#sero is ​aizawa’s tape plug
murder0us-0wl · 3 years
Sero headcanons. Im just on a roll
- hes genderfluid
- once mina caught him wearing a skirt and complimented him. Its not uncommon to see him just walking around on his phone in a skirt
- he heard denki ask tokoyami if he came out of an egg and forbade denki from mentioning eggs in front of tokoyami again
- for a year denki was really into figet spinners and now when he hears that noise he automatically groans internally
- he shamelessly asked iida on a date when he was high as a kite when iida just came into his room
- him and sero take walks together
- when hes bored he just sticks himself on the ceiling in a cocoon and doesnt come out for about an hour
- he is aizawa’s tape plug when his own gets messy or ruined
- kaminari found out u can put cups in sero’s gear elbows and if he sits for too long he will find a coke can in his arm
- he starts drawing on ur hand if u stay still long enough
- one time deku woke up and found a mural on his right arm bc sero saw him and sat next to him so he can draw.
- he has like NO spice tolerance at all. He doesnt get how bakugou can shovel down that shit without dying
- he has 3 million alarms on his phone bc he cant wake up on time
- he has everyones phone numbers saved as emojis
- 🏔= kirishima, 💥= bakugou, 💕= mina, ⚡️=kaminari, 👓 = iida
- he has rlly good memory, like insanely good but his mind just blanks a lot
- their class has lovingly dubbed them ‘ nyoomtape’ bc iida goes nyoom and sero’s quirk is tape
- it took iida approximately 3 days to mull it over until he couldn’t do it and asked sero what the hell nyoomtape was
- for like a good chunk of second year he didn’t have a bed. He slept on his hammock or he was suspended off his roof and after 6 months of iida BEGGING him to get a bed he finally got one.
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hot-wiings · 3 years
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The One Where It's Shouto's Forgotten Birthday. Alternatively, The One The Author Rushed Out Thirty Minutes Before Midnight.
Edited: 1-11-2021
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It was the same every year. As early as he could remember, Shouto Todoroki was separated from his brothers and sisters. His father, Enji, wouldn't ever let him associate with his elder siblings, while Shouto tried not to let this bother him, he was always reminded of it on his birthday. His birthday was never really celebrated, perhaps this was a result of the separation, a sad outcome of not being close with his elder sister ad brothers.  
From the memories, Shouto could remember his mother would make him a cake. Sometimes the memories were fuzzy, he was young when his father had her locked away. The memories he did have of her were that of her scarring his face, or of her reassuring him that being a hero did not tie him to being like his father, and birthdays were a once a year thing.
Shouto didn't remember much of his brother, Touya. He was young when Touya mysteriously disappeared. What he did remember of him weren't pleasant. For some unspoken reason, Touya never liked him. Natsou and Fuyumi were all that Shouto had, while they never treated Shouto any different or horrible, they weren't normal around him. There was always going to be this unspoken barrier between them.
Shouto grew to hate his birthday and the vast barrier between him and his siblings. While his father loved Shouto–Shouto, his quirk, and his birthday, his siblings didn't seem to have the same joy. His father always gifted him something extravagant, something he was sure his siblings did not receive of the same magnitude. Sometimes he would receive money, money of a great sum. That was it. There was no cake, no singing happy birthday. No stuffing his mouth full with something sweet and cold while laughing with family.
It was a quiet and somber affair. It was a reminder to his siblings how they were failed experiments and he was not. It was a reminder he would always have their father's unconditional love, and they would not. Even if the unconditional love were to disappear should his quirk go away.
He always tried not to let this bother him. He knew what his birthday was a reminder of for them. He knew he shouldn't take it to heart, any other day and they would have loved to be around him. He tried to understand, but it hurt. He just wanted his birthday to be about him. Not his quirk, not his failed sibling experiments, him.
Checking his phone for the umpteenth time that evening, Shouto sighed at the lack of messages. He was hoping for something, anything. A call from his brother, he'd even suffice for a message from his sister. It seemed they had forgotten or resented the day as he did. All he had was a message from his father, telling him to buy himself something and work hard in class. To give Enji better credit, Shouto had originally declined the heartfelt call he tried giving him that morning before patrol.
Shouto treated his friends to lunch that day, but it seemed that they had forgotten. It wasn't like Shouto made it a point to include everyone in his own business, but after being classmates for so long he expected something. Mostly he was hurt by you and Deku. Deku, his firstmost and greatest friend, who kept everything locked down about everyone in his notebook. And you, his first girlfriend, who he tried to include in everything about his life. He never received a happy birthday wish from either of you.
Maybe his birthday just wasn't worth celebrating. He should resent it, at most times he did resent it.
At eleven o'clock in the evening, Shouto gives up hope. He turns his phone off and gets ready for bed. He tosses on his pajamas and brushed his teeth. He plugs his phone in its charger and checks to make sure his alarm clock is set for tomorrow's class. Right as Shouto's about to turn his light off, there's a quiet, knock on the door.
With furrowed eyebrows, Shouto made his way to his dorm room door and unlocks it quickly. He hadn't bothered checking through the hole to see who it was, but he doubted a villain was going to have the decency to knock. You stood before Shouto, a small bag meekly held in between both your hands. Your hair was pulled up in a messy bun and you had little bunny slippers on your feet. You nervously bounced your leg as you looked up and down the hall. Undoubtedly wary of Mr. Aizawa finding you in the boy's dormitory after hours.
"Happy birthday!"
It's a light shout, barely above a whisper but spoken excitedly. You push your way inside Shouto's dorm despite not having been invited. You were a persistent one, he doubted you would've left if he had told you, you couldn't come in. He tried not to let them but tears began to gloss over his eyes.
"Sorry I didn't come sooner. I wanted to surprise you, and I burned the first two cakes!"
Your tone rises towards the end, pure aggravation and aggression at your failed attempts. You set the bag down on the table and pull the cake out of the bag, as well as a small poorly wrapped present. There were holes in some spots, but plenty of tape to make up for it. Shouto slightly wondered if Sero helped you wrap it. The cake was decorated beautifully, each word delicately placed, and he could tell you spent hours on the flower designs.
He couldn't help it, the tears just slid down. The tears slide down his cheeks and slip onto his pajamas. His little sniffles can be heard by you and you're quick to turn around with concern and knitted eyebrows.
"Do you hate it? I know, I'm not a chef... Bakugo refused to help me. He's such an ass. I swear it tastes good, it's baked with love."
You tried to keep your words down so no one would know about you breaking curfew, but your tone started breaking towards the end and your lips started to quiver out of worry you completely screwed this up. Shouto never explicitly said he liked cake, what if he hated it? Shouto wrapped his arms around you, pulling you tightly against him as he let more tears slid out freely. He didn't bother masking them or his sobs. He just holds you tightly, like his life depends on it.
"Thank you. Thank you for remembering, for remembering me."
You remembered him, you made a cake for him. You didn't resent him, and you didn't want him for his quirk. It was pure unconditional love for him.
"Of course, why wouldn't I? You're my boyfriend, you'd do the same for me, right?"
"Yes, but you'll have to show me how to make a cake first."
You cupped Shouto's cheeks and pushed his tears away with your thumbs. You weren't sure what was going on with him, and you suspected it had something to do with his father so you didn't budge on the subject. Instead, you briefly push your lips against his and smile.
"I really did rebake this three times, we'll have to learn together."
His father didn't matter, his sibling's botched attempts at his birthday didn't matter. He understood what it meant for them. They were failed attempts, but for him, it didn't have to be that. It didn't have to be sorrow-filled and resentful. It could be something happy, happy, and joyous.
"I'd like that. Then we can bake each other a cake every year."
"It's a deal."
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notalwaysthevillian · 3 years
My Whirlpool of a Life
Ships: Eventual Kaminar/OC
Word Count: ~2k
Notes: This is my first My Hero Academia fanfiction! I’ve recently joined the fandom, and wanted to write something that’s been stuck in my head since I started watching. I’m not sure how many chapters it’ll be, but I have a lot planned, plot wise!
Also, I will not be doing a tag list for this fic.
Chapter 1: Moving into the Dorms
A shaky breath fell from my lips as I stood in front of the large, wooden door. Most of my stuff was already here, all that was left was a small bag that I was currently gripping like a lifeline. Mr. Aizawa had asked me to wait outside while he told everyone that they were adding me to the class.
As I titled my head to see if I could hear anything, the door opened, making me jump.
“You can come in now.”
I nodded, walking in and immediately gaining the attention of 20 pairs of eyes. I gave a small wave, getting smiles in response.
“Um, hi. I’m Nami Kota, and I’m super excited to join your class!”
There were various murmurs of “Kota?” and “why is she joining our class?” but no one said anything immediately.
I breathed a sigh of relief.
“Alright, we’re gonna go over room assignments. There’s at least one girl on each floor, across from the boys. You each have your own closet and bathroom as well. Mineta, Midoriya, Aoyama, Tokoyami, and Nami - you five are on the second floor.”
Mr. Aizawa’s voice continued to drone on, but I slipped away to unpack my stuff. We’d be living here all year. It wouldn’t be too hard to figure out room assignments.
After about ten minutes, I heard a knock on my door. Surprised that anyone would already be done, I headed over and opened it.
A short boy with purple balls on his head stared up at me, leaning in the doorway. “Name’s Mineta. Minoru Mineta. I came to ask if you needed any help unpacking.”
“Oh, I’m good by myself, but thank you so much for offering!” I gave him a smile. “Are you done already?”
“No, I figured I’d help the girls get settled first, like the nice guy I am.”
Before I could say anything else, a pink girl came out of nowhere and smacked Mineta. “You perv, leave her alone, she just got here!”
Grumbling, Mineta walked back to his room, giving me a wink before closing his door. I made a face, one that made the pink girl laugh.
“He’s one to watch out for, or he might go through your dresser.” She rolled her eyes. “I’m Mina. I love your style by the way, the flowiness of that top is to die for!”
“Thanks!” I did a small twirl, the babydoll top floating out around me. “I have a pink one that’s similar if you ever want to borrow it.”
“Oh my gosh yes!” She squealed, throwing her arms around me in a hug, which I returned instantly. “We’re gonna be best friends, I can tell. I’m gonna go unpack but we have to talk later, bye!”
She darted off, leaving me to finally unpack everything in my room. After I’d put my clothes away, I really only had a few accent pieces to add before I was done.
Unfortunately, I didn’t have anything to hang my picture with. Hoping that there were some nails or something in the common area, I headed downstairs.
Two of the boys were sitting on the sofa, talking to each other. One of them looked a little grumpy, but his friend with the red hair waved as soon as he saw me walk in.
“Hey, Nami Kota, right?” He asked as I headed over. “I’m Kirishima, and this is Bakugo.”
Bakugo gave me a once over and a grunt before he pulled out his phone.
“Hi, I guess.” I said, earning a huff in response. “You guys haven’t seen any nails or anything around have you? I’ve got a picture to hang and-”
“I can help!” Kirishima jumped to his feet, his whole body turning into a rock-like substance. “My quirk is hardening, I can hammer a nail in.”
“I need to find a nail first.”
“Kitchen drawer, next to the sink.” Bakugo didn’t even look up from his phone.
Even though I knew he was ignoring me, I gave him a smile. Politeness had been drilled into me from a young age. You never knew if today was someone’s turning point into a villain.
Kirishima and I found the nails easily, grabbing one and heading up to my room. When we walked in, he took a quick look around. “Nice, love the beach vibes.”
Heading over to my bed, I grabbed the picture. “Okay, this is it. If I had some tape I could mark the spot on the wall easier.”
Kirishima laughed, holding up one finger. “I’ll be right back.”
He disappeared for a few minutes, before coming back in with a dark haired boy.
“Dude, what if she doesn’t want me in here?” He asked as Kirishima dragged him in.
I couldn’t help but laugh at the panicked look on his face. “No worries, the door is open.”
“Sero, just chill out man. She said she needed tape.”
The boy, Sero, still seemed tense as he walked in. “I can do tape, that’s my quirk.”
“Oh that’s so useful! But I don’t want to just use you for your quirk, that seems a bit mean.”
Sero shrugged, pulling some tape from his elbow and handing it over. “Long enough?”
I held it up to the picture. “Yes! Thank you so much, Sero.”
“Not a problem!” He slowly started to shuffle out of the room. “I’m gonna go hang out with everyone downstairs, see ya.”
“You’d think they’d never seen a girl’s bedroom.” Grabbing the tape, I hung it on the back, before using a pencil to mark where the picture hanger was.
“Oh that’s so smart!” Kirishima said from over my shoulder. “So you don’t put too many holes in the wall right?”
Peeling off the tape, I put it on the wall and handed over the nail. “If you would, good sir.”
“Thank you, madame.” He said, taking the nail with a small bow, making me laugh. He hardened his fist and gently tapped the nail in until it was halfway through. “All good!”
Grabbing the picture, I tilted it until it was perfectly straight.
“That’s a neat picture.”
“Thanks.” I could practically hear the laughter of my little brother and my parents as I looked at the cottage. “It’s where I used to live. It was so peaceful there. Not a lot of noise from the city.”
“You’ll have to get used to noise fast, we’re a loud bunch.” Kirishima joked.
I turned, trying to hide the emotions bubbling up, but I wasn’t quick enough.
“Hey, sorry, I shouldn’t have made a joke, that wasn’t very manly.” He shifted, before holding out his hands. “Hug? You can say no.”
“I’m good. Or, I will be.” I started taking deep breaths, like Ragdoll had taught me. “Thanks for the offer though.”
“If you ever need a hug, no strings attached, I’m your guy.” He pointed to himself.
“Me too.” Mineta's voice came from the hall. He leaned in glancing around a second, before a look of disappointment came over his face. “You put everything away.”
“Mineta, that’s creepy.” I gave him a look. “You are not going to get girls that way. Be nice to them, like Kirishima, and they’ll look at you a lot more.”
“So you’re attracted to Kirishima? Dang it!”
“I didn’t say that. His personality is attractive, yeah, but he’s not my type.” I gave Kirishima a tiny punch on the shoulder. “Sorry, man.”
“No hard feelings here. You kind of remind me of my sister anyway.”
“Good, you can be my bro.”
He fist bumped me, both of us ignoring Mineta, who had slumped onto the floor. “We should go introduce you to everyone else, come on!”
We walked out into the hall, with me nudging Mineta out of the room before I closed the door. Another door clicked nearby as a boy with a bird-like head closed his door.
“Nami Kota, it is nice to meet you.” He pulled his cloak a little tighter around his shoulders. “My name is Fumikage Tokoyami.”
“We were just heading downstairs to introduce her to everyone.”
Tokoyami nodded. “Let’s go. Mineta, are you coming with us or are you going to just lay on the floor?”
“I’m coming.”
A boy at the staircase spun around at our voices, putting a hand on his chest. “She hadn’t met moi yet. Yuga Aoyama. It’s a pleasure.”
“Je suis Nami Kota, un plaisir c’est certain.”
“Another French speaker! C’est magnifique!” Aoyama clapped his hands together.
I rubbed the back of my neck, giving him a tiny smile. “Only a little, mostly greetings.”
“Still! This is wonderful!” Aoyama ran up and grabbed my hand, half dragging me down the stairs. “Come, you must meet everyone!”
“Woah, slow down!” I cried out, laughing as we raced to the common area. I could hear the other three boys behind us, steps thundering on the stairs.
“Why are you being so noisy?” I heard someone ask, as Aoyama and I darted into the room. A girl with plugs on her earlobes had her hands over her ears, and the girl next to her just shook her head.
“The new girl simply must meet everyone by the night’s end.”
The girl with the ponytail nodded, holding out her hand. “Yaoyorozu, but everyone’s been calling me Yao-Momo. And this is Jirou. She’s a little sensitive to noise.”
“Oops, sorry.” I whispered, giving a small wave. “Nice to meet you.”
“Where are the others?” Aoyama asked, dragging me off to the kitchen as Yaoyorozu pointed. “Please meet my new friend.”
“Hey, she’s my new friend!” Mina shouted, pointing the knife she was using at Aoyama.
He held up his hands, before a boy with glasses pushed Mina’s hand down. “That is not proper knife safety, Ashido. Please point it downward.”
Mina grumbled something, but the boy turned to me. “I am Tenya Iida, the class rep. If you need anything, please ask me.”
“Thank you! I will.”
Two boys putting dishes in the oven looked over. One of them waved, saying something that I couldn’t hear. The other grinned. “I’m Sato, and this is Koda, in case you didn’t hear him. He’s very quiet.”
A soft “hello” finally made its way to my ears. I gave them a wave, before the two girls washing dishes looked over.
“Oh, Nami, right? Call me Su.” She blepped her tongue out a little, making me smile.
The girl next to her had super pink cheeks. “I’m Uraraka!”
“I’m Hagakure!”
The voice next to my ear made me jump. I glanced over to see a pair of floating gloves. “Hi. You’re invisible?”
“That’s so cool!” I turned toward everyone. “I can’t wait to find out about all your quirks!”
“Hmm, we are still missing a few. Wherever could they be?” Aoyama glanced into another room, his face brightening. “Nami, this way!”
I followed back to the common area, seeing a few more boys on the couches. One looked up at me, the scar over his left eye telling me exactly who he was.
“You’re Shoto Todoroki, right?”
He merely nodded. “Nice to meet you.”
“You too! Your quirk is kinda like mine. Just…better.” I glanced at my hands for a second. “You have way better control from what I saw at the festival.”
“You watched the festival?”
“Just the last match, I’d been training during most of it.”
Bakugo laughed. “So you saw me beat IcyHot.”
“I saw that both of you are extremely powerful, yeah.”
A boy with a tail walked over, shaking my hand. “I’m Ojiro.”
“Shoji.” Another boy said, waving a whole bunch of hands.
“If you think that’s cool, you’ll love my quirk.” Someone said behind me, before a sparking hand entered my vision. “Cool right?”
“Kaminari, please don’t electrocute her.” Aoyama nudged the hand away.
I turned to see a blonde boy grinning at me. The second our eyes met I could feel my heartbeat speed up.
“It is a pretty neat quirk.” Flipping my blue hair over my shoulder, I smiled as I watched his eyes follow the movement.
“The name’s Denki Kaminari.” He took a step closer. “You better get used to the name because it’ll be yours someday.”
“Nami Kaminari.” The name rolled off my tongue. “Hmm, I like it.”
I couldn’t help but giggle at the bewildered expression on his face. “What’s wrong? Not used to girls flirting back?”
“Not really.” He rubbed the back of his neck.
I flashed him a smile. “Better get used to it then.”
I heard a chorus of “ooh”s behind me as a blush crept up Kaminari’s neck. Leaning in, I whispered, “You look adorable when you blush.”
The line had the desired effect as he turned even redder and started sputtering.
“Um, hi.”
I glanced over to see a boy with green hair waving. “I’m the last one for you to meet. I think. Izuku Midoriya, or Deku.”
“Midoriya! You’re the one who saved my brother a few days ago.” I ran over to him, bouncing on my toes. “Thank you so so much. You’ve changed his thoughts on heroes for the better. I’ve tried but…he needed to see a real hero in action I guess.”
“Oh it wasn’t - I just wanted to make sure he was okay.”
I nodded. “Exactly! What a true hero would do.”
“Yeah - yeah I guess.”
“Class! Dinner is ready. Please make an orderly line.” Tenya looked so serious as he instructed the class, who ignored him and crowded into the kitchen.
“Some hot food for some hot stuff.” Kaminari gave me another flirty grin as he gestured for me to go ahead of him.
I couldn’t help but smile as Uraraka handed me a plate.
I was gonna like it here.
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lawgrain · 4 years
Alternate 16/17 Spiteful
So I changed some things for Spiteful when writing. This is what I originally had written. Don’t get to exited because this isn’t in the main story (you gotta read it tomorrow for that knowledge). But this was a scene I considered for the end of 16 and basically all of 17. 17 hath changed. (technically I’d like for y’all to read 16 first for context but it isn’t needed and I’m excited too <3)
Jirou all but started a fight with him. And he meant a physical one.
“Why the hell do you keep sitting there?”
Bakugou looked up at her voice taking his earpods out. “Hah? I’ve always sat here.”
He gave her a look as if he was dumbfounded at the question. He wasn’t. He knew this would eventually come up, though he was surprised it hadn’t happened a lot sooner.
“You know what I mean! No one wants you here and it’s literally inconveniencing the entire cafeteria.” She gestured to the overcrowded tables.
“Easy solution; sit the fuck down then. I’m not stopping anyone.” Bakugou retorted.
Jirou redded and Uraraka took over for her. “No one wants to sit with you, Bakugou.”
“Is that it Uraraka?” Bakugou asked condescendingly. “Well if no one wants to sit here then they can fucking deal with it. Are we done now?”
Uraraka’s face glowed up like a tomato. She was about to lose her top. “Why can’t you just stop being a prick huh? No one wants you around so why can’t you just-just-” Uraraka was stuttering in anger. And then, Bakugou will admit, he made a mistake.
“Just what? Go kill myself?” It was said in barely a mutter but the two girls had heard. In an instant, Uraraka was leaping across the table while Jirou was plugging her earphone jacks into the nearest thing to presumably blast something at Bakugou.
Bakugou backed up out of Uraraka’s reach while Kirishima came between the two. Kirishima hardened his skin and held Urakaka back. Jirou, No longer having a clear shot at Bakugou, leapt onto the table and ran past Kirishima and Uraraka to get to Bakugou. She swung at him and Bakugou ducked his head. She immediately turned into a kick which Bakugou dodged, backing up.
Just as she was gearing her earphone jacks to accompany her fist tape shot out, tying her back form continuing. With both girls restrained, Sero spoke up.
“You two are not getting in trouble for fighting with Bakugou,” he said seriously. As he spoke those words Bakugou caught sight of a figure coming up behind them.
Too late.
Ah, the Caterpillar always did pick the worst moments to show up.
Chapter 17
Uraraka was so unbelievably mad at Bakugou, she didn’t have words. The ticking time bomb purposefully went around provoking people and then acted like they were the ones doing something wrong. He never apologized for his actions, he never showed the least bit of remorse, and he was still mean towards Izuku. She hated Bakugou Katsuki.
What tipped both her and Jirou over the edge though was his last comment.
Just what? Go kill myself?
She had not been about to say that. She was not like him. The absolute audacity of that comment. She didn’t know what she was about to say but it wasn’t that.
In the end though, the five of them had all won themselves a spot with one angry Aizawa.
“Do one of you want to explain what I walked into at the cafeteria?” None of them looked at the man but she thought she heard a soft tch coming from Bakugou.
Seeing as none of them answered, Aizawa started calling them out individually.
“How about you Sero? Want to tell me why you had Jirou wound up in tape?” Sero looked away in silence.
When it became clear none of them were giving straight answers, Aizawa switched tactics.
“Bakugou, explain what happened,” Aizawa ordered directly.
Uraraka jolted at this. There was no way Bakugou was going to explain this fairly. Before she could interject, Bakugou had started speaking.
“Fucking fine.” He gave a look at the rest of them and muttered “cowards” loud enough for everyone to hear before launching into his explanation. “I pissed them off, they reacted, Kirishima and Sero held them back.”
And okay. What?
It was all true but at the same time not at all what happened. It was overly simplified. It gave no retelling of who started what or even who might’ve been in the wrong. It certainly wasn’t the overdramatized slandering of her and Jirou scenario that she halfway expected from Bakugou. In fact, if she hadn’t known better, she would have thought Bakugou had started everything.
Aizawa sighed, “Okay then what did you do to ‘piss them off’?”
Bakugou looked done with the conversation, “You are going to have to be a lot more specific.”
“What made the girls want to attack you?” Aizawa asked blandly.
Now Uraraka was really worried about what Bakugou was going to say. He could easily make it sound like her and Jirou were in the wrong. He could act like he really thought that she was going to tell him to go kill himself. And she wasn’t. She didn’t know what she was about to say but she wasn’t like Bakugou at all. She’d never relentlessly bully someone as innocent as Deku-kun.
“Tch. Does it matter? All that happened was a shitty argument. It’s not like you haven’t heard some of those.”
“Most arguments don’t lead to five people making a scene in a cafeteria.”
“That’s because there’s not been an argument in the cafeteria till today.”
“Bakugou,” Aizawa drew out the words exasperated.
“What? It’s true. Everyone in here knows it. The only difference is someone jumped over a table.”
“That is not true! You asked me if I wanted you to go kill yourself.” Uraraka defended, outing herself in the process.
“Is that not how you were going to finish that sentence?”
“It wasn’t! You just said that because of what you did to Deku”
“That’s a fucking lie. Did you forget who came to who to tell a person off for sitting in the cafeteria. I didn’t start that shit.”
Jirou responded this time. “Yes you did, you know nobody wants you there.”
“So that means I’m not allowed to eat?” Bakugou scoffed. “I’ll sit there because it’s a goddamn cafeteria. Deal with it.”
“Everyone just stop,” Aizawa looked so tired. “So correct me if I’m wrong. You three had an argument. You two attacked. And you two stopped it.” Aizawa motioned to the appropriate groups and the students nodded. “Okay Kirishima, Sero, you two are free to go.”
The two boys left quickly before Aizawa addressed the rest of the group.
“As for you three, do you understand why it’s so hard to decide what should be done?” Jirou and Uraraka averted their eyes again. Bakugou didn’t. Aizawa sighed. “Did any of you actually land a hit on another?”
“No sir,” Uraraka and Jirou responded. Bakugou remained quiet.
“Bakugou, did either of them land a hit on you?”
“I dodged.”
Aizawa nodded, “You three are free to go.”
Uraraka gaped, “We’re not in trouble?” There was a short pause before Bakugou was surprisingly the one who answered.
“There’s nothing to punish. No one got hurt and everything else is just hearsay,”
“He’s right. And because no one got hurt, it’s okay to leave this with the understanding that it is not to happen again. You all may leave now,”
Jirou and Uraraka left quickly but Bakugou stayed behind. Uraraka didn’t care because she was irate.
End alternate.
Anyway, lmk if you’re curious about anything or if after I post 16 if you’re wondering why I made the changes I did <3
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diorsho · 4 years
ever since
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bingo slot: friends to lovers
prompts: “this is a bad idea. a really, really, really bad idea.” / “are you sure about this?”
paring: sero x reader
words: 4.3k
warnings: some cursing and making out but that’s it !
Sero walked down the hall of the fifth floor, the dorms were quiet except the occasional chatter from some rooms. He pressed the elevator button and made his way to the third floor as quietly as he could. Music could be heard down the boy’s hallway and Sero recognized it as Kaminari’s music. He scoffed and turned right so he could walk to the second door down the girl’s hallway. After two soft knocks, Sero heard a distinguished grunt coming from the other side of the door as soon as his hand left the door. The door was thrown open haphazardly and the boy felt himself being pulled in by his sleep shirt. The door closed a little louder than Sero would’ve liked but he was met with your flustered face.
“When you said we’d hang out tonight, I thought you meant before lights out Hanta!” You rushed the words out as you threw some clothes around your room to make it seem a bit more presentable to your best friend. He chuckled and walked to sit on your messy but still neat bed.
“Where’s the fun in that?” You chucked a pillow that had fallen when you rushed to answer the door at Sero’s head, but he easily caught it while placing something else on the bed. You huffed at him and closed your closet door before straightening out your shirt,
“Not getting yelled at by Aizawa in front of everyone maybe??” Sero smiled at your flustered state only finding it adorable. You only pouted at him unable to stay mad at the boy who you called your closest friend. He patted the spot next to him and you complied after turning off your main light, leaving the two of you basking in the soft glow of your fairy lights. The door to your balcony was also open and it allowed a nice summer breeze to greet you and the boy as he set up. Sero turned on his switch and clicked through the basics until he was brought to his home screen.
“What do you wanna play?” He set the screen on your bedside table and left the controllers on the bed so you could choose the one you liked best first. His eyes moved to the clock next to a water bottle, the time reading closer to two am. He truly didn’t realize how late it had gotten. He sat back on his legs and let you wonder what you wanted to play as he admired your features, the moonlight shining just enough to highlight your face.
“I wanted to play animal crossing earlier but since you came over so late, I wanna beat your ass in Mario Kart.” He laughed at the statement and watched as you smiled back at him.
“Which one?”
“Deluxe 8?”
“How’d I know, I put that in already before I came over.” The case that held his switch and other games was thrown somewhere on the floor.
“You just know me so well.” He watched your eyes shine in the low light and he felt his heart hammer in his chest at your words. He knew you and cared for you a lot more than he compared to admit or say out loud. His feelings were starting to scare him with just how much he wanted to protect you from everything. It scared him to think about what he would do to keep you out of harm’s way. You clicked the game and signed in with your profile and waited for the game to load up. Sero considered himself lucky, he was able to watch over you so closely because he was your best friend. He liked to just watch you sometimes when you were talking to others and he found himself content watching you smile. Your smile seemed to be contagious and you were the brightest person he’d ever met—and certainly the prettiest girl he had ever met. You were one of the first classmates he met and befriended. Your presence becoming a very important part of the boy’s life. He counted himself fortunate to have someone like you look after him when he couldn’t himself. The game’s startup played through and you were quick to turn the sound down just low enough so it wouldn’t disturb anyone. Sero smiled as you looked back at him and soon initiated the first round pretty quickly. He won by a close call and you punched his knee lightly in retaliation and he smirked already setting up a new round.
“You suck you know? That was so close! I could’ve had your ass if you hadn’t thrown that god damn banana.” He could sense the pout from you as he laughed under his breath. Sero liked that he could be himself around you and didn’t have to put up any fronts or facades with you. He’d known you for barely two years and he just knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. He liked to imagine you felt the same from the way you acted around him but the second you hung out with the other boys in class, he felt his heart shatter just a little.
A handful of rounds later, you two were pretty evenly matched in numbers of victories and he could tell you were getting tired by the lack of insults thrown at him when playing. At this point, you both had maneuvered enough so you both lay as comfortably as you could while still looking at the screen. Another round went by with you winning again and you your head hit the pillow as you laid your arm on Sero’s, the controller falling softly on the bed.
“Tired?” He whispered and you nodded but moved to roll over so you were closer to his body, his cheeks were warm as the feeling was still foreign to the boy. “Y/n?” A hum could be heard and he felt you reaching under his arm to grab the controller again.
“Okay, ‘m okay let’s go one more.” Your words slurred slightly and Sero found it cute that you still wanted to play when this tired. He chuckled and pulled the remote from you with no struggle and reached over to place it back on the console along with his. He turned it off and used his tape to reach for the case, placing the game in a slot before grabbing another. “Hey that’s cheating, stop being lazy.” You peaked up at him and he placed the case on the floor before booping your nose with his free hand. Your arm was still curled around his and he turned the console back on to open the new game.
“You’re attached to me so I couldn’t really get up.” He pushed against your body with no force and he saw your cheeks redden, a small apology came from your lips and he brushed it off while keeping you from moving your arm from his. Your head was pushed into the pillow and the sound from the newest Animal Crossing came to both your ears and you looked at him with a confused look.
“I thought you only played when I did?” He faked a hurt look and you laughed with him with a small pinch to his arm.
“I happen to like this game and that stupid capitalist raccoon,” he shrugged. A giggle left your lips as he soon got to work on fixing some things up on your island. You had bought the game for yourself hoping your best friend would allow you to play on his device and who was he to say no to your cute face? “Besides I know you like the music so I’ll stay until you fall asleep.” The statement was so matter of fact that you had no choice but to agree. He smiled as you tried to hide the grin on your own face as you got more comfortable. He picked up some weeds and more cherries from the trees. The fish he caught were all ones already in the museum and he spared a glance to look at your sleeping figure. Your arm was still wrapped loosely around his much bigger one. Sero allowed himself to dream about kissing you goodnight but letting you hold onto him was enough for now. After a few more fish were caught, he called it quits as he could hear the small even breaths leaving your body. Sero untangled your arm around his and pulled a blanket over your body and put his stuff away soon after, he closed the balcony doors and pulled the curtains. He looked at your sleeping form and ran a hand through his hair, he’d need to get a haircut soon.
He pulled the door closed as quietly as he could and walked to the elevator once again. The ride was short-lived and he silently walked to his door, closing the door before turning on his light. He took his shirt off along with his slippers, putting his stuff away and plugged his switch in. The light was soon turned off and the boy crawled into bed. His neck slightly hurt from the angles of playing but it was worth it if he got to spend more time with you. Sero rolled over and his eyes caught the clock on his wall that was illuminated by the moonlight. He rolled his eyes as the numbers read after four and he closed his eyes hoping he could get a few hours in before having to deal with people again.
The sunshine came beaming through the boy’s room and he laid his arm over his eyes, the size of his elbow doing a fine job of keeping the harsh rays from hurting his eyes this early in the morning. He grabbed clean clothes from his closet and made his way to showers, the only people awake were the early risers and he said good morning to all of them as they set off on making breakfast for everyone. He quickly showered and saw a few other boys entering the boy’s shower area, he greeted them and made way back to the common area and finding you sitting on the couch with an apple in hand. His eyes caught yours and he waved towards you, your smile already making his morning better. He put his things away as quickly as he could, hoping to get back to you just a bit sooner. He made his way back to you and the others and was given a bowl of oatmeal from Kirishima and when he sat down at the table an orange was placed on a napkin, he smiled up at the girl who sat next to him.
“Morning Hanta!” Sero could smell your favorite perfume and he smiled when you said good morning to Tsu who sat across from you. “Thanks for last night by the way.” Sero smiled and a small blush could be seen on your face, Tsu eyed the pair before going back to eating. The morning went on pretty uneventful and Sero was lucky that it was the weekend cause he wanted to do something that didn’t require the rest of his peers. Bakugou and a few others went to the training facility to spar together and a handful of students were left to their accord at the dorms,
“Hey, Y/n, go get dressed, we’re gonna go out for a bit. And before you ask I already asked Aizawa and Midnight’s permission.” He threw away some remaining trash around the kitchen area and saw you waiting for him by the couch.
“Can’t wait, but where are we going? Do I need to dress up or anything?” The girl was already excited and Sero could tell by the way you grabbed his hand to drag him to the elevator.
“Nah, just something casual. Maybe bring a jacket in case it cools down at night.” Your grin held so much happiness and Sero was just happy he could experience it with you. The doors closed and you quickly pressed the third and fifth floor buttons, dropping his hand only when you guys reached the third floor.
“Ten minutes, meet outside?” You were stepping near the elevator sensors so the door wouldn’t close while you talked to one another and Sero’s heartbeat quickened at the thought. The hero in training nodded.
He put on real clothes and actually brushed his hair before he checked the mirror one last time before leaving his room. He made his way downstairs and saw no one in the common room, he pushed the doors open and sat on the steps waiting for you. Barely two minutes later the door opened again and he stood to find you in shorts and a pretty blouse.
“You look really pretty,” Sero smiled and offered his hand while a blush overtook your features,
“You look good too you know.” Your hand was cool in his larger, warmer one and he squeezed your hand as you made your way to leave campus together. Sero wanted to take you out for a day to just do whatever you wanted to do and spend time together. He brought you to a gaming store that you both spent way too much money at before asking if you wanted to go to a clothing store that he knew you liked from how much you talked about it. Sero watched you gleefully pick out clothes you wanted to try on and smiled when you asked if he could hold the clothes, he took them without a second thought.
After some more shopping with evidence in quite a few bags that they both held, it was dinner time and they settled for some quick and ready ramen at a truck. They put their bags on the bench with them, it only forced them to sit right next to each other, squished in the best way possible. Sero could feel your every movement and hoped his elbows weren’t too bothersome in this tight situation.
“If you’re worried about your elbows don’t.” You quickly threw your legs over his lap and he almost dropped his soup but he got a hold of himself and watched as you went back to eating the warm food. He finished rather quickly and was able to reach and throw away the bowl. Sero placed his hands on your shins and watched as you finished the last of your meal with chatter filling the silence. The dark sky was filled with the lights from the surrounding buildings. Stars couldn’t be seen from the city because of the light pollution, and Sero couldn’t wait to get back to school so they could see them again. He was handed her bowl and he dumped it before placing his hands back on her, squeezing lightly to get her attention back on him rather than the busy streets.
“Wanna go grab ice cream and maybe head back?” A smile broke out on your face and he tapped your leg lightly to a song that was playing somewhere near them. You jumped to your feet and grabbed Sero’s free hand. Sero held his bags, along with a few of yours, easily on his left hand and your hand in his right. They walked around others laughing at each other and making small talk trying to find a good place to stop.
“Whaddya want?” They were at a small shop near other local stores and they sat their bundle of bags on the table to order their dessert. Their hands were still interlocked and he looked down at her as she eyed the menu.
“We can just share? I’m not that hungry and I don’t want to waste food.” You pulled your body closer to his arm as the shop’s AC brought a nice chill. Sero chuckled and pulled his arm free from your grip to wrap around your body.
“I told you to bring a jacket Y/n.” He rubbed your arm a bit before holding you against his warm body before facing the employee. “Can we get a small strawberry cup.” You reached for cash in your wallet before Sero handed the employee some of his own cash.
“Hanta, I would’ve paid.” Sero chuckled moving both of them and could see you had pursed your lips. He hugged your body closer to his and you wrapped your arms around his lean frame. The pair stood there hugging one another waiting for their ice cream as the sky only got darker outside. Sero let go of you to grab your cold dessert and moved to leave. You had made your stuff easier to carry by putting it in two bags for you to carry. He grabbed your hand once again and he held both your bags along with the ice cream. “Let me carry the bags! Or at least my own,” you reached for the two bags. The puppy eyes you were giving Sero almost made him give in but he shook his head and dragged her along to make their way back school. The almost navy blue sky reminded Sero that he needed to get them home soon so Aizawa wouldn’t be mad. You gave up on getting the bag and let Sero hand you the ice cream.
“C’mon, I’m a hero. The least I can do is carry a pretty girl’s bag for her.” You stuck your tongue out at him but settled on just holding his hand.
You took a scoop of ice cream. The cold made the roof of your mouth hurt but you still closed your eyes at the sweet taste. Sero watched you with adoration in his eyes and laughed as you ate more. He held the cup and you fed yourself since your other hand was busy holding his.
“Give me a bite before you finish it all, Miss I’m not that hungry.” He let out a small chuckle at your exasperated face. He opened his mouth and let you feed him while you continued on your walk back to U.A. The sweet flavor of strawberries made its way to Sero’s tastebuds and he hummed at the taste. The walk back wasn’t terrible and it was fun with the ice cream and constant laughter. The pair walked back up the hill to their prestigious school. The ice cream was gone by the time they saw the school in all of its glory and Sero held the garbage until he was able to dispose of it. The second Sero and you saw the dorm, the doors burst open and two people came running out.
“Where were you guys! You’ve been gone all day! You can’t just take Y/n like that she’s my best friend too!” Mina babbled while attaching herself to your side, and Kaminari stood there nodding along and punching his friend lightly on the shoulder.
“We missed you, dude! We came back from training and wanted to play but you were nowhere to be seen! We didn’t know where either of you were but Aizawa said not to worry.” Kaminari seemed genuinely worried and Sero almost felt bad.
“Sorry, guys we went on... a date. Mina, could you take Y/n’s bag and Denki take mine will ya?” Y/n looked towards her best friend and the other two people with them finally saw their intertwined fingers.
“Oh!” The bags were taken from Sero’s hands and Mina pushed Kaminari away from the pair. Obviously catching on to whatever was happening. Y/n opened her mouth to speak but Sero beat her to it and grabbed your other hand.
“Y/n, do you trust me?”
“Yes Hanta, I do with my life but wha-”
Sero let her hands fall from his and pulled her waist to his. A small sound left your mouth but you were quick to wrap your arms around him. Sero smiled and began rolling up his sleeves, the movement not going unnoticed by the girl hugging him. You moved your head to look him in the eyes and saw him fiddling with his circular-shaped elbows.
“This is a bad idea. A really, really, really bad idea.” You seemed to know exactly what he was planning on doing. You always wanted to know what it felt like to fly.
“It’s not. You said you trust me, so just believe in me okay?” You could hear the insecurity in his voice and you stuck your head back in his chest and squeezed him tight. “Jump, I don’t want you falling on me.”
“Okay.” He wrapped one arm securely around your body as you jumped, and locked your legs around his waist.
“Hold on tight.”
The second Sero’s tape secured itself to the roof of their dorm building, your bodies lifted off the ground and he used his second arm to help with the extra weight that he wasn’t used to. He wanted to show off so it took a lot longer to reach the roof. Sero could smell your shampoo as your hair moved with the wind and he smiled at the scent that seemed to tickle his nose. A few seconds later and both of you were safely on the roof, Sero’s hand gravitated to your hips to hold you.
“You can look now.” You loosened your death grip on the boy’s neck and looked around, your feet met the roof and Sero held you steady as you both looked at one another.
“This is really pretty, Hanta.” You craned your neck to stare at the sky as your hands moved to hold on to his neck again. Sero watched you and brought you a little bit closer to his body and he smiled.
“Yeah, it is.”
“You said date earlier. Did you mean it?” Your worried eyes met his and he wanted to kiss you right then and there but he figured he should wait till he tells you the truth. He saw the stars reflecting in your eyes and he swore you were the prettiest thing he’d ever seen.
“Of course I did.”
“That’s good to know.” Sero swayed the pair to imaginary music and you stared at him a bit longer before pushing your head to rest on his chest.
“I think I’ve liked you since the quirk test Aizawa made us take, and I’ve been falling in love with you ever since.”
Sero could hear you inhale sharply, his heart was hammered in his chest. You lifted your head and locked eyes with the boy in front of you. Your hands pulled Sero’s head closer to yours and he closed the distance with no hesitation. The breeze made the summer air feel nicer than it actually was and with Sero’s lips attached to yours, you pulled his body as close to yours as you could. The taste of strawberries invaded Sero’s mouth and he welcomed it with a smile spreading across his face. You pushed his head closer and angled your head to deepen the kiss and Sero moved his hands to rest against your face. Small breaths could be heard in between kisses and before you could lean in for more, he pulled his mouth away and made you look him in the eyes.
“Are you sure about this? About us?” He breathed heavily saw you were breathing just the same.
“Absolutely, did you think I would just be making out with you on the roof of our school dorms for fun?”
“You sayin you wouldn’t wanna do this for fun?” A smirk could be seen on the boy’s face but you could still sense his fear of being rejected. You ran his hair through your fingers and watched as it seemed to relieve some of his stress.
“I’ve liked you ever since the first sports festival and have been falling ever since,” you repeat in a similar fashion. An imaginary weight lifted from Sero’s shoulders and he used both hands to bring you mouth to his as he kissed you again over and over. “Hanta wait! I can barely breathe!” Giggles were falling from both lips as they stood on the roof.
“Sorry... You’re just irresistible and now that you’re mine, I don’t think I’ll stop kissing you.” Sero huffed and gave you one last big kiss before letting your face go.
“Hanta Sero, at least ask me out on a proper date before assuming I’m yours. One where we’re both aware that it’s a date,” you say while running your hands through his hair again, the boy laughed and brought you in for a hug.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” The lovestruck boy rested his head in the crook of your neck as you stood on your tippy-toes to hug him. He picked you up slightly and swayed you and the laughter coming from you was exactly what he hoped for.
“Yes! Yes! Just me down before we fall!” You playfully hit his back and he settled you back on the roof before placing his lips against your forehead. “As much fun as this we should head inside before Aizawa finds out.” Sero agreed and motioned for you to jump on him again so he could get you both on solid ground again. The ride was short-lived and he kissed you once both your feet were on the ground, he smiled and grasped your hand once you made your way into the building. Most of the kids were all in the common room, some eating and others just hanging around. Mina and Kaminari seemed to watch you both closely as you made your way to the elevator.
“You know what I’ve always wanted to try babe?” Sero hummed in acknowledgment of the pet name and in response to the question. Your peers were all watching you as you made your way through the room. “We should totally try the iconic Spiderman kiss! You know the upside-down one?” Sero grinned at you and eagerly nodded to everything that was leaving your mouth.
“Oh my god, we have to!” The elevator closed on the couple and a few of the kids seemed shocked, some relieved.
“Finally, took the idiots long enough.” Bakugou muttered before following in their steps and heading upstairs for bed since it was getting late.
an: my sticky tape boy !! i love him so much and i’m so excited i wrote for him !! this has also become one of my favorite pieces i’ve ever written omg anyways pretty boy, happy bday <3 
taglist : | @bnhabookclub |
masterlist | bingo mlist | kofi
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babyredriot · 4 years
“I just want to give you endless headaches for however long you’ll let me’ That sounds like the sum of a relationship with Kaminari
A/N: First off, I am so sorry this is coming a month late, I got side-tracked by school. I am back and ready to write! I hope you like this as I am getting out of the groove of writing papers for my thesis and in return getting back into the groove of writing for my favorite manga/anime. I loved writing this and ugh *chefs kiss* Denki. Thats all. Just Denki. 
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Word count: 1,960
A crashing sound reverberated throughout the 1A dorms. The sound was unmistakable, one of Bakugo’s explosions. You rolled your eyes as you tried to once again pull your focus away from the ruckus outside of your room and stare down at the daunting math problems below you. 
“GET BACK HERE DUNCE FACE” Bakugo yelled, it sounded like they were coming closer to your room which made you even more on edge. You felt a slight twinge behind your left eye as you once again tried to focus on her homework. Your boyfriend was not helping at all as his loud laughter could be heard. He seemed to be taunting Bakugo, from what you could hear. The back and forth of loud conversation between the two made your headache deepen into a sharp ache behind your left eye. 
“Okay if I can just figure out how to take the derivative-“ You spoke outlaid to try to keep your focus on the math problem but was cut short by another boom echoing through the halls. You knew if you did not stop the stupid antics of the boys outside Mr. Aizawa would cut in and give them all detentions. Which would just lead to more headaches for you, wondering how Kaminari was faring alone in a room with Bakugo. Your headache began to spread across her brow bone as you heard some kind of girly shrieking from beyond your door. You ripped yourself away from the paper and sighed heavily, standing up to go find out what the idiots where up to now. 
As you stepped outside of your room the sight of tape hanging from the ceiling in a vine like fashion, made your mouth fall open. Your eyes widened and then narrowed into slits as you felt your headache spread to the other temple now. The sight could only mean one thing. Your boyfriend and Sero were trying out his new maneuverability tactic. Probably in an attempt to get as far away from the hotheaded blonde as possible. Your frown deepened as she stomped through the hallways to try and find them. You trudged through the common room and looked out the window, delighted to see that they had finally stepped outside. Still, your headache wasn’t going away and they were the reason for it. The pain felt like your own boyfriend was frying your brain instead of his own. This was not something you were used to. The pain mixed with annoyance only made you angrier.  On a rage fueled mission you decided to take the problem right to the source. 
Your descent to the ground was filled with a lot of mumblings about how you could’ve picked any other boy to date, but your stupid heart had to fall in love with a spark plug. You could be spending your time in a quiet dorm right now with Todoroki as he read. But noooo, you just had to fall for the instigator of the bakusquad. As annoyed as you were with him and his disaster double right now, you knew deep down that you wouldn’t change a thing about the boy. He cheered you up to no end and always put you first before anything else. That didn’t change the fact that right now you were on a war path. 
When you finally got outside you were  surprised to see Kirishima sitting on rock laughing and observing the situation before him. You crept up behind him to watch as well before yelling at the boys. It seemed that Sero had finally been caught by the notorious King Explosion Murder and was passed out on the ground. Denki was being cornered between a bush and his friend when he made eye contact with his girlfriend. 
“Hey Y/N! Want to help me out here?” He said darting his eyes around the area trying to look for an escape route. Bakugo was closing in even further. You weighed out the options in your hands of letting Bakugo blow your boyfriend to kingdom come. On one hand the boy would get what was likely coming to him for annoying the blonde, but on the other you didn’t want him to be turned into some kind of punching bag. Kirishima had turned to you when Denki called out your name and sent you a sharp toothed smile. 
“C’mon Kaminari, having L/N stand in your way is so unmanly don’t you think?” Kiri said while turning back to the boys. You sighed and pinched the brim of your nose finally ready to make yourself known to the seething predator. You felt all of the annoyance come to the surface of your being and let loose all of your frustration on the three unsuspecting boys. 
“Actually, I came out here to tell you all to SHUT UP. I’VE HAD A HEADACHE FOR THE PAST THIRTY MINUTES AND I NEED TO FINISH MY HOMEWORK BEFORE TOMORROW SO I CAN STAY ON TOP OF MY GRADES. YOU IDIOTS ARE DISTURBING THE WHOLE DORMS AND FOR WHAT!? JUST BECAUSE YOU WANTED TO MESS WITH BAKUGO AGAIN? OR JST BECAUSE SOME STUPID INSTIGATORS GOT UNDER YOUR SKIN?” Your rant had begun and there was no way of stopping it now. All three of the conscious boys now stared at you. Bakugo seemed to be waiting for the moment to interject and throw it right back at you. Kirishima stood up next to you as you paused and opened his mouth to say something in return. “AND YOU! YOUR JUST SITTING AROUND AND LETTING THIS HAPPEN? WE HAVE EXAMS IN TWO WEEKS AND ALL OF YOU ARE JUST CHASING EACH OTHER AROUND? IT’S STUPID AND CHILDISH.” There was a feeling growing in your stomach that felt a lot like regret but you just simply gave each one of them a glare and turned on your heel. It was easy to yell at them all when they were rendered speechless. You had never yelled at any of them, ever. 
The guilty feeling in your stomach didn’t subside as you ran back upstairs. You hoped none of them would follow you back in, due to the fact that you were so embarrassed on how you just acted. They were some of your best friends and didn’t deserved to be yelled at simply because you had a headache. You should have resorted to some kind of soft spoken tactic instead of the rash outburst. 
Just as you were about to reach the top of the staircase you heard footfalls behind you. You took two stairs at a time trying to reach the door before they could catch you, but found yourself being tugged when you finally reached the landing. Your wrist was in someones hold. You looked down at the attachment and saw a hand that had become very known to you. You dragged your eyes up the figure and felt yourself deflate when your eyes met those of your boyfriends. You stood on the landing right above him, as he stared up at you through his lashes. His face was in an odd kind of grimace mixed with a frown. He seemed to be carefully choosing his words on what he was going to say next. Something you had never seen him do a day since you had known him. 
“I know you’re mad. I also know that you’re in pain and all that loud noise probably sucked hearing but I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” He looked up at you with a melancholy look in his eyes. “I didn’t want to cause you any kind of discomfort, we just stole Bakugo’s earphones because he was ignoring us while we were all doing homework in Kirishima’s room, it got out of hand as you saw. I truly am sorry Y/N. I-I don’t want you to feel any kind of pain ever and it sucks that we caused this outburst from you. Please don’t be angry with me anymore, I can change and not steal stuff from him anymore, I-I can make sure to be quiet always and-“ His words were cut off as you pulled him up to the same level as you and gave him a hug. He stayed still for a second wondering how it happened so fast before he melted in your arms. You knew your outburst would make Denki upset, but you still did it. “I just can’t lose you because I am so obnoxious. You can’t leave me please.” 
You realized how Denki was processing this and hugged him even tighter to yourself. Your head was still throbbing but the thrum of his heart against your temple felt nice for a few seconds. “I could never leave you dummy. You’re the light in my life. I just freaked out because I don’t understand anything that’s happening in math right now and couldn’t focus on it. That on top of the headache made me see red and I’m so sorry that you feel like you have to change just because I yelled at you. Your not obnoxious Denki… You’re perfect.” With every end of a sentence you felt your grip on him grow even tighter. Soon enough he was tapping on your shoulder to let you know he needed new found air. When he stepped away from you, you saw the normal spark behind his eyes. Something that made your heart fill back up with joy. 
“I just want to give you endless headaches for however long you’ll let me.” You laughed at his statement as he looked at you with that same shit-eating grin. His eyes turned serious once more as he rested a hand on your shoulder. “But, even so I am sorry Y/N, I never thought I would see you lose your cool like that. It sucks that we’re the reason why it happened. Even if you let me give you headaches in the future, I promise from now on I will always bring you advil and make sure you’re involved in the fun only after we finish all of our work together.” You felt a smile growing on your face at his sincerity. Something that was rare to be seen, but a side you got to see very often. Denki’s hand traveled lower onto your arm and laced his fingers with your own. 
“I love you Denki, headaches and all. I’m sorry I blew up and scared you. That wasn’t my intention.” You smiled up at the spark-plug and nudged his shoulder slightly. 
“I love you to Y/N.” He placed a kiss onto of your forehead and seemed to rest there for a second as he thought of something. “Uhhh, we should probably go back down there because when I came up here Kirishima was banging his head against the tree for ‘The unmanly act of causing someone pain that was unwarranted’.” You felt your cheeks light up at the news of the other boys that you reprimanded. 
“Yeah I should probably apologize to them..” You said trailing off as you looked up at your boyfriends calculating gaze.
“Orrr, you could make them think your still mad and have Sero and Kirishima waiting on you hand and foot for the rest of the day! I mean the most you could probably get out of blondie would be some math help, but who knows may he even feels bad.” You weighed out the options once again today of which path to take. And felt the mischief that Denki has instilled in your heart flare up. You looked back up at him mirroring the spark he held in his eyes.
 “Lets do it.” You said taking the stairs two at a time again, but this time your hand was wrapped in Denki’s.
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zukuthehero · 4 years
Bakugo’s Secret Collection
I did a commission for @everythingbaku​ Hope you like it <3
Ren laughed at Kirishima’s story as they walked through the mall.
“And then Mina skidded across the ground and slammed into the wall, haha, instead of- ha, instead of doing the flip- snicker- like she wanted.” He was laughing so hard he barely got the story out.
“You’re so mean!” Mina whined, shoving him gently, but she was grinning too.
“Oh!” Kaminari said excitedly. “Look! It’s Midoriya!”
Ren moved over to see. Kaminari had rushed to a store window, looks like one of the hero merchandise stores.
He lit up.
Looking in the window, Ren could see that there was a figure of Midoriya, mid-kick, just sitting in the window. The outfit was even fairly accurate, getting the arm braces right along and the hood flapping from behind, even the shade of green was almost exactly like Midoriya’s. Beside it was one of Uraraka, floating on a rock, hands out.
“Oh!” Ren beamed, “There are figures of our classmates? Do they have the rest of you? Hang on let’s go in.”
Ren hurried into the store with Mina, moving to the figurine section and finding the Midoriya (Deku?) figurine. Mina cooed when she found one with him holding Eri, when they fought Overhaul.
“These are adorable!”
“He looks so fierce!” Ren said, admiring the one of him mid-kick.
“Totally manly,” Kirishima added from behind them.
“Let me see if there are others!” Ren said, starting to dig through the other figurines, “I’m gonna try to find the whole class.”
“This is dumb, why would you want figures of those extras anyways?”
Ren just sent Bakugo a quick smile, not fazed by his normal grumbles.
Ren managed to find one of Tsu, her tongue out and in a fighting pose.
“It’s so cool, they’re even pretty accurate!”
“Yeah,” Kirishima agreed. “Especially for bootlegs.”
“Are they all bootleg?” Ren asked, picking up a figure of Mashirao. “This one looks official.”
“I think the figures are official,” Mina said. “But the jackets and hats and stuff don’t seem to be.”
“I just can’t believe we have figures while we’re still at school,” Sero muttered, picking up a figurine of Momo.
“Ooh,” Ren said. “Can I have that? I need to get one for everyone in the class now, or everyone that they have.”
“Yeah sure.” Sero passed it over to Ren, who put it in the basket he grabbed. He would get figures of everyone, and maybe something extra for a few.
“Oh my god,” Mina called. “There’s a Red Riot hat.”
“What!? Kirishima called, darting over. “Oh, that’s so manly!”
Ren moved over to see too, finding Mina shoving on a red hat, with a top styled like Kirishima’s hair.
“Oh, I love that!” He agreed, reaching for one of his own and noticing a few other hats, like an Ingenium one, and a Shoto one with two colored sides.
There was even one for Bakugo! It looked based on his mask additions.
“I need all of these,” Ren muttered.
“There’s a lot more merchandise for us than I expected.” Kirishima said. “I mean, we’re still students. Most full-time heroes don’t even get that much merchandise, not if they’re not high on the charts or popular locally.”
“Yeah! It’s really cool,” Sero agreed.
“They have a jacket based on Midoriya too! Oh, and one based on Uraraka, that’s cute I’d wear that.” Mina held up a stylish pink, black, and white jacket.
“You’d look good in it,” Ren said cheerfully.
Mina flashed him a grin, “Thanks. What are you gonna get?”
Ren hummed, “A little bit from everyone if I can find them all.”
“Ugh, we’re gonna be here all day.” Bakugo grumbled.
“Oh, cheer up, it’s great that we have merchandise! Don’t you want to get something?”
“Well, you don’t have to get anything,” Ren said. “But it’s really cool to learn that they have merchandise for us. I didn’t know that.”
Bakugo just grumbled, sulking along behind them as they kept rummaging through the aisles.
“Oh! Here’s one for Mr. Aizawa.”
“Wait seriously? I’ve never been able to find merchandise for him.” Ren rushed over to Sero.
And indeed, there was a Mr. Aizawa figure, mid jump with red eyes, hair up, and capture scarf whirling around him.
“That’s amazing!”
“It’s so realistic, haha, I almost expect my quirk to be gone,” Kirishima laughed.
“Ugh, I don’t know if I brought enough money to get all of it,” Ren muttered.
He dug out his wallet and checked the cash he brought.
“I guess I could use my card, but I try to limit that.”
“You can borrow some from me if you want,” Mina offered. “Just pay me back later.”
“Really,” Ren beamed at her. “That would be great!”
“Or you could just not waste your money on stuff for these extras.” Bakugo huffed.
Ren rolled his eyes, “It’s stuff for me though.”
“It’s stuff of the extras,” Bakugo pointed out. “Just for you. Why would you waste money on them?”
“Because they’re my classmates and friends,” Ren laughed, sending Bakugo a teasing smile. “Come on Bakugo, just cause you’re the best of the best doesn’t mean we can’t appreciate everyone else too.”
He rolled his eyes, “Whatever. It’s your money to waste if you want.”
“Thank you, I will.”
Bakugo huffed.
“Ooh, look!” Mina chirped. “They have tape! Based on Sero’s tape!”
“Isn’t that just normal tape?” Bakugo grumbled.
“Oh! The dispenser looks like his arms!” Ren chirped, “That’s awesome.”
“That’s so cool, I need that for my room!” Kirishima cheered, snagging it. “Totally getting this.”
“You guys are ridiculous,” Sero said, but he was smiling.
“We should make these the official class tape dispensers,” Mina grinned.
“Don’t you da-“
“Why would we do that?” Ren asked sweetly. “We have Sero already.”
“You suck,” Sero laughed.
“Okay but if they have Sero tape dispensers, do they have other things too?”
“Obviously, you guys have been looking at it all this whole time.” Bakugo pointed out.
“No, I mean daily stuff!” Kirishima insisted. “Like, uh, blankets, or um, soap or something.”
“Soap or something,” Bakugo said flatly.
“Oh come on, it’s manly!”
“Alarm clocks?” Mina offered.
“Speaking of,” Kaminari said. “I found alarm clocks.”
“Hahaha, that’s Koji, Oh, my gosh I love that.” Ren rushed over. “What sound does it make?”
Kaminari pressed the button.
It started tweeting like birds.
“Ooh, there are different settings! Looks like it has roars, bird tweets, growls, and… cicadas? What are cicadas?”
“They make really obnoxious noises at night,” Ren said. “Really loud, they’re pretty big too.”
“Huh, weird,” Sero said.
Ren looked through the shelves in this area of the store. There were a lot of actual hero merch, stuff for ranked heroes, but they also had a decent amount of merch for students.
There were some things from the third-year students too, a Le Million, a Suneater, and a Nejire-Chan.
The things that held Ren’s attention were the things for his year.
There was I Can’t Stop Twinkling glitter packs, Sugar Rush weights, Pinky Shampoos, and even Bakugo Bath Bombs.
Honestly Ren didn’t even know that there was merch for heroes like that.
“I want so much of this,” He mumbled. “I guess I’ll stick to one thing per class member.” Maybe.
He carefully picked out the Cellophane tape dispenser for Sero.
He spent a few minutes debating over getting a pinky figure for Mina, or the shampoo. Both were cool, and oh, there are hair pins styled like her horns!
He ended up grabbing the figure. He’ll get the other two later.
Next up, a Red Riot hat, a Red Riot rock collection, or a Red Riot figurine.
The rock collection would be hilarious, but Ren settled on the hat. He could wear that around to support Kirishima, or just to mess with him. Both works.
Looking through the Charge Bolt merch he found, oh haha, there’s a plug outlet styled like Kaminari. That’s hilarious. He definitely needs that. The figurine is cool but being able to use Kaminari as a plug is way cooler.
Ren dropped that in the basket.
Alright then, obviously getting the Deku figurine (he picked the one of Midoriya with Eri, it just seems so much more like Midoriya that he couldn’t not get it), and he did love the jacket for Uravity, a short debate with himself settled it and he shoved that into the basket next.
He was just looking at the Froppy merch when Kirishima called him over.
He moved over and flushed when he realized it was a figurine of him.
“Look, Ren, it’s you!” Mina looked so pleased.
It was him in his chimera form, ready to battle with his blue fur and hair. He looked a bit fierce.
Bakugo was leaning over too, “They actually managed to get your looks right, not a bad figurine.”
Ren stifled his blush, shooting Bakugo a smile, “Aww, thanks. And I’m honored you think I look good.”
Bakugo scoffed, “I didn’t say that.”
Mina laughed, “I think you look great, Ren. They really captured your fierceness.”
Ren grinned at her, “Thanks Mina.”
“Okay but like, guys,” Kirishima gushed. “I think they have at least two things for every person in the class. I found a jacket for Ren too. And headphones for Jiro-“
“Headphones for Jiro? Where!?” Ren asked excitedly, he needed a new pair of headphones anyways.
Kirishima laughed and passed him a pair to put in his basket.
“Yeah, like I was saying. They’ve got figurines for everyone that I’ve been able to find, and like, there are Ingenium shoes, our Iida Ingenium shoes, not his older brother. Though I guess they’re basically the same…”
“Oh! I’ve been needing new shoes. Where are those?” Ren asked, peering at Kirishima in excitement.
“Dude do you have the money for all this?” Kaminari asked, peering into Ren’s basket.
“Of course I do!” Ren said with a huff.
He mentally went through how much money he has, plus Mina said she would lend some…
Yeah, he should be good.
���I’ll help pay if he needs it, and I think this is great. We can have something of our friends with us. It’s super sweet!” Mina beamed at them.
“Mina is right,” Kirishima said. “It’s super manly to support your classmates.”
Bakugo was rolling his eyes majorly as he leaned against the shelf where the figurine of Ren was.
Ren rolled his eyes fondly but moved on to finding more stuff for the class.
He found some Animan animal treats that were cute, he could feed some of Mr. Aizawa’s cats!
Speaking of Mr. Aizawa, he snagged the figurine of his grumpy teacher.
He grabbed a Froppy figurine as well (the Froppy themed wash clothes were cool but he didn’t have need of them).
He hummed and studied the sugar rush stuff, either the weights, the figurine, or the candy pack.
He grabbed the candy pack (with eight different kinds of candy!).
He found a soft Dark Shadow blanket, and a cool pair of gloves styled like Invisible Girl (soft and warm, they’ll be good for winter). He found a cool soft scarf for Tail Man too.
He debated over the stuff for Momo, there was a cool figurine, but there was also a cool periodic table set, which would be helpful in chemistry, and it was themed off of her…
He bought the periodic table set after Bakugo shoved it into his hands, grumbling that he was taking too long.
He grabbed a mug for Shoto, it was a plain black that apparently turns white when cold and red when hot. Which he may be really excited to try back at the dorm.
He laughed at the reaching tool for Dupli-Arms. He was definitely buying that, it’s so funny.
He tossed the shoes that Kirishima mentioned earlier into his basket, the Ingenium shoes. They’re basically the same as the one’s Iida’s older brother had, but they’re still cool.
And finally, he found a cool figurine of Bakugo.
“Well,” Ren said, studying his haul. “That looks like everyone.”
“What about Mineta?” Sero asked.
“… Nevermind.”
“Why don’t we pay and go get lunch?” Mina chirped.
“Sounds good to me,” Ren agreed, heading to the front to pay.
“Oh!” Kirishima said. “You forgot yourself.”
Ren laughed, “I’m not gonna pay for a figurine of myself.”
“But it’s awesome,” Kaminari insisted.
“I don’t have the money to spare to get a figurine of me too, guys.”
Mina giggled, “Show yourself some love! It’s super cool that we all have figures.”
“Are you guys buying figures of yourselves?” Ren asked as he got in line, Mina beside him.
“No,” She said. “But I might get one of me later! It’s fun, and it would be cool to commemorate it.”
“Yeah, makes sense.”
“Yo, did you guys see where Bakubro went?” Kirishima asked.
“No, did he wander off?”
“He disappeared a few minutes ago.”
“Strange, I’m sure he’ll turn up. Maybe he saw something interesting.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
Ren reached the front and flashed the helper a smile as they started scanning his purchases. A few minutes later he handed over his cash (all of it) and Mina added her’s to pay the rest (thankfully not nearly as much as he feared. He had enough to cover most of the purchase).
The two grabbed their bags (and Ren might have changed his arms to gorilla arms to handle them all, there was a lot) and headed out, finding Bakugo outside with his backpack dangling from one shoulder.
“You done now?”
“Yeah yeah Mr. Grumpy Pants. Let’s grab lunch now.”
“Finally,” He muttered.
“Oh hush,” Kirishima laughed. “You didn’t have to wait that long.”
“You guys just wouldn’t leave. The merchandise isn’t that interesting.”
“I think it’s super cool!” Mina said.
“Yeah, you mentioned. Once or a dozen times.”
“Oh, be nice,” Ren leveled a look at him. “There’s nothing wrong with having fun looking at merch for our class. I’m sure even you were excited about merch for yourself.”
Bakugo scoffed, his cheeks a faint pink. “Was not.”
“Are we getting food or what?” Sero and Kaminari were standing ahead, looking at us expectantly.
“Coming, coming,” Ren said, moving after them.
Ren stretched where he was sitting in one of the study rooms in the dorm.
The Bakusquad was supposed to be studying together but Bakugo hadn’t shown up yet.
“Should someone go get him?” Kaminari asked.
Ren huffed, “I’ll go. Maybe he just started studying on his own and lost track of time.”
Kirishima laughed, “That sounds like him.
Ren stood up, “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
“Good luck!” Mina called.
“Bring back snacks,” requested Sero.
“Yeah, yeah, sure.”
Ren moved out of the room and to the elevator hitting the up button with a sigh.
He patiently waited for the elevator before getting in and hitting Bakugo’s floor.
A minute later he was walking down the hallway to Bakugo’s room.
He paused at the door, knocking loudly.
“Hey, Bakugo,” He called as he pushed the door open. “We were meeting to stu-“
Ren faltered at seeing Bakugo throwing a package to the side, just a second too late to stop Ren from seeing it.
It was from the store earlier in the day, the one with all the bootleg (and official figurine) hero merchandise.
The box had a figure in blue on it, a familiar figure in blue.
Ren stared at the picture of him on the box, before turning to look at Bakugo who was bright red.
“Don’t you know to wait until someone says you can come in!?” He snapped, trying to move to block Ren’s view.
But it was too late, Ren had already caught a glimpse behind him.
There, on the shelf that normally had a poster hanging from the one above it, covering up what was on the shelf, was a collection of figures and a few assorted additions.
His face went red.
There was a figurine of Ren in his Chimera: Beast Mode form, looking mid strike, one in his Chimera: Water Mode form with stylized waves around him, A Chimera Land mode figure mid run, one just him in his hero outfit, blue mask striking with the hood over it, and even on of him in his school uniform, mid-fight (he thinks it’s based on that time they got attacked during a non-hero related field trip).
There was also a little reading-light shaped like him, a fluffy scarf that looked like his blue hair, a shampoo bottle shaded blue like his hair, and a stuffed animal version of him. There were some pictures behind it as well, pictures of him fighting as a hero in one of the many disasters that the class kept getting in, and a few group shots of the group, plus one of just Bakugo and him hanging out.
“Bakugo,” Ren murmured.
“Shut up,” He scrambled to put his poster in front of it again. “We’re never talking about this again.”
“Bakugo that’s so sweet!”
“I had no idea you admired me so much,” Ren continued, grinning widely now.
“Shut up.”
“Why, you even have a stuffed animal of me! It looks soft, is it soft?”
“No, go away, let’s go study.”
“But you were just putting up that new figure,” Ren leveled a pout at him, shooting a look to the figure laying on the bed. Another Chimera: Land form figure, but with different animals.
Bakugo growled at him.
“I don’t want to get in the way of your shrine-“
“It’s not a shrine!”
“It’s so well done, you clearly put a lot of work into it.”
“Oh shove off.”
“I’m very touched, it warms my heart to know you care so much.”
“Do not.”
“I mean, you were so flustered earlier, what with us buying figures, I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize you collected them, I’ll make sure to send you links to more!”
“Did you get those posters custom made? I didn’t see any in the store.”
“I hate you.”
“Really! It’s the sweetest thing, I’m touched. Where did you get them?”
Ren had a shit eating grin on his face at this point, Bakugo’s hands sparking as his face stayed a bright red.
“You’re horrible, let’s go study.”
“But I am studying! I’m studying your amazing shrine to me.”
“It’s not a shrine! And we will never speak of this again, got it?” Bakugo leveled his best glare at Ren, who finally stopped.
The smile not leaving his face he nodded solemnly, “Oh course, another word of it won’t leave my lips.”
Bakugo’s phone pinged two days later when he was returning from his morning run.
He glanced down and saw it was from Ren.
He smiled and clicked the link, then scowled.
He bolted towards Ren’s room, phone with a link to merchandise for Ren open on the screen clutched in his hand.
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suimin-chan · 4 years
So what if the world of BNHA was just a delusion of Bakugou's as a result of Midoriya committing suicide?
For years, Bakugou bullied Midoriya for being different. His constant mumbling. Being babied by his mom. Not having a dad in his life. Etc.
So when Bakugou tells Midoriya to take a swan dive off the roof and pray he's born normal in his next life, Midoriya listens. And this breaks Bakugou. He can't handle the fact that he's the reason his childhood friend is dead. He can't accept that Midoriya is gone. So his mind creates a world where Deku is alive, and is given great power to become a hero. They had both wanted to be police officers when they grew up, hero is the next best thing.
Hearing his delusions of "quirks" and "the shitty Deku thinks he can be a hero", his parents put him in UA's mental institution. Doctors try to bring him back to reality, but it doesn't work. The head nurse for disturbed children in his wing? Aizawa Shouta. A stern yet caring man.
There Bakugou meets Iida. A severely autistic boy who moves much like a robot and has moments where he just starts to run. (Strict parents who don't want to understand him)
Uraraka, a homeless girl who thinks she can float. She has to be kept from jumping off of things.
Kirishima, he can't really feel pain and will randomly run into walls.
Kaminari, he likes to stick things in light sockets to electrocute himself.
Mina, a girl who damaged her brain by using the drug acid. She likes to pour things on herself to make herself slippery.
Tokoyami, Schizophrenic, hears voices from shadows. His parents found a severed crow's head in his room that he was keeping as a pet. Says the darkness wants to control him and that he's possessed by a demon.
Todoroki, a pyromaniac. He's been obsessed with burning sensations ever since his mother poured boiling water on his face to deal with the stress of her abusive husband. Todoroki set his older brother on fire and blamed it on his dad.
Hagakure, was ignored by her parents and siblings to the point of it being abuse. She grew to believe she was invisible and started acting out because of it. When caught, she assumed her clothes were the reason she was caught and tried to remove them to get away.
Yaoyorozu, the stress of being a perfect child drove her insane, she binge eats until she throws up.
Sato, was denied sweets most of his life. To retaliate, he would eat sweets in secret. The sugar rush makes him feel strong. He beat his parents during a sugar rush because they tried to stop him. He believes he needs the sugar to be strong.
Mineta, became uncontrollably perverted after being molested by an aunt.
Tsuyu, believes she is a frog. It's her minds way of coping after witnessing her whole family be murdered.
Sero, has body Dysmorphia. He feels his arms are unnatural, especially his elbows. Likes to keep them wrapped in duct tape.
Jirou, sensitive to sound, cut her earlobes off in a fit when her father wouldn't turn down his music.
Aoyama, in an attempt to gain his parents love after admitting to being a trans girl, she bedazzled herself to make herself beautiful so they would love her. Believes that to be beautiful to others she needs to sparkle.
Kouda, believes he can communicate with animals. Is selectively mute with humans.
Shoji, believes he is the reincarnation of an Indian goddess with multiple arms.
Ojiro, likes to wear strap on tails, believes he needs to wear them. Traumatized after seeing his parents foreplay using a anal plug with a tail.
Shinso, refuses to speak after being muzzled in his foster home as a child for being a manipulative liar. Believes if he sparkles he can make people do what he wants.
Yagi, maintenance man. Retired from the US army after being hit with schrapnel from a bomb. Likes to spend time with the kids because most don't get visitors.
Yamada, tutor to the kids, specializes in English. Is a little hard of hearing in his left hear after being taken to a loud concert as a child.
Nedzu, owner and main doctor at UA.
Kayama, visits on weekends do do arts and crafts with the kids. Works as an Anesthesiologist at a neighboring hospital.
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silencedfalcon · 7 years
my stupid tags:
updated tag list: 
#boom boom man - bakugou
#stop drinking the bone hurting juice - midoriya
#eye man - aizawa
#scream man - present mic
#nyoom nyoom sharkman - kirishima
#bi colored heterochromiac fire and ice male - todoroki
#matryoshka girl - yaoyorozu
#i hate the new iphone because i can't plug into it - jirou
#i wish he discharged washi tape - sero
#secret french government spy - aoyama
#o-cha-cha-cha-ko - uraraka
#sonic bootleg - iida
#an excellent student with no clear weaknesses - tsuyu
#pikachu's son - kaminari
#stop excluding her from the bakusquad - ashido
#tokoyummy - tokoyami
#deflated skeleton man - all might
#best mom - inko midoriya
#secret seventh holder - nana shimura
#fatgum - fatgum
#cleanse this fucking earth - chisaki
#not from the fantastic four but still fantastic anyways - hagakure
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