#roberta deeks
ejzah · 3 months
A/N: Just a little ficlet to continue the final scene of “Citadel”.
I Don’t Need You to Cook or Clean
“Marty, will you run out and get me a loaf of French bread for me?” Roberta requested, busy stirring pots and checking the foil rimmed baking dish in the oven. They’d all had a chance to grab a drink and settle in a bit.
Roberta had already made several vaguely inappropriate comments that had Kensi snorting into her wine. The first couple made Deeks groan quietly, but when he saw Kensi’s response, he seemed to realize that she wasn’t about to storm out.
“Uh, sure, mama. I’ll be back soon,” Deeks answered. As he grabbed his keys again, he shot Kensi a questioning look (Are you ok with me leaving you alone here?) Kensi offered him a reassuring smile. She could handle 15 minutes with his mom.
She still felt a little nervous, but meeting Deeks’ mom, especially as a complete surprise, had been far less awkward and painful that she would have anticipated. Maybe it helped that she didn’t have a chance to build the moment up in her head.
“Thanks, kiddo!”
“No problem. Just don’t tell any embarrassing stories while I’m gone,” Deeks called over his shoulder.
“Yeah, no promises there!” Roberta called back with a chuckle. She shook her head, almost speaking to herself. “How I raised such a little prude I’ll never know.”
Kensi doubted anyone had ever described Deeks that way before.
She watched Roberta bustle around the kitchen, managing multiple dishes at once. Suddenly, a hint of guilt and self-consciousness running through her as she remembered her knee-jerk response to Roberta’s question about cooking.
“You know, when I said I didn’t like cooking, I wasn’t thinking. I’d be happy to help,” Kensi said, unable to stop a nervous laugh. Deeks would call it a cackle. “Honestly, it probably wouldn’t hurt to learn a few things.”
“What are you talking about? I appreciate the honesty.” Roberta made a face, pausing to look up from the open oven.
“Well, I just want you to know that I care about Deeks. Marty. I don’t want to give the impression I’m taking advantage of him or anything.”
Roberta stood, staring at Kensi for a full, very uncomfortable, ten seconds. Then she pulled off her oven mitts, tossing them to the side.
“The moment I saw you, I knew you cared about my son. Hell, I knew it the first time he mentioned you,” Roberta told her. “Never even crossed my mind to think you weren’t treating him right.”
“Really?” Kensi asked uncertainly.
“Absolutely.” Her face took on a slowly melancholy look. “He hasn’t always had a lot of happiness in his life. It’s good to know he has you now.”
Kensi didn’t know what to say to that, and Roberta seemed to realize it. She squeezed both Kensi’s shoulders, her smile reassuring.
“Now, I gotta come up with a story to tell you before Martin gets back,” Roberta said, effectively switching the subject.
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dragcnbreak · 1 year
thanks for 14 seasons 🫂
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glenncoco4 · 1 year
Don’t ask me why…it just came to me.
Killbride: “So is there anyone special in your life?”
Alex (I think that’s his name): “Actually, yes, and mom may have already told you this but she’s older.”
Killbride: “She did. Also told me she had a son about your age.”
Alex: “Yes. And before you ask Marty is fine with it. He was a little worried at first but his wife reminded him that he should know more than anyone that you can’t help who you fall in love with.”
Killbride: “Does his wife’s name happen to be Kensi?”
Alex: “Yeah, how’d you know?”
Killbride takes out his wallet and pulls out a photo of him and the OSP team taken at the beach last year. He wasn’t sure how the photo got in there but he has a sneaking suspicion it was Shyla. Not sure why he’s never taken it out.: “This is my team.”
Alex: “That’s…”
Killbride: “Lovely.”
Alex: “What?”
Killbride: “I thought my days in Nam were tourture, now I’m gonna have to hear Deeks call me some form of grandpa for the rest of life.”
Alex: “That-that does sound like him.”
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wanna-be-bold · 1 year
Can you imagine Mama Deeks hanging out with Sam's dad
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ryan9098 · 2 years
Oh could you imagine Arkady, Roberta, and Raymond all becoming friends and annoying their children/in-laws? 😂
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sassyzazzi · 2 years
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densi-mber · 6 months
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A/N: Happy first day of Densimber to you all! As always, we begin with decoration day. Thanks to @mashmaiden for collaborating on this story.
Traditions Come and Go
“Baby, I told you I could get that,” Deeks said, hurrying towards Kensi as she toted a storage container of Christmas decorations through the house.
“It’s not that heavy,” Kensi insisted, shifting the box out of his reach as he attempted to take it. “You’ve been doing everything around here for weeks. Or at least attempting to. I can manage this.”
“I don’t want you to strain yourself.”
“Baby, I appreciate that, but just because I’m pregnant—”
“32 weeks pregnant,” Deeks interjected smoothly. Kensi sighed, accepting his point.
“Yes, I am. I can also squat with a 15 pound dumbbell in each hand,” she reminded him gently. “I don’t think this is going to strain me.”
“Ok, touché.” Deeks grinned self-deprecatingly. “Sorry.”
“It’s ok, I know you mean well.” She stretched to lean over the container and kiss him. “And who knows, in a couple weeks, I might change my mind and want you to do everything.”
“You just say the word,” he said, stealing another kiss.
Rosa arrived home just as they were unwrapping the now dozens of decorations they’d collected over the years. An entire bin is dedicated to various ornaments Roberta had passed down.
“Oh, I’m glad I didn’t miss everything,” Rosa sighed, hurrying to set her backpack and shoes to the side. She’d woken up early to pick out a tree with Kensi and Deeks before heading out for classes.
“Like we’d start without you,” Deeks scoffed. He patted the spot on the couch next to him. “Grab a seat and start unwrapping.”
“What is this?” Rosa asked, grimacing at a freshly revealed horse with pink hair and an oddly creepy expression.
“Grandma Deeks’ idea of a joke.”
“She said it was a family heirloom,” Kensi added.
“I don’t remember seeing it last year.” Rosa turned the ornament from side to side, seeming caught between interest and mild disgust.
“Yeah, that’s because we usually never, ever take it out,” Deeks explained. He took it from Rosa, tucking it back in with the rest of the unwanted and boring ornaments. “I’m thinking maybe this year it should meet with an unfortunate and tragic end. Do you think a fiery death is plausible?”
“Or we could just pass it on to our beloved oldest child,” Kensi suggested with mock innocence. “Keep the tradition going.”
“Oh, no thank you,” Rosa said quickly, raising her hands as she chuckled nervously. “I’m good. Though I wouldn’t say no to that aqua one over there.”
“That’s one of my—mmm.” Stopping mid-thought, Kensi rubbed a hand over her lower ribs, wincing for a few seconds.
“Was it croissant or donut this time?” Deeks asked.
“Donut, I think,” Kensi replied, arching her back. “I swear these kids are practicing for a soccer match with how much they kick.”
“Are you ok?” Rosa checked.
“Yeah, they’re getting stronger, but I’m fine. I guess they just wanted to join in on the fun.”
“But maybe hang out for a couple more weeks,” Deeks suggested, resting his hand over Kensi’s stomach.
“So, do you want to put the outside decorations up when we’re done here?” Rosa asked once they had lights strung around the tree.
“Actually, since things are going to be extra crazy this year with all the baby prep, we decided to just decorate inside this year,” Deeks explained.
“But you love Decoration Day.” While initially bemused by Deeks’ excitement last year on December 1st, Rosa had quickly been caught up in the general festivities and greatly enjoyed the entire premise.
“I do, but it’s only one year.” Deeks couldn’t deny he was a little disappointed at the thought of missing out on one of their traditions. He knew they’d barely notice though as everything picked up in the next few weeks.
“You know I’d help,” Rosa offered. “I can hold the ladder and even go on the roof if you want.”
“I really appreciate that, Rosalind, but you have your classes and finals to study for. It’ll be ok.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. It’s not the first time it’s happened,” Kensi said. “The year we moved here, we were so busy packing and going to showings that we never got around to it.”
“Next year we’ll just have to do something extraordinary to make up for it,” Deeks suggested.
“Now, that worries me a little bit.” Not sounding worried in the least, Kensi pushed herself off the couch.
“Where are you going?”
“To get those Christmas cookies you guys made,” Kensi replied. “You should never decorate on an empty stomach.”
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typingtess · 2 months
NCIS: Los Angeles Season 14 Rewatch:  “Flesh & Blood”
The basics:  Investigate a Navy wife fleeing the scene of her husband’s murder.
Written by:  Chad Mazero co-wrote “Internal Affairs”, “Revenge Deferred”, “Where Everybody Knows Your Name”, “The Noble Maidens” and “Pandora’s Box”.  Wrote “Tidings We Bring”, “Can I Get a Witness”, “All Is Bright”, “Diamond in the Rough”, “High Society”, “Murder of Crows”, "Overdue" and "Sorry for Your Loss".
Directed by:  Daniela Ruah directed “Russia, Russia, Russia”, “Lost Sailor Down”, “Pandora’s Box” (co-written by Chad Mazero) and “Live Free or Die Standing”.
Guest stars of note:  Pamela Reed returns from season 11’s “High Society” as Roberta Deeks, Bar Paly returns from “Of Value” as Anastasia “Anna” Kolcheck, Natalia Del Riego is back from “Game of Drones” as Rosa Reyes, Kavi Ramachandran Ladnier is back from the previous episode “Dead Stick” as NCIS Reserve Agent Shyla Dahr, Marnee Carpenter as Alice Morgan, Lauren "Lolo" Spencer as Ella and Rif Hutton as Navy Commander Albert Burns
Our heroes:   Work with an abused wife to find some explosives while working through some home issues.
What important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Waiting for Hetty to get married. Sam:  Worried that Callen is avoiding getting married. Kensi:  Feels like she’s not prepared for motherhood. Deeks:  Bad baseball game in June of 1990. Fatima:  Absent. Rountree:   Looking to put his Beale bucks to good use. Kilbride:  Not pleased with Deeks’s attitude about the Navy spousal abuse response.
What not so important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Orphan. Sam: Once again looking for a caretaker for Raymond. Kensi:  Hanging with Bertie, buying cleats with Rosa at the mall and negotiating teen angst. Deeks:  Owes Kensi for hanging with Bertie. Fatima:  Not around. Rountree:   Called “Shark Tank” by Shyla. Kilbride:  Not pleased with the Navy’s spousal abuse response in the cut scenes.
Where in the world is Henrietta Lange?  Don’t know but Anna wants her found so she can marry Callen.
Who's down with OTP:   Anna and Callen are trying to negotiate their way around a wedding date.  Kensi and Deeks are trying to negotiate their way around Bertie.
Who's down with BrOTP:  With the teams mixing and matching all episode, not a lot of BrOTP time but Shyla worked well with all.
Fashion review:  Callen starts the episode in a black running shirt and black shorts.  Wears a button down medium blue shirt for the rest of the episode.  Sam has a wine colored long-sleeve tee-shirt.  Kensi is in a white tee-shirt with thin blue stripes.  Cornflower blue long-sleeve tee for Deeks.  Rountree is wearing a light brown long-sleeve tee.  Kilbride is in his civilian uniform with a medium blue three-piece suit, pale blue dress-shirt, blue tie.
Music: Not today.
Any notable cut scene:   Finally!  As Rountree is packing up for the day, Shyla asks him if he wants to go out for some tacos.  He can’t – he’s meeting with his friend David Packer about his investment money.  Shyla asks him not to.  Understanding that she may be overstepping, she knows Rountree has a real fire inside after what happened with Jordyn and the LAPD.  The person Rountree needs to invest in is himself. 
As they leave, Sam is find a caretaker for his Dad.  The Admiral says that gets Sam a good night’s sleep.  The Admiral also thinks Alice Morgan deserved better.  The Admiral thinks maybe they should blow up the whole damn book on abuse cases.  Then promises to if Sam tells anyone he said that, the Admiral would make sure Sam didn’t get a good night’s sleep ever again.
Quote:  Deeks:  So it's, uh... June 30, 1990.  And my mom decides she wants to take me to watch the Dodgers play the Cardinals.  And I will never forget that day.” Alice:  “I don't care about sports.” Deeks:  “That's funny, 'cause I don't care about sports either.  No, the reason I remember it is because it was so hot.  Like, L.A. had been coming off this massive heat wave and I can still see the ice cream cone melting as it's being passed down the row.” Alice:  “Now you want to talk about weather?” Deeks:  “Actually, I do, because...that is the other thing that I can still see from that day, is my mom.  And she's sitting next to me in this 90-degree heat, except for the fact that she is wearing...she's wearing jeans and a long-sleeve turtleneck.  And she was covered up like that the whole entire summer.  Not that it matters, because she couldn't cover the bruises on her face.” Alice:  “Did he spare you, at least?” Deeks:  “No.   I mean, but I was a kid, right?  Kids are supposed to have bruises.  I'd just tell the teachers that, um...I got another fight in the playground.  What do you tell people?” Alice:  “I don't have anyone left to tell.  He made me push everyone away.” Deeks:  “Yeah, they do that.”
Runner up:  Rountree:  “Was all that true? About your dad?” Deeks:  “Every word of it.”
Anything else:  At night in a suburban neighborhood, a woman is frantically packing her things.  She gets a phone call from her father and tries to blow him off.  Seeing her in a mirror, her clothes are covered with blood.  Her father is recommending a Tom Hanks movie as she is trying to get him off the phone.  She tells her father she loves him as she tries to leave the house.  A man’s dead body is making it hard to open the door.  But she succeeds.
Callen arrives home with two smoothies.  He’s worn out which surprises Anna.  She ran for six-miles, he “bailed” after two.  Since the bagel place didn’t have bagels, he brought smoothies.  Anna wanted bagels before her job interview that day.  She also wants to pick a wedding date.  Every time of the year Anna mentions, Callen has a reason not to get married at that time.  She offers him an out when it comes to getting married.  He wants to get married, Callen assures her, just find the right time to do it.
At the Blye-Deeks home, everyone is running around as the day starts.  Rosa is missing her backpack.  When Kensi tosses it, Deeks walks right into the tossed backpack.  Rosa and Deeks review her latest assignment as they hustle to leave.  Deeks gets a phone call – it’s Bertie.  She’s been on the road for six months of “eat, pray and loving” her way across the country.  Deeks thinks this is all TMI.  After seeing “Nomadland”, Bertie rented out her apartment so she is going to crash at the Blye-Deeks residence.  She needs someone to be there to let her in.  Rosa really needs to leave for school so they are going to figure something out.
Walking near the gym, Shyla hears Rountree working out and quoting “300”.  He’s working on an ancient martial arts technique to strengthen his grip and arms.  When Rountree gets a text, he asks Shyla to look at his phone – they could have a case.  Instead, Rountree has a text from “Packer” who is talking about his pants being on fire.  Packer is a friend of Rountree’s from Quantico.  Packer is starting a clothing line and Rountree is a possible investor.  He’s looking to grow some of the money Eric left them all last year.  After what happened to Rountree and Jordyn, he's looking to invest that money into a growing business.  Shyla would have taken the Eric money and spent some time in Tokyo.
Sam has a call and so does the Admiral.  Both are unhappy with their calls.  Sam lost another caretaker for Raymond, NCIS is making Kilbride go through another round of approvals for expenses.  Cranky men in Ops alert.
The Admiral looks around an empty Ops and wonders where is everyone.  On the screen is the dead man blocking the door from the opening scenes.  He is Lt. Jeff Morgan, an intelligence officer working out of a DoD Task Force.  Morgan was stabbed several times.  There are real concerns because Morgan was part of a team developing software to integrate intelligence gathered by all branches of the armed services.  If an outsider or foreign government got access to that software, they’d have access all U.S. military intelligence.  Sam asks if there are any suspects – China, Russia, Iran or Alice Morgan, Jeff’s wife.  She’s was seen leaving the house at the estimated time of death. 
In the office driveway, Kensi and Deeks are arguing about who is going to help Bertie unpack.  Deeks is owed a favor by Kensi and he’s calling it in. She’s not interested in helping unpack all of Mama Deeks’s Michael Bublé fannish things.   Besides, Deeks should help his mother.  Callen arrives but isn’t interested in hearing any of this – he’s an orphan.  Deeks says that funny, Callen doesn’t agree. 
Sam joins the trio, the most we’ve seen of this foursome together in a while.  He's been working since 8AM and everyone else just arrived.  Callen and Sam are off to the boatshed to meet with Morgan’s CO, Sam would like Kensi and Deeks to join Rountree at the crime scene.  Sighing Kensi mentions she has some accrued leave Kilbride wants her to take so she’ll help Roberta, get Rosa from school and Rosa can meet Bertie.  Deeks tells Kensi he owes her. 
At the house Morgan household, Rountree found a locked laptop – Shyla is getting a warrant to get in.  Deeks is looking through some magazines while Rountree picks up the Morgans’s mail.  One magazine has expensive furniture.  Speaking of money, LAPD found a Rolex on Morgan’s wrist and a Lexus in the garage – this wasn’t a robbery gone bad.  Rountree is confused – a junior officer like Morgan doesn’t make Rolex money.
Deeks flips through Morgan’s credit card bills – they are big.  Since Alice Morgan didn’t have a job, the only way they could afford their lifestyle was if Jeff Morgan was selling military secrets.  Deeks sees that the credit card bills include electronic toll charges – an EZ Pass.  They can find Alice Morgan’s location that way.
In the boat shed, Morgan’s CO, Commander Burns, is not thrilled to be there.  There are cellphones for meetings like this.   He should be in his office dealing with the fallout from the tragedy of Morgan being killed and not sitting in the boatshed – a “Bubba Gump’s”. 
Sam asks about the software.  According to Burns, it tracks everything from emails between intelligence offices to weapons and ordnance use and supplies.  Morgan was doing data analytics for the team but a month ago, he started visiting weapon manufacturers to make sure their software would work the with military’s new software.  Burns really didn’t have much of an opinion of Morgan except he was a good kid.  With hundreds of men under his command, he really didn’t know much about him.  He remembers Alice Morgan was quiet and unfriendly.  Burns is done with Callen and Sam.  He’ll answer any other questions by phone – he has work to do.  Callen and Sam want to check into Morgan’s travel vouchers to see where he went and who he saw.
In Ops, Shyla was able to get into the locked laptop but most accounts were logged out.  She was able to get into Alice Morgan’s text messages – the laptop and Alice’s phones were synced up.  There was a confirmation code for a company called Home Connection – discrete vacation rentals.  Shyla finds Alice Morgan booked a home on Larchmont an hour after she was seen leaving her home the night before.
In Larchmont, Rountree is really impressed with the area.  Good investments homes, water views – Rountree is talking about investments when Deeks says “Alice Morgan” who he sees leaving the rental house.  Rountree says “Alice Morgan” which has the same effect of yelling “federal agents” since Alice starts to run.  After she throws a branch cutter at Deeks, Rountree gets her to stop as she’s climbing a fence.  She is armed but surrenders. 
In interrogation, Deeks is on the right side of the table while Rountree is in the corner.  Deeks is rattling on about the “Chose Your Adventures” books when Rountree says they have witnesses who saw her flee the scene of a murder.  Rountree and Deeks can sit with Alice in interrogation all day or they can help her.  Alice wonders where they were six months ago when she asked for help.  Deeks wants to know what happened six months ago.  Alice says she talked and talked and talked and nobody wanted to help.  She moves in her chair, making sure her jacket and long sleeves cover her arms.  An obviously bothered Deeks wants to take a break.  He’s getting everyone coffee.
Callen and Sam return to the office.  Cheryl, Raymond’s latest caretaker who is very into birds according to Callen, quit when Raymond started talking about war pigeons.  Mentioning that Raymond’s previous caretaker quit when he wouldn’t ride in her Mazda – Raymond likes American-made cars – Callen thinks Sam is avoiding the real issue.  Sam loves this conversation because Callen is all about avoiding issues…like his wedding date.  Sam is sure Anna will understand whatever is holding Callen back.  The Admiral walks by – everyone to Ops.
Shyla tells an arriving Callen and Sam that Alice Morgan isn’t talking.  Commander Burns sent over Morgan’s travel vouchers.  Comparing the travel vouchers to Morgan’s EZ-Pass charges, “something is rotten in Denmark” according to Shyla.  Morgan visited a number of companies that made high-grade military explosives.  After every meeting, he would go someplace 20-miles past his home.  Using Kaleidoscope, Morgan is seen driving into a storage facility in El Monte two-days before he was killed.  Sam gets a call from the caretaker agency.  He’s taking it outside of Ops.
Deeks returns alone to interrogation with a cup of coffee for Alice.  He explains it is June 30, 1990 and his mother takes him to a Cardinals-Dodgers game.  He remembers that day.  Alice doesn’t care about sports.  Deeks doesn’t either but he will always remember that day.  It was so hot.  Ice cream cones were melts as they were being passed down the row.  Alice doesn’t want to talk about the weather either.  Deeks does.  Because all he really remembers from that day – his mother wearing jeans and a long-sleeve turtleneck.  Not that it really mattered – she couldn’t cover the bruises on her face.  She wore clothes like that for the entire summer. 
Alice asks if “he” spared Deeks.  Deeks says no but kids are supposed to have bruises.  He would tell the teachers he was fighting in the playground.  “What do you tell people?”  Alice said she had nobody to tell.  Her husband made her push everyone away.  Deeks asks how long has the abuse been going on.  Physically, Alice tells him, three-years.  “Mentally, who knows.”  She doesn’t have access to their bank account.  Morgan controlled every part of her life.
Deeks asks if a few months ago, she told the Navy.  There was a  military hotline and she called.  She didn’t hear back.  She filed a report with the family advocacy center who told her they’d look into it.  Deeks has to asks and understands if she did – did Alice kill her husband?  She didn’t – she found him dead when she arrived home.  What surprised Alice was even after everything he did, she tried to save him.  It doesn’t surprise Deeks. 
Deeks asks why did she run.  Alice explains that her husband was a valuable asset to the military, “I’m not.”  She was afraid her reports would be used as motive.  She asks for a few minutes and Deeks agrees.  As he’s leaving, she mentions that her husband would smell like motor oil after he returns from his business trips.  
At home, Bertie is telling Rosa about skinny dipping at a Ramada Inn off the Strip in Vegas.  Kensi isn’t thrilled.  Rosa is really entertained.  She would like to see Adele in Las Vegas, a friend has a condo and the family would let her use it.  The friend, Tay, is from her calculus class and Bertie is down on calculus.  With a disastrous marriage, three dead-end jobs and a brush with a pyramid scheme, she never used the Pythagorean theorem.  That’s really geometry, Kensi notes but Rosa is in love.  Bertie is the coolest.  Since Rosa needs to soccer cleats, she asks Kensi to take her and Tay to the mall.  Bertie moves on to a story about taking a sound bath behind a DQ in Marfa.
At a storage unit facility, Callen, now teamed up with Shyla, is brought to Jeff Morgan’s storage unit by the manager.  The place was cleaned out but still smells like almonds and motor oil – explosives manufacturers put the scent into their product on purpose.  Callen finds a small piece of C-4.  Shyla doesn’t think Morgan was killed for the software, he was killed after using his access to these explosive manufacturers to procure some product.  Callen worries about where the explosives are now.
The woman managing the storage unit place wants all the inside scoop if there is a dead body – she has a true crime podcast.  Three men were removing boxes from the back of the storage facility when the woman started her shift.  She doesn’t have access to the video surveillance, however, only her boss can do that.  Shyla wants the woman to call her boss – they need the footage now.  Shyla is also going to contact Commander Burns to figure out what is missing.
In Ops, Kilbride confirms that Alice Morgan contacted the military abuse hotlines to Deeks and Rountree in the boat shed.  The people running the hotlines say they take all abuse complaints seriously but there wasn’t enough information to move it to NCIS.  The Pentagon invested $1-billion to remedy this situation after past failures.  Deeks wonders how much of that money could have been saved if this was a priority from the start.  The Admiral is not pleased with Deeks’s statement.  He says since Alice didn’t kill her husband, figure out if she knows who did and disconnects.
Looking at Deeks, Rountree asks how much of the story he told Alice was true.  “Every word of it,” is Deeks’s reply.
Bertie finished doing laundry though Kensi out of the dryer sheets.  Asking for Rosa, Kensi explains that she’s negotiating between Tay and a friend over a disagreement.  She also tells Bertie that she doesn’t have to do laundry.  Bertie missed doing the laundry.  Kensi tries telling her mother-in-law that she and Deeks missed her but Bertie knows better. 
Bertie also knows Kensi is feeling a bit overwhelmed by parenthood.  Kensi notes that she’s not “technically” Rosa’s parent.  Bertie asks Kensi if she loves Rosa and wants to keep her safe.  Kensi does on both.  Bertie follows up - does Kensi fear she isn’t doing enough even though she’s exhausted from doing too much.  “Every single morning.”  Bertie doesn’t care about “technically” – Kensi is Rosa’s parent.  Kensi spent her entire NCIS career being one step ahead of everyone else.  She thought she could do that with being a parent.  She couldn’t.
Bertie offers some words of wisdom from her mother about being a parent – it’s like being pecked to death by a chicken.  That’s not helpful. 
Shyla has news for “Shark Tank” – Rountree.  She’s sending video of the three men who took the explosives from the storage unit but the footage is awful.  Rountree goes into interrogation to see if Alice knows any of the men.  Alice recognizes one of the men – she met him at a wine festival.  She remembers the date – it was her birthday.  She thought he was doing something nice for her birthday.  Obviously not.  As Rountree goes to tell Shyla, Alice asks Deeks what happened to his father.  Deeks tells her he shot him and two weeks later, he was in jail.
Callen and Shyla return to the office.  She gets a call as she returns to Ops, Callen goes to see Sam in the bullpen.  They are on a video call with Commander Burns.  He assures Callen and Sam that he’s been working with ATF.  15 to 25 pounds of C-4 is missing with a lot of blasting caps and detonation cord. Callen asks abuse complaints about Morgan.  Burns did not have enough evidence to move forward.  Before Callen and Sam could press him, Shyla needs them in Ops.  They quickly end the call but promise to call back.
In Ops, Shyla found Morgan had several bank account Alice Morgan knew nothing about.  Several of them received $9,000 deposits in the prior week – a transaction amount just under the amount of money a bank would have to report to Feds.  Met World Holdings sent the money.  It is owned by an Ivan Parson, who looks like one of the man in grainy video.  Met World Holdings is an import/export business – they move fine foods and fine wines.  Parson is connected to extremist groups in Ireland, Germany and Indonesia. 
The Admiral is looking for a sitrep.  Met World Holdings has an unoccupied space in Hollywood.  Deeks is getting Alice to a safe house so Callen, Sam and a seven-minutes out Rountree are at the unoccupied space.  The Admiral reminds everyone that the job is to get back the explosives without blowing up a city block.  The only way LA is going down in flames is if the Admiral has the match.
Callen and Sam move near the building.  They can see some shelves of items and a man but he’s not Parsons.  Going through the back door, Callen and Sam see Parsons.  Sam throws a wine bottle to get one of the men’s attention.  Sam quickly takes him out but makes enough noise to get Parsons and a minion to run.  Callen tackles the friend but Parsons gets to his vehicle.  An arriving Rountree stops him but Parsons throws his bag of explosives in the air and shoots them.  That sends Rountree flying but Sam takes down Parsons with ease.
As Parsons is being taken away, Callen tells Sam and Rountree that Morgan wanted to back out of the deal but Parsons already paid for the explosives.  Morgan was either scared or greedy.  He also wasn’t as tough as he thought he was.
Deeks joins Bertie on the back porch.  They share a couple of beers as Bertie asks if he got all the cats out of the trees.  Deeks said he did his best.  Deeks wants to talk about “Dad”.  Bertie isn’t interested in her past.  Deeks doesn’t think that’s fair – it is their past.  He only wants to know how she made it through.  “Vicodin and Sally Jessy Raphael,” is her answer.  She doesn’t know. 
Bertie explains that Deeks’s father took everything from the two of them, including the person Bertie used to be. But when he was gone, with Deeks’s help, she got that person back.  She’s made a lot of mistakes since that in her life but it is her life.  Deeks approves. 
Kensi and Rosa join Deeks and Bertie on the patio.  They’re just back from the mall.  Rosa would like to visit San Francisco and Deeks is all in on that.  Bertie invites herself – she knows a thruple up in Barstow that can rent then an RV.  Deeks is horrified by his mother being in a thruple.  Bertie assure him she’s not a part of the thruple, she just knows one. 
Anna returns home.  She thought they were going to dinner but Callen has a candles and some wine.  He also got bagels.  He loves Anna and he’d marry her tomorrow.  When they get married, he wants to be surrounded by everyone that means everything to them.  Arkady and Hetty are part of the package.  Anna isn’t happy but Callen explains Hetty has been in his life from the beginning.  He can’t get married without her.  She has more of the story and he needs her to tell it.  If he doesn’t do this, Hetty will always be the other person in the room.  He doesn’t need a lot more time but Anna is giving him all the time he needs.  She only asks the he tell the truth, even with it is hard, especially when it is hard.  He promises he will.
What head canon can be formed from here:   While the case of the week wasn’t much, that felt intentional.  The guys who stole the explosives were plot points.  They weren’t the typical bad guy – they were a bunch of dudes.  The hour instead was about family relationships.  It started with the Kolcheck-Callen and  Blye-Deeks households, moved to Rountree talking about his sister, Sam with his father and then the case of the week.
This was a terrific Deeks episode.  Light and goofy dad/husband at home, sad and serious with Alice and later with the Admiral, Rountree and Bertie.  There should be a bonus for the person who decided Pamela Reed would work as Deeks’s mom.  Just as light and goofy she could be in most of the episode, she was sad and serious near the end.  That scene with them alone wasn’t just family, it was two survivors who built themselves the lives they enjoy.
For a program and an NCISVerse that is mostly pro-military, there was a real sense of disgust by Deeks and disappoint/disgust late in the episode by the Admiral over the handling of Alice’s abuse case. 
Loved the explosion that sent Rountree flying – that’s the show I know and love.
Episode number:  Episode 307 overall, the fifth episode of season 14.
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chicgeekgirl89 · 1 year
How to Say Goodbye
Fandom: NCIS LA
Characters: Marty Deeks, Kensi Blye, Monty
Summary: After an extremely hard day Kensi and Deeks reevaluate their careers and consider where the road ahead might lead. A post ep for S14E12 "In the Name of Honor."
A/N: Wow, hello old friends. It's been a while. In light of the recent announcement about cancellation it only felt right that I come out of retirement and give the couple who changed my writing life a little bit of a sendoff. This may not be my final Densi fic, I'm leaving the door open for the rest of the season, but if it is, I'm happy with where I've left them. Enjoy!
Also, Monty lives for as long as I write in this fandom. Does it make sense? Probably not. Do I care? No. 
Read on AO3
Kensi slides into the passenger seat and lets her head fall back against the headrest, eyes closing as her body relaxes into the leather. She’s going to be sore tomorrow. Like take two Advil before she even gets out of bed sore. 
“Hey, you okay?” Deeks asks as he gets in the driver’s side and pulls on his seatbelt.
She nods. “Yeah. Yeah I’m just tired.”
“That makes sense, you had a rough day,” Deeks says.
She snorts. “Yeah, right, that’s what it was. A ‘rough day.’”
Deeks is quiet for a moment and then he reaches over a hand, sliding it between her head and the seat, gently massaging the back of her neck. She sighs and relaxes under his touch. 
“Let’s bail on Callen,” he says softly. “He’ll understand. Let me take you home. We can order delivery, go to bed early.”
She opens her mouth to protest, to say that it’s not fair to bail on their friend, but honestly, if she closes her eyes for too long right now, she’s probably not going to open them again, so she nods and Deeks sends a text and then they’re heading for home. 
She must doze off on the drive because it seems very short tonight and when they get inside she face plants directly into their couch without even taking off her shoes. Monty shuffles over and she blindly reaches out a hand to give him a scratch behind the ears.
She hears Deeks drop their bags and then call for Monty to go outside, the back door opening and closing so he can go out and take care of business for the night. When Deeks comes back about ten minutes later he sets something down on the coffee table. Squinting one eye open she finds a glass of wine sitting in front of her face and then grunts out her thanks as she feels him reach down to gently unlace and slide off her shoes. 
Once that’s done he settles onto the far end of the couch and pulls her feet into his lap. One hand lands on her calf and squeezes gently. “Rosa is going to stay at my mom’s tonight,” he says quietly.
At that her eyes pop open and she rolls over onto her back so she can look at him. “Oh no, I wanted to see her,” she says sadly.
“I’ll bring her by in the morning before school,” he says. 
She sighs. She knows Rosa is safe and happy at Roberta’s, but she misses her daughter and after a day like this it helps to have her presence in the house. “Okay. Thanks.”
“And dinner is ordered, it will be here in forty minutes,” he says as he begins to rub her feet.
“You are the perfect husband,” she says, enjoying the way it feels as he works the arch of her right foot.
He chuckles. “I’m going to go draw you a bath okay? You can relax until the food gets here.”
He starts to get up, but she catches his hand. “Don’t go,” she says softly.
He nods and sinks back down into the couch as she sits up, crossing her legs so she can really look at him. “What’s on your mind Fern?” he asks.
“Today was close,” she says. “Really close.”
“Yeah,” he says, emotion flitting through his eyes. “It was…yeah. Really close.”
She looks down and toys with his fingers as she tries to put what she’s feeling into words. “I thought about Rosa,” she says finally. “When they took us, when they tied us up and put us in the back of that van, before they knocked us out. I thought about everything that she’s lost. And I thought about you having to tell her that one more person she loves isn’t coming home.”
Deeks blows out a breath and shakes his head. “My mind didn’t even get that far,” he admits. “I just couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that I wasn’t there. That there was absolutely nothing I could do to stop what was about to happen to you and Fatima.”
Kensi swallows. “Deeks, if Fatima hadn’t woken up, if she hadn’t been there, I don’t think I would have been able to save myself today. I don’t think I would have made it out of that car.”
Silence fills the space as they both process what she’s just said. “Okay,” Deeks says finally. “Okay, what do we do with that?”
She shrugs. “I don’t know. I just, I can’t stop thinking that this is a young person’s game. We have Fatima and Rountree now and maybe…maybe this isn’t working anymore. I’m not sure I’m willing to keep sacrificing our family for the greater good.” She leans back against the arm rest and shoves a hand through her hair. “I don’t know Deeks.”
“You don’t have to know,” he tells her because he is good and kind and would never, ever try to make a decision for her. “Not right now.”
“We’ve been saying that for years,” she tells him helplessly. “We’ve been talking about how this is going to work with our hypothetical kids for years. But Deeks, Rosa is here now and she’s ours and we have a responsibility to her and we can’t just keep talking about it like it’s something that’s going to happen in the future. We have to make a choice.”
“I know,” he says. “I know. You’re right.”
“Yeah,” she says, with a sigh. “I am.”
“What do you want to do?” he asks after a long, heavy moment.
“I’m not sure,” she says. “We’ve had offers. Maybe it’s time for me to start seriously considering some of them.”
“Time for us,” he corrects. “If you’re going, I’m going too.”
“Deeks, just because I’m ready, that doesn’t mean you have to—“
“You’re going to leave me to third wheel it with Callen and Sam all by myself? Ha! Not a chance,” he says.
She leans forward and cups the back of his head, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. “I never thought this would be my life,” she says. “This was…this was not something I planned for. I thought I would do the agent thing, maybe move into something else after a couple years, I don’t know. But you and Rosa, you were never part of the plan.” She runs a hand through his hair. “God I’m so glad you’re part of the plan now.”
He takes her hand, kisses her palm. “You two are the only plan I want. My girls,” he says, voice thick, eyes bright. “My two perfect, beautiful, amazing, kickass girls.”
“How are we going to tell them all goodbye?” she asks, her own throat feeling tight. “Sam and Callen and everyone else. They’re our family too.”
“We’ll figure it out,” Deeks tells her. “Nell and Eric did it and look at them now. Happy as two little clams. Really rich clams. Clams with only slightly less money than Jeffy B.”
She snorts and rolls her eyes. How is that after all these years he can still make her laugh with all his ridiculousness? “I love you,” she tells him.
“I love you too.” He stands and holds out a hand. “Now come on. We’ve run out of time for a bath, but I think I can rustle up a reasonably good shower before the food gets here.”
“That is the sexiest thing you’ve ever said to me,” she says, letting him pull her up off the couch.
“How about I do you one better and tell you there’s ice cream in the freezer? And I DVR’ed the new episode of Below Deck?”
“Best. Husband. Ever.”
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ncisladaily · 2 years
“Survival of the Fittest” – When a Marine falls ill during a training mission due to an attack by a genetic weapon, the NCIS must track down the person responsible for unleashing it. Also, Deeks struggles with balancing work and home life when Rosa comes down with the flu, on the CBS Original series NCIS: LOS ANGELES, Sunday, Nov. 20 (10:30-11:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*.
Chris O’Donnell
(Special Agent G. Callen)
(Special Agent Sam Hanna)
Linda Hunt
(Operations Manager Henrietta “Hetty” Lange)
Daniela Ruah
(Special Agent Kensi Blye)
Eric Christian Olsen
(NCIS Investigator Marty Deeks)
Medalion Rahimi
(Special Agent Fatima Namazi)
Caleb Castille
(Special Agent Devin Rountree)
Gerald McRaney
(Retired Admiral Hollace Kilbride)
Pamela Reed
(Roberta Deeks)
Natalia Del Riego
(Rosa Reyes)
Dominic Burgess
(Herman Cooper)
Piper Curda
(Lisa Cho)
Bobby Hogan
(Marine Private First Class James Williams)
Cyrus Hobbi
(Marine Staff Sergeant Pierce)
Jesse Boone
Susan Slome
Marcus Antony Brunner
(Nicholas “Nick” Embry)
(Jordana Hanson)
(Marine Private First Class Edward Hanson)
WRITTEN BY: Andrew Bartels
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orionares · 2 years
BTHB: Ambulance Ride, Part 2
A:N: Part 1 can be found here
They find Roberta in the living room an hour later. 
Roberta nurses a glass of wine as she flips through a photo album on her lap. Her eyes are puffy as she hums after every page flip. Deeks lets her continue for another minute before calling out, "Mama."
"Sweetheart," a rare nickname that sends a chill down his spine. "Come sit."
"What happened that day?" Deeks asks without budging. He feels Kensi touch his shoulder again and he melts only slightly under her touch. "What actually happened?"
"Your father came home, drunker than usual and already out of his mind," Roberta replies. She takes a sip of wine, "And just before dinner, he went after me. And then you shot him."
"No," Deeks corrects her, his tone harsher than intended. "I shot him before he could hurt you."
"You shot him after."
Kensi's arm shoots behind him as he staggers back. The one thing he had held onto through everything- protecting his mother- is wrong.
"So I didn't save you from him?" Deeks chokes out. Roberta immediately rises to her feet and crosses the room. 
She cups his face and whispers, "No, you did save me. You saved me when no one else would. Even after calling the police and asking for help, you were the one who saved me."
"Wai- what happened to you?" He rests his hand over her hands. Deeks blinks away the tears and tries to verbalize the thousands of questions exploding in his mind. "How- how bad did he hurt you? And why did I end up in foster care?"
"I had a concussion, a broken hip and I wasn't in the best mind set," Roberta explains. She turns and walks back towards the couch- her walk is slower and cautious as she moves with a hand over her left hip. 
"You didn't have a support system," Kensi concludes softly. He notes her gaze dropping to her own hands and he assumes she's replaying her own time on the streets.
"Most people blamed me for-" Roberta forms quotations with her fingers, "- influencing you. For not stopping you from shooting your own father. So I was alone and I couldn't take care of you, son. So you went to a family in Porter Ranch for six weeks."
The tears begin to roll down his cheeks and he doesn't try to stop it. "So you were alone to recover-"
Roberta chuckles softly and wipes his cheek with her thumb. She tugs gently at his chin with her pointer finger and thumb. "There you go worrying about everyone around you. I was alone but what mattered was that you were safe," Roberta says, "Your safety was always my priority. You remember the stars?"
The memory of watching his mother stick small glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling for his tenth birthday brings a pang of sadness.  
"You bought me those stars so that I had something to look at if you and Dad ever got into a fight and I got scared," Deeks mutters. "And I-"
He stops mid sentence at another piece of a puzzle falling into place. 
Eleven year old him, staring at the ceiling in a home that isn't his and missing those stars. 
"Something else come back?" Kensi asks. She's now in front of him, next to Roberta and now squeezing his hand. Deeks bows his head and sighs in response. "What can we do? What do you need?"
His head is throbbing now under the swirling, overwhelming mixture of loss, confusion and bite of memories. The Investigator steps back from both women just as a choking noise leaves his lip.
"I need a minu- I need answers," Deeks stammers.  He's backing away without actively realizing it, escaping on instinct from any further questions or new memories. "I'm- I have to go."
"Agent Callen, a word?"
Callen glances up to Admiral Kilbride’s appearance at the top of the stairs. A slow, quiet day in OPS has him the only agent in the bullpen with the others scattered between the Mission and the boatshed. The agent rises and sighs before walking past the desks and up the second to last stair from the top. 
"You and I need to talk," Kilbride states flatly and immediately turns on his heels to walk to his office. Callen watches him walk for a few seconds before following him. 
At the door, Callen spies Deeks' file open on Kilbride's desk. He hesitates to enter, holding up a finger and asking, "Everything okay?"
"Close the door," Kilbride says. He flips a page in Deeks' file before sitting at his desk. "Investigator Deeks finished his check in session with the Navy psychologist and some things were discovered."
Callen crosses the space from the door to the closest arm chair and sits. "What do you mean 'discovered'?"
"In Deeks' file, it is noted that he spent time in foster care after shooting his father." Kilbride pauses, showing a rare loss of words. "It was assumed that those details were….Deeks has no memory of being in foster care."
What? Callen racks through as many conversations he's had with the Investigator about his life and realizes that number is low.
Too low. What kind of friend have I been?
"So was there an error?" Callen asks. He shifts in his seat anxiously. "Or are you telling me that-"
"He doesn't remember the details of shooting Gordon John Brandel, his mother's injuries or being in foster care," Kilbride finishes. The older man appears somber, another rarity for the same man who'd chastised 'cronuts' for ten minutes straight the day before. 
"I hope you understand why I'm telling you this," Kilbride states after a few minutes of silence between the two. "I am finding that as a person dealing with my own problems as a parent, I don't have the words to help…but you do."
"Ok," Callen sighs softly and rises to his feet. He's already replaying his own memories of being in foster care to find a starting point. Admiral Kilbride holds up a finger to stop Callen from leaving and pulls a new file from a drawer. On the cover, he spots a handwritten case number- LAPD #93765-976- and immediately recognizes what he's about to be handed. 
"In case he's ready for answers," Kilbride explains. Callen nods and walks towards the door, thinking worriedly- Hopefully these bring good answers and not make things worse. 
Callen finds the Investigator sitting in the sand at Victoria Beach. 
The beach isn’t as busy as he’d expect for the middle of the day with a few locals strolling up the shoreline. The air is cool with a moderate breeze that rustles Deeks’ blonde hair. As Callen approaches, he finds the Investigator to sit almost statuesque- like with arms propped on his knees and head bowed. 
"Heard you got some news,” Callen says. He pauses and waits for any response from Deeks. “Kilbride filled me in and Kensi let me know you came here to think.”
Deeks doesn’t move, only lifting his head to peer up at Callen. The agent sighs and sits down next to Deeks and states, “You doubting yourself right now? I’m guessing you don’t trust your own memory right now.”
“Having a six week gap does that to a person,” Deeks mumbles under his breath. “How much do you know?”
“Does it matter? Look, Deeks-” Callen explains, “I’m not going to tell you that everything is going to magically come back to you and that you aren’t going to feel like…..you’ve been cheated or- I don’t know. But I can  tell you that it doesn’t make you weak.”
Deeks blows out a puff of air through pursed lips. “This whole time- my entire life- I thought I had saved my mom from any pain,” he whispers tearfully, “but she still got hurt.” 
“Deeks, you- you have always been the protector of people you love, I’m guessing.” 
“Callen.” Deeks drops his head again and sighs loudly. “I just can’t get over the fact that I-”
“Killbride gave me the case file,” Callen admits and immediately chastised himself for revealing the file. He had skimmed the case file when he had arrived at the beach and the details, the details-
Bastard’s lucky he’s dead, Callen thinks silently. He refocuses his attention back on Deeks to find him staring, blue eyes wide and wet in disbelief. “I have the case file,” Callen repeats, “and whenever you are ready, I can answer any-”
“Tell me. Tell me everything.”
A/N: Part 3 coming soon
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ejzah · 3 months
A/N: Once again, Arkady and Roberta do not understand boundaries.
Deeks: Here’s your new keys, Mama.
Roberta, in exasperation: Fine.
Deeks, firmly: Now, if you loan this set or make new ones for Arkady, I will revoke your access.
Roberta: I still think this is unnecessary. Did you really need to change all the locks in the house?
Deeks: It was completely necessary. I’m not walking in on Arkady during his post-bath ritual ever again. *he closes his eyes and shudders*
Roberta, saving her hand: Oh, now you’re just being dramatic. It is not that bad. I’ve seen Ari naked plenty of times.
Deeks, wrinkling his nose: Thanks for that, mom. That thought will take me through the next several weeks of therapy. And for your information, it was that bad. Kensi’s still having nightmares.
Roberta, shoving the keys in her pocket: Bunch of babies.
Deeks, calling after her: You owe us a new set of towels, by the way!
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glenncoco4 · 1 year
Greta’s mom buying lingerie for Catherine for the wedding night is so something I wish Mama B would’ve done for Kensi. 😂
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chrisodonline · 2 years
I'm trying something new where I watch the show on my iPad to see if I pay more attention because the screen is smaller and closer. We'll see if it helps. Right now I'm watching this very different cold opening. Tons of people. So many potential non-name-in-credits casualties. I feel like this is the opening flashback in a John Cena movie. I want to note I have never actually seen a John Cena movie. I have only seen him on PSYCH and PEACEMAKER. But I just think I'm right on this. My gut tells me I am.
Super quick flashing credits! Someone got paid a lot of money to make it look crappy. I always commend people who manage to get the bucks with such bad work. Like, maybe THEY are the actual geniuses. 
Deeks is trying to be the Mayor of Flavortown! Deeks = lots of protein for breakfast. Grandma Bertie is like, "SUGAR! SUGAR!"
Bertie D. is dropping ALL THE SHADE and Kensi isn't even there.
"I don't speak Spanish but I know that means." BERTIE. I love you.
Hahaha, Sam's comment about needing a really good satellite to pick up someone as small as Hetty.
I think Sam asked a very good question. "Why is this in the boatshed?" It was very professional when you know he wanted to say, "I'm tired of this motherf@!&%@*$ snake in this motherf@!&%@*$ boatshed! How dare you bring it to a professional work environment!"
"I picked it up on the way to work." As if that's still okay. Oh, G. I love you. I mean, Anna could have easily watched it if it truly needs TLC. She's Jake's future Aunt. OMG. Can she be Aunt-asia??? 
The fact that G smirked knowing that Sam was not going to like what was under the blanket. He totally planned it. I AM scared of snakes, though. More than dislike.
Why all these emotions so early??? Deeks says he's sorry Rosa's bio!mom isn't here and that he would have loved to meet her. And Rosa says she would have liked him.  😭😭😭
And he tells her he loves her, and then apologizes for her current caregiver. I mean, that’s nice she has someone. We were pretty much on our own starting in middle school in my house, sick or not. “Here’s some Sprite, Saltines, and a bucket. Good luck.”
Roberta just trespassing all over the place. And getting horny on main with those DVDs.
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romancemedia · 1 year
I’m really gonna miss the mother-son bickering between Deeks and Roberta. Now I can add that to the list of the MANY things I’m going to miss about NCIS Los Angeles. Life just won’t be the same without it. I haven’t felt this way since Hawaii Five-0 ended.
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mashmaiden · 2 years
My mom and I were watching old game shows last night, and this gentleman was a contestant on "Now You See It" (which I'd never heard of before yesterday).
And now he's completely my headcanon for what Deeks's dad looked like around when he was born (or when Roberta fell in love with him) ! 😂😂
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What do you guys think?! 😂😂
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