#sh texas
countryhumans-trash · 20 days
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loopy-calico · 20 days
The reread has begun...
I've gotten to tommyknockers (a bit after the cave collapse), but it'll take a few weeks to reread it all and also make full-color stuff for it. so uh. for now.
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basic designs + hats bc I literally always forget them
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Russia's trying to stay calm for the others. he just met them so he doesn't wanna seem weak. he'd rather be seen as angry- he cant let the others see through him.
loui has a KNIFE. and shes not afraid to use it.
although she, too, is terrified and doesn't know how to handle any of this. wasn't everything normal just a few weeks ago?
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Texas is very paranoid. any noise or slight movement could be a threat out here, and what if he cant stop whatevers coming for them? he doesn't wanna let dad down...
Canada is also trying to keep composure. tries to be there for the states and keep himself level headed. he thought it would be easy, but after the car incident, he isn't sure it is.
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Mass knows he isn't handling this well. its too overwhelming, and dad is gone, and it seems like his emotions are even more off the handle than usual. he doesn't mean to yell or cry, but he cant seem to stop himself.
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justskulkingaround · 1 year
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slasher-dasher · 8 months
Of you are comfortable can you write headcanons for
Brahms, Billy, Stu, Bubba, OG!Micheal myers, and Jason Voorhees reaction to seeing their s/o with fresh or old SH marks/Scars?
Comfort headcanons with them would be *mwah!* cheifs kiss
(Anon I'm so sorry this took so long, I hope you enjoy!!)
Slashers Reactions to Seeing S/O's Scars
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Hard to hide them (if you are) since his eyes are constantly on you. If you're not, he stares at them before asking questions, (He's very blunt, the only scars he knows about are burn scars for... obvious reasons-)
Speaking of, since he has his burn scars, so he knows how to care for yours, and he is so so careful about cleaning and wrapping them. The last thing you need is a worried Brahms and an infection
Rubs them sometimes, usually when you're asleep or if you two are cuddling. It's always absentmindedly, and once he realizes he's doing it, he stops and hugs you
He wears his mask less around you, generally because he trusts you and partially because he knows you won't push him away. The support goes both ways in this house!!
Wraps you in his cardigan for comfort, especially if he sees fresh marks
Very very mindful about where he clings to you, he doesn't want to hurt you
Billy Loomis:
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It takes him a bit to process, but once he does he's looking up as much as possible, but ends up getting frustrated at all the information and just asks what he can do to support you
His biggest tactic on a bad day is distraction, usually by asking to take a walk or watching a movie. If that doesn't work, he gets you a cold water and sits with you. He's much more of a listener than a talker
Will punch anyone who upsets you because of them (and in general). Don't expect to see that person again
If he sees fresh marks, he won't comment on them but he will look at them every once in a while to make sure they're healing properly
Overdramatic kisses, like he's saying "mmmwah" on every scar to make you giggle. He's trying to make sure you feel safe and comfortable around him by knowing he'll never judge you
Stu Macher:
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Harm-reduction master. He knows all the techniques and figures out what works best for you
Also helps you figure out any triggers you may have and how to navigate them when he is and isn't home! He wants to make sure you'll be safe either way
Wraps you in a blanket and comforts you on a bad day. Makes you tea, gets your favorite snacks, sets up the TV for your favorite movies/shows, and plays with your hair on the couch all while showering you in support
Tries his best not to look worried but is internally screaming whenever you're hurt, he's a very emotional guy when it comes to you
He trusts you though, and does his best to make sure you know he's always available if you need him
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Texas heat means he likely sees them from day one. At first he thinks they were caused by others, but if/when he sees fresh marks he puts the pieces together
He doesn't want you to have a heatstroke while working, but he also wants to make sure you're comfortable, so he'll send his brothers away and stay close to you around the farm
He does technically know how to clean and dress wounds, but he does get a bit panicked because it's you he's helping, not just one of his brothers who got unlucky while chasing a tourist
Makes sure his brothers don't joke about them or use them against you. Drayton made a comment once and he lost his mind.
Happily and regularly checks up on you, he sees it as part of his routine to ask you how you are just in case you need him but don't know how to approach him
OG!Michael Myers:
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He's indifferent about them for the most part
On one hand, he's lived around people who had scars practically his whole life, so he's used to seeing them in general. On the other, he wasn't used to seeing them on you, and he took a little longer than usual to process the first time he saw them
Has many of his own, and isn't shy about showing you them if it would help you feel more comfortable around him.
Knows how to tend to his own wounds, so he doesn't mind tending to yours
Support headpats. They're his "I love you/I'm here for you"
Sticks around you more than usual for a while, just to make sure you're alright, you might even get a hug if he's feeling brave. He'll even get in bed and cuddle if you've had a really bad day
Will kill anyone who comments on them in any way that makes you upset.
Jason Voorhees:
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Doesn't quite understand them, which makes him very curious.
Always taps your shoulder to get your attention if he wants to see them, and nods and kisses your forehead if you say no
He truly does mean well though, he wants to know how to help you if you're in distress (and in general)
Makes sure to bring you a gift every day! Most of the time it's flowers he found around camp, but he will settle for a nice leaf as well
Tells you you're beautiful/handsome all the time (through sign and body language too). He did this before knowing too, but the guy loves giving you words of affirmation, even if he can't speak them
Kisses them often, his mom always used to do that when he got hurt, and it helped him, so he figures it'll help you a little bit too
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theboneyardarts · 11 months
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I'm @ artbyjaspermc on Instagram! Got a lot I forgot to post, but this is the most recent
(click for better resolution)
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scrapnick · 2 years
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“… also it sort of rules…”
I saw an Evil Woman top and it just tore me straight out of my art paralysis to make a quick Carrie Anne doodle with it!
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~New York gets turned into a child~
⚠️TW⚠️ mentions of implied abuse, some angst, some characters might be OOC, mention of potions
‘Goddangit…’Louisiana thought to himself as one of the potions he was experimenting with turned to a dull blackish-purple color, meaning it had been a failed potion. He was trying to see if he could make some new potions that could help speed up the process of healing, but alas his attempts were not successful. Loui sighed and stood up from his little floor table that he used for crafts and made his way downstairs to rid of the failed potion.
As he walked into the kitchen he saw New York leaning on the counter with his phone in his hand. "Hey York." He said with a bright smile.
York’s eyes flicked up from his phone to look at the shorter state. "Hey." He gave the younger a smallish smile before turning back to his phone. Perhaps he’ll manage to escape engaging in small talk. Sike b*tch-
"How are you sha?" Loui said. ‘F(speaks New York)’ The Empire State thought to himself.
"Aight den." Said the Pelican State, understanding that his friend didn’t want to talk right now. He started walking to the sink when all of a sudden the Dakotas came speeding through the kitchen, bumping into him which made him fall back into York and spill the potion on the taller.
Thankfully, York managed to catch him before he could bust his head open on the cold hard ground (OH, OH, TROUBLE, TROUBLE 😫✨).
"Omg I’m so sorry York!! D*mn it how could be so f(speaks New Orleans)in’ clumsy…" Loui said frantically as he regained his balance.
"It’s fine kid." York said, "It wasn’t yer fault, so don’t beat ya self up over it."
"O-ok den.. Ya might wanna get a differen’ shirt tho sha." The shorter of the two said.
"Yea I know." York said. He started walking up to his room when suddenly he felt a bit dizzy. He stumbled a bit as he passed the kitchen island and grabbed onto it for support. He was secretly hoping and praying that Louisiana hadn’t noticed, but alas we don’t all get what we want.
"Woah, are ya ok sha?!"
"I-I’m fine."
"Are ya sure? Yer stumbling more than fourth grade me in ELA when the teacher asked me to presen’ ma work to da class." Loui said, kinda concerned for his friend.
"Yes I’m sure."
"Ok den…"
York regained his balance and started walking towards the stairs. Unfortunately, he barely made it out of the kitchen before he lost consciousness and fell to the floor, and to add insult to injury, hit his head on the tile floor.
After hearing a thud, Loui looked up from whatever he was doing, sprang to his feet and rushed to New York’s side. "York!!!" He yelled as he lifted up the taller and pulled him into his chest. Apparently, he yelled it loud enough to get the attention of Massachusetts, who ran into the room as fast as he could to see what was happening.
"What the fa(speaks Boston) is goin’ on here?!" The older shouted, confused as to why there was yelling, but his face dropped when he saw his younger brother unconscious in Louisiana’s arms. He ran over to where Loui was knelt down with his brother, "Holy sh*t, is he alright?!?!"
"I-I d-dont know sha! He was a-actin’ a-all weird and and-"
"Lou, bud I’m going to need you to calm down." The older said, trying to get the other to calm down and breathe so he could explain what happened. Yes, Mass was internally panicking, but he needed to address the situation calmly. "C’mon, breathe…. Yep just like that kid… Good job I guess. Now can you tell me what the fa(speaks Boston) happened?"
"Ok ok…" Loui started, finally gaining control of his breathing again."He was actin’ a-all weird and stumblin’ an’ sh*t, so I asked im’ if he was aight. He said yes, so I d-decided to jus’ ignore it. Next thang I heard was a thud, so I looked up an’ saw York on the flo’ unconscious."
"Ok thanks I guess…. Give im’ ere’." Mass said, taking his brother in his arms when his friend handed him over. He gently moved his brother’s coat out of the way so he could check his pulse in his neck, secretly happy to find a pulse. He then grabbed York’s arm so he could check his pulse in his wrist. Mass rolled up York’s sleeve, trying his best to not look at the SH scars that lined his brother’s arm, and checked his pulse, finding similar results. "Aight there d-doesn’t seem to be any severely wrong with im’."
"What is wrong wit’ him doe?" The other state said.
"Ya said ‘severely’, which sorta implies dat dere’s somethin’ wrong wit’ im’ sha."
"Oh- OH… yea the entire thang’s existence is kind of an issue itself." Mass said with chuckle. Loui just rolled his eyes and laughed a bit.
"I’ll just bring im’ to his room and let im’ rest. He probably passed out from sleep deprivation seeing as this dumb*ss never sleeps." The Bay State said as he stood up and picked his brother.
"And you do?" Loui said, giving the shorter a teasing look and smirk.
"Oh shut tf up, yer one to talk." Mass said, giving the younger a glare.
"Touché. I’ll see ya lata’ I guess. Bye Mass."
"Later kid." Mass said. He walked up the stairs with New York in his arms, ignoring any weird stares he received. Once he got to the NE’s floor of the statehouse he started walking down to the end of the hall where York’s room was, but soon got stopped by somebody calling his name.
"Mass! Hold up!" He stopped and turned around to see Pennsylvania running after him and eventually come to a stop as well.
"The f(speaks Boston) do ya want Penn?" He said.
"*pant* *pant* I was coming to see if somethin’ was wrong cuz I saw Yorkie in ya arms, and I know that he neva’ lets anybody pick him up willingly. Is he alright?" Penn said once he caught his breath.
"I don’t know exactly wha’ happened, I heard a bunch of shoutin’, asked what happened, and Lou said he passed out. I checked on im’, and there seemed to be nothin’ wrong with im’ other than his entire existence ofc. Apparently he also hit his head real hard." The shorter responded and gestured towards the slight mark on the side of his brother’s head.
"Oh dang…. Why do you uh…-think he passed out?" Penn asked.
"This idiot prolly passed out cuz he never fa(speaks Boston)in’ sleeps." Mass answered.
"Yea that’s likely. Do ya want me carry im’ for ya?" Asked the Keystone State, who held out his arms awaiting his fellow state’s response.
"Naw I got im’. He’s really light and easy to carry. Howeva’ ya can open his door so I don’t have to figure out how to do so without droppin’ im’."
Once they got the room, Mass set the taller, unconscious state on his bed and put a hoodie and sleeping shorts on him and left the room after.
3 hours later…..
A few of the states were all relaxing in the living room on the main floor of the statehouse (the statehouse has 6 floors, not counting the basement). Texas was reading a book in a corner, Florida was on his phone, Loui had fallen asleep covered by a blanket on Florida’s lap (my precious baby 🥺🥺🥺), Cali and NJ were watching whatever f(speaks Midwest)sh*t was on the TV, and Mass was cooking dinner.
The sudden memory of York still being unconscious in his room suddenly flashed into Mass’s room as he was cutting vegetables for the soup he was making. ‘Uh sh*t…’ "Hey can someone go check on York? It’s been three fa(speaks Boston)in’ hours and he still hasn’t come out his room." He shouted.
"No can do Masshole! I’ve got a sleeping Loui on top of me and moving would be kinda illegal right now." Florida said with a laugh.
"Yea that would be, though I neva’ expected yous to care whether somethin’ was illegal or not." Mass said.
"I’ll go. I ain’t got nothin’ better to do anyways." Tex piped up from wherever he was.
"JESUS- Where tf didja come from?!" New Jersey exclaimed, clearly startled by Texas seemingly coming out of nowhere.
"Uhh…. The corner….?"
"For somebody that’s that friggin’ tall yer awfully good at hidin’ dear lord…."
"Uh thanks..? I think?" Tex said, confused as to whether or not that was a compliment. He just shook it off and went upstairs to check on New York. Once he got to York’s room he knocked on the door.
No answer.
"York are ya there?"
Still no answer.
"New York?"
"New York, answer me."
"Aight im comin’ in Empire." Texas said before opening the door and stepping into York’s room. He looked over to where York’s bed was and was surprised when he didn’t see New York, but instead a small fragile looking child huddled in the corner looking terrified. "Hey! Who are you, and what’re ya doin’ ere’?" He half shouted as he started walking to the bed.
He stopped when the kid backed up even further in the corner (if that was even possible). He sighed and walked over to the bed and sat down at the end of it, farthest from the child. Tex noticed how the child’s eyes followed his every move. ‘Dang what is this so scared for…’ he thought to himself.
"Hey kiddo, no no… don’t be afraid, I ain’t gonna hurt ya." Texas said with a comforting smile. This seemed to calm the child down just a lil’ bit. Or at least enough that he was able to actually speak.
"W-who are y-you?? Where a-am I??" Asked the child.
"Texas. My name’s Texas." The older responded. "And you are at the statehouse, don’t you worry yer cute lil’ head, yer safe here."
"O-ok…" the kid mumbled. He gathered enough courage to get out the corner he had backed into.
Texas raised his hand to take off his hat, in hopes it would make him less intimidating, but stopped when he saw the kid flinched and let out a small whimper.
"Sorry I’m sorry! Pls don’t hurt me!!! I didn’t mean to….." the child yelled and started hyperventilating a bit. Texas took off his hat as quickly and swiftly as he could so he comfort the kid whilst not looking intimidating to the younger and hugged the child close.
"Hey hey… shh shh…. It’s ok…. You’re alright… I ain’t gonna hurt ya kid." The Lone Star State said calmly and quietly as he comforted the younger by hugging him close and rubbing his back gently. "Yer okay…. It’s alright…." Tex had successfully calmed the kid down. The child looked up at him from where he was on the older’s lap.
"N-new Y-York…." The kid mumbled.
"M-my name i-is New Y-York."
‘IM SORRY WHAT-‘ Texas thought to himself. ‘How is he a kid then?! And why is he so terrified of me?! York would never…. I’ll just play along I guess.’
"New York huh?" He questioned. The kid nodded with a small smile. He chuckled, "That’s a nice name."
"T-thank you s-sir."
"Aye now- Ya don’ hafta call me sir, just call me Texas or Tex like the others do." Texas said, wiggling a finger under the kid’s chin, making him giggle and push him away.
"Whahat others?" Asked the child with a confused expression on his face.
"The others that live with me." Tex replied.
"C-can I m-meet them?"
"Course’ let’s go!" The older said as he got up from the bed. The younger followed suit, but when he stood up he nearly fell right over. He would’ve fallen if Texas hadn’t been there to catch him.
"S-sorry s-sir- I mean Texas!!" The kid cried out, putting his hands/arms up in front of his face. This kinda caught Texas off guard. He knelt down in front of the kid and gently moved his hands out of his face.
"Hey hey hey, why’re ya apologizin’? Ya didn’t do anythin’ wrong."
"W-well my f-father thinks that it’s s-stupid t-that I s-stutter and s-stumble when I walk when I-I can’t r-really help it. He u-usually yells at m-me for it and tells me t-that I-I’m never going to amount to anything i-in life if I c-can’t even speak or w-walk properly." New York’s words broke Texas’s cold heart. Who in their right mind tells that to their kid?! That’s just sick! He was about to ask the kid who his father was and where he lived so he could go beat a b**ch up when he realized that this was past York, meaning his father was possibly not around anymore. He saw a single tear run down York’s face and instantly hugged him close (Tex’s mama bear instincts are kickin’ in now- not that he’s gonna tell you that).
"Hey hey hey…. It ain’t yer fault bud. Ya can’t help it, it’s just how you were born. Yer father has no right to blame ya for somethin’ that ya can’t control." Said Texas.
"Really. Now, do ya wan’ me to carry ya? So ya don’t fall on the floor or down the stairs?" The older suggested.
"Y-yes please." Said York (just to be clear, this is still past him, current him would never allow anyone to pick him up). The poor child was unable to comprehend the kindness he was receiving (poor baby’s so traumatized 🥺😭).
"Ok. Up you go!" Texas said as he picked the child up, and started chuckling when the kid climbed further into his arms and kicked a bit (prolly cuz he was now several feet off the ground). When he picked up the child, he tried to ignore how uncomfortably thin and light he was as he started heading downstairs.
When he got downstairs with le child:
"Hey y’all I think we may or may not have a slight problem." Texas said, kinda quietly cuz’ York was half asleep on his shoulder.
"Whaddya mean is he dead or some sh- oh….." Mass started to say as he walked out the kitchen wiping his hands with a towel.
"What is it- oh f(speaks Jersey)." Said Jersey, who had turned around from where he was on the couch.
"I-is that…?" Mass asked, with what Texas could describe as a sad or fearful expression on his face.
New York had now near fully woken up. "Mass!" He shouted with the most joy in his eyes that Texas had ever seen. The younger wriggled around to escape, so Tex put him down and let him run to his older brother, whom he hugged when he got to.
Mass hugged back as tightly as he could without hurting his little brother, and with little to no hesitation. "Y-Yorkie?" He asked despite knowing for a dang fact that this was his brother
"Mhm! You look so different, and relaxed for once, did s-something h-happen?" York asked, burying his head in the crook of Mass’s neck.
"Ummm….. Yea sure. I guess ya could say that." The older responded with a slight smile.
York looked at a smallish (emphasis on the "ish") cut that Mass had gotten when he was cutting veggies and let out a small gasp. "Mass you’re hurt!" He said grabbing his big brother’s hand.
"Huh?" Mass looked down at his hand. "Oh, hehe guess I am…. It’s just a small cut tho, no big deal."
"I-I know, but I t-thought you p-promised to not hurt y-yourself on p-purpose anymore!" The younger said sadly. There were a few shocked expressions from the others in the room except for Jersey, Connecticut, and Louisiana (who was still asleep on Florida’s lap 🥺).
"I know bud, don’t worry. I didn’t do it on purpose, I swear! I just accidentally hurt myself when I was workin’ earlier." Massachusetts reassured the younger.
"Are y-you sure?"
"Of course, Yorkie." Mass said, smiling at the other, who smiled back.
"Okie! Where are the other two?" Asked the younger.
"Oi Jersey! Connie! Get ya *$$es over ere’!" Mass yelled.
"Alright jeezus- no need to yell!" Connie (Connecticut) said as they both walked over to where their siblings were.
"Wow, you all l-look so d-different!" York said.
"Hehe yea…"
"I’m sorry but what the F(TECHNICAL GLITCH) just happened?!" Florida shouted, accidentally waking up Loui who groaned a bit in sleepy frustration. "Crap- sorry Loui."
"It’s fine sha… but what’s all da shoutin’ about…?" Loui said, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.
"I think that Yorkie got turned into a child. And who knew that his siblings could be such softies!~" Florida teased. He smirked when the older of the four glared at him.
"Aight whose turn is it to beat the sh*t outta im’?" Connie said to the others.
"Mine. C’mere Flori- huh?" Jersey said as he started to jump up, but he stopped when he felt a small tug on his arm. He looked down to see York, who had grabbed his arm as if to stop him from attacking Florida. "Yorkie? What’re ya doin?"
"I’m not letting you hurt anyone! Please don’t be like Father." Said the youngest.
"Wha… Oh…. Oh d*mn…" Jersey said, at first confused as to what he meant, but soon came to a realization.
"What does he mean by that??" Cali asked from where he was in the living room.
"Shut up California." Texas said.
"Wait a dang minute- Did Flo’ida just say dat York turned into a child?!" Loui said, now wide awake.
"Yup." They others all (-York) said in unison.
Later after dinner:
Everyone except for Massachusetts and Louisiana had gone to their rooms after dinner. Mass was just sitting in the kitchen with some random boring book and Loui was on the couch with York.
"Hey kiddo wanna see somethin’ kinda cool?" Loui said to the younger. He smiled when the younger nodded excitedly. "Okay!" He opened his palm and closed his eyes for a moment. Then all of a sudden, Loui’s palm started glowing and there was small little light figures dancing and running around the two of them in a circle.
"Woah…." The younger whispered under his breath. His eyes were filled with wonder and astonishment.
"Kinda nice huh?" The older said with a smile.
"Mhm! It looks so pretty!"
"Heheh thanks sha." Said the Pelican State as he brought the magic back into his body so he didn’t pass out in front of the child.
"What d-does that mean?" York said.
"Oh- OH… haha, ‘sha’ means darling, but I call all my friends that." Loui answered. He gave the younger a confused look when he looked behind him and giggled. All of a sudden, he felt two cold hands on his shoulders and gave a small shriek. "Alaskahaha why man?!"
Alaska chuckled just chuckled and said, "Felt like it. Who’s the kid?"
"It’s York." The shorter responded.
"That’s York?" Alaska said nonchalantly. "Huh. Not gonna lie he was actually pretty cute as a kid."
"Wow. Neva’ expected dat from you of all people." Loui said teasingly.
"What’s that supposed to mean?!"
"Ya know what I mean."
"Whatever." Alaska said, rolling his eyes. He noticed how Loui looked just about ready to pass tf out (An HC that I have for Loui: He is the most powerful magic user, but it also tires him out and/or makes him dizzy as h*ll) and how distant his eyes looked.
"Ummm Mr.Louisiana? Are you alright?" York asked, concerned as to why his friend looked so tired and distant.
"Oi Boston!" Alaska shouted.
Mass looked up from where he was reading with a slight death glare. "It’s Massachusetts, but good enough. Whaddya want?"
"I think that ya might wanna check on im’." He said, pointing at Loui. "He ain’t looking too good right now."
"Whaddya mean?" Mass said as he walked over. His eyes widened slightly when he saw Loui. "Oh. Umm… well. I can say that I think he’s aight, he’s prolly just a bit tired and/or dizzy from usin’ his magic. I’ll bring im’ to his room, you can stay with the kid." He grabbed Loui’s arm and guided him to a standing position with an arm around his upper torso so he could support him.
"I don’t remember signing up for babysitting, but whatever." Alaska said as he walked over to the other side of the couch and sat down next to New York.
"Good. Cuz that wasn’t a question. Also just a heads up, if ya hurt im’ in anyway shape or form, I’m going snap yer spine just a ‘lil bit’." Mass said as he walked away with Loui.
The two just sat in silence for a good solid minute before York decided to say something.
"S-so…. What’s your n-name?" He asked, gaining the tallest state’s attention.
"Haven’t ya heard any of the other two say it?" The older responded.
"Uh-uh. If one of you did say it, I p-probably wasn’t paying a-attention because according to my father, I’m fully i-incompetent as a functioning b-being." Said the child. York’s words left Alaska slightly stunned.
"Well I don’t think that’s really true…, but if you must know, my name is Alaska." The older answered. ‘What kind of parent says that to a kid?!’ He thought to himself.
"That’s a nice name." York said.
"Thanks. Y’know, ya ain’t half bad, kid." Alaska said, giving the smaller a small smirk and ruffling his hair.
"Hehe thanks. I like you, you’re weird." Said York with a giggle.
"Aye I am not! You’re the weird one here!" Alaska said, smirking and poking the littler one in the side, making him giggle.
"Nohoho I’m nohohot! (No I’m not!)"
"Yes. You. Are." Alaska said whilst poking the kid with each word, the younger giggling in response. He stopped when the kid swatted his hands away with his little claws. But then something caught his eye. York’s legs and arms were littered with bruises, big and small, and small scratches/cuts as well. "Hey kid?"
"How’d ya get yourself hurt that much?" He asked. Alaska noticed that after he asked the question, the younger’s face suddenly gained a slightly sadder expression. "Are you alright?"
"Y-yea, I’m f-fine. My f-father just s-said that I a-am not supposed to t-tell anyone what happened." The younger said with a small, sad smile. That’s when it clicked in Alaska’s mind what had happened.
"O-oh ok." He said, deciding to not linger on the subject any longer. Alaska couldn’t help but smile fondly when York yawned with a slight squeaky sound (Idk bro I just yawn like that sometimes). "Tired?"
"Mhm…" the younger mumbled.
"Thought so." Alaska said as he picked up the sleepy child and set him in his lap in a comfortable position. He gently ran a hand through the smaller’s hair and started humming a Russian lullaby he learned a while back. He smiled when he heard a small purring sound emitting from the child. After about three minutes York was dead asleep. Alaska smiled fondly and rested his chin on the younger’s head. The two sat in silence for a few minutes before the sound of someone clearing their throat broke the silence.
Alaska turned around to see Mass standing in the corner smirking at them. ‘Oh sh*t…’
Mass chuckled and said, "Huh. Didn’t peg you as the type to be good with kids."
"Shut the f(speaks Anchorage) up." Alaska said, giving the Bay State a death glare, making the smaller put his hands up in mock surrender.
"I’m just sayin’." Mass said, walking over to the other two states."Here I’ll take this out of yer hands." He took the sleeping child out of the Last Frontier’s arms and brought York to his room.
Lil’ bonus part for the end: In the morning:
*inserts screams as New York chases Mass, Rhode, and Florida (who took pictures the day before) throughout the entire backyard*
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theserlingbucket · 2 years
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lucky-fuyu · 2 years
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Ahem… yeehaw
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countryhumans-trash · 5 months
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Hehe. More art
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loopy-calico · 27 days
more Puppets stuff
since I don't have time to reread your books for a bit (busy), I have some paper doodles until then. some of these were made months ago, some not
firstly we have character headshots
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our main man Meri. very cool.
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his brother Can. who is also rather cool. (ignore the lack of flag on his face I forgor)
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Texas! the guy with the funny hat.
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Rus, who I seemingly keeps forgetting also has a funny hat. when I draw him digitally I will not forget but for now he's hatless
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the lady of book 1. we love her. she has cool hair. and more composure than both her brothers.
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and finally angry hoodie guy. he's here too and he lets no one forget it.
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they spent many hours in the car over the course of book one. which doesn't sound eventful but actually there were many eventful moments (btw Mass is reading and Loui is stitching)
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overprotective older brother? possibly? I bet you can't guess which two are my favorite... (this was based on a line but I can't remember which one-)
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and mermay! we love mermay here. I forgot the height difference but that's fine. they're sweet.
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i also love Ginny. even better when mermaid though. shes very cute. oldest sister.
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and the only digital drawing here, grumpy man. nobody knows what he's so upset about.
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hellodeathly · 1 year
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trash-gobby · 2 years
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I got the boi for cheap at a used bookstore!! So happy to have him sit with my ‘lil Freddy and Michael funkos
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skautism · 1 year
so as it turns out. drinking hot sauce gives me the same instant calm down cutting does.
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xcamaraderie · 6 months
just a bunch of tags for me to keep track of
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 10 months
Some Ken/Tex father/son fluff for @artisticmiles post.
(Ft. Some harmless KenGeo<3)
At around 5am, Texas was walking to the barn outside the Statehouse to check on his horse, Ranger. Nobody knew why he woke up this early, but they didn't question it. He was a little surprised when he opened the barn door and saw Kentucky leaning against the wall with a cigarette in his mouth and standing next to his own horse.
Kentucky stood up and took the cigarette out of his mouth and gave Texas a friendly smile. "Hey kiddo!"
Texas returned the smile as he grabbed a brush for Ranger's mane. "Hi Tucky. What're ya doin' up? I thought you would be sleepin' with Georgia." It took Texas a hot second to figure out how dirty that sounded, but when he found out he blushed brighter than the sun."N-Not like that dear god-!!"
Kentucky laughed at his son's friend's embarrassment, tho he blushed a bit as well. "Nah kid. We're saving that for when you kids are outta the house." He said with a click of his tongue and a wink that made Texas groan loudly and hide his face in Ranger's neck. Kentucky laughed at him again.
"Shuddap..." Texas groaned. "But really, what're ya doin' up right now? You're an old man and you need your old man sleep."
"I'm not that old, I'm 34, thank you very much!!" Kentucky said, playfully glaring at the Lone Star State.
"Exactly, old."
"Ughhh- anyways. I'm up cuz I knew you would be up at this hour for some reason, and I wanted to show you something that you might enjoy." Kentucky answered.
"Oh okay. Is it here in DC, or do we need to teleport?" asked the younger but taller state.
"Teleporting, it's in my state. Also we're bringin' the horses too." Answered the older.
"Are we sure that's a good idea? I mean- NY's teleported with his long-rat things (ferrets), but these are full grown quarterhorses."
"I'm sure." Kentucky reassured before they all teleported to his state.
Texas opened his eyes and nearly gasped at the beautiful sight that lay before him.
They were sitting on there horses on top of a large rock. And below them lay a giant waterfall that flowed into a river that seemed to run on for miles and moved calmly with the night's breeze. He could see the reflection of the moon and it's little friends, the stars, on the water's surface. The moon also seemed to create a rainbow over the waterfall. On the other side laid hills and the horizon where the sun would rise within the next hour.
Kentucky chuckled at the younger's amazement before speaking up, breaking the silence of the nature's wonders. "Beautiful huh?"
Texas smiled, "Yeah...".
"This is where I proposed to Georgia. He had the same exact reaction as you when he saw this place." Kentucky said, smiling fondly.
"Yea I can see why. It's- beautiful." Texas said.
Kentucky looked Texas in the eyes, and his heart melted at how happy the younger looked. His dark oak colored eyes twinkled in the moonlight and his smiled shined like the stars themselves. Lord knows when the last time Texas looked so happy and carefree was. He noticed the taller starting to shiver a bit and draped his jacket over him.
"Cmon, kid. Let's get back to the statehouse before Georgia wakes up and wonders where the hell we disappeared off to. Maybe we'll have time to ride the horses around before he lectures me about being up this early and dragging you out here without proper warmth." Kentucky said with a laugh, reaching up to ruffle Texas's hair playfully, knocking off his hat.
Texas laughed a bit as he put his hat back on. "Yea let's go. Perhaps I can distract him long enough for you to hide."
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