#since this game didn't give me any girlies I had to make some myself
tommyarashikage · 2 years
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"I got new love, new skin to wrap myself in new heart, new limbs to bury myself in"
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max13l · 27 days
F1 Tag Game! Tag some people you'd like to get to know better!
who tagged you?
@3mula1 thank uuu <3
who is your favorite driver?
I mean, it's obvious but Max and Daniel. I would pick one of them and it might feel sometimes like I have a preference but I truly feel like its a disservice to myself and them both if I do (and they belong together) so I won't and you can't make me :)
do you have any other favorites?
Nope. When I like people I gotta like them a lot to truly give a fuck and those two are more than enough for me. I like others in principle (Alex, Seb, Jenson, Kimi, etc) but they don't compel me anywhere near how Maxiel do.
who is your least favorite driver?
Didn't exactly have one but the number from China and especially how he handled the situation puts Lance there for me, Lando can be a dishonorable mention too. Mostly I just focus on my favs, I can't be bothered to care, unless its shit that actually gets on my nerves and/or during races when I pray on anyone's downfall if they inconvenience Maxiel, to dislike people openly. I'm indifferent to most people on the grid aside from Maxiel.
do you pull for drivers only or teams as well?
Definitely mostly drivers, wherever Maxiel are I will support them. But I do have a fondness for Red Bull as a team too, what can I say I do like their energy, but Not the drink (aka haven't tried, I stay away from energy drinks as a whole) lmao. And ofc I do have teams I hate with a passion (McLaren can take this win lol) too.
how long have you been into f1?
I've know about it for the longest time bc my dad has watched it since forever and I have watched some races with him along the years, but I fully got into it last year. Zandvoort 23 is the first race I watched with full intent to understand it and pick people to root for.
what got you into f1?
Needed a new interest bc my previous one wasn't being fun for me anymore and I started seeing clips/pics/etc of F1 on Twitter bc I had some mutuals that got into it and also got tiktoks of it on my fyp, plus started watching with my dad more when I was home from uni on the weekends. Then I imprinted on Max pretty quick and I was doomed (affectionately). And after that I saw clips of him and Daniel together and decided I wanted that one too. Also, their relationship just intrigued me from the beginning I had no choice.
do you like fan fictions?
Of fucking course I do, been reading fics for over a decade now. And to continue the previous question, when I started reading fics about Maxiel I knew I was past the point of no return. Thank you to all the lovely Maxiel writer girlies (gender neutral) I love every one of you, y'all make my life more enjoyable fr <3
how do you view new fans?
Just like any other fans, if you're chill and genuinely here for a good time and want to enjoy the sport (however that may be) all the power to you, making mistakes and not knowing things is perfectly okay if you're not being obtuse on purpose and/or rude about it. We all start somewhere.
if you could take over for any team as team principal, who would it be and why?
Red Bull Racing do need a new TP, I think we all agree on that, so I could take up on it :) We're getting the band (Maxiel) back together if I have a say in it, there's too many interesting ways it could play out and I would like to see it. Also, I would make sure Max doesn't need to answer questions about his future in the team every other week.
are your friends and family into f1?
Like I mentioned, yes, my dad (a Fernando fan btw) has been watching it for the longest time. We got my mom into it too, she's more casual about it but still watches with us and tries to get it too (her favorite is Lewis). And I've made a lovely good friend through this blog who obviously is a fellow fan and got my other online bestie from my previous fandom into it too (he likes Maxiel as well, and Logan).
are you open to talking with other fans/making friends?
Anytime and always very welcome! My dms are open to anyone looking to chat :D Would love to make more friends I'm just bad at reaching out, but I will definitely reply if anyone wants to message me or send asks, etc.
Tagging @hansoloooo and @felicity-smoak-is-my-goddess (if you want to ofc) and anyone else who'd like to do this too :)!
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gotchi-blog · 11 months
Tamagotchi Friends review!
I was fighting with myself since I'm really not happy with this model, but I haven't seen much content with it, so here it is. My in-depth review of probably the worst Tama model ever produced.
General score: 3/10
Design and quality
Starting off with a big cannon - the quality of the toy is bad. I take into consideration the fact, that my particular one is a second-hand, however it was nearly unused, so nothing explains the quality of the plastic. Even though it was almost never exposed to light, the plastic went yellow like crazy. The front blue part changed too. I've heard that some Japanese models released around that time had a similar problem with sun damage, so probably it's just Bandai buying rubbish plastic to make everything cheaper. The result is awful.
The Dalmatian prints wore off, even though I rarely played with this Tama at all and handled it very carefully. My Connection V4.5 were in better state after 15 years of intense usage than this.
Generally, the shell designs were pretty ugly and unoriginal. I have the European Dalmatian version because it was the most interesting one. The American shells were already better, although Friends in general look bad. Bandai really didn't seem to care about anything in this model. They went with more "girly" aesthetics but not actually pretty ones. Want to see it done right? Look at Meets/On.
When it comes to the buttons, I like that they are made of hard plastic. It was a big change for me after the Connection's rubbery ones, but the decision was right. The problem is how absolutely insensitive they are. I have to press on each very hard for it to be registered (and sometimes it still doesn't happen.) It makes it difficult to play the games, especially the ones that demand quick reflexes, and the toy is laggy. I have very small hands (short dude curse) - if you're any taller than me, so basically of normal human size, you will suffer even more.
The sounds are rusty, the quality of the speakers is very bad. I haven't encountered another model with such bad sound. I often keep it off even when I'm alone because I can't stand the squeaking of an old Fiat Tipo's windows rolling down.
Finally, the screen quality is AWFUL. The American edition fixed the contrast, but it still wasn't good. The European one, on the other hand... I barely see my pet. Friends uses a similar idea to TamaTwon TamaGo, with black pixels in 4 different shades to create backgrounds. In theory - cool. Practice? Visibility = 0. There isn't a "good" setting of the contrast, there is only one that hurts less.
The screen is very deep-set, meaning constant shadow in the corners. Taking a good photos is almost impossible. The only thing that improves the visibility is tilting the toy towards light sources. Forget about playing in not very well-lit spaces.
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Once again, a disappointment. Probably the most shocking element of Friends is lack of items. Yes, you can't buy and play with any items. Instead, you can collect ridiculously expensive pieces of jewellery that you can't interact with. Nothing. You can just look at them, displayed in your treasure chest. There are 60 in general. Obtaining 30 unlocks an additional game. There's a problem though - the games are so boring and difficult to win due to unresponsive buttons that it's hard to collect enough money for that (even though winning a game gives you an astonishing 1000 Gotchi Points.)
2. Unique mechanics
Something Friends used hard in its advertising is the unique connection feature. Instead of using infrared, like Lord intended, Friends uses a sensor located at the back of the toy. It's activated by bumping against another toy. Ah yes, what a great idea. Give children an electronics toy that literally encourages rough handling. What could go wrong. I like this idea in theory, but practice is simply too dangerous for the toy. I've never got to test this feature, as I have only one Friends and never met anyone with one (I wonder why), so I can't tell if the interactions themselves are fun or not. The thing is, Friends is yet another model where a decent amount of features is unlocked through connecting. There is a whole icon dedicated to SMSs you can exchange through bumps (also, the character growth is linked to that. I will elaborate later.)
The last unique feature worth mentioning is the BFF meter, seen under the scales icon. It's filled up through connecting with other Friends. Once it's halfway full, it unlocks another game. So if you don't have any other Friends nearby, forget about seeing that game.
3. Characters and growth cycle
The characters available are... meh. Here comes my problem with the Friends era of Tamagotchi - the characters are very humanoid. To me, the charm of the franchise has always been the strange, abstract characters that usually didn't remind of any real beings. But the characters available here all look like slightly weird humans. I get that Bandai wanted to advertise their product towards teen girls, so the pets were supposed to be a bit more cute than the older versions, but in my opinion Friends slightly crossed the line. I don't buy Tamagotchi to have weird humans in it. I want them to be weird, original, to have funny shapes (like Mimitchi. Or Tenpatchi from V4.5.) Here all characters, except for the two classics - Kuchipatchi and Memetchi, have the same big head + small human-like body structure. I can excuse Mametchi, he's an OG of this build. But the rest? Booooorrrringgggggg
The evolution is based on the care mistakes and the three special groups. The care mistakes work like in every other model, except for the fact that it's incredibly difficult to provide any care that's lower than excellent. Those bastards are so resistant to hunger and illnesses that I don't even know if it's possible to kill them. If so, then you'd probably need to leave the toy without care since the baby stage. The life cycle is simply too short to give too many care mistakes, especially considering that the teen stage is not demanding at all. Both Hunger and Happiness meters have 5 hearts, and they go down slowly. If you're able to neglect your pet in Tamagotchi Friends, congratulations. I was fighting for my life while trying to get something other than the best characters.
The second evolution mechanism are the 3 special groups - Social, Active and Gourmet. The methods of obtaining them are always the same for each teen:
Social - send 10 SMS
Active - play 10 games
Gourmet - feed your Tama 15 meals (probably works with the default bread, but to make sure, use the meals you can get in the store)
Considering that collecting jewellery is an important feature, and to do that you need money, you can see a problem here - it's very easy to end up with the Active group every time.
If you don't fulfil any of the three special group requirements, the character is selected randomly from the care tier that you've achieved.
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Generally, the better care teen you had, the harder it is to obtain a low care adult, as the care "stacks." I had a Cosmotchi, so it was hard for me to get even the excellent care tier.
4. Games
Tamagotchi Friends offers 5 mini-games. The first 3 are available at the beginning. Another one is unlocked through the BFF meter, as mentioned before. Then there's the jewellery one.
I have the European edition, which means that all the games are recycled from older models. I'm not sure if that's the case with the American one, as the 3 standard games are different there. In mine, you can play Drop-Catch, Select-get and Mimic. Old, boring games from other Tamas. Bandai didn't even feel like coming up with something new for this one. Also, the games are pretty frustrating as two of them demand quick reflexes - that's not really possible with the horrible buttons, leading to many loses.
The games that can be unlocked are the same on both release versions. They are the Cake Catch and Flower Count. The first one is also recycled. I'm not sure about the Flower count, though it might be the case as well. I've never had a chance to unlock it anyway.
5. Conclusion
I think the whole review is quite self-explanatory. I absolutely dislike this model and wouldn't recommend it to anyone, unless you're a die-hard collector. Absolutely the worst way to introduce someone to the franchise - Tamagotchi Friends offers the worst of the whole brand. I ran it just to write this review and to check if my opinion has changed. It didn't. This buddy is going back to the box - it's more fun as a decoration on the shelf than as an actual virtual pet.
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chuubachelor · 1 year
I love these tags!! One of my favorite simblr (@profesionalpartyguest) tagged me on this one 💖 Anyone always feel free to tag me on those because I love it.
1. What’s your favourite sims death? Cowplant! On my current uberhood Olive is growing her garden with her new pet Cowplant that also grants her to live forever (since she drinks their life essence)!
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Maxis Match all the way, always and forever.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? I'm gonna be honest, I don't cheat but I don't like the Sims 2 fat body type, it doesn't represent a fat person imo. Any other sim game is better regarding this.
4. Do you use move objects? I do, but I'm more of a functional player, I want every animation and routing to be perfect, so I avoid using it every time.
5. Favorite mod? New Lifetime Wishes, ACR (gotta try this edit version!), Community Time Mod and Monique's Hacked Computer.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? Here in Brazil, especially back in the day, you would find pirated Sims games more often than originals. It wasn't different for me! I got Sims 1 Pets because I was an animal lover gal 💖
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? Didn't even knew there was a different way to say it other than aLIVE
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? I don't like creating Sims on Sims 2 very much, but I love to create myself and set it as a random townie on my hoods. :)
9. Have you made a simself? When I used to play Sims 4 more often I used to, a lot! On Sims 2 I'd say I'm a very FaceType 01 or 02 girlie, no fun face very standard. I'm often said irl I do look like a Sim, which is funny to me (because I agree).
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? Creative, Cat Lover, Kleptomaniac (sorry I like to steal from big corporations), Loner and Eccentric.
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? I love them all, but I'm a simp for black hair.
12. Favorite EA hair? female: updoo and male: caesar
13. Favorite Life Stage? Adult
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Mostly gameplay, but sometimes I get the itches to build (mostly decorate).
15. Are you a CC creator? No, but since I'm a designer I'd love to try some wall decor, paintings or even clothing CC.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I have some mutuals, but not many! I like everyone here and would love to make friends, but my shout-out goes to @shitysimp who always likes my posts and is a sweetheart 💖
17. What’s your favorite game? The Sims 2, I like the other ones but The Sims 2 represents a very special time in my life.
18. Do you have any sims merch? No I don't, but I feel like buying some wall decor in the future, maybe just the promo image of Sims 2.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? I do but it's abandoned, I was creating a NSBC for Sims 4 but got bored and left the game to play Sims 2.
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? @platinumaspiration @profesionalpartyguest @sammysundog @microscotch and many others many many others, you guys are amazing! From Sims 4 i love @clumsyalienn.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? A lot, I've been playing this game since 2002, I believe. I try to stay out of downloading a bunch of things since it kinda makes the game laggy and me not likey laggey gamey.
21. What’s your Origin ID? I don't play Sims 4 anymore.
23. How long have you had a simblr? A few months.
24. How do you edit your pictures? Photoshop, but mostly I only use the reshaders in the game and am ok with how it looks.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I want Sims 4 to continue launching many packs so my favorite CC creators for Sims 2 convert them 💖
i'm tagging @shitysimp @gaypleasantview @budgieflitter @simm-mouse
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jqemfanfic · 2 years
Love in the Limelight: Chapter one - Is it too much?
"When was the last time you had a day off?" Mumbled Sam as she hurriedly ate breakfast whilst reading something on Instagram.
"Sorry I don't speak Lucky Charm Sam" I Said as I leaned up against the kitchen counter, blankly starring off at the cupboards whilst sipping coffee.
"Besides its we, when was the last time we had a day off". I laughed as I snapped back to reality and looked at Sam who was giving me an annoyed yeah I know look.
"exactly" she huffed "I feel like my brain is going to explode and I only help you, I can't even imagine how much you need a break too babes" still crunching on her cereal. "I can literally book us a flights to Bora Bora right now" She exclaimed as she reached for her laptop.
"Nope!" i yelled, pulling the laptop away from her. "Step away from the laptop Samantha" i said, raising an eye brow with a smirk. She huffed, sitting back down, mimicking a child having a tantrum and going back to her cereal. I siged at her
"I couldn't say no Sam could I! We both know these guys are amazing and this show is an opportunity that doesn't come around every day, let alone three times" walking over to the kitchen bench in front of Sam at the bar and putting my coffee down "Besides I'm only in charge of one aspect of the show so half the work for me means half the work for you" I pushed my cup of coffee towards her motioning with my hand for her to drink it in an attempt to calm her down.
She paused. Looking at the coffeeand then back up at me. She rolled her eyes at me as she went to take a sip. "yeah that's what you said last time" she scoffed.
"I mean I don't hear any complaining when its pay day bitch" I smirked with raised eyebrows. She smiled finishing off the last of her coffee.
"I hate you" she laughed as she set the empty cup down.
"Ugh wow, Love you too Samantha!" pretending to be hurt clutching my heart.
"All right, enouch sass talk i need to get ready. I'm going to go change and then we should really get going ok" I said, looking at my watch. Sam nodded; mouth full of cereal before chugging the milk left in the bowl.
I headed upstairs to my room.
Considering it was freezing out at the moment I knew that I had to wrap up warm, I predicted a lot of standing around or potentially not doing much today. Today was more of a chill pre-production get to know everyone kind of day. From what I had talked about with the brothers I knew that I would be working with the "hellfire club". The DnD club at hawkins high school. I had been put in charge of overseeing sets, costumes, makeup and the DnD aspect of the show this season as I had a history with the game.
I enjoyed playing it a lot in my free time growing up and I had just gotten into being a DM myself when my career took off but I haven't really had much time for it since. So I was very excited to get involved with it and help the characters with any questions about it. I did help with aspects of it in season 2 but this season it was completely in my hands. After being approved by the brothers of course. I had been working with them for months now on how everything will go, how the set up for scenes will be and all other aspects of the hell fire club and kits members so I basically just had to be there to make sure everything went smoothly which was nice. The hard yards had been done and now I could relax a little and have fun with it.
I scanned my outfit that I had chosen the night before. Looking at it in the light of day sent a hint of doubt through my mind. Was it too much? Was it overboard? I was not the type if girl who usually wore this kind of thing. I was very girly at heart, but the cold weather and the fashion in the show had inspired me to try and get fully into the hellfire look.
Maybe looking like I was some what included would help creatively?
I took off my pjs, chucking them on my bed and i got dressed. Looking in the mirror I felt more confident than i thought i would for sure, and I didn't hate the way I looked in the outfit. I was pleasantly surprised. I'm not the skinniest person, I have curves but as Sam loves to remind me "they are all in the right places" which always filled me with the confidence i need.
I was wearing semi see through black tights for warmth, black high-top converse with black socks that just poked out the top. My vintage black Metallica shirt (borrowed from Sam's closet) was tucked into a black plaid shirt with a small amount of red stitching to match the red of the Metallica logo on my shirt. I was also wearing minimal makeup, basically just mascara and eyebrow pencil with my blonde hair naturally dried so it had a wave to it. I was quite long, close to my mid back, so I twisted it up into a hair grip with two strands down by either side of my face to frame it nicely. It felt very Lara Croft which i loved and was for sure my favourite hair look at the moment.
I did a little twirl and checked to make sure my skirt wasn't tucked into anything; no way was I embarrassing myself on my first day back with the gang. I knew id never hear the last of it from Gaten. I love him but he's still annoying, like a little brother.
I took a deep breath as i took one last look in the mirror before grabbing my black cropped teddy coat off my desk chair and heading downstairs. Sam was waiting for me at the door with my handbag and a backpack with supplies for the day. She looked up from her phone and raised her eyebrows at me as i reached the bottom of the stairs.
"Well well well" she smiled looking me up and down "someone is for sure looking the part, I love it" I thanked her as I took my handbag from her and started towards the door. "Wait is that my top?!" she exclaimed as she shut the front door, locking it behind her.
"Come along child we're going to be late" I said still walking towards the van that was taking us to set. She scoffed at me with a smile, shaking her head, as she got in the van and slide the door shut.
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butwhatifidothis · 3 years
I also think that part of the reason why the church gets so much hate is because of how much general distrust there is in organized religion in real life. Like I went into Three Houses trying to keep an open mind and during White Clouds I really couldn't see what was so heinously wrong with the church even during the Lonato thing that made the institution so much worse than what Edelgard was inciting. I could be totally wrong but I was under the impression that Rhea didn't squash the insurrection because they were a part of the Western Church but because they were actively rebelling and, on top of that, Lonato was bringing civilians into the conflict. That, along with the fact that Rhea knows for an absolute fact that the goddess existed and that she herself is old as dirt (trauma included) makes her decisions make a lot of sense.
I'm playing through AM with my friend who's never played before and they IMMEDIATELY said they distrusted the church because Jeralt doesn't like Rhea (for understandable reasons but my friend also ignored his very sus behavior of not explaining literally anything to Byleth) and because organized religions must be inherently bad.
It’s something that’s heavily related to a player’s inability to separate the reality of their specific circumstances with those of the fiction they’re consuming. They implant their experiences onto things that are only somewhat related and then extrapolate “facts” about the fiction that are, many times, actively shut down and/or disproven by that fictions lore or story or plot.
And, like, it’s normal to relate fictional things to your personal stories if you see connections to them. I’d wager a good amount of people find some aspect of a character they like/love that sticks out to them specifically because of a similarity they share of some kind, whether big or small. I know of people who’s fave superhero is The Flash because The Flash is fast and they ran track and hey, that’s cool, a superhero who’s ability is running really fuckin’ fast and I wanna be really fuckin’ fast. To use myself as an example, I can relate to the struggles Claude specifically has with race because many of the things he says correlate very well to my personal experiences with race. So, going by that line of logic, the opposite is clearly going to happen as well; there are many villains, or characters of either or neither allegiance towards good and evil, who have traits that personally affect someone in a negative way.
But here’s the thing about that... Claude and I have similar experiences with race. He’s still a prince, and I’m still someone who’s never seen above the poverty line in terms of income. He’s never had to live off a box of Whoppers he happened to find under his bed for three days to hold off until the food stamps come in because there’s just no food and no money to get any food. And on the flip side, I’ve never had people try to kill me just cuz I’m mixed. I’ve never felt the pressure of having to lead thousands of people to safety or have them die, directly due to my inability to lead them well enough. We still have extremely different lives and I can acknowledge those differences when looking into his character, regardless of whatever connection I may have with him otherwise, and that’s where these people fail in terms of critically consuming 3H as a piece of media.
These people - understandably, to an extent - look at Rhea, this devout religious woman who heads a major religious institution, and they automatically connect the language she uses as a devout religious person to the negative experiences they personally had with religion... without acknowledging the differences between the two. They see Rhea and they don’t see a bisexual who surrounds herself with and gives shelter to former criminals, foreigners, and people in need of a home while asking for little in return - they see their local pastor, or some other religious leader/person, who’ve done them wrong, and thus Rhea hates gay people, she hates POC, she’s a zealot and unreasonable and she’s this terrible person with no redeeming qualities. And this isn’t me arm-chair psychology-ing these people - they poke fun at themselves about how much they let their personal experiences cloud their judgement of the game and its characters with bingo cards for liking Edelgard having “raised with religion” be one of the slots and things like that. 
And really, why else would “religious institution led by white-presenting race of people” be automatically turned into “racist, homophobic, misogynistic, and violent to any who aren’t their religion” when 1) one of the main characters - the one calling Rhea racist - himself eventually says that racial diversity fits well and snug in the Seiros faith, 2) not only is the leader and founder of the religion a bisexual woman, but no one says anything about having their love be confined to one specific gender anywhere, with heavily coded LGBT relationships like Shamir+Catherine and Dorothea+Petra being just as LGBT coded in SS - where Rhea can potentially come back as archbishop - as anywhere else - hell, when one of the most devout followers of Rhea clearly is romantically interested in her and faces no repercussions or consequences for openly being so despite being female herself, and 3) the Church only ever uses violence when either called from the outside for help or forced to when outside forces try to attack them? Why are we hearing all of these awful things about the Church when it sometimes is never even implied? 
It’s in large part due to religion being such a sensitive part of people’s lives that they are unable to disconnect their personal experiences with religion with the fictional religion the media they’re interacting with provides them. Rhea, as a devout religious leader, especially with how genuinely morally gray she is, was never going to land well over here in the west, double especially to an audience of people that very clearly are already inclined to ignore pieces of the game’s story, lore, plot, and character interactions to fit their own preferred version of what’s happening. Triple fuckin’ wombo-combo especially since the game itself fails to do Rhea any favors until the literal last second of two out of four routes and only shove in her directly admitting she was wrong in her actions in the hardest support chain to build up in the entire game, and even then only at the last part of it. Poor girly didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
Blind Date p1
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I sat with my friend luke as we had some coffee outside of a local london cafe. 
"How's things with you and arthur?' I asked before having a sip of my tea
"Great got the ticket confirmations for our trip to south korea" he smiled
"Awesome" I laughed
"You have got to get back on the dating game"
"Eh, I like dating I just don't like the apps and stuff you know, tinder is just people looking for sex I want something more then two shags and another blocked number" I sighed 
"You know I had this exact conversation with someone earlier" he laughs 
"Luke I am not going out with Mikey so his parents think he's straight we've been over this" 
"Not Mikey,"
"Who then?"
"A mate of mine, little older then you, into motorbikes, fits your aesthetic-"
"I don't need a boyfriend who fits my aesthetic"
"Don't you?"
"Shut up"
"And I was having this exact conversation with him this morning, he hates the Apps and wants to meet some nice girly for more then a fling"
"Yeah, trust me dudes a boarded line technophobe" he says "I had to go over and show him why he kept getting instagram notifications"
Which made me giggle 
"You see, how about I see what he's doing and arrange you two a little blind date?"
"I guess so Luke" I shrug 
I sat at my vanity in my tights, bra and underwear, slowly taking my hair out each curler and brushing it down a little so the curls where not quiet so intense doing my make up nothing too heavy as it is first date and a blind date at that. Once I was done I got up and forced my heels onto my feet already hating it when my phone went off 
Luke: hey hun, your date just left and is on his way to the restaurant have fun you too ;) 
I slipped my dress on and packed my handbag slipping my Jacket over my shoulder, 
Y/n: okay tell him I'm on my way, how will I know him?
I locked up my house and headed down the driveway as my phone went off again 
Luke : he says he's waiting outside with a cigarette and a present for you
I was worried but I kept walking down the dark, half broken London streets, all I had to light my way was the street lamps and my phone as I followed the maps to the restaurant, the clicking of my heels against the pavement, the sounds of cars and buses rushing by, why did I wear these shoes? I hate these shoes. Why did I walk? Why didn't I just get a taxi? Ughh I am so having a large red wine when I get there. I saw I was just down the street from the place so I put my phone away and checked my make up and reflection in the window of a closed shop. I was all good so I took a breath a walked up to the restaurant initial I panicked as I didn't see anyone, but I saw a little down the street where some chairs and tables sat for the restaurant during the day, it had a black metal fence to seperate it from the rest of the pavement, a man stood there.
He was taller then me, if I had to guess from here he wasn't six feet but high fives atleast but I think the shoes helped. He had black dress shoes, a black pair of suit pants with something in his pocket, a tight leather belt a black button down tucked into the pants with a slight patten I wasn't sure what of in it, he had a black slightly trench coat like jacket over him a ciggertte in his hand, watch on his wrist, he looked nervous in his face even if he still looked attractive, his hair fixed to one side alot clearly still a little wet from where he had washed it. He was the only one around so I went closer catching his attention away from the ciggertte in his fingers, his eyes glanced to me looking me up and down quickly taking in alot of me much like I did to him moments ago. He put the ciggertte out on the metal fence and smiled 
"Y/n? By any chance?"
"Yeah" I nodded 
"Ahh great, I was getting worried" he says 
"Yeah I uhh I walked" I smiled "sorry luke didn't"
"Oh, Thomas" he smiled offering his hand 
"Lovely to meet you" I smiled taking it he gave my hand a gentle kiss 
"Lovely to meet you too, he uh he didn't say you'd be so beautiful" 
"Ohh well thank you very much" I blushed "he didn't say how handsome you where"
"Your sweet, ohh uhh I got you something" he smiled moving his hands to his pocket "I wanted get you a real one but all the shops where closed so I thought then you can keep it longer" he smiled heading me a silk rose 
"Ohh thank you, it's beautiful" I smiled happily taking it "shall we go?"
"Well if you'd like to have dinner with me?"
"I'd love to" I smiled offering my arm, he happily linked arms with me and lead me inside he delt with the hostess and we where lead to a table that overlooked the outside garden space of the restaurant closed up at the moment for the night I went to get my chair but he stopped me 
"No, no let me" he says pulling my chair out for me
"Ohh why thank you" I giggled letting him tuck it under me and then take his own seat across the table "your very sweet" 
"First impressions you know" he smiled fiddling with his hair 
"Can I get you two started with some drinks?" The waiter asked bringing some meal menus I hadn't even looked at the drinks one on the table already but I knew what I wanted 
"I'll have a large glass of red wine please" I smiled 
"Very good madam, and for you sir?"
"Uhh I'll take a large cola, I'm driving" he answered
"Aww don't make me drink all by myself" I laughed
"Ughh alright, white wine but make it a spritzer" 
"Very good," he says before heading off 
"Sorry I shouldn't" I began
"It's okay, your right. One drink with you isn't going to hurt" he says 
"So you drive here?"
"Yeah, it was pretty far so I just drove" he shrugs "you said you walked?"
"Yeah, I thought I'd have a wine and I didn't want a taxi"
"Perhaps if we… go out again I'll have to come by and pick you up" 
"If" he smiled "you ever been here before?" He asked as we both glanced over the food menus it was all so impressive and I had no concept what half of it even was 
"No never, have you?"
"Once but they have… changed things since I was here last"
"What sort of things?"
"The thing I liked has disappeared from the menu"
"Aww that's disappointing"
"Yeah, but hopefully that will be my only disappointment this evening" he says gently moving his hand across the table so his fingers grazed mine not looking up from the menu as he did. 
"Let's hope" I smiled gently moving my fingers against his own the waiter returned and we out in our order and he dropped off our drinks "so? How do you know luke?" I asked 
"Uh, not all that well actually." He says "I went to school with arthur"
"Ohh, yeah I like arthur"
"I kinda think it's impossible to not like arthur he's a bundle of joy and enthusiasm" 
"He is," I laughed
"How do you know luke and arthur?"
"Luke and I where neighbors growing up, he's probably my best friend" I smiled "he said you uhh don't so all apps and all"
"Ohh no not really, I keep forgetting my phone does more then just… be a phone. I'm not good at all the twitter, facebook, and that sort of thing"
"Yeah me neither" I smiled just then our food arrived "so uhh… how long have you been single? If you don't mind me asking"
"Ohh uhh," 
"It's okay, I shouldn't have asked" I said playing with my food a little
"No, not it's alright, I understand if your curious" he says "about six, seven months now. So… not to long,"
"Six months isn't that long" I said more to myself 
"Yeah I know, it was uhh a quick seperation you could say" he says "do you uhh mind if I ask?"
"A year" I answered trying to smile 
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked"
"It's okay, he ran off. Cheated on me got another girl pregnant" I said 
"Y/n. I'm so sorry" he says taking my hand 
"It's okay, I'm good" I answered smiling at him 
"I feel like I have to tell you now since you told me" he laughs
"You uhh don't have to"
"No it's okay, moved to the other end of the world, missed her family and all, and then just broke it off said she found someone down there so" he says "very much done and over"
"I'm sorry"
"It's alright, if she hadn't then I wouldn't be on this nice date with you" 
"Smooth" I laughed having some wine
"I try" he smiled "sorry I haven't even asked you what you do or anything"
I explained my job to him as simply as I could and he did likewise explaining it in that wash where you never completely say what your job title is but give and overview of what you do, the conversation moved to family and such, and we ended up just chatting about everything and nothing for a good while until we had finished eating, our plates taken away just nursing our drinks 
"I uhh I have to be honest y/n." He spoke up
Yay, here it comes the this was really fun but I'm not feeling any connection or anything
"I uhh I really like you,"
I stopped short almost choking on my drink 
"Sorry I know it sounds a little strange when we have literally been on one date but, I really like you. And I would really like a second date if… you wanted to go out with me again?"
"Yeah I'd liked that" I blushed "I'd love to go out with you again Thomas"
"Great uhh when are you next free?" He asks 
"Well I have nothing going on tomorrow night"
"Yeah me either," he says moving his hand to ghost mine a little "anywhere you wanted to go?"
"I've been dying to see that new movie everyone's been talking about" I said moving my hand closer too "but since it a horror, you'll have to promise to hold my hand if I get too scared" 
"I'll happily hold your hand, weather your scared or not" he smiled taking my hand intertwining our fingers "shall we get the bill?"
"Yeah its a long walk home" I said 
"I'll drop you off home don't worry about it" he says as he got the waiter to bring the bill 
"You sure? I don't want to be any trouble"
"I'm sure it's no trouble at all. And I'll pick you up tomorrow for the movie" he says "ooh I should probably give you my number so we don't have to talk though Luke'
"Ahh yeah good point" I said as I got my phone and we traded numbers just then the bill came so I reached for my purse
"No, no I'll get it" he says getting his wallet from his pocket
"No I can't let you pay it's not fair"
"I'm more then happy to y/n, its a date put your purse away it's on me" he says putting his card on the table 
"We split it. I insist" I said putting mine with his 
"Alright, but I'm paying for the tickets tomorrow" 
"And I'll pay for the popcorn" 
"Alright love" he smiled
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veralovemail · 3 years
Hi! I would love myself a matchup if it's ok 👉👈
I'm female and pan, I'd prefer one of the males tho, Survivors please!
So uhhhh I differ in my personality a lot depending on the situation! I'm more of a loner around strangers IRL— shy, quiet, I don't like interacting and prefer to stay by the sidelines since being in the middle makes me uncomfy.
I try to be as polite as I can, even keeping in my opinions and pain a lot as to not Hurt anyone. I also tend to blame myself a lot for bad situations I'm a part in unless I know I absolutely didn't do anything!
Also I'm quite hot headed and have a bad temper, though I'm working on it! I have quite the problem with guilt and it comes to me fairly quickly when I do something bad.
Ah yeah I'm really forgetful and also really impatient KNRKS
Now- online!!
I'm a lot more open and chaotic. I like to tease my friends and jokingly make fun of them, etc. I try and stop when they tell me to, but I might understand it as them just joking too if they write it that way in my eyes-
I try to look on the positive side for them and their situations and am always willing to make someone happy even without words since it makes me happy too. I'd say I'm caring to a fault- I don't let loose until they finally do something healthy that they've been avoiding and I do get rather angry if I'm not taken seriously with that, causing me to maybe lash out at someone unwillingly,,- and then guilt pops in like "hi there 😍" KDHDJDJ
I encourage anyone to vent, though I'm not the best at giving advice. I'm more of a person who likes to listen and give support if they need it. Oh yeah- my attention span is REALLY short (as short as me good ol' 5'1 me aNENSJJSJD) so I get distracted pretty easily and procrastinate then.
As for hobbies: I love to draw! (As you might know-)Music is my life (especially Jazz) and video games are, too. Though mostly singleplayer Games since I only really like multiplayer with friends-
What else can I write..
Maybe like- I'm an ISFP-T And I think it was 5w6 that I was given by another test
I also got Philophobia, the fear of falling in love because of bad experiences but I'm tryna work on it!!
I guess I can also write about my appearance? I've got short, curly but chaotic black hair that's p much swept to the side- I'm definitely not that skinny lmao- and as I've said before, I'm 5'1! I usually wear casual clothes (hoodies, e.g!! They're so comfy...) I also got brown eyes and glasses!
I think that should be it.. ah yeah! In your introduction, you should prolly add your ID for others to add you because name search doesn't work! :0
Ok that's really it now- take your time, don't rush yourself and stay safe and hydrated!! 💕💕 Hope your blog takes off!
Sorry for my English by the way- I'm German so I might've messed up on a few things!
OH MY LORD I DID NOT KNOW THAT I HAD TO PUT IN MY ID... oml... thank u for telling me that. and don't worry about it, i can see how it'd be difficult (i actually studied german for my gcses :], it was very fun) but anyways! tysm for sending in btw!! i loved writing this, i hope u enjoy - mod vera ♡
i match you with ... naib subedar!
he kinda takes on to your quiet personality, unlike some of the other people around the manor. it's relaxing to be around somebody who doesn't talk much.
you two most likely met when robbie came over to the survivors' side of the mansion, jokingly demanding sweets... but it most likely sounded authentic. and oh god, is that an axe-
you two accidentally locked eyes but you both had a " ah shit, here we go again " face. it just kinda went from there.
at first, he's a tough nut to crack, but if you try hard enough, within a month or so you gain his trust and he .. deems you a friend?
you both kinda start falling for eachother after a period of time, but naib is great at hiding it BUT SIKE, so are you! it's like a game of who can pine for the other in the most subtle way possible.
however, if you tell him about your own troubles with falling in love, he may just open up a little too about his own troubles.
it's takes a while for you two to build a relationship, but eventually (after a lot of rescues, late night hangouts and just being near eachother) you make it!
when he learns about your more chaotic side, naib tries to keep up with you as best he can, he may just need a little tug to do so.
he loves your smile, especially the one you have when you're talking about your passions.
he also tries to help with your temper, but he's just as bad as you are.
however, he's there whenever you have a bad day - he can almost instantly tell, even if you try keep it to yourself. it could be the way you look at him, try to smile or talk, he does notice the change in your aura.
since your shorter than him, he likes holding you. it makes him feel like he's just protecting you from anything and anything, especially on one of your bad days.
he likes your optimism, looking on the good side of every situation. he once saw you trying to comfort robbie when he started crying about not finding any sweets around and you told him "look on a brightside robbie! now we know for next time to stash some away for you before we eat it all!" AND OH GOD, IS THAT AN AXE?
naib gets frequent nightmares about his time being a hired merc, so sometimes you may get woken up at 3 am because he's a bit distressed and needs a bit of comfort.
other times, he just finds holding you while you're fast asleep enough to put him back in a coma for the next 2 hours.
naib also encourages you to talk to him about stuff. whether it be what made you mad, how much of a bitch vera can be, ect. he's there for you and that man is never gonna let you carry your burdens alone.
saying that, you also have to remind him that he can't carry his own burdens sometimes and when you encourage him to talk to you about what's upsetting him, he'll most likely tell, depending on how bad it is.
he also grounds you a lot!! if you tell him about your forgetfulness, he's most likely going to try and remind you.
" hey, [ name ], you did bring [ item ] into the match, right? "
" um... "
" goddamnit [ name ], i thought i reminded you "
naib takes it upon himself to rescue you, or keep you within his general vicinity if you're in a match with him. he does know you can kite very well though! he just wants you near him for a bit of reassurance.
he can be mean sometimes, but he means it in the most endearing way possible since most of it is sarcasm.
you two kinda have " stab as a warning " vibes so nobody really opposes the two of you. even norton. not even freddy dares to oppose you because the last time he did, aesop almost had to prepare his equipment to embalm the poor fella.
when you lash out at someone, naib is there almost immediately to take you away to calm down and comfort you when your guilt kicks the door down and goes " Hey girlie! Hold still 😎 "
sometimes you have to do the same for him because you both have a tendency to lash out.. but.. never at eachother? you two kinda agree on the same things, there isn't much to exactly disagree on.
please draw him!! watch him while he's training in the garden and draw him, or just a few silly doodles of him.
he likes looking at your drawings, it kinds boosts his ego knowing that he's worthy enough to be drawn.
if he finds out that you like music, he'll tell you about nepalese music, or at least what he knew of it - if you both get engrossed in it, he may try and get you some records to play.
teach him how to dance, if you can. it'd make listening to music together way more fun.
he's very content with you!! he likes kissing you out of nowhere, too. you could just be chilling and naib would come up to you, turn you around and give you a smooch outta nowhere. but only in private.
i feel like neither of you would be big on pda, you just stick to holding hands around the manor.
if this were in a modern setting, you two could probably play a game like phasmaphobia together just for funsies.
all in all, your relationship with naib is mutually beneficial and robbie has learned to never ask for sweets again.
i hope you enjoy this <3 it's my first time writing naib too so i apologise if it's not very good </3
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