#shut up about berkut
jasperlion · 4 months
A knock was heard on Alm's personal office door before two familiar noblewomen entering the room. It was Rinea with Josephine following her close behind with a carrier bag. "Hello Lord Alm. Countess Josephine came here to meet with you about finalizing the wedding plans for Lord Berkut and I. Oh and also to get ahead of her own wedding with Lord Hunter!" Rinea said as she did know Alm's schedule and there was a slot open for him to have a meeting. Rinea looked over to her friend whom she was worried about since Josephine was in a dark red mourning dress. "Thank you so much for helping Lord Berkut and I with the wedding plans but are you sure you will be alright Countess?" Rinea was worried about Josephine since she knew this was not an easy time for Josephine. "I will be alright Rinea. This will be a good distraction for me. Besides I feel like Alm would understand..." She said before looking at Alm as she sadly knows if there was anyone who understood what she went through it was Alm. "...If you say so. I will leave you two be." Rinea said but before she left the room, she quickly took one pile of paperwork away from Alm. "Lord Berkut said that he would deal with the minor issues and he will not take no for an answer. Please don't overwork yourself or I'll... I'll let Lord Berkut scold you again! " Rinea said as Berkut did tell to be a little bit stricter with Alm about overworking. "I'll be sorting paperwork with Lord Berkut nearby if you need us!" She said before shutting the door behind her.  "...Rinea's still using the titles huh." Josephine said with a small smile before giving a sigh. "I had hoped she told you about the true reason she has that habit...but that will have to be another time. There are more important matters to discuss." The Countess said before taking her seat on sofa used for private meetings and breaks for tea. She started taking out the wedding plans but she took out a card that looked normal playing card at first but she flipped it around for him to read first. 'I found evidence of assassination plot and a coup. Is this room safe to talk about it out loud?' Josephine knew she had to be very careful when it came to these kinds of things. One wrong move could cause the deaths of Berkut and Rinea earlier than anticipated. ~*~
Alm's visitors find him with a large compendium on his desk, cross-referencing material on it compared to a missive in his hand with a growing scowl. The door opening would have startled him, but his guard had already informed him of his incoming visitors. As such, Rigel's Emperor simply sets down the missive atop the book and looks up with a wan smile. "Hey, Rinea. Josephine. Have a seat." It hadn't been a particularly pleasant day, considering his own fiance's recent departure back to Zofia (among other events of late, that was but a nail on the mood's coffin), but at least he does his best to look the most pleasantly neutral he can manage.
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The smile, however, goes from struggling to sympathetic to the woman before him. All things considered, it was in fact a pain he was regretfully familiar with. Keenly so. "If there is anything within my power to help ease that pain... well, you have me here at your disposal, you know? Maybe some time off for your husband...?"
Of course, it is then Rinea snatches a paperwork pile. To which he can barely protest aside from an indignant squawk. The small woman's threat, however, stops him from making pursuit (playfully, if anything, he wouldn't dare spook the woman), and the Emperor instead raises his hands in mock defeat. "Alright, alright. Tell that grumpy fox he's got his way today." At the very least, it took some of the work off his shoulders, none of which he considered particularly pleasant.
And then, Rinea was gone, and it was just them. He sighs into his chair, eyes darting back to his guest. "It's a hassle to constantly correct her, but one day, mark my words, she'll feel comfortable enough to drop those pretenses around family someday." At least, he hopes so, reasons she may have notwithstanding (and perhaps, someday, she'd tell him?). Shutting the compendium with the missive inside, he sets it on a side-table to make room for the Countess, only to... frown at the presence of the playing card. A fire lit within, and yet the Emperor's next move is to press his index fingers to his lips and stand.
The fireplace crackled pleasantly, and it is to where he went first, grasping a kindling stick and lighting it, then... proceeding to light the candles around the desk without a word, then those around the room. Putting the fire on the stick out, he then moved to the window, that overlooking the gardens and training grounds below, and closed thick, heavy drapes. Alm's next movement was to a bookcase, which he firmly secures, and finally walking to the door to the study. Opening it, he quietly asks his guard to keep vigilant guard, and confirms his room is also guarded. Door closed, another thick drape is dropped from the side to cover it. Aside from the light the candles and fireplace provide, it is now.. incredibly dark. The Emperor returns to his seat.
"It is now." Soundproofed by thick drapes and ensuring the safety passage to his room was firmly locked, the study had become a small fortress for secrets. "So, tell me... what is this about?"
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devotedrigelianflower · 4 months
~Meanwhile at Rigel Castle with Rinea | Guest star: @pieman1112 and @jasperlion~
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"It is a shame that Lady Celica had to leave so soon. Will Lord Alm be alright?" Rinea asked Berkut as they were having a little break from the paperwork. Well it was mostly Berkut working on paperwork that Alm needed his help while Rinea was sorting through records to file them. "I don't envy him. Alm does not get to see Celica as often as he would like. Sometimes it can be for a few months to the point where even I feel sorry for him." Berkut told Rinea as it made him a little bit less bitter about not being the crown prince anymore. "...You know I always wondered about something...Do you remember that day at duma temple? I was at the entrance and became very afraid to go up to you. Then you froze for a moment as if you were struck on the head before you grabbed my hand and rushed us out of the temple. Did...did you see the same vision I did back then?" Rinea asked as she was curious as Berkut never told her why he had a sudden change of heart. Berkut gave a sigh before taking Rinea's hand. "...Getting flooded with the memories of being in Askr you mean?...Yes I did..." Berkut told her honestly. "...I didn't want to lose you...and turn into that...horrid fallen version." Berkut had refused to make the mistake that his other self had done. "... I wish we could tell that version of Lord Alm that we are safe and thank him for everything he has done for us..." Rinea said sadly before Berkut pulled her into a much needed hug. "... I know but all we can do now is... help the Alm we have now..." Berkut said before comforting Rinea for a bit. If anyone came in to see the sight then they would all think the couple was getting stressed about their upcoming wedding...
~*Meanwhile at the Main Sherington Manor with Josephine*~
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"...and that's the whole story..." Josephine had just finished telling her parents and her older brother about Edith. She did made sure leave out the coup stuff as the less people knew about that the better until she reached Rigel Castle. She watched as her father sat on the sofa with her mother by his side. It was clear that her father was absolutely heart broken about it all. Not only to find out that Edith had been a Witch but that his own father lied to him about Edith being dead. "...I'm sorry you had to be the one to defeat her..." Her father said as he wished he could have taken that burden instead of his youngest child. The last shocking news he got from her was Josephine joining the Deliverance and that made him worry for her life. The last 2 years were not turning out as great as he had hoped. "...Let's all try to get some rest tonight. Josephine has to travel to the castle tomorrow." Her mother said as she wanted to make sure they send her off with a smile or at least try to. "... You're right...sleep well my children..." Her father said before letting his wife lead the way to their room.
"... Being close to the royal family really seems to bring you nothing but trouble." Her brother Reginald the III told his sister. "It's not their fault that witches are still out there. They are doing the best that they can." She told him sternly. "I know that... but a part of me wishes things would go back to they way were before the war." He told her honestly. "...but then the commoners would suffer greatly...and that's not right at all." Josephine said as being a part of the Deliverance made her see that. "Father would scold you for saying that you know." Josephine told her brother. "...yeah...I bet grandfather would as well... 'Shut your damn mouth and be grateful for what you have, boy!'..." Reginald the III said as he tried to sound like his old grandfather. This caused both of them to give out a small chuckle at reminiscing about their late grandfather. "...Grandfather would have really loved Lord Alm..." Reginald the III said sadly. Josephine looked over at the old family portrait that had their grandfather still hanging by the fireplace. "....yeah...he really would have..." she said with a small smile. It was not too long before they all turned in early to bed. Tomorrow would be a very busy day for Josephine after all...she only could hopped that Alm would make time to see her...
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fayesdiary · 1 year
6, 9 (as in feh alts or like fanart), and 14 for Rinea! Idk if she's a comfort character per se but still :)
Yeah, I'd say she is at this point!
6) The moment of hers that make me the saddest
You'd think it'd be her fate in Act 5, and don't get me wrong it is pretty sad, but honestly I'd go for that scene in Act 4 where she's trying to comfort Berkut when he's having a breakdown and he just fucking yells at her to shut up.
As usual, it's not about her but about Berkut and how he's beginning to lose it but still, damn.
It feels more grounded in reality than "yeet her in the fire", which is why it ironically feels a bit harder to watch.
9) My favorite canon outfit of hers
It's either her regular outfit or her Soiree alt in Heroes!
...I think I like the latter a bit more.
14) What I liked about how canon portrayed her
Oh boy, really have to scrape for answers on this one.
I'll have to go with her scene in Act 1 where she disagrees with Berkut (I know, unbelievable) and says she won't join him in watching the battle at Zofia Castle because she refuses to make a spectacle out of violence.
And while it accidentally puts her whole relationship with Berkut into question, it's also nice her having a personality trait that not only doesn't revolve around Berkut but actually puts her at odds with him.
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randomnameless · 2 years
Why do you think Echoes: Shadows of Valentia had so much trouble giving its female cast, agency even compared to the original game?
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Combining those two FE15 asks
Everyone commented back then (and even now?) on FE15's sexism, let it benevolent, an OC slapping the main heroine or how Alm takes the wheel at times when Celica receives the idiot plot ball -
I wonder if it was because the devs wanted to tell a certain story, or because they thought it was a remake thus needed to be twisted to modern audiences (are modern audiences more sexist than an audience from the early 90s? discuss) idk.
But the Mathilda CG will forever haunt me, and Berkut?
I still think Berkut was added to make Alm's loss by pursuing the path of the sword (as opposed to Celica trying to be more compassionate) more prevalent - losing his delirious madman of a father wasn't enough to make him feel like his path was crappy, so he should also lose a "brother" figure but -
While Berkut was designed as a product of Rigelian + Rudy culture and faults, I still think he suffered from a general "and let's make an happy ending for everyone!" syndrome, especially with the WTF of Rinea.
The way the game portrays it, and even Alm at one point iirc says it, Berkut's fate is supposed to be a drama because of Duma's descent to insanity - and while I think this is load of crap (Duma never told him to burn his fiancée, nor to hunt peasants in his free time, not to tell her to shut up when she disagrees with him), it permeated through a lot of part 4 to reach the retcon that is Walmart.
Since Walmart thinks Gods sucks and people should be free to decide what they want by themselves, New!Alm should also share this sentiment, and the plot/script should reward him for thinking this way.
Walmart has no "Celica" in him, so Celica is relegated to a 32nd tier character, who is always wrong, and ridiculed for trusting Jedah's words and losing faith and hope in humanity.
Of course New!FE15 couldn't entirely twist what Gaiden was all about, and Duma's final speech remains, with a bit of Alm'n'Celica dialogue about Gods, their roles, and what humans should do now.
(Hopefully, unlike a certain game that came after this one, we know FE15's solution of humans taking the wheel and letting Gods/dragons perish - thinking they're useless + full on "hadou" - ultimately fails in FE13, Walmart is defeated by Chrom).
FE15's narrative tries to make us believe Berkut is a tragic character (lots of uwu) just like Alm's solution is the good one as opposed to Celica (even if they are supposed to come up with one together at the end, the way the story is told it's Alm's who comes on top) but while FE13 corrects the "New!Alm" narrative, Berkut remains tragic "uwu" and the best way to make him ultra "uwu twagic" is through Rinea, his punching ball who ultimately "accepts" his faults.
FE15 still came after ":( brainwashed Aversa", ":( brainwashed Eremiya" - so ultimately, I think the sexism of this game can be chalked up to different factors, a dev team who likes the use women as brainwashed puppets to feel uwu sad about them, a need to push a certain narrative to fit with Walmart from FE13, and maybe, maybe, the need to make the game more "palatable" to a modern audience, from the POV of devs who lol'd about a previous character comparing her to a cow, I can't shake the feeling that the Mathilda CG was made to titillate the male player.
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cindrelle · 2 years
@exalten​​ said: ❛ you got me flowers? ❜ Rinea to Berkut :)c
        every moment they spend together,  that she deigns to let him be near,  feels like a miracle.  berkut,  though he’s worked over the years to be someone half as worthy of her,  still believes that there will never come a day when he’s deserving of her company.  her voice.  her smile.  but she’d invited him to the gardens with her some time ago all the same,  and berkut had taken note of every flower she’d said she liked,  gently asking their names if they weren’t provided,  like an eager student.
        from there,  he’d enlisted aid.  celica’s,  in particular,  to procure rinea’s favorite blossoms  (  roses,  chrysanthemums,  and hydrangeas a similar blue to her hair  )  and construct them into his best approximation of a bouquet.  all that was left was delivering the gift.  the most nerve - wracking part.
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        “  er,  yes.  i did.  ”  that shyness from his childhood bubbles to the surface,  sending his gaze away for the briefest of moments as he collects his thoughts.  a poor turn of phrase now would be horrifically timed indeed.  “  i know you’ve the gardens,  but  ...  perhaps you’d like a piece of them to take back with you when you retire to your quarters ?  ”  he extends the hand that holds it,  taking only then to peek over at her.
        “  please don’t think too much of it.  ”
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starswake--archived · 4 years
I don’t have anywhere else to scream about this BUT I’m watching more Echoes and my god, the voice acting is just phenomenal. I mean, especially because this is the first fully voice acted game apparently in the FE series, so I wasn’t really expecting too much but DAMN??? The voice acting is just so good, and I’m saying this mostly because of Ian Sinclair’s work as Berkut is just soooooooo goooooood holy damn. I mean, any extremely emotional/tensiony scene could be written off as pretty good, but the delivery of the lines too were amazing and it left me frozen stiff from how good it is I Q - Q
On that note, I think Echoes is a really good game aldskjf I really wish I could play it myself someday... maybe stream after I finish streaming what I’m currently playing lolol 
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Glup shitto fe
glup shitto: obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week
okay i don't know how obscure this is because they're both in heroes but echoes is weird like that anyway Berkut or Rinea because I love them both
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audhd-bitch · 2 years
It fr pains me how fucking arrogant, selfish, and uneducated some of ya'll Americans are about the crisis in Ukraine.
There has already been "fake news claims", isolationist mentality, and some wierd ass shit like "Ukrainian lives don't matter until black lives do" or "if ur an empath ur allowed to ignore literal war crimes". Tf? Ur American? Unless u literally survived a war/extreme trauma, fucking just read the news. Ur just feeling uncomfortable about ur own privilege.
Full offense, shut the fuck up. People are dying and they have been for years.
I'll break down why all members of western countries should care (from an ex-history major):
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In WW1/WW2, America's stance on those wars initially was isolationist.
WW1 was basically a royal incest cousin squabble and WW2 was literal war crimes.
Right before Hitler, Stalin starved Ukrainians. This genocide is called "Holodomor". Some historians believe it was unintentional, but others believe it was.
Hitler rose to power from 1933-1939, slowly amassing an army and building weaponry. This was illegal as per the Treaty of Versailles (June 28 1919) the main treaty signed at the Paris Peace Conference.
He annexed several nations (once again, illegal) and the west sat idly by. They didn't act until Poland was invaded.
Of course, some historians argue that the west did not want to see another war because of the horrors of trench warfare during WW1 (watch the 1930s film version of "All Quiet on the Western Front") and the Great Depression was fucking ass.
Understandable, but still wtf. Also, the Great Depression was actually 100% American rich ppls fault.
America had introduced the credit system, which allowed farmers to borrow money to purchase farm goods. Great and all, until insider trading happens, all the money dissapears from the banks, no money can be borrowed, fucking up the economy resulting in "Black Friday" aka the stock market crash of Nov 1929.
This was really bad, cuz if the American economy was fucked up, so was the Europeans. America was lending money to Germany to pay for reperations to the European nations as per the Treaty of Versailles.
That meant that Germany now could not pay its debts. This was detrimental as countries like France were very much relying on that stream of money as they suffered immense physical damage to their nation.
This lead to the Great Depression, affecting almost every country in the world, as everyone relied on either Europe of America for goods/services/ect.
Obviously antisemitism, Hitler was fucked up, ect were the main reason for WW2, but one can imagine how differently WW2 would have played out in an economically peaceful time.
Fast forward to the Cold War. Russia vs USA. Nuclear war was imminent. Satellite states. The Red Scare. McCarthyism.
Ukraine was a satellite state/a founding nation of the USSR for 70+ years (1922-1991)
This meant Ukraine was stripped of its autonomy and basic human rights for almost 100 years.
Ukraine gained it's independence after the 90s, but was under constant threat of interference.
In 2013, the ruling leader at the time (friends w/ Putin) made laws that were unconstitutional. This lead to a peaceful student protest which ended in a bloody massacre by the absolutely immoral and cruel special police; Berkut. ("Winter on Fire" is a moving docu about this event) The protest was later called Euromaidan or the Revolution of Dignity.
Then in 2014 Crimea was annexed by Russia. Literal months after war crimes against Ukrainian people's was enacted.
Basically what I'm saying is, humans are fucked up, especially those in power. It's our responsibility to back up those nations in need and stop centering those not affected.
Donate to your local Ukranian cultural center, aid centres, Ukrainian non profits. Protest in front of Russian embassies, write to your local representative, talk to your friends, families, and neighbours. This is what is civilians can do to make out voices heard to this in power.
Don't think that just cuz ur one person, you have no real voice. Ur human. Ur valued. We matter. We must fight together for our brothers and sisters, siblings, cousins, families across borders. I'm not Ukrainian but it doesn't matter. Every human has intrinsic value and you'd better be sure I'll fight tooth and nail for our people's.
Don't sit idly by while democracies and civil liberties are being stripped away. If this does not persuade you, how about the thought that your country is suffering economically and may suffer more directly if Putin is not dealt with?
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balladofmae · 2 years
fire emblem smile
I haven’t actually fixated on fire emblem for a while but I can and will overshare about the characters I love :]
Blorbo - favorite character, character I think about the most
Mercedes von Maritz!!! I love her so much, she’s been through so much stuff and still came out kind and loving and honestly that’s such a nice thing
Scrunkly - my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped
GENNY!!!!! She is so littol and she’s fluffy and I would kill multiple men for her even though I am fully aware that she probably wouldn’t need me too bcus she is That Powerful. Also maybe Veronica a little bit. I e had character development and she’s my daughter now actually
Scrimblo bimblo - underrated/underappreciated fave
Lorenz Hellman Gloucester frfr. Aeneas got me on the Lorenz hype train a few months ago and now he’s like, one of my favorites of all time. He’s such an interesting character and people don’t like him because he’s not conventionally attractive or they don’t bother to look at any supports past his first one >:/
Glup shitto - obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week
Uhhhh honestly I don’t have too many of these types of characters for fe, so I guess my first choice would be Rinea. She’s not a background character or anything but she really just does not have a lot of screen time. I would kiss her under the moonlight tho not gonna lie
Poor little meow meow - problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave
I guess Lorenz would fit under here as well since he’s not very popular with the fandom, but I’d rather have an actually problematic fave so I guess Camilla or Berkut? For two totally different reasons though. Berkut is such a well written character who is popular with the fandom, but he IS technically a war criminal. Camilla on the other hand, is not written well whatsoever and done dirty by writers and artists for the game a LOT, so…. Holds her like cup
Horse plinko - character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason
Mmmmmm probably Dimitri? Idk he’s the most angsty and as my blorbo-in-law I tend to go with whatever Jess goes with. Even then tho I don’t really like tormenting him, there aren’t really any fire emblem characters I do like to torment. Mainly just ocs
Eeby deeby - character I would send to superhell
Valter 💕
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Innes/Berkut C-A Support
Written by @thegollldenpinetree
Berkut: Ggh- Hey, you!
Innes: …What?
Berkut: You shoved right past me. Just… Pushed me aside, like some rabble!
Innes: Tch. Who cares? I have somewhere I must be.
Berkut: I will not be treated this way!
Innes: Why are you acting like you’re some royalty? I have no clue who you are.
Berkut: Because I am Lord Berkut, the nephew of Emperor Rudolf of Rigel! I have the right.
Innes: Ah… Well, I am Prince Innes of Frelia. We are on even ground in that area. Now, quit wasting my time.
Berkut: Grr… Don’t walk away, I am not finished with you, Prince!
Innes: Shut up. You will not hold a candle to me.
Berkut: Ha! What makes you say that?
Innes: How long do you have?
Berkut: …
Innes: I thought so.
[Innes leaves.]
Berkut: …Ugh. What a cocky little dastard he is. I’ll show him.
[Innes and Berkut have reached support rank C.]
Berkut: You!
Innes: Oh gods… You again.
Berkut: Yes. Me again. From that response I bet you’re scared of me!
Innes: Only of the topics the dolt standing in front of me is about to waste my time on.
Berkut: Silence! You don’t know what I am capable of.
Innes: Are you legitimately going to try to best me? 
Berkut: Precisely. I will hold this hypothetical candle!
Innes: (And Ephraim says I’M arrogant…)
Innes: Okay. If a challenge is what you’re after, I will take it. Have you experience in battle?
Berkut: That’s a question you should already know the answer to, numskull. I led an ousting in Zofia which began with me making one betray their motherland, which was entirely successful. I have remained a leader of the Rigelian army ever since. Can you top that?
Innes: The army I co-lead during a war won a battle against the Demon King, Fomortiis. Demon King is no empty moniker, either. How about that?
Berkut: Ha! You expect me to believe you defeated a literal demon?
Innes: Have you met that Lyon fellow?
Berkut: That possessed man with the purple hair?
Innes: Precisely.
Berkut: …
Innes: Don’t test me, Rigelian Lord.
[Innes leaves.]
Berkut: …But how?! Can't I best ANYBODY?!
[Innes and Berkut have reached support rank B.]
Innes: You cannot intend to have a bullseye… throwing a javelin at the target. Especially not from this far. Not even the strongest people I know can throw one that far.
Berkut: You underestimate me. I am willing to do anything to prove myself!
Innes: We’ve been doing this for a long time, I have been able to tell…
Berkut: Now watch me…
[Berkut throws the javelin, and it hits the bullseye perfectly.]
Berkut: Ha!
Innes: …Damn. You actually got dead center.
Berkut: I told you that you’ve underestimated me. Have I won yet?
Innes: I am actually very impressed… But no, not yet. I need a turn. 
Berkut: Simply shooting it will not best me.
Innes: I am well aware. Just give me a moment.
[Innes begins to walk further and further away from the target.]
Berkut: …Surely not from that far.
[Innes shoots and hits the bullseye perfectly.]
Berkut: …Dammit, why must he be so good–
[Innes shoots again, not moving closer, and the arrow shreds through the previous and makes it onto the bullseye again.]
Berkut: …W-what?! How is that even possible?!
[Innes walks back up.]
Innes: I don't understand how that works either.
Berkut: I just can’t ever win! Someone is always better than me!
Innes: I used to feel that way, believe it or not. You should not fret when one bests you. If you can, use it as a learning opportunity.
Berkut: You don’t say…
Innes: *sigh* I expected you to dismiss me. If you keep that act up, you will never get anywhere.
Berkut: That part was unnecessary.
Innes: …Just trust me on this one. I wish you well on your future endeavors.
Berkut: …And I you, I suppose.
[Innes and Berkut have reached support rank A.]
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summoner-asha · 3 years
It is late and I don’t know where I was going with this but it’s my first post as a FEH blog here so here! It’s a horrible WIP but maybe I’ll visit it again and fix it up...Or something
You had no real reason to dislike Valentine’s Day back in your own world. Regardless though, you still hated it. A commercialized “holiday” was what you called it. And if there was any REAL reason you liked it at all was because it would pull out all the best chocolates for great deals. That was it. You’d buy yourself a heart or two of some high quality candies and call it that.
But here...here it was different. Entirely. And you didn’t know how to feel about it. Watching everyone go about the activities for the Day of Devotion was truly something else here in Askr. And it near took your breath away. It also made you a tad jealous. Watching couples like Alm and Celica , Sigurd and Deirdre. Hell, even Berkut was in high spirits with Rinea. Effortlessly going about his way showing off his Beloved and his prowess. Her giggles of pure happiness at him just being himself. To be honest it almost made you a tad sick.
These were innocent moments of love in these trying times of war. That was right, you guys were still in the midst of a war. And somehow they were all able to...melt into each other’s arms. Your [ e.c ] eyes would gloss over as Robin and Chrom strolled by you, hand in hand as Chrom gazed at an amazed and flustered Robin that held a bouquet of various , delicate flowers in his free hand. Your eyes would then be pulled down to a tome that had been forgotten in your lap. An absent gaze would flutter about the page of scribbles and crossed out images and words. Even now, you could still be found only thinking of the next best thing for the coming battles. Never a time to rest.
“You never rest, do you?” A rough yet soft voice would catch your attention. “No matter where you’re from...here...there.” There was a pinch of teasing begging those words.You had to squint your eyes just a bit as the gowns of white and the sun stung a bit. You’d not have to for long though , for he’d made his way under the tree and to your side. Blue bangs would cover his face more as he knelt to sit, the covering over his lower face shifting just enough for you to have glanced what was underneath. Ever so curious, you leaned just to get a better peak. But he knew this and leaned back so that the cloth would rest back into place. His eyes watched you. Ever so sad they were. And they’d catch you each time since Líf had come to your side.
The silence was getting awkward. But you’d hardly tell from how struck you were by his eyes. You could stare into them all day if you could. But a snap of the fingers brought you back. Your eyes blinking as your brain clicked back to reality. His question now registering through your ears and to your brain.
“There is always time for plotting. We’re still at war here.” You sighed with a beam at him. He was the last person you’d think would be on your case about something like this. What with him all ‘devoted’ out. You were still in your battle attire. You had to be on your toes. Even when everyone was sick in the head with love. At the back of your mind you had to admit it would be nice to be in that spot too…
Gods, the same in either world…
It annoyed him so much. You being like this. Even in his world it was the same. You staying up countless nights for the sake of others. Sacrificing time you could have spent relaxing when you needed it. Time that could have been spent relaxing...Together.
Staring at you now, his mind could only go back to all those times he could have just carried you off from your desk , or the fields , or the library and just took you and hid away from the daily ruckus with you for just a little….
Wait. Now he was the one that was staring. And now you were the one leaning in. You asked him a question but he heard nothing of it. But he was more clever than you. His brows furrowed slightly as a hand slowly reached up, gloved fingers hesitant at your bangs that covered the head band. Your eyes watched his hand. Unsure of what he was going to do. And at the back of your mind you hoped he’d do SOMETHING. He couldn’t be cold all the time.He couldn’t do it. His hand fell and he shifted his body to be facing forward so that he ,too, was looking out at the others.
Man he was just as awkward as your Alfonse…
Words crumbled between you two. It fell silent. And for some reason, your cheeks were gently flushed. But why? He didn’t do anything. He didn’t even answer your question. Why was he bothering with this festival? Why was he bothering with you right now? You didn’t even call him over. He was being weird.
Your eyes would linger back down to your tome. You could tell you weren’t going to be getting any ideas for a game plan. At least not right now. It was lazily closed shut and then set to your side. It was a nice and sunny day anyways. And Líf also seemed to be relaxed for a change.
You might as well take this moment while you could. And so you did. Slipping your cloak off your shoulders and allowing it to pool around you. Your body relaxed as your leaned on your palms. You stole a glimpse of Líf who seemed to also to just...be in the moment. Seeming to stare off into space after seeing you loose. It was a very nice feeling. It you felt you would do best to just keep that to yourself.
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“Well Mr...uh...lawyer ( @of-invisible-ties​) guy? Did you think that perhaps it was out of self defense? I know Alm did not like Berkut much either and Alm is quick to fight with him when angered. In fact Alm did not agree with him being with Rinea and maybe he was trying to take Rinea away from him even though Rinea loves Berkut so very much. Of course Berkut would never dare want to put his beloved in danger after all.” 
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paradisechased-a · 3 years
anonymous asked: What are your favorite ships with all your muses from every fandom?
a...all, my muses? all? hoo boy.
for my own sanity i’ll only answer this for canon muses but if you’re curious about an OC for some reason just ask lmao?? also uhh putting it below the cut bc its enormous
Byakuya: Leon, Celeste, Mikan, Kyoko, Junko, Mukuro, Kaede, Maki, and Rantaro
Leon: Byakuya, Makoto, Mondo, Hajime, Nagito, Shuichi, Rantaro, and Kaito
Dazai: Kunikida, Chuuya, and Ranpo!!
Poe: Ranpo and,,, actually no the only person i could ever see him dating at the moment would be Ranpo, so
Byleth: uhh,,,no one, really? at least, there’s no one yet, i haven’t done much with him yet-
Felix: Ashe, Bernadetta, and Sylvain!
Sylvain: Felix, Ashe, and Dimitri
Gaius: oh lord. Robin, Chrom, Frederick, Tharja, Sully, Miriel, Libra, Panne, Cherche, Virion, Anna, Henry, Cordelia, Olivia, Lon’qu, Emmeryn, and if we’re allowing cross-game ships would be Niles, Ashura, Leon, Lukas, Claude, Sylvain and then, only platonically, Lysithea. ...i cant explain why he has so many, dont ask-
Robin: Gaius, Chrom, Olivia, Anna, and Frederick, then cross-game ships, Leo, Corrin, Silas, Edelgard, possibly Claude??
Maribelle: Lissa and Donnel 😌
Olivia: Henry, Robin, Gaius, Sumia, Panne, and Cordelia!
Corrin: i don’t really have a preference? she’ll probably be interested in anyone, as long as they’re not her siblings or a 2nd gen ofc. also, Robin as well
Silas: either Charlotte or Jakob! no real reason, i just think they’re neat; also Robin
Beruka: she’s aromantic and doesn’t care uwu
Berkut: Rinea and only Rinea
Saber: uh,,,hm. maaaaybe like, Deen? possibly?? that’s the only other character i can think of that’s at least 30 lmao
Kiran: Líf, but like, specifically helcursed’s Líf because that jelly man holds a special place in Kiran’s heart and mine as well. also maaaaybe Alfonse but i’ve never really explored that, so
Leo: uhh,,,, ?????? good question!! i guess Takumi would be the obvious answer but also like,,, maybe Niles? or Laslow?? and uh, cross-game ships would also include Robin
Joe & Sara: putting these two together because they’re the only two i ship with each other and even then, just barely. let two characters of the opposite gender just be besties 2k21 thank you
Keiji: the first person in yttd i even considered shipping with anyone and it’s 100% Shin purely bc i’m weak for the enemies to lovers trope and i will not shut up about it, also lowkey Kurumada bc, idk, buff buds or something-
Shin: either Keiji or....maybe Kurumada?? my reasons being,,, ??? he’s easily holdable but also like an angry kitten, Keiji and Kurumada could handle an angry cat, this analogy is weird but it makes sense just trust me
Kai: i haven’t really thought about it honestly...? i think in my personal headcanon he’s aromantic but i’m still undecided, so
Midori: no one, because he doesn’t deserve rights at all <3
Shizuo: Izaya, and i highkey blame tumblr user youngmenace for this but i also don’t regret it in the slightest. fellas is it gay to have such an intense rivalry that they’re always on your mind even when they’re not even involved with something in the slightest? yes. yes it is.
Augustine: Lysandre ofc and, i can’t begin to explain why, but like... Leon? also lowkey Diantha
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pokemagines · 5 years
Babey summoner gets teased by the villains plus Soren for their (obvious) crush on Rolf 😳
berkut: look, there is your “betrothed”, shall i fetch him for you?
babie!sumemer: i don’t even know what that word means berkut >:T
berkut: then why did i hear you call him that to kana, hm?
babie!sumemer: mr. death knight lied to me about what it means!!! he’s coming over here now SHUT UP OR I’LL SEND U HOME!!!!
sharena: language please! who taught you such a word !!!
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jasperlion · 4 years
TALK ABOUT ALM'S DAD!!!!!!! TALK ABOUT HIM PLEASE. ANYTHING. hi this is your question for the day uwu (could be what alm thinks about being a good father is, or his own idea of being a father himself etc wink wonk)
So, Rudolf! Alm... doesn’t know much about Rudolf. Not personally, anyway.
He knows what the people say, in the castle and among the commoners and elite alike he has encountered outside of it. He’s heard from Celica what others had to say about him... and most of it is his actions, very little is about... himself.
His father used to be a soldier and a low ranking noble. He was a renown fighter and respected among his peers and fellow soldiers. When he rose to the throne, commoners in Rigel felt hope that they would be further understood. When Berkut’s parents passed away, Rudolf took care of him. When faced with a famine, he put away his pride to ask for help, and was shut down by Celica’s own father. Despite Rudolf focusing on strengthening the army for years, the commoners still tried to have faith in him. All he ever did, in the end, was to save Rigel and all of Valentia from Gods who no longer understood the people they ruled and were falling to madness—but along the way, he caused a lot of hurt. Rudolf looked after both Ezekiel and Berkut as if they were his own, and Ezekiel, Massena and Mycen speak highly of him. Apparently, according to Celica, he’s kicked a chef out of the castle staff for mistaking salt for sugar, which he finds to be the oddest of all accounts.
None of this tells him the answers he truly yearns for. What would it have been like, to have grown up as Rudolf’s son? Would he have to constantly meet high expectations in battle like with Mycen? What was Rudolf like, as a father, and what would he have taught him? ... What would having a father be like? Mycen had, after all, reared him as if he was his grandson, not his son — he’s never been anyone’s son. 
He doesn’t know what a father should be like.
He’s asked before. His friends all had different answers (and Celica’s silence was enough on her end — he now knows she has no idea herself, and she’s told him she’s sure her father had no idea either), and none of them seem to really give him the answer he wants. After all, they all had parents. He was the only one who did not.
Hearing accounts from his friends born nobles he made through his journey confuses him all the more, as nobles seem to be very... different parents to commoners. Celica’s own friends had wildly distinct accounts, and...
Well, he can’t quite ask his dead cousin about it, can he?
(And, in Askr, he can’t quite bring himself to, let alone interact for prolonged periods, especially if said Berkut doesn’t know they’re relatives)
Not knowing scares him: he doesn’t want to be a bad father when the time comes, but there’s no one in his life he’d truly want to emulate. Lukas was more like having an older brother or mentor, Mycen was like a grandfather to him (and, eventually, would truly be his grandfather in heart and mind again, once the hurt goes away), Ezekiel and Massena too feel more like mentors than anything. Gray and Tobin’s fathers were good men, really, but Gray’s parents were both often out running their business once they deemed Gray and his sisters old enough, and Tobin’s father was particularly busy trying to earn enough for his growing family. Kliff’s mom didn’t particularly like him for reasons he never quite understood, and he didn’t see Faye’s parents often.
All he can really take from them is what not to do, or what to avoid, and it scares him to the core. It’s a fear he’s sure he shares with Celica, whose only true parental figure for most of her young life had been her stepmother from Rigel (considering her neglectful father who preferred to... ‘have fun’).
What’s a good father supposed to be like? He hopes he can figure it out before the time comes for him to be one.
(Maybe in Askr he will one day at least be able to ask his own father without stumbling in his words)
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fire-em-writings · 5 years
Angst #14 with Zelgius huehuehue ♥️
Anon, I want you to know that I love Zelgius so much… Gentle giant knight boy. This hurt me to write. I love angst. 
“Can you shut up for once in your life?” 
You never should have said it. You shouldn’t have, but you did. It came tumbling out before you could stop it, and instantly, you wanted to reach out and take the words back. 
In retrospect, it had been a long day. You’d had to settle a dispute between Gaius and Tiki over who got the last slice of cake — preferably before Tiki turned into a raging dragon over it. Then, as soon as that was over, you nearly had to drag Valter away from Sharena by his seaweed hair. Of course, after that, you’d had to somehow calm down Berkut, who was chasing down Alm with a pitchfork. A pitchfork! Berkut didn’t even like the common farmers!
That night, all you wanted was some peace and quiet as you snuggled with your boyfriend. He was already asleep when you entered your room, though. Zelgius faced the wall, and you couldn’t help an exhausted smile as you climbed into bed, wrapping your arms around him and resting your head against his back. 
Zelgius flinched, almost immediately awake. You sat up, murmuring apologies. He didn’t like his brand to be touched, but especially so when he was vulnerable or sleeping. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” You sighed and propped a tired arm on your knee to rest your chin on. “I really… didn’t mean to startle you.” 
Zelgius was quiet — well, he often was. “That’s alright.” He murmured in return. He got up, though. “I think I’ll get some tea before I go back to sleep.” 
And so he did. The two of you sat in silence for a while, the only noise being the occasional sips from your glass. Finally, you’d had enough of the quiet treatment. 
“I think it’s beautiful.” You said stubbornly. “I know what it means, back where you came from, but… It doesn’t mean that here.” 
“I know that.” Zelgius replied. You’d told him many times before. He sighed, and for once, it looked like he had more to say. “…Here, it’s a reminder. I did bad things before I got here, summoner, you know that—“ 
“Can you shut up for once in your life?” You snapped suddenly, not wanting to hear him being negative about himself any longer. 
The silence that hung in the air this time was much more tense. 
Zelgius, without a sound, rose from his chair. He nodded stiffly. You were at a loss. “I’m sorry, I—”
He held up a hand to silence you, still not making a single sound. And just like that, he turned on his heel and exited the room. 
He did not come back that night. 
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