#she’s just a teensy bit feral and he’s just a teensy bit turned on by it
oogaboogaspookyman · 3 months
My take on Monster N from @electrozeistyking
Under the cut for graphic description of violence and body horror. Murder Drones is known for the violence and body horror but still
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Uzi tried screwing around with the Solver thingy on N (V wouldn't let her do shiz and tbh i agree Uzi shouldn't be near a lab because the first thing she'll do is make mustard gas that spawns funky fungus everywhere it touches) aaaand it got a biiiittt too far and she fucked up! A little!
N pretty much started feeling this random sharp pain in his... Well- everywhere, like he's tryna grow but can't, and also his temper was... Affected quite a bit. As in he gets a little angrier a little easier. As in you hurt Uzi he's eating you after he's done slamming you around a la Hulk with Loki in that one movie
Aaaand at some point yeah he's finding the reason for his random sharp pains :)
He has a beast form now that activates whenever he's stressed or overstimulated and boy is it painful when he transforms
His design, instead of being N but beeg, it's N with flesh and bones all over, increasing his size by a LOT
He's FERAL feral in this form, roaring and all that jazz, mighty impulsive and follows instinct instead of thought (his instincts boils down to "cause of stress has to disappear, unless it's Uzi she can give good pets")
Basically bye golden retriever hello Straight Up Parent Bear That's Protecting It's Children™
Of course he purrs and is capable of being chill in this form, he just needs a certain goth girl to help him snap out of it... And deal with his pains after turning back a few minutes later. Yes he can turn back but it hurts just as much and leaves him kinda cranky lol
Oh yeah! And he's a teensy bit cruel in this beast form! That good ol' Disassembly Drone liking for murder and playing with their food!
Basically: Nuzi has an incident learning about the Solver and now N is pretty much fucking pissed off and feral lmao
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creonininkwell · 1 year
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semi-adopted older sisters should be celebrated on Mother's Day also. Also beware of creepy ladies who try to adopt you and turn you into a plant zombie. Pending Title: Children of the Weed
Inkwell Isles always host a Mother’s Day festival each year, but switch which isle is hosting. Elder Kettle usually does a good job keeping the boys occupied. Plus they’re old enough to not be too broken over their non-existent parents. Can’t miss what you’ve never had before.
Ever since Creon came into the picture (for however long she’ll be stranded), Mugman has been chewing on the thought about mothers. Especially with Mother’s Day looming around the corner. When Mugman tried to ask Cuphead for his thoughts, Cuphead naturally brushes it off. He doesn’t want to think about it since the idea kind of bothers him too. Especially since Creon isn’t going to stay permanently forever.
Creon was hoping to distract the boys from the “Mother’s Day” fair by taking everyone to one of the Mainland states where she visits during expeditions. Unfortunately, she didn’t take into account that Mother’s Day is celebrated there too.
The entire day, Creon is internally freaking out while trying to diver the boys’ attentions away from the constant reminder of the holiday. She fails miserably.
Mugman runs off to avoid the fair while Cuphead is forced to follow. The boys argue and Cuphead says some hurtful things about how Mugman is a spineless pushover who needs an adult to make decisions for him. So when a creepy lady offers to take in two lost children to join her family for tea, Mugman accepts out of spite; since he’s a “spineless pushover who needs an adult to make decisions for him.” Mugman can be a spiteful little $h!t. And Cuphead is forced to tag along.
The boys are introduced to an errant Mayweather member who has turned an abandoned schoolhouse into her “home” and luring/ kidnapping children to play “Mother.” Mugman continues to listen to his “temporary” mother, to spite Cuphead. Cuphead is creeped out by the entire situation.
Also points to people who get the reference in the 3rd batch.
Meanwhile, Elder Kettle threw his back amidst the chaos of losing the boys for just a few minutes. Creon was really hesitant to let Lucy/Devil tag along, but she was out of options. Especially with recent news about missing children cases in recent months. Creon and Lucy/Devil track down a possible trail the boys left.
Creon is horrified and petrified at having to hurt a bunch of kids, even though most are brainwashed. Nearly half were turned into plant zombies, while others obey out of fear, or in process of being turned. Lucy/Devil refrains from torching their assailants at Creon’s request. He resorted to mercilessly stabbing the feral plant kids. Lucy/Devil is perturbed at how much the situation has shook Creon, and a teensy bit concerned at her grief. Creon has had too many murders during her time of service, which includes children.
Eventually the feral Mayweather lady was put down via fire. Lucy/Devil was able to shield Creon and the boys who were directly in the blast range of Cuphead’s improvised bomb. Lucy/Devil has unintentionally developed a habit of watching Creon’s back. Sadly about half of the children were rescued. For the ones that were zombified and then put down, the other families were at least given closure.
The boys are able to enjoy the rest of the day and their trip with Elder Kettle and Creon.
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project-aphelion · 2 years
04.12.2022 - Chapter 5
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Word Count
> Chapter 5: 5296
> Total: 26214
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Me: I’m almost done this chapter! I just need the last line!
*one week passes*
Me: Finally, I have found the perfect ten (10) words to end this chapter!
So yeah, the final teensy weensy bit really kicked my ass for some reason.
What’s Different?
Chapter Summary: Cay wakes up from getting knocked out in Chapter 2 and we learn about his living situation with the Charmer siblings, Jack and Ev.
This is kind of a ~plotless~ chapter. It’s more focused on developing Cay’s side of the story, putting down a nice solid basis to build off of, etc.
> I have this really bad habit of always forgetting what happens to the characters in the previous chapter and retaining that continuity. In this chapter, I totally forgot Cay had a bad nosebleed in the last chapter and now should have dried blood on his face and clothes. It’s a small thing, really, BUT I found theeeee perfect place to fit this piece of info into the chapter. There’s a moment where Cay and Jack are left alone while Ev goes to deal with something, and originally they’re just sitting there......awkwardly........but now I changed it so Jack helps him clean the blood off his face during this time :^)
> I focused a lot on describing where Cay lives with the Charmers, something that was super lacking in the previous draft (probably because I couldn’t figure out how to explain it without it sounding boring lol). They live in this pair of connected space escape shuttles, one serving as their living quarters, one serving as a clinic that Jack runs. I added a lot more detail describing what the interior looks like, specifically the living room and the bathroom.
> This is actually an addition to a previous chapter, but it was a change that needed to be made so that something in this chapter would make sense. I added a part where Cay’s aepid (pterosaur) gets hurt trying to protect him from feral animals. How to make someone’s guilt complex worse 101.
> Generally, I just hinted more at Cay’s Tragique Past™. I haven’t talked much about this before, but basically his little brother died five years ago and he blames himself deeply for it :^( He was supposed to have died that day too, but he was instead rescued by Ev and nursed back to health by her and Jack, so.....add survivor’s guilt to his list of suffering.
> Also added more lore for worldbuilding! And that will be today’s excerpt.
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The Stillness started with Skiara. She had been unjustly slain, her blood scattered across the sky, and as punishment to mankind, the world was to end. For six days it stood still, no sunrises, no sunsets, only a flat grey sky. Water springs turned dry, and crops withered away. The people prayed for forgiveness—they burned the last of their food as offerings, allowed themselves to starve, and only in this display of remorse did the gods take pity.
Cay closed his eyes and imagined the path of the dead. He imagined walking toward the horizon, where the red arc met the ground, and when he reached the end of the world, Skiara was there, hands outstretched as she welcomed him into the land of the dead. His parents stood in the distance, holding Jamie’s little hands, so far away they were blurred by the wind and stardust. Cay wanted to run to them, dive into their arms, but he couldn’t. He remembered the promise he had made to Jamie. I’ll protect you. I’ll keep you safe. He couldn’t bear the disappointment in his parents’ eyes, or the hatred in Jamie’s. I’m sorry, he would say. I’m so, so sorry, but no amount of remorse would change what happened.
So in the end, he only whispered, “Happy birthday, Jamie.”
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The chapter will probably need another polish pass, but for now I’m gonna move back to Chapter 4, which I left in the middle of editing because I just could Not figure out how to go about it.
Chapter 5 marks the unofficial end of Act I. Instead of forging ahead to editing the rest of the book, I think I’ll make sure Act I is perfectly polished first, or else I’ll just be building the rest of the book off a flawed start, the very thing that ruined my writing process in draft 2.
C’est tout! It’s exciting to see this book coming together hehe.
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treksickfic · 3 years
Lately I’ve been waiting to write until I feel like writing, but I know from past experience that never works for me. What I have to do is start writing, even if it’s necessary to force myself, even if my brain is yelling at me about all the other things I should be doing, and then the joy and eventually the motivation follows. So as an extra push, I’m going to list all my current WIPs and ideas and then choose one to work on tomorrow. No need to interact, I just wanted to get this down before I fall face first into bed and slip into unconsciousness because it’s been a long, long week. List behind a cut so you can read or scroll on past. Unless you’re on mobile, then RIP your scrolling thumb, I suppose:
1. (Enterprise) Maggie x Mestral, the OG human/Vulcan couple. Why did Mestral decide to stay behind when the Vulcan rescue ship arrived? Didn’t he know he could get injured or ill and then what was he planning to do?  Nice Vulcan you have there, would be a shame if anything happened to him.
2. (AOS) Gen with Spock and Kirk and Bones and a teensy bit of Spuhura. Basically an eight-chapter story (so far) as an excuse for everyone to take turns cuddling up with Spock in a biobed. It’s therapeutic for him. Really. It’s all because of some weird virus endemic to Vulcan.
3. (TOS, ish?) Bonus chapter to the Spock x Reader fic “In My Heart,” because if I don’t whump Spock just the tiniest bit, a fic never feels completely finished. I’m not as excited about this one but the chapter is done and just sitting there waiting for an edit.
4. (TOS) Second chapter of “Retrograde,” which wasn’t a very popular story. But despite that, I wrote more of it because Spock had to contract the same virus as Kirk, right? The correct answer is “yes.”
5. (Discovery or TOS, depends on which flavor of Sarek you prefer) A new Sarek x Amanda. Another sickfic, of course, and written just because I need Sarek miserable and uncomfortable and then Amanda has to play with his hair because reasons.
6. (OCs) First chapter of a story with my lovely OCs, T’Vath and Ayla. another Vulcan/human couple, both in Starfleet Medical. (If by some small chance you remember T’Vath from a PBEM last year, shhh, no you don’t.) These two dumbass young women adore each other but haven’t quite realized it yet. It’s a sickfic, because hello, have you met me?  And yes, there is a playlist named “Songs for Dumbasses Who Don’t Know They’re in Love.” It is very fitting for the aforementioned dumbasses. Ayla has lost her first patient and is devastated; at the same time, T’Vath is having what she thinks is an allergic reaction until she starts running a fever and collapses. Oops. 
7. Damn it, I am not going to let the wonderful writers who are so feral for Vorik (Voyager) and Solok (DS9, ONE EPISODE PEOPLE) influence me. I will not. I will just continue to read their stories and blush furiously during the smut. And not write one of my own. Probably.
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laurasimonsdaughter · 4 years
The 12th-century werewolf, his (ex)wife and his boyfriend the King
I knew Marie de France’s “Bisclavret” (late 12th century) was one of the earliest recorded proper “werewolf romances”, but I presumed it was a tragedy. I did not know it involves what I will stubbornly insist is a happy mlm ending! If you’ll allow me:
After a short lesson in werewolf terminology, the poem introduces the hero, a nobleman who has three main characteristics: he is Good, he is Handsome, and his King loves him A Whole Lot.
We are then introduced to this Nobleman’s new wife, who is, by all accounts, a good person. But, she is also very anxious to know why her husband keeps disappearing to for three days at the time. At last he confesses that every week he “turns bisclavret” and goes into the woods to hunt as a wolf. This absolutely terrifies her, and in her defence, it’s really the kind of thing he should have mentioned before marriage.
The terrified Lady finds out that her husband has to hide his clothes somewhere every time he transforms, and decides to go to a knight who has been loved her since before her marriage. (It’s specifically stated that she never made him believe it was reciprocated.) She tells him she wants to be with him and asks him to take her husband’s hidden clothes.
This means, of course, that the Nobleman does not come home, and no one is more saddened by this than the King. A year passes (in which the Lady marries the Knight) and then one day the King goes hunting. Suddenly a wolf comes from the woods and bows for the King, nuzzling at his feet and legs until the King orders the hunters to leave him alone. He takes the wolf home with him, where it never leaves his side: “It went along with him constantly. That it loved him was easy to see.”
The wolf is such a well-behaved pet, that everyone is absolutely stunned when one day he suddenly lunges at a visiting knight. He would have harmed him seriously, had the King not called him back. Soon after the King takes his wolf hunting and at the hunting lodge they get a visit from the Nobleman’s former wife. Now the wolf really loses it and he bites her nose off. (This is the only thing he does, clearly he could have killed her, for a werewolf he’s very restrained.) The King is distraught that his dear wolf is suddenly feral, but an advisor lets him know that this Lady is married to the knight the wolf attacked earlier and that she used to be married to the nobleman who “used to be so dear to you”.
The Lady and the Knight are arrested and she confesses everything. The King orders her to give him the werewolf’s clothes and immediately offers them to his beloved wolf, but he won’t take them. The advisor tells the King that maybe, just maybe, he would be a teensy bit shy about transforming in front of him. So the king takes the werewolf to his royal bedchamber and leaves him there with the clothes. When he returns:
“On the king's royal bed, they see Lying fast asleep, the knight. The king ran to hug him tight; He kissed him a hundred times that day. When he catches his breath, he hands Him back all his fiefs and lands, And more presents than I will say.” ...I mean really
It will please you to know that the wife is not put to death or something. She gets exiled with her new husband and they must live a fairly cosy life, because it’s mentioned that they have many children (who also do not have noses, because that’s how genetics work, obviously).
Marie’s poem neglects to tell how the King and the werewolf work out whether they’re gonna stay at the palace or at the Nobleman’s estate now that they’ve gotten used to spending literally every single moment together, but I’m sure they’ll make it work. In any case, the King can come with him on his transformations, his hunting horse is used to the wolf now anyway.
And I promise I’m not paraphrasing. Of course I’m working from a translation, but it’s a very faithful one. I will drop all my sources in the comments for your perusal. And yes, both meanings and relationships drift over time. This is a medieval courtly love ballad, not a modern love story. But the fact still remains: the King loved the Werewolf and the Werewolf loved the King and they both lived happily ever after
and communication is the corner stone of any marriage
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willsimpforazula · 3 years
Sokkla Month Day 3: FMA:B AU
A/N: NGL i did toy with making sokka as mustang and azula as hawkeye but it be like it do. It was either this or Fate/Stay Night AU where someone needs a mana transfer (if you didn't know what a mana transfer is, good. pls stay pure) Anyways, without further ado-
Fifth Laboratory
Central City
As soon as Envy started to brag about how Ty Lee couldn't bring herself to shoot her wife in the face and the look of shock on her face, Sokka knew by the way her entire body was tensing up that this was not going to end well for both sides. While Envy was still oblivious, Sokka braced himself for the screams that were sure to follow the smug laughs.
"Congratu-fucking-lations Envy, you've just played yourself." Azula coldly smirked, her face in a sort of grin that reminded Sokka way too much of Kimblee that it sent a chill down his spine. Pocketing her gloves to reveal a transmutation circle etched into the top of her hand, she turned to look Envy in the eye before snapping her fingers.
Instantly, the room was filled with the agonizing screams of the homunculus as its tongue was set ablaze in a flash of turquoise. Glaring at Azula, she merely remarked "Remarkable, isn't it? After all, the human tongue has a rather high percentage of fat, which makes it oh so easy to burn."
Turning to the rest of the assembled group, Azula barked "Go find this Father guy, me and the lieutenant will deal with this sack of shit."
"You heard the man, let's go."
"That's an order." Sokka barked to Aang.
"Look kid, we don't got much time." one of the Chimeras urged. Reluctantly, they started to move deeper and deeper into the tunnels. Before Envy could even move to block, it found itself on the receiving end of another sapphire barrage, scorching it from head to toe.
"So, you're the one who burnt Lust to a crisp." it huffed and puffed, as it spent the lives the Philosopher's stone contained to regenerate its health.
"Then you know just what kind of fate awaits you."
Enraged, it abandoned its human disguise and took on it's true form, a massive green hulking beast that had a host of faces stretching against it's very skin, their death masks an unnerving sight.
"I was just going easy on you, but now I'll make sure you and your pretty little boytoy there is going to- AHHH!FUCK!"
"You truly are a special kind of dumbfuck aren't you? First you openly brag about killing my closest friend, now you give me a bigger target to hit?" she laughed, before zapping him with rapid strikes that soon filled the air with smoke, soot and the ever familiar smell of burning flash that for a brief moment, transported Sokka back to that hot, blood-soaked sands of Ishval.
Sensing that it probably wasn't the best idea to hang around in the place where Lust got fried by her, it chose the only sensible option and ran on all fours into the labyrinth.
"Sokka, stay here. This one's mine to settle."
"She was my friend too!"
" Lieutenant Sokka Hawkeye , this is a direct order from your superior to stand down."
Turning to face the tunnels, she strode in with a singular purpose and aim. To avenge the death of Ty Lee.
"What is it?"
"I need to talk to you?"
"It's about the Colonel, isn't it?."
A nod. "I figured as much.", he sighed, "That face, the rage, I used to be like that long ago. The way I see it, she'll burn herself up long before she'll even get a chance to recover."
As if to emphasize his point, the sounds of Envy's tortured screams as it was relentlessly pursued echoed through the corridors. "Come, we need to keep moving." Reluctantly, Aang nodded and grit his teeth, steeling his heart to the blood curdling screams of someone getting burnt repeatedly.
"Show yourself, you freak! Weren't you all high and mighty, boasting about your exploits, hmm? Too scared to pick on someone your own size?" she taunted, eyes peeled for any sign of movement.
"Come out come out wherever you are...or else I'll burn off your skin, bit by teensy bit, you worthless piece of crap." she continued, her voice raising by several octaves and taking on an almost sadistic tone.. Hearing the echoing cries and the almost  sing song taunts, Sokka could stand it no longer and headed down the tunnels, his pistol at the low ready.
Turning a corner, Azula heard an all too familiar voice call out "Hey there, Colonel." Snapping around, she saw Ty Lee standing in her uniform leaning nonchalantly against the wall, before she lunged at her. She won't dare to touch her, not if the-
Her thoughts were cut short as Azula's face, twisted with rage, blasted the lookalike with an unceasing torrent. For good measure, she even charred the cartilage in its left knee and burnt out the soles on the right foot in addition to singing its eyes.
"If you think I'm afraid of calling in fires danger close, need I give you a lesson in who I am?" her lips curling in a feral grin before blasting her once more. At this point, Envy knew better than to try and reason with her and ran. "So much for homunculi being the superior being."  she tutted, her face stained with traces of soot and ash that left black streaks on her  creamy white skin.
Taking respite in a mass of pipes, it spotted Sokka, who was looking for her, hoping against hope that she didn't completely lose herself. Even injured, it formed up a devious plan as it stalked him from the shadows.
"Fuck, this place is like a maze." he uttered, wandering through the tunnels. Hearing the sound of boots, he clung to the shadows. When the noise drew level, he aimed it at her face at the same time Azula pointed her fingers at him. For a brief moment, neither side let their guard down, before exhaling.
"Didn't I tell you to stay back?"
"I couldn't Colonel. Besides, someone needs to make sure you don't do something stupid."
"You're probably right. An extra set of eyes would be helpful."
Traveling a short distance, Sokka suddenly paused and leveled his gun at the back of her head.
"Do you know who your gun is pointed at?"
"Who? Don't make me laugh, when it's just us, the Colonel calls me by my first name." Turning to face her, Envy (who was disguised as Azula) smirked. "So you two really are that close huh." Letting out a small breath, Sokka executed a double tap to the chest and one to the head before replying "I lied."
Shrugging off his shots, Envy got back up and tried to rush him, but Sokka calmly slammed two rounds into the kneecaps, making it kneel on the ground as he leisurely holstered his dry gun and drew two more from his back, knocking out its arms and wrists before finally unslinging the rifle and giving the homunculus a dose of high speed lead poisoning.
Thoroughly pissed off, Envy lashed out and stabbed his shoulder, making him drop the rifle before it wrapped an appendage around him and smacked him upside the head. Before it could paint the walls with his grey matter, the real Colonel Azula arrived and toasted Envy, rendering its grip on him a pile of soot and ash.
"You truly are a glutton for punishment aren't you? First you kill my friend and boast about it, now you hurt my lieutenant? I swear I will burn you until you're nothing but a pile of ash and dust. And I've got all the time in the world, you miserable rat." Even as she spoke, her fingers snapped like a machine gun setting it ablaze over and over again.
"How many lives you've got left? Six? Sixty? Six hundred? No matter, it's all the same to me. Tell me, how does it feel to get your ass roasted by the very same person who killed Lust in the very same way?"
"Why you-GAH!!!"
"Stop, please!"
"What, not hot enough? I'll gladly crank up the heat. Stay back lieutenant, it's going to get a little toasty in here." Like a well oiled machine, her snap came almost naturally and any humanoid form of Envy was finally turned into cinders, whilst the tip of her gloves were starting to char and smoke. From the ashes, a green six legged slug-esque creature crawled away, it's squeaking voice lamenting at having been reduced to this form once again.
Without hesitation, Azula applied pressure on the offending creature, before commenting "So this is your true form. What a pathetic little being."
"P-Please-don't kill me!" it begged.
"Envy means jealousy, does it not? Well then, you won't have anything to be jealous of very shortly."
"Nooo please I don't want to die, not like this!!" it screeched.
Before Azula could turn the hapless homunculus into the next life, a sound of a hammer being cocked gave her paused.
"And just what do you think you're doing?"
"That's far enough. I'll handle it"
"What does it matter if it's me or you that deals the final blow? The fucker is going to die regardless, so lower your weapon."
"No. I cannot obey that."
"I will not ask again."
"Put your damn hands in the air, now!"
A burst of alchemically created earth wave soon took the decision making away from them as it launched it right into Aang's hand, who kept a vice like grip on it.
"Nice of you to drop by. Now hand it over."
"This is a direct order by a superior officer, hand it over."
"Are you asking for a fight and a court martial?"
"Bring it on by all means. But take a good look at yourself and ask, is this the face you want to lead Amestris with?!"
"Kill it if you wish, what right do I have as someone who has done the same. But I shudder to think what kind of world such a person held prisoner by their desire for vengeance would create." Scar added.
"Colonel, I have no intention of letting that slimeball live to see the next sunrise but please, this is not your fight anymore."
"No, you don't understand! I finally ran the bastard down, the bastard who killed Ty Lee! I-"
"But still, I cannot let you do something so reckless! Justice is what she needed, not this blind hatred for her killer. If this is how you act if one person wrongs you, what then will you do if a region or hell, another nation crosses you? Will you turn it into another Ishval? No, I will not let you."
"Please, let it go. I know you're better than that, Azula. I'm begging you, please!" "Go on, do what you need to. Then what?"
"Then it'll be the second last shot I'll ever take. After that, what else is there to live for?"
"No, that won't happen. That can never happen." Summoning her rage, she loosed off an intense jet that blackened the walls of a nearby tunnel, it's heat making everyone sweat like a hot August day.
Looking at the people around her, she remarked "Ironic, isn't it? Scolded by a child, lectured by a man who has all the right to seek vengeance against me for the crimes against his people and you, you-"
"-I've done it again." she ended mournfully. Clasping the hand that was still pointing at her, she gently lowered it down, saying "I've hurt you. Please, forgive me.", before kneeling at his feet, covering her face as the waterworks were out in full force. Holstering his derringer, he too dropped to his knees, and held her in his arms as she cried into his shoulders.
"Azula, I forgive you." he whispered in her ear, all caution and decorum thrown right out of the window as he rubbed her back in small circles.
"Really?" she looked up with red rimmed golden eyes.
"Thank you, Sokka. For pulling me back from the abyss. I love you."
"I love you too, my little firecracker."
"Goddamnit Lieutenant, I can't believe you lied to me!" Envy squeaked.
"Shut up you pipsqueak, who gave you the right to speak!" Aang scolded, making it shrink back in fear.
"Hey Azula?"
"We still got a transmutation circle to stop."
"The usual place, 8 pm tomorrow evening?"
"As long as you're the one footing the bill."
"Deal. Now let's go."
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mutt-stuff-archives · 3 years
Big Fun🍻Academy AU! OCs🍻Headcannons
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A collective group of headcannons for me and my friend’s OCs! Feel free to skip if you truly don’t want to read about OCs, though it would be much appreciated if you did read through and give it a note!
Idea based off of: Big Fun! From Heathers: The Musical
Taglist / Characters:
Akira Akiyama-Shinazugawa — My OC / @mutt-stuff​
Eto Katsugurui  — @pigassaulty​
Kaguya  — @allieturs​
Uso Kinugasa  — @cafe-cxsmoetics​
Rin Honoyama — @chickynn​
Ayana Imae  — @lostchildonaboat​
Hana Fujiwara — @pandabobachan​
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༄It was just after Spring Break when Sanemi took a ‘vacation’ off. In reality, he had been suspended for 2 days when Ubuyashiki had found out he Super Mario brother thrown a student out the window due to them saying math was unneeded. That student being Rin of course. He decided then that he will also get a break from his siblings, leaving them home while he went to see the family friend, Masachika, at his own home.
༄It also happened to be around the time when Sanemi crashed Akira’s basketball game just to grab her in the middle of a crowded court and haul her out by her ear because she was failing math miserably.
༄So she was a teensy bit irritated. Just a bit.
༄So why not get back at him while also hosting an epic party?
༄At first she had only invited her friends over, but the rumor spread (Thanks, Rin and Eto) and eventually a whole lot more than ten or fifteen people had shown their face.
༄Eto, once learning the rumor, is going to spread it to each class she teaches, no matter who they are. The biggest geek? She’s getting them to come. The buffest jock? Oh, he’s definitely coming if there’s enough alcohol.
༄This madlad teacher drives all her favorite students to the Shinazugawa house. We love her.
༄When everyone had arrived, it’s already chaos.
༄Music blasting, teens sipping out of classically red cups and all over the yard, it was a wonder how the neighbors hadn’t called the police.
༄Who slipped the innocent Hana a beer? Her and Inosuke had taken up whatever dancing space was given inside the living room. Hopping on one foot to the next, twirling and spinning happily (though sloppily, as the alcohol had definitely gotten to her system); she seems to enjoy the act of dancing with her favorite person.
༄Ayana seemed oh-so-terrified. She had only come because Akira had asked her. Akira was a bit scary; especially since she was a Shinazugawa. But she was also Ayana’s friend and the girl didn’t want to refuse her friends. Huddled on the couch, her hands were clasped tightly against a cup of juice Akira had gotten especially for her, she seemed almost disassociated. 
༄Thankfully Uso was there next to her. Fixing her sunglasses occasionally and huddling her hood up on her face a bit more whenever people squinted at her, she tried her hardest to stay incognito. She had only come because Ayana had. Phone in hand, she recorded and took pictures of everything just in case they needed a little push in an agreement. She also secretly hoped to see Genya, but he didn’t seem to be anywhere at the moment.
༄Eto happily chatted away with her students like usual, though the brown tinted bottle of beer in her hand and the shots competition she had with Akira and Rin was definitely different from the usual. She eventually got Giyuu (who she made come) to dance with her for a bit, thought it didn’t last long, as she heard Akira was breaking things and it sounded like loads of fun.
༄Rin. Oh that poor little thing. She seemed to be drunk off her ass. She failed to drag Zenitsu to the party, which hurt her for just a while until the vodka and redbull hit her system and she went full feral mode. Practically climbing the walls, she was trying her best at getting up to hang on the chandelier, but not before dancing like an actual monkey with Inosuke and Hana while proceeding to spill whatever drink she had onto the living room rug.
༄Kaguya had for some reason reared her head and came to the party? Akira was quite fond of the whitette actually, inviting her to the party. She seemed to have stolen almost all the alcohol though, stuffing whatever bottle she can find into whatever pocket fitted it most. Around the party she went, giving an almost creepily straight face to each kid as she told them bluntly honest insults or statements.
༄Akira, who seemed almost black out drunk at this point, had broken a lamp and shattered a bottle of vodka on the ground already. The kids that had once called her Hannya-san as she walked down the halls and shrunk away from her during partner projects were now enjoying her company, which only fueled her. 
༄There Akira was, standing on the upstairs balcony’s railing. Rin stood below, the small girl putting her arms out in hopes to catch her taller friend when she fell to the living room floor and therefore impress Akira’s crush, Kanao. Instead, she promptly fell into the pool table, breaking it.
༄Was that THE Kyoujurou Rengoku; the best history teacher in, well, history? Was he... Throwing students around like what he does in Classroom Calvary Battles? And the art teacher who likes to throw dynamite around like candy; Tengen Uzui?
༄Turns out it really was a bad time for a party. The kids outside had time to scatter, yet the teens inside had no clue, as a familiar car parked messily and quickly into the parking space. By the time the white hair of Sanemi poked out when he practically threw himself out, kids had already left, leaving the others inside.
༄Like rats, even the teens inside had scattered at the mention of the upcoming shitstorm. Except for the group (Besides the keener Eto, Ayana and Uso), who didn’t seem to get the memo.
༄As Akira stumbled over to her brother, reaching out to grab him and tell him excuse after excuse, a screech came from above. Down came Rin from the chandelier she had managed to hang onto for five minutes, landing square onto Sanemi. Both of them crumpled and Rin once again screeched in victory, taking Hana and Inosuke’s hand and rushing away before Sanemi could recover.
༄The house was left a total mess, seeming more chaotic when everyone had left.
༄Rin and Kaguya seemed to have drank all the alcohol and spirits Sanemi had previously thought he had kept well hidden.
༄Akira, as Eto cheered her on, had broken almost half the house. The kitchen sink was left dented by Akira’s now broken wrist, the pool table practically split in half, a hole punched through the wall.
༄Lady Tamayo, to no surprise, had come to pick her lover up. All throughout her taking the woman’s hand and tugging her out, Kaguya smiled lovingly up at her girlfriend, saying this and that about how she was the only person in the world that was worthy of existing.
༄Sanemi was going to launch-throw Akira into her room if it wasn’t for her now broken wrist and aching back, in the end he led her into her room and only threw the door closed.
༄Let’s just say that the school seemed a bit more ghastly due to next day hangovers. Sanemi screaming down the hallways didn’t help much either.
༄Later, Sanemi had found Genya locked in his room, seeming a bit terrified. He didn’t want to be caught in that mess.
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windstormwielding · 3 years
{ ooc } Can I just say “thank you guys” for all the positive feedback I got from you all on Yumiko there-? Because seeing some of you getting smitten with her so fast got me feeling all warm and fuzzy in my inside parts.
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As thanks, how about a not so teensy bit of trivia behind my creation process for her? Because guess what I am not done rambling about Kōta’s feral but doting mom. Dropping it all under the cut for length!
Goroawase! The Japanese language has an entire pun system dedicated to matching certain numbers together to create phrases, and you can find them in everything from phone numbers and advertisements to dates on the calendar. For Yumiko’s birthday, June 26 was not chosen at random, because with a minor tweak, the date itself can be read as “rotenburo-no-hi.” Translation? Open-air bath day. What was her zanpakutō’s special ability again? Steam!  
Yūgiri! The zanpakutō shares its name with a few Japanese warships down to the Kanji, but relevantly I named it after a Fire Emblem Fates character. Hailing from Hoshido, Reina is a Kinshi Knight who serves Queen Mikoto. She is a bloodthirsty warrior who’s eager to indulge in the morbid pleasures of the battlefield, but in sharp contrast to her sadistic side, she also happens to be quite the motherly sort towards her allies! Reina was her English-localized name, but in the original Japanese release? It’s Yūgiri.  
Steam! Reading Yūgiri as “Evening Mist,” I figured it would be fun if Yumiko had a zanpakutō power that leaned on the meaning, so I went hard with the steam concept since I don’t think there’s a Bleach character that works with such a power to an explicit extent? As for her ultimate attack, Jyōki Bakusatsu (蒸汽爆炸), the Chinese characters are pulled from the mythical Steam Pokémon Volcanion’s signature move “Steam Eruption” – while it works serviceably enough as Kanji, turns out Pokémon moves tend to use Katakana more over Kanji or Hiragana for their naming, in this case reading as “Steam Burst.” Who knew! I wonder if her own Pokémon team would consist of Fire and Water types...  
Sukeban! I’m quite fond of delinquent/boss girl-type characters and realized Bleach had a distinct lack of exactly that sort of archetype amidst its cast of badass ladies, and the only real “delinquent” presence in the series were all the nameless banchō bullies Ichigo put up with. From there, my brain turned to the 11th Division and its own distinct lack of ladies; aside from Yachiru Kusajishi who is too adorable for words, and Retsu/Yachiru Unohana as Division founder and first Kenpachi, it’s a bit of a sausage fest. Isn’t that the kind of squad where a delinquent girl would be a perfect fit though? So, looking at Kōtarō’s mom who raised him a dangerous place like Kusajishi and taught him how to fight with a sword, I thought “Hey, but what if...” until I settled on Yumiko’s physical appearance!  
Bleach itself! Regardless of however one may feel about some elements of the novels, I just plain love world-building (because it’s not like we’ve got much else to gush or theorize about since the series proper ended). I welcome further attempts to bring in elements from anime filler and other media into the main canon with Kubo’s seal of approval, because god damn I love me some added cohesion towards a bigger and more developed world. I’ve actually got full-on written notes with my own ideas at doing the same; including the premise of the Sealed Sword Frenzy OVA (plus elements of Spirits Are Always With You) as part of Yumiko’s own backstory, and headcanoning the OVA’s villain Baishin as a former Captain and Kenpachi, is just the tippy top of the iceberg of expanded concepts I jotted down for my own personal pleasure and use!  
Undertale! To add to the above, one of my big inspirations in creating her was Undyne the Undying, the boss fight from the game’s Genocide route, hence Yumiko’s character theme being “Battle Against a True Hero.” Just as the Determination-fuelled Undyne defied her own death to take on the murder-happy player character in order to protect the world, leading to the hardest boss battle in Undertale shy of Sans himself, I like to play out a similar battle in my head between Yumiko and Baishin after he turned into a crazed shinigami-zanpakutō fusion. She would’ve been 64th to his kill count of seated officers, but—at the cost of her own powers—she would be the one to succeed in pushing him back and forcing him to flee to the world of the living. Yumiko doesn’t just got it going on; she’s a genuine, fiercely determined badass, and a true hero... though she’s one of Kōta’s biggest heroes above all else. Sidenote, I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I listened to BAaTH on loop for the past week, from the original to remixes and covers with lyrics, just to get a proper feel for Yumiko’s past self-  
Kōtarō himself! I wanted to expand his own backstory a bit and really build on the woman who raised him, but going full ham in drawing more parallels between him and Yumiko than I initially counted on was so much fun. Similar doting and goofy personas towards those they care about! Parallels in their zanpakutō elements! Her teaching him how to fight like she used to! Wholesomeness just warms my heart so friggin’ much.
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permian-tropos · 5 years
Hi! you said you only like particular types of Kylux, do you have any stories to recommend? How do you feel about gingerpilot, hux/rose (hose?) and hux/cardinal?
It’s actually been a few years since I shipped kylux. My absolute ultimate Star Wars OTP that has consumed 50% of my waking thoughts has been gallirae, which is such a teensy Imperial rarepair. Even with it being so teensy, just myself and some friends, I haven’t run out of ways to explore it. There’s so much untapped potential. I’ve shipped it for longer than I shipped kylux. Rae Sloane in particular succeeds at being the villainous archetype that a lot of people including myself had to work to transform Hux into. An ambitious, talented, career officer and underdog with reasons to passionately defend the system and other reasons to doubt or resent it. 
Back when I was more kylux-exclusive, once I got into the idea of creating my own content, I was very fixated on that and found other fic to be somewhat distracting. Also lately my attention span when it comes to reading fanfic has drastically improved. (Going back on ADHD meds has... been part of it). So back in the day, I noticed plenty of cool stories, including stuff friends of mine wrote, but struggled to read it. My impression of fandom was more the stuff that wound up on my tumblr dash. Plus I did a ton of RP. There’s probably a lot of really good kylux fic out there that I never got around to reading, also a lot of good kylux fic I read but forgot. I didn’t keep good records on AO3. I just now checked my bookmarks list for you and the kylux fics on there? I do not remember anything about them and I really did read them ages ago. I don’t even have enough links to fics my old fandom friends wrote. I really just wasn’t much of a content curator. 
I think my ideal kylux (The Fic I Never Truly Wrote) would be something with a truly sci-fi, fantasy, or paranormal plot. Something besides romance is going on, danger and intrigue especially coming from extraordinary sources. There’s a whole chunk of worldbuilding, intrigue, suspense or danger. Kind of action-adventure buddy-dramedy-ish (I said kylux isn’t like ineffable husbands in personality but that doesn’t mean they can’t be thrown into slightly alike plot circumstances).
That being said. There’s one kylux fic I still remember liking AND remembered enough identifying info to find it again on AO3 (there’s a couple of others that I just... FUCK... I can’t remember the author or fic name even though a lot of other stuff is really clear in my mind. Sorry. I was depressed and disorganized for the past few years). I’m not saying this one’s the best of everything I’ve read, or exactly what I might have been looking for. But I remember it. It’s quite old by sequel trilogy fandom standards. Also if it turns out to have been right about Palpatine possession being the endgame thing, that will be neat as heck.
Saint by @ofcorsetstrash​ lol I think I’ve told them once before that this is inexplicably one of my favorite fics (not that it’s inexplicable because it’s not good but that I read it very early on and it remained memorable with how huge the fandom got) it just resonated with me maybe I really liked the way it represented mental conversations with use of text formatting, that’s something I did in one of my first fanfics and it’s a very cool and vivid technique.
Also there’s these fics my best friend Mads @honeypothux wrote a while back: 
Seasons Greetings From the Solo-Organas -- a holiday comedy with a cool background element of a modern AU with Star Wars infused history (I’m a sucker for modern settings that are like what medieval fantasy is to medieval Europe -- very similar normal everyday life, very different geopolitics and history. It has the same intrigue for me as magic realism.) 
When the Crypt Door Creaks -- sadly unfinished but it’s young adult Kylo and Hux in a haunted Disney ride adventure. The Haunted Mansion itself. A lot of cool ideas, reminds me a teeny bit of a Henry Selick animated film. 
And the ones of mine I like:
Flashburn -- very very weird context for this one, fandom got obsessed with tentacle rape for a brief while and I found it squicky and started a fic to work through that squick by taking the idea seriously, but it’s not at all explicit, it’s about as implicit as you can get without actual ambiguity. Rated T but check the warnings. It’s more about Kylo and Hux discovering ways to not hate each other. 
Our Wicked Home -- maybe my favorite kylux fic I’ve written. Senator Hux returns to the abandoned Arkanis Academy as part of a truth and reconciliation, alongside his Jedi bodyguard Ben Solo. Hux doesn’t have a bad relationship with his family in this (and his parents were happily married), and it’s hard for him to cope with having nostalgia for a place where there was so much suffering.
Memory of Snow -- quiet alpine angst post-canon with hermit Kylo finding outcast Hux has tracked him down 
Moving on: 
How I feel about gingerpilot? Never really felt like my thing. 
Hux/Rose? I have never seen it called Hose that’s hilarious omfg. I didn’t passionately love it at first but my pal @tobermoriansass got me into it. I definitely don’t ship it in all possible configurations. Not as a cutesy sort of ship, definitely. Something raw and rotten and intense. I have a half-finished Hux/Rose fic that I wrote for a fic exchange. Still feel guilty about not completing it. But I kind of gave myself a writing injury trying to finish it, pushed myself too hard. I’ll come back to it when I’m ready. 
If you want a smut rec here’s a wild ride of a Finn/Rose/Hux weird alien psychic bond threesome 
Hux/Cardinal? I haven’t read Phasma yet, just had other people tell me about it. I’d kind of like to ship them as brothers. This is mostly because I don’t like canon Brendol Hux having no complexity in his relationship to his son. I think he was once an interesting character who could have been even more interesting and who can’t be interesting when he’s too repulsive to linger on for long. So having Cardinal and Armitage develop a strong brotherly bond adds to a complicated family backstory. Deep down I want to do a Fullmetal Alchemist AU for them where Cardinal is the disembodied suit of armor brother to Armitage the shrimpy irascible genius, though they’re far less heroic than the Elrics. 
I think that’s about it except that one major reason why I don’t read kylux is that I’m absolutely obsessed with my OC of his mom and I so vastly prefer the universe where she exists because she’s like a weird overpowered feral ocean witch. If only canon had invented her instead of me. 
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poisonappletales · 6 years
Oh my, I think Ambrosia needs your help X from the clutches of the provocative Unknown. ( To be honest I think Arsenik would be rather infuriated from Unknowns advanced grabbing and persistence)
Previously: Unknown begins to drag Ambrosia to his house!  Crossover whooo.
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“What?! What is he doing now? Let me at him. Who cares what Arsenik thinks? I got this.” [He charges down the path to the right!] “Okay, where is he? No, not over here? Uhh…”  [He charges down the path to the left!]
“Aargh! I’m wasting time. Hey, you disembodied anonymous asker you, why didn’t you give me directions?! Okay, fine. You mentioned Arsenik, so maybe he knows.
Yo, Arsenik! Where’s Ambrosia?”
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“Oh, hello! I haven’t had the fortune of seeing her today. Is there a problem?”
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“Seriously? Don’t you have, like, a tracking device on her or something?”
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“No. I’m not a stalker.”
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“Maybe you got her schedule memorized?”
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“I’m really starting to question how you see me. But…last I recall, she was seeing that man from the Vi and Unknown. Don’t tell me a certain blanketed fellow is causing trouble again.”
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“I’m not telling you anything because I can handle this. Do you know where she was seeing that Vi guy and Unknown?”
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[Wind lets out a sigh.] “I’ll find her.”  [He takes off down the street with feral speed, following her scent.]
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“Whoa! Where’d you come from? But if you know where Ambrosia is, I’m coming with!”
[In the meantime, Unknown has taken Ambrosia to the plush pink and red room…of a Love Hotel.]
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“Here we are, love. ♥”
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“Um…I don’t remember your house looking this way.”  [At last, Unknown allows her to retrieve her hand from his grip. She can’t help but notice that it’s always after he takes her to whatever destination he pleases.]
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“Oh, well, this is my house today. I reserved the room for us all day and all night.”
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“Not too shabby.”
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“Hmm? You came with us, too?”
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“Just in case she decides to ask for my help.”
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“If she cries out, it’ll be from pleasure, not distress, hehe…!”
[While they talk, Ambrosia slips over to the door and tries the knob. There’s a jangling noise, but nothing gives way.]
“Oh, that won’t work, mon petit oiseau. I locked the door. From the inside.”  [He grins. He more so broke it than locked it, but they didn’t need to know that.]
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“So, we’re all locked in here. That’s interesting.”
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“Well, I do have a key.”  [He drops down onto the lavish bed, sitting on the edge of it with his legs sprawled apart. He beckons Ambrosia with a gesture of his hand.] “If you want it, come play with me, darling.”
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[She looks back at him with an unreadable smile, one hand lingering on the cool doorknob.] “Play with you.”
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[He nods, the amusement in his smile growing.] “Yes.”
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[She begins to walk across the room.] “Shall we play cat’s cradle? Or a game of go?”
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“I don’t have any string or stones. Unless you do.”
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“Then, I spy.”  [She stops in front of the window, casting her gaze out across the sky, ablaze with the setting sun.] “I spy with my little eye…”
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“Oh, how about we make it fun? If I guess it right, you have to take off something. In your case…I’m thinking your sash? Hehe…of course, if I’m wrong, I’ll take something off for you, too.”
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[joking:] “How scandalous.”
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“You can leave anytime, you know.”
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“How can I? You locked the door from the inside.”
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“I spy with my little eye something black, white and yellow.”
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“Something black, white and yellow…you’re looking out the window, so it has to be outdoors. Like a cat?”
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“I was thinking more of a dog.”
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[Her smile widens imperceptibly.] “You’re both cold, but you’re even colder, Sir Unknown.”
[She takes a few steps back just as Wind comes smashing through the window in a smattering of glass. He lands on one knee, his dark hair whipping around his white shoulders and his golden eyes flashing.]
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[As he straightens, he says to Ambrosia:] “Why are you standing so close to the window? Did you want me to hit you?”
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[She giggles behind her curled fingertips.] “I was thinking of climbing out if you didn’t come. And if they threatened anything more than a game.”
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“You must have some kind of death wish.”
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“Well, we both guessed wrong, Unknown. Does that mean we have to take something off now?”
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[His eyes narrow at Night, who wears one of his easygoing smiles.] “You - what kind of weird game were you playing with her? I’ll kill you.” [He begins to stalk towards Night, like a hunter with its prey.]
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“Sir Wind, wait, he hasn’t done anything -”
[It’s too late. Wind’s nails have already lengthened into claws, and he barrels straight at Night, slashing at him like a wild animal.]
“Sir Wind!”
[At that moment, the door comes flying off its hinges, and Unknown swings to the other side of the bed before the heavy thing slams against the opposite wall. In the entrance, X stands with his darkly gloved fist extended.
He’s in Aries Mode, long purple hair unfurling from the green and black above it. His eyes are silver, like liquid mercury. Flames dance around him in a rippling aura.]
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“Boom boom, baby! I’m here to save the day, princess!”
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[She’s having sudden flashbacks to his drunk texts, and she gives an inadvertent chuckle.] “Sir X…I’m not sure how any of you knew I was here, but you really know how to make an entrance, don’t you? It’s a little more stunning than it needed to be. I feel sorry for the owner…”
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“Oi, Poison Apple Tales. You ought to give me another picture for when I’m in Normal Mode. Otherwise, it’ll look like I’m in Aries Mode all the time! Loses the impact, you know? Make sure that pic’s twice as big as this one!”
[Seeing Wind faced towards Night, X stops breaking the fourth wall to turn his attention towards them.]
“Huh? So, he’s the one causing trouble for Ambrosia? I thought it was Unknown, but it was really you?”
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“Are you assuming it’s me because Wind’s giving me the stink eye?”
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“Shut up and die!”
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“Yeah, you won’t last a second against me.”
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“I can’t believe I’m saying this but…Sir X, Sir Wind, please stop bothering him!”
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“You brainwash her or something? You’re dead now, scum!”
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“Yeah, you aren’t getting away with hypnotizing her!”
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“Really, he hasn’t brainwashed or hypnotized me! Oh dear, neither of you are listening, are you?”
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[Sidling up to her:] “That’s all right. That just means there’s more of you for me. How about we keep playing somewhere else…?”
[His arm moves to curl around her, but before he can make contact, a gloved hand settles on her shoulder, easing her out of Unknown’s reach.]
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“They might have the wrong conclusions for whatever reason…but I can see it clearly. You were the one harassing Miss Ambrosia, weren’t you? Like always.” 
[Arsenik’s hand remains on her shoulder in a protective clasp. He glances down at her with a reassuring smile.] “I beg your pardon, Miss Ambrosia. I hope I haven’t overstepped any boundaries.”
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[She manages a small smile, but her body is faintly tense.] “Just please don’t break anything.”  [She glances once more at Night, who somehow manages to evade most of X’s and Wind’s attacks.] “Oh my goodness…”
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“Hahaha! You want to fight, too, Arsenik?”
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“Oh, I would really prefer if we settled everything peacefully. Neither of them - Sir Night in particular - has done anything to warrant this level of chaos!”
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[with a hint of teasing:] “I’m surprised if you think there’s anything worth chaos and mayhem.”
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“Let us solve this through words. But I can understand if these men of action need a teensy bit of action, too.”  [She steps away from Arsenik’s protection and hurries towards the fighters.]
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“Miss Ambrosia?” [His brows furrow with concern, but he decides to trust her.]
[He doesn’t stop her from throwing herself in front of Night with her slender arms outstretched.]
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“Sir X, Sir Wind, please stop!”  [At the last second, Wind’s claws and X’s flaming fists halt, hovering just before her small face. Beaming at them, she dips forward in a traditional bow, her hands clasped together as usual.] “Thank you.”
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“Are you crazy? Move out of my way!”
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“Hey, don’t shout at her. What is it now, princess? If you’re scared of seeing blood, you can go in another room. But I think you’ve seen me splattered in it before.”
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“First, believe me when I tell you I’m not under any sort of brainwashing or hypnotism. The man you’re attacking hasn’t wronged me today.”
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[joking:] “Just every other day.”
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“It’s true that I didn’t intend to come here, and I appreciate your intentions. But, my dear sirs, if this how you’re planning to be…then I might as well enter a courtship with Sir Unknown and let him take me wherever he likes.”
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“There’s no way that’s happening.”
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[His shoulders droop a little as he murmurs:] “M-Miss Ambrosia…was this your plan…?”
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“Hey now, there’s no need to go so far!”
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“Now, now, I rather not enter a courtship like this either, Sir X.” [Her gentle voice grows even softer.] “Then, how about you..start cleaning up this mess? If this was your house, you wouldn’t like seeing this either, would you?”
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“Are you really saying you rather be with Unknown than have us trash the place?”
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“He’s why you broke the window, isn’t it? Then, I’m simply removing your reasons for violence and anger. If I’m giving in, he isn’t forcing me to do anything and I won’t need your help.”
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“Cut it out.”  [He whips around, marching towards the broken window.] “You just want the glass out of the way, right?”
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“I’ll see what I can do about that door, but mark my words, princess. If you go out with him without any feelings, I’mma cause trouble all over the city. I’ll break in every door, burn up every window. So, don’t you dare.”
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[chuckling:] “You’re so scary, Sir X! There’s no right answer with you, is there?”
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“My way is always the right way. Remember that.”
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“I wonder if the neighbors were disturbed by all the noises…I should explain our circumstances to them. I’ll be back to help you later.”
[She gives a bow before excusing herself from the room.]
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“Please allow me to accompany you, Miss Ambrosia.”  [quietly:] “You were truly amazing today…”
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“Something funny?”
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“Oh, it’s just that - this is a love hotel. So, if they’re seeing the neighbors…hahaha! I wish I could see the look on their faces when they knock on the door…!”
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“I imagine the neighbors would be just as surprised to see how they’re dressed. Virgo Island style.”
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“Ah, and did you hear what my petit oiseau said? She’ll go out with me if they cause trouble again.”
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“You thinking of riling everybody up?”
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“I’m thinking about it. I enjoy seeing her resist, too. She’s so cute.”
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“Hmm. Interesting preference. I prefer my women willing, personally.”
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“Not that there’s anything wrong with that either. Gyahaha!”
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“What are you two bozos mutterin’ to each other about?”
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“Mon petit oiseau. She’ll be mine soon, thanks to you.”
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“Not a chance. Now, fix this door with me, will ya? You caused this mess in the first place, so chip in.”
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“Oh, but that’s no fun. Catch me if you can.” [He slips out of the room, laughing.]
[At that, Wind begins to head out as well.]
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“Hey, where you going? You didn’t get all the glass yet.”
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“None of your business. I just don’t trust that feather-wearing scum.”
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“Arsenik? He looks like a prim and proper guy to me. Harmless. Hey…”  [Before he even finishes speaking, Wind is gone.] “Great. Leave fixing everything up to me, why don’t you? You going to scram too, Night, or are you actually going to pitch in?”
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“You seem to have a good handle on things. I’ll be at the bar next door, having a drink. Feel free to join me.”
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“Yeah, yeah, sure. Slack off like everybody else.”  [As Night goes, X looks down at the broken door that he just hefted up.] “All right, have to fix the door - and the window - and clean up all that broken glass. I can do it.
When Princess gets back, I’ll let her know I did all the work. No one’s stealing this little red hen’s bread! Plus, she’s gotta like that - a real handy man.” 
[He turns the door this way and that, as if it’s some kind of giant jigsaw piece.] “Now, how am I supposed to put this back? Do I use glue or something? Yeah, that’s gotta be it…”
To those who celebrate it, Happy 4th of July! Have a great one.
On a side note, don’t be afraid to toss in asks like this - interacting with the little “story” I have going on here! I enjoy weaving in a thread of continuity with some of these asks, making the characters remember what happened before and so on.
So, if you want to influence things and make something fun happen, go for it!
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sam-rps-shit · 7 years
teensy question what's your headcanon for the trolls in atlastuck
that is a really good question because i hadnt thought of it???? til now??? So now let me just type up all of the ideas that come to me off the top of my head!
Karkat would be a firebender, no qualms about it- hell, with a temper like that I figure that he’s got that entire fire breathing thing down like a pro! one idea that comes to mind is that he’s a fire nation spy in the earth kingdom but he learns through dealing with customers and other cultures that he really hates how the fire nation does things and instead decides to continue living in the earth kingdom as an unassuming traveling salesman with a cart of books, sending false reports back and struggling with his loyalty to the empire or the want of helping the rest of the world.
Vriska is a waterbender, and hear me out- you figure firebender for her, right? While it makes sense, with her temper and the militaristic society of Alternia, the biggest problem I have with it is that firebending doesn’t really help control minds, and let’s face it, Vris couldn’t manipul8 her way out of a paper bag. So I figure bloodbending would be the closest for her, forcing people’s bodies to move instead. As a Light player, she’s able to manipulate something good, but unlike Rose’s god tier which would allow her to assist others (thus embodying the lesser known, good side of firebending), Vriska uses her powers, for the most part, for her own selfish needs, embodying the lesser known, sadistic side of waterbending. She likely happens to be hiding out in the Northern Water tribe, biding her time…. getting irons in the fire……
Nepeta is also a waterbender, embodying the general go with the flow attitude of water, but she’s totally from the Swamp Tribe. Like, there’s no better place to have her be than among people who are basically the backwater hunters of the woods, and she grows up in the Spirit Forest with her fellow benders as a feral wild child, seeing things occasionally and rolling with it. Eventually she’d leave, probably to go help her tribe in some way by making sure Ba Sing Se doesn’t hurt the forest, and goes to the center of the Earth kingdom where we have
Equius, an earthbender. STRONG is in the description for this type of bender, and with his metal working it would be a goddamn sin for me not to add him on as one. I imagine that he’s always lived and grew up in Ba Sing Se, trying to one day fulfill his dream as an archer by trying to become as strong as possible and competing in those underground tournaments. This is actually where I imagine he’d meet Nepeta, who immediately traps him by bending his sweat into ice crystals. “This is gross,” She complains as her fingers wiggle a bit. “This is indecent,” Equius hisses as he turns away from the girl clad only in leaves and some cloth. Friendship.
Terezi is a firebender, specifically a Sun Warrior who was chosen as the next high priestess by the dragons. She communicates with them regularly and keeps any unlucky visitors on their toes with her unpredictable antics- in one fell swoop she can destroy or create, and to have her judgement passed is to have been blessed or cursed. Even if the curse is a custard hitting the left side of your face because she’s still blind as hell and senses vague sources of heat around herself.
Aradia would be an earthbender who uses her expertise to go on archaeological digs. Mostly she just runs everywhere all over the world, staying with the locals and eating all of their food and leaving them precious jewels while she takes the only interesting things to her- the artifacts and bones. She finds treasure, and leaves it to the poor while she makes off with the really interesting texts. Because of all the information she holds, she’s both an untrackable source of secrets and a target for any militaristic nation. With the artifacts she’s uncovered, she’s slowly gained the ability to enter the spirit realm, a secret she keeps more guarded than anything else
Tavros would be an airbender- with that general calm demeanor, I feel as if he would adore the pacifist ways of the nomads, and his deep connection with animals means that he would fit right in. I figure that his home would be in the Western Air Temple if this world hasn’t been attacked by the fire nation yet, or in Ba Sing Se. I figure that he communicates most readily with spirits, and can help calm them down if agitated. Then of course he’s accompanied by his best friend
Gamzee, who is also an airbender, and the best reason why can be summed up with the word ‘airhead’. Also because, as a fairly spiritual person with his faith in the messiahs, I can see spirit projection being his big skill in life, helping Tavros along with the spirits. Of course, being the stronger bender of the two, he takes on the more malicious ones, which doesn’t really do wonders for the mental state…
Sollux would be an airbender, and here’s why; his outlook on life in and of itself is pretty damn unique to air nomads, and he’s been left embittered by all the strife and bullshit in the world. He also would generally be connected to the spirits, particularly those of more malicious intent and origins that used to be human, approximating the souls of the imminently deceased. Trying to cut himself off from his temple, he travels to try and escape his heritage and the damnable ways they tried to impart on him.
Eridan is a firebender through and through. There’s no other way to describe it- the rampant militarism, the want of genocide, the temper and want of power means that he’s probably stationed in the fire nation, calling the shots for some part of the army or another and climbing the ranks, training, ever training, so that one day he’ll be able to do things no one else had ever done before, like say take over the water tribes.
Kanaya is an earthbender, steadfast as she is- she embodies the elegance that can come with earthbending, being able to turn jewels and stone into delicate works of art and jewelry to be weaved in the margins of silks and clothes, but ultimately is a very powerful person. She chopped a man in half and applied his blood to her goddamn lips- that’s brutal right there, and the thing about Kanaya is that she’s brutally elegant, a contradiction you don’t think would work but somehow *does*! I figure that she lives as a seamstress in Omashu, taking the rides to work and sewing to her heart’s content.
And last but not least, Feferi would be a waterbender, both because of her love of the sea and all its creatures but because of her kind, willing to compromise nature and her tendency not to take any bullshit. She’s as strong as a massive glacier, but pliable, and focuses on the life giving aspects of waterbending. I figure she ran away from the North to the Southern Water Tribe to learn how to properly fight
But yeah I figure that’s what they all are in ATLAstuck!!
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