#richard wilkins
mycatismyfriend · 3 months
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 3x06 "Band Candy"
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clarkgriffon · 2 months
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tara-fantastico · 1 year
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"Mayhem caused, monsters certainly not involved, officials say"
-front page headline of the very reliable Sunnydale Press, namely the number that Xander picks up during I'll Never Tell in Once More With Feeling.
The rest of the articles seem to be pretty much run of the mill, only the headlines are actually readable. One of them reads "Mayor approves fingerprint computers".
Whatever happened to Sunnydale town politics after Mayor Wilkins had his reptile wannabe phase? People are still living in Sunnydale (for some undeterminable reason) so presumably they elect a new mayor...who we then proced to hear absolutely nothing from for the next four years while the town is still operating.
I don't know which idea is funnier, that the power goes to the next in line demon fanboy, looking to turn the town into a free trial of hell, only for him to be so utterly incompetent that he never actually shows up on the scoobies radar for threats.
Or that the position is taken over by someone entirely unfamiliar with the shadowy side of Sunnydale. During the first day at the job the new mayor gets increasingly nervous for every new demonic altar found in the townhall, but the old mayor was problaly just a bit weird, right?
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spikesdru · 2 years
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buffy the vampire slayer + text posts part 2 (part 1)
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 12: The Reckoning #2
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odinsblog · 7 months
Remember when he was the main villain on Buffy?
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Richard Wilkins
Mike Johnson
Speaker of the House
Mike Johnson II
Mike Johnson III
Family man™
Dick (used by Buffy)
October 2023, Washington DC. (restored)
2011, San Francisco (restored)
May 1999, Sunnydale (restored)
Human (former)
Old One
Republican Party
Federalist Society
Tea Party
Q Anon
Ku Klux Klan
Men’s Rights Activist
Religious Reich
Edna May Wilkins (wife)
Unidentified mother
DEBUT: “Homecoming”
LAST SEEN: Finale Fox News
PORTRAYED BY: Harry Groener
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hersterical · 11 months
Conversations at the Evil Single-Fathers of Alternative Teenaged Daughters Support Group
Doofenschmirtz: Hello, is this the SFATDSG?
Silco: The what?
D: The Evil Single-Fathers of Alternative Teenaged Daughters Support Group.
Mayor Wilkins: Wow, that is a mouthful. We really oughta work on a better name for the group. And it sure is! What’s your name?
D: I’m Doctor Hienz Doofenschmirtz
S: Wait, I have a few questions for the good doctor before he joins us. Just to make sure he truly belongs
D: Hey! I’m not good, I’m literally evil. If anything I’m a bad doctor.
W: Now Dr. D, can I call you that? Dr. D, just because you’re evil that doesn’t mean you’re not good. Mr. Silco here is as evil as they come and he’s also just about the best father I’ve ever met. He’s a strong leader and a good man and I would bet money that you are as well.
D (wipes tear from his eye): Wow, I really needed to hear that today.
S: Yes…thank you Mayor Wilkins. But I am not evil, I simply am trying to ensure that the Nation of Zaun receives all that we deserve.
W: Yes, but you’ve also committed a lot of murders and other atrocities. Not that I’m judging, who hasn’t right? But that just proves my point, just because you’re evil that doesn’t mean you’re bad.
D: Hold on, back up a bit. You’re a mayor!? My brother, Roger’s a mayor as well and he makes it look so easy! Meanwhile I’ve been spending years, literally putting all of my blood sweat and tears into taking over the tri-state area with no success. It’s just not fair! How’d you do it?
W: I feel ya Doc, it can be frustrating to work so hard and have nothing to show for it. As far as how I did it? I built my platform on being a man of the people. A family man who looks out for the little guy and listens to what the voters have to say. I also used some dark magic, ritual sacrifices, and some minor bribery.
D: hmmm…I’ll have try that. Not the dark magic stuff because I’ve tried that before and it…uh…it didn’t end well.
[a moment of silence passes]
S: You mentioned a brother? I too had a brother. We weren’t born brothers but forged an unbreakable bond. Or at least, it was supposed to be unbreakable. We were friends and partners in all things. Then one day he decided he no longer cared for our cause and tried to kill me. He said it was for the sake of his daughters. It wasn’t until years later that I finally understood when I had a daughter of my own. I would burn down the whole world, including my own aspirations, if it would mean that Jinx is safe.
W: It sounds like the two of you were “brothers” the same way my Faith and that no-good Buffy were “sister” slayers. But we can wait until you’re more comfortable with us to have that conversation if you’d like. But I feel you. I was so close to Ascending but all it took was the mere mention of Faith for me to lose all sense and logic. If I could go back the only thing I would change is I would do better at making sure Faith didn’t get hurt.
D: You guys are preaching to the choir here. More of my evil schemes have been foiled than I can count because I needed to prioritize Vanessa’s needs over my own. And I wouldn’t change a thing. Except it would be nice if Vanessa showed just a little more interest in evil. She has potential she just doesn’t seem to care. She’s so talented and clever she would really thrive in the field.
W: Not my Faith. She took to evil like a duck to water and she’s got a real talent for it. She considers herself to be a bit of an artist and I’m liable to agree with her. I just wish she didn’t care so much about what that Buffy and those other kids thought of her. All they do is hurt her, try to distance her from me, and get in the way of my plans.
S: And I wish Jinx would distance herself from Vi, her sister. She confuses Jinx and tries to change her into something she isn’t instead of just loving her for who she is. And Vi is also always trying to get in the way of my plans.
W: Isn’t that just so frustrating? How about you Doc? Does your daughter have a complicated relationship with a young do-gooder with a penchant for punching first, asking questions later, and getting in the way of your plans?
D: You mean…like a nemesis? I have one of those! He’s my best friend. Our relationship is pretty simple but I’m not sure what his relationship with Vanessa is like. You know what, I’ll just call her and ask.
[Doof calls Vanessa]
D: Vanessa, you picked up! I’m putting you on speaker because I need you to answer a question for me. What’s your relationship like with Perry the Platypus? Would you describe it as complicated?
Vanessa: I mean, he’s a cool guy and I have fun hanging out with him sometimes. But I also don’t exactly love that he regularly hospitalizes my father and also blows up the apartment that occasionally has some of my stuff in it. Plus, he’s also a platypus which is kind of weird. So yeah, I guess you could say that things are complicated between us.
D: Thank you sweetie, that’s all I wanted to know. I’ll pick you up later, love you bye! She said yes.
W: Life is just so complicated for young women nowadays all around. You all know that I think my Faith is perfect, but sometimes I do wonder if she could benefit from seeing a therapist.
S: I’ve briefly considered the same thing for Jinx. Her hallucinations and violent outbursts have gotten worse ever since her estranged sister who she thought was dead broke out of jail and started running around with that enforcer who’s trying to hunt Jinx down.
D: My ex-wife, Charlene, paid for a therapist for Vanessa while we were going through our divorce and it seemed to really help her. I personally wanted to get her a nemesis of her own for free, but I think the therapist was probably for the best looking back. If you guys want I can give you the phone number. It sounds like you guys could all benefit from it because I don’t think your nemesis’s are doing enough.
W: Well gosh, Dr. D, I sure would appreciate that! I gotta say, I’ve really been enjoying our time together gentlemen. We should hang out outside of this little group of ours. Say, how do you two feel about golf?
S: It is a pointless game meant only for the elite to rub their abundance and disregard for their access to land, and clean water in the faces of my people who are choking on the very air that gives them life as the privileged laugh and grow fat on their wealth and power like pigs. Unknown to them they are only preparing themselves to be slaughtered and feasted upon by the very ones they oppress in order to desperately hold on to their tenuous hold over us.
D:…Wow. You’ve got some intense vibes, man. But yeah, I’m gonna have to agree with you. Golf is so boring. How ‘bout a round of mini-golf?
W: Even better! How ‘bout we bring our daughters along? I bet they’d all be fast friends.
S: Mini-golf is…acceptable
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oveliagirlhaditright · 10 months
Angel bursts into the emergency ward, Buffy in his arms.
I need help!
A NURSE approaches him--
ANGEL (cont'd)
She's lost a lot of blood.
NURSE What happened? ANGEL
She needs blood!
The nurse has led him to an operating table, he deposits Buffy onto it.
Try to stay calm.
DR. POWELL approaches as Angel talks, looks over Buffy.
Something bit her. She needs a transfusion right now.
You found her?
Was she conscious?
Are you sure?
I'm sure
(to the nurse)
I need a type and cross match. Get her on two lines of ringers lactate and watch for hypovolemic shock.
He pulls angel aside, looks at him hard. Angel is practically tripping, unable to contain the energy of Buffy's blood in him.
POWELL (cont'd)
Tell me what happened.
Something bit her. I don't know what.
(to the nurse)
I'll need a rabies shot treatment.
(to Angel)
Any allergies?
None. Just help her!
He is holding onto a doorframe -- and he RIPS it off in his urgency. The doctor eyes him, warily.
You two doing drugs?
He eyes the doctor.
POWELL (cont'd)
You want her to live, you'll be straight with me.
She's clean.
(My--OveliaGirlHaditRight's--commentary here: More vampire blood drinking can be like "drug abuse" metaphor with Angel here. And fans who pointed out that Angel said Buffy was clean, but didn't say that he was... I think you were of course right here, in thinking that was an obvious choice on his part. He doesn't think he's clean, and in fact thinks that he fell off the wagon here.
More stuff from the script that is interesting and kind of fun: mainly effects that the script writer wanted, that--if memory serves--they couldn't pull off in the actual episode, but it would have been cool if they had (I'm still happy with what we got, though):
We have another young girl, severe blood loss, Dr. Powell wants you to prep to assist on an antecubital cut down.
All right.
The Mayor hears this. Slowly he turns, heads to where they are keeping Buffy.
Unconscious, an IV hooked up to her arm.
The Mayor walks calmly up to her and clamps his hand over her mouth and nose. She starts to thrash weakly, but he doesn't move. Finally the nurse notices.
Oh my god! Sir, no!
She tries to pull him off. He won't budge.
NURSE (cont'd)
Somebody call security!
Angel grabs the Mayor by the throat, pulls him away.
Don't do that.
I will. I'll do that and worse. Murderous little fiend, did you see what she did to my Faith?
Hadn't made plans to weep over that one.
Well, I'd get set for some weeping if I were you, I'd get set for a world of hurt. Misery loves company, young man, and I'll be looking to share mine with you and your whore.
Angel throws him back -- through the wall (thin drywall to the next room, not the outer wall). (And if that's not doable, then into or over something. The point is, Angel is unnaturally strong, so it's probably a ratchet gag.)
Everyone backs off, appalled. The Mayor gets up and dusts himself off. He takes a few steps back towards Angel, the old smile returning to his face.
MAYOR (cont'd)
Well. Looks like someone's been eating his spinach.
A security guard arrives on the scene. Stops, unsure what to do.
MAYOR (cont'd)
Okay, folks. Show's not over but there will be a short intermission.
(to Angel)
Don't want to miss the second act. All kinds of excitement.
I'll be there.
They eyeball each other a moment. They Mayor exits, Angel's eyes never leaving him.
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all-seeing-ifer · 1 year
Buffyverse Character Tournament Round 2
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alfapratt · 1 year
least favourite btvs characters ranked from last to first:
#10 • Principal Snyder
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#9 • Robin Wood
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#8 • D'Hoffryn
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#7 • Amy Madison
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#6 • Riley Finn
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#5 • Halfrek
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#4 • Richard Wilkins
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#3 • Jonathan Levinson
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#2 • Warren Mears
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#1 • Angel
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* I left the comics characters out for gif reasons
(yeah, I pretty much hate Angel... sue me)
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irate-iguana · 1 year
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mycatismyfriend · 1 month
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Well, I'd get set for some weeping if I were you. I'd get set for a world of pain. - BTVS 3x22 "Graduation Day Part 2"
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faith-thee-slayer · 2 years
The Mayor: Let's kill Willow
Faith: *nervous look* Um...
(two seconds later)
The Mayor: Oh I got you a Playstation
Faith: No way you're the best!! :))
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agentem · 2 years
Am I the only one who sees the "100 days" posts by politicians and immediately thinks of the Mayor from "Buffy" and his to-do list?
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secretlyasummers · 8 months
Is it a coincidence that Faith talks about how she always wanted something, and then Buffy is compared to that something by a third party who would have no idea what is going on in that conversation immediately after? Some would call that "thematic consonance."
Some is me. I would say that.
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rolloroberson · 5 months
The Rolling Stones - Prodigal Son
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