#sensational lovely bee ❤️
vintagelacerosette · 10 months
I hope I'm not too late to wish you a happy birthday! 💖 I'm glad that you had fun with Barbie 😊
BEE THANK YOU LOVELY 🫶🏼😘💕 Definitely not late at all just the start of the 31st for me down unda 😆
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thevillainswhore · 3 months
New Tricks: A Pure Love
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Pairing: Virgin!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Word Count: 11.5k
Summary: From first kisses to first dates, the two of you have come a long way from pining over the other in secret and innocent touches during an unplanned movie night. But now, what once was a forbidden fantasy for an unattainable crush becomes reality when you coach Bucky Barnes through losing his virginity.
Warnings: College AU, brother’s best friend!Bucky, fluff, swearing, teasing, smut, loss of virginity, unprotected p in v sex, nipple play, handjob, praise kink, size kink, big hints of subby Bucky, dorky Bucky, love confessions.
Author’s Note: Beta and dividers by @rookthorne, she’s been my rock through this whole AU. Words will never be enough to thank you my love ❤️ Here is part three and the final instalment to New Tricks’ main storyline 🥹
New Tricks Masterlist 🌼🐾
New Tricks Playlist 🎵
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Your evening together has been magical, something pulled straight out of your dreams. The visuals of the bright, glowing stars and planets are nothing in comparison to the smile that pulls at Bucky’s mouth, even after the two of you left the museum.
During the walk back to your dorm with Bucky, he talks constantly and animatedly about the planetarium — recounting his joy for all the astronomical wonders he got to witness up close. And listening to your boyfriend’s contagious glee for a date you put together has you grinning from ear to ear.
In the late hour, you make a stop on your way back to the local twenty-four hour dessert parlour that is close to your dorm, opting for two single scoop ice cream cones. Bucky chose chocolate; you chose strawberry, and you stroll hand in hand down the Brooklyn cobblestones.
“I still can’t believe you don’t like chocolate ice cream, Bee,” Bucky accuses with his mouth full, shaking his head with a high sense of mock disapproval.
You roll your eyes playfully and scoff. He hasn’t stopped complaining about your dislike for chocolate flavoured treats since you revealed that snippet of information while you perused the options available to you at the parlour. “How many times are we going to go over this, Buck? Strawberry is superior,” you tell him with a proud smile. 
“Absolutely not!” Bucky gasps, outraged. “I refuse to listen to this slander against chocolate.” 
“Drama—” Your retort is cut short by him pressing you against the wall of the building next to you. The cone of ice cream in your hand almost topples precariously, interrupting you mid lick, and he ignores your surprised shout of, “Hey!”
“We are settling this right now, Buttercup.” He looks deep into your eyes with dire seriousness. “You’re gonna try mine and tell me that you like it.” The cone of chocolate ice cream appears in your peripheral vision. 
“Bucky!” You laugh. “I haven’t tried chocolate ice cream in years!” 
“All the more reason to try it now.” He holds his cone up to your mouth, a twinkle in his bright blue eyes and a pout on his plump lips. “For me?”
“Y’know, you can’t keep bribing me with those puppy eyes — No matter how handsome you are.”
With a cheeky smile, he whispers, “Is it working, though?” 
Sighing in defeat, you can’t help the upturn of your lips at his charm. “You’re lucky you’re cute. Hit me with it.” 
Like the cat who got the cream, Bucky closes the gap between you and the cold treat, letting it slightly touch your lips — the cold sensation makes you shiver, and you tentatively stick your tongue out, slowly laving it up the side of the scoop of ice cream. 
The strong taste of cocoa and sugar doesn’t impress you, and you flick your gaze towards your boyfriend to say as such, only, he’s homed in on the motion of your tongue while you lick the last remnants of cream from your lips. 
He shudders, the strong line of his shoulders shaking with the force of them, and he pants quietly. The rise and fall of his chest is uneven while his blue eyes darken to a stormy grey. 
It's difficult to contain the satisfied smirk growing on your lips as you ask teasingly, “You good, baby?” 
Bucky gulps, unsuspecting of such an innocent act to affect him so much. “I’m uh— I’m good.” His head bobs up and down, no real confidence in his answer, but his stare still pins you in place and he bites his bottom lip. “How’d you like it?”
“Hmm,” you hum, then you lick your lips again — just to make sure they are entirely clean, of course. Bucky’s eyes follow the movement with rapt attention. “I have to say…” The urge to use pretence to answer his question makes you want to burst into laughter, but you soldier on with the truth. “I’m sorry, honey. I still stand by my initial statement.” 
The erratic movements of his chest abruptly cease, and his eyes never leave yours while you lean forward, closer to his lips. “But,” you whisper, the tips of your fingers dancing up his chest. Every touch builds the deepening tension swirling in his eyes. “It doesn’t hurt to try something new every so often, Puppy.” 
You reach up to the corner of his mouth and swipe the smudge of chocolate ice cream left there with your thumb, then suck it into your mouth, releasing it with a wet pop — it feels like you well and truly break his resistance. 
Bucky’s fingers twitch against the cone by your lips, and it crumbles. The forceful puffs of air from his parted lips blow against your mouth, the inevitability of him pouncing on you any second undeniable. 
Rather than making it easier on him, you smirk and push him back by his shoulder. “Never hurts to experiment — Try new things. You never know.”
The dazed expression on his features is innocently sweet, and you try not to laugh as he reaches out for you to drag you back, but you dodge his hands and walk away, out of reach. You look at him over your shoulder and lick up the dribbling cream that almost reaches your hand. 
Bucky stares after you, mouth agape. “I— What—” He shakes himself back to reality, and he licks his lips, brushing his long hair back with his fingers and he throws his crumbled ice cream cone into the nearest trash can — no longer interested in that sweet treat. 
Bucky’s long strides work to catch up with you, a new kind of spark in his eyes you haven’t seen before. “Something new, huh?” 
“Yeah, handsome,” you purr. The steps to your apartment come up, and you take the first few with your back to Bucky, a smirk playing on your lips. Just as you reach the entryway door, you look over your shoulder at your boyfriend, who returns your coy smile with a hesitant one of his own. “Sometimes you’ve got to just let go and give in.”
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Bucky stands behind you while you unlock the door to your dorm. The material of his button up shirt scrapes against the bare skin of your arm, and you try to suppress the shiver that runs down your spine, but it's useless. The air is charged with a thick tension unfamiliar between the two of you, and you feel as though you're swimming in new territory, wading into the depths of the unknown. 
“I had a great time tonight, Bee,” Bucky says quietly over your shoulder; the urge to kiss the skin there too tempting for him not to fall into. 
A shiver ripples down your spine from the sensation of his lips tickling your skin, and you stop just as you’re about to open the door. They move carefully over the slope of your neck and up to the lobe of your ear. 
Reining in your arousal, you turn around and agree with a broad smile. “Me too, handsome.” 
His eyes flicker between you and the door to your dorm. You hold his hand while the other rests on the handle behind you. “Ready to go in?” you ask. 
Bucky clears his throat. “Mhm,” he mumbles, and with his confirmation, you open the door. Immediately, the glow of orange lights grab his attention as they dance on the ceiling. Lit candles are placed on surfaces around the room, while your vinyl record turntable plays soft music.
The ambiance seems to both intrigue and calm Bucky, and you feel your own shoulders loosen. Thank you, Nat, you think inwardly.  
“Come on,” you whisper, urging Bucky further into your dorm room. He walks forward wordlessly, and with him out of the way, you close and lock the door behind you both — it affords you a solitary second to process the secret desire that has been stored away for so long. 
A guilty pleasure about your brother’s best friend that you revelled in at one point in time is becoming a reality. 
There is no means to do that now, to stow it away in secrecy — he stood behind you, right there in reach of you, no longer a fantasy. 
The door locks with a muffled click, and you turn around to see Bucky standing by the foot of your bed, head bowed and fiddling with the hair tie around his wrist. Slowly and steadily, you edge closer to him, careful not to make any sudden movements that will spook him. “Bucky?”
His body tenses slightly, his shoulders almost reaching his ears as you near him.
“Sweetheart?” you repeat, and you tuck back some of the hair that kept him hidden — a curtain he didn’t want to peer through. A dazzling pair of ocean blue eyes meet your own; swimming with anxiety and the desperate craving for direction. 
“Hi, you.” Your voice soothes him, and he instantly melts into you — callused, trembling hands rush to seek contact, finding their home around your waist.
“Hi, Bee,” he whispers, resting his forehead against yours. 
The soft instrumental of guitar chords pacifies the ambience. “How are we doing?” you ask gently. 
Bucky swallows the lump in his throat, and there’s a shaky, tremulous quality to his voice when he answers with, “Nervous.” 
You place a gentle kiss to the tip of his nose, hoping to calm him. “About what, baby?” 
Leaning slightly backward to better look into his eyes, you notice there is a storm of emotions swirling through his irises. In an attempt to soothe the hurricane, you comfortingly rub your hands down his muscled arms. 
“S— Sex.” His neck flushes with patchy red blotches; a staple of whenever he is flustered. 
You hum soothingly and nod your head, acknowledging his worries. “You know, we don’t have to do it if you feel like you’ve changed your mind, sweetheart. I was nervous for my first time, too.” Your fingers wrap around his arm to squeeze gently, grounding him in the wallow of nerves. “It’s okay if you’re not ready.” 
“No.” Bucky shakes his head, gulping. “I— I want this. I really want this.” There is such conviction and assurity in his voice that you cannot help but kiss him softly. He pulls back and his breath shudders. 
“You’re completely sure about this?” you ask once more, making sure to give him the space to reject your advances if he feels the need to. 
“Mm.” Bucky nuzzles into your neck, taking comfort in your embrace as he mumbles into your skin, “With everything I have.” 
You grasp his face into your hands with the most care and love you can possibly manifest to bring him out of his safe retreat, and you connect your lips with his again. 
The motion comes easy to Bucky now, natural. He has no fear and certainly no hesitation to kiss you the way he likes, with tenderness and an urge to claim you as his own — his mouth moves over yours in a synchronised dance, the steps familiar, but it still feels new, thrilling in nature.  
Snaking your hands down from his cheeks, your fingers leave a trail of goosebumps in their wake over his neck. They stop over his collar, and you look into his eyes to gain permission to undress him. “Can I?” 
“Yeah.” He’s relaxed enough in your hold to not allow nerves to hinder him just yet. 
You begin to make your way down his covered chest, and with the utmost care, you unfasten each button effortlessly — tan skin, smooth as silk and dotted with a pattern of sun kissed freckles, is revealed with each undone button, and you have to tamper down your impatience to rip the shirt straight off of his shoulders. 
“You’re so gorgeous, Bucky,” you breathe in disbelief, and your palms slither back up his body, sneaking over the ridges of his abs. “And all mine.”
“Ah–” Bucky gasps and jolts — your nails, longer than usual, brush over a responsive area of his stomach and you grin into his neck. 
You skim the tips of your fingers over the planes of his pecs, and over his shoulders to finally slide off the material veiling the godly sight of his body to you. Of course, you have already seen your boyfriend without a shirt on before, but right now, in the glow of the candlelight and the orange hues dancing over his skin, he looks like he’s been sculpted from the angels themselves.
“Bee…” A dust of pink decorates his high cheekbones, still ever so shy with your compliments. 
You open your mouth to reply, but Bucky thoroughly shocks you as he begins to unbuckle his belt, the muscles in his stomach tensing as his hands work to free the leather from his slacks. 
You watch, breathless, while he pulls down the slacks to reveal a pair of tight black briefs that do nothing to hide the growing bulge. Bucky is fucking huge, that much you make out from the strain of the material, and you’re almost sure he isn’t even fully hard. 
“Oh my god.” The sensation of your quiet divulgence against his ear elicits a sudden moan from his lips. You will never tire of being the cause of that sound. 
The rush his vocalised pleasure evokes has you beginning to reach behind your back to unzip your dress. However, Bucky hesitantly stops your hands in their haste. “C— Can I do it?” he stutters, eyes wide and glossy. “Can I undress you — Please?” 
It would be a crime to not allow him after a plea so sweet. 
With your nod of approval, he takes a deep breath, calming his nerves before he makes his way behind you. You feel his fingers hover over your back, tentative and unsure and it takes him a moment until he sighs in finality. 
He pinches the zipper, tiny in his long fingers, and he slowly descends the barrier downwards. The spaghetti straps slip off one by one — his knuckles gently skim over your shoulders until they trail down your arms, and with a quiet flutter, the entirety of your dress falls to the floor, leaving you in just your lingerie.
You wait patiently, letting Bucky take in every inch of your half naked form. Moments pass by and your combined breaths — one steady, the other erratic — ricochet through the room. 
“Sweetheart?” You feel the strands of his long hair sweep across your skin as he looks up at the sound of your voice. “Would you like to get my bra?” It’s an offer, a choice for him to decide on his own terms without the pressure. 
Stunning you with his growing confidence, he begins to unfasten the material — the straps fall down your arms with ease and you gently let it drop to the floor. 
Bucky gulps harshly, then. The realisation that your breasts are on display for the first time to his eyes hitting him like a truck. 
Stepping around your figure to come to your front, he keeps his eyes on your face, never once looking away as he kneels to the ground. His nimble fingers work to slip your heels off, taking care to help you place your bare feet down onto the carpet without letting you trip, and he kisses your lower thighs. Once he’s finished, the palms of his hands rub up the back of your calves and squeeze while he rises to stand.  
His gaze still doesn’t stray. 
“You can look, Bucky — It’s okay.” 
Only with your go ahead do his eyes dart down, taking the entirety of your body in at once. A harsh inhale of breath catches in his throat, the rise and fall of his chest is rapid while his fingers twitch by his sides. His gaze locks onto your breasts — guilty as charged with his basic instincts.
“Puppy,” you call out to him, parsing through the growing fog of desperate need in his mind, visible by the glint of hunger across his irises. “Come here.” 
His eyes shoot up, searching your expression for any sense of mocking, and he finds none. There is a desperate gleam in his cloudy, misted gaze — frantic for guidance and reassurance still. “Come here, baby,” you whisper, holding your hands out for him to grab hold of. “It’s alright.”
The steps Bucky takes are rigid, robotic — not allowing himself to lose what little control he has left. You vow to change that. He stops at a small distance in front of you, further away than you care for, and you take the bait to bring yourself closer until your nipples skim across the bare planes of his skin. 
The sensation steals your breath away, and Bucky squeezes his eyes closed, clenching his fists at his sides — it takes you back to your movie night together all that time ago, when the voice in his mind told him to hold back, to not give in to the urge to reach out instead. 
And that just wouldn’t do.
“None of that, sweetheart,” you coo, softly. “I’m gonna need you to open your eyes so I can see you.”
Like magic, he flickers his eyes open, and he swallows around the lump in his throat. 
“There he is.” You smile reassuringly at him. “Deep breaths for me, baby. You’re doing so good.” 
Bucky takes a small moment to do as you say, treating your word as gospel. His mouth works furiously over the words that won’t seem to come, until he settles on a breathless, “You’re so beautiful.” 
The way he’s devouring you with his eyes says volumes of his true meaning, and you couldn’t find it in you to mind that he was speechless.
You gently tuck the hair that’s fallen into his eyes behind his ears. “Oh, baby,” you whisper back, holding his face in your hands while a torrent of emotions that vary from awe to trepidation threaten to sweep you away. “You’re something else. I’m so lucky.”
A small huff of laughter falls from his parted lips, and he begins to grin, a cheeky pull at the corner of his lips that spreads warmth from your core to the tips of your toes and fingers. “If only you knew how much the guys on the team make fun of me for saying the exact same thing.” 
The two of you share a small bout of laughter — a wholesome moment to cut the charged air and be yourselves for a second.
You slide your hands down from his face down to his chest, feeling the steady pitter patter of his heart that’s calmed down from the fast thrum — the soft smile you give him forces a heavy exhale of breath from his lungs, and you revel in the one you’re given in return. 
“Good to keep going?” You check in once more. 
Bucky nods his head, certain. “Please.”
“Sit on the bed for me then, Puppy,” you softly direct him. 
Following behind him, sure to stay close for both his benefit and yours, he climbs onto your mattress and sits against the headboard. He holds his hand out to you, routine embedded into him to guide you onto his lap. 
It registers to him then, as your bare skin melts against his, that you have never been in this position with so little layers between you. 
Carefully, you rest your crotch — covered by your thin layer of underwear — against his. A thrill of tension stiffens Bucky’s muscles, and you smile gently at him while you shuffle your knees comfortably on either side of his thighs — fully aware that the sensation is much more intense than usual. 
“Bee…” His warm, callused hands hover over waist as you readjust yourself, and while you set yourself down on his lap, the lace of your panties swipe over his hardening cock. “Oh— Fuck.” He chokes out.
Immediately, you still. “What’s wrong, baby?” 
“I wanna touch you,” Bucky forces out, breathing heavily. “So bad—” 
“Remember to breathe, Buck,” you remind him gently, not wanting him to overwhelm himself — not this early. “You’re okay, I’m here.” 
His chest shudders with a harsh breath, and he whimpers, “I don’t know what to do.” 
The lack of experience and inadequacies that stem from it run rampant through his saddening expression, from the sheen of tears that start on his lash line, to the deep frown on his pouting lips. They lock him in place and render him frozen under you — the tense line of his thigh muscles taut beneath yours. 
You realise with a shock that while he is so eager to please, a mingling sense of shame screams that he won’t be able to make this good for you. 
“Hmm. Baby, listen,” you soothe, gathering his attention once more. His hands intertwine easily with your own and you kiss his knuckles. “How about we start off with something you do know?” 
Bucky looks at you with all the innocence of someone completely out of their depth. “O— Okay,” he stutters. “Yeah, I can do that.” 
You smile, placing a single, loving kiss to his lips. “I’ve got you, baby.” 
Sitting back upright, you slowly test a gentle roll of your hips over his crotch and instantly, Bucky gasps loudly. You grin salaciously as you witness his eyes flutter closed. But you still take care to stop, to wait a second and look for any signs he doesn’t like it — there are none, much to your satisfaction.
Slowly, you rock back and forth over his bulge, drinking in the slight, hitched moans and whines that fall from his lips. “You’re doing so well — Proud of you.” You bring the tips of his fingers to your lips and kiss them gently. “It’s only you and me, okay?” 
Bucky’s eyes flutter; heavy breaths escaping his mouth. “You and me,” he whispers.  
“That’s right. Just us.”
“You don’t have to worry your pretty little head, Puppy,” you tease gently. Bucky bites his lip. “I need you to just relax — Sit back and let me do the thinking.” 
“Here.” You guide Bucky’s hands to your sides, smoothing them down the slopes of your hips, and you repeat the motion a few more times to better allow him to feel accustomed to the feel of your naked skin. “There you go.”
His hands, rough and calloused from his football training, stain your body for an eternity — caressing you with a ceaseless love and compassion. 
“Touch me,” you say, unable to simmer the blooming heat within you. 
Transfixed, Bucky’s thumbs brush back and forth. There’s still a sense of hesitation in his movements — the way his fingers twitch and tickle over your skin. But it lasts only a moment; a path of his own choice decorates your sides, leaving goosebumps in its wake. “Your skin is so soft,” he sighs in awe. 
He rests his head back against the headboard with a soft sigh, and he tilts his chin down to watch you grind against his bulge. Leisurely, he tenderly brushes his fingers over your stomach, the touch of his hands beginning to drift upwards under the slope of your tits. 
“Please, Bucky,” you plead with him, the tease of having him so close is too much to bear. “Touch me.” 
“‘Kay,” he mumbles drunkenly. 
The pad of his thumb swipes over the peak of your nipple softly, a barely there sensation that makes you keen. “Yes, just like that, Pup.” 
It’s all the reaction he needs. 
With a surge of confidence, Bucky begins to massage your tits, continuing to use his thumbs to rub circles over your sensitive nipples while you grind against his growing cock. “I— Is this okay, Buttercup?” 
You almost scoff — the thought that his experimental touches are anything less than okay absurd to you. 
“Yeah, yeah,” you whine, and the reassurance of your pleasure invigorates him to move faster, steadier and more firm with his touch. “Making me feel so good, baby, keep going.” 
Lost in the feel of his touch and the insistent pressure of his clothed cock against your folds, you tilt your head back and close your eyes. The flutter of butterflies in your stomach crescendo into a frenzy the faster you move. All the while, you miss the way Bucky’s gaze is intently focusing on the way your breasts sway with the grind of your hips; how he licks his bottom lip with an urge to claim.
The sharp, intense sensation of his fingers pinching a peaked nipple between his thumb and forefinger forces a shout from your parted lips. “Fu–uck, Bucky — Ohmygod.”  Your cunt pulses and aches when his fingers stay hovering, spooked at the sudden reaction. “More, more—”
“Fuck,” Bucky groans, and he bucks up into you, matching your rhythm and this time, it’s you who’s soaking the material of your panties. “Bubs, I— Holy shit — I need more.”  
It’s an achievement you’re most excited for, that he’s freely telling you, unprompted, what he needs. 
Though, the teasing nature you held could not be dissuaded — you meet his gaze with a mischievous grin. “Yeah, Puppy?” Your hands hover over his lower stomach, the tips of your fingers dancing over the twitching muscles, and you move your index finger beneath the fabric. “Wanna get rid of these?” 
The elastic waistband of his underwear snaps back against his lower stomach, making him yelp in surprise. “Ah— Mhm,” he begs deliciously, eyes wide and completely surrendering to you. “Take ‘em off, Bee, please.”
Your bare skin brushes against his while you shuffle backwards, slowly crawling down his legs all while marking his skin with kisses and teasing nibbles, until you reach his briefs.
Looking up at Bucky under your eyelashes, you blink sweetly, eyeing the sweat that begins to build on the ridges of his abs. Your breath ghosts over the material of his underwear while you ask, “Can I have your cock?” 
“Oh, god,” he chokes out while his dick twitches in uncontainable excitement.
“I need your consent, Bucky.” The statement brings him back to the present, grounding him to the sight of you between his thighs and softly reminding him that everything is on his terms.
“Yeah,” he gasps. A few deep breaths cause his chest to rise and fall, steadying the rabbiting pulse in his neck. “Yes.” 
With his confirmation, you slowly, gently ease your fingers underneath the fabric that hid what you truly wanted — the waistband slides easily down his tense thighs. Your eyes are focusing on the new inches of skin revealed, the sculpted line of his Adonis belt that runs down to the one part of his body you’re desperate to see. 
Bucky watches you with bated breath — you’re so close to his cock, and it’s still not enough for him.
The small whine of frustration makes you flit your gaze upwards. A sheen of moisture shines over his eyes, and the pout of his lips are shining slick with spit — he looks absolutely wrecked, and you hadn’t even taken his hard cock from the confines of his briefs. 
Deciding to put him out of his misery, you finally pull his briefs down until his twitching length bursts free of the material, standing tall and thick, curved and almost purple from the strain of arousal. Your eyes follow the veins trailing up his length, and you lick your lips once you spot a pearl of precum already forming from the tip of his dick — a sweet temptation that’s teasingly begging you to have a taste. 
You’re speechless, literally awe stricken while you salivate over the length and girth of his cock. “Oh.” The slow blinks of your eyelids leave them hooded, but you continue to stare, hypnotised at the sight of your boyfriend’s huge cock. 
“B— Buttercup?” he whispers, voice tense with worry after the few seconds of silence that stretch while you stare, transfixed. “Is— Is everything okay?” 
You swallow, trying to rid the sudden dryness in your mouth. “Bucky,” you say roughly, and you look up into his doe eyes. “If I weren’t a more patient woman, I’d have your cock in my mouth and down my throat already.”
He sputters, the blotchy redness beginning to creep up from his chest to his neck. 
“You’re so fucking big, baby. Holy fuck— how do you have such a pretty cock?” you wonder aloud. 
“Shit, you can’t say that,” Bucky groans, squeezing his eyes shut as his dick twitches. The far more rapid rise and fall of his chest makes his stomach muscles contract and flutter — the sight lends ideas for the future idea of working him over into the line that blurs pleasure and pain, all to see how he takes it.
But you lick your lips, promising yourself to revisit that thought later. Tonight was about him. 
“Fine. I’ll behave,” you tell him, waiting until his eyes open and focus on you before you grin wolfishly. “For now.”
Bucky’s lips part to speak, but before he can work the words past his tongue, you sit up and grab his hands, directing them to your hips and over the fabric of your panties. The hold you have over the back of his hands leaves him unable to pull away — not that he desires to. 
The fabric glides over your hips with your guidance, revealing the bare skin. “Oh— Fuck,” Bucky murmurs, watching the journey the fabric takes until it lands on the floor next to your bed. 
“Buttercup,” he gasps in wonderment. “You— You’re perfect.”
It’s difficult to remain confident while your boyfriend looks at you as though you put the stars in the sky just for him — like he’s seeing an angel. “You’re a true gentleman, aren’t you?” you laugh, trying to hide the way his stare makes you flustered. 
“Don’t do that.” He shakes his head, his eyes soaking you in with such a reverence that’s dizzying. “You— Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m taking about because — Fuck. Believe me, you’re fuckin’ unreal.” 
The world seems like it stops on its axis right then and there. You know Bucky’s emotions are heightened and at an all-time high, but you also know that he means every word of what he says — his sobering eyes tell you the truth alone. 
You’re the one who becomes a stuttering mess for a moment, and you stumble over your words before you manage to regain your composure, and you clear your throat. “T— Thank you, baby.” The pause in heated touches gives you an opportunity to check in. “How are you feeling?”
Still trying to gain some semblance of control, he audibly gulps. “I— I’m good, yeah.” 
“Yeah?” You begin to steadily shuffle forwards on your knees, further up his legs to hover over his crotch, careful to not let your body graze him just yet. “You know you can back out whenever you’d like, okay? You say the word and we stop.” 
The small distance between your most intimate parts is dangerously in the balance. 
“No,” Bucky says finally, shaking his head as his hair sweeps over his face. A few strands settle over his cheeks. “Wanna keep goin’.” 
You bite your lip and smile wickedly. “You got it, baby.” 
His bottom lip is trapped between his teeth as he watches you begin to lower your body. “We’re just going to keep doing what we’ve been doing, okay, baby?” You reassure as his breathing picks up. 
But his eyes stay focused and fixated on you.
When your cunt lowers against the base of his cock, the movement pushes his length down until the tip almost reaches his belly button, and even with the visual of you resting over his length as you always did in the past, Bucky isn’t prepared for the feel of his bare dick sitting snug between your folds. His eyes shoot open while he gasps loudly and balls up the bedsheets tightly in his fists. “Shit, shit — Fuck, oh my— God—” 
The palms of your hands smooth over his tense stomach.  “Easy there, big guy,” you coo softly. “It’s okay.” 
His breathing becomes erratic as his back arches against the headboard. “Oh god, you’re— You’re fuckin’ soaked, Bee.”  
You are. Nobody else ever had this kind of effect on you, and so you certainly aren’t ashamed for Bucky to know how much he turns you on. “That’s what you’re doing to me, baby — Can’t help it,” you keen. 
His chest rumbles while he groans deeply, throwing his head back. 
The urge to move is compelling, almost swallowing you whole — Bucky isn’t the only one struggling to keep calm, with his thick length brushing your entrance and putting constant pressure on your clit, it’s a challenge to not take him then and there. 
“Do you remember when we first kissed?” you ask breathlessly before you begin to squirm. “And I asked you to think about how wet and tight I’d be for you?” 
Bucky’s muscles strain as he frustratedly tangles his fingers in his hair. “Fuck, I haven’t stopped thinking about it since, baby.” 
Your hips work a little quicker over his cock, the slide seamless from how aroused you are, and to your surprise, you feel his hips work against you, too. “How does it feel to know your inches away from slipping inside my pussy?”  
The rocking movements of his hips falter as he jerks up and jostles you, making the butterflies in your stomach flutter in a crazed frenzy. “It feels— Please— You’re killin’ me—” 
“My sweet boy,” you utter. “Don’t worry, you’ll have it soon.” 
Each and every plea and whimper that falls from his red-bitten lips only serves to turn you on even more. He tries to flex his hips to push his cock into you, to feel the warmth of your cunt around him, but even he isn’t ready for the sensation that ripples down his spine once the tip catches on your hole. 
“Fuck!” he curses. 
Hurriedly, you move yourself away before he can slip in any further. “Nuh-uh, sweetheart, I need you to be calm for me, alright? You can have me when you're calm, not just yet. Breathe for me.”
“No — I, no no, Bee, please, don’t do this to me. I want—” Bucky vehemently shakes his head from side to side, the vein in his neck almost popping from his exertion to hold back. His hands grip your waist, digging into your skin as he drags you back down onto his cock desperately. “Please, I wanna feel—”
“Oh, Pup,” you sigh with an all too innocent smile. “You wanna be a good boy for me, huh?”
“I can, I can,” he whines. The feel of his hands pawing at your waist sends a thrill up your spine. “Fuck, I can!” 
“Yeah,” you mumble, unsure if you can hold out much longer yourself. “You can, Pup — I know you can.”
“Bee—” Bucky is a pure wreck, his chest heaving with breath, and a film of perspiration builds on his temples. You know it’s impossible for him to garner any more control, and you grant him mercy as you slightly lift your hips up to line the hole of your pussy up with his cock. 
“Bucky, baby,” you call to him, waiting patiently until his wild eyes lock onto you, and you forewarn him, “You're sure about this?”
His bright blues cloud over with a haze of lust, and you shiver when he cries, “Please.” 
“Okay, okay,” you soothe. “Alright, baby — Wait, hang on, sweetheart.” The bed creaks as you shuffle backwards once more. “Let’s get you off the headboard, so you’re comfier.”
The two of you move in tandem so his head rests back against the pillows, and you settle back over his hips, reaching out to smooth your thumb over his cheek. “Better?”
Bucky smiles and nods once, turning his head to kiss your palm.
“Okay.” You brace yourself with a steady breath, and finally sink down onto Bucky’s cock, the tip easing into your cunt with a pop. The stretch from his head alone has you squeezing your eyes shut, but you revel in the way he freezes under you, then the sluttiest whine you’ve ever heard falls from his slack mouth. 
The effort to work past the thickness of his head causes your hands to rest on his stomach, allowing him to hold your weight, and your mouth falls open with a silent scream as you drop down further, taking more of his length. 
Glancing down at your boyfriend to check on him, you find only the whites of his eyes through his hooded lids, and his fists balling so tightly in the sheets of your bed that they begin to tear. 
With a whimper, your walls clench around his cock. “A— Almost in, baby.” Another inch fills your cunt. “Doing— Doing so well, Bucky,” you pant. 
Your nails create indents into his skin while you internally build up the courage to take the entirety of his length. It feels an impossible task, one you desperately underestimated, but you were no quitter. Your walls rhythmically squeeze around him, and your breath hitches when you feel him twitch against the stimulation. 
“God, I want you,” you moan, hanging your head. An unintelligible mumbled string of words or sounds fall from his lips in reply. “Fuck it.” 
With a deep breath and a prayer for mercy, or strength, you arch your back — the wrecked moan that Bucky rasps sends a thrill of hunger up your spine. The slide of his cock against your walls makes you cry out, and you quickly drop your hips until you're fully seated against his crotch. 
“Oh shit!” Instantly, Bucky shoots up from the mattress and wraps his arms firmly around your middle, crushing you against his heaving chest. “Don’t move, don’t move, don’t move — Please — Don’t fuckin’ move.” 
You sling your arms around his shoulders in reply, and the two of you cling to one another with only your heavy breaths disturbing the quiet music in the background. The bare skin of your bodies sticks to each other, glistening in the candlelit room while the silent moments pass. 
Hot, heavy breaths fan over the skin of your neck while Bucky nuzzles his face against the juncture of your shoulder — the movement effectively burying him entirely into your form. There is no way for him to get any closer, or any way to hide his muffled sniffles and gasps for air. 
The beat of your heart steadies and thumps evenly — you pray that it is enough to calm his overwhelmed senses. “Steady, Pup — You’re alright, I’ve got you.” Gently, slowly, you comb your fingers through the damp strands of hair by his temples. “Just stop and let it happen, feel it, don’t fight it. It’s okay, baby.”
“S’too much, too much, Bee— Please, please, I don’t—” He stumbles over his words, working himself up.
“Bucky,” you say, firm but gentle, trying to reason over his rambling. “Do you need to stop?” 
“No!” He holds you even tighter. “Please no, no no, don’t go, don’t move, don’t take— Please stay.”
“Hey, hey— I’m here, I’m here. I’m staying — Breathe, baby.” You rub your free hand over his back, shushing his pleas and continuing scratching your fingers over his scalp. 
As you pacify Bucky, he begins to calm down — his breathing softens, the heightened intensity of emotions flowing easily into a quiet, content peace between you. Cautiously, you slightly lean yourself back and ask, “Can you look at me, please, sweetheart?” 
It's a gradual process as he plucks the courage to lift his head out of your neck and surrender to your request, and your heart tightens when his teary eyes bore straight into your soul. “Oh, baby,” you sigh, bringing your hands round to hold his cheeks. “Was that a lot?” 
Bucky timidly nods, his arms still caging themselves around your waist to keep you close. 
“It’s okay — You’re okay, sweet boy — Doing so good.” The deep-rooted need to reassure him takes hold, an instinct that’s embedded within you to make him feel as safe as you possibly can. “Take your time.” 
“Mm.” Bucky rests his forehead against your chest and listens to the steady beat of your heart, tethering himself back down to earth. 
The charged air that holds the weight of tension finally breaks when he blows a long breath onto your skin. “This is— This is so much better than I imagined. Fuck, this is— Bee, I think I’m seeing stars.”
“Oh my god, you fucking dork.” Your laughter fills the room, full of pure happiness and glee to be able to find such fun in sex. 
He smirks lopsidedly at you until you sigh, the amusement turning to fondness, and you kiss his forehead — almost able to forget the position you’re in. 
But you’re soon reminded as Bucky quietly rasps, “Squeezin’ me so fuckin’ tight — Can barely breathe.” Goosebumps run down the naked skin of your arms at the same time your cunt pulses. He grunts deeply with a sharp hiss. “You really were right.” 
“I did warn you,” you tease, giggling when he lifts his head up and playfully glares at you. Closing the distance, you kiss him deeply, sucking his bottom lip into your mouth as you whisper against his lips, “Ready for me to move now, baby?” 
“Fuck yes,” he groans.  
You don’t waste any more time. Tangling your fingers around the locks at the back of Bucky’s head, you pull and begin to smother his neck with wet kisses, the taste of salt delicious on your tongue. 
Raising your hips, his cock slides out of your pussy, leaving behind a hollowness you crave to fill immediately. Without forewarning, you swiftly lower yourself, sobbing with pleasure at how perfectly he fits inside you. “Bucky.” 
“I know,” he moans, long and low, sounding as wrecked as you feel. “Fuck, Bee — I feel it too.”  
Words fail you, the delightful feeling you’ve waited so patiently for holding you hostage as you pant into his shoulder. 
It becomes easier with each stroke to fuck yourself onto his cock, making sure to grind yourself deeper into his lap each time you come down. 
“I— I can’t fuckin’ think straight.” Bucky’s palms slide over your ass and grip it firmly. 
You laugh deliriously, high on the adrenaline coursing through your veins, and you barely notice the way you instinctively change the motion of your hips, beginning to grind into his lap in circular motions. 
A strangled sounding moan causes your focus to snap towards Bucky.  “Oh— Jesus fuck!” His fingernails dig into your ass as he hysterically pleads, “Like that, baby — Exactly like fuckin’ that.” 
Huffing with a smirk, you breathe, “You like that, huh?” 
“Yes,” he admits shamelessly. You start to speed your motion up, and the filter between his mind and lips completely crumbles. “Your— Your p—pussy feels good — So good. You have no idea — Shit — Keep goin’, please—” 
The words tumbling from his lips are cut off when you push against his shoulders, sending him off balance to lay back down on the bed with a thump. Then, resting your palms on his chest, you lean forward to kiss him. You whisper against his lips, a sly smirk creeping onto your mouth, “Hold on tight, baby.” 
Using Bucky as leverage to hold your weight, you begin to bounce on his cock. The position allows his length to sink all the way into you, his tip hitting your cervix at the right angle to make you whimper. 
“Oh, it’s so— Fuck, I’m so deep— In you.” He struggles to breathe, the wind totally knocked out of him, but he’s mesmerised and completely drowning in the sensation. 
“I know, baby — Stretching me out so much.” A fire simmers in your eyes. The muscles of your thighs burn with exertion, but you refuse to stop — especially not when your boyfriend is a fucked-out mess beneath you, trying to control the subtle flexes of his hips. 
While you’re riding him, far too engrossed in making sure you keep the rhythm steady, you miss the feral glint in Bucky’s eyes. He’s possessed by the sight of your cunt sucking in his cock so deliciously; your slick dripping down onto him and coating his dick. 
Licking his lips, his eyes lock onto your puffy clit, enlarged and throbbing in pleasure, and he inches his hand forward to experimentally swipe his thumb over your nub. His gaze snaps up to you with the unleashed moan you scream to the roof. “Fuck, Bucky!”
You're quickly pulled back forward as Bucky grabs you behind the neck, bringing you down to kiss him. His tongue slithers into your mouth, his muffled groans rumbling against your lips while he continues to buck up into you. 
The need to catch your breath has you pulling away, gasping for air.  
Bucky looks drunk — eyes hooded with a hunger blurring the blue of his irises and the black of his pupils. His pink swollen lips hang open, wet from clumsy kisses with too much tongue for his hazy mind to process.  
You hang your head low between your shoulders and cry, “Why are you so damn big, baby?” 
His hands slink down to your hips, and he gropes at the quivering muscles desperately. “Buttercup,” he tries to warn you — the cries over the size of his dick are sending him into a deeper pit of hunger. 
Your head’s already too hazy to process anything other than the feel of his cock. “I’m aching, how the fuck am I taking you right now?” 
The thrusts of Bucky’s hips speed up, and he bends his knees to plant his feet on the bed, his sole mission to fuck up into your cunt.
“Feel so fucking full, Bucky — Filling my pussy up so good.” The breathy moans fall like chants from your lips. 
The steady, punishing rhythm you maintain falters, and your breath hitches when his cock slips from your cunt — the obscene, slick sound of it slapping against his stomach filling the room. 
You pant and press your hands down on his chest while he groans to the ceiling. “Shit, I—” Bucky’s eyes glaze over when he looks down at his body, the twitch of his cock in time with the hammering of his heart under your palm. “I didn’t mean to—” 
You can’t help but giggle, and the sound immediately calms his worries — the cinch between his brows smoothing over as he looks up at you. “Don’t worry, baby.” 
The movement of your hand towards his cock has his entire focus — his tongue moves over his lips, and you watch the shine of spit; how it makes his lips an even deeper red. “Oh, fuckin’— Fuck.”
His exclamation makes you freeze. “What’s wr—” 
It clicks. 
Though you took him in your heat, felt the pleasure he can give you, the realisation hits you like a freight train that not once this night had you felt the weight of his fully erect cock in your palm; to wrap your fingers around the length and work him over.
“I can’t—”
“Shh, you’re alright,” you soothe, and carefully, you wrap your hand around his girth. Your eyes widen when you can only just connect your thumb and fingers together. “Fuck me—” you gasp, beginning to lift yourself up to line him up to slide back in. “God — You can barely fit in my hand, baby. Here we go.” 
It’s unclear to you what exactly causes Bucky to snap. 
The room whirls in your vision and you gasp with surprise as his body suddenly shoots up and with ease from the mattress, flipping you over in one smooth, fluid motion. “Oh, fuck!”
One second your back is resting against the mattress, over the rumpled covers, and the next, your boyfriend's hands are pushing your thighs as far up your chest as they can go. 
“I’m so sorry, Bee,” Bucky groans, kneeling between your spread legs — one hand holds your legs in place, the other brushes featherlight over your soaked lips. The sharp gasps for air make his voice sound hoarse and raspy.  
He stares down at your pussy, licking his lips. “I can’t—” The fingers that danced over your lips move to grab his cock, encircling it in his large palm before he rests the head of it against the fluttering entrance of your cunt. “I can’t hold back anymore, need this.” 
He doesn’t give you a chance to reply — the tip of his thumb brushes against your clit and you keen upwards, just as his cockhead slips into you. The slide of him easing into you is smooth, and the drag of his length stretches you inch by pleasurable inch. 
“Oh my fucking god, baby!” Bucky bites the inside of your calf while you whine loudly, your walls clenching down onto him — a tear rolls down your cheek, the size of him is almost too much. “Yes!”
“Fuck, s’deep. I gotta move, Bubs — Please, lemme move.” His weight shifts to cover you, pinning you against the bed while he leans close to pepper needy kisses and bites over the column of your neck. 
“Do whatever the fuck you want, Bucky, please,” you beg, “I want it all.” 
Raising your arms up to hold the headboard, you steady yourself for what is to come, and offer yourself to him on a platter, free for his taking. 
Immediately, his eyes dart towards the movement of your tits, the natural bounce of them with every aborted thrust he makes. “Hnng— Yes,” he rasps. The slow thrusts turn rough, his skin slapping against the back of your sweat-slick thighs. 
Your nipples, hard and pebbled, become his new target. “I want every fuckin’ inch of you, Bee,” he growls, swooping down and sucking your nipple into his mouth. 
The room spins from the dizzying pleasure; the veins on his cock scrape your walls, his wet tongue playing with you, the hairs above his cock teasing your clit. It all begins to wind the knot tighter and tighter in your stomach. 
“I need more,” you gasp while Bucky drags your nipple with his teeth and releases it with a wet pop. Your arms slither around his neck and bring him into your hold. “Fuck, Bucky, please.” 
Corded muscles move you up the bed, and he forces his forearms under your back to hold you close. “Whatever you want, baby.” The fast thrusts slow to a deep, dirty grind — the length of him going deeper and deeper on each circle of his hips. “Gonna— Fuck, gonna give you anythin’ you want.” 
The two of you crash your lips together and whimper into the other's mouth — heavy breaths and pants mingle while your combined sweat builds between your heated bodies. 
“Wanna cum, Buck,” you plead desperately. “Want you to make me cum; feel s’good in me.” 
A huff of breath fans over your lips, and a sly, lopsided grin pulls at the corner of Bucky’s mouth. The covers rustle and from the corner of your eyes, you see him planting a hand beside your head, next to your ear. “Don’t you worry,” he coos shakily through his grunts and moans. “I’ve got ya, Bee.” 
His free hand drifts between your breasts and over your stomach, down to where you are connected. You gasp as the pad of his thumb settles over your clit, and he rubs in tight, fast circles, keeping pace with the thrusts of his hips into your pussy. 
Your thighs begin to shake as you cry into his neck, “Please, keep going — Don’t stop!”  
“Come on, baby,” Bucky coaxes gently. “You can do it. You can cum for me — C’mon.”
The tension in your stomach becomes unbearable — you slap the covers of the bed and ball them into your fist for something to ground you against the onslaught. “I— Ha, fuck!” You heave for breath, panting. “I’m gonna cum!”
“Let go — Can feel you, how tight you fuckin’ are. I’ll catch you, Bee.” 
Your ears ring as your eyes roll to the back of your head, the pleasure insurmountable in its height, when it finally hits you. You convulse through the waves of it, letting it consume you whole while ragged pants for air and hoarse moans fall from your parted lips. “Baby, baby — I’m cumming!”
He still continues to fuck you through your orgasm until the last tendrils of electricity run their course, leaving you a twitching mess. 
An overwhelming urge to be close to Bucky forces your hands to blindly reach out to grasp a part of him. The tips of your fingers graze the warm skin of his bicep, and he suddenly pulls away entirely — your cunt gaping and weeping at the loss of him.  
“Pup?” You whimper. “Come back, what are you doing?” 
“I’m h— Here, Buttercup,” he manages. Unknown to you, the feel of your walls fluttering against his dick almost had him finishing inside of you. His length glistens with your cum, and Bucky has to close his eyes tight and breathe to control himself.  
Stubborn as you are, you intertwine your hands with his and pull him into you, smirking lazily at his shocked gasp when his cock grazes over your cunt. 
Strands of his slick hair tickle your cheeks, and his cheeks are a deep hue of red. “Why did you stop, sweetheart?” you ask. The pupils of his eyes blow impossibly further. “You made me cum so fucking hard.” 
You’re delighted to hear the whine he tries so hard to hide. “I— I panicked,” he admits. “You almost made me cum.” 
Looking down, you see his cock twitching viscously, like he’s about to blow any second. “Aw, baby.” 
You grab his length and start stroking him in your fist — the twist and pump of your fist making him choke and sputter. “Buttercup— What are you— What are you doin’?
“Go on,” you urge him, squeezing his thick cock at the base, and twisting on the pull upwards. “Cum on me.”
“I—” Bucky shakes his head rapidly. “No— I can’t do that — Fuck this feels too good — Can’t finish on you—” 
“Bucky,” you gently interrupt him. “I’m telling you that you can.”
But he shakes his head again, trying to hold out. “Fuck, fuck — Oh, fuck — Baby I can’t please, I—”
You click your tongue and tighten your hand around his cock, pumping him harder faster, a spark in your veins and mischief on your mind. “Why not, hm? I need it — Don’t you want to give me what I need?” 
“Bee—” he pleads. “Don’t do this to me.” 
Though his words say one thing, the way Bucky thrusts into your fist tells you another — he’s dying to cum, the throb of his cock in time with his rabbiting pulse. 
You refuse to have him holding back because the voice in his head is sabotaging his pleasure.
“Please, baby,” you beg of him, blinking your eyes and reeling him in on your invisible line. “I want it. Give it to me.”
Bucky bows his head, the curtain of his hair concealing his blown-out eyes. There’s a heavy sigh of defeat from his lips. “Fuck, Bee— What the hell are you doin’ to me?”
Biting your lip, you move the fingers of your free hand up the back of his sweaty neck to thread them through the hair at the base of his neck, and you pull him down to rest his forehead against yours. A wicked grin dances on your lips. “I’m gonna make you cum for me.” 
As soon as the words leave your mouth, you speed up the pace, taking care to focus the pressure of your grip around the head of his cock. 
“Oh—” Bucky chokes on his own spit, his toes curling while his hips work in tandem with the pumps from your fist.
“That’s it, Pup,” you murmur delicately, scraping your fingers over his scalp. “There’s a good boy.”  
“Feels like fuckin’ heaven,” he slurs, whining as he seeks out your lips. “S’close, baby.” 
You direct him, pulling him impossibly closer to slot your lips over his; tongue and teeth caressing with little finesse. “Give me it, Bucky — Please.” The words fall against his parted mouth.
“Gonna—“ The excitement for his climax builds when you feel his cock swell in your hand, the violent twitches of his mounting release. “Gonna cum, B— Buttercup.” 
Lighting a fire to the match begging to burn, you tug his hair back in your fist, the grip tight and unyielding to bare his neck in an arch. The skin of his throat is damp with sweat, and the thunder of his pulse can be seen next to the frantic bob of his Adam’s apple. “Let go — Let go for me.” You lap at the sensitive skin with your tongue. “Make a mess of me with your big cock.” 
The long wait, the weeks leading up to this very moment are entirely worth it when Bucky collapses onto you, his moans unending and agonisingly pleasureful. His hips stutter and thrust with no real rhythm while his cum shoots from the swollen head of his cock, painting your bare skin all the way up to your tits. 
His release seems to never end, it pools over your stomach with no signs of slowing down. 
Bucky trembles with the waves of pleasure, and he buries his face into your neck, nuzzling you to try and retreat from the nonstop sensation of release. Against the sheets, you can feel the way they rustle as his toes curl — the taut line of his shoulders makes him feel bigger while he shivers and jerks over you.  
“Buttercup.” His palms frantically feel over your skin. “It won’t— Fuck — It’s not s—stopping.” 
“Shhh,” you instantly soothe him, running your fingers through his hair and holding him close to you while you continue to pump your fist gently, milking him for all he’s got. “Almost there, Puppy — let it all go.” 
Bucky sobs into your neck as the last few drops leak from his tip, and the pretty sounds of his moans vibrate against your chest. “Oh my god.” 
“So fuckin’ good for me — Did so well, my sweet boy.”
Finally, his cock stops pulsating and begins to slowly soften in your hand. As carefully as possible, you remove your hand and smooth it over the heated skin of his waist. “Take it easy for me, baby,” you whisper, pressing a gentle kiss against his tear-stained cheek. “Remember to breathe.” 
Bucky’s limbs loosen with the lull of your voice, and he eases his body down onto yours, letting you take his weight. 
The two of you lay peacefully connected together, only your shared breathing to fill the quiet of your room. The needle on your vinyl long since raised, the song finishing with a gentle lull while you were wholly focused on him — much like the simmering high that had been building since your first kiss. 
You are loath to interrupt the peace, but his heavy breathing told you that you will lose him to sleep any second now. “Bucky baby?” 
When the rumble of his muffled, “Mhm,” tells you he’s returned back to you, you smile contentedly. “Do you think you’re able to let me clean you up now, hm?” 
It's difficult to not laugh at the way he clings to you, tightening his hold and groaning, “No leavin’ me.” You smother the growing smirk creeping up your face. 
The palms of your hands rub up and down his back, and you kiss the top of his head. “I’ll be quick, sweetheart. I promise.” 
He sighs, much like a tired puppy, and begrudgingly slackens his arms and carefully lifts up off of you, rolling onto the bed next to you. “Hurry back, please.” The slight whine to his voice melts your heart. 
“Thank you, baby.” You quickly shuffle off the bed, placing your feet on the floor. “I’ll be right back.” The floor creaks under your feet, and you rise from the edge of the bed, only, you overcompensate your judgement to hold your own weight so soon — the tremble of your thighs and weakness of your knees almost has you toppling to the floor. “Oh, boy.”
A snort of laughter sounds from behind you, and you look over your shoulder to find a dazed, smirking Bucky. “I did that to you,” he gloats drunkenly. 
Your eyes widen in shock before you giggle along with him. “The cheek of you.” 
Taking slow steps, you manage to make your way into your bathroom to retrieve a washcloth. You take the time to clean yourself up while sitting on the edge of the bathtub, smiling like an idiot to yourself and rebuffing the urge to squeal. 
Upon walking out of the bathroom, your keen eyes catch the subtle peek Bucky makes through the mess of his hair, the wandering of his gaze over your still naked body. 
The blush that covers his cheeks and neck when he sees that you have caught him staring is endearing, when only moments ago he was inside of you, desperate and moaning for more.
To humour his shyness, you choose to pretend you didn’t see, and you make your way back to him. It is a true struggle to not give in to the twitching strain of the muscles in your thighs, or how your knees almost buckle from under you.
“Here we go, baby,” you sigh happily, both from seeing his soft smile and how you made it to the plush mattress without falling over. 
The warm cloth in your hand goes ignored by Bucky in favour of wrapping his arms around your middle, and he pulls you backwards into the covers until you are propped up on one side of your bed.
You hum warmly while wiping the mess of Bucky’s lower stomach, though you pause when you hover, uncertain, over his softened cock. “Am I okay to clean you up, baby?” 
Looking up at you with his puppy eyes, he nods sleepily. “You’re okay, Bee.” 
Taking care to be gentle, you wipe his most sensitive area and once satisfied, you toss the cloth towards the hamper of your room in favour of sideling up to Bucky. In the process, you turn onto your side and frame his face with your hands, waiting for his eyes to focus on you before asking, “How are we doing, handsome?”
The sound of his small laugh couldn’t make you happier, and his pearly whites gleam with his bright smile. “You’re gonna be the death of me, Buttercup.”
You giggle, a little high from the comedown too. “I take it that’s a good thing?” 
He groans deeply and licks his lips. “Absolutely.” 
You shiver and swat his chest. “Don’t be looking at me like that, you menace.” 
Bucky hums sweetly. “It was amazing— No, wait. It was better than that.” His eyebrows furrow in thought. “It was — Um— Can’t think of the word — Oh, I’ve got it! Astronomical.” 
Exhaustion is beginning to kick in for him, the very last dregs of his energy is being used to be a comedic clown — you fall for him even more. 
A sudden, hesitant doubt creeps into his eyes, the need for reassurance coming forth. “Was it—” He pauses, his eyes searching yours. “Was it okay for you?” 
“Oh, sweetheart,” you coo. The sheets underneath your body rustle as you lay down more comfortably, and you guide his head to lay on your chest, over your heart. “It was perfect — you were perfect.” Kissing the top of his head, you drive his worries away. “Trust me when I say it was fucking incredible.” 
The tenseness of his muscles begins to ease away. “Thank you…” Bucky hesitates, then moves even closer to you — once he is close enough for his liking, he angles his head up to blink at you dazedly. The emotion in his voice makes it waver when he says, “Thank you for taking care a’me.”  
“Always, my sweet boy.” You look down, watching his eyes droop. “It’s all I ever want to do.” 
“You’re so amazing, Buttercup,” he exhales blissfully. “So lucky to have you.” 
Your heart beats out of your chest. “I feel the exact same way.” Unsure you could handle any more of his sweetness, you mumble, “Now get some sleep, Puppy.” 
“Hmph — Fine.” He gives in, finally closing his eyes. “G’night, my Bee.” 
Resting your head on your pillow, you brush your finger over his forehead, sweeping his hair out of his eyes while you sigh contentedly. “Goodnight, baby boy.” 
Warmth floods your heart and a happiness like no other fills your bones, making you glow from the inside out. You’re not sure this night could be any better, and with that thought, you know you’ll rest easy tonight with the man of your dreams huddled in your arms. 
On the verge of surrendering to sleep, the quiet of the night is disrupted by Bucky's sleepy mumble, “I loves you.” 
Your eyes shoot back open, and you instantly look down, finding your boyfriend’s cheek squished against your breast with a little bit of drool gathering in the corner of his parted lips. 
“Bucky?” you whisper, the quick thump of your heart stealing your breath. There isn’t a response, not even a twitch of acknowledgement. With more urgency, you whisper, “Bucky?” 
This time you get a small, soft snore in reply. 
You lay your head back down onto your pillow to stare up at the ceiling. The thoughts and doubts swirl viciously, the intensity of each and every one making you gulp, though one stands out among the rest: did he just confess his love for me? 
There was the possibility of you hearing things — the comedown of the high you’ve been floating on messing with your head. 
It’s not long before all of the day’s events catch up with you. The slowing blinks of your eyelids lasting longer and longer each time; the laxness of your muscles as they settle in for a much-needed sleep. But the question on your mind bears a heavy weight while you succumb to sleep. 
Does Bucky love me? 
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The rays of the morning sun shining through the white drapes either side of your window are the first thing you become aware of as you wake up the next morning. With your eyes closed, you can see the yellow and amber glow of the sunrise. 
A strong envelopment of warmth and comfort keeps you rooted in place, as well as the heavy weight of an arm across your middle. You don’t want to move from your spot, you don’t want to wake up yet; still basking in the afterglow of yesterday’s events. 
But the second sensation, the mantra of light fingertips mapping over your face tips the balance of sleep overtaking you in favour of letting your consciousness creep to the surface.
Lastly, the final push, the soft, steady puffs of air tickling your nose persuades you to wave your white flag and flutter your eyes open. 
The blurriness of sleep forces you to blink until the fog clears your vision — once you’re able to see the dancing, warm light of the sun, you’re given the gift of your handsome boyfriend, already awake, admiring you with his bright blue ocean eyes. 
They’re the most clear they have ever been. 
The lined skin besides his eyes crinkle when he smiles, the pull of it making his nose scrunch adorably. “Bee,” he whispers, his voice rough from sleep. “Good mornin’.”  
It's a damn killer, the expression of his face — full of true elation and contentment, and it has you falling in love all over again. 
That’s when it hits you — the memory of last night, and what you think you heard him say when he was half asleep. 
Trepidation makes your nerves impossible to conceal, especially when Bucky is noticing every minute expression on your face. It's only a matter of time before the natural courage, granted to you with the haze of the morning, fades away. 
With a heavy gulp, you open your mouth and lick your lips. “Did, uh— Did you—?” The words die on your tongue.
Bucky’s thumb gently presses against your lips, his head gently shaking from side to side — a secret he wishes to keep just between the two of you, not shared with the birds that sing outside your window or the rays of the hopeful morning sun. 
Your eyes are wide, beginning to water with the anxiety coiling inside your chest. 
The crippling worry, however, dissolves when Bucky runs the pad of his thumb over your lips, the motion of back and forth touch grounding you. His eyes find their home deep into yours, and he finally speaks, “I love you.” 
And it’s with an ease, one that has you cursing your inner voice for ever doubting yourself, you say those three words that battled to be said so, so long ago. “I love you, too.”
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cozzzynook · 4 months
soundbee go on a date?
- they’re an odd couple to bots but they work.
-Soundwave likes oddities that Bee finds for him as they go out into the city at lunar cycle on the dates Bee plans.
- Soundwave brings Bee to cozy energon cafes that are private but bright and mellow just the way his speeding mini likes.
- Bots think it’s Bee that loves the hidden raves but it’s Soundwave. Bee likes them a lot but he loves to see Soundwave dj on stage.
- bots also think its Soundwave that loves going flying above the mountains and landscapes and while he does enjoy it. It’s actually Bee that loves it. His mini loves to feel the wind from high up. Only two bots besides Soundwave know this but Bee is a hybrid so while he cannot fly with his door wings he does yearn for the sensation.
- on their dates to raves Bee is at the front row of all Soundwaves performances and after he steps down they dance close together frame to frame.
- during their flight sessions Soundwave transforms into his alt mode and Bee hangs on as Soundwave takes flight. He flutters his door wings to imitate flying and they both love it.
Apologies for the late answer
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Hello! ❤️ I really like your blog, I check it everyday like a newspaper, lol. Could I get headcanons for how knightverse bee would react to a somewhat shy/easily flustered human reader asking to cuddle? Perhaps they're friends but mutually pining, and reader gets up the confidence to ask to sleep/cuddle with him :) i love me some bee fluff
Thank you!! I am glad you like it. Bee always needs fluff, he's just so good!
Bee adored you. He loved how sweet and kind you were, and he found your shyness to be an adorable quality. He loved being able to make you flustered easily, it was something he found entertaining.
He also thought it was so cute when you blushed.
He had developed a crush on you quite early into your friendship, but he never said anything for fear of ruining said friendship.
There were times, he thought you might feel the same way. Those small moments of a touch lasting a little longer, or those late-night chats where the tension could be cut with a knife. But neither of you ever admitted anything, so Bee just continued as your friend.
You were friends, so you usually spent every moment together anyway. But he always took opportunities to get closer to you, such as carrying you around or holding you close when it was cold.
One particularly cold night, you were hanging out with Bee like usual. You had set up a projector, pointing at a wall so you could watch movies outside with him. You were already sitting in his lap, your back leaning against his stomach as you watched the film. His frame radiated heat, keeping you warm.
The movie ended, but Bee didn't want the night to end. And neither did you. You stayed put, and in a small, quiet voice, asked if you could stay the night with him.
Bee's spark exploded with joy. Though he maintained a cool appearance on the outside, not wanting to startle you or make you feel uncomfortable. He was so glad you asked and was more than happy to oblige in your request to cuddle.
Bee scooped you up into his arms and pulled you close to his chest. He wrapped one servo entirely around you as if hugging you. He could feel you wrapping your arms around his digits, hugging him back.
He loved the sensation, feeling you squeeze his digits, as you snuggled into sleep. You were so precious and lovely, he just wanted to confess to you right there.
But he kept quiet, not wanting to disturb you from your sleep.
He got himself in a comfy position and kept you close and covered. He watched as you slept, listing everything he liked about you.
You were so cute, his spark thrummed with love for you. He stayed awake all night, watching over you, listing out all the reasons why he should confess to you.
Yes, he was scared at the possibility of losing you. But he would never know if he didn't take the chance.
By morning he had decided, he was going to tell you how he felt.
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I can't just ask for all the smut emoji prompts for barrett,,,Barrett,,,, can I? If not, pick a few favorite you have interesting thoughts for. Pls. I need for science.
Yesss! I'm always excited to give details on my boy!
💦 cum headcanon- Barrett is a typical werewolf. Massive, thick load that seems to never stop flowing. His taste is a little more iron rich than a human and takes some getting used to.
🥺 first time headcanon- boy, this was awkward for him. His father gave him the talk from the moment he hit puberty, but it wasn't the typical birds and bees. It was how to hide his nature from a human lover. So when the time came it was unsatisfying for many reasons. Barrett had to conceal his knot and keep a reign on his instincts despite the wave of new sensations he was feeling. I think his first time was with an older, more experienced woman who he financially compensated for the... bad performance. And her discretion of course.
✊️masturbation headcanon- It's difficult for werewolf men to find self pleasure, though not for lack of trying. It takes a lot of coordination and is not nearly as satisfying. Sex with humans wasn't really satisfying either though so sometimes desperate times and all. Let's just say that poor Barrett has spent a lot of his life pent up.
👅oral headcanon- Barrett likes to give much more than he likes to receive. It was his way of working his partner up to the point they might not notice his unusual traits. Getting a blow job felt nice, but since he had to hide his anatomy, it was never as good as other men hyped it up to be.
⛓️ kinky headcanon- Barrett definitely has most of the typical werewolf kinks, but he is also a little old fashioned. He doesn't drift too far into the realm of the REALLY kinky stuff. Most of his darker desires are instinct driven, nothing else.
🔪 dangerous headcanon- Sex with Barrett is just about as borderline dangerous as you can get without facing any real danger. He loves to play it up as far as he can go, but he's experienced with holding himself back so there is no fear of him losing control. He's a gentleman behind the scary appearance.
🛌 soft sex headcanon- I don't think I would describe sex with a werewolf as really soft, but it can be an emotionally transcendent experience. You can't really get closer physically or mentally than being locked together with your partner. Barrett is also fond of compliments, praise, encouragement and declarations of love and devotion. There is still going to be some biting and scratching while having guts rearranged though.
🎁 birthday sexy headcanon- Sex is Barrett's favorite way to celebrate a birthday. For his partner he gets a little silly. A rendition of 'Happy birthday, Mr. President' is sure to happen and on his birthday, he really just enjoys laying back and being appreciated.
❤️ making love headcanon- There is a huge difference between making love and fucking for Barrett. Pace, eye contact, even the way he dirty talks changes when feelings are involved. He feels that love deep in his soul and it shows through his beastly nature.
🎶 music they have sex to- Music is a core component to Barrett's personality. He absolutely has a playlist for everything, including sex. And different ones depending on what kind of sex. Even if it's not played out loud I can guarantee he is singing along in his head to keep his rhythm.
🌹 romantic sex headcanon- Unlike his father, Barrett inherited his mothers sense of romance. He knows how to wine and dine a woman. Make her feel like she's a goddess. The most important person on the planet. Every bit of his performance would be specifically for heightening her enjoyment. Lots of licking, caressing and rubbing.
⏰️ fave time of day to have sex- Anytime. But in all seriousness, Barrett is still nocturnal so night time is the best time in his opinion.
🐱 how they eat the pussy- Thoroughly. With a very long and very flexible tongue.
🍆 how they give blowjobs- He doesn't 😂
🙈 something they are shy about asking for- Barrett isn't very shy about most things but it's hand jobs and blow jobs. Part of him still feels the need to hide his body so being touched freely has become a bit taboo for him mentally. He also feels guilt at taking selfish pleasure. Like he should be the one pleasuring his partner instead.
📱 phone sex headcanon- It's not really for his personal enjoyment, but Barrett has a voice and LOVES to engage in dirty talk with his partner. Hearing them grow flustered until they can't take it anymore is a real treat for him. And while he might not get off, the knowledge he can do that for his partner is it's own reward.
📷 naughty pictures- This is another matter entirely. Barrett loves sending and receiving pictures. He definitely keeps a collection. Nothing like sending a random pic during the day to catch his lover off guard. He also enjoys seeing his partner at their most vulnerable. Since they are his and all.
🛁 shower/ bath sex headcanon- This one took some getting used to. As a werewolf, Barrett is a much bigger fan of natural smells and washing them away seemed like a waste. At first. Then he experienced the intimacy and vulnerability of shower sex and was hooked. All it took was washing his hair once.
😴 falling asleep after sex- It takes A LOT to make Barrett run out of steam. Only a heat driven rut really has a chance at knocking him out. Otherwise, his protective instincts take over and he stays awake to keep an eye out for his lover.
🚗 car sex headcanon- Car sex should be impossible for someone of Barrett's size, but having an unnaturally flexible body and the ability to shift organs/ body parts around at will has it's advantages. It's not his favorite. He'd rather bend his partner over the hood, but at least in the car they don't have to worry about bug bites or rain.
🎤 how loud they are- Loud. Very. Barrett can be quiet-ish when he needs to be, but growling and even howling is something that comes natural to him. Boy is vocal!
🍌 sex toy headcanon- Not really a fan. He'd rather offer the teasing and pleasing with his own parts. Using toys on himself doesn't satisfy so much as it drives him into a desperate rut.
🍪 an after sex snack- Tube of raw meat for himself. Instinct drives him to feed his partner. Once they regain consciousness.
🍷 tipsy sex headcanon- Unfortunately, being a werewolf means that Barrett cannot get drunk or tipsy. Alcohol burns right out of his system.
🤪silly sex headcanon- Sex with Barrett runs the full gauntlet from intense, feral, romantic, lazy and also silly. He has a wicked, playful sense of humor and loves to smile as much as he loves to growl. Bonding time is meant to be enjoyed with his partner, in his opinion.
🚨 sex that sent me to the ER headcanon- It took a little while for Barrett to gain control of his body during sex. Some scratches could be a little deep. His teeth clamped down a little too hard. He was a little more vigorous with his size than he should have been. Werewolf sex is it's own hazard for anyone without supernatural healing.
⛱️ sex on the beach headcanon- He's not a fan of sand in uncomfortable places, but will absolutely take his partner into the waves for some privacy. Or on a rock. Or even just standing above a beach towel. If the opportunity presents itself he's going to take it. No matter where they are.
🎇 orgasm headcanon- Literal fireworks. Not only does he feel the throbbing relief in his balls and his knot, but instinctually he feels a deep satisfaction for finishing. Especially if it's inside his partner.
🌄 morning sex headcanon- Barrett is not an early riser. He's actually usually just about to go to bed when the sun comes up, so he's drowsy and less incoherent in the morning. That definitely plays up for some groggy morning sex though, since he's more beast brain. No words, only growls.
🎥 filming or making a sexy movie- Absolutely not. What is his is for his eyes only and he doesn't want to take that chance. Private pics are one thing, but the act itself is a hard no.
🎉celebration sex headcanon- Being a creature driven by instinct with little inhibition means that Barrett's mind usually goes to sex when he is experiencing joy or achievement. Any kind of celebration equals sex. If he has the right partner.
💌 sending/ receiving nudes- Barrett knows he has a nice body and is more than willing to show off any chance he gets. Looking at his partner is something that fills him with pride, even if it is a double edged sword. A wolf man can only take so much teasing.
💋 making out headcanon- Barrett is big on public displays of affection. Mouths and tongues are huge deals for werewolves, so lots of kissing is a must.
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scmg11 · 2 years
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A/N: HELLO HELLO PEOPLE! Since a lot of people asked for part 2, here is it! I wanted to say how thankful I am for you guys reading, liking and commenting my stories. Your comments fuels my inspiration and literally make my days. So thank you, truly. ❤️
Sending love to all of you! ❤️
Summary: Y/N meets Bumblebee and deepen her bond with Charlie. A flannel disappears due to the wind.
Warnings: none.
Word count: 3969 words.
"Okay, breathe Y/N. Here, sit." Charlie drew over a stool near her and shoved a few tools perched on it off, making them fall on the ground in loud clanks, before pushing on Y/N’s shoulders and making her sit down. Y/N stared up at her with wide eyes, her Y/E/C hues shifting from her reassuring and comforting brown eyes to Bumblebee watching the scene unfold in front of him curiously. "Breathe, in and out." Charlie inhaled slowly, holding her breath a few moments before exhaling loudly, watching the girl doing the same. "Better?"
Y/N nodded slowly, her wide eyes settling on the yellow robot for 30 seconds and Charlie could literally see cogs moving inside her mind, "that’s so fucking cool." She finally breathed out, a loud laugh following soon after, causing Charlie to giggle nervously alongside her.
"Are you okay with that?"
"I’m not really sure what that is, but yes. If you are." The last spoken sentence warmed Charlie’s heart wildly, causing a small smile to roll over her lips as she, without properly thinking about it, surged forward and engulfed the girl in a tight embrace.
"Thank you." They stayed like that a few more seconds, soaking up in the inebriating sensation of being in each other’s arms while Bumblebee watched them curiously, battling his eyes intrigued. Before they could separate, Bumblebee joined them and hugged them both, gently enough to prevent squeezing them and hurting them, a couple of squeals of surprise followed by a choir of ‘aw’s fell out from the girls at the sudden gesture the yellow car just pulled. "Y/N let me introduce you to Bumblebee." Charlie motioned at the robot now standing a few feet from them after they pulled away from the hug, "Bumblebee, this is Y/N." Y/N chuckled under her breath when he reciprocated the gesture back at her when she waved at him.
"It’s nice to meet you buddy." She smiled warmly at the unexpectedly nice and gentle robot, then shifted her eyes back on the brunette watching them with a cute grin on her lips, "I don’t know about you, but this-" she gestured around the room with her free hand as her right one was busy playing with an hanging string of Charlie’s sleeveless, black denim jacket, "this is what I call a party." Y/N’s stomach combusted in itself at the delicate giggle Charlie emitted at her joke while shaking her head fondly down at her, her own hand resting on the girl’s shoulder to caress the skin at the base of her neck half exposed by her white shirt.
"I’m glad you’re not freaking out about this."
"I’m totally cool with it. I mean look at him so cute and scared of us." Y/N quipped as she noticed the car standing in a nervous stance with his robotic hands folded together.
"Bee, you don’t have to be scared. She is not dangerous, just annoying." Charlie joked with a serious expression, that cracked as soon as Y/N shoved her away from her with an offended scoff and crossed her arms indignantly. Not resisting the energetic pull she feels when she is with Y/N, Charlie resumed her position back in front of Y/N and side hugged her with a soft snort. The girl resisted the brunette’s embrace only for a few seconds with her arms crossed under her chest and the cutest pout on her lips before giving in and wrapping her left arm around Charlie’s waist with a small grin rolling over her face.
Bumblebee let out a bunch of buzzing sounds, clearly trying to say something, but he gave up after a few tries dejected. "He looks like he wants to say something."
"Yeah, I think he has some problems with the vocal system. I was just about to check on the few flaws when you walked in." Charlie explained and watched Y/N nod absentmindedly as she assessed the car in deep thought.
"Let’s take a look shall we?" Y/N spoke about a minute later with a shit eating grin as she tapped Charlie’s hip before letting go of Charlie’s waist and walked towards the table to grab a few tools, the brunette on her tail exuding the same amount of excitement.
A few hours later they let Bumblebee take a rest after running some test and finding in his surprisingly expressive face fatigue and tiredness, as they chilled in the Corvette, resuming the positions they were in the previous night, except Charlie’s feet were now gently placed on Y/N’s lap as the girl caressed her ankle softly. "How was your day?"
"Pretty hectic to say the least. I went to Uncle Hank like I do almost everyday to search for a few parts that could be used to fix this baby-" Charlie strayed her eyes from Y/N’s magnetic ones to look at her hand caressing gingerly the steering wheel for a few seconds, before dropping her hand back on her stomach and looking at Y/N once again, who was genuinely listening intently to her retelling, "I found one on an old boat and when jumped down from it, it fell sideways to another boat, that knocked another one and so on-" Charlie slumped over to slap Y/N’s forearm when she heard a small snort leave her lips curled in an amused grin, then resumed her story as she settled comfortably back on the car door, "and it finally stopped at a yellow beetle covered with a dirty cloth. Uncle Hank told me that if I was able to bring him back to life, it would’ve been mine. And here we are! My mom almost walked in on Bee in his true form like you did. But he was fast enough to transform into a beetle for her to not notice."
"I would have payed to see your reaction when your mom knocked on the door and walked in." Y/N let out through an airy laugh, Charlie smiling fondly at the memory.
"Oh trust me, my mom doesn’t knock. She just plainly walks in."
"Damn. I hope she never did when you were with your boyfriend." Charlie noticed beyond that witty remark, Y/N’s tone held an edge she could’t quite figure out. Could it be jealousy? Charlie thought hopefully as her stomach knotted over itself.
"I’ve- I’ve never been in a relationship." Charlie admitted shyly, looking down at her hand picking at a thumbnail nervously at her embarrassing admission of her love life, or, more accurately, lack of.
"It’s okay Charlie, you want to find the right guy to start a relationship. It’s cute." Y/N reassured with a warming tone, caressing her shin gently to convey as much comfort as she could.
"I don’t- I- don’t like boys." Charlie was quick to correct Y/N’s words, wanting at all costs the girl to know that information as she fought the blush starting to form on her face at Y/N’s use of the ‘cute’ word, even if it wasn’t to describe herself but her wanting to wait for the right person to start a relationship. Little did she know she never been in a relationship because she never found someone interesting enough to date and because people always tried to avoid her.
"Me neither." Y/N cracked a joke to ease Charlie’s nerves and her chest was filled with pride as a soft grin settled on the brunette’s soft features, as butterflies exploded in her stomach for having a shot with Charlie now that she knew she wasn’t straight. She just hoped she was Charlie’s type.
"You’re the first person I’m admitting this out loud. I’m pretty sure my family knows it, but it’s good saying it aloud."
"I’m glad you did, you can trust me." Y/N’s eyes held a sincerity that made Charlie’s own fill up with tears.
"Thank you. It really means a lot." They shared a few moments of relaxing silence before Charlie spoke up once again, "so no, luckily my mom hasn’t walked in on me doing things with a girl."
"And I hope she never will. Trust me, it’s embarrassing."
Charlie widened her eyes in realization at Y/N’s innuendo, "did it happen to you?"
"Yes, last summer. My mom is pretty chill and open minded, so she was okay with that. But trust me you don’t know how to meet your mom’s eyes when she walks in on you dry humping your girlfriend on your bed." Y/N completely missed Charlie’s deep blush at the image now engraved in her mind when she leaned her head back and groaned at the memory.
The girls exchanged a few more laughs as Charlie showed Y/N the helmet her mother gifted her this morning, the Y/H/C girl finding it extremely amusing as she laughed loudly at the image of a scowling Charlie wearing the floral designed helmet, the brunette laughing alongside her, finding the girl’s laugh infectious. "Y’know, since my dad… left- I- felt like I was stuck in a dark place. My family always tried to make me smile but they never succeeded and they complained about me sulking around the house. But with you, I can finally feel that heavy weight on my chest lifting." Y/N was shocked at the sincere admission Charlie just told her, her chest filling up with warm affection she was already feeling for the girl. She gently grabbed Charlie’s legs to scoop up closer to her and sit now side by side her, then wrapped her free arm around her shoulder as she her other hand shifted up from the brunette’s ankle and started to caress her outer thigh gently.
"To be honest, after discovering my girlfriend cheated on me, I shut everyone out. I started to have serious trust issues. But when we crossed paths that day, I felt like I had to know you. Like my mind was screaming to get to know you. And I’m glad I did, because you’re really amazing Charlie Watson." Y/N finished her admission and trapped Charlie’s brown hues into hers in an intense stare. They both felt the air around them thickening as a force pushed them closer, both moving forward inch by inch each passing second, but Y/N swiveled abruptly when their noses almost touched and kissed Charlie’s cheek instead. I need to be sure she wants to kiss me and not because she got emotional after an intimate admission. Y/N sighed contentedly when she felt Charlie lay her head on her shoulder and cuddled more into her body, finding the warmth coming from Y/N pretty relaxing and cozy.
After an hour Y/N announced she needed to get back home since it was already late and when she went to walk out of the backdoor, she noticed the gift she let it fall off her hands in her shocked state. “I almost forgot it.” Charlie furrowed her brows curiously and walked towards Y/N bending down to pick up a small item with wrapping paper.
“What is it?”
“Happy birthday!” Y/N yelled excitedly as she handed the gift to Charlie, who took it with surprised, wide eyes and opened it quickly to find a brand new exhaust outlet for the Corvette.
“Y/N!!! You didn’t have to!! It must have costed a small fortune.”
“Nah, my moms knows someone from Chicago. His brother works in a city an hour from here and he made me pay it half the price. I’m glad you like it.” Y/N chuckled after her explanation at the amazed sparkle present in the brunette’s hues as she observed the exhaust outlet. Charlie looked up from the gift in her hands and threw herself into Y/N’s arms, kissing her left cheek repeatedly, alternating a few ‘thank you’s here and there.
"Good morning family!" Charlie walked in the kitchen, greeting her mother, Ron and her brother eating at the kitchen table breakfast. She ruffled Otis’ hair in her way to the cabinet where pop tarts were stocked and opened the sugar snack she chose as breakfast as she hummed a The Smiths song. She lifted her eyes after she opened the pop tart and was met with three pairs of appalled ones staring back at her in shock. "What?"
"You’re smiling?" Otis asked more than stated, not used anymore by the sight of her sister grinning, always finding her in a sulking mood.
"Yeah, is that a problem?" Charlie snorted with her eyes sparkling with glee at the stunned face her brother couldn’t seem to shake off.
"You never smile."
"Oh Otis, leave her alone. It’s good seeing you smile, honey." Her mom waved Otis off and looked up at Charlie with deep affection at seeing her daughter finally finding her smile back after all this time while Ron gave her two thumbs up and one of his signature million dollar grins. "What got you in such a good mood?"
"Y/N and I are going to take a ride along the coast with my new car."
"Oh I see." Charlie didn’t have time to dwell on the pleased and teasing tone of her mother’s reply as she gazed up at her with a mischievous glint in her eyes, she just said goodbye to her family and walked into the garage, exiting it a minute later, making sure to close the door correctly, before driving towards Y/N’s house and honking to signal the girl she was outside.
The Y/H/C walked out 30 seconds later dressed with a pair of black, ripped jeans and a checkered, plaid flannel, her hair down in soft waves, light make up and a pair of combat boots to complete the look. "Good morning! Nice jacket. Still missing that uniform, though." Y/N joked as she sat into the car, noticing Charlie roll her eyes good-naturedly, before she tapped the leather seat gently, "morning Bee." Both girls smiled when Bumblebee honked his greeting back.
"Ready to go?"
"Let’s go have some fun Watson."
"Hey, wanna see a cool trick?" Charlie side eyed Y/N with a big, smug smirk and didn’t wait for the girl to answer, lifting her hands from the steering wheel and letting Bumblebee take over.
"OH MY GOD! CHARLIE!" Y/N screeched in fright as she felt the car swerve gently before speeding up a bit. "You can’t do that. Shit."
"Why not? It’s fun! And Bee is a great driver." Charlie caressed the dashboard and Bumblebee honked in response, causing Charlie to chuckle in amusement. "Now, c’mon- give me your flannel." Charlie asked boldly, the rush of adrenaline from letting Bumblebee drive gave her enough courage to ask the girl to undress yourself to show her another cool trick.
"What?" Y/N asked confused, eyeing Charlie like she just went crazy.
"It’s a cool trick. C’mon, it’ll be fun." Charlie flashed Y/E/C girl a bright smile, that broadened when the girl relented with a loud sigh and started unbuttoning her flannel. Charlie’s joyful expression fell as soon as she noticed the girl wasn’t wearing anything under, only a black, simple bra. She gulped loudly to get rid of the sudden dryness of her throat as she grabbed the flannel Y/N was handing her. The smug look Y/N was giving her as she took in the brunette’s flustered cheeks at her not expected state of undress made Charlie come back to her senses and used the shirt to cover her eyes, tying it behind her head and swiveling the steering wheels a bit right after.
"WOHO! Look at this amazing reflexes!" Charlie screamed joyfully as a loud laugh escaped from her mouth. A few seconds later, she blindly searched Y/N hand and as soon as she found it, she grabbed it to pull the girl up on her feet and to let their half bodies out of the car’s roof. "WOOO!"
"Oh my god, this is crazy!" Charlie could finally hear Y/N’s tone wasn’t worried anymore but had a glee undertone in it, causing a loud, contagious chuckle to rumble out of Charlie’s throat, Y/N giggling alongside her immediately.
Their laughs stopped not too long after, when the excessively fast wind made Y/N’s flannel fly off Charlie’s head and eyes, causing both girls to look at each other, Charlie’s eyes widened in surprise before her laugh came back in full force, "I’m sorry! I’ll buy you one back I promise."
"You really don’t love my shirts, do you miss Watson?" Y/N really tried to maintain a stoic, serious face on, but Charlie leaning over her as she continued to cackle loudly, broke her face into a smile followed by giggles, as her chest filled with a familiar warmth - something that’s happening every time the brunette let out that melodic sound or just smiled at her - and her stomach with wild butterflies.
"The funny thing is now have to explain to my mom why I’m coming home shirtless." Y/N quipped with a loud snicker, the girls now back on the leather seats as they were making their was back to Y/N’s house to let her go grab a shirt to put on.
"We can go to my house and you can borrow one of my shirts. There’s no one home."
Y/N gasped loudly, laying her hand on her chest to exaggerate a shocked expression at the girl’s offer, "is THE Charlie Watson letting me wear one of her cool t-shirts?!"
"You’re an asshole." Charlie snorted and pushed Y/N gently on her shoulder.
"Eh, you’re starting to love it. Don’t try to deny it!" Y/N waved at her dismissively as her eyes swept over their neighborhood before Charlie parked in her garage.
"We’ll be back in a sec Bee, stay here." Bumblebee came back into his form and nodded at Charlie, before walking towards the TV and starting a movie to watch. The two girls walked towards the door that leads them into the house, Charlie opening it and letting Y/N walk in first.
"How chivalrous of you." Y/N thanked Charlie with a bow and walked into the house, admiring it with her eyes sweeping over every piece of forniture and pictures scattered all around the living room.
"Anybody home?" Charlie screamed to be heard all over the house, smiling awkwardly at Y/N when she snorted at the loud noise. "Just making sure."
"Ohw, look at that. Baby Charlie smiling brightly with a cute hat on." Y/N picked up the picture on the counter beside the radio and observed it closely. "So cute."
Charlie felt her cheeks start burning with a building blush at the compliment and for the fact that her eyes, on their way to look down in embarrassment at the floor as the girl looked at pictures of herself as a child, skidded down the incredulously lean and strong back of the girl. She instantly remembered why they were here as she took in Y/N’s actual state of undress, her position beside the girl letting her get a glimpse of a fit stomach and full breasts restrained by Y/N’s black bra, causing her blush to intensify when she felt familiar knots form in her stomach as a burning warmth spread all over her face and neck while a gentle pressure settled in her lower stomach. Charlie was grateful Y/N was busy grabbing another picture of her with baby Otis enough so she had time to dwindle her blush and to scold herself for ogling her friend like a creepy, horny teenager - even if she was technically a teenager, she wasn’t used being this creepy and horny-. "Ohw, baby Charlie is starting to become my favorite."
"What about the present Charlie?" The brunette noticed she spoke with her voice an octave lower, so she cleared her throat and lifted her eyebrow up at Y/N in question, grateful the girl didn’t notice her horse tone.
Y/N put the picture back on the counter and turned around to give Charlie a once over, her eyes sliding up and down her body as a pensive expression furrowed her eyebrows and curled lips never once making Charlie feel uneasiness but just started a fire right in the pit of her stomach at the attention. "Eh, she is fine."
"WhAT?! Just fine?" Charlie asked in fake annoyance as she scoffed good-naturedly at the now smirking Y/H/C girl.
"Okay, she is amazing." Y/N admitted as she gazed into Charlie’s eyes, her own exuding sincerity and fondness. There it was again, that pull- that magnetic force that made them levitate towards each other desperately, but Bumblebee’s loud buzzing popped their charged bubble and made them look down at the floor with crimson tinted cheeks.
"Let’s find you something to wear."
"It’s about time! Here I thought you liked seeing me half-naked in your living room." Y/N quipped as she followed Charlie further in her home, passing the kitchen to enter an hallway. Charlie was thankful she had her back to Y/N because her traitorous skin decided to become red as a tomato at the teasing phrase Y/N just told to crack a joke but didn’t know it was close to the truth. As they walked into Charlie’s room, the brunette rushed towards her drawer and started searching through her t-shirts. "No pink." Charlie pretended to sigh loudly and to drop a garment, the gesture causing Y/N to snort in amusement. She walked behind Charlie and observed the girl searching through her messy drawer, Charlie noticing her presence by the intense warmth her body was radiating and swallowing thickly when Y/N’s hand brushed her arm to point at a grey The Smiths t-shirt right beside her hand gripping an old, blue one. "This looks perfect." Y/N spoke up in a low, raspy tone right beside Charlie’s ear and the girl felt her legs were almost ready to give out when Y/N walked in closer to point at the garment better, causing the brunette’s ass to brush oh so gently against the Y/E/C’s front. Charlie swallowed the soft whine that was ready to tumble out of her mouth and grabbed the t-shirt, turning around and giving it to Y/N, now properly realizing how close they were to each other and the fact that she was now trapped in her drawer when her shoulders touched its top shelf with Y/N’s body blocking her way out - as if she wanted to get away from this sweet torture she was being put through -.
"Here you go." She was proud of herself for not stuttering her words and stretched just a bit her arm out to give the garment to Y/N. Both girls’ bodies were invaded by a powerful shockwave when their hands brushed over each other as Y/N grabbed the grey t-shirt Charlie was offering her and both tried their bests to cover it up by smiling warmly at the other.
Y/N cleared her throat a took a few steps back and put the shirt on, missing Charlie’s sad expression - for Y/N moving away or for not being half-naked anymore she didn’t know, it may be both - as she chewed on her bottom lip and eyed her movements closely, almost drooling when the girl’s arm’s and stomach’s muscles were more accentuated at the movement to put the shirt on.
"Now, let’s see if we can do something about Bumblebee’s voice." Y/N clapped her hands excitedly and grabbed Charlie’s left one to drag her out of her room and into the garage where Bumblebee was still sat watching The Breakfast Club.
Charlie sighed contentedly with a dope smile on her lips as the girl started grabbing everything they needed to help fix the yellow robot as she commented the movie Bumblebee was watching with him. It’ll be a long day. Charlie thought in fond exasperation at the butterflies flying around her stomach as she walked over to Y/N and Bumblebee and set everything to start their work on the robot.
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