siempre-bucky · 1 year
ex-friends till the end
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Jake 'Hangman" Seresin
Summary: Bradley and Jake's son asks them innocently "Are you friends?" It sends Jake into a spiral and Bradley saves the day.
wc: 1.2k
a/n: @mothdruid and i agree that FOB and Bang the Doldrums is hangster coded. Enjoy the fluff ♡
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Jake was treading lightly in the darkened living room, dimly illuminated by the golden lights from the upstairs hallway. 
His green eyes focused on the mahogany wood flooring in front of him as his arms cradled a sleeping boy, the orange heeler plushie tapping his back with every step. The soft snores and puffs of warm breath against his neck almost deterred him from not making a sound. Did he say it was that panel? He thought as he carefully stepped over a board his husband swore he was going to fix. Husband, he let out a quiet scoff at the title Bradley Bradshaw held. After all this time he couldn’t wrap his head around it. 
Making it to the stairs, he clutched on tighter to the boy in the airplane pajamas. Before he could take a step, the stuffed animal slipped from the 5-year-olds hand and collided with the floor. The boy twitched followed by a soft whine. Perhaps he could leave it there till morning? “Bingo,” he whined, calling out for the toy. 
Jake rolled his eyes, “Hold on, Nicky,” he grunted, turning to bend over and pick up the beloved toy. “Let’s get to bed.” 
Nick nuzzled his face in his father's neck and gripped tighter onto Bingo’s tail as Jake started to climb the stairs. “Is daddy gonna read me a story?” 
“I’m sure he will, son," Jake cooed, peering around the corner. His words came soft and slow as he turned into the bedroom, drawing them out for signature dramatics, "looks like it," he whispered just in time to see Bradley pull open the blanket from the once neatly made bed. 
Jake stood still a moment to take it in; Bradley's hazel eyes flashed upward, a soft smile forming on his lips. He traded in his Hawaiian shirt that night for a dark gray Henley, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The blond's heart stopped for the briefest of moments as the yellow stars from Nick's night light danced across his husband's tanned skin. 
He wanted to make some snarky comment about all his Hawaiian shirts being dirty and earn a cold look from the older man. But he didn't, the want of savoring this moment outweighed any remark; he put it on file in his mind to bring out later. 
"How are you still awake?" Bradley sighed, smirking as he stood to full height. Nick turned in his dad's arms and shrugged before being sat down. "You're just like your dad," he remarked, covering Nick's legs with the blanket and pressing a scratchy kiss to his temple. 
"Seresin resilience," Jake winked. He lowered himself beside the child, his arm splayed across the pillows while Bradley sat at the foot of the bed with his arms crossed. 
As the two men lowered their eyes at each other in trademark annoyance, Nick reached for the picture books resting on his lime green bedside table. He smiled as he flipped through them, ultimately landing one of his favorites. The book was written by a friend of his grandpa's, a vibrantly colored one all about unlikely friendships and how to work as a team. 
Nick looked up from the cover, his hazel eyes shifting between his two fathers. They did this a lot; staring at each other not knowing if tense words were going to be exchanged or a long slow kiss. He held the book against his chest as fell back against the pillows, rolling into Jake's side. "Dad…" the men broke out of their trance and immediately diverted their gaze, "Are you and daddy friends?" 
There was a small pause, the men’s faces slightly scrunching as they processed the question. “Well we’re married, son,” Jake avoided the answer. He didn’t really know the answer, he just hoped it was enough for the five-year-old; it was never enough for Nick, he was the type of kid who needed a solid yes or no answer, no highway option. 
The boy pouted and sunk lower into Jake’s side, “Well,” he sighed impatiently, “Rebecca's parents are married and she told me on the swings that they hate each other."
"We don't hate each other, Nicky," Bradley entered the conversation. 
"So are you friends?" Nick tilted his chin upward at Jake.
The world felt sour on Jake’s tongue. Friends. Were they friends? They’d known each other most of their adult lives and carried several titles in their relationship, Jake could even count most of them. Friends seemed like a gray area. 
The moment their eyes locked back in flight school, they were off. Flying after each other faster on the ground than in the air. Jake could remember him back then, thin and bare upper-lipped; he could vaguely remember how smooth it felt when Bradley kissed his neck. Were the late night rendezvous to watch television and make out sessions behind the planes enough to consider them friends? Lovers maybe? Lovers from the start. 
 But maybe they were friends at some point in their history somewhere in between quickies and long nights spent in messed up sheets. After training, most days, they'd sit in the bed of Jake's truck, limbs innocently tangled up in each other and looking up at the planes zooming past them thousands of feet in the air. Jake shared the stories of growing up in Texas, knee deep in old money he'd never receive a cent of. 
Bradley kept tight lipped about his past until a training detachment in San Diego when he nearly lost it. Tears threatened to fall from a young Bradley Bradshaw when his toes hit the sand of the beach his father took him as a child. The two men sat in the middle of the sand, Bradley's head on Jake's shoulder while he poured his heart out to him. Because that's what friends did. 
Jake snorted at the thought of them as "ex-friends", that was a better definition of their relationship. The fallout was bitter with scathing words they didn't mean and wounded prides. Bradley slammed the door so hard it came loose off the hinges while Jake opened it forcefully enough to rip it clean off chasing after him. Took years off their relationship; near death took them apart but it also put them back together. 
It was better that way. Easier for his brain to compute. Jake looked down at Nick who was looking up at him with wide hopeful eyes. He opened his mouth, prepared to fumble a sentence that would go right over the child's head. 
"Best friends," Bradley intercepted. Jake tried to hold onto a straight face, but the shock and awe of his face journey made his husband laugh. 
Nick smiled brightly and that was enough for his parents. He snuggled against Jake and held his plushie close to his chest, prompting the stunned blond to read. 
He was asleep by the third page. 
"So," Jake started as he closed the bedroom door behind him, taking one last look at their son before looking at Bradley with a signature cocky smirk, "Best friends, huh?" 
Bradley looked unimpressed, his lips dipped downward into an annoyed scowl. "You want a friendship bracelet or something?" He asked sarcastically as they walked down the hallway, his hand finding purchase on Jake's lower back. 
Jake playfully slapped Bradley's chest, "Yeah if fact I do. Yellow and red, like your helmet," he answered, taunting him. 
A week later, on his desk, Jake came back to his office to see a handmade friendship bracelet. And a week after that, a black and green one showed up on Roosters. 
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iscience02 · 1 year
hmm I need to see a sershaw fic based on this now
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haderaide · 11 months
Don’t ask me why and I can’t explain it:
Jake texting Bradley: hey shithead, saw this and thought of you
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diadotcom · 7 days
the best thing about my sereshaw afl au is that i don’t have to research american shit because now Everyone Is Australian and i now don’t have to become accustomed social differences
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Reading Icemav and hangster while eating ramen from a cup with half my laundry done cuz I can
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floydsglasses · 11 months
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Your telling me I could have met this man FIVE WEEKS AGO WHEN I WAS IN THE CITY, I hate everything. On off note he look's really good, and even though I dont like sequels I hope im not let down by this one,And if you want proof I have picture of me being stuck in OKC traffic.
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broketraveler87 · 10 months
Learning to Fly Chapter 1
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djchika · 2 years
Hmmmm I guess I’m drawing again
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mrtashiduncan · 1 year
hey man, I stumbled upon your sershaw fic headcanons on Tumblr but I can't seem to find a master list on your blog. can you please send it to me? I would love to read it thank youuu!!!
hi! unfortunately I haven't tagged any of my headcanon posts with anything particular beyond 'sereshaw', which is an oversight on my part - sorry about that, friend.
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siempre-bucky · 1 year
can I request "I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you" with hangster 🙈
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
Summary: Bradley wants to go public, Jake doesn't mind being a secret.
wc: 1.1k
A/N: baby I'll give you anything you want!!!!!
Join my blurb weekend!
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"What about this one?" Bradley asked, masking the growing irritation in his tone. He gripped the sides of his phone and lowered it so Jake could see it from his spot on the bottom bunk. 
The blond looked up from his phone and braced himself for what he'd see. It was a nice photo of him and Bradley walking along the beach, their hands clasped together was the only thing visible. His heart started to race, he could clearly see the design of his watch—they'd know it was him. 
"Maybe somethin' more discreet, Roos?" He suggested cautiously. The older man audibly sighed and Jake could feel the annoyance from above. 
"How can we be more discreet?" He gruffed, hurriedly sitting up. 
The 'soft launch' was Rooster's idea after a year of loving the other pilot in silence. The silence was Hangman's idea. It wasn't that he was embarrassed of who he was or who he was with, it was the fear of what would come after it. 
"Just find something else." 
"Find something else," Bradley repeated bitterly under his breath, letting his phone fall on top of his chest. He'd lost track of how long this was taking, choosing one single photo to share with their friends once they got back to shore. He wondered what Jake's problem was anyway, most of them knew about their relationship. 
Bradley loved Jake and just wanted to be able to share his love with everyone. He picked his phone back up, swiping a few times before the screen landed on his favorite photo. A screenshot from a video he took while on vacation to the Seresin Ranch, Jake came up behind him and wrapped his arm around his waist, and lovingly kissed him while Bradley looked like he had never been happier. 
"I'm going to find food," Jake announced, standing up and tugging on his fleece jacket. Bradley wanted to roll his eyes and mutter a dismissive response, but he wasn't like that. 
Swinging his legs over the edge, he jumped down off the bed with a thud, shoving his phone in his back pocket. "We agreed to this, Jake," he reminded his boyfriend sternly. 
"Yeah, I know. Maybe we could hold off, wait till we're back on shore." All Bradley could do was roll his eyes at the nonchalance. On shore would turn into a week, then two, then a month. He was tired of keeping them a secret. 
"Why are you so against this? It's been a year!" Bradley raised his voice. 
Jake turned to face him, zipping up his jacket. "I'm not," he said plainly. 
"It's just a fucking picture, Jake." 
Just a picture. Jake swallowed and shifted his gaze to look at the metal floor holding them up. That picture would lead to comments and texts of congratulations and then they would lead to Bradley realizing Jake wasn't the one and would leave him. He would have to deal with the looks of pity, not feeling worthy of a celebrated love. 
"I want the world to know how much I love you. I want them to know you're mine!" Jake didn't blame him for the passionate yelling. 
He didn't mind being a secret if it meant keeping Bradley. He was used to being a secret, it felt comfortable. The one time he let someone share their secret left him scarred. 
"You'll leave," Jake whispered moments later. 
There was another long and grueling silence. Bradley's eyes opened wide he swore they were going to pop out of his head and his cheeks were red with frustration. "What the hell does that mean?" Bradley huffed, putting his hands on his hips. 
Jake's fingers twitched at his side and he longed for a way out. The door was right there, calling his name but Bradley repeating his question was louder.  
He stepped closer to the other man, tilting his chin slightly to meet his stare, "You'll realize that this was better as a secret. I'm better as a secret." 
Bradley's cheeks grew a deeper shade of scarlet. His eyebrows were so low, he was surprised he could still keep Jake in focus.  
His name was Jack, a fellow pilot he met while at Top Gun. Jake felt like a fool, believing he was worthy of someone who thought of him beyond the combines of his house. He dumped him 2 days after posting a picture of the two of them while at dinner. "This was a bad idea. Sorry" Jake had never felt so low. He was left with the fallout and the "Oh bless his heart" comments. 
Rooster's calls echoed in his ears, bringing him back to reality. "I don't want to keep secrets just to keep you, Jake!" He shouted, taking a few steps back. "I've been in love with you for as long as I've known you. Everybody knows how much I love you." 
"Bradley—" he choked out. 
"Why would I leave when I just got you? I've made so many plans," Bradley’s voice calmed, calmed enough to step forward and cup Jake's cheek. His face finally softened once he saw the sadness displayed across Jake's features. Jake's skin was cold as he swiped along his cheek, catching the tear that had unknowingly slipped, "But I'd give you anything you wanted." 
And with that, Bradley let him go and retreated back to the trenches. Jake stood there a moment, frozen and trying to process Bradley's reassurance. He was loved, he was loved, and he'd continue to be loved. 
Bradley woke up the next morning with a grim reminder of last night with a terrible headache. "Fuck," he groaned, sleepily searching for his phone. After finding it under his pillow, he tapped the screen and squinted at the sudden brightness. His notifications were standard…except one from Instagram. 
jake.seresin tagged you in a post 
His heart skipped a beat and his chest fluttered as he opened it. It was his favorite photo of the two of them. No caption, no location, and the comments turned off—just a tag on the center. @bradbradshaw. He checked the timestamp, determining that he posted it in the middle of the night. 
He flung the top half of his frame over the edge, seeing Jake sleeping peacefully below him. Expertly, he climbed down and straddled the man. "Jesus!" Jake yelped, startled awake by the sudden weight. "Bradshaw, what the fuck?" He blinked the sleep away and settled his hand on Bradley’s hips. 
All Bradley could do was smile down at him, allowing himself to be in sheer bliss. "I saw what you did," he said, pushing some of Jake's bedhead back into place. "I love you." 
Jake took his finger and curled it around Bradley's dog tags, pulling him down for a good morning kiss, "I love you too, Bradshaw."
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remsthoughts · 2 years
I need sershaw Set it Up Au recommendations, pls. I’m desperate.
-Rem <3
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chailame · 4 years
Just finished Little Women. Queen Sershaw is beautiful and heartbreaking as Jo. With that being said, can I have 2 hours stand alone movie of Timothée wooing Florence please 😌
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Fantasy Baseball Day-to-day Notes for July 9
New Post has been published on https://othersportsnews.com/fantasy-baseball-day-to-day-notes-for-july-9/
Fantasy Baseball Day-to-day Notes for July 9
five:fifty nine PM ET
Todd ZolaFantasy
Crafting on fantasy baseball activity theory and participant evaluation considering that 1997
Winner of the 2013 Fantasy Athletics Writer’s Affiliation Best Baseball Report
The past slate just before the All-Star break functions a pair of previous Cy Youthful winners in Clayton Kershaw and Corey Kluber. Whilst our groups advantage from the further start, neither ace will be functioning in Tuesday’s Mid-Summer Classic. There is also a solid team of pitchers and hitters most likely obtainable to end the pseudo-to start with fifty percent on a large note.
Pitchers to Stream
Joe Ross (R), 25 per cent possession in ESPN leagues, Washington Nationals vs. Atlanta Braves: You would not know it from wanting at Ross’ year-lengthy stats, but he is moving into the break on a large note. Over his earlier four starts, the Nationals’ starter is sporting a two.36 Period and 1.24 WHIP spanning 26 two/three innings, hanging out a respectable 22 batters over that stretch. Ross is in a wonderful place to go on the roll, going through a Braves offense in the lower third of the league as opposed to correct-handers.
Trevor Cahill (R), 23 per cent, San Diego Padres at Philadelphia Phillies: Cutting to the chase: What Cahill did just before the break was additional reality than fluke, even though he is thanks some Period correction. In reality, he is a nice target to improve your employees over the second fifty percent. Far better nonetheless, the most likely postbreak plan has Cahill missing the sequence in Colorado, instead going through the weak-hitting Giants twice. Speaking of gentle offenses, Cahill closes out the to start with fifty percent with 1 of the weakest lineups in the league as opposed to righties, also providing sizeable strikeout upside.
Patrick Corbin (L), fifteen per cent, Arizona Diamondbacks vs. Cincinnati Reds: Corbin continues to pitch just effectively adequate to maintain his rotation place. On Sunday, the hope is he pitches just effectively adequate to report a earn, grabbing some strikeouts alongside the way as the Diamondbacks should score at will going through Homer Bailey. To his credit history, Corbin’s 8.1 K/9 and two.six BB/9 are equally suitable making it possible for homers at a 1.fifty one HR/9 clip has been his difficulty. To that finish, he’ll delight in the platoon edge on Joey Votto and Scott Schebler, two of the Reds’ major electric power sources.
Jerad Eickhoff (R), 7 per cent, Philadelphia Phillies vs. San Diego Padres: If Eickhoff was returning from most other clubs, the safe and sound route would be giving him a start to get back again in the swing of matters just after browsing the disabled record. On the other hand, no staff whiffs additional with a correct-hander on the hill than the Padres.
Pitchers to Avoid
J.A. Happ (L), fifty seven per cent, Toronto Blue Jays vs. Houston Astros: Happ has pitched superior these days, but except your past title rhymes with Kale or Sershaw, no southpaw is safe and sound from this offense.
Really don’t fall Brad Brach just nonetheless. Zach Britton did not fare effectively in his to start with overall look off the DL, so it really is not a absolutely sure point he’ll get the following preserve option. Furthermore, when he does get the closer work back again, temper expectations in phrases of saves, regardless of how he is throwing the ball. Some investigation I a short while ago done reveals that saves correlate to staff wins alongside with a lower Period, resulting in a higher proportion of wins that are saved. The Orioles usually are not likely to earn as several games as they did the earlier couple seasons, with a large Period remaining a chief explanation. As this kind of, Britton’s preserve full should put up with.
Projected activity scores
GS is the projected activity score for the pitcher. A “*” signifies that the pitcher lacks requisite occupation major league data to generate an correct score these are the author’s ratings.
Jason Castro (L), forty seven per cent, Minnesota Twins vs. Baltimore Orioles (RHP Ubaldo Jimenez): There is certainly a slew of lefty-hitting Twins to think about on Sunday, led by Castro. Jimenez sneaks a gem in now and once more, but all round, he delivers a favorable matchup for still left-handed batters. Joining Castro with the platoon edge are Max Kepler, Eddie Rosario and the swap-hitting Kennys Vargas, Eduardo Escobar and Robbie Grossman.
Initial Base
Yuli Gurriel (R), forty eight per cent, Houston Astros at Toronto Blue Jays (LHP J.A. Happ): Most of the Astros are most likely by now on a roster, with Gurriel and it’s possible Alex Bregman the exceptions. As described earlier, Happ is pitching effectively, but it really is however worth getting some exposure to the Astros if feasible. As a club, they’re sporting a .379 weighted on foundation regular (wOBA) as opposed to lefties over the earlier month.
Second Base
Joe Panik (L), 24 per cent, San Francisco Giants vs. Miami Marlins (RHP Jose Urena): Urena is quietly getting a breakout year, even though he is however susceptible to lefties. Panik hits out of the second place in the order, preceded by recurrent visitor to this space, fellow lefty Denard Span. Also in engage in is Brandon Crawford.
3rd Base
David Freese (R), five per cent, Pittsburgh Pirates at Chicago Cubs (LHP Jon Lester): Whilst he hasn’t been a full bust, for what it expense to purchase his products and services in the spring, Lester has been a major disappointment, in massive portion thanks to troubles as opposed to righty swingers. Freese no extended performs every single day, but with a southpaw on the hill, he’ll most likely be in the lineup.
Tim Anderson (R), 8 per cent, Chicago White Sox at Colorado Rockies (LHP Kyle Freeland): Anderson has by now displayed his pop this weekend at Coors Discipline and is wanting to flex his muscles once more, going through the still left-handed Freeland.
Corner Infield
Luke Voit (R), two per cent, St. Louis Cardinals vs. New York Mets (LHP Steven Matz): With Aledmys Diaz demoted to Triple-A, the Cardinals have shuffled their infield, transferring Matt Carpenter to second with Voit finding a look at to start with foundation. Sunday offers a obstacle with Matz on the hill, but with the southpaw’s whiffs way down, Voit is in a good place to just take benefit and demonstrate off some electric power.
Middle Infield
Asdrubal Cabrera (B), eleven per cent, New York Mets at St. Louis Cardinals (RHP Lance Lynn): Lynn is 1 of the several hurlers sporting regular whiff and walk rates but surrendering homers by the bushel. The Mets have many lefties or swap-hitters capable of getting benefit. Cabrera is featured from the No. two place, but also think about leadoff male Curtis Granderson, Lucas Duda and probably the a short while ago activated Michael Conforto.
David Peralta (L), 38 per cent, Arizona Diamondbacks vs. Cincinnati Reds (RHP Homer Bailey): I consider to make a level to introduce new names to this space, but often a stalwart is in way too good a place to be disregarded. Bailey did pitch incredibly effectively past time at Coors, but formerly, he was strike hard in his to start with two starts just after lastly debuting in late June. Peralta has been scuffling, but with A.J. Pollock back again in entrance of him and Paul Goldschmidt and Jake Lamb pursuing, it shouldn’t be lengthy just before Peralta is locked in once more.
Shin-Soo Choo (L), 26 per cent, Texas Rangers vs. Los Angeles Angels (RHP JC Ramirez): Whilst Choo’s on-foundation expertise have declined from his key, a .367 is suitable for a leadoff male in present day activity. That is where by Choo will be on Sunday, hitting to start with from a righty toting a generous .405 wOBA as opposed to lefties.
Matt Joyce (L), two per cent, Oakland Athletics at Seattle Mariners (RHP Felix Hernandez): We are going to near out the pre-break festivities with a hat-idea to ESPN researcher Kyle Soppe, who notes that Hernandez is giving up big quantities to lefty swingers as they’re hitting .321 from him this year. Even further, Hernandez’s by now declining swinging strike charge continues to plummet. When Joyce makes make contact with as opposed to a correct-hander, good matters ensue, as evidenced by a .207 ISO.
Hitter matchup ratings
Notes: Hitter ratings account for the opposing setting up pitcher’s historical past (3 years’ worth, as effectively as the earlier 21 days) and ballpark aspects. “LH” and “RH” ratings account only for still left- and correct-handed batters, respectively. Weighted on-foundation regular (wOBA) is the principal statistic employed in the calculation. Scores selection from 1 to 10, with 10 symbolizing the greatest feasible matchup, statistically talking, and 1 symbolizing the worst. So, for example, a 10 is a should-start score, whereas a 1 should be prevented (if feasible) a 1-two is bad, three-four is fair, five-six is regular, 7-8 is incredibly good and 9-10 is outstanding.
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yikes-00 · 2 years
If anyone would be so kind as to start hunting me for sport every time i think of a new story idea when I’m bored at work that would be greatly appreciated
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broketraveler87 · 10 months
Learning to Fly Chapter 1
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My newest Top Gun story has launched!
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siempre-bucky · 1 year
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Bradley Bradshaw, District Seven, victor, Capitol Favorite, unwavering like the trees around him. "You think this is a game, Bradley?" "It's all a game, Jake! Or did you forget that?"
-The Hunger Games Hangster AU @mothdruid and I will never write
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