#skill: combo bonus
imasallstars · 2 months
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SSR/SSR+ 【Dangerous Rabbit, Sneering In Dominance】Umi Kousaka
“Now then, we'll be getting that jewel. Then again, that face you're making right now, is more precious that any jewel... Ahaha! Hey, how're you feeling right now?”
FOCUS STAT    9495/10635 VISUAL TOTAL APPEAL    19144/21444 Skill:「Are You Enjoying Our Little Game?」    (Combo Bonus) For every 11 seconds, there is a 30~40% chance that you will gain an extra 29% COMBO BONUS for 6 seconds. Center Skill:「Triple Prima」    When all the three types are available in a unit, all card’s VISUAL appeal increased by 105% and their SKILL PROBABILITY by 15%. Furthermore, the effect of DOUBLE BOOST and DOUBLE EFFECT will be increased by 2% and 1%, respectively.
※ this card is limited through scouting in MILLION LINKAGE starting 28.03.2024
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viscari-a · 22 days
MariClaw AUs
AU thinking let's go. Bad boy x sunshine is a classic dynamic and I saw MariClaw (marinette x claw noir) and the possibilities are endless. Since I'm a love square shipper this is going to be MariClaw and Marinette x Emo!Adrien! Highkey I headcanon that Adrien became emo because Marinette did it first so I'm not going to dive into mechanics of why Adrien is emo but Marinette isn't. I would say 'maybe he watched too much anime' but the brand of claw noir feels a bit more more wattpad bad boy (back in 2016) than shoujo bad boy, depending on the shoujo. He's been pining for literal years AU
maybe she once gave him a bandaid, maybe he's always seen her from afar and curiousity became love, who knows! Point is, he's liked her for SO long and when he's given the chance to go to school, he's super excited because that's the school she goes to!! Cue manga cliches and the title is probably something like "The New Delinquent is Actually a Softie at Heart and He's is in Love With Me???" It could be so cliche, with very lighthearted and cute romcom moments. maybe a secret admirer AU!!
It could also be super angst/fluff. Marinette thinks the whole thing is a prank, or doesn't think he actually likes her, and it's the slowest burn or the most comedy romcom. OR it's the first person who appreciates her slash doesnt bully her (the standards are low here, kids, cause i'm going on the assumption she's heavily bullied), and it's a story of self-acceptance! All of these ideas assume that Adrien has the bravery to approach her and talk to her though :> (not quite romantically, thats up to you. Personally, I think he's too shy to be able to blatantly flirt) Integration of Claw Noir is possible is so many ways that I'm not going to go into it. He joined the Supreme to get back at her bullies + protect her AU I once read a villain!chat blanc fic where he and her are soulmates and he does questionable things like follow her around and is kind of wary but also curious. This would have the same vibes! Could also be more wholesome/pining where he stays in the shadows. Plus hurt/comfort when she realizes, plus the fact that his powers are corroding him! Sick fic potential Can also be a lovesquare enemies to lovers (+ mistaken/secret identity), if Ladybug is part of the Resistance and Claw Noir is with the Supreme ;) The Balcony cliche AU
Marinette has mixed feelings on the Supreme but there's one hero who she sees a lot (potential for pining on Claw's part) and it bothers her so much that one day she meets him on the balcony and gives him food and it becomes a Thing! Traditional Marichat vibes but with a more kuu/tsun-dere Noir
Reverse crush AU There's a certain brand of danmei where the MC is really really shy and it's a lot of angst until the ML realizes that the stoic MC is just shy and is actually the cutest, kindest person ever. This! Is! EmoAdrien x Marinette!! One of the potentials, anyway. Marinette thinks Adrien hates her because he keeps glaring/staring at her (and all the stares she's used to are judgemental ones), only talks to her in clipped sentences, and never goes near her. Then, something happens!! Maybe he gives his umbrella to an abandoned cat or something, idk. Point is, she gets more interested and it's a slow burn-ish progressive romance :) Now the above [she thinks he hates her] except he keeps partnering her with projects and events and everything and she's really confused by the mixed signals so can he please stop. I think everyone collectively died when EmoAdrien realized + quietly blushed in the movie so flirting would be SO fun here because both of them would get really embarrassed.
Secret Identity AU Maybe the secret is that he's Claw Noir or the secret is that he's Adrien Agreste but either way it'll be fun :> Maybe she hates his alt persona so he dies a little inside everytime she makes a comment or a jab and this can be either very comedic or very angsty or both Dengeki Daisy AU, same scenario, enough said. Would probably be more interesting if its Claw Noir + OG Adrien / Chat Noir + EmoAdrien, just to have more of a switch. (In Dengeki Daisy, MC has online friend A who she's never met, and a classmate B who she kind of hates. She talks to A about B, where she rants about B and A comforts her. A and B are the same people).
Manhwa style
Sweet, strong, feminine, girlboss MC? With a the stoic, rich, powerful, smitten ML? say less. He might be more of a tsundere than stoic, though. Gabriel Agreste is definitely the hidden boss. Could be the above but also a villainess/reincarnation/transmigation AU. Reincarnated into a game like an RPG or Stardew or something could also be fun, and bonus points if Mari liked him (as a character) before transmigation!
Gaming AU! Gaming AU. Maybe they meet in a game, on Discord, or because they're always playing at the same time and get matched? This is so beautifully canonical. Especially when Adrien is home schooled, he probably gets really attached to his online friend. And if they're both bullied?? they're each other's comfort (be careful to not let this be co-dependent, unless you're going for that). Can have secret identity AU. But, in my personal opinion, the super cute option is to also have them realize on their own! Maybe they've been doing discord calls for ages and recognize each other's voice. Maybe he's been telling her about the school and they realize they're going to attend the same one! Tbh this doesnt have to be mariclaw but the vibes are cute
Extra notes
Yeah Claw Noir doesn't have to have superpowers in all/most of the AUs
Marinette is a loner/bullied in most of these AUs because otherwise it feels a bit too much like a Mary Sue/self-insert (cute competent popular girl meets famous pretty emo boy who hates everyone except her). Can it be done if she's friends with Nino and Alya? Yep. Heavier themes on friendship where Alya (and maybe Nino) are more wary at first but grow to like him and help him be more self-confident. Less romance focus, more character development/trauma healing
If we're going with canon then for all of these, a true happy ending would involve the Supreme being dealt with, but I don't want to deal with that (plus I don't think we know who he is, anyway)
I realize a lot of these are a flavor of Chat Blanc but I had already written it all anyway
Personally, I am a sucker for smitten x insecure and EmoAdrien x OGMari fit that to a tee. Emo x Sunshine I have mixed feelings on because boi have I read a lot of that, but if it's done well it's super cute and MariClaw does that really well!! I could probably think of more AUs but I've already spent at least half an hour purely typing I pretty highly doubt I'll write any of these since they feel like longer fics + I don't have enough canon info on Claw Noir to comfortably characterize him; if anyone wants to write or draw something based on these then feel free to!
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kenntolog · 30 days
Other than CoolBF! sukuna and loser gf! Reader, I can't believe many people aren't talking about loner! Choso 😭😭 it's so cute?? 😭 The MYRIAD of things that can happen to them like reader asking choso to do make up on him because 1. It's cute and 2. She wants to practice her make up skills 😭 both are cute
𝝑𝝔 an: thank u thank u thaaank uu, lovely anon!! hope you enjoy this <33 read more here!!
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choso literally teleports to your side as soon as you call out for him from your bedroom. he puts away every task he had in hand and walks into your room, giving you a questioning look before he notices you sitting on your bed with a pile of cosmetic stuff by your side. you beckon him to come sit with you and crawl on his lap, making him hiss from the unexpectedness.
"choo~" you cup his cheeks with both hands and beam at him brightly. "can i do your make up?"
honestly, you can do anything you want to him as long as you're in his lap and he can run his hands all over your body, just like he's doing now. so he just smiles at you lovingly and nods in agreement, his heart warming when you squeal in happiness and lean down to peck his cheeks repeatedly.
it's also a bonus that he gets to be so close to you and listen to your endless rambles and watch your expressive face, one of his favorite things to do. to be honest, half of the things you say he doesn't understand generally, but he still nods and says 'sure' whenever you look at him for confirmation.
you put a lot of stuff on his face, he has no idea what is a 'primer' or 'conceaaler', but he knows what is a moisturizer since you force him to at least do that every morning and night. you dab about a million products on his face with a spongy thing while you hum along to your favorie songs and tell him to shut up whenever he joins you too.
"choso! you're gonna ruin the lip combo, stop!" "sorry, pup."
when it's time to put on eye makeup, choso has the opportunity to witness the cute face you make whenever you’re extremely focused on something; brows pinched together and the tip of your tongue sticking out of your mouth as one of your hands tilts his face to the right angle while the other glides the eyeliner over his eyelid. it kind of tickles and he has the urge to tickle you back, but he doesn't want to ruin your hard work so he just stays silent until you are finished.
"oh!" you exclaim as you pull away to look at him. your eyes are glimmering with joy and pride so he takes it that he doesn't look like a clown. "cho, you look so pretty!"
you give him a small mirror, "i do?"
one thing that surprises him is that his dark undereyes are almost fully covered while the tattoo on his nose is visible. his lips are also not colourless anymore, now contoured with soft pink and a covered with a lipstick that's a bit darker and a gloss. there's a matching shade of artficial blush covering his cheeks and his brows look more neat. his eyes have curled lashes and drawn ends, looking more graceful than ever.
"do you like it, choso?"
"if you like it, then i love it."
your smile is so wide that choso can't help his own from stretching on his coloured lips. if you're going to smile like this for him every time then he's ready to be your doll forever.
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txttletale · 2 months
In response to your overwatch posting but more about competitive games in general, why is it fine and good for certain things to be low or high teir? It's a pipe dream to perfectly balance a game, but isnt the shackling of playstyles, characters, etc to a certain skill group a problem that fucks players at every level?
it's fine and good because it allows for designs that you couldn't make if you really want every character to be equally good. there's a basic expectation from players of competitive games that success should be correlated with skill, that if you play better, if you are better at the things the game asks of you (skillshots, or aiming, or movement tech, or inputs, or whatever) you will see better results. this is what makes a game competitive, right, the ability to get better and see your performance improve as a result.
this means, that, generally speaking, the harder a thing is to do in a game, the more rewarding it will be. this is the logic behind headshots in FPS games, right--it's more difficult to hit a headshot than a bodyshot, so you get rewarded with more damage. better players can hit more headshots, so they'll get more damage (and presumably more kills) in an average round than worse players. so now, let's say you want to introduce some playstyle differentiation into your game, so you add the Scanner, a gun that deals half damage on bodyshots but double damage on headshots.
this is a cool idea! it rewards you even more for showing skill at the game, makes people using it feel really cool when they get that bonus, poses interesting questions to players about trading consistency for volatility. but because it interacts with a skill-based mechanic, its viability is obviously going to be tied to a player's skill--if you're in a pro lobby hitting 60%+ of your headshots, it's an obvious pick. if you've just started playing and you average one headshot a match, it's a total dud.
this is a really on-the-nose example, of course -- but in any kind of competitive game, there are likely going to be far more than just one skill-based mechanic, as well as meta-skills like team communication, positional awareness, understanding matchups, etc. that are going to vary between low and high levels of play. so trying to make a character/weapon/playstyle equally viable at every level of play would mean having to make them essentially agnostic to all those things--which would mean not allowing them to interact with any of the mechanics of the game--which is, practically speaking, impossible.
on the other hand, purposefully designing 'low-tier' or 'high-tier' characters lets you do lots of really useful things! first of all, it lets you make easier characters for beginners, who don't have a huge amount of mechanical complexity to deal with, have some kind of 'training wheel' ability that mitigates a new players' lack of all these game-winning skills. like, say, a gun in that same FPS designed for a 'spray and pray' playstyle, or a character in a fighting game who revolves around one comparatively simple combo. having something like this lets new players onboard to your mechanically complex game without getting overwhelmed or disheartened, by letting them get into a match and feel like they're doing something as soon as possible.
as for 'high-tier' characters, acknowledging that a character will have to be nerfed into unplayability for low ranks lets you actually play with the upper ends of the mechanical complexities you've put into your game. creating characters with extremely complex movement techs that can offer marginal benefits that are game-defining in pro play but basically meaningless in casual play adds a new dimension of depth to high-level play that you can't get if you're too concerned about making every character good at every level.
ultimately, i don't think it fucks players, and i don't think there's any shackling being done--i think it's good to create characters that lean into different parts of a game, for characters to fill different niches in a meta's ecosystem, and for the lists of pro staples and pubstompers to be different.
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empressofthewind · 6 days
Top 10 Animal Comparisons for Near
inspired by this iconic post by @13eyond13 :-)
10. Gecko
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geckos made it onto the list because of their round black eyes and solitary nature. i also found it interesting that the oldest known gecko lived to 27, which is the same age we see Near in his last canon appearance.
9. Hedgehog
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wary of people and not easily trusting. generally solitary, although capable of forming few attachments, and most content in familiar, comfortable environments. both show tendencies to curl in upon themselves.
8. Squirrel
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curious and intelligent with impressive memories and problem-solving skills. also seen to be quite cunning and have a variety of tricks and schemes to deceive potential predators or food thieves. they would have been higher on the list if not for the fact that they are known to be very active and social.
7. Raccoon
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not as strong a comparison for Near as they are for L, but they are known to be highly intelligent, cheeky and mischievous, much like Near. the comparisons are similar to those of squirrels, but ranked slightly higher due to their more solitary nature.
6. Rabbit
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intelligent and inquisitive but can easily become bored. the appearance is the main feature that made me rank them so high, with reference to the round black eyes, small build and (for some breeds) white aesthetic. they also typically spend their entire lives in the same place and do not move far from their warren, which reflects Near's preference for staying indoors in one place where possible. rabbits probably could not catch a plane by themselves.
5. Seal
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much like the gecko, seals came to mind because of their big black eyes and solitary lifestyles. they move in packs for safety but are not typically close with other individual seals, which mirrors Near's preference for working in a team despite having no close personal relationships outside of that. however, seals are much higher on the list because of their tendency to lounge around on rocks or play alone when they aren't hunting, which reminds me a lot of Near. they are also known to be intelligent and cautious.
4. Arctic Fox
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quite small and unassuming but sneaky, clever and adaptable. arctic foxes are not as strong or aggressive as other breeds but are very cunning, and sometimes follow larger animals like polar bears while hunting for protection and to find prey. in terms of aesthetic, the arctic fox specifically reminds me a lot of A-Kira Near with its white fur/dark eyes combo, long body and graceful aura. foxes are also commonly associated with the zodiac Virgo, which is Near's star sign.
3. Sheep
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a very common comparison for Near based on appearance. both are calm and level-headed with a high level of intelligence, and very strong memory and recognition skills. despite being known for their placid nature, sheep can have a wide range of emotions, much like Near.
2. Cat
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rolls around on the floor, plays with toys and is often destructive while playing. looks innocent but is actually a little bastard. my specific choice for him is a ragdoll cat because of their placid temperament, mostly white colour palette and preference for the indoors (and also because i am a ragdoll owner myself, so i am very biased <3)
1. Frog
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self-explanatory i suspect. he may not share the most personality traits with frogs, but their overall vibe is too similar to rank any lower than first.
bonus comparison, in case you aren't convinced:
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adventuringblind · 17 days
SO ghoulverse - i feel like that clip would've been oscar explaining to max why he didn't want to eat, and what was his reasoning and all that and THEN max just gives him a look and then oscar goes: ........ but maybe i can reconsider..... and then awkward crabwalk away
NOW LET'S MOVE OUT OF THE GHOULVERSE AND INTO ONE OF MY FAVORITES... dark?mob? idk what to call it but it's in one of those themes
max, our dear head of the... mob/mafia/whatever it is... would be fiercely protective of oscar. nobody knew why the big boss was taking such an interest in a new recruit, but then said new recruit showed his skills (if this were a 3some situation he'd protect max's gf and they both go 👀 i want him now and we'll see some struggle about 'but they're my bosses???') in like... well... have you seen oscar isn't that the kid who could do pretty much everything and still mantain a straight face and bonus he can hold his liquor pretty well??
and then cue tipsy confessions from either the big boss or the not-yet-missus?? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
but also alpha osc and omega max - a combo no one saw
and then of course there's black cat osc and orange cat max - let's be real max won't be a golden retriever that's lando
signed, 🥘 (aka a moot (i think?) that wants to go on anon for a bit)
Okay first off ghoulverse Max and Oscar are so beloved to me because in md(abmtoumm) on ao3 I love the platonic brotherly relationship!! Just Max dragging Oscar everywhere when they first meet cause he's got a playmate now and then dragging him to political shit he doesn't want to do. They have a special place in my heart T_T
Okay, but mafia boss Max being like "this is my new favorite" and pointing to Oscar and everyone giving Oscar so much shit for it until they realize WHY. Just imagine Oscar is sitting somewhere, probably eating with Max's girl, who he's been charged to protect and he pulls a gone on someone while taking bites of his waffles.
"Don't ruin my breakfast, mate." But guess what?! Breakfast gets ruined and Oscar looks so grumpy and now there is some guy with a bullet in his head while the two of them finish eating.
Hence! Being Max's favorite and Oscar just shrugging when people ask how it happened.
Alpha Osc and omega Max?!?! Max screams independent omega who doesn't want to be independent? Idk if that makes sense BUT HEAR ME OUT-
Oscar is just so easy going and laid back that I feel like when Max gets annoyed and lashes out he'd just take it on the chin and let Max vent his frustrations with active listening skills.
The last one I'm gonna be honest that idk what the orange cat thing is... CANT GET MAD BECAUSE IM NOT GOOD WITH THOSE THINGS
(I love these two your honor)
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shuttershocky · 17 days
I tried playing Nioh 2 like a year ago but it seemed… Kind of absurdly difficult? I couldn’t get past the first boss, and just Ran from all the mini-bosses. I’m considering picking it up again, but do you have any tips for what the game expects from players?
Let me start out by saying that Nioh 2 is the complete opposite of minimalist game design. There are mechanics behind mechanics behind mechanics behind shit that only gets unlocked in your next playthrough, so I'm just going to let you discover most of that for yourself.
Okay so first off you're going to see people call Nioh a Soulslike. This is false.
While it has shrines to act as campfires that respawn enemies, you should be approaching Nioh far more like a 2000s action game like Ninja Gaiden: you have to be fast and extremely aggressive. You don't wait for an opening, you make one, and when you've got an opening you don't just attack, you do as large a combo as you can manage.
How do you do that when you have a limited stamina (Ki) bar that you need for dodges and blocks? You learn how to do Ki Pulses. When you attack, you get swirling blue orbs that surround your character. Tapping R1 lets you do a Ki Pulse, refunding part of the Ki you just spent. Tapping R1 at the perfect time (right as the blue orbs enter your character) refunds you a lot.
Mastering Ki Pulses is what makes Nioh a different beast from any Soulsgame. Nioh assumes you're using it and fighting with deceptively far more stamina than you actually have, because you do. Some of the weapon skills you unlock also grant you bonuses for good Ki Pulsing, such as letting you swap stances with a bonus, buffing yourself up, etc. Ki pulses also purify the air around you, so if you find yourself inside the Yokai realm that slows your Ki regeneration, a Ki Pulse cleanses in the air in a small AOE, allowing you to fight monsters properly in spite of their dirty tricks.
Master this simple concept, and even if you're in unfamiliar territory (which is 70% of your Nioh 2 experience) you should be able to defend yourself no matter what. Enemies also use Ki in battle, so if your Ki management is better than theirs you can wail on them for free once they're tired. You can also grapple exhausted enemies to stun them and really make them free kills.
Also at the start of the game, you choose a Guardian Spirit. This Guardian Spirit determines your Burst Counter, which is a special kind of parry move that lets you outbullshit enemy bullshit. Basically, enemies will glow red when they start up an unblockable bullshit move that will end you. This is only unblockable with your human parries, but if you use your Guardian Spirit to Burst Counter (R2 + Square) you hit the enemy with your own insanely powerful move that also stuns them, though how your Burst Counter works depends on your currently equipped Guardian Spirit (one gives you an attack with super armor, another is a dodge with an after-image the enemy can attack to trigger the burst, and the last acts as a standard parry but much flashier).
Burst Counters work even on bosses, meaning you can instantly turn the tables on a boss pummeling your face in if they get greedy and pull out their super moves.
Without sugarcoating it, Nioh 2 can be a really difficult game. However, its secret is that you are powerful, so much so that Nioh players doing challenge runs like to play the whole game at Level 1 without upgrading themselves. Once you get into the mindset of tapping Ki Pulses to the rhythm of your violence, you realize you're actually stronger and faster than most enemies in the game. You CAN get punished for overstepping, but the lesson isn't to tame your greed, but to refine your aggression. You can dodge in the middle of combos in this game; you can afford to make one more slash at that boss.
Also, unlike a Souls game where bringing in a friend is limited, Nioh 2 can be played in true co-op. The whole campaign, end to end, both of you progress and you can play together as soon as you finish the tutorial. With how powerful you can get, co-op isn't exactly balanced, but it IS extremely fun, if you're here for the over the top ninja-wizard-warrior shenanigans and not for the challenge.
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luffyvace · 5 months
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Enjoy lovely readers! for these are the headcanons that won the poll!!♡
ranpo with a lazy male reader..an interesting topic
definitely. Especially since ranpo himself, is lazy
you two (dazai making it a trio) are the ultimate lazy duo
you guys never get work done outside your skills
maybe not even then
unless it serious y’all basically eat snacks all day and well…lazy around :)
Ranpo will only share some of his snacks with you
partly because your his lazy buddy and partly because your his boyfriend
even if you get your own if he runs out or sees one of his favorite snacks he’ll steal some of yours
To which you often move away from him to get him to stop
also don’t bother storing your snacks in your locker he’ll figure out the lock combo and eat them
bonus points if you break in his locker and steal his
at this point it’s a ‘would be romantic if you weren’t stealing it from each other’ war of buying each other snacks
also meaning you buy all his favorites and store it in your locker, knowing he’s gonna steal it, and he does the same for you
fukuzawa and yosano are used to you two’s antics of not wanting to do anything but kunikida just can’t take it
he thinks he might even go insane
actually this time
atsushi wouldn’t mind as much if your work load didn’t get dumped off on him
or if he didn’t have to clean up after you and ranpo’s snack mess
okay maybe atsushi is a little annoyed..
On the bright side you get lots of cuddles with ranpo
he’s the little spoon
likes to rest his head on your chest
wants to hear your heartbeat so he can fall asleep
your only complaint is that he gets snack and chocolate stains all over your shirt
even worse since your too lazy to do laundry
Oh well
if you wanna be the little spoon ranpo will whine and complain
“awhhhhh but m/nnnnnnn I’m so comfyyyyy”
you both keep persisting until you fall asleep
that cycle repeats every time you cuddle
even if he were to say yes you’d be too lazy to move
you’d likely end up just falling back asleep
ranpo would still get his way as the little spoon in the end
if you two live together oh boy you either call someone to do everything for you (kunikida)
or wait until said kunikida comes over,
turns on mom mode,
and scolds you while cleaning up + making dinner
it’s constant battles between who will do what
about literally anything too
”noooooo ranpo you do the laundryyyyy”
”but m/nnnnnnn I’m the worlds greatest detectiveeee, don’t you think I deserve spoiling??”
”you do but I’m too lazyyyy 😞”
”wowwwww so that’s how you feel about your boyfriend?? Your great detective??”
you: rolls over goes to sleep
”m/nnnnnn!! Get uppp! I did the laundry last timeeeeee!”
you, muttering before dozing off to sleep: “liarrr…”
ranpo pouts, flips over and goes to sleep as well
the laundry never got done 😋
honestly….how do I write these headcanons?!
you two are so lazy..! Nothing gets done!!
your dates are all in doors
there’s no cleaning
barely cooking
what do I say?!
I already covered physical affection too 🤦‍♀️
stop being so lazy this is putting strife on me too!!
now I see how kunikida and atsushi feels..
what are we gonna do with you two..🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Wellllll…ranpo likely gives lazy kisses
theyre a bit long and not much effort is put into them, but love sure is
same with you!!
you two often give each other slow and gentle kisses while lazying around in bed<3
so cute!!💗
if you could ever get ranpo to cook somehow it may not taste good considering he doesn’t cook a whole lot..
your the same, except you get to choose whether your good or not
you rewear your same favorite clothes and ranpo pretty much does too
ranpo has worn your clothes before, claiming its his when you clearly remember buying it
you figured out it was yours but he was too lazy to take it off
“Awhhhh but m/nnnnn it took so much energy to get it onnnn”
”what?! I was planning on wearing that today!!”
”awhhh can’t you wear it tomorrow and I wear it today?!”
”only if you promise to wash it!”
”awhhhhhh!! 😞—
but I’m so lazy m/nnn”
he sits on the edge of the bed pouting
to which you take the opportunity to yank off the clothes he stole from you
”HEYY!! It took forever to get this on!! Don’t take it off!”
”it’s not yours! And if you don’t wanna wash it, you can’t wear it!”
”okay! okay! I’ll wash it! I’ll wash it!”
”good!” you: walks off to the car ”wait m/nn!! Come back! help me put it back on!!”
just for the record when you got back home it didn’t get washed
it got disregarded on the floor for a cuddles and kisses date on your bed
(yes your dates take place in your bed)
it takes forever for you two to arrive at work
your late more often than not
especially when debates about who has to drive happens
which is where kunikida steps in…again
he scolds you both for being too lazy to even move your hands and feet to get to a job which is very important because it brings in money that feeds you and..blah blah blah blah blah….
(you don’t even remember the rest you tuned out)
I honestly couldn’t choose as to whose more lazy between you two so I’ll let you do it
but in the case that your lazy and can still get some things done,
your really just burnt out not lazy yet it gets labeled as that
your tired from working and doing daily activities
especially if you have a cramped schedule like kunikida
well, maybe not like kunikida, just really packed
(No one can out-schedule that man I know it)
either way you likely do more cooking and a little bit more cleaning than ranpo
If your muscles are sore ranpo will give you a massage but your both laying down-
he might hire a professional chiropractor for a big event like your anniversary
also I feel ranpo’s love language would be quality time and physical touch
quality time because he just genuinely likes being around his boyfriend
it’s free and he feels good spending time with the one he loves?? Why not??
physical touch because it’s simply a easy and effective way for him to display his love to you
he probably leans more towards kisses in private
hand holding is his go two in public (mostly when he’s not eating snacks at the moment because he needs his hands to stuff his face—and so do you)
hugs/cuddles can go either way :)
Ngl the ada members find it cute when they see you two all snuggled up on the couch after eating a bunch of snacks
even if you two get on their nerve a bit, they can’t deny it’s truly adorable♡
thank you all so much for voting on my poll once again!!
I appreciate you all and deeply hope you enjoyed these headcanons!!!
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Hey, love the post you make about obscure disabilities. Could you make/ have you made about dysgraphia?
Sure. This will be my post for disability pride month tomorrow. Which I'm posting now because I don't have the spoons to schedule it for tomorrow.
I hope you don't mind I turn this into a combo one because I have a hard time mentally processing one of these conditions without understanding all three.
(Obligatory I do not have any of these conditions. This is not meant to be a diagnostic tool. Please do your own research. I'm only answering a question that was asked of me and it's really hard for me to explain one of these without explaining all of the similar conditions to differentiate them.)
And I hope that you don't mind my poorer language skills right now I'm recovering from a server sinus headache I've had all day.
Dyslexia vs Dyscalculia vs Dysgraphia (bonus round Dyspraxia)
These issues have like, a 30% comorbidity rate. So if you have one there's a 30% chance you'll have either of the others. People with conditions may be perceived as "slow" but they are not intellectual disabilities (Not that there's nothing wrong with intellectual disabilities. I'm just pointing it out because people will say "you can't have dyslexia. You're so smart.")
But the fact that they're comorbid and often comorbid with autism and adhd causes some misunderstandings around the conditions because people think they have one condition and attribute all of their issues to the one condition with no knowledge that its not just one condition they're expressing.
Dyslexia is characterized by the limited processing and comprehension of graphic symbols, particularly those regarding language. People with it have poor reading skills, flipping letter sequences and words, and poor handwriting. Although it is a learning disability, it's important to note that dyslexia does not impact a person's intelligence, although they may seem slower due to poor language processing skills. (There's nothing wrong with disabilities that impact intelligence, I just don't want people saying "he can't be dyslexic because he's so smart".)
Many representations of dyslexia often exhibit letters tap dancing across the page, shape shifting, and doing backflips. It's important to note that these are incorrect representations, because it's really hard to give a visual representation of what people with dyslexia experience. However, it's really harmful to express dyslexia in this fashion as it leads to people thinking that they don't have dyslexia when they actually do.
As I understand it, dyslexia is the eyes/ brain being able to flow seamlessly when reading large blocks of text. Ways to combat this is cut out a strip to block off lines when you read them. Use a highlighted strip of paper to highlight lines as you read them.
Fun fact, there's a few fonts that space the letters well enough and differentiate similar letters enough that make it easier to read. Comic Sans font is the most widely accessible accessibility tool for dyslexic people as it's one of the easy to read fonts that on every machine. (These accessibility tools have proven to make everyone read faster, dyslexia or no. But people with dyslexia have found them instrumentalin functioning. )
Another fun fact. Rick Riordan wrote Lightning Thief so that his dyslexic son could have representation in a character that had the same disability as him.
Dyscalculia is often called "math dyslexia". People with Dyscalculia have issues with numbers. They have poor math skills, issues interpreting graphs, issues doing basic arithmetic, issues understanding things like place value, issues understanding time especially when it comes to reading an analog clock, and issues seeing patterns. This often causes a high level of anxiety around math. Some reports say these people have issues with directions, remembering locations, and reading maps (though research is inconsistent on that one).
Dysgraphia is easy to mix up with dyslexia, which is why I needed to write all these out. Where dyslexia is difficulty reading. Dysgraphia is difficulty writing. Symptoms include difficulty writing words, expressing thoughts in written form, and organizing and processing your thoughts. This can cause issues with social communication for obvious reasons.
These people also may have fine motor perception issues, writing in a straight line, spacing their letters correctly, etc. Especially fine motor skills around writing. They may also have issues with grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.
Bonus Round:
This one gets mixed with dyslexia two. Dyspraxia is issues with spacial awareness. They often say they can't tell where their limbs are in space. They may have issues with coordination, walking in a straight line, and balance. It's very hard for me to conceptualize, but people that have it may say that they bang their limbs against things due to poor spacial awareness. Which honestly, relatable. I've slammed me calf into a door before. And my shoulder blade. How? Good question.
These people have issues in social situations because their entire focus will be on their coordination, not making a mess, and not making a fool of themselves, etc. Their issues actually get better when they drink because the stress of sucked situations makes it worse and alcohol loosens them up. (I'm not advocating for drinking, but saying that the issues resolving when your drink validates your dyspraxia, not invalidates it.)
I think a lot of people that know of the condition may think people with low depth perception have dyspraxia. A lot of people have told me they think I have dyspraxia because my lack of depth perception negatively impacts my spacial awareness.
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TFW you have a gamer bf to pass stages for you (Idia)
I suck at the twistunes, ok? Bite me. Idia for my own comfort
NOTE: I only write for female reader but everyone is welcome to read it!
(⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)
"Idia, you love me, right?"
"Right! We wouldn't be dating otherwise. Since you love me soooo much—and I love you too, of course, so much it hurts—, can you please please please get me past this stage?"
Without waiting for an answer, (Y/N) shoves her phone into his hands, doing her best to tame her cute annoyed expression into a cute pleading expression. On the screen, Idia can see the rhythm game she's currently obsessed with, the cute animal characters winking at him and pointing at the start button.
Idia has heard of this game, of course, with its rising popularity, specially between girls—ie, his girlfriend's demographic—, though he has never played it himself. He does have some rhythm games under his belt, of course.
"Please?" She pleads again, doing an exaggerated pout that deals a huge amount of damage to Idia's heart. Why is her cute status so high?! Or maybe he's the one with the disadvantage against cuteness? "You don't even need to monologue sweetly inside your mind, I'll do it for you! Here: (Y/N) always tries to win by herself, not because she doesn't trust her boyfriend's incredible skills, but because she likes winning her battles by her own efforts, even the small ones like videogames. And yet. And yet, she comes to Idia in her time of need, trusting him to fight for her until his last breath—"
"Ok, ok, I–I'll do it, just... Just stop with the narrator voice!" Idia interrupts with the calmest voice he can muster, which is several octaves higher than usual, as it tends to happen when his girlfriend starts monologuing like a romance novel narrator.
He must have a type disadvantage against cuteness.
Taking a deep breath to calm his heart, he tries to focus on the quest trusted to him by (Y/N). The game is relentless, but the music is catchy without being too overwhelming. He needs to restart the game two or three times to get the feel for it, but by the fourth start over, he's ready to combo his way to a high score.
Only when he hits the last note, a "★Perfect★" popping up on the screen for the last time, is when he notices the awed look in the girl's eyes, directed to Idia himself of all people.
His heart takes another devastating critical.
"W... What?!" He squeaks, feeling his face burn just as much as his fiery hair.
"Idia, you're so cool!" Is the answer he gets, together with an armful of very excited girlfriend for a K.O. move.
They fall onto his bed, her on top, and Idia freezes when he feels her weight on top of him. Oh, Great Seven, he's on his bed with his girlfriend, laying down with his girlfriend, and she's praising him to Hades and back. He was not prepared for this bonus stage. Why are they even on his bed?
Oh, right. (Y/N) suggested they do a parallel play so Idia can get used to being closer to her without stressing about entertaining her. It seems she has forgotten all about that, nuzzling his chest in thanks, babbling about how cool he is for getting a SS in a stage she's been stuck for a week.
And while Idia does feel like fainting, specially when he notices the tips of his hair burning a bright shade of pink, he's not about to skip this CG.
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imasallstars · 2 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
SR/SR+ 【Glamorous Lover】Reiko Takahashi
FOCUS STAT     6175 DANCE TOTAL APPEAL    13 439 Skill:「A Dignified Lady's Pride」    (Combo Bonus) For every 13 seconds, there is a 40~60% chance that you will gain an extra 14% COMBO BONUS for 6~9 seconds. Center Skill:「Cool Step」    All COOL-type cards in the unit gain a 60% boost in their DANCE stat.
※ this card is available through clearing one of routes in the 39th Cinderella Road event. You are able to get multiple copies of this card, by clearing said route, multiple times
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
There were probably other reasons for giving Vaggie a spear VS Lute with her sword, but it still makes me so very very very happy, from a character angle
Spears get called the king of the battlefield for pretty good reason- when you’re on a battlefield specifically, a long pointy stick is VERY good at killing people without letting them get close enough to kill YOU (extra useful if you’re not tall and don’t have much built-in reach). It’s also great for formations, a weapon that that becomes TERRIFYING when it’s a in a group. If a row of spears holds their ground, keeps their nerve, and TRUSTS each other, then they can break a cavalry charge (and WHERE did Vaggie learn to trust people...?)
Spears aren’t infallible tho, obliviously. Get past the pointy part and you’re pretty much golden… if the spear person isn’t holding a shield in their other hand
(Charlie with her shield covering for Vaggie in the finale battle my beloved…!)
Swords, they’re a more diverse group. Lute’s falls into the Versatile category- it can do many things fairly well, but not as good as something specifically dedicated to the task would be, while being easy to carry around. It’s even got a nice bit of hand protection! For dueling or personal everyday defense Lute’s sword is a great pick.
But for the battlefield? It would normally be a back-up weapon. Normally, getting that close to your opponent while carrying NOTHING ELSE would be a bad idea if, say, your opponent might be carrying a spear, or a longer sword, or any combo of side arm + shield. If on the other hand you don’t expect your target to put up much of a fight- because they’re terrified and running from you- or armed with weapons that can’t hurt you- If, in effect, you treat this like a HUNTING trip, and all you need to do is deal the killing blow… then a sword like Lute’s makes perfect sense.
What I’m trying to say is:
Vaggie uses a weapon that says she took fighting alongside her fellow exorcists SERIOUSLY, as a GROUP activity, and she was focused on being as effective as possible. (one of Adams best girls, out there in front where a spear belongs, killing thousands)
And Lute? Lute’s weapon only makes sense in a fight that’s PERSONAL- or in a battle that’s already tilted in her favor.
(bonus: in terms of metal needed and skill required, a sword of Lute’s type will generally be Much More expensive to make than a spear would be. In that sense, it’s a more ‘elite’ weapon, while a spear is more… shall we say.... Replaceable.)
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sdr2lovemail · 9 months
Rating KNY characters on how well they can play rhythm games!: Upper Moon Edition!
This came to me in a vision and I must share!
Kokushibo 0/10
Kokushibo can kill. He can slay hordes of demon hunters without breaking a sweat. Put a tablet in front of him? He's done.
In battle, he's quick on his feet and a fast thinker. But something about the bright shapes flying across the screen got him pressing them three years after they pass, even with six eyes.
It's a challenge to get him to even play. Saying that human games are trivial to him and does not wish to partake. Will probably get a few seconds into the song before quitting.
"This is pointless. Goodbye."
Douma 9/10
Scarily good. After the initial "shock" of seeing a tablet, Douma is clearing songs with ease.
He's got a good sense of rhythm and can keep up with the notes. He prefers games with female casts as well. They're just nicer to look at in his words.
Scratches the screen of your tablet with those nails of his. Be cautious when using it after he's done with it, you might cut yourself on the glass.
That is if you can get it out of Douma's grasp. This screen is so interesting, you can't just take it away!
"Hey, I'm still using it... Come on, just one more song!"
Akaza 2/10
He can keep up well enough, but his sense of rhythm outside of fighting is awful. He's too focused on trying to hit the buttons that he can't keep up with the beat.
Akaza will get frustrated very quickly. He'll keep trying as he keeps getting mad. Saying he'll beat the next one. He's not stopping until he beats a song, or until your tablet is in pieces. Whichever comes first.
You can offer to put the game on an easier setting, but he wants to play on an even harder setting, just to prove he's better than a scrap of metal. It's a never ending cycle of frustration.
"No! I don't need it to be easier! You know what? Make it harder. I'll show you!"
Hantengu 0/10
(Might include clones in a different post)
Bad all around. No sense of rhythm and can't keep up with the notes. Hantengu gets angry to the point of tears, which makes it even harder for him to play. Didn't even want to try at first.
While he's quick in battle, he's still an old man from the Taisho Era. The bright, flashing graphics of the game overwhelm him and he just can't focus on one thing.
Another one to scratch the screen with his nails. He'd press down hard too, leaving pretty deep scratches.
Gets too frustrated and rage quits, not even finishing a song.
"I-I don't want to do this anymore!"
Nakime 9/10
Amazing sense of rhythm and can keep up with the notes like a seasoned player. Not a fan of most of the song choices. She's a fan of traditional sounds. Modern day pop, electronic, etc. is not for her.
It's a challenge to get her to play as well. She doesn't acknowledge your asking for a while. You really gotta pester her if you want her to play.
Nakime is skilled with her biwa even with her nails. She gets a bonus point for not scratching the life out of your tablet.
"Fine...I will try your music game."
Gyokko 5/10
Thinks he's above anything you'd have to offer, even if it was from modern times. You'll have to really butter him up for him to even think about playing.
With multiple hands comes quick reflexes and the abilities to do multiple things at once. He's able to keep up with the rhythm and notes with ease.
Gyokko is docked points because he'd just be bitching the whole time. Saying how ugly the art and graphics are or how he finds the music/vocals grating against his ears. Overall allergic to fun.
"How childish! Makes sense that someone like you could be so distracted with flashing colors."
Daki 3/10
She would actually be good at the game if she didn't throw a tantrum every time she lost her combo. She has a good eye and sense of rhythm, but gets too in her head about playing. Takes forever to pick a song.
Daki would throw your tablet across the room or slam it into the floor in a fit of rage, don't expect to get it back in one piece.
There's two reactions depending on how well you play. If she doesn't like you all that much, she blow up on you in an act of jealousy. If she does like you, she begging you to tell her how to get better.
"Wah! This is stupid! I clicked that note! I hate this!"
Gyutaro 0/10
Gyutaro doesn't even want to entertain the thought of him playing such a stupid game. He says that he has much better things to do. In the small chance you do get him to play, he sucks.
His lack of skills brings an onslaught of self deprecation. Groaning about he can't even play some dumb human game.
Doesn't scratch the screen too bad but he does scratch himself, leaving bloody stains all over the tablet.
"Nehhh, I can't even keep up. How pitiful..."
Kaigaku 2/10
Proudly boasts about how well he could play and how he could beat any score you could manage to get. Is promptly humbled the second the song starts.
Kaigaku would want to play on the hardest difficulty, but gets mad when he misses a note.
His stubbornness doesn't allow him to quit. He's going to keep playing until he can get a full combo. Don't tell him that all perfect combos exist, you'll never see him again.
"Stop trying to take it from me! I'm not done yet!"
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eliteseven · 1 month
Okay, so I’m in love with all the baby HCs, but what about when she’s a little older or a teenager? I can only imagine the attitude little Jen could potentially have and Shadowheart and Tav just looking at each other like, “she gets it from you.”
A MENACE just like her mother. (You can guess which one 😅)
Here are some thoughts on Jen growing up:
I think you have it exactly right. The way I envision it: she’s a sass master just like her mom. I mean this is “Purple seam, you donkey” Shadowheart we’re talking about here. She can be vicious 😭 I think Jen also learned a thing or two about sweet talking and diplomacy from Tav. Lethal combo in her teen years. She knows how to be difficult and get out of trouble. Shadowheart has definitely met her match 💀
I think she’s a handful, even as a little kid. She parrots Shadowheart’s sass rather frequently. We’ve spoken about how she hears phrases and repeats them- “must I?” Every time she’s told to do a chore. She copies Shadowheart’s stank face when she’s displeased. Tav just eats her UP 🥹 (she’s used to it). Shadowheart is finally getting a taste of her own medicine, and a gift from Selûne, no less! It’s poetic justice. Arnell and Emmeline find great amusement in this.
When Jen is a teen?? Lord. Shadowheart and Tav thought the Netherbrain was problematic?? 😭💀 Jen tries to sneak out to the city and ALMOST makes it, but Shadowheart ofc is the queen of sneaky maneuvering and she’s 10 steps ahead, waiting by the horses with the most unimpressed expression. If Jen can talk to the animals like Shadowheart, she probably conspires with them 🤭 Bonus if she picks up on her mothers’ skill sets. If she learns mirror image or something tricky like that…..whew it’s going to be so fun watching Shadowheart and Tav trip over themselves trying to keep up 😏
Shadowheart will turn to Tav in bed, with the most exhausted expression one night, and just ask, “….how did you do it? How did you put up with me?”
And Tav will simply grin because it is both grueling and frankly, the greatest joy and privilege she has ever known.
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sandflakedraws · 4 days
So... I saw Trollz band together on the airplane and, yeah, I get the love for Floyd now!! I love e him too! More of the emo boy please!!!
Floyd feels almost custom made to be a Joey blorbo like dang.
If a character has:
a separation that eats them up inside (bonus points if the circumstances are a combo of things in and out of their control)
an implied history of loneliness
no guarantee that anyone beyond our main circle of characters even cares about them
mediator skills (bonus points if they stepped into this role when they were really young, and shouldn't have had to)
the ability to pick up on what someone needs emotionally, and show that love to them
innate love for a creative pursuits
self sacrificial tendencies
the nerve to stay kind in the face of calamity (and in Floyd's case literal torture)
then i'm a goner. Floyd ticks off all these boxes and then some.
There's gonna be more of the emo boy for sure.
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welcomingdisaster · 3 months
bonus points if you tell me in tags/replies what elves specifically you have foresight headcanons for!
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