#scp 076 abel x scp 106 larry
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Doodle :>
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For the alphabet ship ask game, do whichever ship/s you'd like but I want to know First- What was their first couple 'thing'? Was it hand holding, a kiss, even a hug? Tradition-Are there any 'traditions' in the relationship? Do they always go to x location on an anniversary for example? (Alt question: Are there any culture traditions that they incorporate into their relationship?) Vacation- Where would they holiday to? This could be for a big event or just for a weekend break. Warm- Is anyone in the relationship have a naturally high body temperature? Does the other seek out this?
For First i picked Idia Shroud x Ortho Shroud!
The first couple 'thing' they did together was hold hands. Idia was having a hard time being around his classmates, and Ortho was around to help when Idia quickly grabbed Ortho's metallic hand and held it tightly.
Tradition- I picked SCP-076 x SCP-106 (My series canon)
106 (Larry) always brings his husband Abel to a specific spot in his pocket dimension that leads to a hallway of portals to different realities and places. Each year, Abel picks 1 door to open and explore with Larry for a week. It happens on the week after Larry's birthday (In Crossed Heart canon, its October 9th). The tradition has occured ever since they got married.
Vacation- I picked Enmu x Tanjiro (My AU)
Enmu would often travel around with Tanjiro. Ever so often, they'd visit the very specific train station where the Mugen Train stopped and just watch the trains stop and go. Enmu chose to bring Tanjiro to relax at the train station for a reason, as the Mugen Train was where Enmu first met Tanjiro on the train.
Warm- Professor Crewel x Azul Ashengrotto
Crewel would have a ever-so-slightly warmer temperature compared to Azul, as Azul's from the sea, his body would be adapted to cooler ocean. Azul often tries different ways to stay back after class ends just to cuddle Crewel for warmth. Crewel likes this.
(please gimme more of these im getting into writing again i love rambling about ships.)
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I love ur art style so much😭 (pls draw another 076x106 👀)
AAA! Ty!!😭✨
(* quietly gives you doodle * ū-u
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Silly doodles
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Anybody who asks why Larry married Able, Larry will point at Able and go "strong warrior with sword"
And also add “he pretty “
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Abel: What does IDK, ILY, and TTYL mean?
Larry: I don’t know, I love you, talk to you later.
Abel: Alright. I love you too! I'll ask Frost and Cain
Larry : - o-o
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This is my first attempt at a kind of fanfic i guess? Lol its a bit of a test
Lets see how it goes
This is part 1
Dex belongs to @leech-twinz
Warnings: cussing , light sickness (flu)
Ships present: Cain x Oc (Dex), Abel x Larry
5 am
Another morning at site 17. Another day at the foundation. Scp 073 reached out to the alarm, which’s annoying ringtone had woken him up, and turned it off. He yawned, questioning to himself how he could be more tired than when he went to bed, and got up. Cain walked up to the bathroom, turned the tap on and started washing his face with cold water, in the attempt to better wake up and hopefully shake off this strange feeling of fatigue and tiredness. He turned off the tap and grabbed a towel to his face, then looked up:“Man, I really should shave '' was his first thought upon seeing his reflection in the mirror , but something made him observe closely. Cain noticed that his face was unusually pale and the bags under his eyes were somehow blacker than normal . “Yes, maybe I should '' he mumbled. He decided to dismiss the entire situation to the fact that maybe he should sleep more. There was no way he was sick. He hasn’t been sick in 1000 years! Nope, he must've been just tired. Right ? He sighed and made his way to the door leading on the corridor, then proceeded straight walking past the site’s canteen. Usually he would have stopped for some breakfast, but this time, while well knowing it wasn’t that much of a good idea, he decided not to. He didn’t feel much like eating right now, and only the thought of food made him nauseous.
“Hey dumbass!”
073 looked up
“Good morning to you too, brother”
“Have you seen Frost by any chance? It’s at least 30 minutes that i look for her!”
“Abel you know very well that she is never up before 8 am”
“It’s 5 am”
“You guys better not be talking behind my back” Frost walked towards her brothers with a smirk
“Huh, since when are you a morning person ?” Smiled Cain
“Oh I’m not. But Zack unfortunately is. And the ringtone of his alarm today was so loud that I heard it from my cell. And that’s why I’m awake” Frost yawned “Man, I hate waking up- ... early-“
Scp 9108 stopped “Dude you alright? You don’t look too good “
Abel immediately looked at Cain
“Hm? Oh! Yes I’m fine, just tired” 073 shrugged off “ Maybe I should sleep more “
Frost stayed silent for a moment. 076 instead didn’t break eye contact , not believing a word of what his brother just said
“Fine” she obliged “still, you probably should go back to bed. You are pale as fuck “
“Nah, I’m fine”
“Well, I was going to eat something. Would you guys like to come too?”
“Fuck yeah! I haven’t had breakfast yet!” exclaimed Abel
“Thanks but no. I’m not hungry “
Abel began to stare again at his older brother
“Nothing. Why?“
“You were looking at me weird—“
“I wasn’t “ argued 076
“...ok?””Anyway , I have to go. I have to catalog some documents and Doctor Glass asked me for some help. If you need me I’ll be in his office”
“Ok! See you later brother”
As Cain walked away Frost and Abel shared a worried look
“That was wired -“ mumbled 9108
“Dude, were you even listening to me?”
“Yeah. Sorry I was just thinking”
“—-“ “Yes, I’m worried too”
“Never said I was”
“Hmh. Yeah. Sure-“
Abel shrugged
Of course he was worried. Why would his brother lie like that?
“Hi guys!“
“AAHH!” 9108 rapidly looked behind her
“ Oh shoot! I’m sorry“ started apologizing Dex upon seeing the reaction of his sister-in-law
“No prob “ Frost reassured him “I just didn’t expect that lol”
“SERIOUSLY what does ‘lol’ mean?!” Abel glanced at the both of them in anger
“Oh come on!”
076 started mumbling swear words in Sumerian under his breath, thing he always did when he was pissed
“Heyyyy- language-“ 9108 joked
“Ok jeeze “
“Are we going to have breakfast or not? I don’t have all day “
“Fine mr grumpy” she rolled her eyes “ Dex would you like to join?”
Dex nodded happily “Ofc!”he then stopped a second and proceeded to look around “Where’s Cain?”
Abel and Frost stared at each other.
“He went to help Doctor Glass” Frost responded, and then hesitantly continued with “And- well - he was weird this morning”
Dex started at her confused
“I’ll explain everything, but in the meantime let’s head to the canteen” continued 9108
“Ok” he obliged a bit anxiously
“Ok, and with this we have finished with scp 4001’s documents ” Doctor Glass closed the file on his tablet “Which one is next? Was it 005 ? “
No response
“Cain?” Glass looked up from his tablet and at his friend, who was sitting at the other end of the desk.
Cain had his head on the table , buried in his arms. Did he fall asleep? Wait- is he shaking?
Simon stood up and approached 073. He then proceeded to gently shake him by the shoulder. Cain groaned, blinked several times until he was somewhat awake and then looked up. It took him 10 seconds to realize he had been asleep for all the cataloging of 4001’s files.
“Omg- I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to fall asleep like that “ he then apologized, with a weak voice
Doctor Glass stared at him worried. Cain was sweating and shaking, and was clearly trying to keep his eyes open to avoid falling asleep again, though he barely managed to keep them only halfway open.
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah , I’m fine”
‘-No you aren’t-‘ Thought the scientist
“Listen, we actually finished cataloging everything for today, and I thank you a lot for helping me. ” He said “But you don’t look well at all, you really should go and rest.”
Cain stared at the table for several seconds, and finally nodded. He was right. It was stupid to keep working while in that state. He proceeded to stand up and, after waving off Doctor Glass, he started heading back to his chamber.
Abel made his way in the corridor, trying to focus on the incoming mission, but still failed to shake off the feeling of worry. He kept on walking, trying not to think about it. Then he noticed a familiar face in the corridor, coming from the opposite direction.
Cain? He already finished cataloging ?
073 raised his eyes
Abel approached him. He observed him for a second and then immediately asked
“Are you ok?”
Cain stayed quiet for a few minutes. He really did not want to worry his brother, but it was too obvious at that point that he indeed wasn’t fine.
He shook his head. No.
076 placed a hand on 073’s forehead for then commenting with “ Your burning up! How are you even standing up!?” and “I’m bringing you back to your chamber this instant!”
Cain didn’t say a word, he just nodded. He was too exhausted to do anything else other than that.
Upon entering the cell, Abel immediately placed his brother in bed. He then proceeded to find and hand him a thermometer.
“Well? Don’t just stare at it dumbass!” He said annoyed, sitting on the edge of the bed.
Cain glanced at Abel “Calm down, sheesh”
“Just use it idiot “
A few seconds later the thermometer beeped and 073 it handed it back to 076
“104 °F? How in the FUCK are you even still conscious?!”
Abel sighed
“What made you think it was a good idea going to work like this?!” He then yelled
“ I don’t know “
“What do you mean you don’t know?!?!”
“I- don’t know, ok? Maybe I didn’t want to worry anybody or maybe it was for another reason. I just don’t know “
“Well you just fucking worsen things. Couldn’t you just use your brain and think about it for once?! Why tf are you so -“
“....I know...... you’re right ........I’m sorry”
He lowered his head, staring at his hands, that was now squeezing tightly into fists
-Aw shit - Abel sighed again
“Hey- I didn’t mea-“
“I know. Don’t worry “
“No really I’m sor- “
“No problem “
076 grabbed him by the shoulders
“ Cain please. I really didn’t mean to yell at you like that. I was just worried”
Cain looked up at his brother
“And sometimes you should take a break from work” Abel continued “You need some time to rest , you’re not a robot for God’s sake!”
Cain nodded
“Guess you’re r-“ his sentence was roughly interrupted by a series of coughing fits and a sneeze.
“Uh- I’ll get you some tissues. You’ll need them “ 076 stood up
073 sniffled “Thank you” he replied weakly
Abel got some tissues and some cough and fever medicine , then gave the tissues to Cain, just in time for him to sneeze into one. He also handed him the medication along with a spoon
“Don’t stain the sheets with that “ he slightly smirked
Cain nodded again, this time with a weak smile
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This is part 2
Dex belongs to @leech-twinz
Warning: slight Emetophobia and sickness (flu), cussing
Ship present: Cain x oc (Dex), Abel x Larry
5.30 p.m.
Abel’s phone rang
“I got your text, is Cain ok?!”
“He is not dead so-“
“I’m serious brother-!”
“Ok, jeeze “ 076 sighed “ He’s not doing great, but last time I checked his fever went down a little” he paused “ Where are you anyway?”
“Me and Alto are substituting for you in the mission, don’t you remember? You texted me asking me to “
“Really ?” Abel checked his phone “huh, you’re right “
“You really are worried huh ?”
“Fuck you”
“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, you know? I’m worried too “
“Whatever “
“Jeeze, Ok Mr Grumpy” she said jokingly
“Stop calling me that”
“Ugh, why must you be so anno-“
Abel suddenly paused
“Sorry, I got to go, I’ll call you back” 076 quickly said before hanging up
“Wtf?” Frost wondered staring at the phone’s pitch black screen
“Well at least you made it to the bathroom ?” tried to joke Abel
“not... funny...” Cain managed to say
“ I’m just saying that puking here is better than throwing up on the floor “ he replied patting his back
“Oh now you’re an optimist?!” Cain wrapped his arms around his abdomen.
He seemed even more exhausted now.
“You’re pale as fuck, you should really eat something “
“ I would probably throw that up as well “
“At least drink something?!”
Cain was about to reply when Abel phone rang again
“Hey, it's Larry. So it’s tonight at 6 right?”
-Oh fuck-
“Don’t tell me you forgot about our date “
“No no no, it's not that!” he tried to explain “It’s just... something came up-“
Cain looked at the ground, feeling guilty
“Oh? What happened?”
“I’ll send you a text explaining everything. I promise I didn’t forgot”
“Wait you’re serious then”
Both of them stayed silent
“Ok, I’ll call back later”
“Thank you”
“No problem. I love you !!“
“I love you too” Abel whispered
106 smiled, then hung up
“Back at what i was saying-“ pause
“Cain? Is something wrong?”
“I’m sorry, about the date”
“Huh? What do you..?” “WAIT- do you really think that was your fault ?”
073 Nodded in response
“How on earth could that be your fault?! I quite literally forgot about it in the first place !”
“You still could have gone! But you can’t because you are taking care of me-“
“You know I can reschedule a date right ?!” He hugged his brother
Cain hugged Abel back “i’m sorry...for everything” he tear up, both from guilt and tiredness
“Uh- bro is all this for the date? Or is still about that thing-”
073 broke down crying
“Aaand it’s about that...“
“For the 100th time, I already forgave you for that 2 YEARS ago”
“Stop fucking crying or you’ll make me cry too!”
Surely enough, minutes later both of them were sobbing uncontrollably , with the only interruption being a few “I’m sorry “ and “shut the fuck up”
8.00 p.m
Frost knocked at the door
“Hey du-“ she stopped immediately as she saw Abel face
“Have you been crying? Are you ok?!! What happened?!?” she shut the door behind her
“I’m fine” he wiped his eyes
“Seriously, why were you crying?!”
“Cause Cain started crying “ he explained “ and I honestly have no idea of why I started crying too but eh-“ he paused “Man, was today weird “
Frost looked at him confused
“How was the mission btw?” 076 tried to break the silence
“No one died so I guess good “ she stopped “Well, actually 2 class Ds died”
“What scp escaped again?”
“It was ... what was it?! Uhh- I don’t remember the number??”
“[redacted]?“ tried to guess Abel
“Exactly that one ! I always forget its number omg “
“ It’s strange how they literally could contain me almost without any breaches but it’s the fourth time this week that that thing escapes. And It’s only fucking Thursday “
Frost shrugged her shoulders in response
“Cain?” She asked
“He’s sleeping. His fever went down to 100,4 °F. Before it was like 104 °F“
“Well that’s a good sign” she said relieved
Abel nodded
“ Dex?*
“He said he was coming. I tried to tell him it wasn’t a good idea because he could get sick too, but he insisted “
“I don’t think Cain is even contagious, I’m not sick “
“Abel, you basically never get sick remember?”
Abel stared at her , and then replied with an “Oh. Right “
Frost crossed her arms
“Go take a nap”
“Go to sleep, you’re clearly tired”
“Go take a fucking nap dumbass “
“What are you? My mother ?”
“No, but I care about you and therefore I’d advise you to go and rest cause you look exhausted. And probably your brother would think too that you should rest “
“I’m not leaving this place until Cain is better“
“Fine, you can stay” 9108 sighed “But take a nap”
Abel crouched down
“NOT on the floor. The couch exists for a reason “
076 got up staring at her annoyed
“Oh! And take this” she handed him a pillow and a blanket “I know cold it’s not that much of a deal for you but still”
“Thanks” he mumbled
“Wait- did you keep those in your pockets or some shit?! Cause I’m sure you weren’t holding these five minutes ago “
“I have a backpack “ she snorted
Frost giggled
“I’m not” she tried to say without bursting into laughter
“Fuck you”
“I’m really trying not to I swear “ she snorted
“Yeah yeah” he rolled his eyes
9.00 p.m
Frost checked on both of her brothers , both deeply asleep. Then sighed relieved and headed to the small kitchen of the chamber. -whoa, this site’s chambers are so cool! Is much better here - she thought while walking . She sat down on a chair, ignoring the flashbacks of site 19. She was still lost in her thoughts when there was a knock on the door. She quietly unlocked
“Hey Dex”
“Hi. Sorry I’m late but an mtf got in the way”
“I swear those bitches” Frost rolled her eyes
“Why are you whispering?”
“Cain and Abel are sleeping”
“ Is Abel on the couch?”
“Yep” 9108 replied shutting very slowly the door
“Is Cain alright?” He then asked. His voice sounded worried
“He’s getting better don’t worry “ Frost reply
“Oh, thank god” he whispered
9108 smiled
“Anyway, since you’re here, would you like something to drink? Tea or coffee?”
“Either it’s ok”
“Tea then?”
Dex nodded then proceeded to seat down to one of the chairs next to the table
“Man, how many kinds of tea does my brother have?! There are like 30 boxes here!”
“I didn’t know Cain liked it so much, I always see him drink coffee ?”
“He does. It’s the only natural thing he can consume as the herbs inside of the tea bags are already dried out”
“Yep” “uhh, would you like vanilla tea?”
Dex nodded again
In a few minutes two hot tea cups were ready.
“Thank you” he smiled
“No prob “
They stayed silent for a few minutes
“Hey Frost?”
“Remember when you told me you also were on site 19 around the time I also was contained there ?”
“You never actually told me what happened back there”
Frost placed the cup on the table “Yeaahh- i don’t really… want to talk about it- you know-? it’s one of those experiences that are just meant to be forgotten “
Dex stared at her in silence
“And chambers are orribile“ she smirked
“Seriously the site reaaally should hire an interior decorator. I mean gray walls?” She then joked
“Oh yes I remember those haha-gray? I would of opted for another color ” Dex added
Both quietly giggled
10.30 p.m
Frost and Dex were still talking
“Btw did you see my twin by any chance today?
“Nope. Didn’t he have a date with Abel tho?”
“How do you know that?”
“He told me. Well he was supposed to have one but Cain got sick and Abel probably forgot “
“Weird, I never saw him forget about anything”
“Yes, except when he’s worried about something or tired. He forgets everything “
“Oh? Really?”
“Mhm” Frost paused “Don’t tell him I told you this tho”
“My lips are sealed “ he reassured
“Sealed? How will you talk then? '' a sleepy voice jokingly replied
Frost and Dex simultaneously turned their heads and stared at the man in the white pajamas behind them. Cain smiled. Dex stood up and hugged him, so quickly that they both lost their balance and fell on the floor.
“Happy to see you too” Cain smiled again, hugging his husband back. Dex held him tight , relieved to see he was ok
“I’m happy to see you’re feeling better brother ” Frost smiled
She was about to say something else when her phone rang
“Excuse me a sec”
She brought the phone to her ear “Hello?” Pause “Oh. Wait again?! —- him too?! ” She stopped again for a few seconds then glanced at Abel, who was still asleep “No he’s busy at the moment. Yes I understand. Listen, I'll come alone ok?” Frost sighed, annoyed “Again: no, he can’t be there right now , but I can. How many times do I have to repeat myself?” Silence once again until scp 9108 finally replied with “Good “ and “I’ll be there asap” and then hung up.
“Who was that ?” asked Cain, still hugging Mo
“Ugh, the mtf squad omega 8. Scp[redacted] has once again escaped and someone well decided to look at a photograph of Lanky apparently.“
“But you and Clef just stopped it?!”
“Yes but there was an accident during the transport and [redacted] escaped again”
Cain glanced at his sister “ who were you talking about? Abel?”
“When you glanced at him and said ‘no he’s busy’ ?”
“Oh ? Oh yeah!” Frost crossed her arms “They wanted me and Aby’s help” another sigh “But he is resting and I don’t wanna wake him, so I just told the guy he was busy”
“If you want I can-“
“Absolutely fucking not, you’re still feverish“
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Besides I’ve already fought that oversized lizard twice and survived , this will certainly be easier “
“You almost died!!”
“And I survived”
“At least bring someone with you during at least one of the missions? For safety? Please?”
Frost sighed “Fine. I’ll ask Zack to help me with [redacted] while I try to find Lanky. Happy now?”
“Very “
“Good” She paused “Welp- i better go. See y’all later” she then proceeded to open the door and then closing it with a “byeeeee!”
6.00 a.m
Cain glanced at his brother, still sleeping on the couch, and Dex, who had fallen asleep on the little armchair next to the table. He smiled, then grabbed a blanket and proceeded to gently place it around his husband’s shoulders, careful not to wake him. He then kissed him on the forehead. Dex smiled in his sleep.
“Mh- shit... ughh- dammit ”
“Good morning. Slept well?” Cain turned around and smiled
“Ehhh- somewhat- and bet I overslept” Abel rubbed his eyes
“It’s 6.00 am, it’s still pretty early actually” reassured him 073
“Huh” he sat up and yawned “Usually I’m up for 5 am tho”
“I know. But at least you got a full-night sleep and not the usual 5-4 hours per night”
“How did you even know my sleep schedule?”
“I’m your older brother. I know everything “
“Omg, You’re creepy “
“No, I just know you” Cain raised an eyebrow
“Ok. Whatever “ he rolled his eyes
He looked around, then again at his brother
“Frost is in mission if that’s what you wanted to ask”
“Damn you could at least let me ask “
073 shrugged “Hey, about yesterday-“
“Thank you. For taking care of me“
Abel started at his brother, then nodded
“But next time you go to work sick, I’ll straight up be kicking your ass“ he smirked
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Larry: We all have our demons. Larry, taking Abel: This one’s mine
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Abel, explaining something: Any questions? Larry: *Raises hand* Abel: Yes? Larry: I love you! Abel: That’s… not a question. Larry: Oh, okay. Abel, quietly but audible: I love you too.
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