#sao rogu
zodiac-senpai · 8 months
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Sorry girls, Kirito likes:
99% MEN
1% Best girl (fujoshi) Asuna
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Can ANYONE at all on this platform PLEASE be normal about Rogu ??
Posts that even do so much as mention the poor guy are scarce as is, but ALL OF THEM that i've seen treat him like he's some kind of shiny new boytoy for gay people or something !! Y'all ?? Does this make NO ONE ELSE uncomfortable ?? How ? The fact that I'm seeing this from the Yujikiri crowd of all people makes me supremely uncomfortable...
He's a child. He acts like a child. He's clearly stated to be the little sibling of the Rulid Trio. His main trauma is shown to be tied to strong abandonment, loneliness and self-worth issues, which he is seeking to heal by forging familial bonds with our main characters, which ends up putting him in the role of a little kid brother.
And people are seeing this character and thinking about how hot he is and the myriad kinks they can associate with him ?? I'm sorry, but what...? The same people who rave about Eugeo being such a beautiful tragic character and how precious his relationship with Kirito is ? Those people ?
Honestly I feel like I just lost a mildly safe space here ( and I say only mildly because some of the shit some people say is extremely alienating to me as an aro person who yes, loves Eugeo and Kirito's non-platonic relationship. but seriously, how do you gayasses manage to uphold the rules of heteronormativity in your gay ship posts ? there's myriads of types of love and attraction that aren't romance ! you can do better at inclusivity ). Even just for browsing around, let alone interacting.
Truly I chose the wrong character to become attached to after my Lycoris binge.
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momochizu · 2 years
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Based on matricaria scene except the last panel 🤣🤣
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someawesomeamvs · 2 years
Warning: Violence, spoilers
Title: Courtesy Call
Editor: Rogue Ultra Instinct
Song: Courtesy Call
Artist: Thousand Foot Krutch
Anime: Sword Art Online series
Category: Action
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copperbadge · 1 year
May I suggest the excellent PBS Digital Studios series on piracy, “Rogue History”, particularly concerning the history of women and POC pirates? Quick, fun and inclusive. May I also note that the China trade sailed out of Boston, and female pirate king Zheng Yi Sao (1775-1844) was an absolute LEGEND. 🏴‍☠️⛵️
Oh, thank you! I found the page here in case others are interested, I don't know if viewing is free or geolocked but I'm sure I can find it elsewhere as well if need be.
This reminded me -- I didn't think most of my Starbuck ancestors actually went to sea, but now that I know Hezekiah the Quaker shipped on a whaler, I was wondering if the other side of the family, with the notorious Mennonite Pirate Niehls, was out on the water at the same time. I went in and checked and the dates don't quite line up -- Hezekiah was in his 30s in 1770, and Niehls wasn't born until 1774, but what this means is that I was more or less correct that I should set the pirate-whaler novel around 1790.
I did find a document that sadly contradicts the story that Niehls immigrated by abandoning ship and sneaking ashore in Pennsylvania -- there's an immigration record of him coming from Amsterdam through Salem, MA. It was attached to the wrong member of the family, which is why I hadn't seen it before. Not surprising -- his father was also called Niehls Peter. Niehls who immigrated had a lot of aliases including Niels Peter, Niehls Peter, Peder Niels, and Cornelius Niehls Peter. I suspect his actual birth name was Cornelius Peder, and "Niehls" was a nickname. In addition to his father Niehls Peter, he had sons named Niels and Peter, and if my sense of humor is inherited then he definitely did that because he thought it would be funny.
I also found out his mother's name was Mette Jensdr, which I cannot stop reading as Miette Gender.
You gender Miette? You assign them pronouns like a birth certificate? Jail for the cis! Jail for the cis for one thousand years!
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jadegretz · 2 months
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Karin Kanzuki: Fierce Fashionista by Jade Gretz
Neon signs cast a garish glow over the steam-slick streets of New Sao Paulo. The air crackled with a humid heat, the kind that clung to your skin like a second layer. Karin Kanzuki, her trademark red headband pulled tight, navigated the labyrinthine alleyways with practiced ease. Her mission – track down Blanka, the feral fighter rumored to have been sighted brawling in the city's underbelly.
Whispers about Blanka had always sent shivers down Karin's spine. He wasn't just a street fighter; he was a living enigma. A man, or maybe something more, raised by wild animals in the Amazon rainforest, he possessed an uncanny connection to nature and an unpredictable fighting style that bordered on the animalistic.
Tonight, those whispers turned into a cacophony as Karin stumbled upon the source of the commotion. An abandoned warehouse, its walls adorned with faded graffiti, echoed with the sounds of a brutal fight. Stepping inside, the stench of ozone and damp earth hit her like a physical blow.
In the center of a makeshift fighting arena illuminated by a single flickering bulb, stood Blanka. The rumors were true. He was humanoid in form, but with a grotesque twist: his skin a mottled green, his long, matted hair the color of dried leaves, and his eyes – those were the worst. Wild, yellow orbs that held a primal hunger.
His opponent, a hulking fighter tattooed with gang symbols, lay crumpled in a heap, whimpering. Blanka roared – a sound that sent chills down Karin's spine – and turned his gaze towards her.
"You shouldn't be here, little girl," he growled, his voice a guttural rasp. "This is no place for dolls."
Karin ignored him, her stance dropping into the familiar precision of Shotokan. This wasn't a competition; it was a fight for survival. Blanka launched himself at her with surprising agility for such a bulky frame. His movements were erratic, unpredictable, like a wild beast stalking its prey.
He lunged, his clawed hands aimed at her face. Karin barely dodged, the wind of his attack ruffling her hair. She retaliated with a lightning-fast Makibishi Kick, a sp …(see the rest of the story at deviantart.com/jadegretzAI). For more supergirl, chun li, batgirl, tifa, lara croft, wonder woman, rogue and much more, please visit my page at www.deviantart.com/jadegretzai - Thanks for your support :)
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daisychainsposts · 8 months
A hill that I am willing to die on is that prime empire had the potential to be an incredibly fun season if the writers had not only gone back to the twenty minutes format but also leaned in more with how broken of a game prime empire could’ve been.
As the game was shown, there’s only a few glitches on the last few levels but other than that it works like a charm. Imagine if it was sao abridged levels of broken! It would explain why unagami wasn’t able to find Scott for so long, because he’d be more worried about keeping himself up and running than a rogue player who just minds his own business.
The game being broken could impact the story would be if jay got a special item which would unintentionally allow jay to interact with unagami for a limited amount of time before it has to recharge. That way Jay’s talk with unagami at the end would have more of an impact and not feel a bit slapped on at the end.
It also would’ve made Milton Dyer’s offering to fix his coding so much more impactful because then we as the audience could see that unagami really does need the help.
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ive relapsed into my "trying to classpect the sao cast" nonsense and while some of my old judgements hold up (rogue of doom sinon, knight of hope eugeo, page of rage yui, maid of light alice), others had a bit of ummmm... change
yeah so kirito's a witch of void
i don't know why im so sure of it but i am
it fits way too fucking well thematically and within the narrative
that is all
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For the record. When I say that there's no way Izzy's getting a redemption arc it's not because I think he "doesn't deserve" redemption, that's not how it works. It's because I think in order to be redeemed you have to actually want to be redeemed no one is gonna drag you kicking and screaming through a redemption arc and Izzy doesn't even seem like he knows that he's wrong which is several steps behind wanting a redemption, and they're just not gonna spend the time on him having a reckoning like that when they've got 8 episodes and they've gotta include Prince Ricky, Lesbian Pirates, Frenchie breaking through Ed's metaphorical suit of armor, Lucius living in the walls, Stede becoming a pirate in his own right, the reunion, Izzy losing that foot, Fang new pet, Oluwande backstory, Jim going rogue, Jim and Spanish Jackie character arc completion, Pirate Hunter Hornigold and/or JackEd flashbacks depending on what function that Hornigold actor has been hired in, Stede and Ed sex scene, the British coming after them because they backed out on the act of grace, running away to china for realzies this time and meeting Zheng Yi Sao (if the outfits are anything to go by), Lucius and the marooned crew forgiving Ed for his little freak out(I don't think that one will take very long tbf), Stede winning Ed back with grand romantic gestures, Stede learning how to be poor.
There's a lot of shit to get through is my point. Spending time on Izzy that isn't dedicated to him doing the same shit he did in season one just feels like an ask.
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adventure-showdown · 7 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
The Tsuranga Conundrum
As the Thirteenth Doctor and her friends end up stranded without the TARDIS on a hospital ship in space, with a strange and potentially deadly intruder on board, it is up to them, the crew, and the patients to figure out what it is, what it wants, and how to stop it before the creature tears the ship apart.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
The Battle Ranskoor Av Kolos
Team TARDIS discovers nine different distress calls, all coming from the same location on an unknown planet in the far future. Little does the Thirteenth Doctor know that her very first enemy has survived throughout the centuries, and is looking to get revenge upon her in a crueller way than is even imaginable.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
What connects strange bird behaviour in the skies above a Madagascan beach to mysterious deaths by a deadly virus that seems to be spreading? And what does a famous British astronaut have to do with all of this? Can the Doctor, Ryan, Graham and Yaz solve this puzzle before it's too late?
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
Can You Hear Me?
What connects the nightmares of a young girl from 1380 Aleppo to strange happenings in the present day? Who is the shadowy figure who appears in the night? And what have they got to do with a young woman in the far future, trapped in an impossible prison? Time catches up with the Doctor's friends, whose wants and dreams are set on colliding. They must now embark on a mission that will draw out their innermost fears, to be confronted.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
The Doctor must stop a deadly force slowly destroying the universe, but the trouble doesn't end there as old enemies and new seek to take advantage
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
Legend of the Sea Devils
When the legendary pirate queen Zheng Yi Sao, alias "Madam Ching", awakens an antediluvian Sea Devil extremist, the Doctor's TARDIS is pulled off-course and Team TARDIS must try to work together with the historical rogue to save the entire Earth from global flood. But amidst the high-stakes, high-sea adventure, it soon becomes clear the stakes for everyone involved — even the Thirteenth Doctor and Yaz — are much more personal than a legendary sunken treasure, or even the all-important Keystone...
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
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regi572 · 10 months
Had an very bizarre vivid dream this morning, which is probably going to read like a mad conspiracy theory, but the more I thought about it, the more entertaining it was. I am not reading into this at all, moreso shocked I dreamt this all myself lol.
So this entire dream started with the idea of somebody in the dream asking if aliens were always here, or just recently here, and they function more or less like us in terms of mental capacity, however they exist on a higher dimension, so we only ever get hints of them when they pass through our dimmension either intentionally or unintentionally.
(Additional background) So I guess the idea of this stemmed from a video I watched months back about some dude who conceptionally made a 4D version of minecraft where the greater idea is that 4D entities would have total visibilty of the entirety of our 3D dimmension, but then can see every other parallel 3D dimmension adjacent to ours and can travel freely between them.
And I was also going down the SCP wiki rabbit hole back in 2021, so there are instances where things could exist that technically are 4D objects, but have different properties if you can pass through them (like say there is a 4D tunnel, it might give you the ability to pass through 4D space and spit you out on the other side, but the properties are all out of wack when you are inside, and when you are outside, it just looks like a hole in the wall or something)
So the dream starts in a near future where things have all of a suddon become so automated to the point, that we kinda just exist in this distopian future of living in your home, but you never leave because all media and sustinance are provided for you. For example, your fridge and pantry are always restocked, and you have ready access to connect with anyone you know through some for of media chamber where you can directly interact with a friends avatar (kinda similar to vrchat, but more directly linked. I guess like VR chat meets the SAO neurolink)
However something odd changes in your habitat.. You notice that occasionally your fridge is not stocked correctly (you can submit a support ticket, and usually it is remediated by the next day). Occassionally while you are walking around your habitat, you bump into what feels like another person sometimes, but there is never really anything there. You try to bump into that object again, but it just seems to not be there at all so you start to ignore it. But it keeps happening more and more frequently, and when you bring it up to your friends, they begin to think you are going crazy. "There is clearly nothing there, are you sure you aren't just losing your mind or something?"
--- Perspective shifts to third person ---
The world zooms out to what appears to be what can best be described as an ants nest enclosure. You look around and there appears to be an entire organization of individuals monitoring and interacting with these ant habitats. Kinda like a lab, but not(?). As you look closer at the habitiat in front of you, you see what is a projected interpretation of your own living space. An individual appears to be responsible for providing nutrition, pulling trash out of the habbitat, and linking the "media" room with mutltiple other habitats. Turns out, these individuals are observing and caring for this distopian lifestyle, as for the humans in the habitats, they cannot see outside of their dimmension. But these individuals can see everything.
Your 'caretaker' starts going rogue however. After what was initially an accident, they noticed that they can start planting higher dimmensional objects where they shouldn't be. At one point, they add an item to the habbitat, that when the human walks into it, it pulls them through a long tunnel structure outside of their dimmension, essentially making them fall for what feels like 10x the lenght of what they can visibly see of the tunnel.
--- Perspective shifts back to first person of the human ---
After numerous encounters, your reality feels like it is falling apart. Tunnels that make 0 sense. It feels like someone is intentionally putting objects in your way so you hit them, but you can never see them, and you can never find them again.
Occasionally you feel someone actually tapping on your face and shoulder. But at one point, as you are starting to mentally break down from not understanding what is happening, something is tapping on your nose repeatedly. You shout "Listen I know you are fucking with my nose, would you please fucking stop!?"
--- Perspective shifts back to third person ---
You see the entity with their "hand" in your habitat. A guard walks up to them.
.... And that's when I woke up this morning. lol
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zodiac-senpai · 8 months
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Another year, another happy birthday to everyone’s favorite bisexual, dual-wielding, pretty boy swordsman, Kazuto Kirigaya, aka… Kirito~! (10/7) 💕🖤🥳💜💕
“Happy birthday, pretty boy, and hope you have a pleasant day with no (unwanted harem) shenanigans and can just lie in bed all day with Eugeo and Asuna lol (and maybe Rogu).”
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(S/O Resurrecting Because They Kicked Devil in the Balls anon) Thx for these headcanons, I suppose they were funny to write. P.S. In case you wanna know, I used that scene from DBZA as an inspiration.
Yeah, just an image of Rogues faces at the information was funny enough for me lol
Loved DBZA, this and SAO Abridged were my favorite series
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plusultranumber1 · 1 year
My Thoughts on SAO EP 10, 11, 12, 14
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The SAO series continues with the next sequence of heart-wrenching episodes focused on the deepening relationships within the world, the lengths one will go to sacrifice for loved ones, and revealing the inner workings of the SAO world. The series shows that meaningful relationships can be formed in the virtual world, and that those relationships do not hold any less value than those in the real world. 
The love between Kirito and Asuna is cemented within these episodes, and their growth as partners is truly tested. After Asuna saves Kiriko from the rogue commander, they each vow to protect one another and decide to get married. Asuna assures Kirito that her feelings for him are real and it does not matter if it isn’t the real world. The pair have essentially lived an entire lifetime in the game, been faced with many life-or-death situations, and have remained loyal to each other throughout. Their trust in one another and willingness to protect each other display that even though their relationship is formed virtually, they connect with one another on a deeper level, and SAO just so happens to be the medium in which it occurs. Their bond grows when they adopt Yui, and they become a family unit. Experiencing her tragic loss together and still being there for one another shows the strength and stability within their relationship. 
An aspect I found interesting regarding the technology within the programming of SAO was the function of Yui. It is revealed that the game is controlled by a single system called Cardinal which is designed to balance the game, and it can monitor the psychological status of players. Yui is a Mental health counseling AI meant to put players at ease, but the Cardinal system would not let her function. As a result, she was unable to assist players in distress, and instead witnessed people go insane and kill themselves. I wonder why the system would allow such a vital mechanic to not be unable to function properly. She could have been there to help a number of players who could have survived until the end of the game, and provided comfort to the children in the town safe-zone who suffered psychological trauma. She also showed a remarkable range of human emotions for an AI, and I wish the programming behind her and other hidden aspects of SAO could have been explored more.
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limelocked · 2 years
Actually add this one to the pile
SAO as a game only having blades and other such weapons is real dumb if you’re not writing a story where the mc is a badass duel wielding swordsman
Iirc there’s no archers or gunners and there’s no magic so there’s no long range or support classes only dps and tanks at usually short range, maybe midrange if you build a knife throwing rogue character but that’s assuming the knives can be thrown Far
The no magic thing isn’t the end of the world because the compensation is that every guild would have to basically have a nurse station in the boss room with people who administer healing items, but as far as I know sao didn’t do that either, oops all brute force
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nsfwflint · 2 years
How is SAO garbage, it’s one of my top anime to watch, being stuck in a virtual death game is something I could see PMY being in as either a or THE player
For ATLA, she could be either the Princess of the Fire Nation or daughter of the chieftain of the one of the Water Tribes and be either a Firebender, Waterbender or the Avatar
For DBZ, she would be a Saiyan who crash lands on Earth and becomes a member of the Z Fighters, I can see her being able to either rein in Yamcha or being with Tien (just imagine PMY with blonde hair and blue eyes when she goes Super Saiyan)
PMY has already played a Gumiho in one of her earlier dramas in one episode and as for Skyrim, I just put that there because at one point I could her being very sneaky with a bow, but now that could be seen as her being a Rogue/Ranger multiclass in Dungeons and Dragons with her being a Half-Elf
Only good part about SAO is the first half of the first season. The original concept is neat, but everything after that is just awful.
Okay but hear me out. Something about psychopathic villainess bloodbending PMY sounds fucking incredible. I'd definitely watch that over the garbage M Night Shyamalan tried to give us.
Why does she need to be with anyone? I like Tien but relegating her to a side character just so she ends up with someone is awful and is something I wish dramas would stop doing. It's okay to be single. Also pass on SSJ PMY, I love her but I really don't want to see her try blonde. Black hair is best.
I'd be down for stealth archer assassin PMY in a fantasy/historical drama any day man. Sounds dope af.
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