martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.18--Episodes 16-17
I have watched through S2E17; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—Kay, I love me some hurt/comfort as much as the next guy, but episode 16 was all hurt. No comfort at all. I rate my emotional agony as 1/10, would not recommend. (And it didn’t get much better in episode 17.)
—Mr. Gold actually apologized to his son. I’ve gotten so used to every character in all entertainment being “flawless” and thereby rude and uncompromising (and any other character accepting that for some reason) that I forgot people could be written who actually did apologize for doing something wrong.
—The name fading off the dagger as Mr. Gold was dying was horrible. Also, I should’ve known that candle would come back to haunt somebody.
—Oh, yes, a masquerade ball! I am feasting tonight!
—Also, Cora’s wedding dress was lovely. I would’ve liked it better if it was actually white, not ivory, but the decorations were stunning.
—It’s hilarious to me that the Charmings have absorbed Mr. Gold into the family *threateningly* Like, they probably wouldn’t invite him over for dinner, but they’ll haul him in for a favor.
—And it works the opposite way, too! Mr. Gold is all, “ew, get that kid away from me” until he can use that family connection to get a favor out of the Charmings.
—I really want to see a Thanksgiving dinner for this family. That’s gotta be the most dramatic meal ever held. Henry; his adopted mother (who wants to kill his grandma); his biological mother; his bio mom’s parents (who are the same age as his bio mom); his long-lost dad (who has issues with his own long-lost father); and his other grandpa (who just happens to be the most manipulative mind in the universe). Also, Snow is technically *also* Henry’s adopted stepsister, because her stepmom is Henry’s adopted mom. And that also makes Regina both Henry’s adopted mom and his step-great-grandmother. Sounds like a grand old time!
—It’s gonna be jolly awkward for Belle and Mr. Gold when she finds out that he’s not dead.
—But his little speech to her over the phone was beautiful. I particularly love that the first thing he said to her was not that he loved her, or that she loved him, but that she was a hero. That was what he thought was most important for her to know.
—It’s also fun (fun being a relative term) that Belle’s hospital gown is yellow.
—Right before I turned on episode 16, I remembered the original Rumplestiltskin story and freaked out. (I was actually at a library recently, and I found Grimm’s fairytales and read the Rumplestiltskin story for giggles. OUAT Rumplestiltskin is much better.) Anyway, it took me this long to remember that Cora was a miller’s daughter, and I should probably be worried about where her origin story would go.
—I was right. I should’ve been worried. Rump has just the worst taste in women—other than Belle. Mila was a loser and Cora was a jerk.
—As much as I hate Cora—which is a lot—I appreciate her last moments. She had her heart back, and she realized that if she’d had it the whole time, Regina would’ve been enough for her. That’s rather touching.
—But I’m still not upset that she’s dead.
—I’m not thrilled about how she died. I thought Snow killing her would bad enough, but she also manipulated Regina to make her give the final blow. That’s pretty terrible.
—Snow actually having been affected by killing someone is a good story element. I’m tired of heroes who kill the villain and then don’t show any remorse at all. Like, yeah, they’re bad, and the world is probably only safe if they’re dead, but the hero being emotionless about it says more about the hero than it does about the villain. I don’t think I could trust any person who wasn’t upset by having killed.
—It is now semi-plausible than Baelfire and Mr. Gold might eventually start to work on patching up their relationship. I’m down with that.
—Also, I noticed the description for the next episode (the one or two sentence one that appears next to it on Disney Plus) and I’m very happy. I’ve been waiting for some Pinocchio content for a while now. Maybe he’ll even get to see his father again.
—For a villain who plays it so close to the chest, Rump actually falls in love a lot. He gives away parts of his backstory a lot. And I think that’s good, compared especially to Cora. He’s a villain who still has a heart, which is a large part of why he is so compelling. His machinations would make him interesting, even if he didn’t have these heart-wrenching events spaced throughout his life that push him further and further into darkness, but it’s the fact that he has a heart to be wrenched that gives him life. It’s the reason I hope to see him redeemed at some point in the future. He is ultimately a good man who went down a very dark path, and those tiny glimpses into his inner workings keep it believable that he could be a good man again.
—Now that I’ve been a lil deep—I need to see more of Red. She appeared briefly in these episodes, but I’m pining for my pretty wolf girl. Also, I really, really, *really* want to see her in a red flannel again.
—I’m not looking forward to Snow falling into darkness. That is going to be thoroughly unpleasant for me.
—Regina is super creepy. Trying to arrest that dad so she could keep his kid was nuts.
—I almost forgot—I now know the connection between Cora and what’s-her-face. I’ve already forgotten her name. I can’t believe Snow’s mom used to be such a jerkwad.
Happy Bi Visibility Day! In my time zone, it’s kinda late, but it’s still the 23rd.   💖💜💙
*(Why the heck is there not a plain pink heart emoji?)
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thistle-and-thorn · 2 years
Top 5 fairytales? (sending lots of good vibes to help with stress!)
HAHAHAHAHA THANK *screams into the void* everything’s fine, we’re all fine *screams again*
RUMEPLSTILTSKIN MY BELOVED. I’m only beginning to unpack my feelings about this baby right here
Diamonds and Toads. I will never move on from this story. it messed me up so bad, queenie. *takes drag of cigarette and thinks about the fourth grade*
My Beloved @palominojacoby introduced me to the maiden without hands last year and I am obsessed with it.
The White Cat is one that I love and don’t talk about enough.
The Wild Swans makes me so insane I don’t think you understand. *thinks about the nettles thinks about the swan wing thinks about the silence thinks about the love* I’m fine.
honorable mention is: Hans my Hedgehog which is a new one for me that I think has the potential to own me body and soul.
What about you? Do you have a fave?
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treatian · 3 years
The Chronicles of the Dark One: Magical Loopholes
Chapter 31: Gone or Taken
He was torn. Inside, his emotions oscillated from the frenzied motions that came along with panic to the sluggish pit associated with depression.
Belle was gone. Her nightgown lay discarded on the floor. It was still warm, barely, but warm enough. She hadn't been gone for long, but then where had she gone and why?
Gone or taken?
That was the question.
Had she finally had enough? Had their argument today been enough to send her over the edge to make her leave him?
Or had someone lured her outside and taken her away? This town was full of enemies; it was why he wasn't so keen on taking her into town when she begged. He felt confident that no one had come onto his property, but she'd gone outside for "air" before. With magic it might not take much to lure her out past the property line so that he'd never sense another presence on his property.
Gone or taken?
The first roused fear in him, the second anger and panic.
Anger and panic. He needed to hold on to those. Most of his life had been driven by anger and panic. He'd learned that he could do a lot when he was angry and panicked, and even if Belle had gone of her own free will, he still needed to find her. Free will or not, he'd promised to take care of her. Out there in the world, she had nothing. No money, no friends, not a single idea about where she was. If she chose not to come back, then what did she plan on doing? Sleep on the street?
No. She'd look for something familiar, she'd try to play the role of the hero, she'd try to do what he hadn't done yet. She'd try to find her father or Gaston, the only other people she'd indicated she thought she knew in this town.
Those thoughts allowed more anger to pour through him. He'd promised to take care of her, and part of that promise meant that she'd never have to go back to her father, never have to play a part in his games again. He had to find her before she found him.
He snatched the nightgown off the floor, grabbed his jacket, and used magic to take him to the shop. First thing first, he dove for the black bag he kept in the corner. A potion, he could use a potion to find her. The magic he'd placed on her to keep her safe and hidden from others would hide her even from him, but with her nightgown, a tracking potion could work! It was a loophole he was happy to exploit only...he remembered too late that he'd given his Tracking Potion to David and hadn't made another one yet. That was no bother. He'd given it to him before he'd known there was a problem with the town line because he knew he could cast a Tracking Spell himself. A Tracking Spell would work around his magic just as well.
He clutched the nightgown Belle had been wearing in his hand pushed the spell into it only…
It glowed. Just as it was supposed to, it glowed brightly for only a second. And then the glow flickered out and faded. He looked around as if expecting to see her sitting on the cot or in the corner, he wandered out into the front room, but the place was untouched. He glanced back at the nightgown and cast the Tracking Spell over it again.
Again, it glowed as it was supposed to before flickering out and fading away just as…
Just as it was supposed to when the owner of the object had been found.
Him. He was the owner of the object. The nightgown...it wasn't hers. She'd worn it, but it was his magic that had created it, and so it recognized him as the owner. It was finding him. But there were other things, things that she'd found around the house that she'd confessed had belonged to her long ago! But what? He hadn't been paying attention when they'd had that conversation. And the items had been random, a book or two, a shoe, maybe a pillow…he couldn't remember.
And there was her teacup…
He was halfway to the case where he was storing it before he stopped. Her teacup…from his tea set, bathed in his blood and magic so that it would find its way to him in this world. It might recognize itself as her own, just as half a dozen other things in his home might, but he needed to find her. He didn't have time to run around trying to find that one magical item that would take him to her. He didn't have anything of hers to cast a spell on, not even in a carnal way. Blood, skin, saliva, they hadn't so much as kissed this morning before she'd disappeared, and they hadn't had sex last night; there was nothing he could harvest for a potion. Except…
Blood to blood. Her father. Her blood would flow in his veins and vise versa. And he suspected that if she left on her own, then that was the place she would go to. He'd cut her off.
If he couldn't get to her first, then he'd get to where she was going first. If she was going there at all, he reminded himself. He wandered into the back room where the drawings that she'd made of her father were still waiting to be tossed out with the other trash, and from a drawer, he pulled forth the amateur drawing of her that her father had done. He wasn't sure what he wanted to believe. He wasn't sure how to marry the person she'd been to the one she was now. Part of him believed that if she left on her own and had nowhere to go, then she'd go to her father. Another part of him believed there was a slim chance of that happening. Not just because she wouldn't want to, but she wouldn't know how.
She had nothing to go on here. She had no idea who her father was here or what he did. But if she did know…that was the first place he'd look. Out on her own, confused, scared…she'd want something familiar. There was a slim chance she was there, but if she was…if she was, then he had to know. He'd always known this day was coming, a day that she walked out on him because she couldn't handle the monster the way she thought she could. He'd promised himself that when that day came, he'd accept it he just…he thought he'd had more time. He hoped they'd have more time. He'd hoped that he might be able to tell her about Baelfire, and yet when he'd had the opportunity this morning-
Later, those were thoughts for later, after he had a hint about where she was. He needed to go to the flower shop. If she was there and wanted to stay with her father, then he'd accept it. If she wasn't there…he shivered. If she wasn't there, then he might have a problem that required a bit more thought. He just had to know if she was safe. That was the priority. He just needed to know where she was so he could protect her from Regina, among others.
"You!" Moe spat out the moment he entered the flower shop. He'd walked there. Not because he was dying for air but because part of him had hoped he might see her on the street or hear something about someone who was looking for him or Moe. But the trip had been wholly uneventful. Until now. Now Moe French glared at him, red in the face, his heart racing, fear pouring from him so that it stank up the place, an achievement for a man who owned a flower shop. He could understand his fear. At the moment, he understood that emotion all too well.
"Rest easy…I'm not here for you. At least not today," he warned in a tone that certainly carried the implication of a threat to it. But he let the words linger there as he showed the man the poster he'd brought. "I was wondering if you'd heard from your daughter?"
Immediately, Moe snatched it out of his hands. "Is this some kind of cruel joke?" he snapped. "I wouldn't have made this flyer if I knew where she was. The only reason she's missing is because of the deal I made with you."
Belle's deal. He wanted so badly to correct him. It was Belle who had stood up and made that deal, who had negotiated it, who had paid the price. Maurice had just benefited from it as he let it happen, and it turned his stomach still today. Watching him look over that paper with sorrow and longing all the while knowing what Belle had told him about her life, how trapped she'd been…it made him want to take a cane to man again.
"I'd held out. I hoped she might have survived such a wicked trade."
"And she has."
"Why hasn't she come looking for me?"
"Oh, she did," he assured him, crossing his hands over his cane to keep the smile he felt inside from blooming on his face. He wanted him to know the truth of it. He wanted him to feel guilty. But considering the situation and the position he found himself in, he opted for implications instead of pesky details. Now was probably not the time to confess that they'd been living together since the Curse broke quite happily until this morning. Now was probably not the time to confess that they'd been sleeping together, even if he did hatefully want the man to know that Belle had been the one to make that decision. He wanted him to know those things, but at the moment, he thought it was better to leave out the details and allow him to take from it what he would. "She even made a flyer like this one."
"Well, let me guess. You took care of it by throwing it in the trash."
"I don't expect you to help me!" he growled, stepping forward and grabbing the paper out of his hands for himself. He did so want to make Moe flinch, to make him cry and scream again. But that would help his current situation, not if Belle came by. What had his aunts always told him in difficult situations? Best behavior. He had to be on his best behavior now. He didn't need help from French, but he might just need assurance. He hated to be indebted to the man for anything, but if it got back to Belle somehow…she was softer than her father; tenderhearted. She'd make sure he knew she was alright.
"I just want to know she's safe."
"And now, thanks to you, neither one of us knows where she is. You're a monster, Rumpelstiltskin," he muttered before he turned and walked into the back room.
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captainswanistoxic · 7 years
More from the CSers
Regina: evil when she was introduced
Also Regina: Has redemption arc over the timespan of multiple seasons, apologizes multiple times and helps out the Charmings.
CSers: Nah, she's an evil bitch. BURN her.
Rumplestiltskin: ultimate evil when he was introduced
Also Rumpelstiltskin: became evil because of abusive relationship over years, has tried his best to just make his family happy but is literally always run over by sometimes the heroes, other times the lingering fear of losing control
CSers: Can never be forgiven. Being the Dark One is not an excuse.
Hook: Asshole pirate when he came to the show.
Also Hook: Kills random people when he's the Dark One, is whiny af, makes rape jokes and has canonically had "many a man's wife" and never says sorry unless it serves himself. Has no redemption arc whatsoever and is never really crucial in anything the Charmings do.
CSers: HE IS THE BEST PERSON THAT HAS EVER EXISTED. He did these bad things when he was the Dark One, so it's not his fault.
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bundyshoes · 11 years
The Stories that Make Us
43. Blood
The words from the Seer hadn't stopped running through his ears since the moment she spoke them.
When Henry showed, he had pushed it back, hoping against all hope that it was not him. That this wasn't the child he had promised to get rid of. But as time went on and Neal revealed himself through Henry, he knew he couldn’t hold it back anymore.
He had to take action. Because when push came to shove, he was still a coward, still clinging to his wretched life. He didn’t want to give it up, not this life, not his magic.
Lacey was a perfect excuse, a perfect distraction from keeping his guard up. She liked his 'evil' side, she liked when he became that ugly monster. So he just let himself do it, he let himself fall into the dark void he had spent centuries staying out of. He became the beast he had tried so hard to suppress.
He had planned numerous ways to get rid of the boy. Lacey would encourage him to do all he could to become as powerful as he could be. She wanted the immortality, the bending of reality, the riches. (He ignored that it wasn't really him she wanted, because really he's used to ignoring the blatant facts like this.) She wanted the thrill of being with such a bad guy, so he gave it to her. He gave in to her.
He separated himself as best he could from the Charmings. Especially their daughter. He knew if he looked at her, she would know. She would figure out how twisted he had become since coming back to Storybrooke and she would try to stop him. Maybe even succeed, if her past actions were any indication.
But he couldn’t let her in. He couldn’t let her try. So he avoided her.
(he found out pretty quickly how much he missed her, but he suppressed those thoughts whenever they'd arise in the middle of the night. Lacey was enough, he kept telling himself. Just Belle's face was enough, he told himself. He was happy.) (It never worked)
He had finally found the perfect plan. And he had finally been able to go through with it.
But despite all of his infinite knowledge, he still ended up forgetting one little thing.
Magic always comes with a price.
And as he stood there, looking over at where the boy was supposed to be, he could feel his whole world crashing down around his ears.
Because where Henry was supposed to be, now lay Emma, her arms curled around her son in an attempt to save him. Henry was staring blankly up at his mother, unable to grasp that she wasn't moving. He didn’t try to get up, nor to remove her arms from around him. He still couldn’t wrap his head around what had just occurred.
Emma was staring up at Gold with empty accusing eyes. But she did not move. The only thing that was in motion was the red seeping out of her body onto the ground and into her once shining golden hair. Her blood seemed to taint everything in his vision and only then did he let the full realization of what he'd done sink in.
And he dropped to his knees. 
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gepardo · 11 years
So, this is probably set up in some high-school senior/College freshman AU
I, however, can't think of anything pass this.
So instead of just leaving it in my computer to rot, I thought I would post it. 
“Alright, truth or dare?”
Belle sighed, she was already wearing the bright pink leather mini dress, and the most atrocious shade of blue lipstick with bright yellow smoky eye shadows. Needless to say, she did not want to go through another dare at this slumber party. “Fine, truth.”
“Are you and Mr. Gold dating?” Emma nearly spit out her soda, staring at Ruby’s smirking face.  Mary Margeret was also having a mix reaction at the question, and Abigail was looking at interested as Ruby, just not as blatantly obvious. 
“W-what?” Belle squeaked. “Of course not!” 
“Then he still free” Ruby smiled, her voice purring. 
“RUBY!” Four voices cried out, and she just smirked. 
“Oh come on, like none of you had thought about it? Specially when he has one of those ice cream cones with him.” Her smirk only grew wider when all the girls tried to hide their blushing faces, the various ‘makeovers’ doing so very little to help hide it. 
It was true that none of them could deny that Mr. Gold with an ice cream cone or a sundae was pretty much like watching porn. In public. The man seemed completely unaware of the fact of how sinfully he would use his tongue to scoop up ice cream into his mouth, or lick a spoon clean. 
He also seemed completely clueless of the fact that every time he was the only(or almost )the only man in Granny’s Dinner, a complimentary ice cream sundae for an unknown party would find itself on his table, regardless of what time it was. Every woman in town by now knew that his favorite flavors were chocolate and peaches with caramel sauce, it the was only combo he actually took his time to eat. It was any wonder they hadn’t made him obese by now. 
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robertfrobisherslover · 12 years
“DARE! Try and write in no more than 300 words, the saddest Rumbelle fic known to man.”
She seems him across the bridge. She sees him too late. He is standing underneath a flickering street lamp, his face showing, smiling, and then disappearing within a second. Before she can call out, a figure behind her grabs her roughly by the waist and yanks her back, holding a silver blade to her throat. Across the bridge, he catches a glimpse of her struggling and screaming and moves to run to her. 
All she hears is the release of a bullet from a pistol and a soft oh. 
She is still alive in the brief second where his body crumples to the floor, his knees giving way, and his head hitting roughly against the pavement. His eyes are still open, staring up at the magnificent sky, and from his mouth trails a small droplet of blood, seeping mercilessly through his stubble.
In that short moment, she screams out and then abruptly stops when the knife slots neatly between her ribs from behind and punctures her lung. She is pushed forward out of the way, and with the little strength she has left - even though her entire body is burning and shaking - she crawls to his body and takes his cold hand. 
With her right hand spasming wildly, she slowly lifts it and brushes it against his cheek, and kisses the blood from the corner of his mouth. With her penultimate breath, she presses her lips against his, and then collapses down beside him, her hand still resting on his face, her lips still muzzled against his neck. 
She looks up at the night sky, taking in the sight of the stars dancing wildly above her, but before she has opportunity, her heart gives out and her lips part. 
From above, they look like two lovers, entwined and in total embrace, watching the sky and all it's colours.
In reality, they are united in death, where they never had the chance in life.
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So, now that the curse has kind of been broken and everyone remembers, will Rumpelstiltskin keep his Mr. Gold voice or go back to his creepy Rumpelstiltskin voice??
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tardistwin · 12 years
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"perhaps it's your fertiliser?"
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