#the scoobies
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The Scoobies + Season 3 & 4
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pocketsizedann · 7 months
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The scene lives in my head rent free lmao. Also, really wanted to draw them all together so they are being their sad selves
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tara-fantastico · 3 months
I don't know if this was intentional or not, but the paralells between Buffy and Dawn standing up to mr Maclay in Family and Tara standing up to Xander and Anya in Older and Far Away are just...Gaah. Tara is almost directly quoting Buffy, some variation of "if you want her, you got to go trough me." Her pose is the same as Dawn's:
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(Picture one is Dawn standing with her arms crossed, next to Buffy with her hands on her sides, in the background isWillow and Giles. Picture two is Tara standing, arms crossed, intentionally between Willow and Anya, having placed herself so that Anya has to physically get through Tara to get to Willow. Buffy is placed similarly in the first picture but Tara is outside the shot.)
It's just, it was the first time someone, anyone, stod up to Tara's abusers. It was a type of love she had never been shown before and she mimics it when she has to stand up to someone. It was Buffy and Dawn who taught her how to do that!!! Tara has been formed by the love of all of the scoobies, not just Willow.
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layer-of-slayers · 1 year
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer as tumblr text posts 26/?  
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pzyii · 6 months
BTVS + text posts
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Jesus... pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 6, pt 7, pt 8, pt 9
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I relate to Buffy sm ✌
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couldtheycatchkira · 5 months
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spikesdru · 2 years
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buffy the vampire slayer + text posts
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thecrazyknight · 24 days
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S01:E09 - The Puppet Show (Part 1)
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dreamsuvivor · 6 months
Okay I might be a little bit biased here, but I really hate how Buffy and the scoobies behaved to Spike in s5 after he confesed to his feeling for Buffy. I’m sorry but now y’all want to act all high and mighty? not when she was dating Angel, who quite literally killed someone close to her or when Riley just constantly made her feel guilty for her powers and guilt tripped her to apologize for spending time with her sick mother?!
And like I could understand if this was during the previous seasons when Spike was a bit assholey towards everyone, but he was almost part of the team at this point! He helped them on several occasion and Buffy even trusted him to look after her mum and Dawn at one point. And suddenly everyone acts like he murdered their loved ones…tf
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someonefantastic · 2 years
so the line in Faith, Hope & Trick where Buffy says that after slaying she “sometimes craves a non-fat yogurt" bugs me (and those on the cangel discord as well) because with the amount of calories Buffy must burn she should be allowed to eat more than just a non-fat yogurt. to rectify that, here are a bunch of food related headcanons:
shortly after becoming the slayer, Buffy realizes that she’s hungry nearly all of the time
we’re talking like wakes up to raid the fridge at three in the morning hungry
Joyce notices too and chalks it up to Buffy being a growing girl and starts preparing heartier meals and stocking up on extra filling snacks
when she starts at Sunnydale, Giles is already prepared
apparently this is a common thing for slayers cause he has drawers filled with protein bars and when she comes into the library after school he usually has a sandwich or wrap prepared and Buffy’s like “sir, I’ve only known you for like a week”
she really appreciates it though
one time when they go on patrol together he has a bag of orange slices and Buffy calls him a soccer mom
Willow is the one who most consistently has snacks though
no one knows where she gets them though, she’ll be wearing a dress with no pockets and not be carrying a bag or anything and Buffy will make a comment about being hungry and the next thing she knows a homemade granola bar is being shoved into her hand
years later Xander is still convinced that Willow learned how to use magic before she actually started actively practicing it just for magic snacks
speaking of Xander, he’s Buffy’s snack buddy
the classes where they sit next to each other, they’ll just pass a bag of pretzels or chips back and forth until the teacher tells them to knock it off
*dead silent room as they take a test* *CRUNCH* “it was Xander!” “Buffy!”
the real reason why Xander becomes snack run guy is because between him and Buffy, Giles’ slayer snack supply is in serious detriment so he makes Xander go because “if you both insist on eating me out of house and home, than at least one of you should go get more snacks” and since Buffy is the slayer, Xander gets snack duty
it means he gets first food pick though so it’s not a bad gig
Buffy has a frequent punch card at Mister Donut
actually they all do
also the nice thing about dating guys with affinities for trench coats is that they have lots of pockets to keep protein bars or trail mixes in, plus since Angel and Spike are on liquid diets so there’s no worry of either them mooching
(side note but after each one winds up in L.A. they’re still finding random food in their pockets--Spike especially has no clue how, he’s a ghost after all. Angel used his to give to scared victims or Cordelia when she was first starting out and couldn’t really afford food. When Spike shows up in L.A. he alternates between throwing the trail mix nuts at Angel and giving his snacks to those who need them)
it’s not just snacks though
Buffy is the first to go back for seconds... and thirds and no one bats an eye
sometimes after they save the world (again), the scoobies will go out to get burgers or whatever fast food is open and Buffy winds up with like six burgers or tacos or [insert food here]
Willow is very generous about sharing her fries
Xander will only share them after being persuaded by the joined forces of puppy eyes from Buffy and Willow
Giles is still ranting about the choice of food in America
the scoobies or Giles or whoever automatically doubling a recipe when Buffy is invited over without giving it a second thought
they all want her to eat as much as she wants without feeling bad about it or worrying someone else won’t get fed
the ones who like to cook or at least can cook have a few recipes under their belt that are high in protein and other stuff to help a growing slayer
by the time Faith rolls around, they’ve got their food game down
Faith is actually really surprised by how quick they are to hand her a yogurt or pull out a sandwich or give her a bagel, sometimes even before she makes a comment about being hungry
not to make this sad but after she starts going dark, she notices how they become less and less forthcoming with their food
this is purely self indulgent but I love the idea of the honorary/secondary scoobies being indoctrinated into the snack life
they hang out with Buffy, Willow, and Xander for like two weeks and the next thing they know they’re carrying around extra food
Cordelia, less than a week after she “helps” Buffy and the other scoobies kill the master “why the hell am I bringing two smoothies to school?”
her housekeeper actually makes really good smoothies though, Buffy is secretly always thankful when Cordelia shows up to school with an extra thermos
Oz just always has beef jerky
Anya is a little less helpful in the snack department but she reads a book on food and nutrition and talks about the merits of calories and proteins and other food stuff for like an hour straight
she means well
also she can’t really cook but she almost always has ice cream to share
and strange cheeses
I feel like Tara would make the best oatmeal raisin cookies, maybe she also has like sunflower seeds and bags of granola on her too
she’s the one who jumps on the snack train the fastest, she hears Willow mention Buffy and snacks once and the next thing they know she’s got her school bag filled
Dawn steals a lot of Buffy’s food
she uses the “I’m a growing girl too. You know... teenager” excuse often
it works usually
not food related but there’s at least two water bottles a person at all times
hydration is important folks
anyway this got really long but I simply love the idea of Buffy being allowed to eat a lot of food without being made to feel bad about it and the rest of her friends/family supporting her fully
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BONUS EPISODE TRIVIA: This plot was written with the plan to take advantage of funds from the Office of National Drug Control Policy available to shows that promoted an anti-drug message. Funding was rejected for the episode because "drugs were an issue, but… [it] was otherworldly nonsense, very abstract and not like real-life kids taking drugs. Viewers wouldn't make the link to [the ONDCP's] message." (x)
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pocketsizedann · 5 months
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My current wip, I love cute scenes of them hanging out like this 🥰
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yarboyandy · 9 months
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The Scoobies but in some of my favorite outfits 😁
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layer-of-slayers · 1 month
My main issue with Angelus as the Big Bad is that he was built up as one of the worst, scariest, most sadistic vampires in history and this whole Buffy and Drusilla parallel was set up with the way he stalked Drusilla and killed everyone she loved only for him to do stuff like... use his invite to Willow’s house to kill Willow’s fish, and use his access to Buffy’s house to leave her handdrawn portraits instead of trying to kill Joyce or attack Buffy in her sleep, and only go after Jenny Calendar when she found a way to re-ensoul him.
So: imagine if Angelus did start to go after Buffy’s loved ones and managed to kill at least one person, Imagine if Buffy and Joyce and the Scoobies had that to deal with when a re-ensouled Angel came back in season 3 (Giles was already dealing with that in canon because Angelus killed Jenny, but i wonder if Buffy.would have reacted differently to him in season 3 if it had been someone she was closer to and didn’t have mixed feelings about, considering she partially blamed Jenny for Angel losing his soul in the first place). 
Basically what i’m thinking is: AU where Angelus kills Hank Summers
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pzyii · 6 months
BTVS + text posts pt 6
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Pt 1, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 7, pt 8, pt 9
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