#sits on him until he calms down
For a horrible long moment she teetered on the edge, fighting gravity. I leaped up, racing to grab her, pull her back, somehow, save her.
But the tiger wrapped a massive arm around me and held me down.
She fell. Disappeared from sight.
<No! No! No!> I cried.
<Hang on, Marco>, Jake said. <Hang on, man. Hang on, man.>
He held me that way, pinned down. The strength of his tiger morph made my own strength insignificant.
<Hang on, Marco. Hang on, man.>
Dimly, as though I was watching it on an out-of-focus TV, I was aware that battle raged on the opposite peak.
In the sky a battle raged between the Empire ship and the Blade ship with its fighters. Not my problem anymore.
Nothing was my problem. All I had to do was listen to the voice in my head saying, <Hold on, Marco. Hold on, man. Hold on.>
like if k. a. applegate didn't want me to be a crazy person about this maybe she should have written a different fucking book!!!!
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epickiya722 · 4 months
Can't believe Satoru had asked Suguru "should we kill these guys" and at the time Suguru was his moral compass.
Then when he loses that moral compass, Satoru was about to Hollow Purple a whole street of people just to attack Suguru.
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jimmyspades · 3 months
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They finally did it… they sent him to horny jail
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quietwingsinthesky · 9 months
the fact that Dean is so gentle sometimes and so terrifyingly violent others is what is so compelling about him to me.
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itafushin · 1 year
macaque is the kind of person who acts all dramatic when he realizes he has feelings for someone. like i know he made it a whole big deal when he realized he still had feelings for wukong and i can imagine him pacing around his dojo like "fuck ! damnit ! i cant believe this !" and the shadows are just watching him like "...🤨"
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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Bahrain 2023 - Post-Qualifying - Fernando Alonso
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theood · 4 months
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Tannis can you send your weird thing out of the room?
What? D0G? No he's perfectly fine. He's in a powered down state right now anyway. In no way is he going to hinder or stop our conversation. Besides, he's holding half of my equipment right now since the Vault Hunter has decided to take up residency in the medical bay
Not fixing this sketch up you're gonna look at it as is
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kitwing-moving · 1 year
i neeeeed to umm errrm. looks at the ground
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odinsblog · 2 years
So I was stuck in traffic today and I decided to give my cuz’n a call ….
#her 2yr old son answered the phone - exasperated#he just kept saying ‘where are you?’#and my cuz took the phone and said ‘your ears must have been on fire’#and im just asking is everything ok? whats going on? and thats when she tells me#a story that got me so choked up i had to pull over:#so it turns out she was out grocery shopping with her son and he insisted on carrying her reusable grocery bag#but he is only 2 and the bag is almost bigger than him and its completely full#but he insists - so my cuz sits the bag down and lets him try thinking he will give up when he sees its too heavy#and he was trying and trying but the bag hardly moved and when his mom offered to take some items out he got upset#saying he could do it. so hes on the verge of a meltdown bc the bag isnt really moving that much#and she said he just sat there next to the bag and she is watching his little mind trying to problem solve it#and all of a sudden he goes - ‘uncle odin help me!’#and my cuzn tells him im not there but he just gets louder and louder calling for me to come and help him 😢#and out of desperation she gave him her phone to pacify him - and right at that moment was when i happened to call#and as im pulled over on the side of the road and she is telling me all this i can hear him asking where am i and how long until im there#and there i was stuck on the i-4 interchange about an hour away wishing i had a flying car or sum#but i was able to calm him down and told him to let his mom carry it *this* time#and next time i would try to be there to help him#i felt so honored that *eye* was the 1st thought he had for help#i dont see them that often - maybe once every other week or so?#anyway ….. dont let anyone tell u that men dont have biological clocks too#bc its been a long time since i felt such an intense urge to be a baby daddy#gotta hurry up and find mrs right now tho - im 2 yrs away from 40#if i wait too much longer ​any games of catch gon be played in a nursing home - lol
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bushido-jack · 8 months
//closing my inbox for a while to avoid the like. insane and stupid spam going around. I am not gone btw I am just going through a surprise hiatus that life and my dumb brain threw on me. I am VERY sorry to the people who have been waiting on me for so long, I don’t blame y’all if you want to end interactions! the nature of samurai jack with like. anyone at all I think. is that it just causes sudden and extended hiatus syndrome or smth. everyone that tackles samurai Jack to make content consistently has this happen to them it’s like it’s cursed. anyway I’m sorry for being away!! I’ll reopen my inbox when I’m back, but you guys can dm me or find me on discord if you want to!!
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soldier-poet-king · 2 years
Mental health and physical benefits aside, the best part of the gym is just that sometimes you gotta go lift heavy things until it aches because it's either that or have a huge ass fight with ur father because he won't stop with his negativity and his GODAWFUL opinions on unions
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fooltofancy · 1 year
tagged to run this quiz for my horrible children, so thank you @impossible-rat-babies for this unsurprising result, lmao.
tags for @heycollage, @rumils, and @pearl-kite, if u would like them!
just ilya, since he's the brainworms lately -
[ love as bloodshed, crimson as a knife slipped between your ribs ] when ocean vuong said "to arrive at love, then, is to arrive through obliteration" and when franz kafka said "you are the knife i turn inside myself; that is love" and when ada limon said "how do you love? like a fist. like a knife" and when richard siken said "sorry about the blood in your mouth. i wish it was mine"
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softpine · 2 years
im so proud of sadie for doing well on her first day of school <333 her lil nail polish !!!
she's so brave ;-; mikaela is proud too, just a little sad at the same time... and you can thank olivia for the nail polish – she's the only one with enough free time to painstakingly paint sadie's nails in five different colors AND get her to sit still long enough to let them dry sjdksjd
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hunterinabrowncoat · 2 years
I’m so tired.
These past few days I’ve been so angry and despondant and depressed. But now I’m just... so desperately sad. It hurts. All I want is to be treated with kindness and tenderness.
Last year my partner and best friend for many years dumped me for someone else, a mutual friend at the time. And I bent over backwards to accomodate both of them and be as kind as I was able to be. I agreed to let her live with us because living with her mum was bad for her mental health. She was volatile and abusive to my ex and constantly self-harming and attempting suicide which was deeply triggering. Still, I did everything I could to help and if I ever felt like I couldn’t be kind to her, I’d leave and come back when I was feeling more generous.
I asked my ex to move out. When they still hadn’t found a place, months later, I asked him to lower his standards and start looking at houseshares because it was so bad for my wellbeing to have them both here.
Eventually her behaviour got so bad I couldn’t do it anymore and I put my foot down and kicked her out. The one boundary I had ever asserted throughout this whole shitshow, and my ex asked me not to. When I refused he said I was being cruel.
He moved out with her to his mum’s. I said they could come back to stay occasionally overnight if they were seeing friends in Cardiff. Soon that became them turning up unannounced, often in the early hours of the morning, every other week, almost always shouting at each other. When I told him it wasn’t acceptable, he didn’t see the issue and objected to her not being allowed in the house.
Neither of them believed me when I said others also didn’t want her there and it wasn’t until others confirmed this that they actually took it seriously. My wellbeing didn’t matter to either of them. My inability to cope with her being in the hosue was irrelevant, because he wanted to be able to come back and bring her with him whenever he wanted.
Recently he took our cat, who I’ve been looking after since the breakup (long before he moved out) for a week. Then he announced he was keeping the cat for another week. He told me he’s keeping the cat and we’re approaching three weeks and there’s no sign he’s ever going to give him back. He’s not replied to my messages (which he almost never does anyway).
I’m just so tired. I was so angry but now I’m just... hurt. I tried. I really tried to be kind and empathetic throughout all this. I really tried to see the Holy in everyone, even those who are hurting me. I really tried to hold space for other people’s pain even though I was suicidal myself. Even though, at every opportunity, it was made clear to me that my wellbeing was never a priority for my ex, I tried to still be polite and compassionate.
Still, he somehow feels jaded and wronged by me. Still, he’s acting as though I’m being unreasonable for wanting to keep the cat I’ve cared for almost single-handedly for over a year.
I just want to be treated with some compassion and tenderness. Is that too much to ask?
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trollbreak · 1 year
None of my silverfin folks are Good, per se- they kill and maim and indulge killing and hurting and a number of them eat that which remains, in the right context. But also they’re friends, u see, and they can be so kind in spite of that. Given the right circumstances.
#lays here and thinks about marrow holding dexter so close and hesitating to let anyone but peipre close#thinks about how peipre does her best to sit and comfort someone that’s too distressed in the area- a casino can be overwhelming after all.#thinks about how phenga holds peipre and yarrow in her arms like she can smooth away the harsh edges of the world. even for just a moment#phenga going to Orion as he gets off work. taking his arm in her own and guiding xem in the late hours of the morning to eat and then to a#room. he doesn’t know her name but that’s the game of it. but somewhere along the line it became more than just a game. she’s so so very in#love with that teal and anybody that sees them at dinner can see it#silverfin putting new rules into place the instant they hear about how marrow almost got killed. it takes a while to work out the kinks in#the new routine but they saw the lines under phenga’s eyes in the nights after and they saw how peipre’s hands shook and they may not be#able to do much but they have to do something to try and keep it from happening again.#yarrow pulling silverfin aside to tell them that she saw their descendant. that she didn’t meet him very well but he exists. that she met#his captain and he’s okay. that silverfin didn’t condemn some poor grub by being in love#peipre leaning to just rest her arm agains marrow’s when he starts getting a bit too tense. a small reminder that she’s here- that if#everything goes wrong he doesn’t have to take it on alone. and sometimes that light contact is enough.#peipre giving dexter a hug and squeezing him tight for a moment. because as much as she tries to prepare there are some things she’s not#sure quite how to say. and maybe if she tries hard enough she can show him anyhow.#yarrow pulling peipre away from work when things start to get to her too much. making her take a moment to just let herself breathe. often#yarrow matches her breathing until she’s calmed down because peipre pats more attention to someone else than herself in times like that#lays facedown on the floor thinking abt these bitches being nice#silverfin casino#peipre#peipre charme#gotta go add that to all her posts sometime#marrow dahlia#khalia yarrow#dibsym argent#silverfin#miss#phenga arionn#Orion pulsar
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avrilsboy · 1 month
i've gotta stop doing this to myself
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