john-laurens · 1 month
"Sailed yesterday & ran my boat against a post off South Bay_ the day employed to very little purpose besides reading Gibbons essays."
-Francis Kinloch, in a note dated June 24, 1795
"I am between 7 & 8 & have a little horse named Popet_ adieu my dear sister_ I bathe in the Sea_"
-Frederick Kinloch (son of Francis Kinloch) to his sister (presumably his half-sister Eliza Kinloch Nelson, who lived in Virginia), in a letter from 1797
"Ben going into the Sea like Polyphemus after Ulysses &c Fredericks escape the same day when he fell out of the Boat &c what a necessary part of education swimming is &c"
-Francis Kinloch, in a note from 1797
The first quote I enjoy simply because of Francis's lack of sailing ability. The last two quotes serve as an interesting follow-up to Francis saving Lord North's son from drowning in a river - the line "what a necessary part of education swimming is" is likely a reference to both that event and Frederick's falling out of the boat. Francis appears to have been a strong swimmer, and his note above suggests he enjoyed swimming in the sea (presumably the Atlantic Ocean). It's difficult to say whether Frederick was able to swim to safety after falling out of the boat or if Francis had to jump in after his son, but it's interesting that Francis dealt with multiple swimming-related emergencies in his life. It seems likely that Francis would have taught his son how to swim, especially if they both frequented the sea.
All quotations from the “Kinloch family history and genealogy research files” in the South Carolina Historical Society Archives
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zacky42 · 5 months
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#趣味 #自由画 #ひたすら描く #雲海 #溪谷 #夕焼け #夕陽 #オレンジ #Hobby #Drawing #Free_image #Sea_​of_clouds #Valley #Sunset #Orange
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shadow-words · 8 months
Book Review: Dark Moon Shallow Sea by David R. Slayton
_Book Review: Dark Moon Shallow Sea_ by David R. Slayton. One's a sun knight who keeps getting burned, the other is a thief with a shady past: things happen. @[email protected] @[email protected]
In Dark Moon Shallow Sea, the religious order of the sun god Hyperion murdered Phoebe, the goddess of the moon and destroyed all of her temples. The reason for this religious crusade is that the priesthood of Phoebe was accused of being in league with demons. Since Phoebe was the psychopomp of this cosmology, this has resulted in a blood drinking ghost apocalypse complicated by a lack of tides…
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poridyydd · 1 year
Exploring The Open Sea_ An Introduction To Remote Control Boating For Adults
From its origins to its current state, it has undergone many significant changes remote control boat adults.
Exploring The Open Sea: An Introduction To Remote Control Boating For Adults
The vast open sea is calling out to you, and now it’s time to answer. Remote control boats are not just for kids anymore, and adults are quickly discovering the joys of RC boating. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced sailor, remote control boat adults can find the perfect boat to enjoy the waters with. Let’s explore the world of RC boating and find out what makes it such a great hobby.
The Basics of RC Boating
At its core, RC boating is a hobby that involves using a remote-controlled boat to navigate the waters. The boats can be powered by either electricity or gas, and they come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Depending on the type of boat, the controller can range from a simple radio transmitter to a more advanced computer system. With a good set of controls and a steady hand, remote control boat adults can explore the waters like never before.
Choosing the Right Boat
The first step in getting started with RC boating is choosing the right boat. From speed boats to sailboats, there’s a wide range of boats to choose from. It’s important to consider the size and power of the boat when making your selection. Remote control boat adults should also consider the type of water they plan on exploring and the type of terrain they’ll be navigating. With the right boat, remote control boat adults can have a blast out on the open sea.
Safety Tips
Safety should always be a top priority when remote control boat adults are out on the water. It’s important to follow all local regulations and always stay away from other boats, especially those with larger motors. It’s also a good idea to have a floatation device handy in case of an emergency. With the right safety precautions in place, remote control boat adults can enjoy a safe and fun experience out on the water.
Getting Started
Now that you know the basics of RC boating, it’s time to get started. Before heading out, make sure to read the instruction manual and any other accompanying materials. Also, consider joining a local RC boating club to meet fellow remote control boat adults and get tips and advice from experienced sailors. With the right preparation, remote control boat adults can have a great time out on the open sea.
RC boating is a great hobby for remote control boat adults of all levels. From exploring the open sea to racing against others, there’s something for everyone. With the right boat, the proper safety precautions, and a little bit of practice, remote control boat adults
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davidsoto666 · 1 year
*Otro Ritual para iniciar el mes de Diciembre*
El mes amoroso del año, Diciembre. Cualquiera que sea tu creencia y el sitio donde te encuentres, este mes encierra una Magia especial donde aflora tu verdadero Ser, recuerda aunque te encuentres atribulado, que siempre hay una nueva oportunidad, que siempre hay una mano amiga y vuelves a tu esencia divina, donde todo es sentimiento.
El Ritual que a continuación leerás, tiene por finalidad preparar el hogar, sitio de trabajo o cualquier otro espacio que frecuentemos para la llegada de la Magia de la Navidad. Es recomendable hacerlo el 1 de Diciembre o en su defecto los primeros 7 días del mes.
- 1 cucharada de Canela en polvo
- 1 cucharada azúcar
- 1 cucharada de vainilla
- 1 cucharada de nuez moscada molida
En un recipiente con agua, aproximadamente 2 litros, se mezclan la canela en polvo, el azúcar morena, la vainilla, la nuez moscada, se revuelve suavemente para que quede lo más homogéneo posible. Déjala reposar.
Barre cuidadosamente los pisos del hogar o sitio de trabajo. Limpia con agua y por último, con un trapeador limpio (o un trapo) riegas la preparación en todos los espacios, rincones, debajo de los muebles, etc.
Mientras pasas el trapeador con la preparación dirás la siguiente oración.
_”Yo doy brillo y luz mediante este riego amoroso a este luminoso lugar. El poder universal está presente en este mismo instante y limpia mi hogar o sitio de trabajo. Este es mi tiempo de bienestar y todo lo que suceda aquí será en beneficio mío, de todo aquel que habite esta morada y todo el que llegue. Todo ser que entre a este recinto sentirá el Gran Poder del Amor y de la abundancia y lo hará suyo por siempre. Doy gracias porque ya se está manifestando. Así sea_”.
Se repite tantas veces dure el agua y por habitación. Dejas secar y comienza a sentir sus efectos.
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tokyomodereport · 4 years
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After all, the view of the horizon is the best. This is Izu.
Coffee and beer are delicious!
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kiksterz · 2 years
song for documentary
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eucanthos · 2 years
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Lego Lost At Sea
A container with nearly 4.8m pieces of Lego fell into the sea off Cornwall in 1997. But instead of remaining at the bottom of the ocean, they are still washing up on Cornish beaches today. - BBC 2014
Tracey Williams runs a Facebook page which documents Lego and other toys discoveries
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Namaskar 🙏. Sea_ing the shifting consciousness while involved as Eye too, leave the self. Not desiring for being of service as this is my natural vibrational frequency signature. Observationally knowing in dimensional forecasting reality now. Deflection is offensively an innate ability of intuition intelligence. There is no spoon … just the Signatures which can be repurposed for any such Task even whenever the actionable creative application of experience has become more efficient. Beyond any questions regarding this issue or anything that would be appropriate for us or any of our volunteers are willing to help. Stay oblivious of ego as well for her to become more conscious about the reality of consciousness for her self destructive behavior of the spiritual life form and her self righteousness is not a spiritual journey 🙏.
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_From both the Land and Sea_
Denki x Shinsou
I adore a good mermaid AU, and I know I'm a lil late to the mermay party, but oh well. Its too good ^3^
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drublood · 4 years
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The #diningroom room isn't done yet, but we have a table and chairs and a place to put the #phonograph and #vinyl records. I feel like there should be a wood stove in here somewhere. A cozy music/dining room. Now playing: neutral milk hotel _in the aeroplane over the sea_ https://www.instagram.com/p/B8_0lNrFdYt/?igshid=1mm2nk2gbftqt
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ahnsefilm · 5 years
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between two sea_ 19/06/25
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workspc04 · 6 years
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Gateway to the Atlantic
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Namaskar 🙏. Sea_ing the shifting consciousness while involved as Eye too, leave the self. Not desiring for being of service as this is my natural vibrational frequency signature. Observationally knowing in dimensional forecasting reality now. Deflection is offensively an innate ability of intuition intelligence. There is no spoon … just the Signatures which can be repurposed for any such Task even whenever the actionable creative application of experience has become more efficient. Beyond any questions regarding this issue or anything that would be appropriate for us or any of our volunteers are willing to help. Stay oblivious of ego as well for her to become more conscious about the reality of consciousness for her self destructive behavior of the spiritual life form and her self righteousness is not a spiritual journey 🙏.
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connor-burrows · 6 years
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Gateway to the Atlantic by trevcole
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galaxiesvibes · 6 years
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Some memories never leave your bones. Like salt in the sea_ they become part of you. And you carry them. Some memories never leave your bones. Like salt in the sea; they become part of you. And you carry them.
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