#she was the one friend ever in my entire life to fully understand me even compared to my closest and bestest friends or friends i've known
obstinatecondolement · 8 months
My sister was saying "You should write that idea for a novel about [REDACTED] that you had a while ago for NaNo. I think that could be really fun" and I was like oh yeah! I remember we got a kick out of that one. And then, after a pause, had be like... could you remind me what the plot was again? Because litearlly all I could remember was that it had been funny At The Time and involved [REDACTED].
It was like when my mum reads a book and strongly recommends it to me the day after she finishes it, but can't remember any of the characters names or what happened, but it was definitely very good and I should read it so we can talk about it!
Except this was a story I made up myself and devoted not an insignificant amount of thought to, and then never committed any of what I came up with to the page because it was still early stages and I would "remember" what my initial ideas were 🙄
#fortunately my sister did remember enough that it kickstarted my brain and I remembered#but jesus christ...#how many perfectly good ideas have I squandered because I didn't think I would forget about them?#it's one thing not ever writing stuff I had ideas for because of y'know *gestures towards my general inability to follow through on things*#but actually forgetting ideas entirely feels much worse#I miss having an eidetic memory :(#but also I kind of wish I'd never had it because I never developed the habit of writing things down to remember them#until WELL into adulthood#because I'd ever needed to for most of my life#I just remembered every single word I had ever read or heard and almost every idea I'd given more than passing thought to in perfect detail#as a child I'd get so angry about people getting single words of quotations wrong or misremembering minute details of conversations we'd ha#because I *did not understand* that they weren't just being sloppy and inexact#and that they really couldn't remember things the same way I could#I really did not understand that other people experienced the world differently to me at that age#when they contradicted what I believed to be universal truths I thought they were trying to upset me or make me feel bad about myself#like when my friend agreed with my parents that apple juice was nicer than orange juice (when no one could *really* believe that)#I fully felt that as a betrayal#and thought she was implicitly co-signing my parents to hurt me#and that the subtext of the criticism was that I was evil and self indulgent for not resisting the wicked temptations of orange juice#and never even trying to be virtuous and subject myself to apple juice#which was obviously not as nice but was the more moral and 'healthy' (which was the same things as moral) choice#oh christ this has gotten away from me...#I hate being triggered by dumb bullshit that brings me back to weird esoteric traumas from my youth#can I please stop being triggered by such embarrassingly trivial bullshit for five minutes???
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awkward-smirks · 1 year
#i miss gianna#and i always do but :(#she was the one friend ever in my entire life to fully understand me even compared to my closest and bestest friends or friends i've known#for longer#like she would genuinely ask me about how i was doing and let me make things about me (esp bc she knows i hesitate to do that)#bc with all my other friends i am SOOO quick to turn the conversation back to them bc i'm scared i'm too boring or my problems are too much#but w gianna she would let me have that space and it felt like a genuine two sided conversation#which is why i lovedddd talking to her so so much#it wasn't a chore or her just dumping all her life problems on me#i knew she came to me to genuinely hear about me - i wasn't just an in between person until she found someone better#but idk now bc she ghosted me and blocked me after saying 'i love you' and 'we have to get together soon!'#bc maybe i WAS too much and talking too much about myself and she felt overwhelmed by me#over the past... idk almost a year now... i've been trying to figure out what i could've done wrong in this friendship#and I can't figure out what went wrong#and i miss her so so so much ... she was my soul mate#the quote '[s]he is half of my soul‚ as the poets say' was about her#'Whatever our souls are made of#his and mine are the same#' type beat#so now im like... :(#so i think it's made me more cautious in my friendships bc i'm scared to give it my 100%#idk#i miss gianna... friendship breakups are so difficult#i hope she is achieving all she's set out to do and feeling confident in her timeline and bumping into love wherever she goes#sandy rambling
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queerly-autistic · 4 months
One of my favourite things about S2 was that we got to see so much in terms of Ed's relationships with women, and it just made me love him even more (if that's humanly possible). We didn't see him interact with many women at all in S1 (I think it was only the posh ladies at the fancy party which was...yeah, not a good experience), so S2 actually giving us a glimpse into his friendships with all these (very different) kickass women was so, so special.
I love that, as messy and fucked up as they all are, and even with the 'well we're pirates, we're not normal and we will fuck with each other' threat that hangs over everything, Ed's relationship with Mary and Anne is still so affectionate, and they both thrown their arms around him the moment they see him. Even though Ed is incredibly tactile, I don't think we've actually ever seen him be hugged like this, and it's just so lovely to watch him be embraced and clearly feel very safe being embraced by these women (and I can't with the way he clings to them, as well). I also love that this is a wlw/mlm friendship; yeah it falls apart later and turns into delicious gay-on-gay violence (and I wouldn't alter a note of it), but I love seeing this sort of affection between queer women and queer men, there's not nearly enough of it.
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Don't even get me started on the BFF handshake he has with Anne - I want all the history there, give me six spin-off films about their adventures please.
And then we finally get a glimpse of his relationship with Jackie, which is similarly just lovely, but in a different way? You get the sense that they could sit there for hours, talking shit about the world, all whilst casually ripping the shit out of each other (but affectionately). You also know full well these two have talked extensively about men and know pretty much everything about each other's sex lives - we didn't see it, but I'm absolutely certain that Ed went into full gushing details about sleeping with Stede, just like Jackie did when she talked about The Swede fucking like a jackhammer (historical accuracy ftw).
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And, again, whilst they're still pirates, and it's messy, the entire thing feels incredibly...safe, particularly from Ed's perspective? He feels more comfortable around Jackie than he is around most other characters (apart from Stede), just like he was with Anne and Mary.
And then, just to hammer the point home even further that Ed has, generally, fantastic relationships with women, and connects with them, and feels relaxed and safe with them, you have Ed and Zheng becoming instant BFFs literally minutes after meeting each other. Ed goes 'ooh, very cool woman kicking ass and killing people, she shall be my best friend, immediately', and Zheng is automatically incredibly relaxed and open with him, too (suggesting she feels as safe and comfortable with him as he does with her).
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All I want in life is to see Ed and Zheng get silly-drunk with each other (and this is why we urgently need a S3).
And none of Ed's relationships with these women are a fetishistic 'I love women because they're fabulous' thing, or an overly patronising paternalistic 'I love the women and I must protect them' thing - all the relationships he has with women are very equal, very comfortable, fully believable, just fantastic friendships to watch play out. I feel like, given everything we see on screen, Ed generally feels a lot more comfortable and safe and open with the women he knows than the men he knows (Stede is the only other person he is this physically affectionate and comfortable with). Which is probably very understandable? Yes, the women he's friends with are all violent pirates too (that's part of the joy of it - none of them are lovely demure morally pure women, they're all violent pirates), but Ed has a lot of experience with specifically overtly abusive men - right back to watching his dad abuse his mum. And that's a distinction that matters: the show treats the violence of normal piracy and the violence of abuse very, very differently. Ed is not used to being treated softly or affectionately by men, as we saw in his shocked reaction to Stede holding his hand. I don't think it's any wonder that he gravitates more towards friendships with women (or that the men he feels the most open and safe with, such as Stede, Fang, even Frenchie, are very pointedly the opposite of the abusive men he has experience with). I just love love love that being friends with women is such a core part of Ed's character, and that we got to see all of these fantastic relationships in the show.
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iamthat-iam · 3 months
"Ego", The Final Boss
Olivia (she prefers to be called Liv) has been on quite the spiritual journey for a couple of years. She was born and raised Catholic, then as a teen she decided to leave the church because it didn't resonate with her. She went through a law of attraction phase, followed by law of assumption, and finally, she found non dualism from a few Twitter and Tumblr accounts.
The message, from what she gathered, was that she needed to fully drop the ego in order to realize her true self/true nature and to experience whatever she wanted. She even read a few books where realized masters have spoken about their own personal journeys of dropping ego and how life is generally more peaceful for them now that they've done so.
Now, Liv is one with a troubled past. She would give anything to become an entirely different person with no childhood trauma, and just a happy life all around. She meditated every single day, practiced "sitting in silence", and tried her hardest to detach from her "ego."
She stopped enjoying her usual hobbies out of fear of identifying too much with the character. She would go out of her way to correct thoughts that she felt were "too related to being the person." Needless to say, her mental health began to go downhill very fast.
One of her best friends, Marcus, decided to check up on her one day through face-time. "Hey sis! How have you been?! Haven't seen you in a while."
"Hey..." Liv answered. "I'm not doing all that great to be honest."
"Yeah I figured that. That's why I reached out to you," Marcus stated. "I'm worried about you. It seems like you barely leave the house. Everytime myself or anyone else tries to make plans with you, you either cancel last minute or come up with some bogus excuse as to why you can't come out."
Liv had to laugh because everything he said was true. "So I'm guessing you didn't believe the story about my pet rabbit dying."
Marcus cackled. "GIRL. I've known you for years and not once have you ever had a pet rabbit. Stop playing."
"Okay let me tell you what's really going on with me," Liv began, "So a few months ago I found this 'spiritual practice' called Non Dualism, and the premise of it is you need to 'let go of ego' in order to realize your true nature as God, or Awareness, whatever you want to call it. Also you get to experience whatever you want."
"So this is the reason why you've stopped enjoying your usual hobbies, and why you've stopped having a social life?" Marcus inquired. "I'm going to be honest here. As your friend, I feel like I owe it to you to tell you the Truth even if it isn't what you want to hear. I don't think that this 'practice' has helped you one bit. Either you have misinterpreted the message, or these people are spreading misinformation. Never at any point should you sacrifice your mental health for the sake of 'becoming enlightened.'"
"I don't know what else to do," Liv started to cry a little. "I just want to become a different person living a life full of happiness, one without trauma and constant reminders of my horrible past. I hate being this broken person!"
"It's okay hun, I totally understand," Marcus consoled her. "I can help you. You remember my family guru right? She hates being called that, but I don't know how else to refer to her. Her name is Sage. My family has gone to her for spiritual advice and healing for years."
"Yes, I remember her! Didn't she help your mom heal her lower back pain?" Liv asked excitedly.
"She sure did. I can give you her number if you want!"
After Liv ended her face-time call with Marcus, he gave her Sage's number. She immediately reached out to her to schedule a day where they can meet up.
- -
One day, Liv arrived at a beautiful park to discover Sage already sitting on one of the benches waiting. "Hi! I don't know if you remember me, I'm Marcus' friend Liv."
"Yes! Hi Liv, it's nice to see you again," Sage reached out and gave Liv a warm hug. "Now what can I help you with?"
Liv sat down next to Sage. "Well, I discovered Non dualism a few months ago, and I'm not sure if I misunderstood the message or not, but I thought you had to let go of ego in order to realize your true nature as awareness. And after you realize this, you can experience whatever you want. So long story short, I stopped enjoying life because I thought I had to do that in order to be enlightened."
Sage hesitated for a moment, and then smiled. "Think about it this way.. if it's true that our true nature is awareness, or God, whatever label you put on it, why would you have to go through these unnecessary steps in order to 'become' it? If that's what you already are in the first place?"
Liv opened her mouth to reply, then closed it again. Maybe Sage had a point.
"Here are my thoughts. If anyone is telling you to 'drop the ego', it's bullshit," Sage chuckled. "The point of Non Dualism is realizing that you were always awareness. You were always the awareness behind everything that seems to appear. The ever-stretching, limitless silence that can take on the form of anything. The ego is just a thought. The idea that you are not already fully realized is also just a thought. In reality, there's no ego or person here to let go of. No person here who needs to become 'fully realized.' Just drop the idea that you are a limited human that has to become something, and you'll be golden."
Liv's jaw dropped to the ground. "You're telling me it was THAT SIMPLE THIS ENTIRE TIME?"
Sage laughed heartily. "Yes it is. Why do you think it took masters like Lester or Sri Nisgardatta months or YEARS to 'realize Self?' because they spent so much time trying to get rid of an ego that doesn't exist!"
Liv let out a sigh of relief. "So there really is nothing to do. I can't believe I exerted all that effort for nothing. I do have one more question, how can I experience whatever I want knowing I'm awareness? I want to be a completely different person with a different past."
"The person you think you are now, and the one you want to be are both illusions. You, as awareness, can 'choose' either one like a costume. Everytime you think about this ideal version of you, you've already experienced it," Sage grinned.
Suddenly a wave of emotions flooded through Liv, a mixture of relief and happiness. She felt the urge to give Sage a tight hug. "Thank you so much for helping me today."
"You're so welcome, sweetie."
Good for Liv, she has finally accepted her omnipotence and freedom to experience anything!
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partycatty · 3 months
so i made a post about revenant johnny and i’m totally aware you saw it so what about a smut fic with revenant johnny??
i’m not entirely sure how we’d get to that part and i’d like to think we aren’t a revenant. im not entirely sure what the plot would be but i really just need to get my back blown out by revenant johnny
love ya 💙💙
revenant!older!johnny cage > join me
revenant johnny meets you after his turning. the carnal desire never vanished.
warnings: kinda angsty, not explicitly consented to, you get SLAMMED TO POUND TOWN AND BACK. NETHERREALM AND BACK. OUTWORLD AND B— oh also lore adjustment to mk9 and mk11 :3
[ masterlist ]
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you didn't think recent events could get any weirder, truly. just five years prior you lost the love of your life to a corrupted sindel, and with the knowledge that his cursed corpse sauntered beside a sorcerer such as quan chi, you honestly felt like coming face to face with a younger version of yourself was the most normal thing to occur. your job as a leader of the special forces was to capture and eliminate all threats to earthrealm, including but not limited to your former husband.
now under the command of a previous timeline's raiden among others, you had built enough of an army to counterattack what you lovingly called the zombified versions of your once-friends, liu kang and kitana. kronika was a force beyond your understanding but you knew that losing all you'd come to build would be a loss greater than... well, no. it was everything you'd lose.
at the bow of kharon's ship, you stood with a loaded rifle alongside a band of people you'd grown to admire; jax, jacqui, cassie, raiden, liu kang, kitana, kung lao, fujin, nightwolf, and of course a younger version of johnny. he nudges your side, aiming his own rifle at the sky with a hand on his hip.
"i hope we don't die out there, i'd love to tap that someday," he coos into your direction, perhaps louder than intended and earning horrified looks from everyone - including your fatherless daughter. you stomp on johnny's foot. perhaps you would have fallen for his charms in the past, but dear god was he more punchable than ever in that moment. even still, you miss his quips and jabs. what you wouldn't give to see the color return to his cracked, hellish skin.
"it is an honor to fight alongside most of you," you call out, facing forward as your subtle dig at younger johnny makes him frown. "raiden says it better. may the elder gods protect us."
it's not long before the large boat scrapes against the shore of the island, and your entire army charges into battle. guns, swords, and fangs spill so much blood, you could smell more iron than when you were riding down the crimson sea. your thoughts are cut short when a path opens, and you shoot a glance to your comrades.
"i see an opening!" you shout, pointing. "i'm going in!" a chorus of encouragements and cheers fill your ears atop the war cries, and the one that stands out most is cassie. your daughter's voice raises, slipping into grief mid-battle.
"if you find dad," she cries, praying to the gods that she won't lose both parents. "tell him i love him!" the knowledge that this battle will end in only one of you making it out alive terrifies her beyond belief but she does all she can to keep a strong face and salute you as you disappear in the crowd. cassie knows that a revenant version of johnny wouldn't fully understand, wouldn't fully accept her love, but she couldn't die or have him die without expressing it one last time.
you weave, shoot and slash through the crowd and end up in a castle-like structure. perhaps if you were to rise to the top you could use the position as surveillance or sniping. you could possibly even find a weak point. the building is just distant enough for the war to hardly reach the inside. your breathing and the sound of boots hitting stone are all you could focus on as you turn a corner.
blood rushes to your ears and you could feel your vision become glassy at the sight of the figure at the end of the hallway. even after all this time, you knew that shape. johnny stood in the dead center of the long hall, arms crossed and waiting like he predicted your arrival. maybe he did.
"no, nonono," you pant, leaning against the wall as your brows furrow. "not you. not now." the grief you thought you conquered washes over you.
"well i'll be damned," johnny smirks, pulling his sunglasses from his face and tucking them into his shirt. "long time no see, sugar." he takes long strides to you and your legs feel embarrassingly weak when you slide to the ground, gun clattering to the stone surface alongside you.
"anyone but you—" you're muttering under your breath, trying to ground your spiraling thoughts. "please."
johnny's in front of you now, kneeling down to meet your gaze. his skin is paled and crackling with a hellish glow, and his eyes are a heinous reddish shade. the outfit he wore was similar in style to his usual, but darker in palette and slightly edgier. in any other context, it was a good look.
"you look just as good as the day i left you," he grins, dismissing your grief and turmoil for flirtation. you want to fight back so bad, to shove him away and put an end to this but dammit it was the first time you'd heard that voice, that damn voice.
"why did you leave me? cassie?" you're involuntarily sobbing now, full of conflict. "why are you doing this?"
"you're the one causing this entire problem," johnny's defensive, jabbing a finger to your chest. "kronika's new era can save us. neither of us join the military. can you imagine it? white picket fence, two dogs and a daughter, home cooked meals every night and none of this bullshit—!" johnny's arm extends out to a nearby window, giving you both a view of the demon-human-demigod war on time. "—baby. join me. we could have everything we've ever dreamed of." his tone isn't as desperate and loving as it should be. it sounded... pushy. frustrated that you're disobeying what he wants.
"no," you choke out, tears flowing freely now. "you're being played a fool, johnny." he doesn't like your answer, and instead wraps a large hand around your small neck. he slides you back up the wall and spins you, your front now pressed up against a wall.
"you know what i'd miss more than your stubbornness?" he growls into your ear. his hand pressing hold on the back of your head is brewing a headache that quickly fizzles away when his other hand tugs your hips toward his front. you swallow, afraid to reply. "this sweet ass."
his cold, dead hand plays with the fat of your ass which spills a growl from his lips. instinctively rutting into you makes you spill an involuntary whimper out, craving his touch after so long.
"always a pain in my ass," johnny groans, slapping a cheek and watching it bounce. "i've gone years without it, i was practically losing my damn mind."
"johnny—" you barely breathe out. you're not entirely sure what you were going to say anyway. the warmth of his hardness shocks you as it slides up and down your clothed ass.
"mm?" he hums, transfixed on the way your behind fits his cock nicely. it was clear he wasn't fully listening and instead relishing in your presence once again.
as if he could read your thoughts, johnny chuckles to himself and kicks the rifle away, only stopping his humping momentarily to remove your defenses. your legs slightly part to try and catch the gun with your foot, accidentally giving him more access to your embarrassingly needy cunt.
"yeah, fuckin' speechless," he growls, hissing at the sight of your soaked bottoms. "bet you missed my cock, yeah?"
you could hardly even whimper from the onslaught of emotion. johnny's hand snakes to the front of your neck, forcibly arching your back as he pulls to lean into your ear.
"join me," he demands coldly.
johnny's hand dips under your waistband.
"join me," he demands again, tone getting progressively more animalistic as he tugs downward.
your pants are practically torn off as he grabs a fistful and tugs them to your knees with his mind-numbing strength. you weren't sure if he ripped your panties or tugged them off too. you hear something unbuckle on his end, and his hot, wet tip tickles your entrance.
"last chance." even though his hand returned to shove you into the stone wall, you could hear his cocky grin.
"go fuck yourself," you spit, realizing your grave choice of wording.
"i'll do you one better." he slams his entire cock inside of you, and it immediately settles into your walls like it was made to bury itself there for all of eternity. even still, going without dick that good leaves your pussy burning and on the verge of crying for other reasons.
he bottoms out quick, leaning back to admire how nicely he settles inside of you.
"well fuck, look at that," he says with genuine amusement in his tone. "you look so pretty stretched out on me like this, it's a sight for sore eyes."
your fingers claw at the stone, eyes rolling back as you take his full length without verbal complaint. as you pathetically attempt to protest, all you can sputter out are disconnected syllables. johnny's thrusts start off slow but he snaps into you as he reaches the base inches.
"all this whining but you're fuckin' soaked," he laughs, snapping into you harshly to hear you cry out. "you're a horrible liar, you know. you wanna join me, i can f — haah —" his own cocky nonsense is cut short when you clench around him. he lurches forward in shock, moving both hands to your hips to deepen his grip. "i can feel how tight you are for me."
in little to no time, johnny's cock is pounding into you at a breakneck pace, a horrid slapping sound echoing off of the castle walls as they mix with your obscene moans and his deep grunts. you're sure he's piling more unholy words into you but they feel so far away when he's plowing into you like a dying man — well.
his cracked, grey fingers grope you shamelessly, pinching your nipple through your uniform or rubbing rapid circles into your clit. the pleasure is too much too quickly and you feel a warmth pooling in your stomach as your juices coat his shaft.
a gasp escapes your lips with each thrust, your husband quite literally knocking the wind out of you each time he slams into you.
"i missed you," he purrs out, and just like that all hesitation and guilt you had flew away as his words made you cum hard. a glimpse of his humanity poured through at your orgasm, and while it was flattering, you had bigger problems to worry about then, including just how hard you came.
each wave of pleasure was met with an extra thrust for good measure, a pulse shooting to your clit that makes your knees buckle. what you quickly realize however is that your zombie husband isn't done with your body quite yet.
"oh, no no no," he tuts, thrusts getting wilder and filling you to the point of tears. "you're done when i'm done. this is what you get."
your sensitive walls continued to shamefully take every inch he forced into you, and you could writhe and twitch as a drop of drool spills from your lip. this revenant was fucking you stupid, using your body for all it was worth in the moment. you hated yourself for falling for his undead charm all over again. your vision was going black and starry before another orgasm rode up on you again, johnny's back shots doing nothing to soothe the overstimulation that was racking your body. it's not long before he's whining too, which turns into his signature whimpering when he fucks into you harshly, spewing his cum inside of you like he owns you. you cum with him this time, flooding with your own juice mixed with his cum that now coated your walls nicely.
tears still burned in your eyes, and so did your pussy from the unexpected stretch. johnny panted above you, face turned up at the ceiling as he tries to compose himself.
"holy..." he pants, wiping the sweat from his face with his arm. he wraps an arm around you and slaps at your bare pussy, making you yelp and jump back against his dick that's still buried inside. you swallow thickly and nod, too hazy to make sense of it all.
"i..." what the hell were you going to say? what is there to say after all of this? you're dumbfounded, fucked silly but torn apart by grief. as you crane your neck to look at johnny, you find that he's already looking at you with a coy expression. like he robbed you of something. tore your very being apart piece by piece and was proud.
"hope you're not mad at me for the whole dying thing, by the way."
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celestialcrowley · 5 months
My mom and I were finally able to watch the final episode of Good Omens season 2.
Before we dive in, my mom is very — how do I say this — anti on certain things. My friend said it perfectly. He said she gave him the homophobic put the fear of God type vibes when he first met her.
I don’t believe anything will ever fully change her opinions or views of us. I’ve not even referred to myself as aromantic / asexual in her presence, and I doubt I ever will. I simply tell her I’m done dating. It’s clearly not in my future, and, after trying it a couple of times, it just isn’t something I’m interested in.
I hope that one day she will open her eyes and realize that it’s all fine. Whatever we are. It’s okay.
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My mom enjoyed season one. When I asked her what she thought of Aziraphale and Crowley, here’s what she said. Not her exact words but close enough to what I can remember.
“Aziraphale seems like he’s afraid of getting into trouble with Heaven, but not enough to keep him from going against God’s orders.”
Just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing.
“Crowley isn’t as evil as he paints himself to be.”
Just a little bit a good person.
The only thing, as far as I’m aware, that didn’t quite sit right with my mom is that God is a She.
Wibbly wobbly timey wimey…
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I was terrified for her to watch the second season because of Maggie and Nina and That Big Damn Kiss. She’s told me some less than desirable things previously. Here are a handful of them.
“I won’t watch shows that have gay couples in them.”
“I will watch them, but I’ll just turn my head away when they kiss.”
About my friend who is a lesbian —
“Your friend just says that, but she doesn’t actually know what she is.”
Okay, mom. You go ahead and keep telling yourself that.
I am certain, despite my fear, that I wanted her to watch Good Omens so badly because I thought maybe it would be the golden ticket. It’s uniquely different.
We have been gifted with Anthony J’I’m Not Actually Either Crowley and Mister AZ Smitten I Believe Fell, The Almighty God She, Nina I’m Not Your Type and Maggie You Have No Idea.
I was expecting my mom to frown upon Maggie and Nina’s story in season two, but she didn’t. She actually didn’t even have anything negative to say.
Y’all should have seen me when That Big Damn Kiss was coming up. I was fidgeting probably as bad as Aziraphale was when he was gathering up the courage to ask Crowley to dance with him.
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I don’t think I’ve ever fidgeted that much in my life.
And then it happened.
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That Big Damn Kiss
And she watched all of it. She didn’t look away. She didn’t make a face. She didn’t say anything negative.
I don’t necessarily think her views have changed because she laughed at something my uncle told her about a former coworker of his. This coworker used to go by Craig, but he later came out as trans and asked to be called Cindy. My uncle said, “The best we can do is Crindy.”
Most of my family are homophobic, and I don’t care for it.
I don’t know if it’s the way Neil Gaiman has written Good Omens, but I was surprised that she watched the entire show, had nothing negative to say and even added that she needs to watch all of both seasons again to better understand it.
That’s something, I suppose.
Maybe she’s coming around.
Thank you, Neil Gaiman.
You truly are a legend. 💚
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howaboutcastiel · 2 years
Not My Intention (Moon Boys x F!Reader)
Content Warning: mentions of physical/mental abuse
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Word Count: 3.1k
Request (Abbreviated) @twhgirl
Could you write one moon boys x female!reader, where they've been dating for a while… They notice she gets anxious and startled very easily, but when they bring it up she always brushes them off so they don't pry. They don’t know she's previously been in an abusive relationship. And maybe they're at an office party and some guy comes to her when she's alone and the boys get jealous since it's obvious he's trying to flirt with their girl.
Content: Angst!! Fluff, poorly translated Spanish (obligatory) this shit is pathetic and soFT (not a comment on the recommendation just my writing) reader is dating the entire MK system
This is the first time I’ve tried to write in omniscient 2nd person so forgive me if I mess up the perspective somewhere <3 Thank you for the request!!! Much appreciated
It had been just over a month since you had moved in with your boyfriends. Steven had tried to get you to move in sooner, even offering to cook you breakfast each morning to entice you, but you were trying to take this relationship one step at a time. The boys didn’t quite understand your apprehension, but they respect the boundaries that you put in place. You hadn’t told them the reason that you wanted to take things so slowly. They didn’t know about the damage your last boyfriend had left in his wake.
You had fallen absolutely head over heels for him, desperate to do anything to please him. You didn’t even care about all of the glaring red flags, like how he refused to meet your parents or to introduce himself to your friends. Before long, you had shut yourself off from everyone in order to meet his every demand. You endured the yelling, the manipulation, the guilt-tripping, and even the flat-out threats. You had even endured his escalation to violence; by then, he’d convinced you that you deserved it. It wasn’t until a particularly heated argument left you in the hospital with two broken ribs that you finally realized you had to get away from him. 
And so you did. But the damage was already done. Your self-esteem was shattered and your ability to trust equally so. You hadn’t even been looking for a relationship when you first met Steven Grant, but you were so taken aback by his gentleness. At this point in your life, it was the most attractive quality a man could have. You had been fairly understanding when Steven introduced you to Marc and Jake, as you felt safer by any of their sides than you’d felt in years. They soon all three became your devoted boyfriends, and you were happy. You didn’t fully comprehend how much your past abuse still affected you, though. How it still lingered in your subconscious. 
Tonight was the office Christmas party at your job. It would be the first time that your coworkers would meet your boyfriend (whomever was fronting tonight, that is). It would also be the first time that you would see all of your colleagues in one place, as this was the first office party you would be attending for the company. 
Jake had convinced you to wear quite a revealing dress, insisting that he wanted everyone to see how beautiful you were and maybe even be envious because you belonged to him. You thought he looked ravishing in his own suit, complete with a plum-colored tie to match the color of your dress. The party was more crowded than you had anticipated. You’d never even met many of the employees here, and you were just as unfamiliar with their plus ones as they were with your own. 
Jake was considerably more in his element than you were at a party. He was easily the most charismatic man you’d ever seen, able to stir up a conversation with any stranger in the room. You were not quite as socially confident. You spent a large portion of your night following him around. It was easy to smile and nod while he kept the conversation going with your peers. When he had spilled some of his soda onto his tie, though, he’d had to excuse himself to the bathroom, leaving you alone in the sea of largely unfamiliar people.
You started by looking for someone familiar to talk to, someone you saw on a more regular basis. Finally, you found your friend Cameron sipping wine in the corner with her girlfriend. It didn’t take you long to figure out that both of them were quite drunk. You let your small talk fizzle out after it became evident that they were too far gone to keep it going, rambling over you about some trip they were taking to Rome over the holiday. 
“Hey, pretty lady,” A quite inebriated man interrupted your half-listening to Cameron’s babbling. You recognized him as a new hire you’d seen once or twice, but you didn’t know his name. He made you uncomfortable, but you knew better than to be rude to creepy men at this point. “How are you liking the party?”
“It’s pretty fun,” You replied, trying to be polite but not intending to stimulate a conversation with him. “Was just talking to my friends here.”
“Oh, I’m sure they won’t mind.” He purred and you could smell the alcohol on his breath. He was standing just slightly too close to you, leaning into the table in a subtle effort to keep you from walking away. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing here all by yourself? Would think you’d have a man on your arm.”
“He’s in the bathroom! My boyfriend,” You added quickly, causing him to raise an eyebrow in suspicion. You hoped that he didn’t think you were lying. You continued, “I’m sure he’ll be out in just a minute.”
“Well, I’ll just wait here with you then.” He said, placing a suggestive hand on your shoulder. Your instincts told you that shoving it off would be a bad idea. “I would sure love to meet him. Say, I didn’t catch this ‘boyfriends’ name. Who’s the lucky man, sweetheart?”
“My name is Jake.” You caught a breath in your throat as Jake emerged behind the man. Feelings of relief and of guilt fought each other inside your head. Was he going to be angry at you? God, you hoped he didn’t think you were flirting. At least he was here to get this odd man away from you, though. The thoughts scrambled for dominance in your brain. 
“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Jake.” The man all but spat at your partner, dropping his grasp on your shoulder. “Quite a feisty one you’ve got here, wouldn’t you say? What a lucky guy you are.”
“Yes, she’s quite a pistol.” Jake’s expression was unamused. He wrapped his arm around your waist, more assertively than he normally did. “And uh… I didn’t catch your name. Do you work here as well?”
“Something like that.” The man replied shortly. He walked away, now uninterested as he realized you were a taken woman. And that the man you belonged to wasn’t exactly a pushover. Jake, however, looked anything but uninterested.
“Honey, who was that man?” The expression on his face was unreadable. It sent a weight to the pit of your stomach. You didn’t know how to respond.
“He’s, um…” you all but choked on the words, now genuinely upset by the look of betrayal on your boyfriend’s face. You didn’t know how to explain the man’s unwanted advances. Hell, you didn’t know if Jake would even believe you if you did. “He just started working here a few weeks ago.”
“Hmm.” Jake seemed annoyed, and you felt yourself break into a cold sweat. Despite all you knew about your partner, you were exhibiting a fight-or-flight response to his upset. Spiralling thoughts began to stir in your already fumbling brain. 
Oh God, he’s mad at me. He thinks I was flirting with that man. That disgusting man! What’s he going to do? I’m gonna have to sleep on the couch tonight. But I can explain it to him! Surely he will listen to me. Oh fuck, now he’s giving me the silent treatment. Is he going to yell at me in the parking lot?
The thoughts continued to race through your mind. Of course, they couldn’t be further from the truth. Yes, Jake was giving you the silent treatment. But it wasn’t because he was upset with you. He hadn’t noticed the man’s unwanted advances--to him it appeared that the man was being playful, and that you were joking along with him. No, Jake was being silent because he was jealous. Not so much as that you’d broken his trust, but that he’d gotten himself riled up by the idea that you were his. Well, his, Marc’s, and Steven’s, but nonetheless he knew that you belonged to him. 
Yes, Jake was giving you the silent treatment. But not because he was angry at you. Not because he felt betrayed by you. And certainly not because he planned to yell at you in the parking lot or on the way home. On the contrary, he planned to show you just how much he appreciated that you were his. Jake led you out of the doors of the office silently, going over his plan to fuck you into the mattress as soon as you got back to the apartment. 
Your heart continued to beat out of your chest as he all but dragged you into the passenger’s seat of his car. By now, you were covered in a thin layer of sweat, but you didn’t make any comment on what you perceived to be his righteous anger. You didn’t want to cause a scene with your coworkers so close by. 
He was completely silent on the excruciatingly long drive home. Your thoughts continued to escalate. So did his. 
He’s got to be so angry with me.
She looks so fucking sexy in that little dress.
I think he’s gonna yell at me when we get back.
I’m gonna have to rip it off of her. I don’t have the patience to unbutton it.
Should I just apologize to him now? Would that make it worse?
I wonder if she gets off on flirting like that. Does she like making me jealous?
I should have just stayed where I was. Then he wouldn’t have come up to me.
God, I’m gonna show her how much she fucking gets me worked up.
What if he doesn’t want to forgive me? I’ll plead with him all night if I have to.
Voy a perder la puta cabeza. Tan malditamente hermosa. Y todo mio. All mine. 
Perhaps if Steven was co-conscious he would have noticed the way you were shaking. He was the first in the system to notice how anxious you were on a regular basis. Of course all of your boys knew how sensitive you were, but they never pried as to why you were so apprehensive. To them, it just seemed to be your nature and, if it was something else, you would open up when you were ready. 
Nonetheless, Jake was failing to notice you were on the verge of a panic attack. When he did steal glances at you between focusing on the dimly-lit road, he mistook your shortened breathing and blushing skin as evidence you had gotten into the wine at the party. He wasn’t to blame for his lack of understanding, truly. He was barely keeping himself together right now. So he really wasn’t at fault when he continued his ruse by avoiding your gaze as you made your way to the door of the apartment. He didn’t know that you failed to see his disfavor was just teasing. 
After listening to his cheeky thoughts for the whole ride home, the other boys were now bordering on co-consciousness. Steven could see everything through Jake’s eyes, though he was unable to take control. Marc was holding back more intentionally, though he wouldn’t pretend that he wasn’t equally as enthusiastic. He was egging Jake on, just as heated by your body in that skin-tight dress. 
“C’mon man, show her who she belongs to. Make her work for it, too.” They were all eaten up with lust, senses clouded by their desire and their excitement. It wasn’t until the apartment door slammed behind them that they were snapped back to reality. 
You jumped at the way the door shook against the hinges, the sound of contact echoing through the kitchen. You tried not to panic as Jake barreled over to you, jaw locked with aggression. All of your trauma was flooding back to you now, manifesting in your rawest survival instincts. Jake raised a calloused hand up to your face and you reflexively put up your arm to shield yourself.
Then there was silence.
At least, to you. There was shouting inside of Jake’s head as the boys processed what they had just seen.  
What the hell was that? Did she think we were going to… hit her? Why the hell would she think that? Is she scared of us? She’s never been scared of us before. She knows that we would never hurt her. Any of us! It must have been a reflex. A reflex? Why would she have a reflex like that?
Then there was silence in his head, too. 
Of course, you couldn’t hear any of their thoughts. Your own thoughts were loud enough to fill the room. You felt immediately guilty for implying that Jake would ever hurt you. That any of them would for that matter. But you also felt a wave of pain as your mind forced you back to where those reflexes were learned. You couldn’t stop the tears before they were streaming down your face, and you couldn’t get enough air in no matter how much you gasped for it. You felt your knees buckle underneath you, luckily your partner was there to brace your collapse to the ground.
“I’m so sorry, mi Vida,” Jake stuttered, pulling your head into his chest. “I didn’t mean to scare you. Or to make you think I was angry. I’m not mad at you, I promise. I thought I was just poking fun. God, baby, I’m sorry.” 
You struggled to regulate your breathing as he massaged your back, holding you as close as he could. His body tensed underneath you and his hands broke their rhythm, indicating someone else was trying to front. You almost felt more guilty that you were making a scene in front of all of your boys. But you were admittedly more comforted by their presence. 
“Did someone hurt you, love?” Steven asked in a gentle whisper. You could only nod into his chest, your voice ravaged by the sobs overtaking your body. “We would never lay a hand on you, darling. Not one of us. Never. I swear it on my life.”
Steven continued to stroke your back, shushing you and repeating “you’re alright”s and “it’s okay”s until your breathing finally began to calm. He planted kisses on the top of your head, waiting patiently for you to regain your composure. It was several minutes before he gently asked you if you’d like to stand up off the floor. 
“How’s about I make you a cup of tea, yeah? And then we can sit and talk if you’re comfortable.” Steven coaxed you over to the couch, handing you the box of tissues he kept on his desk. Your eyeliner had ruined his shirt, leaving uneven stripes down his already soda-soaked tie. He gave no indication that he minded though. In fact, he grabbed one of his own oversized night shirts for you to change into as he waited for the kettle to boil. 
Finally he emerged from the kitchen with your favorite mug in hand. He’d lost his tie somewhere along his little mission to comfort, his top button now undone and his hair disheveled. You almost giggled at the thought of the two of you, hot messes barely reminiscent of your elegant pre-party selves. 
“Here we are, love. Extra milk. Just how you like it.” Steven brandished an uneven grin, wary of your response as he settled on the couch next to you. He spoke genuinely as he handed you the mug. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
“No, it’s okay.” You began, sipping from your piping hot cup. Perfect. Steven always made it just right. You knew now that it was time to tell the three of them the truth. They’d already gathered the big idea, anyway, you supposed. They had put so much of their faith in you. Hell, they practically worshipped you. It was time you gave them the honesty they deserved. And time that you admitted to yourself how much healing you still had left to do. 
You talked for hours that night. Mostly with Steven, but Jake and Marc made their appearances, too. Steven was a master of comfort, assuring you of the love and respect that you deserved. He even drew you a bath later that night, lighting your favorite candles and setting up speakers around the tub for you to play music. Jake made his fair share of threats and you had to make him promise not to go after your ex. You weren’t entirely sure he didn’t have his fingers crossed, though. Marc mostly listened. He listened intently. He also made sure to tell you how much he loved you every time you paused for breath. He would have given you the world if he could find a way to hold it in his hands. 
And when you finally succumbed to your exhaustion it was Marc that held you safely in his arms. His chin nestled into your neck, he whispered sweet nothings until he heard you softly snoring. Only then did he start to relax, sure that his best girl was taken care of first. It was the best night's sleep you had ever had in your life. It wasn’t far from his, either. 
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Western Nights.
You don't expect to bump into your dad's best friend Javier in a church basement on the outskirts of town. You also didn't expect to fall in love with him. Life seems to be full of surprises - and Javier was the biggest surprise of all.
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Pairing - Dad'sBestFriend!Javier Peña x Female Reader
Age Rating - 18+
Word Count - 3.6k
Warnings - cursing. sexual content at the end. talk and themes of PTSD. brief mention of domestic abuse. several mentions of panic attacks. age gap (but all very legal and consensual). smut in future chapters.
Author's Note - it's finally here!! i've had this idea for so long and i'm so glad to finally put pen to paper. the dads best friend trope is one of my biggest weaknesses and javier peña is my favourite character ever, so naturally this was born. this fic will tackle some topics that may be a little tough for some people, so make sure to read the warnings!! can't wait to get this up on its feet and running, and for javi and peaches story to develop <3
as always, reblogs, comments and feedback (even anonymous feedback!) are immensely appreciated!! <3
Masterlist. Requests.
Series Masterlist. The Playlist.
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Healing isn't linear. Recovery is a journey. This is a choice I have to make. No one else can make it for me.
You're repeating reassurances to yourself in your mind as you descend the stairs to the basement.
It's dimly lit, and it takes your eyes a minute to adjust. When they do, you're able to make out an old, heavy, oak wood lectern at the front of the room. Rows of flimsy plastic chairs are set almost as an audience, and tables line the edges. The carpet is worn, beige, and stained, the entire space smelling like must and bad coffee. You wonder how many girls like you have stepped foot in here in the past.
You pull the sleeves of your sweater down over your wrists and stick to the back wall, willing yourself to become invisible. Watching as people mill in slowly, you take a deep, steadying breath. In for 4. Hold for 4. Out for 6.
"Hi!" a middle aged, dyed blonde, motherly woman screeches at you. The cadence of her voice makes you jump.
"Sorry, sweetpea! Didn't mean to scare you," she looks you up and down before continuing. "You're new here, ain't ya?"
Her southern accent, albeit very high pitched, is somewhat comforting. It's something familiar in this room full of the unknown.
"Yeah," you just about manage to choke out.
She surveys you again, this time with no judgment. You realise she's just trying to figure you out, as you are her.
"If you need anything, just come find me. I'm Primrose."
You smile gently at the floral moniker, and decide that Primrose might be some much needed support. Her motherly aura was calming you ever so slightly.
"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, if we could all talk a seat, that'd be fantastic."
A tall, curly haired man - who can't be more than 30 - wearing a name tag sticker that reads 'Tobias' has taken his place behind the lectern, gesturing at everyone to sit down. You pick a chair near the back, slouching down and ducking your head.
"Wonderful. Hi, everyone."
A chorus of hellos echoes around the room, everyone clearly used to this routine.
"For anyone who's new here, I'm Tobias, but everyone calls me Tobi. I've been a Priest for the last five years, and I've been running this group for the last two. Usually, how it works is that we get a few people to come up and speak through their experiences."
Your chest tightens, and you have to remind yourself to keep breathing. As if he sees your panic, Tobi continues.
"Most people find that being able to talk freely and without judgment is a useful coping mechanism. PTSD is complex, and it isn't something that can ever be fully 'cured' - but we can find ways to make things easier. You're in a room full of ladies and gentlemen that might not understand your experience, but definitely understand your feelings."
He catches your eyes across the depth of the room and smiles gently. You muster up the strength to smile back cautiously, and he nods before speaking again.
"Some just come here to listen. Others find it beneficial to talk. No one is going to pressure you, judge you, or scald you. This is a safe space. Share as much or as little as you'd like. Okay?"
Everyone nods and murmurs in agreement. Tobi seems to have a way of reassuring the entire room without really trying. He's calming, tender hearted, genuine. You like him already.
"Who wants to start?"
Primrose shoots up out of her chair on the front row and makes her way to the front. Tobi squeezes her shoulder as she passes, and she beams at him.
"Hi, y'all! I'm Primrose."
The room is clearly familiar with the blonde ball of excitement. Everyone yells greetings at her, her energy almost infectious.
"Most of you know my story, but just in case you don't -"
Her eyes flit to you briefly, and she smiles. You half smile back, relaxing slightly.
"I was in a marriage where I suffered domestic abuse. He used to hit me, manipulate me, call me names. You think it, he did it."
She takes a breath, putting the smile back on her face where it's faltered.
"I have some news to share. I'm engaged!"
A few people jump out of their seats to hug her, congratulating her with pats on the back and yelled excitement.
"Thank y'all, thank y'all! I couldn't wait to tell you guys. I just... I never thought that I could ever be happy again. I certainly never thought that I'd ever find the courage to be with another man, after everything. But I've found someone amazing. And he treats me like a queen. So, to anyone who's new here - it is possible. I promise you. Y'all better help me pick out a dress!"
The room erupts into applause, and Primrose smiles so bright you're surprised the lights don't shatter.
After Primrose, an elderly man named Walter takes the stage. He explains his experience in the military, and the trauma and violence he witnessed for years. You learn that he's a recovering alcoholic, who wasn't had a drink for 9 years. He shakes slightly where he stands, leaning against the cane in his hand. You can tell he's lived through hell.
Finally, after Walter, Tobi stands at the lectern. He's the sole survivor of a car accident that killed his two best friends. After struggling to cope, he turned to God, and became a Priest to better help people just like him in his community. He speaks with such ease, such grace. A wave of calm sweeps over the room as everyone listens intently.
He checks the brown leather strapped watch on his right wrist before clicking his tongue.
"Well, folks, that's all the time we have for today! Feel free to stick around and chat to each other, as always. There's coffee and cookies on the table, and Janet made some of her famous honey loaf too. Thanks for coming. Same time next week?"
Everyone agrees in shouts and thumbs up directed towards the front. Slowly, people rise, stacking their chairs away before making their way over to the table where the coffee sits next to the styrofoam cups.
You remain seated for a little longer, catching your breath. Your teeth are digging into your bottom lip, knawing at it anxiously. You suddenly taste pennies, and lick up the blood quickly with your tongue.
Standing up shakily, you fold your chair at its hinges and add it to the stack at the front of the room. A yawn overtakes you, tiredness suddenly settling into your bones.
Coffee. You need coffee.
You make your way over to the tables, timidly smiling at Primrose as she shows off her ring to a small group of people. Just as you reach over and grab an empty cup, you become suddenly aware of a presence behind you.
"Don't drink that."
A warm, rich, booming voice hits your ears. The large, looming presence comes a little closer, towering over you.
"Trust me, honey. It's the worst coffee you'll ever taste in your life."
You know that voice, it's familiar timbre.
Javier Peña.
You turn around to be met with the sight of him peering down at you intently. He's wearing a flannel and blue jeans, heavy boots on his feet. He smells like musk, sandalwood, and the Texan heat.
God, he looks good. He's strikingly handsome. Objectively attractive. Everyone in your town agrees that Javier Peña is one beautiful man.
And seemingly unattainable. Since leaving Lorraine at the altar years ago, no one has heard any word of Javier so much as dating.
"Such a waste," your mom always says. "Gorgeous man like that. He could have anyone he wants!"
And it's true. Chocolate hair, broad shoulders, strong thighs. The man is a heartthrob.
A heartthrob with a secret, apparently.
"Javier?" you question. "What are you doing here?"
It's now you realise that he's here. At the meeting. You've done such a good job of keeping your head down, going relatively unnoticed. And now, staring down at you, is your dad's best friend. So much for covert.
He must see the realisation on your face. Or maybe he notices the way your breathing quickens. Either way, he places a warm palm on your shoulder, looking at you carefully.
"Hey. It's okay," he reassures. "I won't tell if you won't."
You nod meekly, trying to stay calm. In for 4, hold for 4, out for 6.
The basement suddenly feels too small, too dark, too stuffy. The carpet is too scratchy, the chairs too hard, the table too white. You need to get out before your chest caves in.
"You know, if you still want coffee, there's a diner like ten minutes from here. They do really good pie," Javier tells you, distracting you from your impending panic attack.
You take a breath and nod.
"Yeah. Okay. I like pie."
"Come on," he encourages, gesturing at you to lead the way. "Walk with me."
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
You and Javier walk steadily side by side in silence, fingers occasionally accidentally brushing each other. After it happens twice, you decide to put your hands in your pockets the rest of the way, ignoring the warmth that radiates off him.
You eventually arrive at Cherry Pie Diner. The neon sign is blinding, shades of bright pink, yellow and blue flashing and flickering. Inside, the white overhead lights illuminate classic red leather booth seats and waitresses in pinafore aprons.
"Here we are. When you go in, ask for JoJo. She'll take care of you," he winks.
You stand stuck in your place on the sidewalk for a minute, processing his words.
"You're not coming in?"
He seems taken aback by your question. Now he's the one processing.
"You... uh - you want me to?"
"I, uh, yeah. I mean... if you're not busy... I just, uh - nevermind. Sorry. Forget I said anything."
"I didn't want to overstep, you know, it, uh- But if it's okay with you... I could do with some coffee."
Javier smiles at you gently, gauging your reaction. When you smile back hesitantly, he pushes open the door to the diner, gesturing at you to head inside.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
"What looks good, honey?"
You raise your eyes from the menu you were staring at intently to quirk your brow at Javier.
"I asked if anything looked good," he repeats kindly.
"I, um, I'm not sure. What do you recommend?"
"The peach pie," he says without hesitation.
The quick response makes you laugh, the melody of it tugging at Javier's heart strings. He realises, sadly, that he hasn't heard that sound in a hell of a long time.
"Listen, I know it's not anyone's go to," he justifies, "but it's honestly the best thing on the menu. There's nothin' like it."
"Okay," you say with complete certainty. "Peach pie it is."
JoJo is a bubbly, Southern woman with rosy cheeks and a smile that never seems to falter. She takes your orders happily, flirting with Javier like you weren't sat watching, confusion and awkwardness plastered across your face.
"You two seem close," you approach gently, trying to make conversation.
"Yeah, I know her husband. JoJo's been serving me here for at least 10 years. Peach pie, every time," he laughs.
"I'm usually a cherry pie girl. Maybe you'll convert me."
You both sip steadily at your coffees, humming in contentment at your first bites of pie. Halfway through your slice, you break the silence.
"Okay, fine. This might be the best pie I've ever had."
"I told you," he smirks. "I'll never lead you wrong, honey. Promise. Not where pie is concerned, anyway."
You finish off your slices in comfortable quiet, neither of you quite sure what to say next.
"So, uh... about tonight..." you begin nervously.
"I won't tell anyone I saw you, cariño. I swear."
You breathe a sigh of relief.
"Thank you, Javi. Really."
Javi. The nickname so rarely used, it makes his heart stutter for a second.
"You're... you're not gonna ask what I was doing at that meeting?"
He tilts his head slightly, gazing at you carefully before replying.
"If you wanted to tell me, you would. I'm not gonna push you. These things take time."
He smiles like he knows. You think, maybe, he does.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Anything, sweetheart."
A breath. In for 4, hold for 4, out for 6.
"Was that your first meeting too?"
He shakes his head, soft curls rippling.
"I've been going for a few months. I sneak out of town every week, so I'm pretty sure Chucho thinks I'm having a secret love affair. He doesn't ask questions."
You both laugh, and JoJo's head whips up, her curiosity peaked. She's never heard Javier laugh like this. Sure, he chuckles at her jokes, but the sound doesn't usually reach the corners of the room like that.
"He'd probably love it if you were, you know. Your love life is often a topic of conversation in my house, among many others in our neighbourhood."
He scoffs, and kicks your foot under the table teasingly.
"Man, nothing happens in that damn town, does it?"
"Nothing at all. Think we're overdue a secret love affair from you, Mr Peña. It might liven things up a little."
"Shut it, you," he chuckles, rolling his eyes.
You pull the sleeves of your sweater back down over your wrists again.
"I haven't seen you in a while. Think my dad is starting to get worried, you know."
A deep crease appears between his brows abruptly, hand rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeah. I've just been busy, I guess. Tryna sort my shit out," he snickers dryly, no real humour in it.
"So did you do it?"
"Sort your shit out?"
Now he laughs genuinely, bright smile gracing his cheeks.
"Absolutely fucking not."
"Man, I know the feeling," you reassure.
Your breathing speeds up slightly, eyes darting around the room. Javier notices, reaching across the booth to grab your hand. He intertwines his fingers with yours, thumb rubbing comforting patterns on your skin. You take a deep breath. In for 4, hold for 4, out for 6.
"I feel like... like I'm... uh...," he nods at you reassuringly, squeezing your hand a little tighter. "I feel like I'm drowning. I'm barely keeping my head above water at any given moment. And I'm tired, Javi. Fuck, I'm tired."
A warm, salty tear escapes you, running down your cheek. Javi leans forward and brushes it away with his thumb, big brown eyes never leaving yours.
"It's okay, cariño. You're okay," he murmurs. "I get it. God, I get it."
"You do?" you sniffle.
"I do," he confirms. "More than you could ever know. And I know how lonely it feels. But I promise you, sweetheart. You're not alone. Not anymore."
His voice is like warm honey, soothing and golden. It melts into you, releases some of the tension from your shoulders. The tightness in your chest loosens slightly, and you take a deep breath. You find the courage to look at him again, and find that he hasn't taken his eyes off you once. His gaze is like an anchor, tethering you to reality. You surprise yourself by not wanting to shy away from the intensity of it. No, you want more.
Javier lets go of your hand to trace his fingertips up your forearm. He draws patterns carefully, as if he's learning every inch of you, committing you to memory. Like he isn't sure when he'll get to touch you like this again. If he'll get to touch you like this again.
You're still looking at each other, neither of you gathering the courage to look away. It's as if Javi is reading the words off the very surface of your soul. You're not sure you've ever felt so understood in your life. It terrifies you.
Without thinking, you grab a hold of Javier's hand and raise it to your lips, kissing each of his knuckles gently. The tenderness makes his heart ache.
"Hermosa," he sighs almost wistfully.
The sound of his voice snaps you back to the present moment.
"I'm sorry," you stutter, letting go of him. "Fuck, Javi, sorry. I don't - oh, I... fuck."
"Why do you do it?" he asks.
"Do... do what?"
"Apologise for everything. Every other word out of your mouth is 'sorry'," he chuckles affectionately.
"Sorry," you mumble without thinking. You pause, registering your words. The two of you break out into laughter, clutching at your stomachs.
"Are you?"
"Am I...?"
"Are you sorry? Or do you just say it because you think people want to hear it? You can't apologise for your entire existence, cariño."
You look into those warm, chocolate eyes, and realise he's read you for filth. He's right.
"I'm not sorry," you whisper.
He quirks a brow and nods attentively, urging you to continue.
"For... for what I just did. I'm not sorry."
You're praying that he understands what you're trying to say. I'm not sorry for my tender gesture. I'm not sorry for this connection we've made. I'm not sorry for my soft heart.
"I'm not either," he replies, barely above a murmur. You hear him, clear as day.
You reach out, this time, and interlock your fingers with his across the table. His large hand envelopes yours, and he squeezes. It effects you more than it probably should.
JoJo drops a plate behind the counter, the red and white china shattering across the checkerboard floor. The smash snaps you both out of the moment, making you jump. Your heart kicks into overdrive, battering against your ribcage.
"Hermosa, it's alright. Just a plate."
You hear him, but your nervous system doesn't seem to want to cooperate. Your breaths become laboured and frantic, and your hold on Javi's hand tightens almost painfully.
"Come on, Peaches, let's get out of here. It's getting late."
Javier stands from his bench seat and pulls you up with him, never once removing his fingers from where they're locked with yours. He shoots a smile over to JoJo, who returns it with glee. The two of you walk across the parking lot, hand in hand, illuminated by the neon light of the diner's sign. The colours dance across Javier's cheekbones, reflecting off the brush of his mustache, painting the rich brown warmth of his hair. He's never looked more handsome.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
"Hmm?" Javier asks from where he's leaning against the side of your car, back in the church parking lot.
"You called me Peaches. In the diner."
He nods, smirk etched on his streetlit face.
"Because of the pie."
"Because of the pie," he echoes.
"I like it," you confess quietly. "Peaches."
Javier pushes off the vehicle and stands, towering over you. Without a second thought, he brushes a thumb over your cheekbone in a featherlight touch.
"Sweet like peaches," he murmurs. "Too fuckin' sweet for a world like this one."
You look up at him, breath catching in your throat when you meet his eyes. He's gazing at you with adoration. With tenderness. With so much softness. Your knees go weak with the weight of it all.
It hits you, suddenly. The realisation.
You want to kiss him.
You want to kiss Javier Peña.
You want to kiss him more than you've ever wanted to kiss anyone in your entire life.
You're stood in the parking lot of a church on the outskirts of town with your dad's best friend and you're feeling the closest thing to happy you've felt in months.
You take a step forward, closing the gap between you. The warmth radiating from the older man settles itself in your bones, shielding you from the chill of the night. Just as you tilt your face up towards his, your phone buzzes.
Jumping apart as if you've been caught, you check your messages with shaky hands.
"It's my mom. She thinks I'm with a friend, so she's just checking in. She doesn't like it when I drive in the dark."
The mention of your mother snaps Javier out of his peachy haze.
"You should get back, cariño. It's late. Sorry for keeping you."
"Now who's apologising for no reason?"
He laughs, and you feel like you've won a gold medal. An achievement in its own right.
You climb into the drivers seat of your car, starting up the engine. Just as you're about to leave, Javi taps on the window. You roll it down.
"Same time next week, Peaches?"
"Same time next week, Javi."
You drive away with a smile on your face and a warmth in your stomach, the taste of peach still lingering on your lips. You notice that Javier drives behind you steadily, following you carefully to make sure you get home safe.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
You're staring at the ceiling.
You're plagued by insomnia.
According to the Internet, it goes hand in hand with your PTSD. You make a mental note to work up the courage to ask Tobi about it in the next meeting.
You lie in bed, watching as the sunlight slowly illuminates the room. Usually, you'll make a cup of tea, read a book, watch a TV show. Pace around the room like a caged animal. Count sheep. Do yoga. Listen to music.
Tonight, you take a different approach.
Tonight, you slip a hand under the waistband of your underwear, and replay the way Javi murmured your name in the diner on repeat.
It does the trick.
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@frogers @farintonorth @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @pedrobaby @grace46 @harriedandharassed
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ironunderstands · 17 days
Would be waiting for acheron brainrot ramble here
Is it time for Acheron brainrot ramble? It’s time for Acheron brainrot ramble. Prepare for the most stream of consciousness post ever, I had so much fun writing this she has taken over my consciousness and puppeted me for my own ends, and commanded me to demonstrate how peak she really is. So enjoy, hopefully I can get others to love Acheron just as much as I do.
I think there are three reasons why I like Acheron 1) she’s really fucking cool 2) I love characters who guide/mentor others 3) She’s charming as hell.
Hoyo you aren’t allowed to make characters this good.
The music in her trailer, her aesthetic, the amount of fire fucking one liners. THE COLOR RED (I’ll get into it)
“Find me, your end, my origin.” Who cooked here who wrote this who’s the chef please where’s the restaurant I’m eating this up
“On the still waters of oblivion, I guide the wandering souls” GRAHAJDJWJKSSW YES YOU DO OH MY GOD I CANT PUT INTO WORDS HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS LINE SHUT UP EVERYONE SHUT UP. Like she literally is at the edge of existence fighting to help others find their future, I just. RAAAA
SHE CUTS A BLACK HOLE IN HALF?? HUHH AUGHH a black hole that’s the manifestation of meaninglessness in the universe, and she goes “nah” and fucking obliterates it?!!?
“I weep for the departed” Those who have died are gone, and slowly losing themselves even further. For decades, centuries, millennia, even, Acheron has witnessed this, and still cries for them, still guides them to the other side, even if the task itself is meaningless, because someone should do it, someone has to do it, and that someone is HER.
She saves Aventurine, she saves the Trailblazer, she saves the entirity of Penacony. Someone blessed by the manifestation of nonexistent dedicates her life to giving others a reason to live.
Aventurine asks her why people should bother living, if the dice are always weighted in a certain outcome, then why should we keep going? Aventurine asks her why people should bother living if the universe is meaningless?
He fully expects her to say people shouldn’t.
But Acheron doesn’t do that. The dice are weighted against us. Not just in game, but in reality itself. We will all die, you will die, the people you care about will die, I might die, it remains to be seen. However, before that inevitable ending, before the curtain finally closes, we have so many choices to make. If the ending is the same for everyone, it doesn’t matter, and Acheron tells Aventurine this.
Because the Nihility envelops everyone equally, the universe is equally meaningless for everyone, nobody is the special someone destined to have a destiny. Therefore, it doesn’t matter. Aventurine has no reason to live. And Aventurine has no reason not to live. She tells him his time hasn’t come, because it hasn’t. Until that dice roll, until his final breath, Aventurine can still make choices and he can still choose to live for himself, and that’s the answer Acheron gives him.
But she knows that’s not enough. Aventurine will still struggle to live for himself, after all he’s been through, after the mountain of expectations and hopes and dreams piled onto him. So she tells him his friend has already given him the answer. Aventurine pulls out the note written by Dr. Ratio. It doesn’t give him a plan, doesn’t inform him of what expectations he has for him, doesn’t list every single reason why Aventurine should keep going. Ratio tells Aventurine to stay alive and keep on living, because he doesn’t need anything more than that, there isn’t anything more than that. Her caring about Aventurine, Ratio caring about Aventurine, that’s enough to keep him going, because other peoples love is enough of a reason to exist, universe be damned.
existing. The Existence. AKSJAKKSNDKKWEN.
Like you don’t understand, you don’t understand. ACHERON IS ENVELOPED IN THE MEANINGLESSNESS OF THE UNIVERSE BEFORE SHE FINDS ITS EXISTENCE, ITS VALUE, ITS MEANING. Even if it can never be achieved, Acheron is willing to destroy herself completely as she walks farther and farther into the Nihility trying to find the Existence, even if it takes every from her she will find it. Only by giving up her existence can Acheron find the Existence and kill the Nihility. Only by sacrificing her own life and giving up her own meaning can she give it to others.
Red. She tells the trailblazer that when they can no longer see the world in anything but black and white, there will be a brief flash of Red for them.
Red is the Existence. Red is the color of her blade that allowed her to cut that black hole in half. Red is the only color left when she unsheathes her sword. Red is the color of the tears she cries. Red is the color of the words she speaks to us that truly matter.
Red is the color she cuts into reality. In a world of black and white, in which all the light has been swallowed by IX, and the path ahead is blurry, Acheron illuminates the universe’s future in bright red, creating color, creating life, creating Existence in a world devoid of it.
We will encounter the Nihility along our journey, just as we would encounter every other aeon. The world will seem meaningless, and it will be devoid of color, but when the Trailblazer needs it the most, there will be Red. A reason to keep going, a reason to exist, a reason to keep on Trailblazing, because the path of the Trailblaze’s end is also at the Existence, and we will meet Acheron there again. Whether that color will come from us or her remains to be seen, but it will be there for us when we need it.
However, I think we/the Trailblazer will be alone. As that flash of red isn’t the only thing Acheron tells the Trailblazer.
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Only when left alone can people pick themselves up. Only when help is absent can people truly fight for themselves. Only when you are alone, can you truly understand your existence.
That doesn’t mean other people don’t matter, that you have to walk the world alone, that you can only exist devoid of others. Quite the opposite actually, other people can be your reason to exist, something to help keep you going. Acheron knows this, which is why she directs Aventurine to Ratio’s note. That’s the meaning he can find in a meaningless universe.
Moreover, people help each other, they provide the tools other people need to exist, the anchors that ground people in reality, the reason why you might want to wake up in the morning, they create the things and ideas that you need and enjoy. It’s when you are ripped of these comforts, stripped of the things that make you want to keep going, is when people fight for their existence. As in a world devoid of everything, can you truly appreciate the things you have, and acknowledge that since there is now nothing, you are the only something. When there is no one there to save them, fools pick themselves up, and that is Existence.
I love Acheron. I love her silly amnesiac tendencies, I love her beautiful design, I love that she’s a Mei counterpart, but most of all, I love what she stands for.
Acheron is the indomitable human spirit personified, she quite literally chooses to exist in the face of absolute nothing. When the world loses all color, does she paint reality in a bright red with her sword, writing her own destiny with each and every slash.
And for that, I will always adore her.
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ellabsweet · 10 months
[*ੈ✩] 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐑𝐘 • 𝐄.𝐖
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synopsis: ellie writes in her journal religiously, a foolish attempt at reconciling with her feelings and understanding what it is that happens to her particularly when she is around you
pairing: ellie williams x reader
warning: written in ellie’s pov as the entire story is told through her journal entries, if this is well received it might be a multiple part series, loads of angst and borderline emotional cheating
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I saw her again this week. Or better yet, she saw me, and I don’t think I have ever dropped someone’s hand so fast as when her eyes glanced down towards mine and Cat’s intertwined, in the end that only served a purpose to make them both upset. She pretended not to have noticed me after that and deep down I couldn’t blame her for it, though it’s been nearly a month since our last conversation a part of us both know that a friendship shouldn’t experience something that feels like a break up.
Guilt is the second worst feeling I’ve ever experienced and still it comes pretty damn close to grief. Sometimes kissing Cat I pretend that it’s her instead, eyes shut from all reality it’s almost like I can shift her taste into whatever I imagine hers to be instead and in the moment it feels too good for the guilt to settle in, it feels like home. Which is a shame, in the end, because this is about me not deserving that comfort. I remember Cat had to stop me, push me off her to catch her breath with a laugh and she looked me starry eyed to say she’s never felt me so into her before. The strawberry in my lips turned to poison so fast. She didn’t know. Didn’t even understand why my face fell at the comment, felt the need to tell me it was just a joke but we both knew it wasn’t.
Cat is easy. Easy in a way that borders boring which means it’s safe. Life is hard enough as it is for me to keep having these impulses towards devastating gut wrenching love, the kind of love inevitable with her. I told her once when we still liked to pretend we were friends that she was something of a tornado, like this force of nature so inevitable to everything else that sweeps up everything off the ground, and she was so offended. Like I’d said she was destructive. But she is. I haven’t given her the opportunity to abandon me and still it has broken my heart to glance at her across a room and not run straight to her arms, not be the one making her laugh. It’s been too long since I’ve heard the laugh I would bottle and save to get drunk on hard days and now can’t even treasure for good ones.
To be loved by her, though I guess it may be pretentious of me to assume she loved me, was finally coming up for air, was watching a meteor shower, is probably the closest I’ve ever gotten to the moon and understanding what it is to moon over someone, she personified my astronaut dreams and I am a stupid asshole who keeps dropping things on Earth because they’ve got new found gravity. I miss floating and I hate all the things I’ve crashed on the ground, sometimes I’m not sure who’s shattering the most without her. (I do. It’s me. I’m taking this metaphor too far.) But she would hate me if she knew. I thought I had lived long enough as myself so I could find her but not having died for the cure only means I never get to have her, not fully, not if she knew. And I wanted her to know me. More than I wanted her to just love me, which is terrifying. That’s why we can’t be.
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milkywaydrabbles · 8 months
can you do a part 2 on Ran's ff please :) how Ran and the reader start dating someone and always end up fighting with other people or things against the law and how one day Ran shows up at the reader's window saying she wanted to do something crazy and have a "love elopement" (I hope you understand, English is not my language)
A/N: nonnie you have made me so happy asking for a part 2 because I can't stop thinking about this man but I couldn't keep yelling into the air about him OMG. Here it is! I love him!
Part 1 of meeting Ran here! (Song that inspired it here)
“Happy anniversary, baby~”
The gang member sweetly kissed your cheek, holding onto your waist in your now shared bedroom. You sighed happily against him, turning to return his kiss fully. “Happy anniversary, babe.” You whispered against his mouth, hand playing with his purple locks of hair. The clock barely struck midnight when he turned over to look at you and tell you first thing about your anniversary. It’d already been a year since you two started dating, barely six months in before you moved into his much larger penthouse and barely eight months when he asked you to stop working and let him take care of you fully. Your entire relationship was based off ridiculous and seemingly insane decisions that could have blown up in your faces at any given moment. How it hasn’t yet, was a surprise to everyone else around you. 
You two though? You simply shrugged. It was meant to be.
Visions of the first night of meeting him flashed in your memory: meeting up with your sweet friend and her not-so-sweet boyfriend. (You liked him, really! But he was an absolute ass to everyone around him except her. You could respect it.) You weren’t expecting anyone else to be with the couple, even though you vaguely remember your friend talking about ‘meeting Rindou’s brother’--you didn’t really think anything of it. Instead you came face to face with Ran-someone who did deeply resemble Rindou, except a bit taller and much more your type. You tried to introduce yourself the way you always would, with a friendly enough smile (can’t let them think you’re soft) and a handshake. Except he flipped your entire world on its axis when he picked up your hand and felt lips on your palm, smirk playing on his lips and eyes filled with excitement as he introduced himself to you. It was hard to breathe around him, and for the rest of the night you found yourself always looking around to see if he was close (he always was--you were sure he knew you were looking for him.) You remember a stupid joke you made about putting a gun to a man’s head if he ever cheated on you, and he fucking sprinted with it: grasping at your throat and asking if he could do the same thing to you if you ever cheated on him. As if you two were already together. 
The rest was history after that night.
You reminisced on all the times you stayed out way too late on a work night with him, drinking and laughing, feeling his body on yours. You thought of the times you both got in trouble at different bars and clubs, you ready to jump at any girl that had the fucking audacity to flirt with him in front of you. You tried, really you did, to give them a chance and back off. Ran would only ever laugh, turning his head to you with mirthful eyes, as if challenging you to back down. But when you saw them paw at his chest you couldn’t just stand around. You weren’t jealous, you trusted him with your life (probably shouldn’t so early on, but you digress) however you were possessive. 
And Haitani Ran was yours. 
You remember the feeling of being on the back of his bike for the first time, wind blowing in your face and how the excitement had you squealing, holding onto him tight and pressing yourself closer to his back. You remember how he went faster after you held on tighter, and you couldn’t find it in you to care. You remember letting him fuck you on his bike after the ride, covering your mouth with a gloved hand and him whispering to ‘keep it down, the neighbors will hear baby’. You thought of how good he felt inside you for the first time, feeling like his cock was made to be inside you--how he molded your pussy to be his and only his. You ruined each other for other people, no one else could ever compare now. 
You remember how he told you he loved you after month three. How he had you up against his bedroom walls, fucking up into you with vigor and licking at your mouth. How he held you so tightly as he came, carrying you to his bed and keeping you close to his body. You remember how he whispered ‘I love you’ when he thought you were asleep, nuzzling into your hair. 
You told him you heard in the morning during breakfast. You said it back.
You remember when he told you what he did for the first time. You thought he was joking, rolling your eyes and pushing him away. You remember how he didn’t joke with you, not smiling in your direction when you laughed. You remember how he fidgeted in his seat, scared to death that you’d freak out, that you’d leave him after finding out. You grabbed his hands, brows furrowing, saying ‘if you’re fucking with me I’ll fuck you up, Ran. Are you serious?’ You remember how he nodded, grip on you tightening. Asking you if you would come with him, to meet his boss, meet Mikey, how you had to if you wanted to be with him. Initiation of some sort, he said. ‘Rin’s girl did it.’ your memory replayed, ‘She had to. To be with him. Do you...want to be with me?’ 
You met Mikey the day after, and luckily survived with no more than hyperventilating in Ran’s car afterwards.
You remember the day he asked you to move in with him. All your stuff was practically there anyways. You started to look for a new apartment, your lease up soon. You wanted to move closer to him, even if just a little bit--the area he lived in was way too rich for you. But if you were in the neighborhood over, that’d work just fine too. He rolled his eyes at you, closing your laptop when you were looking at places, and offhandedly stated ‘it doesn’t make sense for you to keep paying for another place. I own mine, remember? Just move in with me.’ It was stupid suggestion, you knew that, just six months into the relationship. But you couldn’t think of a reason not to (you’d have no place to stay if you two broke up, you’d have to move right away, you’d have the stress of finding a new place--endless possibilities, really.) 
So you packed your essentials (and trinkets) and sold the rest.
You remember how good those two months were, but how you hated that your work schedule got in the way so much. Stupid, demanding job, taking you away from the blissful mornings you had with him. There were days you’d only see each other early morning when you got ready for work and late at night when Ran came back from a hit job. You remember how frustrated he got whenever you got up, trying so hard not to show it but it was hard not to when he was so cranky in the mornings. ‘This is fucking stupid’, he grumbled, pulling you back into his arms. ‘You don’t need to work baby. I can take care of you. Quit your job.’ You actually cackled at that, pushing him off and getting ready as normal. That was stupid, and you knew that was a bad idea. But when you turned to kiss him before you left your heart nearly broke. He stood there so sad, holding your face so gently, a faint blush creeping up from his exposed chest. ‘I’m serious, princess...let me take care of you. Really.’ He whispered, unable to look you in the eyes. 
You quit your job that day.
He brought you back from your memories with sweet kisses across your face, pulling you into his lap as he sat up on his mattress. “What do you feel like doin’ for our special day, baby? Anything you want.” He’d always give you anything you wanted, no matter what you asked. You hummed, massaging his shoulders and you made yourself comfortable straddling his thighs. “Dunno, something crazy maybe.” You said mostly offhandedly, but when you saw him cheshire grin you knew he already had something planned. 
“Crazy huh...marry me, then.”
You blinked, stopping your movements while you just...stared at him. “Ran...what?” He shrugged, rubbing your thighs with a smirk. “Marry me. You said you wanted something crazy. That matches us, right?” You couldn’t believe your ears. This was actually the mostly insane thing he could have asked. Not the moving in, not the quitting your job, marriage after a year? There was no way he was being serious right?
So you played it off.
“You know I’m not saying yes to a proposal without my dream ring, Ran.” You teased, though your heart was in your throat as you spoke. Trying to keep it lighthearted. If you really thought about it, you knew it was a stupid idea. But you loved him. And he loved you, you were good for each other. Making stupid, irrational decisions together for the rest of your lives, you’d thought about it already. It worked for you two. You were meant to be. And you figured out quick that you were right all along, because suddenly Ran was poking his hand into his nightstand, pulling out a little box that had your stomach dropping. Your breathing hitched, not saying a word as he opened it up, and showed you the exact ring you’d shown him time and time again. The one you swore up and down was your dream, the one you wish you’d have when you got engaged. You didn’t think he was ever really paying attention. You didn’t bring it up that much, but whenever you saw it you couldn’t help but sigh. 
And it was there, in your face, with Haitani Ran waiting patiently for an answer.
“What about now?”
You didn’t realize you started crying until his hand came up to thumb away the tears with a laugh. “You haven’t even answered yet!” 
You grabbed at his face and pushed your lips against his, pouring in all your love and affection to this absolute madman into the kiss. He left you breathless, and when you pulled away you could only sniffle and nod.
“Let’s get married then.”
“Crazy enough for you, baby doll?”
You nodded. “It suits us.”
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What are five unpopular opinions you have about Charmed?
This is the first ask I've ever gotten! I'm very excited but a little nervous that my UOs will annoy the few mutuals I'm lucky enough to have :) Here we go...
While I love aspects of every season (yes, even S8!), season one is my favorite of the series. It suffers from some inevitable rookie season clunkiness, but I love the overall tone and feel of it. Getting to watch the sisters first discovering their powers and reconnecting with one another is such a joy. As a mystery junkie, I also really like how Andy's presence as Prue's significant other and a detective gave the season a few minor crime/mystery elements. S1 is second only to S2 as the season when I love Phoebe most, and S1 Piper is my very favorite Piper of the series. Oh, and S1 Leo is utterly adorable :)
I don't really like P3, the so-called 'hottest club in town' lol. I could never envision Piper as someone who'd even enjoy going to loud and crowded nightclubs, let alone owning one and having to spend nearly every single evening there. I know the show wanted an excuse to showcase music, but most of it happens to be music I don't particularly like. And it's not like Piper seemed to really enjoy owning and running P3 - her passion was always cooking, and more often than not the club just became another item on the long list of stuff she was perpetually stressed about. I don't know, for some weird reason I just preferred seeing the sisters hanging out at home or at a place like Quake.
I completely understand why Phoebe/Cole is an OTP for so many, but they just never really resonated with me, and I personally dislike the impact that Cole's presence had on Phoebe's character arc and the show's overall tone. But obviously shipping is very subjective. I hope my Phole-loving mutuals aren't rushing to hit the unfollow button!
I know we talk a lot about how Piper changed throughout the series, but my UO is that Phoebe changed far more drastically. The Phoebe we got for the first 2.5ish seasons is literally among my very favorite television characters ever, but in mid to late seasons she was almost unrecognizable to me. It's not as if I ever dislike her, but so much of what made Phoebe's personality and outlook on being a witch unique to me was either stripped away or given to Paige (because the show apparently believes that sibling age order determines 95% of someone's personality- even when some of those siblings first meet as fully developed adults lol). I could never dislike Phoebe and she's still very important to me, but her core personality traits, values and even day-to-day mannerisms just seemed entirely different to me in mid to late seasons as compared to her early season self.
I love Paige's S7/S8 brown hair much more than I liked her blonde or red hair. This is a highly controversial opinion among my few real life friends who also watched the show :)
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Just Friends
Daniel Ricciardo x Reader
Summary: Daniel and Y/n insist they are just friends.
Warnings: Language, fluff, drinking.
Word Count: 2867 words
Authors note: Again, sorry if this isn’t the best piece of writing but we only move forward 😊 Hope you guys like it, can’t wait to hear what you think 😊 Also, don't just the pictures, they were done too quickly with the writing on them :D
“I didn’t know Daniel was dating someone new?” Charles kept glancing over towards you two.
Despite Daniel being incredibly private about his love life with the public, to the other drivers he would show whoever he was dating off constantly, so why hadn’t he done the same with you?
“Not his girlfriend” Lando shrugged, confused by the situation but knowing that if Daniel wanted to say something, there was no one on earth who could stop him from doing so.
“So, what I’m hearing is she’s single” Pierre had learnt his lesson talking to woman he shouldn’t be, avoiding looking at you too much, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t noticed how gorgeous you were, suddenly fully indulging in taking you in.
“She might be single, but I have never seen Daniel so protective over anyone in my entire life, so I wouldn’t even bother trying” Lando tried to warn Pierre, knowing that there was a 50/50 chance of him actually listening to him.
“But they aren’t dating?” Pierre was pushing his luck, he knew he was, but he wouldn’t really be a good f1 driver if he didn’t now would he?
“How they fuck are they not dating?” Charles refused to believe a word Lando was saying, the way you to were looking at each other, there was no way you weren’t.
Lando just shrugged, “every single time I mention it he says they’re just friends and just kind of leaves it there so I didn’t press the issue, but she is his wallpaper and nonsense too, but I don’t know man, who knows what’s going on with Daniel” he wish he had a better explanation and he really didn’t believe Daniel for a second when he said that you two were nothing more than just friends but every time he asked Daniel was so adamant that he just decided to drop it instead.
“He’s got to be lying” Pierre nodded in agreement along with Charles, there was no way you were that affectionate with just your friend, at least, none of his ‘just friends’ were ever that affectionate with him.
“Max might know more, but trust me when I say this, she is definitely off limits” Lando shot Pierre a warning look again, daring him to attempt anything, Pierre heading the warning this time with a nod of the head, not entirely understanding the situation, but knowing enough about protective Daniel to know that this was not territory he should venture into.
“So, no Y/n today?” Scott asked as he sat next to Daniel on the balcony, overlooking the Monacan ocean.
“Nah, she’s got some work function, but she should be here in the next hour or so” Daniel triple checked his watch doing the mental calculation on what time you should be arriving, despite you never explicitly saying you would be coming over, you were his best friend, so it was generally a given.
“Cool, cool, yeah, you guys make plans for this evening then?” he knew he wasn’t exactly being sneaky asking, but in his defence he was trying to not get caught prying.
“Nope, but she normally-“
“Normally pops in whenever, yeah, I know” Scott finished his sentence for him, having heard the same thing a million times before.
“I feel like you have something to say” Daniel knew exactly what he wanted to say, it was the same thing everyone wanted to say, but no matter how many times they ask, the answer was never going to change.
“Nope” Scott popped the P, face indicating otherwise.
“Great” Don’t give in Daniel, it’s exactly what they all want, you know what you two are and that’s -  
“Like, you’re sure you two are just friends right?” Scott broke his train of thought, diving right into the same question he hadn’t been able to escape from for weeks, “because like, even your mom thinks there’s something more happening here”
“When did you speak to my mom?” thank you Scott for giving him an out of this conversation.
“We chat” Scott shrugged far too nonchalantly for Daniels liking given that he had just found out one of his best friends was casually talking to his mother like they were mates, “don’t change the topic”
“You’re relentless” Daniel couldn’t do this again.
“You’re keeping shit from your best friend” in truth, Scott was nervous Daniel was going to get hurt, and Daniel keeping secrets, this wasn’t like him, so something was definitely off about the entire situation.
“Thought you were my mom’s best friend” Daniel shot back, using every tactic he could to get out of this conversation.
“Don’t be a smartass mate” Why did they both have to be so stubborn?
The silence a battlefield between the two men, neither willing to give up their position. Luckily for Daniel, you, the ever godsend, rang his doorbell.
“Thank fuck” Daniel hoped Scott heard, wanting him to know how badly he didn’t want to have this same conversation.
“Ah, speak of the devil” Scoot explained as you joined them on the balcony, you feign offence.
“Come now Scott, we all know I am significantly better looking” you joked around, greeting him with a kiss to the head, always affectionate with those you love, “but now I am curious, what were you saying about me then?” you pressed him, knowing it took absolutely zero effort to get Scott to crack.
“Oh, you know, this and that, talking about you and Daniels precarious relationship” he lifted his eyebrows, questioning you, hoping for the answer he had tried to get out of Daniel.
“Oh god, again? Seriously Scott? Are you truly no better than everyone else?” You could not handle this line of questioning again, it being the only thing you were see all over social media every race weekend these days when it came to the F1 wags.
“Is he bugging you about this too?” Daniel handed you a glass of wine and took his original position on the chair next to Scott, hand wrapping around your thigh as you leaned on his shoulder addressing them both now.
“Neither of you have given an answer though” Check and mate, he was convinced you had to give it up now.
“We’re just friends” you both answered the now well practiced line.
“Fine. Why did she get wine and I didn’t?” None of this was convincing Scott otherwise of you two being just friends.
“You know where the kitchen is”  Daniel jerked his head towards the interior, refusing to get up, “bring the bottle out with you please” Both you and Daniel shot him a look of thanks.
“You both suck” Scoot grumbled his was inside and poured himself a drink before making his way back outside, only two find you two significantly closer, engaged in conversation, completely sure that neither of you even knew he was back.
Fine. You two can attempt to keep this secret, but Scott was going to get you two to admit your feelings for each other one way or another. It suddenly dawning on him that you two might not even genuinely realise how you felt.
With that he grabbed his phone and snapped a picture of the two of you. Time for him and all the fans to get to work making you two see how you really felt about each other.
“Just friends my ass” he said far too loudly in the hopes you’d hear before taking his seat and opening Instagram.
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Liked by Pierre Gasly and 16803 others.
ScottJames: My favourite two just friends <3
McLaren: 👀
CharlesLeclerc: @LandoNorris how?!
Lando had been searching for Daniel everywhere, boredom taking over at the McLaren garage as both their cars were being fine tuned for the race weekend, eventually making his way to Daniel drivers’ room.
He knew Daniel was with you, when was Daniel not with you, but you were always great company for the young driver too, him beginning to love it when you came with to races, always siding with him when he would pick on Daniel.
What did concern him though was the fact that realistically you two had to be in his drivers’ room, but it was dead quiet in there, and that made him very nervous.
Please don’t now be the moment you both realise your love for each other, and he walks in on either a very emotional moment for you both or the kind of moment that would require hm never looking Daniel in the eye again.
He tentatively opened the door and, hoping you’d both stop whatever you were doing so he wouldn’t be scarred.
Instead, he was met with breathes in sync.
There you and Daniel lay, fast asleep in each other’s arms.
Surely neither of you actually believed you were just friends? Friends aren’t as comfortable as you two are with each other. No, what you and Daniel had was something significantly deeper, like, fuck, something deep. He was an F1 driver, not a poet.
Maybe Scott had the right idea of how to go about this entire thing, and with that he quietly snapped a picture of you both before creeping back out the room and putting it on his Instagram.
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Liked by ScottJames and 2859306 others.
LandoNorris: Two just friends napping.
PierreGasly: Do they even know?
CharlesLeclerc: HOW!!
MercedesAMG: The love story F1 deserves <3
“Could you two please concentrate? Daniel actually has to train you know that right?” Michael adored you two, lord knows he did, but the way you two were constant distractions for each other was beginning to be a challenge for him today.
“Sorry mate, will be there in a second, just showing y/n this thing quick” Daniel didn’t even bother looking up at him, fully engrossed on your reaction to the video and that alone.
This situation needed to be dealt with. How were you two so oblivious to each other’s feelings?
Michael snapped a picture and sent it to Scott.
M; You have the same problem when they are together?
M: Do they even know?
S: Doubt it, but that’s why I keep putting it on Instagram, maybe everyone else can convince them.
M: You know that’s kind of cruel right?
S: Just put the fucking picture up.
M: It’s a little private though no?
S: Pussy.
S: If they won’t listen to us, maybe they will listen to THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!
S: Daniels mom says put it up.
M: You text Daniels mom?
S: We chat.
Fuck, if Daniels mom said he should, then who was he to argue.
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Liked by LewisHamilton and 56893 others.
MichaelItaliano: Two just friends getting ready for race weekend.
Mclaren: Daniels clearly dedicated to something.
LandoNorris: At least one of us will be ready for race day.
YukiTsunoda: @PierreGasly Goals <3
“See you brought Y/n as your date tonight” Max slid next to Daniel at the bar as he got you both drinks.
“Not you too Max” Daniel couldn’t handle this right now, not when he had this many drinks in him.
“Can you blame me mate?” Maybe it was time someone had an actual straightforward conversation with him about this and if it had to be Max, then so be it.
“Can we not just be friends? Why is everyone so obsessed with us being more?” Daniel was going to need t get one or two extra shots tonight clearly.
“Look me in the eye and tell me you believe the bullshit you two keep spewing that you’re just friends” drunk Daniel was his best bet at having this conversation, so it was now or never.
“I gotta get her drink to her” Daniel opted to avoid the conversation entirely, the bartender handing him his out, not wanting to leave you alone for too long, considering how he had noticed Pierre staring at you this evening.
Before he could leave Max grabbed his arm, forcing Daniel to look at him, “just so we’re clear, you couldn’t say it nor look me in the eye” and with hat Max let him go and turned to the bar, dropping the conversation after that to enjoy his night.
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Liked by DanielRiccairdo and 64935 others
MaxVerstappen: Love third wheeling two just friends.
Y/nInsta: Please, more like me third wheeling you two all night <3
PierreGasly: You looked beautiful Y/n 😊
CharlesLeclerc: @PierreGasly you are stupid.
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Liked by Y/nInsta and 877348 others.
Mclaren: Just friends congratulating and supporting other just friends <3
MercedesAMG: Goals <3
YukiTsunoda: @PierreGasly why don’t you congratulate me like this?
LandoNorris: @CharlesLeclerc This is just getting ridiculous.
“So, you excited for your two just friends to leave so you can spend the rest of your vacation in a small little romantic Italian town with your real just friend?” Scott nudged Daniel as he joined him and Michael down at the beach while you got ready for dinner.
“I actually hate you both” Daniel shoved Scott into the water laughing all the while.
“It would be the perfect place” Michael thought out loud.
“For what?” Daniel was truly at a loss for what Michael was talking about.
“To admit it” Michael was blunt with his word choice, he knows he was, but it was time.
“Really man, this Daniel, the Daniel with her is the happiest Daniel we’ve ever seen, it’s just you two who don’t realise how you guys feel” this was the most serious Scott had ever been about the entire situation and it was weirding everyone out, including himself.
“Guys, no, listen we’re-“
“Just friends” Michael and Scott finished in unison, the same monotone voice coming from both of them.
“Forget we said anything” Michael could only do so much and if Daniel wasn’t listening then what could he do.
“Speak for yourself, you don’t forget a single thing I’ve said to you, remember this shit constantly, I need it to haunt you” Scott was sure this started out as a joke, but by the end of that sentence he was probably a bit too serious.
“Let’s go, y/n should be ready” Daniel began making his way back to you, truly not caring if either of them actually followed at this pointed.
“You would be the leading authority on all things y/n” and next thing Scott was sprinting in the direction of the Chalets before Daniel could catch him.
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Liked by Daniel Ricciardo and 45 others.
MichaelItaliano: Two just friends just exploring.
Redbull: Romeo oh Romeo
MercedesAMG: I’m just a friend, standing in front of just a friend, asking him to love her.
LandoNorris: *Kiss*
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Liked by Y/nInsta and 24 others.
ScottJames: The totally normal way just friends look at each other.
MaxVerstappen: @DanielRicciardo why do you never look at me like that?
RedBull: @Ferrari why do you never look at me like that?
PierreGasly: @CharlesLeclerc why do you never look at me like that?
It had been your first full day alone and you and Daniel had just woken up from a nap after spending the entire day on the beach.
“Wine?” you asked, beginning to make you way to the kitchen.
“When do we ever say no to wine?” Daniel surprised you even had to ask.
“I’ll be back now” and with that you had left the room.
Normally Daniel was hyperaware of your every move, but now, he was distracted. Was everyone right? Well, he knew they were right about him, but could you possibly feel the same? Only drawing himself back to reality when he felt you card your fingers through his hair.
“Come back to me hun” you lightly whispered out as you continued walking out to the balcony.
Daniel grabbed his phone, taking a picture of you, one of the thousands already in his phone of you, but this one of specific importance.
This one signified the moment before the change. The image he could go back to again and again in case you didn’t feel the same. The potential last time things were good between the two of you.
Or the moment just before everything changed for the better.
 Daniel hesitantly sat down next to you; the air around you both different this time. It was time. Daniel had more hope now than he had ever had since meeting you. Daniel had to take the chance.
He took in the moment before one second longer before -
“We were never just friends, at least, you weren’t ever just a friend to me”
The air was thick, it was too silent.
“I never was to you was I?”  
He always felt that hearing that from you would give him butterflies and fireworks and all the other things that the movies tell you that you should have but instead, what Daniel got was the overwhelming sense of calm, of peace, of the confirmation that this is exactly what his life was meant to be.
“Be mine then.”
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Liked by Y/nInsta and 583962 others.
DanielRicciard: “Just Friends”
ScottJames: FINALLY!!!! You’re mom is gonna be so happy <3
Mclaren: The ending the people deserve <3
CharlesLeclerc: @LandoNorris I fucking told you!!!!
MaxVerstappen: About Goddamn time.  
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my duty
prince!rindou x princess!reader
not even a future king can earn the affections of a woman in love
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i’ve been wanting to explore this idea i had back when i read the tr manga and fell in love with rin but i’ve been too mentally blocked (and busy) to write a full fic like i wanted, so a mini series of drabbles for whatever comes to my mind it is
word count 0.7k
fem!reader, first pov, mutual pining, forbidden love, implied past sex, talks of weddings, arranged marriage, no smut on this one sadly i’m still rusty, ran being a sweetheart, fully self indulgent
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Wedding this, wedding that. White gown this, seating chart that. Making heirs this, ruling an entire country that. My mother just wouldn’t shut up, as if she was the damn bride.
I couldn’t help the exhausted sigh that escaped my lips as I barely listened to what she had to say about my wedding and my future home. At this point she honestly just spoke because she adored hearing the sound of her own voice.
A warm hand reached under the table, fingers slipping between mine as their owner squeezed gently. I glanced at the man sitting beside me as his lips curled into a small, genuine smile. His lavender eyes didn’t leave mine as he raised our hands and left a kiss on my knuckles.
Well, at least I had him on my side.
“Look at them, they’re so adorable!” My mother exclaimed, clutching at her chest. “And to think they couldn’t stand each other when they first met. Truly a match made in heaven.”
Yeah, we hated each other’s guts because we couldn’t escape the future that had been planned for us since before we even knew how to walk. He was the crown prince and I had been bred ever since I could remember to be his wife. We eventually realized we had to at least pretend to be an united front so we’ve grown fond of each other, like the childhood friends that we are instead of the lovers we’re supposed to be.
No, my love was reserved for someone else.
Despite being a princess myself and my father’s only child, I would never be able to rule my country myself because I was a woman. Perhaps a small, childish part of me blamed Ran even if he’s not the one sending me off to foreign lands like they cannot wait to get rid of me already.
My cousin instead was to be crowned King the day my father was no longer in this world. The thought always left a bitter taste in my mouth.
Ran smiled politely at my mother, then turned toward my father at the head of the table. “I’m blessed to be able to spend the rest of my life with a woman such as your daughter, Your Majesty. I couldn’t ask for a better Queen for my people.” A half lie I found my cheeks getting warm at.
His fake smile dropped as soon as my parents turned their attention to one of my aunts- hell, I didn’t even know from which side of the family she was, but I was glad to have the spotlight off me again. Ran’s hand remained on mine for a moment longer before he picked his fork up and continued eating.
I felt a pair of eyes burning into the side of my face as I took my wine and gulped it down in one swig, then switched my empty drink with Ran’s so I wouldn’t seem like a drunk if my mother noticed the empty cup and the maids continuously refilling it. I needed all the alcohol I could have to stand my mother’s hypocrisy with our extended family.
My body betrayed me as I turned toward the man that had been staring at me the entire evening. His eyes, the same eyes of my fiancé but looking at me with much more love than Ran ever has, ever will. Those damned eyes that stared right back at me with so much intensity that I was forced to once again look away and distract myself with my mostly empty plate.
The same eyes that rolled into the back of his head the night prior as my name left his lips in soft pants.
I pressed my thighs together at the memory of his body between them. I blindly reached for Ran’s hand again and pulled it to my lap, his fingers intertwined with mine once again and this time he didn’t pull away, understanding that I needed the comfort at the moment.
Ran leaned toward me and pressed his lips to my temple. “We can excuse ourselves in the guise of wanting some alone time, if you’re too overwhelmed.” He murmured just loud enough for me to hear.
“I’m fine,” I whispered, leaning into his touch.
My eyes fell on Rindou again, only that this time he was staring at his brother with lips curled downwards. His knuckles were nearly white from how hard he was clenching his fists. My heart clenched when he glanced at me for no more than a second before he turned his back to me and engaged in conversation with my aunts and uncles.
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chaikachi · 1 year
Rosegarden, Cinderella, and Fairytale Romance
0r Why I Will Eat My Glass Slipper if Oscar and Ruby Don't Dance by the End of the Show
Part of Ruby's arc in v9 is realizing that the ideals and dreams she had as a (younger) child are too ambitious and unrealistic. That life, huntresses, herself… they can't be like the fairytales.
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It is a very big lesson to learn but, much like all things in RWBY, there is a push for nuance. Weiss and Blake even have called out in show that those storybook morals are too simplistic or black and white. Ruby is overwhelmed and breaking under the weight of her burdens and is being given the opportunity to either keep trudging on until it destroys her, or leave all of it behind.
But what about a secret hidden third option? Can she not leave Ruby Rose behind, not become someone entirely new, but rather… Choose to be the version of Ruby Rose she wants to be on purpose? And not as a result of other people's pressures or expectations that she's internalized for too long?
The point I'm trying to make here is that she can admit that holding herself to the impossible standard of an untouchable hero that always wins in the end isn't sustainable, but still find the intersection of fairytale and reality.
Now how does this tie in to RG? For that, I want to talk about two things:
The other canon romance plots in show
One of Ruby's smaller/more subtle 'allusions'
Of the three other big relationships in the show, each one's confession seems to fall into a very specific 'theme' (I understand I am generalizing/simplifying a bit but bare with me):
Arkos is rooted in tragedy: Pyrrha's death
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2. Renora is rooted in reality: A two volume long conflict that ends in them acknowledging their feelings, talking it out, and agreeing to be patient with each other.
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3. Bumbleby is rooted in a literal fairytale: A pocket dimension created specifically in the Ever After to push them into smooching (and y'know... confessing)
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Rosegarden is currently in the tragedy stage. Constant separation over and over again leading up to Oscar being left in Remnant thinking she's dead and Ruby stuck in the Ever After not knowing how much time is passing back home and if he'll even be there when she gets back.
Reality we've seen for them a lot in how down to earth they are with each other. The constant quiet support. Oscar seeing past the pedestal, past the ideal, straight through to Ruby. Ruby seeing past the merge and seeing him fully as just Oscar.
But how do we tie the fairytale into it when Oscar isn't in Ever After to give them that storybook magic? Well, we go back to the earlier mentioned subtle allusion for Ruby: Cinderella.
NOW I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING. "But Chai!! We already have a very clear allusion to that character!!!"
Okay yes, but Ruby is a mirror to Cinder. We've seen it in their arcs as primary antagonists to each other, we've seen it in their costume designs with the parting of their hair and similar colour schemes. Cinder Fall, Ruby Rose (as in to rise). They are two sides of one coin.
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Back at the dance in v2, Ruby arrives and is left alone by her friends. She isn't wearing glass slippers, but there is a whole lot of focus on how uncomfortable her shoes are.
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She leaves the dance early after not having fun and runs into Cinder. And when the clock strikes midnight and the spell is broken? Cinder is at the dance in her pretty dress with Mercury and Ruby is back in the tower getting one of, if not the first big reality check(s) of the series.
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This situation is teased by Oz in the episode prior with his little conversation with Ruby:
Ozpin: Not enjoying yourself? Ruby: Oh, no aha, everything's fine. I'm just not much of a... dance-y pantsy... dance-y girl. Ozpin: Well you can't spend your entire life on the battlefield, even if you may want to. Ruby: Yeah that lesson's been floating around a lot lately. Ozpin: If you think about it, fighting and dancing aren't so different. Two partners interlocked. Heh, although one wrong room on the ballroom merely leads to a swollen foot. Ruby:Or a twisted ankle Ozpin: It's not every day that friends are able to come together like this. Time has a way of testing our bonds. But it's nights like these that can help keep them stronger than ever. Nights like these are ones we'll never forget.
He teases that the dance is special. That Ruby should get to enjoy it because life has a funny way of creeping up quickly on these things. That these moments are rare and should be treasured... and he's proven right almost immediately.
Every other person in the cast got a dance - or something close to it - that night. Blake and Yang. Blake and Sun. Weiss lost her date 'cause Neptune's a goof, but they still got to sit down and talk. Jaune and Pyrrha had a moment on the balcony before he went to grab a dress and they all danced together. Ren and Nora. Penny even danced with one of her guards. Glynda and Ironwood too!!
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But our hero didn't get one. All she got was a fight.
And see, this is where I think the 'fairytale' comes in. Ruby's had her reality check. Time and time and time again that fairytale spell has been broken. She is going through a metamorphosis throughout v9 to become a newly actualized version of herself, or at least find the start of the path that brings her there. But when she returns to Remnant what is waiting for her? More war. More fighting. More responsibility as being this symbol of hope and a leader for everyone. But part of her arc is learning to share her burdens with others. And the person that has consistently tried to do that with her without her asking for it, has been Oscar. Oscar, who is currently in Vacuo with who knows how much time passing wrestling with the knowledge that Ruby, the rest of her team, and Jaune are very likely dead. Oscar, who is now bearing the weight of this world saving mission without her there.
All I'm trying to say is that a celebration of sorts with a redemption dance, quite possibly in Vacuo, isn't entirely off the table. In fact I'd argue it's been teased since the very start, especially considering just how often they are posed as if they are asking each other to dance.
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Also to go back to something Ozpin said "fighting and dancing aren't so different"... One of Oscar and Ruby's first scenes together, they are sparring in front of a sunset and they can't stop smiling at each other. They're just having so much fun with it.
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Also their premiere moments in volumes 6, 7, and 9 are all RG in a fight of some kind. The first two Ruby is saving him from Grimm. The latter Ruby is being attacked by Neo's illusion of him. In volume 8, we don't get that. But we do get these two moments which also count for something (especially because dances and hugs are also quite similar in some ways):
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There are going to be very high emotions when RWBYJ return to Remnant and what better way to celebrate that they are still alive than a party (and if not then, then after the war is over... but hopefully not THAT long). Where they can just 'dance and laugh and love… and just live'. Even for just a moment because who knows what the next will bring.
Ruby in v2 wasn't really a dance-y pantsy kind of girl... but post-v9 Ruby? She gets to choose the kind of girl she wants to be. Just the knight? Or maybe the princess too, even just for on day. And I think if anyone is going to offer her a chance to try it out, it's going to be her Little Prince.
I love these normal kids with their very normal knees a very normal amount. I love how their respective 'specialness' makes them the perfect match for each other because it means they can be 'normal' together. That is all ty for listening. RG canon okay byeeeeee~
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nicoleanell · 11 months
Another smart post going around reminded me of this thing that's been in my drafts, so you gonna hear some SURPRISE RENFIELD 2023 DEEP THOUGHTS FROM ME. <3
Going back to this post which still does occasional numbers,
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I feel some ways about how Robert Montague Renfield is overflowing with empathy for other people despite his own circumstances being a million times more dire. He adopts calling the group's abusers "monsters" despite intimiately knowing an actual genuine monster and arguably being one himself.
Like he could've EASILY taken a look around that support group and been like "boo hoo call me when your literal intestines are coming out of your body", but instead of ever looking down on them or treating it as a competition over who has suffered most, he meets them at the place where they're hurting and absorbs it and connects to his hurt. He recognizes it as part of the same continuum, even when the details don't line up or measure evenly, it's Real and an experience he can imagine or relate to. Which is a good thing for support and/or therapy in a group setting.
Later on he lightly calls Rebecca out for her anger issues, but then after she rants about the source of that anger, his response is an utterly sincere "that sounds painful." INTESTINES. OUT OF HIS BODY. MAYBE 48 HOURS + 1 BAD HAIRCUT AGO. HE HAS JUST SHOWERED OFF THE BLOOD OF THE ONLY FRIENDS AND ALLIES HE HAD. But he winces in sympathy over her corruption and dead dad stuff.
And yes, I also feel a way about how that's a part of his nature that's been either exploited or fully trained into him by Dracula, because we ALSO see that in their interactions - "you deserve better", "I know being undead is a painful existence." Like… the fact he constantly leads off with empathy and validation of other people's feelings and that's the way he diffuses Rebecca's anger in that moment is not NOT linked to his codependency issues and the ways he's been abused. Of course everyone else's pain is not less valid than his, it's more valid actually!! He is more than happy to shut up about his needs and his trauma and declare someone else as the priority and Life's Main Character. The way he's still apologizing compulsively and transferring his submissiveness and fawn behavior to somebody else is very much a thing other people have pointed out, jokingly and sincerely.
But in spite of that, I still think it's ultimately a sign of his kindness and genuine compassion for others. And it doesn't have to be a one-way street.
Rebecca is (pretty understandably!) not as sympathetic to him in that scene as he's being with her, because she's still very freaked out and thought he was an ENTIRELY different type of weirdo than the weirdo he's turned out to be. But. Less than an hour later she is listening with an open mind while he tells her the most bluntly holding-myself-accountable, not-self-pitying version of his story and her takeaway is not only "you're not a bad person", it's specifically: I've done shit that I regret too, and being mean to my sister is on an almost LAUGHABLY smaller scale than anything you just said to me, but the point is I recognized your feelings on a basic humanity level somewhere in there and related to that. Again not a competition, and not about their experiences being perfectly in proportion with each other! It's good.
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