#sarah grey
rorygifs · 1 year
PUBLIC COMMISSION!  —  sarah grey in the order (s2) // by clicking on the source link you will find #415 gifs. all of the gifs were made by me, so do not claim them as your own or edit in any way without my permission. please, like or reblog if you find them helpful or use them.
content/trigger warnings: alcohol, kissing, flashing light, crying, eating, weapon
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x-manson-annotated · 23 days
X-Manson Annotations Chapter 2 - Part One - JEAN GREY
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The first hints towards the past of Jean Grey. She first fell into a coma in 1969. In the comics, Jean fell into a coma at a younger age, right after her friend, Annie was struck by a car. This caused her to manifest her powers and link with her as she died. You will have probably seen this scene in the recent X-Men '97 cartoon.
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Here we see another hint. She was covering for Jean when Jean was twelve onward. So, perhaps the incident with Annie still happened, but Jean didn't fall into a coma immediately after. The drug use kicked it in later.
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In the rest of her speech, I'm reminded of an attitude common in small towns all around the United States. As long as you maintain appearances and pretend that everything is hunky dory, your family will remain willfully ignorant. This is a fairly common occurrence among the WASP-y population.
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Notice how short Sarah and Jean's parents' responses are to the interviewer's questions, especially in comparison to Sarah's. They're deliberately holding themselves back with short and clean answers. Meanwhile, Sarah's are long and detailed, but riddled with chunks of missing information. this isn't to say that Sarah is lying or withholding anything. She just probably isn't aware of the full context of everything around Jean. They all are.
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We see the first instance of Telepathic types in the form of slang:
Read: Meaning seeing and comprehending other's thoughts.
Write: Meaning the ability to insert memories. Communicate telepathically and alter memories.
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Here are a few more details:
Warren is a prick. Warren's father is bankrolling the school. He's also one of the members who survives the ordeal unscathed like Hank. Warren is possibly more willingly involved in the cult/school than the text shows.
Scott, shy as hell. Autistic king even in this shitty au.
They were "In Love" I don't know how much of that is true in this au. Scott and Jean are being set up to create a kind of mutant messiah by this cult. I don't know if them falling in love came first or if they were set up to be together by Xavier. This is before Cable is introduced when that plot point really falls into place.
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Sarah Grey
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jamiemarsters · 1 month
Pics of the Day: James Marsters amused to be stuck in the middle of some adorable flirting... in The Order #2.5 "The Commons"
@realjamesmarsters #JamesMarsters @theorder #TheOrder @madosmith21 #MadisonSmith @thesarahgrey #SarahGrey #StuckInTheMiddleWithYou #JustPoppedInToMyHead #Earworm
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ramascreen · 2 years
"THE ACCURSED" Interview: Mena Suvari, Sarah Grey, Alexis Knapp and Kevin Lewis
“THE ACCURSED” Interview: Mena Suvari, Sarah Grey, Alexis Knapp and Kevin Lewis
In the anticipation of “THE ACCURSED” which arrives in Theater & On Demand October 14th from Screen Media Films, I recently had the opportunity to interview the stars of this new film Mena Suvari (“American Beauty”), Sarah Grey (“Power Rangers”), Meg Foster (“They Live”), and Alexis Knapp (“Pitch Perfect”) and director Kevin Lewis (“Willy’s Wonderland”) on the virtual press junket. In our…
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moviesandmania · 2 years
THE ACCURSED (2022) Demonic horror with Mena Suvari, Meg Foster - now with new poster and 1st trailer
THE ACCURSED (2022) Demonic horror with Mena Suvari, Meg Foster – now with new poster and 1st trailer
‘Are you ready to gaze into Hell?’ The Accursed is a 2022 horror film about a young woman forced to face her past while dealing with the mysterious death of her mother. Directed by Kevin Lewis (Willy’s Wonderland; The Drop; Downward Spiral) from a screenplay by Rob Kennedy (Midnight Man). Produced by Marcus Englefield and George Lee. Produced by Ann Carli, Marcus Englefield, George Lee and Kevin…
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illyrian-dreamer · 5 months
Dance with the devil – Part 1
Rhysand x fem!reader series
Summary: You attempt to rob the High Lord of the Night Court.
Words: 3.3k
TW: Violence, death
Notes: Morally grey Rhysand below the cuff 😈😈😈
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Tick, tick, tick.
That stern voice nagged in your mind, laced with forewarning and impatience that only frustrated you further. 
You had just minutes to find the scroll and get out. 
With gritted teeth, you leaned closer, drowning out that voice - likely your mothers - as well as the drumming of your heart, waiting for that final click. 
You were versed in charming locks, picking them when you had to, just as you did now. And what waited on the other side of this door was worth every swallow of bile, every rise and swell of panic that begged you to think of the consequence - of what would happen if you were caught. 
It was only a half-moon prior that you had snuck into the infamous libraries of the Day Court while the city slept, hunting concealed maps and etchings of Helion’s castle. You studied the corridors and winding staircases of the impressive home, squinting through the flickering glow of the small fae light you had allowed yourself to cast, anxious eyes lifting reluctantly every so often, humouring the phantom furl of a page or shiver down your spine. 
So you pressed those routes to memory – sewers, plumbing, hidden passageways marked in some maps and not others. They were your only true salvage if things went wrong.  
Weapons were now strapped to every part of your leathers that would allow, layers of magic shielding your scent and sound so strong it made your joints ache, as if buckling under their weight.
Easy in, easy out, quick on your feet and don't look back.
That mantra was your only comfort as you silently slipped into the lavish guest suite, a breath of relief that its layout matched your efforts of breaking into the libraries. Because although night never found this court, there was only a small window in which the High Lords were away from their suites, and time was a persistent foe. 
It was incredibly risky to break into the guest quarters of the High Lord of the Night Court, especially after Hellion had declared his home a neutral grounds for the High Lord’s meeting. But what Rhysand possessed was invaluable – that scroll of ancient tongue, the only one of it’s kind. It was worth the risk of your own life, of certain death if you were caught.
Careful, gloved fingers sifted through the papers on the desk, making sure not to leave anything out of place. 
The details you had gained on the High Lord were valuable – he was neat, more than neat, really – his room immaculate and organised. A paper left rippled, a chair at a slight angle, even a stray hair on the sprawling marble floor – all were things he would surely notice. 
But you could tread lightly, could play to that game of fine detail. Nimble as a mouse – that’s how your father had always described you, affection warming his face as he compared you to your boisterous brother. 
With a clench of your heart, you forced the memory out. Once you had that scroll – soon. You would be together again soon.
As you crouched low to sift through the chestnut draws, mahogany carved with the kind of finery that made you sick, a hint of gold gleamed from the corner of the room, the light catching your eye. 
Padding with quiet creaks from your boots, you allowed yourself only a moment to admire the array of scrolls that lay in the wooden chest – it’s lid tipped open, beckoning to be explored. In the centre perched the most exotic of the artefacts. Boring rings of gold, it winked at you, a true diamond in the rough. 
With gentle inspection, you traced the characters etched in it’s casing, a cryptic ode of ancient tongue. 
A whisper of magic kissed your face, stray hairs dancing as goosebumps prickling beneath your leathers. It was waft of excitement, danger, magic aged by civilisations – this was a powerful scroll indeed.
With a hand on each end of the casing, you gently lifted the scroll into your satchel, careful not to knock it or disturb the casing. You would return it after all, once traced.
There was a shift in the air then, and a sinking feeling rippled through your abdomen, like a stone dropped into still water.
Get out – that voice urged. 
You had spent too long here already. 
Swallowing the fastening hammer of your heart, you raised from your knees, eyeing the unsuspecting cupboard  – behind it a hidden door, and behind that a winding pathway would lead you clear to the gardens.
You almost scoffed – this was easier than you had thought.
How could the High Lord be so reckless to leave something of this value lying about? 
The pit of your stomach deepened. 
Too easy – much, much too easy. 
An open, gaping well. 
Oh gods, this was a–
And then darkness – everywhere. 
You gasped, catching glimpses of red and blue as you staggered back. Your back hit something solid – no, someone. Strong arms gripped yours wrists, pinning them behind you. You tried to yell, but your breath hitched as violet eyes glowered amongst the tendrils of midnight smog, choking any sound that whined in your throat. 
“Well well, what do we have here?” a sultry voice purred, a refined silhouette emerging from the darkness, tall and broad. 
A gleam of teeth pulled with a feline smile, the figure prowling closer. Dangerous, lethal, ever knowing with a hint of cockiness.
And as tendrils of night magic cleared around their master, the High Lord of the Night Court was revealed.
Rhysand’s eyes danced with amusement as he watched realisation set in – your own features taut with horror. 
“Hello, Y/N darling.”
You were dead meat.
A heavy, intrusive sensation caused a shiver to rack through you as phantom claws tore through your useless shields, and you were suddenly overwhelmed by the scent of your own fear. 
Rhysand’s pretty grin only grew.
In a hopeless attempt to flee, you barely moved an inch as you tugged against the impossible grip on your arms.
He was closing in, coldness seeping from him as his magic curling in on itself, devouring any hints of warmth from the room, from your own veins. 
And then he stopped, just one agonising pace shy from your heaving chest. 
Here he was – High Lord of the Night Court. Wickedly cruel, arrogant and unnervingly calm, a cat who toyed with its food. The legendary villain of whispered rumours and horror stories exchanged amongst children of your village in the court of Dawn, parents so tired from their youngens loss of sleep that he was a banished name from many households.
Your eyes danced with a panic as instincts forced you to look for any chance of survival. Dressed with finery, but not a weapon on him – that was good. 
But as the shadows began to clear, another male was revealed perching patiently against the wall behind, blue siphons flickering as he stood with wide legs, arms crossed and face stoic. Azriel, the Shadowsinger and Spymaster, waited patiently for your attempt of escape, his own shadows at the ready. 
That meant the male that bound you was Cassian – Warlord and Chief General of the Illyrian armies. 
You were as good as dead.
Your breathing stuttered as you swallowed the plea for mercy begging at your lips. They were going to kill you, that was certain. You could only hope they would do it quickly.
“My my, Y/N,” Rhysand drawled, his voice playful and sensual. “We weren't certain if you were going to take the bait.” 
Placing hands on knees, he lowered himself to your level, those violet eyes captivating you, their depth incomprehensible. You tried to break Rhys’s gaze, but you rendered helpless, realising the cruel use of his magic. 
“But I’m so glad this is how we get to meet.”
He was expecting you? 
You glared back, your breaths quickening at the dangerous proximity.
If not at his mercy, you would have spat at his condescending manner. But instead you fought aimlessly against Cassian’s hold, the male pulling you back against his chest with a jarring tug, his grip tightening until you felt your pulse in your wrists. 
Your mind was scattering with each second, frantic eyes dancing at the High Lord before you. You hadn't expected him to be so… handsome. 
“Why, thank you,” Rhys cocked an eyebrow at you, that cat like grin exchanged for a lob-sided one. 
Had he just–? You scowled, cursing him silently. His abilities as a deamanti also deeming true.
Rhysand chuckled at your foul words, his laugh unexpectedly soft. “Such a feisty thing you are,” he commented, raking his purple eyes down your body. You suddenly felt incredibly exposed, despite the layers of leathers and weaponry you wore. 
“Let me go,” you spat hoarsely, heaving against the General once more. 
“You’re not in any position to make that request,” Cassian huffed, pulling back on the little distance you had gained. His voice was gruff as it hummed through your back.
You turned your head to look at the Warlord for the first time. He too, like the other males in the room, was noticeably handsome. His long hair fell into his face as he looked down at you, his eyes almost as amused as his High Lord. 
Were you just a joke to them?
“Oh, sweet Y/N, you’re not a joke at all. We’re actually quiet impressed by you,” Rhysand toyed, his eyebrows raised with a mocking tone. “We know you’ve been trailing us for months, Azriel here picked up on your movements in our court a whole quarter year ago.”
You flicked your eyes to the Spymaster, his position and face unmoving at his mention. You couldn't help your scowl at the male who was responsible to securing your death. 
“What we didn't expect, was for you to make it this far,” Rhysand continued with a chuckle, his head shaking in playful dismay.
Great – now on top of everything else, you were completely insulted.
“That’s why we set this trap for you. So we could finally meet.”
You frowned at Rhysand. You had been so careful, so stealthy about all your work in spying on the High Lord, slaving over maps and reports until you could no longer keep your eyes open, using the little money you had to buy off secrecy, and always covering your tracks. But it still hadn't been enough.
“Don’t look so disheartened, little mouse,” Rhysand purred, before he picked a piece of lint off his fitted black jacket. “The fact that you were able to break into my quarters alone is incredibly impressive.”
It had in fact, taken a lot of work. To sneak into Hellion’s home had taken three disenchantment spells, and compromised a suite of his guards who were yet to rise from their enchanted slumber. The locks and spells on Rhysand’s chamber were another thing in itself. 
“What will you do with me?” you gritted, glaring between the males in front of you, desperate to know your fate.
Rhysand dipped his head back and laughed, his posture too calm, too casual. 
“What will we do with you, hmm?” he repeated, and a shrinking instinct finding you, one that you hadn't felt since you were a child.
“Perhaps the question is, what would you like us to do with you?” It was a lovers voice, sensual and suggestive. 
You couldn't help the thunder of your heart as his scent filled your nose, crudely laced with arousal as it found you with a phantom wind.
Rhysand was on you then, his face inches from your own as swirls of night filled your vision, his violet eyes the only light you could see. 
You gasped at the sight before you – it was beautiful, but so, so deadly. 
“I don’t like having my things taken from me, Y/N.” Rhysand growled, his voice now cold, unforgiving. Those same claws that tore your shields now traced the outskirts if your mind, talons sinking slightly in warning. 
Despite the little pain, it was instinct to scream.
You tried to make quick peace at the thought of his violet eyes being the last thing you would ever see.
Open your eyes, he commanded mind to mind. 
Without realising you had closed them, you found yourself unable to disobey.
Rhysand withdrew as quickly as he had pounced, his darkness disappearing with him as he slid his hands into his pockets, rocking on fine shoes. His behaviour was erratic, such a contrast to the moment before. 
“Of course, it would be such a waste of good talent.” He shrugged nonchalantly, as if he hadn’t toyed with your very consciousness just moments before. 
You watched him pace, your eyes flicking to the spymaster once more, before noting the exits of the room you knew well. 
“You don't stand a chance,” Azriel spoke plainly, his hand fingering one of many blades strapped to his strong frame. A warning, from one spy to another.
Rhysand grinned between you two, running a smooth hand through his black-blue hair. 
Was he entertained by the idea that you were willing to give a fight? 
You felt a low rumble from Cassian’s chest, all three males daring you to challenge them in their own way. 
Azriel was right – it was suicide to try. 
Rhysand hummed with pleasure, reading your submission as your body sagged every so slightly. 
“I’ll tell you what, Y/N. I’ll make you a deal.” 
A bargain, a promise, and perhaps a riddle from Prythian’s deadliest High Lord. 
“I’d rather you kill me,” you said tightly. 
Rhysand laughed again, and you felt the movements of Cassian’s chuckle from behind. 
“Oh, sweetheart. Surely there’s a tad more fight in you than that?” 
You scowled in return. 
Rhysand approached you again, now holding the scroll of ancient tongue. 
“What do you know of this scroll?” he asked.
“Try again.”
You winced. “I don't know anything.”
Rhysand tutted. “Little liar,” he grinned at you, his violet eyes sparkling with challenge. “I’ll ask one more time,” he sang.
You felt them again, and it took all you had to not crumble at Cassian’s boots at the flooding pain as Rhysand dragged a singular, scraping talon across your mind and back. 
“Resurrection!” you yelped – a half breath, half scream escaping you as your legs gave out. Cassian held you up, your body rigid as Rhysand’s talon pierced your mind further. The pain was blinding, eliciting a howl from you as your vision flashed with white. 
Yet Rhysand’s icy threat cut through. “I have a lot of enemies, Y/N. I don't suppose you are hoping to fetch a pretty penny for anyone who might seek to bring back the rightfully dead?”
“No, n-no!” you gasped, your body spasming and contorting as he continued to toy with you. “Please, it’s for m-my family!”
Rhysand left your mind as quickly as he had entered it. You sagged in relief, Cassian gently setting you down as your crumpled to the floor, your body shaking and twitching. 
You had just enough energy to raise your eyes and meet the High Lord’s stare. Gone was his expression of cruel amusement, it was now replaced with a frown of serious, deep thought. 
He had seen them – your family, their smiles and laughter as your memory flashed at their mention. That meant he had also seen their deaths, their limp bodies piled for you to find in your own home. 
“You wish to resurrect them?” Rhys asked softly. 
All you could do was nod. You were sure you weren't noting a sense of sympathy from the male.
Rhys shook his head, his eyes closing. “If it were that easy Y/N, I’d have the missing kin to my own family here today.”
You looked up at the High Lord through heavy lids, exhaustion overcoming your body with an occasional twitch. 
“I have to try,” was all you could offer, your voice small and unsure. 
Rhysand stared down at you with furrowed brows, serious yet unreadable. After a few moments, he blinked, a few stars returning to his eyes as he raised them to Cassian with a quick nod. 
Strong hands unfurled from your arms, and Cassian stepped back, providing you some space on the marbled tiles as you shook.
Death then, at last. May the Mother have mercy, let it be quick, you prayed silently.
A gentle pull of your hand from your face, and your fingers were forced to close around a ovoidal object. 
Rhysand was crouched in front of you, his face unreadable as his cold hand kept your fingers pressed to the scroll
“I’ll tell you what Y/N. You find a way to decipher this scroll and bring back your family. And when you do, you share that information with me, so that I may do the same.”
You pulled your hand back, eyes darting between his violet ones as if you read the trick that undoubtedly hid beneath his offer. 
“And why in Mother’s name would I trust you?”
He smirked humourlessly. “Unless you prefer the alternative –“ Rhysand’s eyes blackened instantly, and your heart skipped a beat at the promise of death that beheld them. “– I don’t believe you have a choice.”
Make a bargain with the High Lord, or die. Not in a thousand lifetimes could you have predicted an ultimatum so soulless.
“Do we have a deal?” Rhysand offered his large hand as he still crouched before you, his eyebrows raising with a hint of impatience.
You flicked your gaze between Azriel and Cassian. Both of them watched patiently, their stances neutral, obedient of their High Lord’s business. It bothered you – how were both of them so complicit to his evil? 
Looking back at Rhysand – you ignored the voice inside you that screamed at you not to trust him. 
Letting out a short breath, you lifted yourself to your knees and clasped your hand in his. “It’s a deal.”
A gasp escaped you as a stinging heat spread across the hand held in his, and etched it’s way up your forearm. With wide eyes, you watched the burn and itch of a ink-like pattern forming on your skin. Swirls now covered your once naked arm, the picture of one hand shaking another stark on the inside of your palm. It was your hand in Rhysand’s – a symbol of the bargain you had just agreed to. For eternity, or until you deciphered this scroll you realised, with no lack of nausea.  
Rhysand grinned, marvelling the matching tattoo that now tainted his skin. “I’ll be checking in on your progress frequently, Y/N darling.” 
Unable to find the right words for you distaste, you snatched your hand away and pressed against your stomach, willing your self not to be sick.
You were now indebted to this hellish, sinister being.
Rhysand appeared as unfazed. “Perhaps you would consider a job in my court with Azriel?” he mused, flexing his fingers as he continued to take in the impressive detail of your bargain. “Again, we were quite impressed with your work.” 
He was teasing of course, and Azriel’s hazel eyes winced with humour as all three males watched for your reaction. 
You scowled at Rhysand, glaring up at him again. “I prefer my freedom, actually,” you snarled. 
Rhysand laughed in his sensual way, before grinning a wicked smile down at you. “Or what’s left of it. 
He straightened then, his wig men moving to his sides with grace – a practiced dance for all three. 
“I suggest you excuse yourself from my quarters the moment we’re gone Y/N, I’ll know otherwise.”
With a clasp to his shoulders from Azriel and Cassian, the three males were gone in a ripple of odourless night. 
Until then, little spy, Rhysand’s voice echoed in your mind.
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AN: Ok new series let's gooooo!! Welcome to DWTD! Hello morally grey mosthandsomehighlordofthenightcourt 💞😈 I am so so excited to explore this series with y'all. Pleeeeease let me know what you think of part 1, I wrote this over so many months lol I hope it tied together. General tag list is tagged, but if you'd like to join a tag list for this series (DWTD), comment below! La la love you guys, hope you're all safe and doing ok 💞
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rubysunnday · 5 months
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babyjapril · 11 months
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Grey's Anatomy 6.24
Death and All His Friends
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rorygifs · 1 year
PUBLIC COMMISSION!  —  sarah grey in the order (s1e03-10) // by clicking on the source link you will find #400 gifs. all of the gifs were made by me, so do not claim them as your own or edit in any way without my permission. please, like or reblog if you find them helpful or use them.
content/trigger warnings: kissing, flashing light, violence, crying, weapon
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mayasdeluca · 4 months
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Sarah Grey
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himbo-jackson-avery · 5 months
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bxriles · 11 months
So I finished A Court of Silver Flames this morning.
This is now an Eris Vanserra stan account. That is all.
Someone come talk to me about this character because I am fascinated.
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serendipity-in-love · 7 months
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moviesandmania · 2 years
THE ACCURSED (2022) Demonic horror with Mena Suvari, Meg Foster - now with release news
THE ACCURSED (2022) Demonic horror with Mena Suvari, Meg Foster – now with release news
‘Are you ready to gaze into Hell?’ The Accursed is a 2022 horror film about a young woman forced to face her past while dealing with the mysterious death of her mother. Directed by Kevin Lewis (Willy’s Wonderland; The Drop; Downward Spiral) from a screenplay by Rob Kennedy (Midnight Man). Produced by Marcus Englefield and George Lee. Produced by Ann Carli, Marcus Englefield, George Lee and Kevin…
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