#ryan dunn headcanons
dangerehrenn · 1 year
duddddeeee okay so imagine reader is put in a kinda sexy outfit for a prank and the members are all just flustered as fuck while talking and teasing her
i LOVE this
fem!reader, kinda went off track lol sorryyyy
when you fluster (?) the guys
you’re wearing a nurse outfit you found in your trailer
but the skirt is far too short and the shirt is a tad bit too tight
you know you were put in this outfit to be a ‘distraction’
you don’t mind it though
all eyes are on you and you’re loving it
you’re not sure who’s idea it was, your bet is on spike
regardless of who’s idea it was, it’s getting lots of positive reactions
you casually walk up to the boys who are all sat in an almost circle, talking about stunts they have to do or have done in the past
knoxville is speaking as you walk towards them but he instantly loses his train of thought
not seeing you, bam starts to make fun of johnny for it while taking a sip of his beer
but chokes slightly as he notices you, cheeks going red as you give him a knowing look
“where’s this little get up from?” chris says
“dunno, it was in my trailer with a note saying for me to put it on”
“ok, who’s idea was this?” dave says after looking you up and down, trying his hardest to avoid eye contact
steveo wolf whistles you, telling you to spin
“yeah y/n, spin” wee man says
you do a spin and you hear murmurs of “damn” and “holy shit”
suddenly ehren has to excuse himself, causing the boys to erupt into laughter
“where you going ehren?” bam shouts
“no where!! it- it’s unrelated!”
you take a seat next to preston and ryan
and you fully realise that all your friends have a staring problem
and they all have slight blushes on their faces
it boosts your ego though, so you cant really complain
“you ever find out who left you that outfit? tell me, i wanna thank them personally” knoxville says with a smirk and a laugh
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jackasswhre · 8 months
Hiya idk if your requests are open but if they are can I get a jackass image/fic (Platonic) where reader gets dumped by their partner
This is kinda hard to explain
But yk how some people write a fic and there multiple people in that in fic that's kinda what I'm thinking like something with whatever jackass guys you want
hiiiiii, yes they are open, sorry ive been really busy lately so i havent posted
i did headcanons bc i dont really know how to write full fics, also i did johnny, steve-o, ryan, bam and pontious :) hope you like it!!!!
Platonic!Johnny Knoxville/ Steve-o/ Bam Margera/ Ryan Dunn/ Chris Pontious x reader who has just been dumped
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Johnny Knoxville
(im really sorry his is gonna be short bc i have no idea what to write for him)
Ok so i feel like Johnny would definetly hug you and tell you that it's going to be okay
Like some motivational dad talk lmao
Because his way of comforting you is most likely talking about it
And if you don't want to talk about it then he 100% understands and tells you that he's here for you
Probably watches a comedy movie/show with you so you will laugh
Orders takeout or makes food himself
Just like makes sure you feel alright and makes you forget about the person who just dumped you
Does anything you ask him to
In general he's really gentle about it
I feel like Steve-O wouldn't really be into the whole talking thing
I mean like he definetely will listen to you rant if you need to but he just wouldn't really know what to say
It also depends on what era it is
Because if he's sober then he's incredibly sweet and like Johnny probably watches a movie with you
But if he's not sober then he'll 100% suggest going to the bar and getting shit faced after like 10 minutes of hearing you talk about the breakup
And like honestly you two would have so much fun that night
Drinking and laughing
Honestly maybe even crying
If you don't want to go to the bar then he understands and goes by himself
Lmao jk he's not that mean
He might whine a bit but if you really don't want to go then he gets it and you guys probably fall asleep on the couch watching some early 2000s cartoon
Bam Margera
Now here's the deal with Bam
He totally and completely gets it and is there for you
But he will also suggest that you guys go skate to let some anger out
If you can skate it's not even gonna be a suggestion
He'll literally grab you, pull you off of the couch and throw you in the car to go to the skatepark
If you don't know how to skate he says that he'll help you and while you're there he "teaches" you different tricks but in reality he's just having fun and he may have slightly forgotten that you can't skate
Once you guys are done you probably hit up a gas station, buy some snacks and sit on the sidewalk
In the middle of converstation he'll ask if you're okay and if there's anything else he can do
Bam's an amazing friend so he'll help in any way he can
If the person who dumped you was a guy and was a total asshole then he definetely calls Dunn and they "talk" to him
You guys spend the rest of the night listening to HIM and maybe even smoking
Ryan Dunn
Bro when I tell you that Ryan is the best friend anyone could have I mean it
I mean like first of all he would 100% give you an AMAZING hug and tell it's gonna be alright
Then he would probably take you to the store and buy you whatever snacks and/or drinks you wanted
You guys would spend the rest of the afternoon/evening/night/whenever talking and watching tv
He shares some of his stories on how he got dumped and tells you that he knows how you feel and wants to make you as happy as possible
If you want to laugh then he'll put on some show or tell you funny stories
If you want to cry then he will totally cry with you
If you're mad then he will first try to calm you down and if that doesn't work he'll find an abandoned building or something where you guys can break stuff
If the rest of the viva la bam/cky guys hear about what you guys are doing they will 100% join you (and if you don't want them to Ryan tells them to fuck off)
Ryan's the definition of the sweetest friend anyone could have
Chris Pontious
Lets get one thing straight
Chris is the funniest person on the planet
So when you tell him about you getting dumped, his goal is to make you laugh as much as possible
Whether that's while you're crying
Or when you guys are talking about other things
He tries to get your mind off of it and he does anything to do it
Even if he totally embarasses himself in the process
As long as you're laughing he's happy
He's also really good at talking so if you don't want him to make jokes 24/7 he'll 100% listen and talk to you about other things
I feel like he gives really but also kinda stupid advice
Idk how to explain it
Maybe its the fact that normally everything that comes out of this dudes mouth is goofy as fuck
Or maybe its just the fact that he hasn't fully stopped making jokes
Whatever it is the advice is still pretty good
And he is still fully devoted to making you happy
Also please laugh at his jokes
Even if they're kinda bad
It'll boost his ego so much lmao
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babybammargera · 1 year
Dating Dunn as Knoxvilles sister.
Dunn x female reader HC
I feel like in the beginning Johnny definitely raised hell.
Mostly bc you tried to hide it at first.
Dunn probably came to see you when you were visiting the boys while filming and got caught when Knox came to check on you in your hotel room.
Eventually tho he realizes there’s nothing he can do about it and chills out.
Well kinda. Any time you and Ry go out alone together he’s constantly texting even if the two of you just went for a drive.
Your boyfriend and brother are in a constant prank war so just try to stay out of the crossfire.
You’ve probably been woken up by an air horn wielded by your idiot brother trying to scare Ryan. (He forgot you were there)
Yelling at Knox for trying to shave chunks out of Dunn’s hair like he does to the others.
Knox saying things like “tell your boyfriend to shower and stop bitching about stunts. Also he tazed me like 3 times on set today”
And Ryan telling you things that same day.
“your brother told me I need to shower so I tazed him in the ass and Bam pissed on his shoe while he was talking to Jeff."
Johnny being supremely overprotective despite being okay with you dating.
“Don’t fuck up Dunn that’s my baby sister I’m not joking.”
Ryan of course rolls his eyes because he has no intentions of fucking this up.
He’s madly in love with you.
Like has his arms around you at all times even cramped in the crew van if you’re with him during filming.
He likes to annoy you by kissing you all over your face and sometimes that results in accidental beard burn.
He’s the biggest sweetheart and a huge teddy bear
Calls you doll face unironically.
And angel.
After a stressful day he’ll lay on top of you expecting cuddles and for you to play with his hair till he takes a nap.
“Hey angel. I had a long day can I just lay here for a bit?”
Which usually takes place on the couch and almost always gets the same reaction from Johnny if he’s at your house.
(Which is pretty often bc he’s nosy)
“Would you two get a room this is the grossest thing I’ve seen all day! And we filmed with Dave!”
Knoxville is also the type of brother to crash dates.
"Accidentally" shows up at the same place and insists that he joins.
It’s a pretty fun situation though.
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knoxvilleforever · 2 years
Jackass Guys Protecting You in a Bar Fight Headcanons
request: I love your Jackass Headcannons. Can you do HCs with Johnny and the rest of the cast with a damsel in distress? If you do one and not the rest, it’s totally fine. The writing is up to you. Please and Thank you.
request: could we please get hcs for ryan, steve and maybe pj protecting the reader during a bar fight 😲
johnny knoxville:
there’s no doubt johnny is protective of you at all times when you’re at a bar
and as soon as he gets wind of trouble
he’s at your side immediately
if it’s one of the jackass guys in the fight
he stays out of it for your sake
he doesn’t want you to watch
and he absolutely doesn’t want you in the crossfire
he’ll have his body in front of yours and moves you as far away from the scene as possible
doesn’t like having you so close to somewhere you could get pushed around so he’s using himself as your human shield
he doesn’t seem one to be involved in conflict
but if you end up somehow involved
he’s pulling you out of the situation immediately
would probably take you home and out of there as soon as he can
doesn’t want you to see a fight especially if it involves his friends
but if someone ends up shoving you
or you get caught up in it by accident
he’s definitely having words
he’ll keep you behind him the whole time but he won’t let whoever was responsible get away with it
he can be pretty intimidating
uses his words rather than his fists
will be the first to come to your defence if he’s needed
steve o:
now if steve o is coming to your defence
i definitely think he’ll be using his fists
if you’re at a bar and someone gives you unwanted attention
he knows from one look on your face that you’re uncomfortable
‘hey, dude. i think she’s done talking to you.’
he’ll insert himself mid conversation between you and the guy
doesn’t bother about making his presence known
the guy is only halfway through his rebuttal when steve o’s shoving him away
‘i said leave her alone.’
by then it’s got the attention of the bar
and the guy thinks better of going back at a very agitated looking steve o
the rest of the jackass guys step in to calm steve o
but he’s holding eye contact with the guy until he backs down
‘are you okay?’
it’s then he turns to you and is making sure you’re fine
because if you aren’t he’s ready to start back up again
he keeps a constant eye on you after that
he doesn’t like anyone getting too close for comfort
but he always checks up on you to see when he should step in
definitely likes to provoke the guy tho
he’ll make sure he’s kissing you right where he can see
ryan dunn:
ryan won’t start the fight
but he’ll finish it
if someone knocks into you
and spills a drink
ryan’s involved immediately
‘hey asshole!’
‘what the fuck?’
‘that’s my girl!’
if ryan’s fighting then of course so is bam
and ryan’s reliant on the fact that one of his friends will have moved you away from the chaos
once the fight dies down and his opponent is forced into defeat
he’s right back to your side
takes you to the bathroom so you can change out of your soaked shirt
he gives you his jacket or his own shirt
‘ry, you’re bleeding.’
‘and you’re covered in beer. what an asshole.’
could care less about the fight he was just in
is only concerned with you
doesn’t let you out of his sight for the rest of the night
has a protective arm around you at all times
the first to help you if you’re ever in trouble
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dramatic-crying · 25 days
dating ryan dunn headcanons <3
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i think ryan tends to be a very private and shy person around people he doesn't know well
and that bit of his personality CRANKS UP to 11 when he first sees you
i'm talking shaking hands, not wanting to make eye contact with you, blushing and silently panicking when you smile at him for the first time
despite his timidness, when you two get to know each other and start dating, he seems to be a completely different person
he still gets butterflies around you because he will always find you stunning, but instead of hiding from your gaze, he'll go up and hug you from behind or will slip his fingers into yours just so he can be close to you
he will constantly remind you of how much he cares for you, and how happy he is around you
with being so close to ryan, he of course introduces you to the jackass boys
they immediately start teasing him because they notice how whipped he is when he's with you, but it's all in good fun
truthfully, the boys love you and offer to do stunts with you for jackass if you would like
despite all the chaos with the jackass boys in your daily life, it's a different world when you're spending time with ryan alone
i imagine a lot of your date nights would be a quiet night in, completely tangled up in ryan's arms while cuddling on the couch and watching a comfort movie
despite there being a movie on, ryan's the type of person who won't actually watch it but will instead whisper sweet nothings in your ear and focus on his skin touching yours
he has already known he's loved since the day he met you, and he is ecstatic when you both exchange your first 'i love you'
THE END lovelies! <3
thank you so much for reading, it means the world to me!!
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riotcontrolmargera · 2 years
i was wondering if u could do something with dunn. i was thinking fem reader and it having to do with lots of dirty talk 🫣
dirty talk - ryan dunn x reader
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female reader. requested.
note: absolutely i can do smthn with dunn ♡
warning: nsfw. very light dom & sub dynamics, if you squint, you might see it. oral (f receiving), masturbation (f), sex, overstimulation, dirty talk.
you and ryan had been together for years but anyone who didn't know you two would probably assume that you two were new lovers, as it seemed the honeymoon phase had never ended. there was so much love between you two and everyone could see it. you two were inseparable, two birds of a feather - you recalled knox describing your relationship. it was no secret that you two were all over each other whenever you got the chance to be. the flame between you two never seemed to dim, no matter how much time passed.
whenever you visited him on set and he wasn't doing a stunt, he was right there besides you with his arms around you - and that's exactly the position that you two were in now. he was standing behind you with his arms fastened around your shoulders as you both watched on as johnny did a stunt with bulls.
you were shivering moments prior since it was quite cold out and the breeze was relentlessly hitting the little skin that was exposed on your body but you felt much warmer in his arms. you knew that filming was close to ending for the day so you turned your head to speak to him. "what do you wanna do when we get home?" you asked him in a quiet tone, being careful to not ruin the shot with your chatting. he pressed a couple of kisses to your cheek, the rough hair of his beard tickling against your cheek causing you to giggle. "i can think of a couple things..." he muttered into your ear so that you were the only one to hear it.
"like what, ry?" you asked him, only imagining what he could possibly mean by that. his arms around your shoulders tightened a little to give you a gentle squeeze. "i want to kiss every little inch of your body." he whispered in your ear in a sultry tone, as soon as you heard it, you could feel your body tingle. it was no chore for ryan to turn you on, or at least, start to get your motor humming. "every inch?" you questioned.
to which he nodded his head and you heard him let out a soft and breathy chuckle. "every inch. i can't wait to get you home, im getting hard just thinking about it." he mused to which you give him a gentle slap to his bicep - feeling your cheeks heat up at his choice of words. you knew that he wasn't exaggerating either as you could feel something poking into your back. "damn it, dunn!" you couldn't help but quietly laugh.
you spent the rest of the time trying to focus on knoxvilles stunt, trying to refrain from thinking about what you and ryan would be doing as soon as you both got home- but that proved to be quite the challenge.
soon - but not soon enough - knox was finished with his stunt and filming wrapped up for the day, after packing everything up for the day; you and ryan went to say your 'goodbye's and 'see you tomorrow's to the boys and the crew. it felt like forever as you were waiting for ryan to finish talking with the boys, you had already made sure to say goodbye to all of them but ryan was definitely taking his god damn time with it. you were sure that he was only doordling to torture you and you hated him in the moment for it. admittedly, you were getting impatient as all you wanted to do was get him home so that you could rip his pants off.
you saw him looking at you, chuckling slightly. you hadn't realised that you were wearing your impatience and discontent on your face as you stood around and waiting for the conversation to end. "alright guys, we will see ya all tomorrow." he finally said and you felt some sense of relief. you waved a goodbye before walking to ryans car, hand in hand with him. you moved into the passenger seat and he moved into the driver's, turning on the engine before he started driving towards your shared home.
he kept one hand on the steering wheel of his car, the other hand took its place on your inner thigh. you took a breath in, feeling the warmth of his hand seep through the fabric of your ratty blue jeans. "i love how flustered you get. it's so fucking hot." he told you as his thumb started to rub circles on your thigh, his hand crept up your thigh - getting closer to your core. "i want you to touch yourself until we get home." he told you but it seemed like more of an order.
immediately, your hands came to the belt you were wearing to keep your baggy jeans up - undoing the buckle quickly. the button to your jeans was then quickly undone, you positioned yourself so that you were watching him the entire time. your hand sliding underneath the fabric of the panties you were wearing. you let out a shuddered breath as your cold fingers tips came into contact with your sensitive clit, "fuck, im so wet." you breathed out before starting to move your fingers in a circular motion.
your mind was racing with all the potential scenarios that could play out once you and ryan got home - there was always some excitement about having sex with ryan, for one, you knew that it was going to be good. secondly, you and him were always looking for something new to try and often times, its a spur of the moment idea.
you sucked in a breath before letting out a quiet string of pleasured noises, wanting to let him know much you needed him in that moment. "fuck ryan..." you whimpered out, keeping your eyes on him. he glanced over every so often. your head lulled back against the seat, looking at him through lidded eyes, sliding your fingers down to meet your entrance before sliding the two fingers inside of you. "you sound so fucking sexy, christ." he groaned, trying to focus in driving and not the ache in his jeans.
for several minutes you altered between fingering yourself and paying attention to your clit, making sure to make as many of those pretty noises for him. as soon as he pulled into the driveway, you removed the hand from your pants as he stopped the car and removed the keys from the ignition. you used your other hand to grab his face to turn his head towards you - moving your coated fingers to his lips, to which he promptly took them into his mouth and sucked them clean. he let out a groan. "i can't wait to get inside and have my way with you." he told you in a sultry tone.
once you both raced to get inside, he shut the door behind him and pulled you into him - before you could do anything, he was kissing you with such intensity and passion. you could feel his hot and heavy breaths as well as the prickle of his beard. your hands came to the collar of his shirt, gripping the fabric in the balls of your hands as you both started blindly navigating the house to find a surface - preferably a bed... but neither of you made it that far.
the next thing that you knew was that he was lifting you with such ease onto the pool table that occupied the dining room, he never broke the kiss and you didn't want him too - his hands pushed the unopened bills and the balls to the side, you could hear the clinking of the balls hitting each other and the sides of the table. your hands came down to the hem of his shirt, pulling up until it reached his chest and it was only then that the kiss broke. you removed his shirt and tossed it to the ground, only briefly looking at his naked torso before your vision was obscured by your own shirt coming up.
you lifted your arms as he removed it, tossing it to the side much like you did with his. "fuck, i will never get enough of looking at you." he breathed in before leaning to kiss your neck before moving down further your body. you let out a breathless giggle as the coarse beard hairs tickled your bare skin. his hands pulled down your already undone jeans, your underwear going down with it as you lifted your bum up to help him get the garments off easier.
as soon as they were off and onto the floor, you watched as ryan moved onto his knees in front of you and you instinctively spread your legs for him until he positioned them over his shoulders- starting to kiss and suck at the skin of your inner thighs. "christ, baby, you're so fucking sexy." he muttered against your skin. you shivered as you felt his hot breath hit your sensitive core.
you kept your eyes on him, finding the sight of him between your legs extremely erotic - if you had a camera on you, you'd be tempted to take a picture and make sure the memory lasted a life time.
as soon as his mouth comes into contact with your pussy - you knew that it was game over - ryan loved giving head and he was relentless when it came to it. it was equally for your pleasure and for his. his tongue moved between your folds a couple times, lapping up your juices like his life was dependent on it - low boyish groans of pleasure came from his lips. you leaned back, placing your hands behind you on the felt material of the pool table to hold your body weight. you let out a long string of pleasured moans, your head lulled back as your eyes fluttered shut.
you could feel the contrast of his soft, wet tongue and the prickle of his beard against your sensitive skin - and you loved the sensation that it provided. ryan applied some pressure as he sucked on your clit before running his tongue up and down it a couple times - altering between the two for several minutes. he loved the way your body reacted to him, the trembles that took over your body and the little gasps that escaped from your lips, every time he hit a specific nerve with his tongue. "you taste so fucking good, christ, i could do this all day." you heard him mutter against you, his teeth grazing against your sensitive nub gently. your thighs clenched around his head, letting out a heavy breath. "well, im not gonna stop you baby." you breathed out and chuckled gently.
he brought his fingers up to your core, teasing your hole with his finger tips. an involuntary whine came from your lips. "please ryan- don't tease me now." you breathed, looking back down at him to see that his eyes were on you, observing your reaction. he let out a chuckle. "i love how needy you are, darling." he mused, sliding two fingers inside of you. his eyes dropped down to watch what he was doing - thrusting his long fingers inside you, moving them at a medium yet consistent rhythm. he managed to hit all the right spots inside of you consistently, making your thighs tremble and your toes curls. "fuck, fuck- shit baby" you managed to get out.
"you look so pretty with my fingers in you like this- you going to cum baby?" he asked to which you nodded you're head, you could feel your orgasm coming on fast as his fingers stroked against the bundle of nerves inside you. "come on baby, let me see you cum on my fingers- that's a good girl, christ." you heard him ushering you to your orgasm and praising you as you came around his fingers. he pressed a kiss to your clit before sliding his fingers out, bringing them to his lips and sucking them clean.
you couldn't help but let out a giggle as you could see his lips glisten from your arousal on them. "come here." you beckoned, moving your fingers in a 'come here' motion and he did. he stood up and one of your hands came up to the back of his hair, pulling him into a passionate and lustful kiss, your fingers tracking through his greasy blond curls. his course hands coming to your waist and holding you close to him while your hands travelled down his chest and stomach to his jeans - enjoying the feeling of his warm skin under your finger tips.
once your hands made it to the cool metal of his belt buckle, you unbuckled it with ease and dropped it off to the side. you moved back from the kiss but only slightly, his lips ghosting over yours - you could still feel his hot breath on them. "i need to feel you inside of me, please, please." you breathed in a ruttish tone. he moved his head to start to kiss your jaw down to your neck. "please ryan, please." you begged softly and he chuckled at your words.
"look at you begging, that's so sweet. you've already came once and you want more? aren't you greedy tonight?" he asked, pulling back from his actions to look at you, his blue eyes meeting yours. "ryan- please." you plead with him, your hands resting on the waist band of his jeans. he gave you an adoring smile, loving every second that you were acting like this for him. "don't worry, princess, I'll take care of you." he said, quickly and less than gracefully removing the rest of his clothes.
as soon as he was standing completely naked in front of you, he came back to you to which you wrapped your arms over his broad shoulders as his hands moved to your waist. you could feel the head of his penis press against the entrance of your pussy, you breathed in. "can i hear you beg for it one more time?" he whispered into your ear, kissing your earlobe gently, tugging on it with his teeth in a gentle manner.
you shuddered a breath. "please- please... fuck me, please. i need you so bad." you begged, digging your nails into his shoulders - with your words, he slid his cock into you. you both simultaneously let out a sound of pleasure as he slowly slid deeper inside of you. "fuck- your pussy feels so fucking good, christ." he let out a low groan, starting to thrust his hips forward - he always started off slow and gentle, which you appreciated but you didn't need that at this moment.
"please- honey, you don't need to be gentle with me, please- i can take it." you breathed, bringing your face to meet the blue eyed boys. your nose touched, his heavy breaths hitting your lips just as yours did his - you secured your arms around his shoulders tighter as his thrusts became more rapid and ragged, the only thing you could let out from your mouth was a mix of quiet moans and a cascade of profanities and blasphemys as his cock penerated you in all the right ways. it never took him long to find the right rhythm that drove you wild. "listen to all those pretty sounds you're making for me, princess- i know you can be louder than that, come on. i want to hear how good im making you feel." he ushered, his strong and calloused hands moving down from your waist to firmly grab a hold of each of your ass cheeks.
he thrusted deeper until he was practically balls deep inside of you, his hands holding you close to him- while he fucked you, nearly animalistic against the pool table. as your head tilted back, the sounds that came from your mouth became louder. you felt his lips come to your exposed neck, kissing and biting at the skin roughly, leaving marks all over the skin there. "oh god- oh god." you struggled out as one of your hand moved to the back of his hair, tangling themselves in the strands and tugging on them roughly. the kisses proceeded upwards stopping at the place just below your earlobe. "you love it when i fuck you like a whore, don't you?- fuck yeah, you do." he muttered into your ear, tugging at your earlobe with his teeth.
it didn't take much for that familiar feeling deep inside of your stomach to start building up and for your thighs to start trembling- "ryan- fuck, im close-" you breathed out, a wave of pleasure coming over your body cutting you off. it was unexpected for the both of you, your body clenched around him and released in a matter of seconds. you took a breath, tilted your head back into an upright position - seeing that your boyfriend was looking at you with a dumbfounded look on his face. "did- did you just cum?" he asked and you nodded, a shy expression came across your face.
"im sorry, i didn't mean too-" "are you kidding me? that was fucking hot." he interrupted, leaning down to kiss your lips, his cock still hard inside of you. you kiss him back before pulling back from the kiss. "i want you to use me until you finish." you told him through an utterance of your breath, running your hand through his hair.
"what was that?" he asked, you were certain that he heard exactly what you said - but wanted to hear you say it again, louder... to use your voice. you unwrapped yourself from his shoulders, laying back down against the pool table, keeping your legs locked around him securely. "you said... you wanted to have your way with me- so... use me until you've had enough. i can take it." you said with more confidence in your tone, louder too.
he asked for reassurance one more time to make sure that its what you wanted - because he's polite like that - once you confirmed it once more, it was definitely game over for you. you didn't think that you were so sensitive until his cock started thrusting into you and finding the same rhythm that he had going before... you couldn't help the trembling of your thighs or the pathetic whimpers that came from your lips. "good girl— that's a good fucking girl." you heard him praise, one of his hands gripped your hips while the other rested on your stomach.
you found it hard to focus on anything, your body was feeling so overwhelmed with pleasure- every time he hit that bundle of nerves it sent electro shocks through your entire body. you hadn't even noticed that you had started to cry from the sensations that you felt - but there was no denying that you liked it. "christ, you're doing so well baby, im almost there- do you think that you can give me one more, hm- i think you can." he said, holding back low grunts in the back of his throat.
you nodded your head, already feeling close to on edge of your third orgasm of the night... and with that, he doubled down on his actions and thrusted faster - and you could have sworn that you seen stars. "fuck- fuck!" came from his lips but it didn't even register that he said anything to you because in a few thrusts, you reached your third high - and he came to his first, cumming deep inside of you. your body felt like it was on fire, in the best possible way, as you were coming down, you could feel your body occasionally twitch.
he slid out from you and took a couple of seconds to recollect himself before helping you, helping you sit up and supporting your weight. "you okay, baby?" he asked softly, concern riddled in his voice as he worried that he went too far with you. he wrapped his arms around you, giving you a warm hug, you leaned into his chest and wrapped your arms around him. "yeah. never better, ry." you chuckled softly.
he pressed a kiss to your forehead, muttering praises towards you, telling you how good you were before picking you up and taking you to the bedroom. he got you cleaned up and dressed into warm clothes before laying you on the mattress (that was on the floor.). he, of course, climbed in besides you and wrapped his arm around you.
"you know that i love you, right?" he asked, watching you as you nestled into his chest, cuddling into him. "what kinda question is that, dunn?" you replied, a smile coming across your lips as you looked up at him. "of course i do, nobody loves someone quite like you do. it's hard to miss."
note: if the ending is a little bit shit, i apologise... it's very late at night and i just finished it. it's also relatively unedited so if you saw any mistakes, no you didn't ... but i hope y'all like this anyway.
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margeraswrld · 2 years
hi hi! could i request a fluffy fic/hcs (you can choose!) with Ryan Dunn where he gets hurt during a stunt and the reader looks after him afterward? You can use she/her pronouns, or keep it gender neutral :)
lovesick, ryan dunn!
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a/n - i absolutely love ry so much, and ever since my entire headcannon post for him was deleted ( f u tumblr ) i’ve been wanting to write something else for him, so this is just perfect!
warnings - contains fluff, blood/injury, slight bit of angst but not much, slight drinking, slight suggestive content, usual jackass shit but nothing harsh.
plot - fem! reader taking care of ryan after he’s injured from a stunt.
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it’s extremely rare for you to ever get the privilege of enjoying peaceful night - a night with no injuries needing tending to, no shitfaced guys looking for a spot on your couch ( which you never can seem to reject ), no chaotic stunts taking place in your very own backyard. a quiet night is honestly, practically unheard of for you thanks your daredevil boyfriend and your guys’ equally-chaotic friends, who literally make their living off of being dumb. yet, despite all the hassle, you love them all dearly and wouldn’t trade a single one of them for the world. but, boy, do they know how to stress a girl out, both on set and off.
so, when you’re finally able to have what looks to be a calm night in, you’re beyond thrilled. you’ve already picked out a cheesy rom-com, changed into a spaghetti strap along with your comfiest shorts, made yourself a bowl of popcorn, and settled into your couch to watch the movie and wait on ryan to return from filming something small with bam.
you’re almost halfway through the movie, deeply invested and almost to the bottom of your popcorn bowl, whenever your front door swings open without warning. you yelp loudly, the remaining popcorn splattering to the floor as your head whips around.
bam enters without a word, tossing a pair of house keys onto the small table beside your door, shortly followed by ryan who clutches his left arm tightly, blood visibly spilling through the thin fabric of his white tee-shirt. “my keys go over there, dickhead.” ryan corrects bam’s mindless mistake with a strained voice, to which the brunette boy only shrugs in response.
“ry, oh my god, are you okay?!” you shoot up from the leather couch, taking off across the room to your boyfriend’s side. sure, you’re used to ryan showing up injured, but that doesn’t mean you don’t worry just the same each and every time.
“yeah, yeah, i’m fine!” he chuckles dryly, but you can immediately tell that he’s lying. hell, anyone could with the pain seeping through his tone, not to mention the blood steadily dripping further down his arm. “it looks worse than it is, really.”
“bam, why the hell didn’t you try to stop the bleeding?” you curse as you rush toward the kitchen, grabbing a handful of paper towels before turning back toward the living room. luckily, the blood isn’t pouring like it looks to have been before he arrived, but you know that you still need to put pressure on whatever sort of wound he has.
“we were in a parking lot!” bam defends himself with a dramatic gesture of his arms, already used to your worried rambling in situations like these.
you don’t respond, silently accepting his reasoning as you carefully press the towels over the place ryan’s hand once covered, causing him to wince slightly. “come on,” you gently speak as you guide him toward your bathroom, sucking your lip in between your teeth by nervous habit.
you’ve seen worse with some of the guys, mainly steve-o, but you simply can’t help but panic everytime - especially when it comes to ryan. you have no problem fixing them up and even driving them to a hospital if needed - but, for their sake, you just really wish they had a bit more regard for their personal safety, a totally useless wish.
“i’m okay, babe, really.” ryan tries to convince you once again as you motion for him to take a seat on your counter, grabbing a soft towel from your shelf along with the small box filled with things you’ve designated to times like these. “i just need a bandaid.”
you can’t help but crack a smile at the blonde boy’s weak attempt at humor as you run the towel under your faucet, dousing it in slightly-warm water. “just a bandaid, huh?”
“well, also maybe a kiss to make it better?” he suggests while puckering his chapped lips playfully, laughing through the pain as you shake your head fondly. really, he’s hardly even focused on his pain anymore, it having faded to nothing but an afterthought the second he saw you smile. all he’s focused on right now is you, how you make him feel so okay even when he’s clearly not.
“not just yet, tough guy.” you deny with a teasing smile, pulling up the sleeve of his white tee-shirt to examine the gash on his upper arm, almost at his shoulder. it definitely hurts like hell, but luckily it doesn’t look to be deep enough to require stitching.
your determined eyes strain in concentration as you use the warm towel to carefully dab away at the angry, crimson liquid covering his wound, “how’d this happen, anyway? i thought you guys were just doing stuff with the shopping carts tonight.”
“yeah, we did.” the curly-haired boy confirms, hissing lightly as you wipe away the final remnants of blood, directly on his injury. “something sharp was in the fucking bush, scraped me as i landed. i’m pretty sure it was glass.”
you shake your head softly and bite your lip once more, an annoying nervous habit of yours. “ry, i really love your job. i think everything you do for jackass is so cool, and there’s nothing else i’d rather you do.” you begin, your trained eyes not leaving his wound as you suck in a sharp breath, “i just wish there was a way you could be a bit more careful. like, check shit before you decide to jump in it, you know? i’m not trying to tell you what to do, i just don’t like seeing you hurt.”
you finish with a small shake of your head and pull away to toss the stained towel into the sink behind ryan, his non-bloodied hand coming up to cup your cheek, stopping you in your tracks as your guilty eyes meet his own. “i’m okay, sweetheart, i promise. don’t get me wrong, it hurts like a bitch, but i’d do it a hundred times over if it meant you could be the one to fix it.” his calloused thumb softly rubs your cheek, a comforting smile stretching his lips. “i’m sorry i make you worry so much, and im sorry you’re always stuck taking care of me,”
you cut him off before he can say another word, “ry, stop. don’t you apologize for anything at all. it’s my job to worry about you and to patch you up when you’re hurt, and i wouldn’t trade any part of it for the world, okay?”
for a moment the two of you just sit there in a comfortable silence, a smile gracing ryan’s cracked lips as he strokes your cheek softly. “god, i love you.” he voices his thoughts, his eyes gleaming with pure love and adoration as he gazes downward at you like a lovesick puppy.
“i love you too.” you offer him a genuine smile as you lean further into his touch, never wanting to leave this moment.
his other hand moves to grasp your waist and pull you gently toward him, connecting his formerly-split lips with your glossed ones. his hand never leaves your cheek, caressing it softly as your lips move blissfully against his own. a soft groan-like noise bubbles from his throat as you deepen the kiss slightly, causing a light smirk to appear on your own lips.
the two of you are completely lost in each other - off in your own, little love-filled world, all of the worries at hand simply melting away with each touch.
then bam’s voice protrudes loudly and unapologetically through the door, quickly snapping the two of you from your lovesick trance, “y/n, is dunn okay?”
ryan hangs his head low and sighs loudly at his best friend’s horrible timing as you hesitantly pull away from him, your mind focusing back on the situation at hand. “yes, bam, your boyfriend’s fine, don’t worry.” you answer with a teasing smile tugging at your lips as you grab a small tube of ointment from the box beside ryan. “we’re almost done.”
“ugh, shut up.” bam grumbles, and you can almost hear him rolling his eyes as he departs from the door.
you finish patching ryan up pretty quickly after that, applying the soothing ointment and wrapping a gauze around his upper arm as a bandage. “you have to change your shirt, there’s blood all over it.” you tell him as he helps you finish tidying up your bathroom, despite your multiple protests for him to go sit down.
he glances down at his bloodied shirt for a brief moment before shrugging nonchalantly, “it’s not that bad.”
you nudge him playfully, shaking your head with disapproval as you put away the final box, “you have to take it off, it’s all bloody and dirty.”
“i think,” ryan begins, stepping closer to you and snaking his arms around your slightly-exposed waist in order to pull you closer to him, “you just want me to be shirtless.”
he makes a teasing face that causes you to giggle proudly at his childish taunting, moving your own arms to latch around his neck. “hmm, maybe, maybe not.” you lean your face closer to his own, your lips hovering only a couple inches away from his “guess we’ll never know.”
and with that, you untangle yourself from him completely and exit the bathroom, a proud smirk on your lips as you take off down the hall. when you enter the living room, you find bam lounged across the couch where you once sat, having helped himself to a beer from your fridge as he finishes out the movie you were watching.
once he takes notice of your presence, he sighs dramatically and makes yet another over-exaggerated gesture with his arms, “finally, jesus! what’d you guys do, fuck in there or something?”
“she fixed me up real good.” ryan answers for you, coming into view at your side as he winks toward the boy on the couch. he moves to take a seat alongside bam, but you’re quick to stop him with a sudden snap of your fingers.
“hey! go change first, i don’t want blood on my couch.” you demand, motioning for him to go find one of his shirts upstairs. he huffs a way too dramatic sigh, but he does as you say, nonetheless.
you make your own way over to the couch, shoving bam’s legs to the floor as you take a seat, questioning him on what you’d missed in the movie - to which he responds with, “the guy finally kissed the chick, and now i think they’re gonna fuck or some shit. i dunno.”
by the time ryan is back to take his seat in between you and bam, the movie has ended and you allow him to pick a new one. bam takes it upon himself to stay as well, not that you mind, though, because his shitty commentary always makes any move ten times more enjoyable.
you end up falling asleep around halfway through, leaned up against your boyfriend with a beer dangling from your fingers.
you wake up safe in your bed, tucked under the covers with ryan sound asleep behind you, his arm draped over your waist. you could never ask for anything more.
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a/n - i’m so sorry this took a while, something came up in the middle of writing and i couldn’t get it up as soon as i wanted to. i really enjoyed writing this, and i’m actually kinda proud of it. i may have gotten a bit too carried away and made it a bit too long, but i hope you like it! feel free to request again anytime <3
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dunnsgirl · 2 years
all this ryan dunn content recently has just been *chefs kiss*
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abellmunsonmovie · 3 months
I feel like if Eddie was alive in the late 90s and early 2000s he’d love Jackass. Also like what if Corroded Coffin got famous or whatever and they were a special guest on there?!?!
“Hey my names, Johnny Knoxville, welcome to Jackass!” -Eddie before cutting to wee man getting shot out of a canon
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POV: you look threw the only girl in jackass Camera roll♡♡
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johnnyknoxvilleswife · 6 months
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Jackass's own it girl (she is a teensy bit of an alcoholic)
totally about to write a City Girl x Knoxville Fic
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dangerehrenn · 2 years
Going on rollercoasters w the boys hcs?
im sorry if this is bad!
i’d love to go on a rollercoaster with these guys
going on a rollercoaster w/ the boys
just gonna say one thing
good luck
so i’m imagining you all on the same ride
ryan and bam at the front, you and knoxville second row, and everyone else behind
(you tried to get front row but bam practically pushed you out the way to get there first)
you’re surprised to find that your group of friends who practically almost kill themselves daily with their stunts can be so afraid of a rollercoaster
queue ehren and preston in the back begging to be let off the ride after two minutes of waiting
steveo and bam telling them to stop being such pussies about it
knoxville almost pissing himself at the fact dave looks like he’s gonna be sick already
and at the fact it will most definitely go all over wee man and preston
be prepared for one of the boys to try and prank you
probably (definitely) johnny
“y/n, does that screw on your seat look loose to you?”
or make you worry just before the ride starts
probably (definitely) chris
“uh, im not buckled in, should i be concerned?”
as well as feeling sick, dave will definitely say something like
“wait will the g-force make me shit?”
followed by
“dude please do not shit it’ll go all over me” from wee man
also chris is definitely wearing his bunny ears so
get ready for him to complain he lost them after the first minute of the ride
when the ride starts get ready for the loudest cheers you’ve ever heard in your life
most of them are acting all confident, thinking they aren’t gonna get scared from a “stupid rollercoaster”
but as soon as the ride goes down it’s first ramp or round the first upside down loop
screaming like babies
(especially mr. i get to sit at the front aka bam margera)
ryan just laughs at how ridiculous bam is being, screaming his head off
but is then caught off guard by a sudden turn, causing him to scream just as loud as bam
after the ride, wee man and preston are definitely covered in vomit, and they vow to never sit behind dave again
ehren looks traumatised
steveo and chris are giggling, wanting another go straight away
ryan mocking bam for screaming so loud
and knoxville teasing you about how tight you were holding the security bar
also surprisingly, chris still has his bunny ears
but you later find out he actually brought a second pair because he thought he was gonna loose the first ones
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hey-august · 2 months
Buggy would be a fucking MENICE on April 1st. The crew would be on high alert. His partner always ready. Hell even cross guild is tense waiting to see what he has planned. Man is pulling out alllll the stops
You know it. There would be chaos. Absolute chaos. But if you embraced it, April 1st might be your new favorite holiday.
I'd like to imagine that his crew would also try and get into the shenanigans eventually. Some would try and prank Buggy. A few would succeed and that would only spur the excitement.
There would be alliances. Which group could successfully prank the captain? Who could get the captain on their side to prank another unsuspecting victim? What happens when Buggy is pulling the strings of multiple cohorts of crewmembers trying to out-prank each other?
And as for Buggy himself, the intricacy and intensity of his pranks would vary. Swapping the sugar and salt. Releasing three circus animals, but they have signs that say "one," "two," and "four." Putting disgustingly sour or incredibly spicy condiments in food when his victim isn't looking.
Sometimes he just chuckles. Nothings happening, but Buggy's laugh has everyone on edge. Goosebumps. Prickles on the back of their necks. At the beginning, this was one of his favorite "pranks" for the Cross Guild.
Not to mention swapping Crocodile's cigars for chocolate. (His partner talked him out of adding a turd.) And swapping Mihawk's hat feather with lil baby birds.
But listen. Hear me out. Jackass. JACKASS. The giant hand skit is the exact shit I think Buggy would pull. (Video behind the cut.)
(The way Bam falls at 2:16 gets me every time. Cackling and tears in my eyes.)
Honestly, there are so many Jackass skits that I could see Buggy doing. Clipping someone's hair short with a surprise razor, the black mamba sock puppet face smack - he can just float a hand over.
A menace. A whirlwind of pranks and laughter. Buggy loves April 1st.
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babybammargera · 1 year
Ryan teaching you to drive stick
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Cute hcs (I can't drive stick so apologies if it's bad
He's probably sitting on the couch playing video games with Raab and Dico when you find him.
"Hey Ry you know how I can't drive stick?"
"I love you but you suck total ass at driving in general?"
"Not the point asshat I want you to teach me."
When you ask him he immediately gets excited throwing the controller on the couch.
Cue his perfect goofy grin.
"Wait really? You want me to teach you? Of course dude let's go!"
He runs outside in his socks forgetting his shoes and keys altogether.
"Gross Ry you could have at least put your shoes on I'm sure your socks smell gnarly"
You follow him to his car his keys in hand.
Will not let you start the car without your seatbelt on.
He's patient with you slowly explaining until you understand.
"No no no like this watch."
(Not that he needs to bc when it comes to ry you're always listening carefully no matter what he's talking about. so you catch on quickly)
Doesn't get mad if you stall out.
"It's okay I didn't expect you to be great at first I mean I've seen you drive."
Playing with the radio the whole time.
"Dude you sucked at first but you're actually learning fast"
Backhanded complements but he means well.
Makes you drive him to get food once you've got the hang of it.
"Turn in here I want a burger."
After a few days practicing and you get comfortable he makes you drive him more often secretly loving passenger princess life.
Which is a little sad because you had gotten used to watching him be adorable behind the wheel when you guys went places together.
Will hold your hand on the gear shift without thinking twice about it.
Brags about how quickly you learned to the guys.
Which sometimes lands you as the designated driver.
A little tip for those cases keep Bam in the back seat so he's not in your bubble but not the middle bc he's a diva and Dico is always the best to give the aux to.
^ also I love him but Raab is a bit much if he's drunk so back seat with the diva if he's too tipsy.
These suck I'm sorry but as always thank you @bambammargera I love your requests you're great.
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knoxvilleforever · 2 years
Enemies to Lovers with Ryan Dunn Headcanons
request: enemies to lovers w ryan dunn maybe ??
there was no disputing that ryan hated people
it was actually self proclaimed
and unfortunately when it came to you
you knew it all too well
you figured that some people just didn’t get along
and that was the case for you and ryan
but he couldn’t just get on with his dislike quietly
he had to make you aware of it
much to your discontent
you’d rather get through your day without having ryan follow you around just waiting to piss you off
like when you get into work in a morning
and he’s sat at your desk, actually with his feet propped up on your desk
in shoes that looked like he’d been dragged through a field in
or when you spent hours looking for paperwork that needed to be sent out today
only to find him stood watching you, very contently, with it shoved down the back of his pants
‘give it to me.’
‘you gotta come get it.’
you knew this could go on forever
so you swallowed your pride and went over to grab your paperwork that was ridiculously close to ryan’s ass
‘woah, y/n. take me to dinner first.’
ryan was out to make your life as difficult as possible
but it all came to a head when he took it too far
there was a very important meeting about jackass that your office was having within the next couple of days
and jeff told you it was extremely important that you had all the footage they wanted to present
along with paperwork like permits, waivers, contracts
to say you were stressed getting all of it together was an understatement
and you had multiple hard copies of the documents so you were prepared in case anything happened to them
meaning if ryan dunn happened
so the night before the big meeting, you were almost ready to leave work when you double checked you’d got your paperwork
only it wasn’t where you left it
and neither were the multiple copies you made
so after almost two hours of tearing apart your desk and almost the entire office
you were basically sat at your computer having a breakdown at this point
when you heard footsteps and saw the only person you were hoping wouldn’t show
ryan surveyed the state of the office
and your form with your head in your hands
and he thinks maybe, just maybe
this time he took it too far
‘looking for something?’
the rage that filled your chest at that moment was unknown
because there he was, with your multiple copies of paperwork, leaning against the door frame without a care in the world
you wanted to scream at him but there was no fight left in you
you just looked at him with silent tears in your eyes
‘is that how much you hate me?’
ryan hadn’t ever seen you like this
he liked to make you mad, he liked to hear you going off on him, and he really liked when you got so mad at him you had a crease in your brow that he wanted so badly to smooth out
but right now he was seeing none of that
‘do you want me to quit? is that what you want? because i can’t keep working like this, i can’t keep working knowing that someone hates me so much they either want me to quit out of stress or get me fucking fired by fucking with all the important shit i need.’
ryan was stunned into silence
‘i just don’t know what i did, to make you hate me so much.’
and now ryan was upset
his heart was aching because you’re in front of him crying and he’s so selfish for thinking you’re still beautiful when you cry
and you’re confused when he’s by your side and wrapping his arms around you
because you thought you’d squirm and push him away, but surprisingly it’s actually… nice
and you find yourself silently crying into his shoulder whilst he rubs your back soothingly, because he’s the reason your crying but he’s the reason you’re starting to feel better
‘i’m sorry. i’m just dumb and i liked pissing you off because then you’ll get mad at me and it’s cute when you’re mad but i didn’t wanna make you cry.’
‘you don’t think i’m cute when i’m nice?’
‘i think you’re cute all the time. even when you cry, but fuck i don’t ever wanna see it again.’
ryan helps you put the office back together
and after he’d apologised a million times
you fell into regular chat
and as much as you were pissed at him
it was nice and he was nice
it was well into the night by the time the two of you had finished
and you were perched on your desk thinking about how you’d be sat behind it again in less than eight hours
‘i’ll leave you alone, now. i promise i’m not gonna be a dick. and that’s a pretty big promise for me.’
you manage a laugh and to get out a small ‘thanks.’
‘and i could never hate you. not even close.’
‘you don’t?’
‘hell no. first, if i made you quit it’d be my ass on the line because this whole place can’t function without you. and i wouldn’t wanna do that because then i wouldn’t get to come to work and see you everyday.’
‘you mean you fuck with me because you like seeing me everyday?’
‘it wasn’t obvious?’
you shake your head slowly with a small smile
‘ah, well. i do it because i like you. why’d you think i did this when no one else was around? it definitely wasn’t so i could get a laugh out of you.’
you’re still in shock when he gives you a ride home that night
and so is he when you leave a kiss on his cheek and tell him you’ll see him in a couple of hours
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glitterinmyveinss · 8 months
// Back to the Basics //
steve- o x fem!reader
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summary: you and steveo used to be best friends, knowing eachother since highschool and all. but growing up sucks. Especially when your best friend who you had/have a massive crush on now does coke off of models backs.
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❥ ༄ you were so happy for steve-o when his career as a stunt man finally took off. you've know him since highschool and knew that it was definitely the right career for him. You remembered how you two would always go to the park after school and you would just sit and watch him skate, occasionally you would ask him to teach you.
❥༄ "well first you have to put your foot on the board dude" steveo said with a sarcastic tone. you looked at him and pouted "obviously i know that but which one?" for once, he was looking at 𝘆𝗼𝘂 like you were the dumb one. of course you kinda knew which foot you were supposed to put on the board, but steveo just intimated you so much you lost all knowledge around him and it was like your brain was constantly short circuiting. it was that or all the pot you guys smoked last period. he shook his head and laughed. "put down your most dominant foot babe." your heart did a little skip at that. it wasn't unusual for steveo to use pet names with you, but still, everytime he did it made you flustered...and confused. hesitantly, you put your foot on the board. steveo nodded then spoke up "ok now your other foot, then stand sideways, and push with the first foot you put down." you did as told and started moving. you guys were both laughing as you started to get the hang of it "awesome y/n you're better than when i started!" you blushed and smiled at him "thanks stevie" he gave you a soft smile, then ushered for you to follow him. "come on man let's get some tacos from this truck i'm starved." you got off the board and handed it to him and began following him. you loved this side of steve. everyone else thought he was jsut some rich obnoxious asshole who loved attention. and while that wasn't too far from the truth, he still had a loveable side like everyone else. he was extremely funny and could make you smile no matter what mood you were in, he was actually pretty smart at times, and was whole heartedly kind. to you at least. not so much everyone else. you wish everyone could see his soft side so they would understand why you hung out with him, but you also liked how it was reserved just for you.
❥༄ now it's 2002 and "Jackass: The Movie" was doing rounds in the ticket office. Your and Steveos relationship became basically non existent ever since he joined jackass. he started blowing you off to go hang out with other people you didn't even know, started partying a lot more, (if that was even possible) and he was always busy filming stunts, or being in the er. you tried not to bug him about it, afraid of seeming clingy and like you wanted to drag him down, which of course you didn't. you just wanted your friend back. It was a thursday evening and you had just gotten back from your big girl office job. ever since you were little you knew you wanted to leave your home town. It just always felt so small and closed off from the rest of the world to you. you wanted to live somewhere more progressive. so you got serious about school and were able to get a stable, good paying job in san diego. you went to your room, changed, then plotted down on your couch with some greasy fast food. hey you were single and lived alone, so you sometimes forgot to get groceries. you turned on the tv and began flipping through channels. the station it landed on was MTV, you were skeptical about leaving it on, knowing that everytime you saw steveo now, it tugged at your heart. You watched him change, for better and for worse. of course he's always been completely insane, but he had a soft side to him. now all you ever see is him intoxicated. you decided to leave it on. "maybe they won't even play jackass" you thought to yourself. the commercials ended and the intro for "MTV cribs" began to play and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. but once the episode started, you were stunned. it was apparently a "jackass exclusive" episode where steveo and all his other cast members were showing their "cribs." you knew you should turn it off, or find something else to watch, but you didn't want too. the tv began to show steveo, wasted as ever. you watched in disappointment as he began showing his disgusting apartment, putting hot sauce in his eye, and breaking stuff. Of course this was normal for him, but seeing him on tv do it, knowing millions of others were watching, made your heart hurt for him. "i guess his dream came true..." you thought to yourself. you've been knowing for a while yours and steveos relationship was basically over, but this was the breaking point for you. you put your food away, shut the tv off, and curled up into bed. just staring at your ceiling remembering all the good times and how they were over.
❥༄ It was a cold autumn day when your boss called you into her office. the leaves were changing, the air became crisp, and your outfits became a lotttt cuter. it was your favorite season so you were in a good mood when you walked into her office. "hey you needed to see me?" you asked while giving her a hug and handing her a coffee. "thanks! and yeah i have great news for you!" you gasped and put your hands over your mouth. "tell me!" she had a huge smile on her face while she spoke " the board is sending you to LA to get more info for our project! they think you're the perfect candidate for the job." of course you were happy hearing this, it meant you got to travel, even if it was for work, and you've never been to LA before. but you were a little shaken at the thought of being in the same city as steve o after all this time. your boss gave you all the information you needed for you trip and sent you back to your cubicle.
❥༄ a week later, and you were on your way to LA. You were driving there alone, insisiting your boss that you were fine. you tuned on the radio and cool by gwen stefani began playing. as you listened to the lyrics, you began wondering if you and steveo would ever have a relationship like that, where you could be happy and proud for eachother for finding another love, but then again, did you even want a relationship with him at all if it wasn't him as 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 partner? you couldn't see your self being in love with anyone else, you've never been in love with anyone else. 2 hours and 30 minutes later, you made it to your hotel. you grabbed your bags from the car, checked in, and settled in your room. once you were done, you noticed the time, 5:00. "most bars have happy hour right now.." you thought to yourself." you've always wanted to be in LA, so you decided to let loose and find a bar.
❥༄ you changed form your juicy tracksuit, put on a cuter outfit, and added some makeup. you began walking around looking for a bar. once you found one, you walked in and sat at the bar "a sex on the beach please" you told the bartender with a smile. he gave you your drink and you sipped it in silence, already regretting coming here. you weren't that social to begin with, and it's not like you knew anyone. you regretted not having your boss come along. all of a sudden, you heard some loud voices walk in. it sounded like a bunch of guys so you just stayed staring ahead. you would drink your cocktail, go home, change, and watch 10 things i hate about you for the millionth time. then, you heard a voice you knew all too well speak up. "2 budweisers bud" just your luck. steveo was 3 feet away from you. you noticed him look at you then look away, then snap his neck and look back. "holy shit y/n" you turned to look at him, and you wish you didn't. this was your first time seeing and hearing him in person and not through a tv and he still looked beautiful as ever "o-oh! hey stevie" you always called him that. everyone else called him steveo and steve but you just started calling him stevie one day and it stuck. he gave you a hug while smiling you returned it, hoping he wouldn't notice how your shoulders tensed or how your heart was daring to jump out your chest. even with some alcohol in your system he still made you incredibly nervous. damn it. he pulled away from the hug but stayed close. "what are you doing here. you're still in san diego right?" you fidgeted with your hands and had a nervous smile on your face as you spoke. "i'm here for work" he nodded "oh right on!" he seemed really happy to see you actually, but a part of you was telling you that it was just an act and he couldn't give 2 shits about what you were up too. i mean how happy could he be if he never bothered to call anymore? you noticed he was kind of staring at you, then he spoke up "you look r-really good" he said shyly with a soft smile, which was rare from him, and it felt so nostalgic to see him like that again. "thanks so do you" you said while playing with your hair. it was a nervous fidget you had. then all of a sudden, a tall man with dark hair and dark sunglasses came up to you both. it none other than the johnny knoxville. "where's my beer o?" he spoke. steveo jumped a little and looked away from you "here man" johnny took the can then turned to face you. "oh sorry am i interrupting something?" before steveo could even say anything though, you spoke up "oh no i was...just about to leave." you got down from the chair and slinged your purse on your shoulder. "bye boys" you said as you walked out. as much as you wanted to stay and talk to steveo while staring into his eyes, you knew he was officially done with you. he was hanging out with the big shots now. including bam margera and tony hawk. he was banging models and getting wasted daily. he was living life like a rockstar, like he always wanted, and you didn't wanna ruin that for him. it always seemed that you and steveo were from completely different worlds, but now it was painfully obvious. and you didn't belong in his, or so you thought.
❥༄ you were a few blocks from the bar when you began to hear someone behind you running and yelling "y/n wait!" you turned around and saw steveo coming towards you, with your phone in his hand. once he caught up to you he handed it to you "you left this back there" you grabbed the phone while shaking your head "gosh not again!" you put the phone in your purse then turned to him "thanks you're a life saver." he laughed at your comment "still a klutz huh?" he said with a playful smirk. you gave him one back. "old habits die hard" he let out a little chuckle, then his expression slightly changed from playful to serious. "speaking of that.. i meant what i said back there. you look good." you stared at him, not really knowing what to say. it seemed like he was holding back. he noticed that you knew this and continued " i mean seeing you was like a breath of fresh air" he said with a slight chuckle. you could tell he was tipsy. he was always sweet when he was tipsy. "your face reminds me of when everything was more...simple." you started to get angry. not necessarily at him but at the whole situation. and him saying that angered you even more. simple? did he think you were just some plain jane who had nothing better to do but hang out with him? "what is that supposed to mean?" you said while crossing your arms. he held his hands up in defense. " i didn't mean anything bad by it! it's just...you remind me of...before you know?" he said nervously. you'll admit, he was being ridiculously cute right now, but your anger was getting the better of you. "oh before you became an overnight celebrity and ditched me for brad pitt and lindsey lohan?" "y/n no please jsut list-" you cut him off. "no steve just stop....just stop." tears began to sting the corners of your eyes. you cursed yourself for always being so emotional. you spoke up, your voice shaky. "i was fine with leaving us and all the good times in the past and letting go, but now here you are pouring salt on all my wounds" steveo was staring at you, his face deathly serious and his eyes wide. "why do you think you have to leave us in the past?" you laughed at this. was he serious? "seriously? i mean come on steve we haven't talked in forever and...you're just...different now" he stared at you, looking genuinely hurt, and you knew he hated it when people called him steve, he told you so back in sophmore year when you guys were on the swings at some random park,
"𝘱𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘥 𝘢𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸?"
you snapped out of your memory when steveo began shouting back at you "you think i haven't noticed y/n? i mean fuck, i just got off a bender, and i'm probably gonna go on another one." you stared at him dumbfounded. "that's not my fault steve i-" "yeah it is!" he yelled at you. you blinked and stepped back. "w-what?" he looked away from you and ran a hand through his short hair while looking down at his shoes. "ever since you left to san diego i've been lost man. you stared at him as he continued. " i've always been crazy but when i was with you... i was able to stop and be me. you didn't expect me to do any stunts, you didn't expect money or drugs from me, you just accepted me for me. the first time we hung out was the first time i felt normal, like i didn't have to put up an act so you would stay interested." it's true that you left him first. once you turned 18 you moved to san diego and started looking for jobs within your field. you didn't know how much this affected steveo thought, you didn't know he needed you as much as you needed him. while you were standing there, staring at him, in shock, he got tired of your silence. "man forget it." he waved his hand and began walking away. you snapped out of your trance and began yelling for him "no stevie! come back." he turned around, with cold eyes. you walked up to him and began to speak "i didn't know you felt that way. i didn't know you needed me as much as i needed you..." you let out a sad laugh "as much as i still need you. im sorry" you looked up at him to catch his reaction, but he was already staring at you, and as soon as your eyes locked, it was like something inside of him snapped. he grabbed your face and kissed you, hard. you were frozen for a second, you always wanted this and it was hard to believe that it was happening. but you pushed all those feelings back and melted into the kiss, putting your hands around his neck while his snaked down to your waist. you pulled away first, and smiled at him. he stepped back then spoke "you don't know how long i've wanted to do that" you laughed at his cheesey comment, then slapped his forehead. he grabbed his forehead and groaned "what the hell was that for?" you laughed at him and rubbed the area you slapped, as a sorry. "for not telling me you liked me back all those years ago!" he looked at you with a soft smile. "well let me make it up to you... how about we get lunch tomorrow? or breakfast or dinner whatever's best for you." he said while scratching his neck. you laughed at how nervous he was "how about dinner and a movie...the new star wars is out we can watch that!" he laughed at your excitement "ok geek sounds good" you just laughed it off and smiled at him. you guys were stuck staring at eachother for a minute before you spoke up "walk me to my room?" he grabbed your hand "lead the way babe" you missed that nickname. you giggled as you two began walking away, forever thankful for this evening. it felt you two were back to the basics.
authors note: hope you guys liked this! i know a lot of stuff in here is inaccurate but for the sake of the fic let's pretend everything's ok! also this was inspired by lana del reys unreleased song "back to the basics"
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