#saying that is saying it's a red flag to you about who that person is irl as a human being
sh0tanzz · 1 day
I wish you would do a full post dedicated to toxicity or angsty shortcomings in relationships with the boys 🫠 I loved reading the toxic head canons ❤️
angst hurts my heart but !!
RIIZE RED FLAGS based on astrology~
hyung line edition ❗️
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reminder this is based off of MY opinions of their birth chart placements + aspects and is not exact fact unless I knew them myself and I am not a professional astrologer
Vague - not exactly a red flag but he cares a lot about the things going on within his personal life but sometimes he might prefer to keep things to himself due to paranoia of how his s/o will react or if they’d use it against him..he might have a fear of betrayal that can make him be pretty vague and unable to tell his s/o a lot of things in regards to him which can feel secretive to someone who wants a relationship with open info
Intense - His Scorpio moon paired with his Cap venus leads to a need for loyalty as well as his moon/mercury aspect making him very observant of your words and even remembering things you said a longgg time ago which can be overwhelming and feel even persecuting to some. He might also be paranoid in the relationship of cheating or disloyalty.
Coldness- When he's upset he might have a tendency to be cold yet indirect. He has a scorpio mercury and when upset or protecting themselves they can say things that really hurt or could be pretty cutting. He also has a libra mars so he'd be pretty passive aggressive or indirect with his upset.
Nonchalant- (reminder that nonchalant means that a person cares but acts in a way that suggests indifference/disinterest) He can sometimes be too nonchalant and can make someone overall feel as though he has no passion in the relationship when really he does but just doesn't think you have to be lovey dovey 24/7 or he cant express his passion super well as times
Outburst- Eunseok has a cap moon and moon/saturn aspects paired with a mutable mars so he doesn't express his emotions well or bottles them up which can lead to him getting triggered at random and having a spontaneous outburst out of NOWHEREEE due to suppressed feelings which can be super problematic to some
Insensitive- it’s not on purpose or with malicious intent but Eunseok can sometimes not realize that though a situation isn’t a big deal to him to someone else it might be, he also can forget the more subjective side of things which can accidentally hurt peoples feelings
Sensitive - His pride is high and his reaction to things may be 3x more dramatic than the actual event that happened. When he's been hurt emotionally (whether it was intentional or not) he has a hard time letting go of what happened and might even give a silent treatment until he feels you've shown remorse.
Insecure - He cares a lot about what other people think of him and that can bleed into his relationships. He might act one way in public but another way in private which can make his words/actions seem insincere or disingenuous.
Internal struggles- Has a hard time balancing his feminine side and masculine side and what I mean is he is someone super emotional and feels his emotions very deeply but might try to cover that side of him up with a masculine facade which can bring tension.
Avoidance - He might refuse to acknowledge the red flags or obvious shortcomings/problems in the relationship or himself and may take a long time fully accepting or facing these problems as they are or has a weak approach in attempting to fix or acknowledge the problems. Idealizes a lot of aspects and tends to withdrawal when things don’t match his vision.
Procrastination- Once again, has a hard time facing things head on and takes a while to put action into something and avoids the messier more negative emotions that one must face in relationships; he could also take a long time to let the relationship reach the next more serious levels.
Stubborn- It's hard to change his mind about certain things..in arguments he'll try to pull a "lets agree to disagree" but it's a topic where you both need to be on the same page. He might even just straight up go mute in arguments if he doesn't feel like his opinion was valued enough.
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Literally where do people get the idea that Jason was full of himself and that he thought he was better than Percy? This is legit brought up in so many 'why-i-hate-jason-grace" arguments it just screams lack of reading comprehension and obvious Percy bias saltiness. Like just say you are bitter that Jason is written as percy's equal and that you want Percy to have nobody rival him 💀
Never once in his povs did he ever think about how much better he was, on the contrary it's just him not feeling good enough about himself. He and Percy NEVER said anything bad about eachother.
His and Percy's rival is just a joke between two powerful demigods who have rival dads, that's literally it. Even if Jason did indeed think he's better, so what about it? What's the big deal?
he has worked hard and accomplished great things, so he has like, every right to be confident in his power, stop acting like hes all weak and inferior when he canonically killed a titan with like his bare fucking hands till the point Krios swore vengeance on him. No he's not "weak" or morally inferior to Percy as a person. You are merely trying to cope. Not to mention the way people judge a character's worth SOLEY based on their abilities is a huge red flag in itself, but that's a discussion for another time.
he shouldve canonically had more achievments and power than he originally got in the books as a son of jupiter. but rick made Percy too OP and fumbled jason for the sake of keeping percy's spotlight intact. Has it ever dawned on people that Percy is shown to have cool abilities like bending tears but Jason is never shown to have abilities like controlling lungs? Yeah, that's authors privilege for ya.
Y'all put Percy in an obnoxiously high pedestal and that's not a good thing. It diminishes his flaws and makes him appear so saint like and Gary Stu even though he's not. the fact that ppl get so sensitive over their rivalry and try to belittle jason by making up scenarios (like claiming jason thinks he's superior and shit) and go around saying that to ppl to reduce his value DESPITE being well aware that he has like enough hate already, is so insanely petty. BOTH Jason and Percy deserve equal amounts of respect.
God forbid a teenage boy say he's better than the other as a joke, he's such a terrible, stuck up, and shitty person who deserved death for that, isn't he?
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olderthannetfic · 2 days
People in the replies are jumping to a lot of really obnoxious conclusions about anon that really just ultimately illustrate anon’s point.
There’s all this stuff that is *assuming* anon is pro censorship when they never say anything like that (and in fact, i thought they suggested the opposite). They’re talking about how sex positivity and anti-anti attitudes get weaponized or misused in some fandom spaces to make people feel like it’s wrong for them to be squeamish and want to *personally* avoid men who are really vocal about their love of lolicon and slavery isekai, because guys who are that vocal about it have in their experience, tended to have that reflect real world attitudes.
I think it’s good to point out that plenty of people like these things privately and you’ll never know, and it’s the being super vocal about it around uninterested people that’s the red flag here. But people just assuming that anon holds every attitude they associate with some stereotypical anti, and that their message indicates some thinking to BE CAREFUL! about… really just proves their point that a lot of people have a bad tendency to only see this in terms of how things work in their particular corner of fandom, and don’t recognize how what can mean one thing in one, primarily female and queer space, doesn’t necessarily translate well to a space with a lot of entitled cis dudes. Assuming that personal discomfort with certain kinds of fiction automatically translates into being pro censorship (what) when that person said nothing else to indicate that, is one such assumption.
(Also one person was trying to suggest it was racist of anon to “single out hentai”… maybe the reason they mentioned hentai is because they’re *specifically* talking about anime fandom?!?)
Idk, it doesn’t help proshippers if we can’t see anything except via the narrow lens of pro vs anti fights on Tumblr and AO3, be able to advocate our positions. We are aware of how fandom blinders can blinker people in the opposite direction—antis who don’t recognize that rhetoric that they think is just all about shipping is also used by right wing activists to advocate banning books and drag shows—but it’s true in both directions.
Being uncomfortable with a lot of “sex positivity” rhetoric because you’ve mostly seen it used to tell you you’re wrong to be uncomfortable with dudes who are super outspoken and pushy about their porn habits is a really common experience for lefty women IME, both outside of fandom and in fandom spaces with more cis dudes. Most women I’ve met like that are vocally anti censorship, it’s about being able to take charge of their personal boundaries and not have them shamed. Proshippers pushing them away by loading more unhelpful and inaccurate judgments on them aren’t helping them and are just shrinking their movement, making it more likely it’ll be dismissed as just “very online fandom drama” (and if you’re that clueless, are they wrong, really?)
Also it’s just helpful to better understand why some people might find your enemies’ arguments more initially compelling than they should be.
"Sexual liberation means sex with me specifically" was a plague in the 70s from what I hear, and I'm sure it has been a thing forever.
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opinated-user · 1 day
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let me do a little recap to explain why this post in particular is so fascinating for me. 1. both Sai and Morals do readings of her awful totally not incestuous OCs stories. they both call out the incestuous undertones and futhermore, how badly written they are. 2. Morals goes to have a life once again. Sai keeps laughing at LO as a response. 3. the "LO, we totally need your opinion about this topic related to incest because somehow you're the one to ask about incest now" trend on her blog started again.
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4. LO thinks simultaneisly thinks she defends herself by saying "no, my real incestuous OCs are these other characters!"
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5. at the same time, LO really wants to pretend that this much incest on her blog is not a red flag the size of a stadium.
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6. while also sending herself fake anon Courtneys to make herself the victim.
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6. now this post, where she wishes the only person to never speak about her again is Courtney. the sibling that she sexually abused as kids. the sibling that LO has even fantasized about asking forgiveness to her for the crime of setting up a lock on his room to keep her away. the sibling who, btw, has been posting less about LO lately than LO has done. i'm not saying any of these things have to be connected or have to do anything with each other. i'm just saying that i personally find this fascinating as a sequence of events. LO, since you're such a huge fan of telling people this piece of advice, let me return the favor to you: go to therapy. real therapy . i don't know what any of this is, but it's not healthy.
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in1-nutshell · 13 hours
Human Buddy going through a break up with the Scavengers
SFW, Platonic, Slight Angst, Comfort from everyone, Human reader
Buddy had been in a relationship before they had left Earth and kept in contact through the internet when they met the Scavengers. The group had heard plenty of stories about this mysterious partner of Buddy’s.
It was almost adorable to hear them rave about their partner.
As a gift for Buddy’s birthday, the Scavengers decided to travel to Earth. Spend a couple days on the planet, let Buddy have a couple dates with their significant other, sight see, the whole works. Everything was going well on their way until Buddy received a text from their significant other.
A text saying they wanted to break things off and promptly blocked Buddy from any form of communication.
Buddy is devastated and now the Scavengers have heard the story too.
Krok is hugging Buddy as they are sobbing into his armor.
He doesn’t say much at first, he knows he needs Buddy to calm down before anything else can be done.
When he thinks that enough time has passed, he is ready to get Buddy better.
All Scavengers are on deck.
He tries to get Buddy distracted in some of their old hobbies.
When they are playing Shoot-Shoot-Bang-Bang, Krok lets Buddy take a free shot at him. He is worried about Buddy getting better and he is doing the best he can to help them through this hard time.
Krok holding Buddy to his chassis.
“It’s okay Buddy, take your time.”--Krok
Buddy still clinging to Krok’s armor letting the rest of their tears fall.
“Sorry for taking up so much of your time…”--Buddy
“No, I told you was going to be here for you and I’m not going to go down from that promise.”--Krok
Buddy sniffles a bit pressing their face more into his armor.
Krok carefully runs his digits up and down Buddy’s back.
“There, there… there, there…”--Krok
His famous scowl gets deeper.
Crankcase feels for Buddy a lot.
He considers himself lucky seeing how his online relationship ended up working out.
Let’s Buddy have their time to be sad, but after that, he is not going to let them be sad for a sorry excuse of an organic.
The passive aggressive hype bot on board.
He and CONS-4EVA team up to get Buddy back on the dating field after a while.
While playing ‘Shoot-Shoot-Bang-Bang’ he will give Buddy a few more openings than usual, maybe even let them get a free shot at him.
Buddy scrolling through the dating app with Crankcase and CON’s looking at it too.
“What about this one?”--Buddy
“Hmm… red flag. He’s got a fish on his profile picture.”—CONS-4EVA
“All right, how about this one?”--Buddy
“Maybe… no, don’t do that one. She’s got a sketchy background.”--Crankcase
“…This one?”--Buddy
“…Put it in the cart.”--Crankcase
“You can’t do that on this app Crankcase.”--Buddy
Spinister suggest shooting the person who made Buddy cry like this.
A bit awkward with the affection, but he is trying.
After a few days of Buddy being sad he’ll go on the internet to see what he can do about Buddy’s heartbreak.
A minor spark attack when he reads that humans can die of heart break.
His fleshy isn’t going to die on his watch.
Has Buddy in constant view and encourages them to seek out the team more.
While playing ‘Shoot-Shoot-Bang-Bang’ nothing changes much in their dynamic… except the few times he will let them have a chance to shoot him
Or maybe throw them at the opponent.
That one nearly gives Krok a spark attack.
Buddy was sitting on the table reading a data pad.
Spinister and Krok were drinking some enegex and talking about the latest hole Grimlock made.
Buddy twitches a bit before sneezing.
Spinister turns his neck so fast Krok is sure that he snapped it.
He jumps over the couch, snatches Buddy up, grabs a blanket and starts wrapping them up into a burrito.
“Shh! No talking.”—Spinister
Spinister starts walking to the med bay.
“Why are we heading to the med bay?”--Buddy
“Check if your organic spark is still online.”--Spinister
“Excuse me, but my what?!”—Buddy
“Their WHAT!?”--Krok
As much as Fulcrum hates organics, Buddy has grown on him quite a bit.
That being said, he still isn’t completely comfortable with touching.
More words of encouragement kind of mech.
He does have sympathy for Buddy and their heart break.
Probably tells Buddy minor insensitive things about their ex later.
While playing ‘Shoot-Shoot-Bang-Bang’ he’ll offer himself as a shield three times and three times only.
Fulcrum holding a broom and gently petting Buddy from his perch.
“There, there.”--Fulcrum
Buddy looks up a bit strangely at Fulcrum who was on top of the fridge petting them with a broom.
“Everything will be okay eventually.”--Fulcrum
Buddy looks at the dust bunnies floating down on their lap.
At least he’s trying.
Another one of the bots holding Buddy as they cry their little heart out.
Tries to make jokes too early on but backs off when he gets a bunch of glares and Buddy starts to cry harder.
Offers to go with Spinister to go shoot the person who broke up with them.
Top hype man for Buddy to get back on their feet.
When playing ‘Shoot-Shoot-Bang-Bang’ defiantly makes an alliance with them and Grimlock.
50 50 on him throwing Buddy in the air.
“Got you now Mis—”--Fulcrum
“SNEAK ATTACK!”--Misfire
Misfire throws Buddy at Fulcrum.
Fulcrum screams and ducks, Krok swan dives and catches Buddy.
“Misfire! What in the name of Cybertron—”--Krok
Krok looks at the suction cup stick on his forehelm.
Misfire walks over and grabs Buddy.
“HA! Eat it Krok!”--Misfire
While he can’t communicate too much, Grimlock does keep Buddy close while they are down.
Wants to squish whatever made Buddy this depressed.
He doesn’t want Buddy to feel sad.
He lets Buddy hide with him when things are a bit much.
While playing ‘Shoot-Shoot-Bang-Bang’ Grimlock offers himself as a shield, will growl at anyone who tries to get close to Buddy.
Misfire enters the room.
“Hey Grimmy! Have you seen Buddy around?”--Misfire
Grimlock looks at him before slowly moving his tail.
Buddy fast asleep at his side, snoring and twitching.
“Oh, I’ll come back in a bit. Sweet dreams you two.”--Misfire
Misfire closes the door.
Grimlock wraps his tail around them and continues to sleep to the sound of Buddy snoring.
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uncanny-tranny · 4 months
Also, in response to the "testosterone making people angrier" myth, I've found that, personally, testosterone has given me the self-respect to recognize and call out when my boundaries are being overstepped in ways that I wouldn't have had the courage (or, frankly even liking of myself) to have done before. This is in addition to me working on my trauma responses, but testosterone was the spark that gave me the will to do this in the first place. When I see people sae that as anger and thus is a "bad thing," I wonder how much of that is just people being uncomfortable with us... having boundaries or enforcing them, and that the response to that overstepping is labeled as aggressive anger.
Frankly, I now actually respect myself enough to care when I am being mistreated. It seems that people sometimes take that as a personal failure on my end because I don't think I deserve mistreatment.
Caveat: Anger is a fine emotion, and it is a worthy thing to recognize and honour. I find that the accusation of trans men* and trans masc* people "being angry" on testosterone is a moot point simply because it is often a false accusation which uses anger as a punishment. My issue isn't that we're "angry," but that our perceived anger is used, often, as a transphobic bludgeon to punish those who either want to transition with testosterone or who currently are, and everything in-between.
#trans#transgender#lgbt#lgbtq#ftm#nonbinary#transphobia#transphobia tw#unpopular opinion i guess but: trans man* and transmasc* anger is a fine thing and more people ought to express it without fear#basically i want to start a punk band with some other trans guys/trans guys+ who are Angry and Will Express It#like not going to lie but i had no boundaries before because i HATED myself...#...so it's pretty weird when people almost... miss that they could have taken advantage of me had i not realized my worth#like why does my Testosterone Anger say something bad about me when you MISS that you could have taken advantage of my self-hatred. like. hm#anyway. i let myself be angry now because i have realized that i deserve to express my full range of emotions#i notice that many trans people start asserting themselves way more when they transition gow they want/need to...#...and i think part of it is that many of us start to get out of the rut of feeling Horrible 24/7/365...#...so when people express they 'miss the old [you]' to me that's a red flag...#...because... do you miss that person pre-transition or do you miss their abject misery and passivity?#this might be a generalization because of tumblr's tag character limit#but i have noticed this with a few trans people when they are openly/currently transitioning#this isn't me saying that this is universal but just... something i have Taken Notice Of#and it seems weird to me that this hasn't only just happened to me because. it just feels...... gross
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ingravinoveritas · 5 months
longingtolinger-blog replied to your post "Have you seen AL's latest Insta story? sure it…"
Yeah…my hope is things will work out for the best in their own time. I will say if I met both of them I'm not sure AL and I would get along very well, and it's not just because I have a massive crush on her boyfriend.
@longingtolinger-blog This is only a feeling that I've had, but it seems like AL doesn't get along with many people very well. I'm mainly thinking of Michael's friends, but especially David. Because we never see or hear David talk about Anna, and she never talks or posts about him, except for the same "official" behind-the-scenes pictures from Staged that she's repeatedly posted. It's like...this is her boyfriend's best friend (at a minimum), and she acts as if he doesn't exist (which could also be because a rule has been put in place that she isn't allowed to post about him on social media, which makes the blurry photo that she posted even more suspect). And this all suggests AL and David having (at best) a cordial relationship on the surface, and a rather frostier one underneath.
Even with Georgia, I've mentioned previously on my blog about how their friendship feels so forced (that recent picture and Georgia's tepid re-sharing of it with no additional comment or hashtag certainly didn't help matters), and so it's as if Georgia tolerates her because David loves Michael, but draws a line between that and being AL a close friend of theirs.
I will reiterate that I could be wrong about every bit of this, but at this point it seems like Anna has shown her true colors too many times, and now other people are noticing it. Like you, I of course want things to work out for the best, but what that ultimately is still remains to be seen...
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acoldsovereign · 1 month
{{ i realized I only posted about it once on the old blog, made a single post here explaining why I moved blogs/remade this account and then privated it because I didn't want to have that negativity hanging over said new blog but uh-
Hi, hello mutuals-- It's me, Tina, lol. I remade my blog and moved from @coldsovereign-a (which is archived now) to here-- @acoldsovereign. I did it because the old blog stopped feeling good to log into.
And, I didn't want to give up so easily. I love Maiz too much and I didn't want this singular, creepy ass, racist, jerk-hole asshat from ruining her/my RP experience. There were other irl/personal issues going on around the same time too and it fucked with my muse majorly. 😭
I apologize if I suddenly seemed like I "disappeared" (and then reappeared) without explanation! I wanted to move on from what happened to me quickly and in the process of that, I uh, forgot about common courtesy for a while. My bad. (Tbh, I just wanted a new home for my girl so I could fully enjoy her again. Glad to say I'm back in the swing of writing her, so the move did help!)
Anyway, more RP stuff coming soon. Yay!
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poisoned-pearls · 4 months
you know, Idk if I have to say it, but, cut off those people who drain you. You shouldn’t always have to text first, your friendship shouldn’t end because you stopped talking.
And I know it sucks, that feeling of crippling loneliness. But when shit was absolutely the worst for me, when everything had fucking crashed and burned, I met a few people who finally reminded me what it meant to have someone care, and you’ll get it soon
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heartofstanding · 3 months
Shout out to the person who once told me that it was "most likely" Henry V was straight because modern population data suggests an ever-so-graciously rounded down 90% of the population is straight and Occam's Razor and all that. Maybe! Maybe Henry V was straight! No one knows! But more to the point, that population data suggests that 1 in every 10 people aren't straight, not "90% chance this individual was straight so therefore they were all straight because Occam's Razor". Why aren't you advocating for the accuracy of ensuring 1 in 10 characters in histfic aren't straight? Oh, right, we can't have queers in historical fiction unless you have explicit evidence that they actually were queer. 🙄
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thesilverlady · 1 year
I'm not enough of a book purist to not being able to enjoy headcanons, crackships etc (as a matter of fact I do love them). But seeing newbies unironically and completely serious considering aemond to "trying to be the perfect son", or "heleana is the people's princess" or "rhaenyra is calm, collected and strategic", "Daemon is the family's clown, the agent of chaos" legit gives me a headache because they are nothing like that.
And I'm not talking about ppl writing fanfics with this type of characterization, but ppl legit having takes based on the terrible portrayal of the show. And even when they go to read f&b they still have the image the show gave them because they don't seem capable of letting go.
it just feels like Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen character assassination all of again.
There are so many people who consider Jon to be basically ned 2.0 and Dany a mad queen-girlboss-slay
I just wish we could seperate books from adaptations. That's all
#don't be a jerk i'm just venting ✌️#anti hotd#I know the greens had 2% of actual characterization so fans are now making their own hcs but#my issue is they slowly legit believe them to be canon#rhaenyra was not chill. She was emotional. thought first with her heart. could be immature and had temper#aegon was not a loser crybaby. he was spoiled. had freedom to do as he wished and was simply lazy and unmotivated#aemond was already a psycho before his eye loss. and was obsessed with proving himself. he gave 0 shit about his fam#helaena only had 1 line in f&b and even that gives her more personality than the cringe show version#alicent was not a child bride. she was an ambitious woman. a big hypocrite who was obsessed w Rhaenyra and had beef with her since rhaenyra#Viserys was a girl dad and loved rhaenyra and heleana. he also loved alicent very much. aegon and aemond were simply red flags#daemon was not a deadbeat dad. he was ruthless and he wanted the throne and power. his marriage with Laena softened him a lot#and he became dedicated to his fam to the point he killed himself to take out Rhaenyra's biggest threat aka vhagar (not aemond)#otto was not a warm grandfather. he only cared about gaining power and he gave 0 shit about what his grandkids could be going through#grrm does write grey characters but he also writes ones who are meant to be interpreted as good/evil#and the greens are very obvious the antagonists of the dance#I'm not saying you shouldn't like them but fandom should stop trying to rewrite f&b with their hcs#people enjoy joffrey and ramsey but no soul says they were victims#f&b meta#hotd meta#anti ryan condal#Ryan will pay for his crimes
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autisticlee · 20 days
that autistic feeling when social rules changed so suddenly and randomly and you don't understand why and everyone refuses to offer an explanation becuase everyone ~should just know why~, but you're the only person that didn't get the update.
do you ever see people do something a lot and assume it's fine and normal and acceptable and harmless, then suddenly out of nowhere when you (or even someone else) do it, it's now suddenly "bad/offensive/weird/creepy/a red flag/unacceptable" and you just get so confused and dont understand why it suddenly changed.....
#it was someone else who did it. i just witnessed it. and im afraid to ask why thats a problem now......the person was banned and. wtf tbh#there was no explanation. the mods just said its bad and creepy and a red flag to let someone know you dm'd them. BUT#I SEE THAT ALL THE TIME. everywhere on the internet people will throw out a “i sent you a dm” so whys it suddenly bad?#i never did it because they will get the notif probably so why give them 2 notifs...but still. it seemed so normal and harmless#and now its creepy and weird and unacceptable and a red flag. red flag for what exactly lmao. they didn't explain#its stuff like this that makes me afraid to talk to people in groups like discord servers and twitch chats because#you will get banned and blocked for saying the most harmless things without warning and get no explanation at all#im too autistic for this shit. if someone does a “bad” thing EXPLAIN IT TO THE REST OF US WHY ITS BAD!!!!!!#always offer explanation and another chance because some people genuinely dont know why youre so upset suddenly about harmless things#autistic#autism#actually autistic#lee rants#im the type of autistic that is very good at saying the wrong things without knowing and gets no explanation#especially when just repeating the trendy words and phrases said by others and copying what others do. its only wrong if it's me 🤷#when it happens to others i get upset for them because. the fuck?????? that could have been me walking into an unknown trap
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roseseafoam · 2 months
My final thoughts about the reporter:
I think it’s crazy to just pass judgment on that situation without looking at the context. I can understand why, but going so far as to read into what someone’s saying and suggesting that they believe their struggle (which, mind you, is also a genocide) is more important due to some inherent “Arab antiblackness”… Without any attempt to directly reach out for clarification. As they’re pointing out aid that should have gone to your country…
I’m going to trust the Sudanese woman who repeated the reporter’s words verbatim and explained exactly what he said. To me that’s a much better contextualization than “sksksk me and the girlies think what he said was super racist, he thinks his struggle is more important than ours, if you know you know!”
Especially given that he stands to materially gain… what, exactly, from the alleged antiblack sentiment? What does he stand to gain from demeaning the tragedy of another group of people in favor of his own? The answer is not hardly clear enough for me to levy that judgment against him, I’m sorry. Especially without at least trying to have a conversation about it first.
A lot of us are going to have to work harder to contextualize both what we see and what people are saying about what we see. It’s uncomfortable, but it’s necessary. We need to be able to think for ourselves. And we don’t have to agree on everything, nor will we. But being able to have these conversations (both among ourselves as to whether something really is antiblackness and with the people who we feel have hurt us) is necessary. If we can’t ask one another, “Do we really think this is the case? Is this indeed what’s going on?” then we’re just setting ourselves up for critical judgment errors in the future.
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phantasieandmirare · 2 years
If you're a RWBY fan and still complaining about the mere existence of Jaune Arc in the year of our Lord 2022 I'm gonna need you to grow the fuck up
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 8 months
The fact that it's a trend now to say it's a red flag that someone does or does not like a particular fictional character is proof that media literacy is completely dead.
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butchviking · 1 year
"detransitioned terf" is like so redundant anyway bc theres almost no way to even be detransitioned and not get called a terf lol
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