#sao lycoris
Can ANYONE at all on this platform PLEASE be normal about Rogu ??
Posts that even do so much as mention the poor guy are scarce as is, but ALL OF THEM that i've seen treat him like he's some kind of shiny new boytoy for gay people or something !! Y'all ?? Does this make NO ONE ELSE uncomfortable ?? How ? The fact that I'm seeing this from the Yujikiri crowd of all people makes me supremely uncomfortable...
He's a child. He acts like a child. He's clearly stated to be the little sibling of the Rulid Trio. His main trauma is shown to be tied to strong abandonment, loneliness and self-worth issues, which he is seeking to heal by forging familial bonds with our main characters, which ends up putting him in the role of a little kid brother.
And people are seeing this character and thinking about how hot he is and the myriad kinks they can associate with him ?? I'm sorry, but what...? The same people who rave about Eugeo being such a beautiful tragic character and how precious his relationship with Kirito is ? Those people ?
Honestly I feel like I just lost a mildly safe space here ( and I say only mildly because some of the shit some people say is extremely alienating to me as an aro person who yes, loves Eugeo and Kirito's non-platonic relationship. but seriously, how do you gayasses manage to uphold the rules of heteronormativity in your gay ship posts ? there's myriads of types of love and attraction that aren't romance ! you can do better at inclusivity ). Even just for browsing around, let alone interacting.
Truly I chose the wrong character to become attached to after my Lycoris binge.
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thegayfromrulid · 2 years
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I'm being summoned I see.
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eeksmok · 6 months
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welcome to the masterpost of little sketches i accumulated from the year that i forgot about and never posted.
putting all these together took so much longer than i anticipated and theres even more that is just a bit too unfinished to be able share and have it make sense.
i apparently have so much crap that i just dont finish or forget i made this is honestly quite sad.
anyways happy christmas enjoy your silly lil present
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zodiac-senpai · 7 months
"No character is perfect" Okay, explain Kirito ⚔️
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approximateknowledge · 5 months
Reki what does this mean?! (sao gameverse manga)
sao has 2 timelines; the "main" timeline of the anime and the light novel, and the gameverse timeline form, wouldn't you know it, the games
there's a lot of overlap between the 2, but there's some key differences, and as far as i can tell both are considered canon in their own right
(spoilers under the cut)
now one of the most important differences is of course that eugeo doesn't die in the gameverse
which brings me to the alicization lycoris manga; set in the gameverse, considered canon within it, and written *by* reki kawahara
and mostly from eugeo's pov (lots of yujikiri moments it's great)
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so from here
and then this
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the core of the story seems to be pretty much about, well:
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eugeo surpassing kirito, taking up the mantle of "protector swordsman", and eugeo seems to be *better* at it!
and in the process kirito is well
free of that
free to be someone else, unbound by the role and its obligations, because eugeo is there now
which brings me to the LAST PANEL OF THE WHOLE MANGA
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let's analyse it shall we?
-the spaceships and eugeo having a physical body make sense enough with the established tech-level
-the text too checks out, this manga is about eugeo becoming a determined force of good and protection (potentially immortal too on account of being an ai)
this makes sense
but hold on
this whole manga the 2 main characters without a shred of doubt have been him, and kirito
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^who's that?
now, sao's artstyle has a bit of a "same face"-syndrome problem at times, so *hair is important*
and this the final 2-page spread of the manga so they're not gonna have rushed it
so then, where have i seen this bangs-arrangement before?
oh right
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^thought it looked familiar!
in conclusion:
trans girl kirito canon in the gameverse??!!!
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shima-draws · 1 year
Selka: Ever since Alice was taken away Eugeo never smiles anymore 😔
Kirito: Wait but I see him smiling around me all the time?
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nachtvale101 · 5 months
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Some doodles of Medina from Lycoris <33
I love her sm
Her armor though— It's not gonna fun if I decide to draw her again PFT, but when have I ever let something as trivial as the threat to my mental stability stop me. The answer is never, and I will curse my past self every time
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transboykirito · 1 year
her back looks so good because she’s always carrying the weight of being the funniest character in this entire series
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momochizu · 2 years
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Eugeo baby 🥺💙
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kiri-tired · 2 years
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Art by: えむたろ(EmuTaro) / Emtr-san
Twitter: @emtr_san || Pixiv: user842010 (emu) ||
Art source:
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softboysora · 1 year
Alicization Lycoris Silica
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shijimamei · 1 year
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eeksmok · 2 years
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hello tumblr its been a while since my last yjkr dump how are you
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zodiac-senpai · 2 months
YujiKiri "Arm-Wrestling" 😈
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aestheticnanashi · 2 years
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The list of animes that Im watching 😊
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medea10 · 11 months
My Review of Lycoris Recoil
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How did I get into this anime? I had a few open slots for new anime last summer. Plus, this came on the recommendation of one of my friends.
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Japan seems to be at the most peaceful here than I’ve ever seen in any anime. That’s thanks to these assassins (known as “Lycoris”). Their jobs are to stop crime before it starts. One such Lycorsis is named Takina Inoue. There’s no doubt that she can get the job done, but really has no mindset for innocent bystanders. For fuck’s sake, she used a machine gun to take down some kidnappers and no fucks given about the hostage. Takina has a mindset that goes like, “You’re alive, right? So, you’re fine!” Takina was later moved to another section by a DA. Takina will now live and work at a café named LycoReco. Random. Actually, quite the opposite as this café has quite the crack-team including the hacker Kurumi, the getaway driver Mizuki, and the bad-ass teacher Mika.
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Takina is now the newest member of this little section under the careful eye of Chisato Nishikigi. Chisato is another young girl that’s about Takina’s age and is considered to be the best Lycoris to learn from. However, Chisato is the polar opposite of Takina. Chisato is a lot more extroverted and has a philosophy of avoiding casualties during missions and that includes the bad guys. Can Takina learn something from spending time with Chisato and the other workers at LycoReco?
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: This has been claimed by Aniplex of America and Crunchyroll. I got the opportunity to hear the English dub to this and thought they did a really good job. But I already knew it was in good hands when you’ve got Xanthe Huynh and Lizzie Freeman in the cast. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Takina is played by Shion Wakayama
*Chisato is played by Chika Anzai (known for Mina on Attack on Titan, Barbara on The Promised Neverland, Ryou on Taisho Fairy Tale, Nanamine on Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun, and Sugawara on O Maidens in Your Savage Season)
ENGLISH CAST: *Takina is played by Xanthe Huynh (known for Platelets on Cells at Work, Hanyuu on Higurashi Gou, Menma on Anohana, Nagisa on Madoka Magica, Hanayo on Love Live, and PallaPalla on Sailor Moon [redub])
*Chisato is played by Lizzie Freeman (known for Chizuru on Rent-A-Girlfriend, Trish on Jojo’s Pt. 5, Hinata on Tokyo Revengers, Cardinal on SAO: Alicization, Mujika on The Promised Neverland, and Kizuna on Shield Hero)
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SHIPPING: Let’s just say I ship these two the same way I ship Mikoto and Kuroko from the Railgun/Index series. I support it. I know it isn’t canon-canon, but enough hints were dropped for a majority of fans to support this.
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CONTROVERSIAL EYE-CATCH: Has there ever been controversy revolving around an eye-catch? You know, those 5-second eye-catches animes put up halfway into an episode! In episode 11, we get an eye-catch of the girls putting spider lilies (a.k.a. those fucking flowers) in their mouths and smoking them like a cigarette. The higher-ups said, “Oh no, we can’t have our fans mimicking this. Those flowers are poisonous AF!” And so, it is changed from now on! One might think that this was taken way too far. But again, those fucking flowers are poisonous. Cosplayers will do anything to get that perfect shot. I wouldn’t put anything past anyone.
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ENDING: Pretty much every major showdown this series has given us is connected to everything that happened in the first few episodes, those ammo hijackers. The one that seems to be pulling the strings is this guy named Majima. He’s the one who looks like a poor man’s Meme Oshino. Majima knows that he’s been tracked by a Lycoris, mainly Chisato. As it turns out, the two of them have more in common than one would think. Both were involved in a major event that caused the massive destruction of the Tokyo Tower. And both had extreme surgery by an institute.
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It was made clear that Chisato had some major surgery done. She has no heartbeat due to this advanced machinery put in. Mika and the Alan Institute took a chance with this as Chisato was already showing promise as a Lycoris. But the heart condition she had would have squashed that. Unfortunately, Chisato’s life has been significantly shortened. A shady nurse that’s in cahoots with Mr. Yoshie (the man who gave Chisato’s life a second chance) drugged Chisato during a physical and tinkered with her ticker. At most, Chisato has two months to live.
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Bigger changes are also on the horizon. Chisato got the DA to allow Takina to return. And most surprising of all is that LycoReco is going to close down. This means that Kurumi and Mizuki can leave Japan and do their own thing before coming into this life. We gotta start wondering why Mr. Yoshie is behind this sudden change with Chisato. Well, he and Mika made arrangements on how many kills she’s able to make. But as we all know, Chisato doesn’t want to kill anyone. Mika just wanted Chisato to live a happy life. We might have to put all that drama to the side as Majima hijacked all communication and revealed of the Lycoris’s existence (as the group has been top secret up to this point) and kinda set traps all around the city. If the Lycoris see civilians with firearms, they get in position out of habit. So, this is not good. Not just that, but Chisato and Mika are dealing with a hacker who kidnapped Mr. Yoshie.
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Chisato made it to where Mr. Yoshie was being held and was confronted by Majima. He was able to tilt the fight to his own advantage and got in a couple of cheap-shots. In the meantime, his hijacking broadcast is still making airwaves showing the residents of Japan that yes, killer little girls walk among us and 3000 people disappear a year because of them. Okay, enough of this Meme Oshino knock-off. Let’s get this LycoReco crew back together again. The crew was able to temporarily knock-out Majima and hack into the system to stop broadcast of the Lycoris. Unfortunately, the higher-ups are ready to exterminate every, last Lycoris because their identities were revealed.
Okay, now is when I can be suspicious of this anime. Never trust an anime that features those red fucking flowers in the opening sequence. Because there’s a chance many characters are going to be killed.
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Anyways, Chisato and Takina were able to save the Lycoris that were about to be exterminated. The only thing that fell through for Takina was that she was stopped by Chisato when she tried to go after Mr. Yoshie. He was of course responsible for Chisato’s shortened life-span. But Chisato’s kind nature once again prevents anyone from dying. Although, she does shoot Mr. Yoshie (it just doesn’t kill him). Mika might kill him though. He shows he can really kick ass! Chisato winds up alone with Majima again. He’s going to suicide-bomb the building. Luckily, Takina is coming to the rescue. Now the next things that happen I can only chalk this up as convenience.
Majima takes a nasty tumble during the altercation and is somehow still alive. The “bomb” he set off was really fireworks. Chisato is going to remain alive thanks to Mr. Yoshie again.
Okay then. I’m all for happy endings, but all of this seems rather too convenient.
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In the aftermath, LycoReco is back open. But Chisato never returned. Takina eventually went on a mission to track her down. In Chisato fashion, she decided to heal herself alone. Well, everyone wound up together again and end up in Hawaii. Okay, that sounds like something Chisato would do.
This anime was definitely a wild card of excitement. Usually, the summer anime seasons are the “lull” season with not much going on. Last summer was no exception, it was a bit of a lull. But Lycoris Recoil and Made in Abyss were the big hits of that season in my opinion. What’s even better is that Lycoris Recoil is an original anime. The manga adaptation only came out 2 months after the anime’s premier. This anime was silly, action-packed, and just a joy to watch. For all of you action fanatics, this might be right up your alley. Many reviewers say this is like John Wick. I have never watched any of the John Wick movies, but that’s probably an incentive if you have.
I’m glad this anime is getting more attention here and there. I mean, they collabed with Pizza Hut recently. God, could these two be any more like the girls from Railgun?! Okay, that’s all from me. I say give it a go!
If you want to check this out, Crunchyroll has every episode available for streaming (and in several languages as well).
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