#s4 e7
goth-emrys · 9 months
Gwaine being the only one to check on merlin after gaius was kidnapped and framed to have been guilty of consorting with sorcerers, and by doing that he was able to give merlin a clue about gaius' whereabouts based off some red dirt with iron in it >>>>>>>>>
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prent1ssjareau · 5 months
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icb she's beating rupaul at her own game
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lightthewaybackhome · 9 months
First laughter:
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Then tears:
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nic-liveblogs · 5 months
i know ive said this a bajillion times... but this MIGHT be the power of friendship
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Am I the only one that found it sexy the way Bobby sauntered over to the telescope and bent down to look through the lens? There's just something about the way he moved.
He was almost bent in half compared to Michael 👀
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The fact that Agatha Doyle joined the police to 'take them down from the inside' explains so much
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mainlysarcastic · 9 months
<<<<<<<Merlin physically dragging Arthur out of bed and telling him he’s doing a good job as young King
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tara-fantastico · 1 year
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"Mayhem caused, monsters certainly not involved, officials say"
-front page headline of the very reliable Sunnydale Press, namely the number that Xander picks up during I'll Never Tell in Once More With Feeling.
The rest of the articles seem to be pretty much run of the mill, only the headlines are actually readable. One of them reads "Mayor approves fingerprint computers".
Whatever happened to Sunnydale town politics after Mayor Wilkins had his reptile wannabe phase? People are still living in Sunnydale (for some undeterminable reason) so presumably they elect a new mayor...who we then proced to hear absolutely nothing from for the next four years while the town is still operating.
I don't know which idea is funnier, that the power goes to the next in line demon fanboy, looking to turn the town into a free trial of hell, only for him to be so utterly incompetent that he never actually shows up on the scoobies radar for threats.
Or that the position is taken over by someone entirely unfamiliar with the shadowy side of Sunnydale. During the first day at the job the new mayor gets increasingly nervous for every new demonic altar found in the townhall, but the old mayor was problaly just a bit weird, right?
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detectivehole · 3 months
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shotofstress · 2 years
Nadja implied that Guillermo had "daddy issues/kink" bc when Guillermo started being Nandor's familiar he had 19. So, 19 yo latino boy saw this tall, broad, emigrant men, who had long hair and beard, and with cloth embroided with gold and gems and surrended himself without knowing was an idiot. For him it must had been 1000x times better than any dream he had with Antonio Banderas' Armand. And Nadja has seen aaaall the stages of that relationship
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morns-fevered-dream · 8 months
A few days later then usual because I was busy but live blogging Lower Decks I don't know anything about this episode except a screenshot that had Rutherford in it but I didn't pay attention to what was happening so I still don't know but I'm taking a wild guess a Rutherford episode but anyhow Spoilers 💫
Season 4 Episodes 7
Drookmani probably my favorite introduced in Lower Decks people good to see ya
Wait was that badgey? Oh no
Bynars unexpected
Wait the episode name has badgey in it if the Bynars interact with badgey then...
Bynar lower decks cool
I like the Bynar ship
The lower decks attacking ship? Damn
I hope the ship has nothing to do with badgey personally
Oh they're not I'm happy
Poor Drookmani
Couldn't they just shimmy the top out of wall?
Peanut Hamper and bagley?!
Agimus too????!!
A lot of evil Ai in one episode
Jeffrey Combs :)
Those things Agimus popped out looked like those Echo Papa 607 from that early TNG episode
I don't like bagley close up not at all
That sounded like a computer update I thought that was humorous
Live laugh Agimus
This Drookmani ship is a lot more well armed then the last few
Beach time :)
How many badgey can there be?
Well if badgey keeps separating eventually there'll be nothing left right?
"Nothing the Federation can't reverse in an hour" lol
Peanut Hamper gonna Peanut Hamper and that means betrayal lots of betrayal
I'm losing it at the Peanut Hamper father lmaoooo
Woah what were those ships at space dock a old andorian ship and 2 parliament class and I don't know what the others are interesting
Ascending badgey?!!
Ah classic never change Drookmani
I knew something was off that's why I called it attacking ship instead of destroying ship I knew something was off
Well I can't see anything going wrong with goodgey
Well a fun evil ai focused episode
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jackshiccup · 9 months
dire straits genuinely made me want to rip my hair out from stress fawkin hell hiccup haddock
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tojisloft · 1 year
watching bsd s4 e7 ,,, the fact that its gonna get worse 🧍‍♀️
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shivroyisbisexual · 1 year
Tom has suchhhh thin skin for social dings like hello?? It feels not just sensitive but entitled. He can’t even stand a night of low level rude comments? And he angrily blames his wife for not destroying their combined position defending him each and every time? Like the real victory would be taking the rude comments in stride but then working to either not get fired or moving laterally or up to a great position anyway.
But no he has to have his ego stroked 24/7 especially by his wife because that’s literally what his “career” is about.
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nic-liveblogs · 5 months
hey its the migraine headband
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very-lost-hobbit · 9 months
What media THINKS women want: Big strong man reduced to VERY ill/injured for a woman to tenderly nurse back to health and they fall in love
What women REALLY want: Woman is VERY ill/injured and tenderly nursed back to health (with absolute care and no creepy dubcon nonsense) by a big strong man and they fall in love
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