#btvs 3x22
mycatismyfriend · 2 months
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Well, I'd get set for some weeping if I were you. I'd get set for a world of pain. - BTVS 3x22 "Graduation Day Part 2"
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Endless list of favorite Cordelia outfits - 11/? └ BTVS ♛ (3.22) - "Graduation Day, Part 2"
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only-one-brain-cell · 11 months
Giles: *stressfully sips coffee in British*
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coffygifs · 1 year
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BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER | (3.22) “Graduation Day, Part 2”
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genericaces · 4 months
if u did a tier maker of buffyverse ships i would enjoy it 🙏
This is tricky because ships are one of those things that people can get really passionate about, and I don't want to upset anyone. I try to steer clear of any drama when I can, but I also want to feel free to express my opinions, you know? Because god knows I have them.
I guess I'll say before I wade into any discourse that, disclaimer: my enjoyment of a ship doesn't mean I condone what goes on in it, and I can separate fiction from reality. I try not to moralize when it comes to fictional ships and approach them both objectively in terms of quality and also subjectively to my personal tastes. But I also believe that, at the end of the day, it's just fandom and people should do whatever floats their boat.
So with all that being said, here's my (highly personal!) rankings of the ships in Buffyverse:
C Tier:
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ATS 1x09 - This is the ship with the bomb that Doyle sacrifices himself to disarm. Now it's a good episode, but this is really the only wide shot we get of the boat. I literally forgot that the climax takes place on the water. The interior is fun with lots of stairs and various apparatuses for fight scenes, but it could just as easily have been a basement or abandoned factory. Honestly, I wasn't too impressed by the ship factor. Rating: 4/10
B Tier:
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BTVS 2x13 - You might be thinking, "You're ranking a BACKGROUND ship higher than an actual location?" but hear me out: because the ship is in the background, I actually remembered that this scene had a ship. There's a great fight scene in front of it where Buffy uses the chain along the docks to choke out a bad guy, and then she gets thrown into the water. The ship hangs out in the background the whole time and brings together the whole nautical-themed fight. Rating: Angel diving into the water/10
A Tier:
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BTVS 3x15 - Now we're cooking with gas. We get a FULL shot of the whole ship on the dock. The establishing shots linger on the boat more because Buffy and Faith have a confrontation here. Not only do they have a conversation with someone visibly ON a boat, Faith starts out on the upper deck of the boat then swings herself OFF the ramp to argue with Buffy on the docks. Bonuses for a visually dynamic conversation and the boat representing Faith's plans to fuck off, interrupted by HER choice to get off and get in Buffy's face about it instead. Rating: Saving the girl that's supposed to be your enemy/10
S Tier:
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ATS 3x22 - I know, we're getting into controversial territory here. But look how beautiful this ship is. Is it a boat? A schooner? A yacht? I don't know, but I DO care. Extra points for it being a plot-necessary boat, of course, since they had to get Angel out into the middle of the sea somehow. What's great about this ship is that it's really condensed all the ship elements into a smaller vessel, so you're aware throughout the tense emotional scenes that you're actually ON a boat in the middle of the sea. It really emphasizes Angel and Connor's isolation at this point in the finale, both physically and emotionally. And, I mean, look at this: we actually have a shot that has most of a boat AND most of a person in it. AND it's the climax of a season finale? THIS is the ultimate Buffyverse ship. Final rating: The misunderstanding-to-patricide pipeline/10
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elizadushkudaily · 7 months
Faith Masterlist!
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October 1998 - May 2003 | Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. Eliza Dushku plays Faith Lehane - full 26 episode masterlist below! All episodes are from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BTVS) unless they are from Angel (noted with ATS).
This was Eliza's first TV show role. Faith Lehane is a charismatic working-class Slayer from Boston, who befriended Buffy.
You can also find this by season in the Faith Lehane posters.
Masterlist: 3x03 Faith Hope and Trick 3x04 Beauty and the Beasts 3x05 Homecoming 3x07 Revelations 3x10 Amends 3x13 The Zeppo 3x14 Bad Girls 3x15 Consequences 3x16 Doppelgangland 3x17 Enemies 3x19 Choices 3x21 Graduation Day Part 1 3x22 Graduation Day Part 2 4x15 This Year’s Girl 4x16 Who Are You? 1x18 Five by Five [ATS] 1x19 Sanctuary [ATS] 2x01 Judgment [ATS] 4x13 Salvage [ATS] 4x14 Release [ATS] 4x15 Orpheus [ATS] 7x18 Dirty Girls 7x19 Empty Places 7x20 Touched 7x21 End of Days 7x22 Chosen multi [multiple episodes]
Some multi tagged gifs are also tagged with each individual episode.
In case you haven't seen these shows: On Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BTVS) a young woman (Buffy) deals with her life fighting evil, with the help of her friends. On the spin-off Angel (ATS) a cursed vampire (Angel) aids people while questing for his own redemption. (credit to IMDB)
All gif credit to @starryeyesxx! - crawl (BTVS S4) thanks to starryeyesxx - behind bars (ATS S1) thanks to starryeyesxx - (left) blue uniform (ATS S4) thanks to starryeyesxx - (right) good slayer now? (BTVS S7) thanks to starryeyesxx
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chasingfictions · 1 year
"btvs's real ending is 5x22" is out. "ats' real ending is 3x22" is in
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buffydataviz · 1 year
BTVS ships episode count review
I was thinking about Buffy's 3 main ships (to me): Bangel v. Spuffy v. Fuffy. I was wondering how many episodes (BTVS or ATS) where each ship has scenes together. Then inspired by these two polls I decided to add in two other non-Buffy ships: Gethan and Spangel.
Kudos to the Fuffy and Gethan shippers, who are working with not a TON of episodes with scenes together. Especially Gethan shippers, who only have 4 canon episodes! To be fair, Spangel fans only had 13 until S5 of ATS.
Summary ship episode count: Spuffy (Spike x Buffy): 71 Bangel (Buffy x Angel): 49 Spangel (Spike x Angel): 35 Fuffy (Faith x Buffy): 21 Gethan (Giles x Ethan): 4
Any blatant negative ship comments, like calling a specific ship indecent will get you blocked. Ship and let ship. Other comments welcome.
Full details under the cut!
What's the Universe? The TV Buffyverse. (BTVS TV or ATS TV eps, the comics and books don’t count.)
How to start? I started with the pre-count. The pre-count is episodes where both characters in the ship appeared.
Spuffy pre-count: 96 (inc. 0 on ATS) Bangel pre-count: 56 (inc. 2 on ATS) Spangel pre-count: 42 (inc. 22 on ATS) Fuffy pre-count: 21 (inc. 1 on ATS) Gethan pre-count: 4 (inc. 0 on ATS)
How to verify? I did not rewatch all the episodes! I rewatched a few, after checking transcripts, recaps, and ship gif pages.
What doesn't count? Someone talking about the other person, because I am not trying to include the various episodes where Faith is haunting the show. They must appear in a scene together for it to count. They must both be fully aware of each other. Shared dreams (like the Fuffy ones) do count, but regular dreams do not. Buffy Bot, Wishverse Buffy, and FirstEvil Buffy do not count. I treated Faith and Buffy as their "mental" selves during the two body swap episode scenes. Also I treated Angel the same as Angelus and soul-less Spike the same as soul-ed Spike.
Notes per Ship...
Spuffy (Spike x Buffy) 71 total S1: 0 / S2: 7 / S3: 1 / S4: 9 / S5: 18 / S6: 17 / S7: 19 / ATS: 0 4x06 Wild At Heart does not count because in the cemetery she is not aware he can hear her speech "to him." 4x16 Who Are You? does not count because Spike encounters Faith in Buffy's body, so I counted that as a Faith-Spike scene. 4x22 Restless also does not count because while he appears in Xander's dream and so does Buffy, this is Xander's dream so neither appearance counts. 5x08 Shadow does not count because he dreams of her, but it's not a shared dream. Bangel (Buffy x Angel) 49 total S1: 6 / S2: 19 / S3: 18 / S4: 1 / S5: 1 / S6: 0 / S7: 2 / ATS: 2 (S1) 3x03 Faith Hope and Trick does not count because when naked Angel appears at the end Buffy has already left. 3x09 The Wish does not count because Wishverse Buffy is not regular Buffy. 4x08 Pangs does not count because Buffy is not aware of him. Spangel (Spike x Angel) 35 total S1: 0 / S2: 10 / S3: 1 / S4: 0 / S5: 0 / S6: 0 / S7: 0 / ATS: 24 (S1, 2, 5) 4x08 Pangs does not count because Spike does not share a scene with Angel. 7x21 End of Days and 7x22 Chosen both do not count because while Spike watches Angel, Angel does not seem to be aware of him watching. For ATS, besides all of S5, they share scenes in 1x03 In The Dark and 2x07 Darla.
Fuffy (Faith x Buffy) 21 total S1: 0 / S2: 0 / S3: 13 / S4: 2 / S5: 0 / S6: 0 / S7: 5 / ATS: 1 (S1) Every Faith appearance in a BTVS episode means she will have a scene with Buffy. She has 5 Buffy-less episodes on ATS. I did count the dream sequence in 3x22 Graduation Day Part 2 because I read it as a shared dream. They are both aware of the other.
Gethan (Giles x Ethan) 4 total S1: 0 / S2: 2 / S3: 1 / S4: 1 / S5: 0 / S6: 0 / ATS: 0 Similar to Faith, whenever Ethan appears in an episode, he will have a scene with Giles.
This doesn't have visualization yet but I wanted to share the results.
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, October 20
BUFFY: Remember that. Not a being in here wouldn't be glad to rip your throat out. CLEM: Buffy? Girl, how ya been? BUFFY: Clem! (gets a good look at him) You look great, so toned. (they hug) ... CLEM: Oh, my God! It is so good to see you! I saw this great show on the History Channel the other night that I knew you would love, and then something went all flooey with my TiVo. BUFFY: You know what? Can I talk to you for a second over here? (Buffy and Clem step away and Buffy whispers something in Clem's ear.) KENNEDY: (under her breath, to Rona) You think she dated him too?
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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The Night Buffy Was Bested by ILLYRIAN (Buffy, Willow, Xander, unrated)
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The Cyclone by myrabeth (COMPLETE! Spike/Buffy, unrated)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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It's Easy Time, Until It's Not - Ch. 1 by hulettwyo (Spike/Buffy, Xander/Willow, E)
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Got Your Six - Ch. 12 by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Après - Ch. 20 by Ninereeds (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Seven - Ch. 32 by Holly (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Daughter of Aurelius - Ch. 52 by Loup Noir (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Did You Ever Know - Ch. 4 by violettathepiratequeen (PG)
Consequences of Bargaining - Ch. 11 by All4Spike (PG-13)
Baby Love - Ch. 22 by Niamh (NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: my friend asked me if I wanted a portrait, I couldn't resist by malvydaina (Buffy, Faith, worksafe)
Artwork: Doppelgangland She’s Back—and in Glorious Color by goofwarrior (Vamp Willow including process video, worksafe)
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Sims: BTVS (Cuff It) [sims dancing] I hope you like it. Just something silly by Spritebubblegum (Buffy and others, worksafe)
Artwork: Sailor Spuffy’s Tattoo Parlor by cawthraven (worksafe)
Icons: Rachel's Banners - Page 9 by RachM (various, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy Rewatch 2k22: 5.14 Crush by handsofabitterman
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PODCAST: Struck by Baby Lightning - Angel S03E10 by Pop Culture Role Call
[Recs & In Search Of]
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[novel recs with synopsis and] Who is excited about the new Buffy novel series (starting with "Bloody fool for love: A Spike prequel" by William Ritter)? recommended by 312Michelle
Spuffy fanfic reccomendations? requested by Ok-Musician2210
[Fandom Discussions]
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idle thought #406 by madimpossibledreamer
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Wait, is Giles actually a librarian? by neurodivergentdisaster
consistently funny to me that the library [has a big ass cage in it] by juniperhillpatient
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Why do you love season 2 of BTVS? by Willow Tara
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What if Angelus got the Chip instead of Spike? by Almighty_Push91
Thoughts On Season 6? by Defvac2
The Xander Harris Challenge (say something nice about him) hosted by HummusOffensive
Just finished 'You're welcome' in AtS by Raven_Ann
The article from 1999: Why the controversial finale of 'Buffy' didn't air last night [3x22 postponed] by Elementaryfan
Beer Bad is a great episode. by MistyNarwhal
What is the worst season across both shows? by rednax2009
what are our favourite scariest episodes of the show? by Specific_Purple_6017
Why Angel and Spike handle their souls differently by Athoshol
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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The Third and final date is now almost sold out [BTVS meetup in the UK] by Novel-Chicken8422
James Marsters has covid
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moonah-rose · 2 years
Labyrinth Runners (without context)
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piper-haliwel · 5 years
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btvs | graduation day part two Congratulations to the class of 1999. You all proved more or less adequate. This is a time of celebration, so sit still and be quiet.
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toshsato · 2 years
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I sort of need to talk to you, in person. Is it something... bad? No. No, it’s something good. I think. Well, it sort of depends on how you feel. About what? Well, about me. Oh.
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1x01 | 3x22 the ultimate glow up
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only-one-brain-cell · 11 months
I would just like to give the demon .1 point for eating Snyder
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little-miss-buffy · 2 years
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"Until there's nothing left. Love like that doesn't last."
No way this was an accident.
@brokenandlonelysouls @dhampirslays @elenaloveablekotsala @tofeelthecold @sexy-salvatore-brother @malka-lisitsa @hybrid-royalty
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frankierose · 2 years
30 Days of Buffy Challenge 5. Favorite Scooby Moment Discussing Buffy's plan - Graduation Day, Part 2 (3x22)
Okay, today's been a busy day so unfortunately no Frankie-made gif for this entry (for now).
I know this moment's pretty serious between all of them, considering the situation they're in - I just adore the banter. It's also the source of one of my favorite lines from Oz, and Cordelia is literally my favorite in this scene, her idea of chasing the Mayor around with a box labelled 'Ebola' is fucking hilarious.
There are many other good Scooby moments - I enjoy the absurd interactions in Something Blue, and even though none of them knew who they were in Tabula Rasa, the chemistry is still thriving.
Also, a bit of a throwback to s1 where Xander, Buffy and Willow are walking off as Giles says, 'The Earth is doomed.' - I've always loved that bit, and I especially love when they call back to it in Chosen.
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