#self-defense shooting
hypokeimena · 3 months
very funny when people write fic in a fandom whose whole underpinnings are politically dodgy (police procedural, spy movie, etc) and decide to make THEIR fic woke and in the process. fuck the politics even worse than the original source material
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theory-basket · 11 months
Calling Tabby to save your ass is apparently the correct option 80% of the time, and every time it gets funnier.
You could be fighting Satan himself. This wet cat of a woman would pull up with a shotgun no questions asked, call everyone in the room poor, shoot the devil in the face, and then refuse to process a single emotion about it for the rest of the day.
Anti-horror protagonist. Love her. This game will definitely use that to hurt me later and I’m profoundly not ready for it.
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lemme-just-oops · 13 days
I had a vision of chasing Sirius with a baseball bat
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ricky-horrors-whore · 6 months
anways, sure.
Dating werewolf Ricky who naturally gets a little protective/possessive of you, but werewolf Vinny's just smitten too after meeting you and gets all excited when Ricky comes back smelling like you and asking about you and how you are and Ricky finally snaps at him because you're his and Vinny's acting like a fucking puppy.
Cue Ricky realizing what he just did to Vinny, his best friend, who's still flinched backwards and whined away from him. and instead just grab's Vinny's arm and drags him with to come see you and congrats you now have two hot werewolf boyfriends.
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itsyourstarboy · 5 months
Streamer!Honey II where Guy gets kidnapped and Honey is just like "see dumbass I told you this would happen"
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songsintheattic · 8 months
"just get a gun" people infuriate me at this point. like do you speak boldly from a place of total ignorance or are you just deliberately dense. there is no be all end all solution to every possible scenario, and there are many considerations which make firearms a poor choice in arguably most contexts. the biggest one being that most assailants don't make verbal threats and you often won't be legally justified to even use a gun until the other person has already engaged you physically. at which point, the winner of that altercation is going to be the better grappler
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quirkle2 · 14 days
Hi!!! zombie au question, what's the scene where Mob snarls at Ritsu? Like what was the reason and what happened?
helloooo!!!! gives u a cool rock
he does it from hunger. it's the dead of winter where it's rly hard to traverse on foot, so they haven't been able to search as many places as they typically do. they're low on food and in a bad spot rn—practically in the middle of nowhere, on some country road, and even any food they could find in the woods is dead
all three of them are definitely starving by now, and they need food desperately. it's Very cold and while they have good coats to get them through most of it, it's reaching very dangerous temps. trudging through several feet of snow while you're shaky and tired and ur stomach feels like its eating itself,, it takes So much energy from u
tome Finally finds a couple bags of chips or smth somebody left behind at some gas station, so they settle in for the night there. ritsu hands mob a bag and he starts tearing at it, and remembering that he should open it for him first, he reaches over and says "oh sorry shige lemme—"
and mob rips the bag away and snarls. it's very loud and it's very sudden and ritsu jerks away from him and presses himself against the wall on instinct. there's genuine aggression to it and it's a real actual warning to not take his food away even for a second, and the way his eyes r alight with that animalistic desperation makes ritsu kinda sick to his stomach
tome watches in disbelief and neither of them can rly do anything except watch him bite at the bag with his teeth, pop it open, and eat some of the plastic along with the contents. he'd been growling more and more at littler and littler things for the past few days, but ritsu didn't think he was so desperate for food he'd snarl at him like that...
they both eat their share in silence and wonder what woulda happened if they hadn't found this place when they did
#qktalks#anon#zombie au#starvation#this is a low point ^ after that they find more food and they never quite go through that sheer lack of resources issue again#but it Does open their eyes#tome doesn't even have it in her to make a comment abt it.she sees the way ritsu has gone eerily quiet#that night ritsu is actually a little scared. there's no more food in this place so they're going to have to leave tomorrow#and who knows when their next meal will be ? and even if they Do get it in time will it be enough to keep mob content? and for how long?#will he stop at snarls or will he do something more drastic? would he actually snap at ritsu if he gets desperate enough?#and like.what then#would ritsu just Take that.if mob honest to god tried to maul him would he even have it in him to shoot him in self defense ?#if mob tried to maul *tome* would ritsu have it in him to shoot him?#he thinks the answer is no.#even after mob is cured this still haunts ritsu. the burning question of Would He Do It never leaves his head#would mob bite him. would ritsu shoot him. would ritsu choose tome over mob (no.)#tw cannibalism#okay cannibalism after this tag it gets wild. also playing around with hypothetical mcd ->#not to get super fucking dark but it Terrifies him to think about mob killing tome#and like . ritsu just letting it happen.#cuz he couldn't shoot mob. he couldn't. he'd let her die. and then he'd have to watch mob eat her#and then he'd Know.that mob Ate a person. his brother ate a person#and like . u can't just.......eat a little bit and then let it go to waste. then she died for basically fuckin nothing#so would ritsu just ... stay there??? and let mob eat her????? whatthe fuck does he DO in that scenario.#there's no other food for Him.and he's Not eating tome. he's not he's not he's not he's not#but good thing that never happens hahahah <3ahahhah .h.a.ha#these ^ are the types of things that ritsu lies awake at night and thinks about even post-cure. these are the things in his head#he so Desperately needs therapy he's so Not okay
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prep4tomoro · 5 months
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Psychology of a Self-Defense Shooting
As a staunch advocate for the Second Amendment, I support anyone who wants to own and carry a firearm. I believe they must, first, have the mental and emotional capacity to accept that responsibility and, second, have proper and regular training.
When family or friends tell me they're going to buy a gun, the cop in me responds "can you kill another human being and live with the psychological and financial consequences?"; because you will get arrested and sued. The police will arrest you and the family of the dead, or seriously injured, person will sue you.
I follow up that they must get mentally prepared, NOW, to know what they will do when they are confronted with a self-defense encounter. The number two rule in firearm safety is "don't point a firearm at anyone/anything you don't want to kill/destroy" and the number one rule in conceal carry is "don't pull/display your firearm unless you intend to use it". In your mind, right now, you must make the determination that you will kill anyone who puts your life, or loved ones lives, in jeopardy. You must determine that you will live with the consequences BEFORE that situation presents itself.
In a self-defense situation, you have seconds to decide how you will respond and you must respond as if your life depends on it; because it does. You can't "think" about it; it must be instinctual, not intellectual. Instinctual in that you have thought about this and KNOW what you will do in response. The attacker has already had time to think about, and KNOW, they are willing to hurt or kill their victim.
Your other options are to run (if you can) or give the perp(s) whatever they want if that's all they want.
Always be aware of what is going on around you and KNOW, BEFOREHAND, how you will respond to a self-defense encounter.
Related Resources: Keep Shooting (Fighting) Until the Threat Stops! 20 Rules for Winning a Gun Fight 21-Feet Rule - The Tueller Drill/Principal How to Survive an Active Shooting Encounter About the Photo
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colorisbyshe · 2 years
I actually need to say this in a separate post but I am absolutely concerned by how removed from humanity some people are. Like, beyond the calling other people NPCs or whatever, it seems like people will watch actual, real human tragedy unfold and will treat it like a tv show moment. Cheering on people fighting for their lives with fucking asinine shit like “Yas queen” or “Wow, she was so fierce when she acted in self defense against the  man who KILLED HER FRIENDS and tried to kill her.”
This was absolutely on show for the most recent anti-LGBT murders at Club Q but I’ve also seen it for like... court cases where teenage girls killed their traffickers. Or cases like Lorena Bobbitt.
Where you’re treating this like a cathartic character moment in a book where like ~finally they got revenge, now they can move on. Instead of like a fucking traumatic moment that will linger with these people for the rest of their lives, even if maybe there was some satisfaction or freedom or whatever else gained in that moment.
Richard Fierro, the man who initially took down the Club Q shooter, has already spoken about the trauma and guilt for what he had to do--
“I don’t want to ever do this,” Fierro said of using his combat skills. “It lives in you. If you actually do this stuff, it’s in you … I’m not a GI Joe; I’m just a normal guy.”   
Like... I know on some level, when you are seeing nonsensical, extreme violence, there is a relief in knowing that that there are people capable of fighting back. And maybe it finally feels like a ~win.
But you cannot forget the cost of it.
This isn’t like when you mash some buttons and defeat the final boss of a video game and then go leave to make yourself a snack.
This is longlasting trauma. These people need support and empathy (and likely lots of fucking privacy), not weird cheers you’d just as likely unleash on a RPDR contestant or your MurderWife From the TV Show.
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hobohobgoblim · 1 year
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isawthismeme · 3 days
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shrikeseams · 1 year
Thinking about Maedhros assigning Maglor to the Gap because he was the only one of the brothers (himself included) that Maedhros trusted to retreat if and when it became necessary.
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thelastspeecher · 9 months
btw in the Foster Ford AU, at one point before Ford tells Stan the truth, Ford asks Stan what Angie studies. Stan, who can never remember the proper word and also doesn't think a five-year-old would understand the proper word anyways, says she's working on a degree in lizard science.
Ford scrunches up his face and after a moment of thought says "...do you mean herpetology?"
and Stan's like "how the fuck did you know that"
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lord-squiggletits · 2 years
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And then the humans decided to help the totally pacifistic Decepticons build their totally peaceful commune even thought their boss was totally peacefully talking about how he wants to get to the slaughter and conquest already.
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By Melinda Butterfield
The right-wing tried to turn the Nashville school shooting tragedy into a Reichstag fire moment to frame up the entire trans community and justify acts of violence from stooges who much more fit the profile of the typical U.S. mass shooter. Biden’s lack of action to protect trans lives, now exacerbated by his concession on sports participation, will encourage more legal attacks and more violence like the attempted church firebombing in Ohio and the armed threats to civil rights protesters in Washington.
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timeisacephalopod · 1 year
Those like... Weird gun people I see mostly from the US who are utterly obsessed with owning a gun for "self defense" always going on and on about how they'll shoot anyone who basically even looks at them funny should just admit they don't care about self defense, what these people really want is to be able to shoot and kill someone and take pride in it while being revered as a hero for "defending" themselves or their family because yeah they obviously really, really want to kill people but since they know Murder is Bad they've invented a whole persona to justify their bizarre and disturbing murder fantasies that leaves them respected and heroic for killing someone.
Idk man those people freak me the hell out and are the last kind of person who should own guns in my opinion. Anyone that gung ho to kill people and see themselves as the "good guy" about it should not have access to weapons.
#winters ramblings#and they always cite killing someone over dumb shit like bding in their YARD. sure IS a good reason to KILL SOMEBODY#you think “”“”“”trespassing“”“”“ is a reason for MURDER??!? like im sorry but one of these crimes shouldnt even BE a crime and the other#is FUCKING MURDER WHY IN THE WORLD DO WE ACCEP THIS AS RATIONAL IT'S NOT ITS FUCKING DISTURBING#and its ALWAYS gun nuts that say this shit. like sorry but you REALLY want to kill people and be considered a hero about it#thats not normal OR healthy you dont need a gun you need to do SOMETHING about your disturbing fantasies#of killing people and being held up as a beacon of HEROISM AND MORALITY. the fact that someone would INVENT#several scenarios in which they KILL SOMEONE and THEY end uo the morally superior one is so fucked#those people SHOULD NOT HAVE GUNS i cannot believe theres a whole country who thinks this is a debate#because HALF OF THEM ARE FANTASIZING ABOUT MURDERING PEOPLE AND BEING CALLED A MORALLY GREAT HERO ABOUT IT#like bruh your WHOLE attitude alone is a reason for gun control it is NOT normal to want to kill people this bad#and be the GOOD GUY in the scenario where you KILLED SOMEONE#this isnt to say self defense is bad either its just that wanting to kill people SO BAD you construct elaborate scenarios#where youre allegedly firced to kill someone just so YOU can be a hero is real fucked and i dont think the average person#who engages in self defense has this attitude. they just end up in a shit situation they arent FANTASIZING about being robbed#JUST so they can shoot and kill someone and praise themselves for it thats a whole different beast
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