#shark eepy thoughts
shardkn1ght · 4 months
I am holding you all in my little paws rn
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soapy-ocean-dragon · 1 month
oughhh i am eepy n small rn,,,,
jusg a leetle shar
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ur-gay-shark-dad · 10 months
went from laying in bed to laying on sofa
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holywhorror · 4 months
What's your favourite shark?
greenland shark!!!!!!
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they're so cool & cute!! they're fuckin massive, the planet's longest living vertebrates, eepy guys (sleeper sharks), vvvvv mysterious, n most that live in the arctic are at least partially blind due to a parasite. but a not-so-fun-fact is they are considered vulnerable to extinction :(
not much is known about them. a lot of the information researchers have on em kinda contradicts each other. they were thought to be scavengers but now there's evidence that points to the sharks being fierce predators- just indiscriminate feeders. and the ones in canada don't have the eye parasites like those in arctic waters do.
bUT JUST LOOK AT THEMMMM!!! they're so fuckin cute!!!!
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gardenofshadcws · 11 months
Whale Weekly Day 40
Chapter 61: Stubb Kills a Whale
That chapter title- spoilers, dude
I see we’re making up for the long gap in emails with interest today
It’s been such a long time since we’ve heard Queequeg talk I forgot how oof it was. But as we established last chapter, he’s not wrong about whales following their food source
These boys are eepy
Until the whale shows up!
Ishmael bb whales are not fish
“keep cool, keep cool- cucumbers is the word” the phrase “cool as a cucumber” is clearly older than I thought it was. The more you know.
Can we stop objectifying the three indigenous characters with all this wild screaming
It’s been so long since we’ve had some action though I’m so happy other than that :’)
It’s moments like this where you can tell why this book is so influential.
I have literally never seen the word frenzied spelled “phrensied”
RIP Mr Whale, that’s not a great way to go. But I guess our heroes did what they set out to do or at least part of it so yay?
Chapter 62: The Dart
Time for Ishmael to mansplain everything we just read again.
“They managed to kill the whale but they’re doing it WRONG wheh”
“Now, I care not who maintains the contrary, but all this is both foolish and unnecessary” Ishmael who died and made you the arbiter of whaling”
He’s such a weird little dude
Chapter 63: The Crotch
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I generally prefer not to have two harpoons reposing there but sure, Ishmael.
No one knows whales like you do we get it Ishmael
Chapter 64: Stubb's Dinner
Ahab’s being a sad boy because we killed the wrong whale :’(
Whale steaks. Stubb and Nemo should hang out.
I get that whales are huge and there’s probably not enough space on the boat but dragging it behind them seems like not the best idea and the sharks devouring the carcass is exactly why
The descriptions of Fleece. It just keeps happening and I just keep sighing.
You cna’t just… talk to sharks and expect them to listen to you. What are you, Aquaman?
Oh GOD Fleece’s dialect. Tugs collar.
Also seriously why are we preaching Christianity to sharks As unreadably awful as the dialect is, I have to appreciate Fleece’s sass. “What’s that go to do with the steak?” “Go to bed very soon” this is how you talk to people trying to convert you A+
Stubb is the worst
Chapter 65: The Whale as a Dish
“one must needs go a little into the history and philosophy of it” Must needs we?
Ishmael and Nemo should write a cookbook
I miss Nemo, guys.
That’s a weird way to spell Inuit
“how bland and creamy that is” gross
“Cannibals? Who is not a cannibal?” He makes a good point and he’s not wrong but man Ishmael’s philosophy is bizarre. Again. Weird little dude.
Chapter 66: The Shark Massacre
“We don’t start cutting up a whale immediately because it takes too long and it’s hard so instead we lose our catch to the sharks. This makes sense.”
“the whole round sea was one huge cheese and the sharks the maggots in it” What. And also gross.
Poor sharks :( They don’t deserve this
“My husband almost lost his hand so FUCK SHARKS.”
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shardkn1ght · 4 months
*struggling to escape rn* Let go, I have homework :(
Ehehehehehhe you can never escape the might that is my large loving embrace!!!!
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shardkn1ght · 4 months
I'm just an ittle guy.
I can not change this.
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