saw this was his chance to finally meet you alone.
He soon managed to sneak away from the the dining hall. He stopped by the kitchens and snagged two goblets and a pitcher of wine, then he made his way through Winterfell castle towards the small part occupied by Steward of Winterfell and his family.
He knocked on the door he knew belonged to you. ”One moment” came your voice from the inside. Then the door opened revealing you in a nightshirt and underwear, you quickly wrapped yourself in a thin blue robe to cover up more for you’re unexpected visitor.
”Theon” you said happily at sight of him. ”Sorry, i’m not more properly dressed i was just about to go to bed” you said tying your robe. ”Oh no worries” he said with a flirty smile, you were gonna be even less dressed once he was done with you.
”How can i help you?” you asked. ”Oh, i just wondered if you’d like to have quick drink with me” he said holding up the pitcher and the two goblets he brought. You looked unsure. ”If your not too tired of course” he quickly added.
”Of course, a drink wouldn’t hurt” you said and held open the door for him, letting him in to your bed chamber. Theon observed the room, it was smaller than his own. It had a small square window with a nice view. A little fire place where a fire was burning, heating up the cold castle room.
A square table with a set of two chairs and a clothing chest right next to it. And finally the bed, which was draped in soft blankets. Above it hung a banner for your House, House Poole. The room was textbook definition of what Theon would describe as cozy.
You sat down in one of the chairs by the table, as Theon put the goblets on the table, pouring wine in each and then putting the pitcher down. He sat down in the other chair, you both grabbed your goblets. ”Cheers” Theon said and you clinked your goblets together and drank.
The two of you talked for a while. Theon decided to start testing the waters. He moved his leg slightly making it rest against yours, your eyes drifted to his leg for half a second before you looked back to him but you didn’t move away.
Time passed as you told Theon a story, once you finished it became quiet through the chamber. ”You’re really pretty you know” Theon stated boldly filling the silence in the room. Before you had time to respond Theon started talking ”Some of the staff has been talking about it, how they want to fuck you. Even the lordling Robb Stark said so”.
”And i understand them, you are very pretty” he continued. You looked rather unsure what to answer. ”Tell me Y/n, have you ever been fucked before?” Theon asked shamelessly, leaning closer to you. ”I… no, i have not” you told him, trying to stay casual.
”Would you like to be?” Theon then asked immodestly, leaving you slightly stunned. ”By-…By you?” you asked, Theon gave you a smirk as comformation. ”I-I wouldn’t know what to do” you said shyly. Theon played with the strings of your night shirt and said ”Don’t worry, i’ll show you”.
He then pulled you in to a kiss, his lips pushing hungrily against yours. Theon pulled you both up from your seats leading you to the middle of the room as you made out. Theon pulled of your robe, then his own jacket and he continued until you were both left naked in front of each other.
Your dick had gotten erected from Theon’s sudden interest in you and it made Theon’s own manhood swell with pride. He took your wrist in his hand and guided your hand over his slightly fuzzy chest down to his erect manhood. It was the first time you had ever touched another man in such a manner.
He made you enclose your fingers around his hardend cock and tug at it a little, rubbing him off slowly. ”Feel what you do to me Y/n” he uttered.
He led you backwards towards your beds and your naked bodies climbed up on it. Theon laid you down on the bed and the two of you passionately made out. Theon moved his hands to you ass and let his fingers graze against your hole.
You were unfamiliar with his action as you had never experienced it before but let Theon continue. He slowly started pushing his finger inside you, making you audibly gasp against his lips at the feeling of being streched out. ”That’s right relax” Theon instructed.
Once he added next finger he did it more hastily, making you yelp quietly. Theon let out a small chuckle ”Such a warm nice cunt for me to fuck” Theon said before shoving in a third finger.
Theon then stood up on his knees, he grabbed you and positioned you on all fours, ass spread out in front of him. He spit in to his own hand rubbing it on his manhood. ”I’m gonna take you like a real lord would” Theon said which you wasn’t sure if it was a statement or a warning.
Theon didn’t waste any time and started pushing his rockhard cock inside your virgin hole, making you groan, feeling yourself be filled. ”Fuck your tight around my cock” Theon said pleasureably sheathing himself fully inside you.
Before you had time to adjust he snapped his hips forwards thrusting into you making you release a small cry. ”Was this what he had meant? Was this how lords fucked their wives?” you thought to yourself.
Theon grabbed your hips and started setting a pace a his hips thrust against your ass. His raw cock forcing your walls to stretch, you released several whines as Theon roughly plowed in to you. ”Fuck Theon, you’re so big” you said through your pained but pleasured moans.
Theon grabbed your head as he pounded your ass saying ”What would your steward father say? Seeing his son deflowered by Eddard’s Stark ward like some common whore”. As he thrusted as hard in to you as his body would let him.
”Maybe i should go get him after this and make him come look at his son’s cum stained body” Theon said cockily. You however couldn’t answer him as you had your face pressed against the matress moaning endlessly from the ecstasy of Theon’s cock fucking you.
”Maybe i should start coming by every night and make good use of your cunt and fill you with my seed” he suggested, his thrusts rocking your bed back and forth. ”Shame you can’t have my bastards” he added.
From the endless groans to the creaking bed, you hoped no one could hear you getting your virginity fucked out of you by Theon. You felt your own cock twitching getting close to your orgasm. ”I’m gonna cum” you moaned. And soon after your load dripped down on the sheets below.
Theon kept plowing in to you for several minutes, claiming your ass as his. Sweat glazed his and your body as the room had gotten hot and damp. He grunted and uttered a satisfied ”I’m gonna fill you with my cum”.
With one last rough thrust Theon shoved his manhood deep inside you, his cock erupting staining your innocene with his warm seed. He then pulled out of you with a smirk, seeing his cum leak out of puckered hole and running down your legs. You collapsed on to the matress below in exhaustion.
Theon was just about to get ready to leave but he couldn’t leave you like this. He covered your nakedness under the covers and blankets. He then started getting dressed and before he left planted a kiss on your forehead saying ”You were so good to me, Y/n, better than any common whore, you were divine”. He then gave you a last kiss before he left your bed chambers with a smirk and a feeling of satisfaction, and maybe even a little bit of love.
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bumblesimagines · 5 months
i've never been like that with anyone before.
this... isn't my bed.
Jon Snow
this... isn't my bed.
i've never been like that with anyone before.
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
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The hammering in his head reminded him of the time he and Robb snuck a bottle of their father's finest wine into his room to drink as boys, only to awaken the next morning with pained and clouded minds. Jon squeezed his eyes tightly and groaned quietly to himself, internally cursing Grenn for convincing him to drink as much as he did. As he waited for his body to catch up with his mind, his ears picked up the sound of wood creaking and sighed quietly, eyes parting and mouth opening to greet Samwell. 
"Morning, Snow." The familiar voice made his head jerk back, luckily into a feather-filled pillow, and his body tensed at the sight of the Night's Watch First Ranger, (Y/N) (L/N), standing over the bed. The ranger's lips curled into an amused smirk and he set a cup down on the nightstand beside his head. Suddenly aware of how dry his throat felt, Jon pushed himself up and took the cup, bringing it to his lips and drinking without thought. His nose crinkled at the metallic taste that filled his mouth, but he forced himself to swallow it down. Beet juice. A common remedy for a night of drinking.
"This..." His eyes finally absorbed unfamiliar the room he rested in. "Isn't my bed."
"Ever the perceptive one, aye?" (Y/N) laughed and Jon felt his cheeks warm. "I would've sent you back to your room but... you fell asleep and wouldn't budge. I didn't mind the company, though."
"Fell asleep?" Jon repeated quietly with furrowed brows. He forced the fuzzy fog in his mind to lift, finally allowing the memories of the previous night to fully flood in. They'd been given a night of relaxing and fun thanks to the Commander's good mood, and even Thorne hadn't been able to sour Jon's mood. Green and Pyp had jumped at the opportunity to drink and convinced Jon and Samwell to indulge themselves as well until Jon had staggered out of the main hall for some fresh, cold night air and found (Y/N) sitting alone. The exchange had been brief and filled with longing for their homes until Jon's tipsy mind urged him to plant a kiss on the lips he often found himself gazing at. His skin lit ablaze at the memories of what followed and he avoided (Y/N)'s amused gaze.
"You remember everythin' now, Snow?" 
"Yes, sir, I do." Jon noticed (Y/N)'s smirk turn crooked from the corner of his eye, and wanted nothing more than to take a running leap off the top of the Wall. (Y/N) snickered under his breath and reached down to collect the layers of clothes scattered across the floor before dumping them on the bed and nodding toward them.
"Get dressed, Snow. Not many are up yet. You still have time to head back before anyone notices." His voice verged on authoritative and Jon felt inclined to follow his every word. After the disappearance of his uncle, Benjen Stark, Commander Mormont had appointed (Y/N) as the new First Ranger, despite his young age and Thorne's disapproval. However, Jon couldn't tell if he followed his every word loyally because of his position or because of the heat that spread whenever (Y/N) entered his vicinity. 
"I... I've never been like that with anyone before. I've... never been with anyone at all." Jon confessed quietly. He had plenty of chances, of course. Giggly servants, brothel workers, the daughters of his father's friends. Even with his status as a bastard, many still expressed their interest. But he always chickened out sooner or later. 
"Ah.." (Y/N)'s lips pressed together. From the way he'd taken charge during their night together, Jon easily deduced he wasn't his first nor would he be his last. Jon grinded his teeth together and cleared his throat to rid himself of the embarrassment and jealousy. He finished the beet juice and set the cup aside before swinging his legs over the edge and standing. Pain and soreness shot up his spine and (Y/N)'s hand shot out to stabilize him. "Take it easy, Snow."
"'M fine," Jon murmured with a wince. (Y/N) released an unconvinced hum and cupped both of his shoulders, keeping him still and balanced as Jon rolled his shoulders and stretched out his aching muscles. When Jon's eyes remained lower, (Y/N) hooked his fingers around his chin and jerked his head toward him. 
"I'm not dumping you aside, Snow. I'll take care of you if that's what you want." Jon swore his face couldn't get any hotter and swallowed thickly. He meekly nodded.
"I'd like that."
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Tent- Robb Stark (3)
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Pairing: Robb Stark x Lannister!Reader
Characters: Robb Stark
Warnings: N/A
Request: Wattpad- Before Robb Stark made his promise to the twins he capture Jaimie Lannister and Y/N Hill (Tywin Lannister bastard). She was chained up right beside her brother before Robb Command his m’en to unchain her and giver her a proper tent and let her be bath and have food. Robb starts to fall for her and decides to marry her so she can have a stark name and be a queen in the North since she not treated well by her siblings accept Tyrion of cours. Tywin Lannister agréés to it and give back his sisters and Robb give back Jamie to the Lannister
Word Count: 449
Author: Charlotte
When you awoke the next morning, you felt rested, the first time in days; for a moment you forgot where you were. You scrambled from the bed and put on the overdress that had been left for you. It felt weird to not be wearing clothes caked in mud, but you were glad to not be a complete mess anymore.
You poked your head out of the entrance of the tent. As soon as you saw the light of day, a guard approached, telling you to go back inside. You sat on the edge of the bed waiting anxiously until the tent doorway opened again revealing Robb Stark, this time not flanked by guards, but you knew there was likely a couple outside of the tent.
“What am I doing here?” You asked, raising from your seat.
“I have an offer that could mutually benefit us,” he said with a soft smile.
“And what is that?” You frowned.
He paused. “I want you to marry me.”
That was the last thing you thought he was going to say. You doubted anyone would want to marry you, and if they did, you knew Tywin would hate it and likely kill one of or both of you. You certainly didn’t think anyone of any nobility would ask to marry you.
“Excuse me?”
“It will benefit us both. You said you will never be a Lannister and I doubt you will ever be treated as such. I cannot make you a Lannister, but I can make you a Stark. I can give you anything you could ever want, money, status, you will be the Queen of the North,” he explained.
“And what’s in it for you?” You asked. “I doubt you actually want to marry a bastard.”
Robb shrugged his shoulders. “No, I can’t say marrying the bastard daughter of the Lannister’s was what I thought would happen, but it doesn’t mean it’s not beneficial for me. There will not be a political alliance of the marriage, but for people to see even Tywin Lannister’s daughter being on the side of the north, it will help our cause.”
You didn’t know what to say. Even though you knew your father didn’t care for you, you knew he wouldn’t want this, and his opinion had always been priority.
“And what will come of my brother?”
“We have plans for him too.”
“Are you going to propose to him if I say no?”
The man before you chuckled and shook his head at you. “He isn’t quite my type.”
“And I am?” You asked, cocking your eyebrow.
He avoided your question.
“So, will you take my offer?”
There was really only one option. “Yes.”
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bookjonsadaily · 2 months
can you recommend some book jonsa fanfics? Not really that many on going in ao3
Hey anon!!!
Here are some more recs for you!!
the first are from nepobabyeurydice:
if you try to break me you will bleed by @dialux
time travel fic with Sansa, but it’s always the first fic I recommend to friends because the development of Jon and Sansa’s relationship from her holding all the cards, to him swearing herself to her, and then Sansa letting him see the whole deck is genuinely beautiful to read!
love exists in many forms by @dialux
In which Alayne Arryn, only daughter of Jon Arryn, commits suicide after her father dies in a failed attempt at rebellion, and her handmaiden, Sansa Stone, pretends to be her when faced with death. Sansa arrives at King’s Landing and finds herself betrothed to Prince Jon Targaryen; but their relationship is complicated by old secrets, new loves, and treason.
my head is bloody and unbowed by sadhippe
In which Robb’s baby survives, Sansa never marries Ramsay, and Jon is held captive at Dragonstone. Also more Tully’s and other Northern Conspiracy Faves!
and recs from visenyashill, who is going to do one of longer fic when they have the time and energy to actually read fic in a little bit, so these are mostly one shots-
in the midst of the ruins by iday
jonsa fic, post war for the dawn. while living out his days out of sight and out of mind, jon gets a raven from winterfell with only two words: "come home." so he does. brienne and podrick are also there. very cute, contained little story, and an older jonsa fic.
varg-hamr/wolfskin by undercovercaptain
this one gets rec-ed a lot but for good reason! a take on jon's ressurection and sansa as the girl in gray that i think is well done and also roughly what i predict will happen (leaving room for some crazy grrm-ness tho, obviously)
saw you in the snow by sleepingwithwolves
another girl in gray esque take but with bran coming to sansa in a weirwood dream as well as jon. i love this one a lot, i you will see i have a weakness for jonsa fic that features another starkling.
no smooth road by maybethrice
rickon pov where jon and sansa recall him from hiding on skagos when he’s twelve, to be the new lord of winterfell. it’s a “dany stops the long night” canon and i like it for delving into the difficult tie of the political situation.
ghosts by sansawolfbits
jon travels to the vale to meet with the lord protector and finds someone he didn't expect. very short but cute also myranda cameo.
i lost all signs so i got lost by tempisfugit
The five people who wanted Sansa for who she reminded them of and the one who just wanted her.
stealing by just_a_dram
jon steals sansa. this is the first jonsa fic i ever read and this author was super prolific with book canon jonsa in like....2016? ish? so if you're looking for book canon stuff, I would definitely start here!
a boy in his cups by greenhikingboots
a re-imagining of jon's first chapter in agot where he knows the truth of who he is and drunkenly proposes to sansa.
a stark in winterfell
it's not super romantic, more tortured than anything, about sansa needing an heir and seducing jon snow - and neither of them know about his true parentage.
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