#sakura sunday
awkwardshyfangirl · 2 months
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marjocarpenter · 1 year
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Will be posting more zenkai related stuff and photos soon!
In the meantime, have a throwback lol!
And happy 20th anniversary, Natsume Yuujinchou!!
Pro photos by @/jupiterdropsstudios on IG or
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hellcifrogs · 2 years
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NaruFox Extra Content - Team 7′s first sleepover. More>
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orange-cheetah · 13 days
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🎸🌸 <3
(from another style vol12)
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fukinkitty · 9 months
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cutegirlyuri · 1 year
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Might as well post this too while I’m at it
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hotstreak2k3 · 2 years
Same feelings, different characters. 🥹
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valla-chan · 1 year
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rumicworldweek · 8 months
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Weekly Shōnen Sunday No. 21-22 April 2009
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biyondeye · 2 months
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Spring Bunny
I used to be afraid to show my weird taste, but now I don't mind.
Ok I still worried a lot😅. At least, I don't stuck in my head now. 😃
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birdmenmanga · 7 months
huhm... do I put the chorus kofi or the soh arsquare kofi on my stream overlay....
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solarsavoy · 2 years
Sunday Ship, KyoSaya
I really didn't have anything prepared for today, so this will be brief and I'm writing it on the fly before I go to work. I think this ship is really cute.
I caught on pretty quick that Kyoko's love language is Quality Time. She takes the time to explain to Sayaka about the importance of fighting for yourself and no one else. She explains how betrayed she felt after spending, and wasting, so much time fighting witches in order to give her father what he wanted. Or at least what she thought he wanted.
The cruel things he said afterwards hurt. He even tried to kill her and called her a witch herself. But what hurt the most was that she spent all that time trying to help him just for it all to backfire. She put emphasis on the "countless witches and constant fights" she went through just for him to not only not care about her efforts, but to throw it back into her face and accuse her of being the very thing she fought against. And maybe it's just me, but it felt like what hurt her the most was how long she spent thinking she was doing right, which is why I think she's Quality Time.
As for Sayaka, she's Act of Service. She cares more about the things she does for people and is content to love people in the form of doing things for them. She made sure to find the right CD for Kyosuke, helped plan a mini rooftop party to watch him play the violin again, and of course, used her wish to heal him.
And when Hitomi came in to steal him away, he played along with it as though all her efforts were wasted. She was confessing her love for him with every little thing she did and he so easily just went to the next person, because he didn't interpret it as love. This key difference is what makes me think Sayaka is Acts of Service, but Sayaka is a so awesome because I think she knew that he didn't speak the same love language. She understood that he just didn't understand her acts of love were acts of love. And she couldn't blame him for it either.
Why KyoSaya works.
Sayaka was the only person since her family died that Kyoko spent any time on. She took the time to explain things to Sayaka, to express her pain, which may seem a little shallow given her carefree attitude about it, but Sayaka listened. She took the time to listen, and that meant a lot to Kyoko. Enough that when Sayaka turned into a witch, Kyoko fought her hardest to save her. That little act of service on Sayaka's side, giving Kyoko the time to express herself and to truly listen in kind, was enough to earn Kyoko's affections. No one had bothered before. She was an orphan. She lived on the streets. She was dirty and worthless, but Sayaka still respected their time together as equals. And she really listened, responding with her own heartfelt reaction of what she thought of what happened and why she was going to do things differently that Kyoko. Which means she paid attention.
Most others might just think "oh, another sob story", but not Sayaka. She took in the information and returned with her own well thought out response. It was more quality time than anyone else bothered to give Kyoko in a long time.
I don't think it was enough to make a whole relationship appear out of nowhere, but it was certainly the strong start of one.
And this picture right here.
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It tells me that Kyoko is willing to catch Sayaka when she falls, to wait until she needs her. That she's here, and waiting, and she has all the time in the world to wait, just because of that one little thing she did that one time.
It's very sweet. And if Sayaka sees just how far Kyoko was willing to go for her, she'd interpret it as an act of service, one she never got from Kyosuke, and one she never even had to pay for with her wish.
It's love.
Ended up being longer than I thought. Haha 😄
Thanks for reading!
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nutakugames · 1 year
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A Dungeon Crawler Visual Novel and it's 100% yuri?
Count us in!
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evanescentdawn · 2 years
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the snippet
from the wip: older!sk/younger!sauce
He notes the differences between this Sakura and the other sakura, the one he knew back in konoha and later saw briefly — and yet, irritatingly stayed etched in his mind — in Orochimaru’s lair. It’s not like Sasuke is actively looking for these differences: he doesn’t care, he isn’t curious, there is no reason for him to be.
He's keeping his eyes trained on her, wary and cautious, when he notices.
This Sakura wears her hair long. Even longer than when she was a genin.
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ashitakaxsan · 1 month
🎉 Happy Anniversary to Rumiko Sensei's "Rinne".🎂✨
Rumiko Sensei's Rinne No Koukai debuted on this day,4/23/2009 and was the first manga to receive an official same-day translation each week in both Japanese and English.
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Join us in celebrating 25 years of supernatural adventures, hilarious mishaps,jealousies and heartwarming friendships in this beloved manga series.
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When she was a small child, Sakura Mamiya encountered a strange rabbit that drew her into an unusual world. Once there and older woman helped guide her home, though not after giving her a piece of candy. Years later, Sakura would discover that she had ventured into the afterlife, and thanks to the candy she gained the ability to see spirits.
Many years later,as a high school student, she encounters a weird red-headed transfer student name Rinne Rokudo. She soon learns that Rinne is a bit shinigami(namely a god of death, tasked on ferrying lost spirits into the afterlife should they linger any more in the realm of the living)and a bit of human.Unfortunately he has inherited an immence debt and lives in absolute poverty, thus he moves into an abandoned building on the campus of the high school, with his black cat assistant, Rokumon. Her curiosity about her new classmate piqued, Sakura begins to accompany him on his jobs and learns more about the afterlife and her own childhood. She comes to learn that the woman she met was Tamako(image below), Rinne's grandmother, and she soon becomes swept up in Rinne's daily exorcisms around the school and together they journey into the afterlife, visit hell, and help lost spirits find their peace.
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As their relationship continues, Rinne gets in love with Sakura and she becomes even more involved in the world of the afterlife, meeting other shinigami, their black cat companions and numerous spirits both good and evil.
Below:The wealthy Shinigami Ageha chan 🎉
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Here's to Rinne, Sakura, and the unforgettable cast of characters who continue to charm and delight readers worldwide! 🌟
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